Duke of Love

By moc.liamtoh@citnamoreikud

Published on Oct 24, 2001


Dear Reader,

Welcome back! Wow, I can't believe I wrote a second chapter today. I never realized how much fun writing could be. I hope you enjoy this chapter. There's no sex in this chapter, but there are some romantic moments. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Hope you enjoy! ~Paul Direct all e-mails to dukieromantic@hotmail.com

IMPORTANT! READ THIS FIRST! DO NOT CONTINUE ON UNTIL YOU HAVE FIRST READ THIS DISCLAIMER. Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy of my own creation. The characters are not real; they are figments of my imagination. If a consensual relationship between two of age males bothers you then do not read further. If you are under the legal age in your area stop reading now. Duke University is in no way affiliated with the story. The story implies nothing about any official positions of Duke University, any of its faculty, staff, students and employees. Any similarities between a character and a real human being are purely coincidental. Any actions the reader takes as a result of reading this story are not the responsibility of the author. You may print out one copy or save one copy of this story for your own viewing and entertainment. You may not reproduce, post, or distribute this story in any way without the author's expressed written permission. By reading further you agree to the above terms.

A Duke Love Story Chapter 2

...The bus pulled up to the stop, the doors opened and the bus began unloading. Jacob and Paul stood, both smiling, to disembark. Jacob forced his way into the isle and allowed Paul to exit in front of him. Paul quietly stated

"Thank you Jacob."

"You're very welcome," Jacob responded. Jacob followed Paul around the bus and they began walking up the quad. Jacob looked down at Paul and noticed he was uncomfortable in his wet clothing.

"Why don't we go get you changed into some dry clothes?" Jacob suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea."

"I know," Jacob said smiling, "I'm full of good ideas."

"That remains to be seen," Paul replied sticking his tongue out at Jacob. Jacob just shook his head and smiled as the continued walking up the quad. Paul stepped up the curb and began walking towards Giles

"So you live in Giles," Jacob said more as a statement than a question.

"Yeah," Paul stated simply. Paul pulled out his card, and slid it through reader. He waited for the light, as it clicked to "Valid" and unlocked the door. He quickly opened the door, and held it open for Jacob. Jacob smiled warmly at Paul, causing him to blush, as Paul followed him into the building. The ascended the brief stairwell to the main level.

"So which way?" Jacob asked, looking down at Paul.

"This way," Paul said turning to his right and walking down the hall to the stairwell. Jacob turned and followed him. As they ascended the stairs, Jacob caught himself staring at Paul's butt. He chastised himself for even thinking like that now. 'I haven't even gotten to know the boy yet, and it was only a few minutes ago that he agreed to spend the rest of the day with me, and already I'm letting my dick control my thoughts.' Jacob shook his head and continued walking down the hall. Paul walked half way down the hallway, stopping at a door on the left. He inserted the key and unlocked the door. Paul paused before opening the door and looked up at Jacob.

"I apologize in advance for the mess," Paul said shyly.

"Don't worry about it," Jacob replied with a warm smile. Paul grinned and then opened the door cautiously walking into the room. Jacob stepped in and looked around. Paul's room was a double, obviously Paul had a roommate. One side of the room was a mess, clothes were strewn across the floor, books and paper lying everywhere, except for a small path leading to the other side. Jacob noticed Paul headed to the opposite side of the room. Jacob closed the door, just standing and watching Paul go about his business. Paul laid his bag on the bed, it had a blue comforter, was made neatly, the pillows stacked against the wall. Lying on the pillow was a single stuffed animal, a stuffed Panda. Jacob smiled to himself and thought 'that's so incredibly cute!' Scattered around Paul's side of the room were posters of various outdoor scenes. One of a valley containing a waterfall, another of a view from the top of a mountain. 'This boy has good taste,' Jacob thought to himself. Jacob's gaze stopped on Paul when he noticed Paul open his dresser and start going through the drawers. Paul pulled out a pair of blue plaid boxers and set them on the bed. 'Ah, boxers,' Jacob thought to himself, 'there's one less question that I have to ask.' Paul also laid out a pair of cargo pants, a plain white t-shirt. Paul gathered up his clothes and shyly smiled at Jacob.

"You can come sit over here if you want," Paul stated shyly.

"Ok, I'll do that," Jacob said striding over and taking a seat on Paul's bed. Paul walked into the closet, throwing his damp clothes in the hamper. He quickly changed and grabbed a button down shirt from his closet. Slipping it over his shoulders he left it handing open and walked out into the room. Jacob looked up at Paul, smiled and asked

"Who's this?" while holding up Panda. Paul looked at him and blushed.

"That's Panda," he said looking at the floor.

"How long have you had him?" Jacob asked getting up and walking over in front of Paul.

"Since I was a newborn," Paul answered. He didn't notice that Jacob was standing in front of him until he looked up and found himself looking straight into Jacob's chest. Paul jumped a little and stumbled back a little. Jacob chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he stated sincerely. "He's very cute," Jacob said still holding Panda. He handed the bear to Paul. Paul took the bear from Jacob and said

"Thank you." He smiled shyly up at Jacob, and then walked past him placing the panda bear back on the bed. Paul turned around and met Jacob's gaze. Paul blushed and looked down.

"You're very cute," Jacob found himself saying. Paul blushed a deeper red and said very quietly

"Thank you." He then looked up and asked, "So you said you wanted to spend the afternoon with me, what did you have in mind?" Jacob smiled, looked Paul dead in the eye and said

"Well how about we go get lunch, and then we'll decide from there?" Paul smiled and nodded in agreement. "Come on, let's go," Jacob said taking Paul's hand. Paul smiled and let himself be led away by this gentle Giant.

An hour later, Paul found himself walking through the gardens carrying a bag of fast food. Paul was walking next to Jacob following the taller boy's lead.

"Where are we going?" Paul asked quietly.

"To a quiet spot that I know of, where we can sit down in the shade, eat our lunch and talk," Jacob smiled down at Paul.

"Oh," Paul said quietly, "That sounds really nice." They continued on, walking around the pond and then up into the trees. Jacob suddenly turned off onto a side trail and walked back. Paul looked around, having never been in this part of the gardens before. They emerged onto a small clearing, in which sat a pond with a small waterfall. "This is beautiful," Paul said softly.

"Yes, it is," Jacob replied. Then looked Paul straight in the eyes and continued, "Just like you." Paul blushed again, he found himself doing that a lot around Jacob. Jacob reached out and took Paul's hand, leading him over to a bench. Jacob sat down and Paul sat down next to him. They sat together quietly, eating, watching the waterfall and listening to the birds. Every once in a while Jacob would glance down and Paul to find him smiling and gazing about in wonder. Jacob would smile to himself and was heartened that Paul seemed to be enjoying himself. The two finished lunch, Jacob collected their trash and walked over to the trash bin and threw it away. He returned to the bench and sat down sideways so he was facing Paul. Paul noted this and turned to face Jacob. Smiling, Jacob began

"Hi, I'm Jacob." Paul giggled and said in reply,

"Hi, I'm Paul." Jacob smiled and reached out to shake Paul's hand. Paul took it and they both said in unison "It's nice to meet you." They laughed, but didn't release each other's hands. Jacob looked down at his hand and noticed the side of Paul's hand in his. Paul's hand was so much smaller than Jacob's, but yet, Paul's hands weren't small, they were "normal" sized, but Paul's fingers were thin and graceful. Jacob guessed 'I bet Paul plays the piano.' Suddenly Paul asked

"So where are you from?"

"I'm from San Francisco," Jacob responded. "Where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm just from Baltimore," Paul responded. "What's your full name?"

"Jacob Jon Johnson," Jacob said. Paul giggled and asked

"J-J-J?" Paul couldn't control it and burst into laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not that funny you know," Jacob said, with a smile on his face, "Well maybe a little, but definitely not enough to be laughing like you are." Paul settled down still with a huge smile plastered across his face. "What about your name?" Jacob asked. Paul blushed.

"Paul Sullivan Nussbaum," Paul stated quietly. Jacob grinned

"Pissin?" Jacob asked and started chuckling.

"Yeah," Paul said blushing. When Jacob calmed down he began asking Paul questions.

"So what are you majoring in Paul?" Jacob asked.

"I'm going to double major in Mechanical Engineering and Music. How about you?" Jacob was impressed.

"I'm premed and I'm majoring in BioChem," Jacob responded. Paul smiled and simply stated


"So more about you," Jacob began, "how old are you, and when is your birthday?"

"I'm 18 and my birthday is on February 17. What about you?" Paul questioned.

"I'm 18 too, but my birthday is on February 1st," Jacob responded.

"Oh Cool!!!" Paul responded.

"Do you have any siblings?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, two," Paul responded, "a brother and a sister, both younger. How about you?"

"I'm an only child." Jacob said.

"Oh, ok," Paul responded. "Are you out?" Paul asked cautiously.

"Yes and no," Jacob responded. "I'm out to my parents and to whomever asks, but I don't walk around telling everyone. I usually don't do what I did today, but I just had to take the chance."

"Oh," Paul said. "I like the way you think. In fact I'm almost exactly the same, well minus the asking random guys who you ran over to spend the rest of the day with you." Paul said smiling.

An awkward silence settled over the two. Jacob released Paul's hand and they each withdrew their hands. Both Paul and Jacob turned and stared forward. Jacob thought to himself, 'Wow, this is an awkward silence. I feel so bad, Paul is sitting there uncomfortable and nervous. He's shifting around, cause he doesn't know what to do or say. I am going to have to make the first move or continue the conversation.' Jacob made a decision. He scooted over and put his arm around Paul's shoulder and drew Paul up next to him. Paul looked up at Jacob, smiled and cuddled up next to him.

"Soooo," Paul said. "Are we dating now?"

"Yes," Jacob smiled down at Paul.

"Ok," Paul smiled and laid his head on Jacob's chest.

The two sat and talked quietly all afternoon learning about each other's likes, dislikes and family. Jacob learned that Paul played both the piano and trombone. He learned that Paul was a quiet person, and didn't enjoy parties. Paul learned that Jacob spent a lot of time in the gym, and in fact sang. The two sat together talking quietly, every once in a while looking at each other and smiling, which usually caused Paul to giggle. They were enjoying each other's company that they didn't notice the passage of time.

It was getting darker, and Jacob noticed Paul shiver.

"Are you getting cold?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, just a little," Paul whispered back.

"Ok, then let's head back." Jacob said. He stood helping Paul to his feet. Then he pulled Paul into his arms hugging him tightly. He leaned down and whispered into Paul's ear, "How about we go to my room, order dinner, and watch a movie?" Jacob asked.

"It's a date," Paul stated smiling up at Jacob. Jacob grinned and placed a kiss on Paul's forehead. Paul smiled up at Jacob and said softly

"Thank you Jacob. That was nice." Jacob leaned down again this time pressing his lips to Paul's in a chaste kiss. He came up, and Paul sat there, slightly dazed.

"Come on," Jacob said, "let's go have our date." Jacob took Paul's hand in his and they walked slowly back to the bus stop. When they reached the main quad, Jacob didn't release Paul's hand. He looked up at Jacob questioningly. "Don't worry baby," Jacob said, "no one will mess with us, after all, I am six feet, eight inches tall, muscled and strong as hell. I look very intimidating if I do say so myself." Paul smiled and nodded. "So you think I'm intimidating, eh?" Jacob questioned.

"No! Yes! No!" Paul said confusing himself. Jacob laughed and squeezed Paul's hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry babe, I'm just messin with ya." Paul giggled softly and said

"Ok Jacob." They arrived at the bus stop and stood waiting for the bus. They got a few looks, but no one commented, after all, Jacob was 6'8. Paul smiled to himself and looked up at the behemoth that had claimed his heart. 'Uh oh,' Paul thought to himself, 'I'm already falling for him and I've only known him since this morning. But we did have a real conversation, and he's such a great guy, not to mention his looks. Dear God he's beautiful, no, he is a god.' The bus arrived snapping Paul back to reality. He and Jacob boarded the bus, again with Paul against the window and Jacob sitting next to him. They held hands as the bus wound it's way back to east campus. When it arrived they disembarked, walking to Wilson, directly across from Giles. This time Jacob opened and held the door for Paul. Paul walked in, and then Jacob led him up the stairs to the third floor. They turned right and headed down the hallway to the corner room. Jacob and Paul both stopped in front of the door. Jacob smiled down at Paul who looked back nervously. Jacob squeezed his hand, slipped his key in the lock and opened the door.

Next: Chapter 3

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