Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on Jul 9, 2023



"So how do we even do this? How do we fucking even ask her?"

Chad ran his fingers through his jet-black and he closed his eyes afterwards...before he took Jeremy's hand in his own, lacing his fingers with those of the boy who he loved so very much.

It was still rather insane to him...all of this. Not only being confronted by his intense feelings for Jeremy Greenwood of all people...the one boy at school whom he used to HATE beyond belief...

...but right now, at this particular juncture, he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend even a second of his life without the sexy motherfucker firmly in it. Jesus. He loved him. He honestly did. And when Jeremy told him a few nights ago that he felt the same...that he loved him too...it was like a fountain of love had burst...it was like a volcano or emotions had flooded his very being and soul.

My God...he had a boyfriend. He was still getting his head around that one.

Chad could feel Jeremy squeezing his fingers tight as they approached Chad's mother and little sister Samantha where they were busy in the kitchen with making breakfast. Jeremy himself had a sudden pang of guilt as he saw how willingly Samantha wanted to help her mother...and he knew that the Tucker family didn't have all the luxury that his own family had.

And still...he could see bacon, eggs...sausages and freshly squeezed orange juice that Mrs Tucker must have gotten at the store at some point, knowing that he would be sleeping over.

Jesus. These people...they literally meant more to him that his own parents...the last time Jeremy had spoken to them, they had fucking gone and forbidden him from seeing Chad ever again, what with all the accusations of murdering Chad's father hanging over him, and the incessant damage that those fucking bastards, Michael and Miguel, more commonly known as the Estrada twins at school, had done to both of their social reputations.

Right from the get go...Mrs Tucker had been way more of a mother to him than his own had ever managed to be...Veronica Greenwood wouldn't as much as even hug her son these days...whereas his father, Mitchell Greenwood thought that giving his son insane amounts of money and numerous presents from all their overseas trips would be enough to make up from them never being there when he REALLY needed them.

Once more both boys' eyes fluttered over nine-year-old Samantha. She hasn't spoken a single word ever since her and Chad's father was brutally murdered in this very home a couple of months ago.

Last night though...Chad had woken Jeremy up with a startling thought...horrifying more like. The thing was...young Samantha was found in the broom cupboard by the police after the murder had taken place. She was commonly thought of to be the only witness who had seen what exactly had happened...and yet, she wasn't talking. Not one word.

Everything had been so chaotic with Jeremy of all people having been arrested for the murder, after the Estrada twins had gone and told the cops a pack of lies having "seen" Jeremy enter the Tucker home on the morning of said murder...and the rest was history. They had no evidence to actually charge him, however...with the sworn statements of the twins in hand, it made things much more difficult to deny as well.

It was only last night, in which Chad had suddenly realized and had seemed to actually remember that the cupboard in which Samantha had been found...had always been able to lock only from the inside. Which meant...she had to willingly go in there and do it herself. And why would she even do that?

There had been NO forced entry of any kind...no scuffle...no signs anywhere of anything being stolen, that had even as much as the cops stumped, to say the least. Combine that with the fact that Samantha wasn't even talking...and Chad came to a potentially horrifying conclusion. One that they desperately hoped wasn't true...but then again Benjamin Tucker was a downright evil man, a fucking nasty piece of work. He more than threatened both his children as well as his wife on several occasions...Jeremy took a deep breath.

This was gonna suck balls. He hated having to ask what he knew they had to...who knew whether or not Samantha would even give them a straight answer, if any...but he was the currently the only suspect in a murder which he knew he didn't commit. There was no other option. He just hoped to God that Mrs Tucker would understand.

"Sam...can you come here for a sec?" Chad asked...his face as red as it had ever been in his entire sixteen years on this earth.

Samantha smiled as she laid her eyes on her beloved big brother, and even more when she noticed that Jeremy was there. Chad always had this joke thing going of Sam having somewhat of a crush on Jeremy...something which he had always profusely denied, but it was hard not to notice the level of stars in the nine-year-old girl's eyes every time what she was near him.

Apparently, she would also, always ask Chad when Jeremy would be coming over in the early days of their friendship, and she would always blush feverishly when he was around her. Bless her little heart. She slowly walked over to where the two boys were hesitantly hovering...before she looked up at her big brother with those big, bright blue eyes.

Chad swallowed slowly, and looked at his boyfriend, before he nodded towards Jeremy and leaned down, taking both of Samantha's hands inside his own.

"Sam...look, me and you...we've always been pretty damn close, right? We've always been there for each other when ever...you know...when Dad would get so angry all the time and when he would say and do stuff that would upset us and when he would...uhm...hurt Mommy and all those bad times. You get that, right?"

Samantha looked to her right, where Jeremy was still standing, before she looked back at her older brother, and she slowly nodded in agreement, still not saying a word.

Jeremy knew how fucking hard this was on Chad...Jesus, this was his kid sister! Chad had clearly found what seemed like super human strength from somewhere, before he smiled up at Samantha.

"Okay...Sam, you know how Jeremy here, has been in trouble with the police because they think that he killed Dad, yeah?"

Another nod from Samantha, a little slower to react that time. Chad blinked once.

"You know Kiddo...Jeremy can get into a lot of trouble if they keep on thinking that he's the one who did it. And he can even go to jail...Sam...if you know anything...anything at all, you gotta tell us. Please...look, I...I really like Jeremy, and I want him here with us more than anything, and if he goes to jail over something he didn't do..."

"Chad...what exactly is going on here?" Mrs Tucker finally turned around and addressed her son, stepping away from the breakfast table, and Jeremy saw that she was on edge...she wasn't a stupid woman by any means...she probably knew what was going on, she just blatantly refused to believe what she was hearing.

Chad flashed his eyes towards his mother for just a mere second, before he once more focused his attention towards his sister.

"Sam...Sam, you gotta start speaking if you know anything...that door where they found you...you know just as well as I do, that it only locks from the inside...so why were you in there to begin with if you did not see what was happening? The killers couldn't have locked it from INSIDE! Sam...please...it's me...it's Chad...talk to me!"

Samantha's face looked down to where her feet was placed, and her entire body had become rigid and stiff in the time that Chad had been speaking to her. At that point, something deep inside Jeremy knew...he just KNEW...right there and then...that Samantha had been the one who had killed Benjamin Tucker. It was written all over her face. She was guilty as sin.

Chad sighed miserably, as his sister refused to open her mouth, and stood up, before holding both his hands over his face, in complete and utter surrender. Mrs Tucker...the food all but forgotten...stood aside, the dishcloth that she had been using still clutched inside her shaking hands.

"Chad...can I talk to her?" Jeremy asked, his voice sounding distant, even to him.

Chad took his hands from his handsome face, and shrugged his shoulders.

"You can try, but I don't know if it's going to help much..." he whispered, before turning around, giving Jeremy some space with his kid sister.

Jeremy knelt down, and carefully reached upwards to the point where he took both of Samantha's hands inside his own. He smiled towards her, and it was at that moment, where it seemed she finally came to life. She slowly looked upwards back at him, and a single tear rolled from her left eye, onwards to her cheek, and dripped down her chin.

"Sam...me and you...we've always got along just fine, yeah? Look, I wanna tell you a massive secret...but you gotta promise me that you'll not tell a soul, okay?"

Sam took a while before she made any kind of response, but the kindness reflected inside Jeremy's eyes seemed to make an impact...Chad smiled as he saw his sister's own eyes light up when Jeremy confided in her. He knew that Samantha loved Jeremy like she was his own little sister. They had this...BOND right from the very start, even before himself and Jeremy had fallen in love with each other.

He knew...if anyone could get through to Sam...it was Jeremy Greenwood.

Jeremy gathered some much-needed courage, before he formed his words...

"You see Sam...me and your brother...me and Chad...we, well, we are a couple. Like boyfriend and girlfriend, but for us...we, us two...well, we are two boys who are kinda crazy about each other. And you KNOW much I just...adore you too. And because the cops think that I did that horrible thing to your dad, they are probably going to send me away for a long time. Meaning, that I might not see you or Chad in a LONG, LONG time."

Another tear fell like clockwork from Samantha's eyes, as she refused to look away from Jeremy's pleading face.

"Sam...if you know anything that can help us...please tell me? If you don't wanna tell Chad or your mom, that's okay too...but can you at least tell me? Please?"

Samantha stood where she was, Jeremy could feel nearly her entire body was dripping...shivering with constant fear and anxiety. She slowly shook her head, before she closed her eyes rapidly...her face was suddenly distorted...as if she was seeing something inside her mind's eye which only, she could...which only she could relate to. After several minutes, Mrs Tucker cleared her throat, and softly placed both of her hands on Samantha's young shoulders.

"That's enough now. Please boys...you can see that she doesn't have anything to tell you. I have tolerated this for long enough...for God's sake, she is only nine years old! Stop this...stop this now!"

Jeremy gave Samantha one final smile, before he gingerly stood up and sighed...Chad rolled his eyes and once more took his boyfriend's hand within his own, as a sure as hell sign of solidarity.

"You know Mom...when and if Jeremy gets sent to prison for something he didn't even do...I really hope both you and Samantha will be happy with yourselves..." he murmured, before he pulled Jeremy even closer to him.

"Chad Robert Tucker! Look at her! Look at her! She's not capable of...doing what you two clearly think she did! Please...leave her alone from now on, the poor child is already traumatized enough!" Mrs Tucker hollered towards them, still with Sam held tightly in her arms.

"SHE is traumatized? What about..." Chad started to fight back, however, before he could actually finish his sentence, he saw Jeremy gently shaking his head, signaling at him...no.

"Chad...it's okay. Look, Mrs Tucker, we're sorry that we thought something like that...and Sam...it's okay, I'm sorry too. We gotta get going...we don't wanna be late for school."

Grabbing both his and Chad's backpacks, the two boys slowly moved out of the house, and onto the front lawn, with Chad giving Jeremy the evils in the process, as he swung his bag over his shoulder with meaning.

"You know she did it! It's as clear as day!" he hissed towards his boyfriend, looking back at the house in sheer defiance.

"She's not gonna talk, okay? And I refuse to put her through anymore...dude, did you even see how much she was shaking!?" Jeremy responded.

Chad shook his head and placed his arm on Jeremy's shoulders.

"Bro...you don't fucking get it...I just...I just fucking found you...we just started...this, us! I don't wanna lose you...I don't fucking think I would even cope if you go down for this!"

Jeremy smiled at Chad reassuringly, before he drew his boyfriend into a close, solid hug. The two boys continued to hold each other as tight as they could, never getting tired of the sight, or the scent of the other, they felt. Jeremy softly kissed Chad's neck, and he too felt the boy shiver with pent up stress as well as sexual tension.

"Everything will be fine. You'll see. I feel the fucking same, I ain't going anywhere. I ain't ever leaving you..." he whispered back, as he felt Chad hug him even closer to his person.

"We gotta go..." he said, breathing his warm breath onto the skin of Jeremy, the latter shuddering in desire as he felt it.

Pouring...cascading over his raw flesh and blood. Jesus, he loved this dude. He loved him more than he had ever loved anymore...my God, it was so intense, Jeremy could just scream. If this wasn't love...he didn't know what the fuck it was.

"I don't want to..." he whispered back, and immediately heard his boyfriend giggle.

"Don't fucking be a bad influence on me...I mean, more than what you're already are..." he laughed, before he quickly scurried away from the mock punch Jeremy threw in his direction.


"Come to see your boyfriend, have you? Do all of us a fucking favour and take him away from here...no one actually wants either of you here anymore!"

Jeremy turned around and wanted to RIP the idiot dude on the soccer team the fuck apart as he heard those scathing words but he was quickly pulled back by the Rugby coach, before he made a complete and utter fool of himself.

"Walk away, Greenwood. Walk away..." the coach muttered softly in his ear, so that only Jeremy would be able to hear what he was saying.

When they were further away and mere minutes before the rugby practice of the afternoon would start, Jeremy frowned as he looked at the coach, and quickly walked up to the man who for the last few years in he had arrived in high school, he always had looked up to. He had lost ALL fucking respect he ever had for the guy...it seemed that now that he was a suspect in a murder case...everyone was treating him like he had already been sent down to fucking prison.

The coach turned towards his star player as he approached, his eyes flickering quickly over what the rest of his team was doing, before he looked sternly back at Jeremy.

"We're about to get started, Greenwood, I hope you know that," he said, clearly nervous over what the rest of the boys would think of this. Jeremy went from one of the most popular boys in the entire school, to one of the most hated overnight, and the last thing the coach wanted was to lose respect in the eyes of his team that he was coaching.

Jeremy grimaced as he realised what was going on, but he managed to somehow keep his cool.

"You know Coach...I would have thought you of all people would have been on my side...I have given EVERYTHING I had for this team over the years...over there just now...you didn't even back me up! Coach...I didn't kill anyone! You gotta believe me!"

The coach sighed, before he looked for just a mere second, like he wanted to place his arm on his player's shoulder in some sort of support, but he changed his mind at the last second, which had Jeremy literally rolling his eyes in sheer disgust.

"It's okay, Coach...I get it. I'm fucking public enemy number one now. Whatever..." he murmured before the coach blew the whistle for the practice to start.

About an hour and a half later, Jeremy wiped some of the excess sweat off his forehead, before he took a big sip out of his water bottle. He looked over to where the soccer team was still training, and his heart sank as he saw that Chad too, was being treated like a fucking leaper, no one even bothering to talk or engage convo with him. He picked up his sports bag, swinging it over his shoulder, and walked swiftly over to the other side, not even bothering to look back at his so-called teammates.

As he approached the soccer geeks, his heart fluttered as he caught sight of Chad in his uniform, and his smile was as big as the Kalahari Desert as Chad's entire face seemed to just LIGHT UP when he saw him in return...Jesus, he had never, ever felt about anyone like this.

"Yo, Greenwood! Over here!"

Jeremy's head swung over to where the sudden voice was coming from, and low and behold, it was the soccer coach, signaling at him to get his ass over there. Fucking hell, what did this piece of shit want now...Jeremy wondered as he gritted his teeth and made his way over to where the man was standing. The last thing he could afford right now was to be expelled for being a dick to a teacher.

"Greenwood, I was wondering...since you live close to where the Estrada twins do, could you possibly take these forms to them? I need their parents to sign it before we can go on tour next weekend. It's the second day in a row that they aren't here, and without them, we don't really stand a chance winning games."

Yeah right...like the soccer geeks even have a chance, WITH the Estrada twins in the team...they've won what...three matches all of last term? Jesus.

"Coach...surely one of these...I mean one of their teammates can do this? Me and them, well we don't really get on..." Jeremy started to say, but the Coach was adamant.

"Look Greenwood, I couldn't give a stuff what do you or don't do...or who do get on with or you don't but I'm asking YOU...to please take it to them. None of my team, lives even remotely close to where they do...I mean, Tucker does, but I think it's safe to keep them apart, don't you?"

"And yet Coach, you want ME to go over there..." Jeremy defiantly, but he nodded eventually and reluctantly took the papers from the soccer coach.

"Bunch of prats..." he heard Chad mutter underneath his breath, the moment that he came near him, and Jeremy's mood sunk even further...another fucking useless soccer practice for his boyfriend no doubt, in which they made it abundantly clear that he wasn't wanted on the team anymore.

"Dude, don't be mad, but I gotta go over to the Estrada twins' house this afternoon..."

Chad looked suddenly as he had just been covered by cow's blood.

"What the hell for? Did you forget they fucked you up so bad, you couldn't walk properly for weeks?" he hissed, with complete fire dancing within his eyes.

Jeremy lifted up the forms that the soccer coach had given him.

"This! They apparently haven't been at school for days now, and you guys can't go on tour without them..."

"So why the fuck do YOU need to take it? Jesus, Greenwood, how about you STAND UP for yourself like just ONCE in a while?" Chad hissed towards his boyfriend, before he too, swung his bag over his shoulder and marched towards the exit of the rugby/soccer pitch as quickly as he could.

"Dude! Wait! Fucking hell man, aren't you coming with me? You want me to go to their house on my own? Dude, are you even okay?" Jeremy yelled after his boyfriend, and the moment that he finished his sentence, Chad came to a raging stop. He looked as angry as Jeremy had ever seen him, and that included the time where they literally couldn't stand each other.

"You better start getting used to me not fucking being around you, because we all know that you're going to jail because my sister won't fucking open her mouth and admit what she did! Even my mother told me to stop talking to Sam, if I can't stop accusing her of that shit! So no, Greenwood...I'm fucking NOT okay! And I'm NOT going with you to those idiots! If you wanna, that's up to you. Don't fucking come back to me, complaining if they attack you again, because I'm NOT gonna be there!"

Chad sighed...once more running his fingers feverishly through his hair, before he took one last look at Jeremy, and took off, leaving Jeremy as stunned as he had ever been. It physically hurt him...it physically made his heart hurt seeing Chad get rid of so much pent-up anger and viciousness...knowing that he was the CAUSE of it...made it feel fucking ten times worse.

Jeremy angrily looked at the papers still clutched in his hand, before he grimaced out loud...and decided to just fucking go and deliver the papers and get it the fuck over and done. The last two people on this earth that he wanted to see right now, was Michael and Miguel Estrada.

Fucking hell.


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too...who ever which one you are."

"I'm Miguel, you idiot...get the hell out of here!"

Jeremy rolled his eyes and showed Miguel the soccer forms that he still had in his hand.

"I would fucking love to...only you and your brother haven't been at school for days, so your coach asked me to bring this here. Okay? Apparently, your parents have to sign this before you can go on some lame tour or some shit..."

Miguel's eyes widened at once, before he snatched the papers from Jeremy's grasp and looked it over.

Jeremy pursed his lips, thanking God that this was finally over and relatively easy at that, before he turned around to get the fuck back home...

...only that something on Miguel's arm got his attention.

It was a mark...actually several smallish black-blue marks that was situated on not one, but actually both of his wrists. As his eyes fluttered over the words on the forms, Miguel didn't for one moment notice that those marks were being shown so openly to his worse enemy, and even though Jeremy desperately wanted to get the hell out of there before Michael also showed up, he couldn't in good conscious do that. He just wasn't that kind of person.


Miguel finally looked up, his eyes turning nasty as he laid eyes on Jeremy.

"Fucking hell, you're still here? Thought I'd told you to get lost!" he spat out.

Jeremy smirked, and shook his head, and signaled to the marks on Miguel's wrists.

"Sorry bro...I was just curious as hell to know where those had come from? Brother been too rough in bed last night?" he laughed, knowing that he had hit Miguel where it would hurt the most. Between himself and Chad, they were the only two people apart from the twins themselves that knew...

...the Estrada twins were much closer than what anyone would ever expect.

As it was determined by both Jeremy and Chad when they saw the Michael fuck Miguel up the ass in the locker room at school a couple of weeks back. Of course, the twins played the deny game all they wanted, but he knew what was up.

Jeremy knew at once that he hit a nerve as he saw Miguel's fist ball up to the point where it seemed he would punch him at any given moment, but a flickering of Miguel's eye told him that this was far worse than just a rump in the sack gone wrong.

"Miguel...you okay, dude?" Jeremy proceeded to ask, as he saw the boy before him cast his eyes down to his dick, for just a second, before he glanced back up to his handsome face.

"Course I'm okay...I told you, get the fuck out!" Miguel hissed, but his cover was blown. It might have started out a joke on Jeremy's part...but he had no idea how accurate he really was.

Jeremy cleared his throat, before he looked behind Miguel into the living room of their home.

"Michael here?" he whispered.

Miguel took a while...he looked Jeremy straight in his eyes, before he shook his head and sighed at the same time.

"You won't mind if I come in then?" Jeremy asked, and took the lead, walking right past a shocked Miguel before he even had a chance to fucking respond.

Like most houses in this area, the Estrada home reeked of money and riches, but Jeremy couldn't care less. He shuddered as he realised probably how Miguel must have gotten those marks on his body. He fucking knew Michael Estrada was as a nasty piece of work, but even this, was way more than he ever thought the guy was capable of.

"I didn't fucking say you can come in! Can you just go!? Michael will be back any moment, you know that he fucking hates you!" Miguel hissed towards Jeremy, who in return, simply shrugged his shoulders and plonked himself down on the expensive leather couch.

"Big deal, what is he gonna do? I ain't fucking scared of him," he casually spoke, as he motioned for Miguel to sit down next to him.

Miguel nervously looked around the living room area, as if he was scared that his twin brother might magically appear somehow, before he slowly sunk himself down on the coach next to Jeremy, who was sheer calmness personified.

"So...you gonna tell me how you got those fucking marks on your arms, or should I just go out now and fucking beat Michael down and dirty, or what?" he asked, his cheeks getting inflamed at just how scared Miguel was.

Ever since he had known the Estrada twins, they had been idiots...bunch of fucking prats who was always went out of their way to make trouble for everyone, especially the Rugby lovers at school...

...but what he was seeing before him, shook him to his very core.

Miguel was anxious, clearly scared and embarrassed as hell that someone other than his brother knew their secret. He refused to look at Jeremy directly...he simply shook his head and looked back towards the front door.

"Greenwood, fucking listen to me. Michael...he's fucking dangerous, man! He's fucking crazy! You think you know my brother...the dude is fucking ten times worse! Greenwood, for real, if he sees you here..."

"...what? What will he do?" Jeremy asked, his eyes narrowing as he did so.

Miguel started to open his mouth to answer, before he seemed to just...slump back in his seat, looking miserably over at Jeremy.

"You saw what you saw that day, dude. You don't know what he's capable of..." he mumbled, so softly that Jeremy almost couldn't hear him.

"No offence man...but from where me and Chad were standing, it didn't exactly look as if he was forcing you..." Jeremy said, his voice raising by a mere octave.

Miguel closed his eyes tight, before he balled his right fist and smacked the couch with sheer frustration.

"Greenwood...the thing is...fuck this, you already fucking know everything...Michael...I dunno what the hell happened with my brother, but lately, something inside him has changed. Fuck me, if what I know what it is...he wasn't always like this. Just...just don't make him angry. Just...you don't wanna do that."

Jeremy sat upright and turned his entire body towards Miguel...and the stern look on Jeremy's face would be haunting the boy for several nights to come.

"Is he...dude, is Michael...I dunno how to fucking say this...fuck man, does he hurt you? When you guys...do those kinda sex stuff?"

Miguel's entire face seemed to fall...sag if you would...most of the colour on there had already disappeared anyway...there was nothing more to hide. He was suddenly confronted with someone other than his brother who KNEW what was going on. Hiding this, just didn't seem possible anymore.

"Greenwood, I fucking swear, if you tell a single soul about this..." he whispered...his voice merely a hoarse croak out of his total emotional state.

"I won't, Miguel! Okay, I knew I did screw up last week, but that was only because you two are treating me and Chad like fucking dogs ever since...well, you know..."

Miguel was silent for a few seconds, before he blinked once...and slowly sat upright, before he matched his eyes to those belonging to Jeremy.


"I have a fucking name, you know."

Miguel sighed.

"Fine...JEREMY...I just wanna tell you that attacking you that day wasn't my idea. Lightening can fucking strike me DEAD here and now if I'm lying. Secondly...fuck...I know what you must be thinking about me and Michael...you know...that we're doing it...but you gotta remember that all we had was each other! Our parents are always working, never here, we were always taken care of by fucking nannies...different ones every month because my dad would fucking sleep with them and shit...JESUS, don't know why I'm telling you all of this..."

Miguel took a deep breath, whilst Jeremy was slowly processing all this information...information to which he could totally relate to. Unfortunately.

Miguel once more took a nervous glance towards the front door, before he turned his attention back to Jeremy.

"Like, all we had was each other. We...you know...started doing stuff when we were like ten...or eleven...I don't even fucking remember. We carried on for a long time...it was just something that between us, we thought was okay, that we could do so long so one else knew. Michael was so gentle...dude...he would have never hurt me before...he was always the one who would fuck me, he never wanted me to do him. Guess I should have realised...I don't think Michael is even gay...I think he just puts his dick in my ass these days to get his rocks off. It doesn't MEAN anything to him anymore."

Jeremy sat forward a little, his eyes never leaving that of Miguel.



Jeremy swallowed.


"Are you saying...you're...okay, do I understand this correctly...are you in love...with Michael? Like, have feelings and shit?"

Miguel groaned softly, putting his head down onto his lap as far as he could, his fists balled up together once more, ready to attack if needed...Jeremy didn't know what to think, or what to do...he had never seen another boy as depressed and as unhappy as Miguel ever before in his life.

Instinct eventually took over, and he slowly...gingerly...remembering who he was dealing with...one of the fucking Estrada twins, who had made his and Chad's life nothing short of hell these past few months...but he couldn't stomach seeing Miguel in such clear pain...such mental and emotional anguish. He just...he COULDN'T!

Miguel flinched as he felt Jeremy Greenwood, of ALL fucking people, placed his heavy arm around his shivering, crying shoulder. He sniffed once more, taking a good look to what he was feeling, seeing it with his own eyes. Jeremy Greenwood...the guy he was supposed to hate and despise...the guy who always made them as soccer players feel unworthy, when he would lead his rugby fuckers to one win after the other every weekend.

"Dude...I can't help you on my own. You need to tell Michael to fucking leave you the hell alone...I suppose...well, it is a little weird...very fucking weird actually, but who the fuck am I to even judge...but seriously dude...if you don't wanna do this anymore...or if Michael is thinking only of himself when this is happening and he fucking hurts you...you need to tell him to stop. That's all that you can do."

Miguel sighed as he looked into Jeremy's eyes. Funny...he always just...disliked Greenwood, and intensely at that. How did he never realise...how built the guy was...how handsome he is...how...fucking hell, how perfect the guy really was?

Man...how do you know a dude for so long and never...never really realise that he's actually a pretty good guy.

A very good-looking guy...

To this day, Miguel wouldn't know what to answer if someone asked him why he did it.

To this day, Jeremy wouldn't know what to answer if someone asked him, why he didn't pull away immediately when it happened.

Miguel opened his eyes, and leaned closer to Jeremy...he could actually FEEL the warmth coming from the boy...and it suddenly was all that he was looking for.

In turn, Jeremy, knew what was going to happen, before it even did. Jesus, he saw it coming. He didn't do a single thing to stop it.

Their lips touched.

Holy Mother Duck.

A deep, raw moan from back of Miguel's throat cried out for more and more and MORE as he deepened the sudden and very unexpected kiss that he had planted on Greenwood's wet lips...in turn, Jeremy wasn't even thinking...not with his big brain, that is...and he would be speechless to explain how and why...

...but he kissed Miguel back.

Angry about the way that Chad had treated him? Pissed off about this whole situation of Samantha refusing to confess what she did? Frustrated because none of this would have happened if he had never had gotten together with Chad in the first place?

He just didn't think. He was horny. He was a teenage boy. He didn't think what he was doing.

Deepening the kiss, he felt Miguel's tongue nervously...desperately leaning in to his mouth and finding his own. Miguel gave out another needy roar from his throat, before he grabbed both sides of Jeremy's face inside his hands and held it where it was, kissing the boy before him with such a need, such an incredible urgency, that it neared absolute desperation.

To be loved...to feel needed...to just BE with fucking someone who wouldn't treat you like dirt when you did these kinds of things.

Jeremy suddenly realised just where he was...and more importantly...just what and WHO he was doing.

With a shriek from his own throat, he pulled away from Miguel...as fast and as quick as he could, staring in utter shock at the boy before him...Miguel Estrada...one half of the duo that he was perhaps categorically designed to LOATHE! He didn't know what had just happened...he was powerless to explain it.

Carefully, he reached up...and touched his red, freshly smooched lips...his eyes as well as his breathing were all over the place. What the fuck...WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST DO?

"What the fuck, dude..." he whispered towards Miguel.

The latter boy attempted to stand up to face Jeremy, but before he could actually do that, Jeremy was already well on his way out of the Estrada home. He didn't even look back once. Not even once.

Fucking hell, he could still TASTE Miguel Estrada on his lips. On his taste buds...Jesus, he could even as much as still SMELL the guy.

Chad is never gonna forgive him for this. Not as long as he lived.





"You okay? You're quiet as fuck. What's up?"

Jeremy realised that Chad was talking to him, and he blinked his eyes a couple of times.

Holy shit...what did he do...fuck that, he knew exactly what the fuck he did...he felt SICK to his bloody stomach...

"Nothing much...sorry, I was far away," he replied, his voice strangely calm as it had ever been.

"The Estrada twins give you crap? You know how they feel about us," Chad carried on washing the dishes after the delicious dinner they just had.

Jeremy realised that he was supposed to be drying the stuff with the dishcloth after for a moment wondering what it was doing in his hands, before he forced himself to SNAP out of it.

"Yeah...I mean no, Michael wasn't home, so I just gave the forms and shit to Miguel. And then...yeah, then I got the hell out of there..." he mumbled, unwilling to tell his boyfriend what exactly had happened in between those two events.

Man...a few weeks ago, he didn't even think that he was GAY! Bisexual maybe...because he knew he had feelings for Chad...real, intense fucking feelings, for God's sake he was IN LOVE with the dude...

...how the hell did things go from not wanting to be gay...to kissing not only Chad Tucker, but Miguel Estrada as well?

It doesn't make sense! Why didn't he just pull away when he realised what Miguel was going to do? And why did he fucking KISS HIM BACK!? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

He sighed. If things were complicated before, it fucking seemed to evolve to extremes now.

If Miguel told his twin brother what had happened, it would be over. His life would be over. People might be thinking he was a murderer, but the way he felt now...he would much rather be seen as THAT...as oppose to being ousted as gay.

Michael Estrada was a fucking psycho...he had always known that; he just never knew to what extent. Fucking hell. If Miguel tells his brother what happened that afternoon...there would literally be no coming back from that. Ever.

"Look, Greenwood...I was a total dick this afternoon. It's just...all of this...it's getting way too much, dude. Like seriously, which teenagers our age even goes through HALF of what we are? Jeremy...just...I'm sorry. Real sorry."

Jeremy in turn, couldn't feel worse even if he tried. He could hardly get any words out, nevermind tell his boyfriend that he cheated on him in some literal moment of fucked up confusion.

"It's okay, bro. It's fine...I get it. Let's just forget it ever happened, yeah?" he finally managed to answer.

He felt both of Chad's arms flutter around his neck, the boy hugging him tightly from behind, as he placed his head inside the crook of Jeremy's neck.

The love...the sheer feelings that emanated from his very touch was like a celestial arrow into the heart of Jeremy Greenwood. Chad had been a dick earlier...but he didn't deserve being cheated on...man, he really felt like gutter trash right then.

"I love you...I fucking love you, Greenwood..." he heard Chad whisper, followed by a kiss on his cheek, that made his skin tingle like Miguel Estrada could never even HOPE to do.

What the fuck did he DO!? URGH!

The washing up finally done, and Jeremy spending the night once again, with his parents YET AGAIN being out of the country on business, Chad had simply thrown himself onto the couch and turned on the TV, his mother having gone to her room several hours before. Poor lady didn't feel well, complaining of a headache all evening. Chad and Jeremy had offered to clean up, and of course, made sure than Samantha go to bed okay.

"We don't have fucking streaming shit like you guys do, but how about episodes The Simpsons? They always fucking crack me up," Chad giggled, as he turned on the TV and changed it to the appropriate channel.

Before Jeremy could answer, a shriek, loud enough to awaken the dead came rushing towards them...and it sounded like a very, very scared nine-year-old girl.

"Don't worry, I'll go," Jeremy said immediately, the guilt of actually...cheating on Chad eating him up alive every fucking minute, and once he saw Chad give the okay, he cleared his throat and rushed himself towards Samantha's room before she woke up her mother.

"Sam! Hey...hey what's wrong, Kiddo?" he asked at once as he entered her bedroom, and saw that the young girl was sitting upright, all the covers as well as the duvet laying on the floor, from where she must have tossed and turned them off the bed in her sleep.

Samantha stared up at Jeremy with tears streaming down her face, her little chest was heaving up and down at a ferocious pace, her hands were shaking so badly, that Jeremy for a mere second thought she was having a panic attack. He kneeled at her side, taking both of her hands in his own...shocked to his very core as he realised both of her limbs were as cold as ice.

"Sam...hey...you just had a bad dream...okay? I'm here now, and Chad is just inside the living room...you're safe, you're okay, yeah?" he whispered to the scared little girl, over and over, sitting on the bed, and pulling her to him.

Samantha gave out a few more sniffles, and wiped away a few of her tears, making way for more and more to keep on cascading down her red, blushing cheeks. Together, Jeremy and Sam sat embraced on her bed for a while, before she seemed to have calmed down somewhat, with just a few sniffs and wreaks through out her body every now and then.

"You're gonna be okay, Kiddo...how about I switch off the light and you try and get some sleep, yeah? It's school tomorrow and you need to be up in a few hours..." he whispered to the nine-year-old girl, with her taking a few seconds to digest what he said, before she slowly nodded in agreement.

Jeremy did his best to tuck her in back into bed, replacing the covers from where she had tossed them, until she was as snug, as a bug in a rug. Leaning forward without so much as thinking...and he kissed her forehead softly.

"Night Kiddo..." he whispered, before he walked to the entrance of the room and switched the bedroom light off.

He was just getting ready to face his boyfriend after EVERYTHING that had happened earlier that afternoon when...


When he heard it.

The first words that Samantha Tucker had spoken in well over a month.

"He...he said he was gonna hurt you."

Jeremy froze...at first not sure what Samantha was saying...what it could have meant...until his eyes widened as reality sunk into her words.

Turning around, looking at her where she was still laying inside her little bed...darkness surrounding her in its totality.

"Sam?" he managed to croak out.

It took a few seconds, before he heard that once more...she was crying.

"Daddy...Daddy said you were totally the reason why Chad was acting like such a brat...he said that if he hurt you...Chad would be okay again..."

Jeremy stood still. He couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. He knew she had done it...he could SEE it the other morning when they had questioned her. He KNEW it...and still, it seemed so...so unreal. So not, possible. Jesus, she was only nine years old.

"I didn't want him to hurt you, Jeremy...I had to stop him..."

Jeremy didn't care anymore...he knew what she was trying to say...there wasn't any need for any more.

He rushed to the little girl as quick as he could, taking her in his arms, as she clung to him as tight as humanly possible. If her tears were bad before, it was like a fucking blizzard by now.

"Its okay...everything is going to be okay...you hear me, Kiddo? No one is gonna hurt you ever again..." he whispered to her, stroking her hair as he did so.

The truth was finally out.


He...oh fucking hell...he was FINALLY free.

No judge in this world...as fucked up as it was, would punish Samantha so severely if they knew who and what Benjamin Tucker really was. How he threatened and abused his family for years and years on end. There HAD to be softening circumstances...there just HAD to be! There had to be!

"You're safe now Kiddo...I got you..." he finally said, before sleep over took her.

She did it for him. Jesus Christ. Benjamin Tucker was going to...I don't know...do something to him so horrible and so incredibly vicious that Samantha...sweet, darling little Samantha had no choice but to kill her own father in cold blood.

"You know that you could have avoided all of this, right?"

For the second time in a few minutes, Jeremy Greenwood froze. His blood turned ice cold...instantly.

No...no, please God, this wasn't happening...this wasn't real...not again, please...

But as much as he WILLED away what he was seeing before him, the most clear, the more evident it became...

...and what he had feared the most, was sudden and inexplicably back in his life.

"Missed me? I sure as hell missed my best friend! Guess what...I'm back!" David laughingly said to Jeremy, his eyes full of mischief and glee.



What has Jeremy done...he kissed Miguel Estrada! How will he come back from this?

And what's more...all the mental trauma he's facing has brought the alter David back into his mind!

I'm planning to end this at Chapter 10, so please feel free at sending some feedback, it's always so much appreciated! Love and respect you guys!!


Next: Chapter 9

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