Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 21, 2004



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

========= Chapter One =========

Matt Ridgway was furious, more angry than ever in his thirteen year old life. He hated his brother, the brother whom he loved without ceasing up to that time. For all the years he could remember, he had slept with his brother, Steve, in the same bed every night, every night since he was about three years old. That was when Matt had stopped wetting his bed.

Steve had teased him about still wearing diapers. Every time his parents had tried regular 'little boy' briefs on Matt, he had peed in them, soaking the bed. Finally, Steve got tired of Matt doing that, he thought his brother should be mature enough to overcome it. So he decided he would cure little Matt to stop wetting the bed.

Steve was putting Matt to bed one night, pulled up the covers and read him a story. Then he started his campaign.

"You know, Matty, I'd come in and sleep with you if you could just learn not to pee in the bed. Do you think you could do that? I would hold you and kiss you and cuddle you all night." His smile was warm enough to make toast on it.

Matt said nothing, just gave a ghost of a smile, rolled over and appeared to go to sleep. Steve left and turned out the light, leaving just a night light in the dim room.

Matt's brain was whirling, thinking about Steve's offer, wondering if he really could keep from wetting the bed. He was thrilled with reward if he could.. But, how could he do it? Could he maybe use a spring clothes pin on his little peepee? He tried it once but it hurt so bad he screamed. His mother came running, then broke into gales of laughter to see her young son with a clothes pin on his penis. She laughed so much that Matt began to get angry.

"Mama, it hurts, IT HURTS." He started crying, holding his peepee with one hand, trying to pull off the pin.

His Mama finally came to her senses and decided she had better help her son. "Okay, Matty, I'll help you, but I don't know why you put it on there. That hurt, didn't it?"

Matt and Steve's mother was not natural mother. If women had to pass a test to raise children, she would have flunked. Somehow, after having Steve and Matt to raise, she had enough guts and the barest amount of motherly instinct to stick to it. It was fortunate the brothers loved each other, because no one else in the family seemed to.

When Steve was six and Matt was three, Matt was potty trained, mostly to be with his brother. And Steve kept his promise. He slept with Matt from then on. They became very close physically, knowing each other's body from head to heels, including genitals.

When the boys were 13 and 10, Steve had just learned to jerk off and could have an orgasm, Matt watching all the way. It wasn't long before Matt was no amateur at jerking Steve off. And, just a few more months later, Matt learned fellatio and could give Steve a hot suckoff, where he could take almost all of Steve's cock in his mouth. He wasn't too good about getting it in his throat, though. That would take until Steve was 16 and Matt 13.

Then the trouble started. As soon as Matt was able to shoot spunk, Steve left him. He got his own bedroom and never slept with him again, never played with him again, at anything. The first night when Steve left, Matt cried himself to sleep. He couldn't understand what he'd done wrong and Steve wouldn't tell him.

The second night Matt listened for the clues that Steve was in bed and had shut out his light. Matt got out of bed, quietly slipping into Steve's bed. As soon as Steve realized the Matt was in his bed, he told Matt to get out and go to his own bed.

Steve lay on his left side, presenting his back toward his younger brother and Matt attacked.

"Damn you, Steve," in his child's voice he cried, "why have you done this, I need you Steve." He cried harder, sobbing as if his heart would break, gasping and yelling softly so their parents wouldn't hear. "Stevie," Matt sputtered to say his pet name for Steve, "please, Stevie, he pleaded."

When Steve didn't respond at all, he began hitting Steve on the back with his fists, pounding and still Steve said nothing. Slowly Matt wore himself out, lay down and fell asleep against his wonderful brother.

Steve hadn't slept at all. He rose from the bed, picked Matt up to carry him to his bedroom. Matt was out, deeply asleep and didn't see the tears flow down Steve's cheeks as he gently lay Matt in his bed and kissed him lovingly on the cheek. As he started back to his own room, Steve began to sob quietly with deep heartache knowing he had to be strong for both their sakes. He didn't sleep much that night.

The man's name was Matthew B. Ridgway. He had been appointed an associate professor of music at a small college in northwestern Ohio. He was 28 years old, about 6 feet tall, 175 pounds, no jock but fairly well put together, average looking with dark blond hair but no facial hair and very little bodily hair. On the gorgeous male continuum, he was probably a third of the way from plain to handsome. That top spot would be reserved for his brother, Steve.

He recently received his PhD from The University of Ohio in central Ohio, having studied for his thesis into the effects of student participation in instrumental music activities on students' work habits since he'd been hired as a band director at a nearby high school. Three years of teaching high school with barely enough time to have finished his PhD, was enough late nights and marching for him. Actually it was beating his head against solid walls that created an intense desire to locate somewhere else. He was successful but against great odds. Even though he hadn't had that much actual teaching experience, his advisors recommended him very highly and a doctor's degree does make a young man feel as if he's on top of the heap. His work at that high school resulted in many accolades from music adjudicators on the high school contest circuit and at the state music conferences where his band had performed with distinction and received considerable praise. His college advisors should know his abilities for teaching music and band in particular. They observed his work at least once a week for three years.

Having interviewed with almost everyone on the Windsor College campus including the president, chairman of the board of trustees and the occasional custodian, he was offered a contract as associate professor with the stipulation that he earn tenure within ten years or be released from the college. With that to urge him on, he decided to accept, mainly because it was the only offer he received within three months of receiving his degree. So, not as fond of starving or working at McDonald's, he took the more secure road and decided to move to Windsor, Ohio and Windsor College.

The actual move was not an easy one because he had too much stuff to carry in his car, a 12 year old Dodge Colt, and the car was too small to pull a rental trailer. So, what did he do? He called his brother, his older, responsible, dependable, trustworthy brother, in truth, a boy scout of the first water. He epitomized all that scouting stood for, and along the way drove Matt absolutely crazy by criticizing his every move since the first grade.

Did he love his brother? Damn right! He idolized him, copied everything he did, said, thought or was about to think.. Steven Lowell Ridgway, his brother, was 3 years older than him, which means that he was 31 years old, married with 2 kids (actually 2 beautiful boys, now 3 and 5 years) and a beautiful wife who could be a model, movie star or pop singer, but who married his handsome blond brother right out of college. Steve and Becky dated all through college and Matt was thoroughly amazed that they didn't have a couple children by the time they graduated after hearing them fucking night after night, day after day, morning after morning since the three lived in the same apartment. Steve rented the apartment and Matt joined him after graduating as valedictorian of the senior class and entered college. Matt only lived with them for one school year, but that was enough. Matt was jealous as hell of Becky being with his brother, since he practically ignored him all the time. He hardly spoke to Matt that whole school year.

Was Steve that straight arrow? Was he really straight? Damn tootin'. When the two were kids, they played around like all boys. When Steve jacked off, Matt was right next to him, jacking his tiny prick, maybe an inch or two long. Not until Matt could shoot bullets did he quit doing anything like that with him. He became very private, no more sharing of beds or cum rags. Matt still loved him, but when Matt was 13, Steve was sixteen and had discovered girls in a big way. Matt was jealous as hell, he stormed and raged behind his back because Steve ignored him and cut him out of all his activities.

Matt even joined scouts to be with him, but even there Steve ignored him, paid no attention to him. Usually a big brother can be counted on to help a younger one, but not this time. Steve wasn't a jock, and though he love playing tennis, and swimming, he would never play with Matt or swim with him. As you can imagine, Matt was practically going out of his head, losing his feeling of self worth since Steve lived in the house disguised as an only child since in his eyes Matt felt he hardly existed. Once, Matt remembered, he asked him something about sex or penises and he gave him a look of utter revulsion, disgust and loathing. He didn't recover from that for a long time.

After a year or so, Matt finally asked questions of his parents, wanting to know what was the matter with him, why didn't Steve like him any more, why did he ignore him? Matt finally broke down in tears while asking them, sobbing without relief first in his mother's arms and then in Dad's. They had no answers that they could give. He pleaded with them to at least ask Steve what Matt was asking them but they said they couldn't do that, that would invade Steve's privacy. Hell's fuck, he thought, why does he have his own monastery, with rules of silence between us. So, nothing happened. When Steve and Becky were married, Matt thought he might ask him to be his best man, but no, his fraternity big brother was going to do that. Well, Matt asked, could he be an usher. No, his ushers would come from his fraternity. So, he got to sit with his parents during the ceremony.

Matt was probably feeling a slightly wrong impression about their communication during those years. Matt did ask him questions and he would reply with a few words in answer (yes, no, I don't know, who cares, why don't you clean yourself up). Pick any one. But there was absolutely no real intercourse between Matt and Steve, of any kind. He somehow idolized him all way through that and still did. Matt had never gotten angry enough to fight it out with Steve (he was taller, heavier, stronger) since Matt didn't want to get beat up bad.

Matt did admit that Becky did talk to him after they were married, trying to get to know Steve's brother, and Matt felt she was a sweet girl whom his brother certainly didn't deserve. There were times at their house such as; wedding anniversaries, births of the boys, Christmas and Thanksgiving where Matt was always invited, but Steve never once talked to him as brother to brother or friend to friend. If he asked a question, all he got was a one word answer. Once in a while Matt dared to ask him to give some advice, but what he got was the comment that he should be able to do that on his own.

After Matt received his doctorate and asked him anything, then he said that Matt was now the smartest one in the family and should know everything. Why didn't Matt tell him to go fuck himself and not show up at any event with the family?. Matt figured that he would then have won the whole war, not just all the usual battles with him. Matt swore to get to him somehow.

Steve worked very hard in a computer company as a systems analyst and programmer, making enough money so that Becky didn't have to teach, just take care of the house and the boys, Jacob and Joshua. Actually, Matt couldn't believe he made enough money with computers to support them in the manner they do. But what did he know? He had to admit that often Matt would go to their house when he knew Steve wouldn't be home so he could see the boys and talk to Becky. She finally apologized to Matt for Steve, that she had tried to find out why he was that way with him, but got nowhere. Steve just wouldn't talk about it.

Matt adored her so much, loved the boys who were great kids, growing up so well with Becky's even hand at loving and discipline. They didn't get away with much. And they seemed to like Uncle Matt a lot, he was always welcomed by them with hugs around the legs, kisses on his face and laughs as he joked with them. Of course Matt always brought something for each of them, a toy or game or candy. Strangely, they never acted toward him same way if their father, his dear brother, was at home with all of us. Had he set up rules for them to adhere to?

My parents certainly realized what Steve was doing, but knew no reason or cause. They ignored his attitude toward his brother and responded to Steve as if nothing at all was wrong.

So, that was why Matt was so reluctant to ask his brother for the loan of his truck, and his help with the moving. Matt originally thought he would just ask to borrow the truck and have his friends do the helping. He had plenty of friends for whom he'd done the helping many times over the years and they would be glad to help in return. His answer to himself was 'Yeah, right'! And he was the Pope.

So, what did Matt do?

He called his brother just before the weekend he needed to move, hoping to catch him at a calm, generous time of day for him but Matt's hand shook, his knees rattled and his heart fluttered in my chest.

He rushed his speech, "Hi, Steve, I have a problem and I wish you could help me. I need to move all my stuff from Columbus to Windsor in the northwest corner of the state. It's too much for my car and if I try pulling a trailer with my car it would probably fall apart. Could I possible borrow your pickup on Saturday or Sunday?"

Steve replied coldly, "I suppose you'd want me to help load and unload."

He lost it completely, "God damn it, Steve, you could do one thing for me before we die, something that I need from you. I've never asked for anything before but I'm sort of hung up." He paused, waiting for him to say something. He was so angry and frustrated that he could hardly speak. Actually, he could hardly breathe. He was as quiet as Matt was, no answer to his outburst. He waited without moving a jot.

"Ok, Matt, I'll do it, and I'll help load and unload. Will you want to come back to Columbus Saturday night?"

Matt was so shocked that it took him a while before he understood just what Steve had said. "Ah ... ah, Steve, yes that would be great. I'll have to come back to get my car and drive back to Windsor early in the week so I can get to work on Wednesday. And I have to pick up some book accounts at U of O which won't be ready until next Monday."

"What time do you want me to start Saturday morning, Matt, any time is fine."

"I guess about 8 AM, it should take us a few hours to get to Windsor." I blew my nose noisily, "Thanks, Steve, that will be a tremendous help. I'll drive over and leave my car there. See you Saturday morning."

"Well, be sure you don't park on the concrete driveway, your car leaks like an diaperless Matt." Matt thought, 'My god, he made a joke, a joke on me with me.'

A couple weeks later Steve told Matt that Becky had been listening on an extension, heard his problem and his pleading, and ordered (and really ordered) Steve to take him and his stuff to his new job for him. If he didn't help Matt, Becky would have a terrible headache for the next six months. She meant it, Steve could tell. If Matt had known that at the time, he wouldn't have accepted and would have rented a truck. Not having been paid for quite a while, he was running low on cash and his credit cards were maxed. His salary wouldn't start until his job did, and he wouldn't have cash in his hand for two weeks after that. Eventually he would have money coming from the University Printing service for a book which he wrote that was supposed to be selling for him like hotcakes. At least, he said, "I'm published."

Steve met him at his apartment in Columbus at 8 AM, carrying a thermos of coffee and some breakfast rolls which he knew had been prepared by Becky. She was always ready with goodies like that. He mentally thanked her.

Steve worked hard, carrying box after box to the truck, the stereo and Yamaha DX-7, the trombone and other junk instruments for his teaching role. Matt worked mostly on the clothes and boxes filled with bureau drawer overflows, his personal stuff, boxes of books and music and, of course, his PhD certificate in its frame, glowing with its gold printing, He also had a case of beer he'd stocked up on earlier but hadn't drunk. Matt figured they'd like a few while working in the heat of late summer and before they headed back.

After the pickup was loaded, Matt took Steve up to the house next door, pushed the door in and Matt hollered, "Tony, Tony, can Ricco come out and play?"

Stephen heard laughter roaring from the house, sound like a circus and soon he saw a young man, sexy as hell, skip out the door, pants rolled up, backwards baseball cap on his head. He dribbled a basketball while he skipped. Steve didn't think that would be easy.

"Hi, Ricco, Tony, I just wanted to say goodbye. I hate to, but this is the time."

Steven recognized the two men as actual twins, beautiful blond hunks, very well set up. They both had gorgeous smiles framing their perfect white teeth. They stood on different sides of Matt, arms around his waist, his arms across their shoulders.

"Tony and Ricco, this is my older, much older, brother, Steven, who is making this day possible for me." The three men shook hands all around, and all the while Steve was stared at by these beautiful twins. There was no other adjectives that fit them except blond, hunky and sexy. Matt broke in so Steve wouldn't be too embarrassed.

"Thanks, guys, it has been great living next to you too, I've enjoyed our visiting and meals together and all the fun and games. I'm glad we could be very good friends." He turned and hugged each one, receiving a warm one in return, sincerely given and taken.

Steve asked, "Matt, how do you keep track of who is who. Sure don't see any difference."

Matt laughed and got between the twins. "Steve, the only way to show you how I tell them apart would be to pull their pants down." He pretended to pull on their pants, "Do you want me ...... ?"

"Stop, Matt, you can tell me all about it later." Steve walked up to the twins and stuck out his hand, but he was immediately surrounded by twins hugging him, "Any brother of Matt's is a brother to us."

Matt yelled at the twins. He couldn't help laugh at Steve's predicament, "Guys, come on, let him go or I won't be able to bring him back to see you."

The twins laughed, "Matty, we understand and just wanted to help." Ricco spoke up, "Hey, Matt, our first architecture commission, a huge addition to a log cabin over in River City, has been finished. It was for a friend with tons of money so the sky was the limit. Hope you will come to see us and some of our buildings as we put them up."

Matt answered, "I sure will, guys, just keep me up on all your projects. I have your e-mail address and you have mine. So do keep in touch. Thanks for everything. See you."

Steve and Matt walked down the steps toward his truck, turned to wave good-bye and climbed aboard..

"We have to get moving or we'll never get to Windsor, Steve, it takes forever." The drive to Windsor was slow and torturous because there are no Interstate highways going exactly that way. I-75 heads from Cincinnati directly to Toledo, and Windsor was 40 to 50 miles west of Toledo. If we took State Route 23 to Findlay, then I-75 to Toledo and caught I-80 and I-90 west, we could get off on Route 15, 2 miles south of Windsor. That's a long, long way around, but quicker than taking the diagonal."

Steve talked to Matt on the way. Most of it was his job, but he did ask politely about Matt's, what he would be teaching, directing and advising. He explained that he was the second ranking member of the Music Department, one professor and one associate professor besides him, aside from five music instructors, some of whom were grad students. Steve and Matt almost seemed friendly and he was enjoying himself tremendously with his brother, finally. Matt couldn't help still being pissed at him, but tried not to show it.

They arrived about noon, had a fast food lunch and went to Matt's house, half a duplex which wasn't too bad. It was pretty well furnished, old stuff but clean and the kitchen was equipped with everything including a sink. Within a couple hours they had unloaded everything and Matt brought out the beer he had stuck in the refrigerator. While they had their first beer, he helped Matt get the stereo and computer all connected, hooked up and running. Matt put on some old Dave Brubeck tapes which he loved and knew Steve did too. He did look at Matt when "Take Five" started, but quickly turned to the computer connections. Matt had already contacted an Internet Service Provider, so they could connect right away.

Steve at first said he couldn't, but Matt really forced the first beer on him, then another and another. He kept playing tapes and CDs that he knew Steve loved. By the time Steve was supposed to take them back to Columbus, he was zonked and so was Matt. They both knew it.

"Becky will be really pissed at me, Matt, for getting drunk and not getting back on time. I think we better have a problem with the truck, one of the computer chips went out and we can't get a new one until Monday when the stores open up." He gave Matt a sly smile, the first sincere smile he'd had from him in 15 years. Honest.

"Gee, Steve, all she has to do is hear you on the phone and she'll know you're drunk. Should I be the one to call? Or do I sound as drunk as you?" I waited, "And if I call, where are you?"

Steve rubbed his forehead, puzzled, then had a thought. "Matt, you could tell her I'm out looking around for the part at different dealers and auto parts stores. That could work, right?" He started giggling, almost putting me in tears because he sounded just like his 13 year younger self, so childish, yet still mature.

"I guess that will have to do. Now keep quiet while I call."

Matt called Becky and explained what had happened, saying they could stay overnight in his apartment and get back tomorrow if he finds the part, or Monday if he doesn't tonight. She did seem relieved that Matt called and not at all suspicious. Actually, I had the feeling she was pleased that we'd be together longer. He guessed he sounded more sober that he had thought.

Steve and Matt (it feels so good to say that even in his mind) got some Chinese carry out, took it back to the apartment to eat, following which they started on the beer again. In his mind Matt had been planning something, sort of putting Steve in position where he absolutely had to tell him just why he was such a shit to him for so many years. So, he didn't want Steve too drunk, just enough maybe to tell his brother what he want to know.

Matt's apartment didn't have a TV cable yet, he just had the stereo for music, so they sat on the couch, drinking and talking. Matt could barely keep tears from pouring out of his eyes, just being near him talking like friends, even brothers.

Matt's time came when Steve went to piss and he followed, also having to urinate. Steve didn't seem to mind when Matt stood beside him and peed a stream into the bowl beside his. They stood there, still and quiet except for the splashing in the blue water, then looked at each other, deeply into each other's eyes. Matt watched Steve's eyes closely without blinking until he noticed his eyes start to glisten with wetness, shining in the bathroom light. Without a sound or movement Steve's eyes began to let tears flow, really flow from his eyes, down his cheeks, into his mouth and off his chin to quietly plop into the toilet bowl.

They were standing in front of the toilet, their dicks just hanging out of their flies, finished peeing, looking at each other, Matt's eyes dripping tears in sympathy with Steve although he had no idea why he was crying.

Steve turned toward Matt, very slowly, let go of his soft penis, and raised his arms to go around Matt's shoulders, where he clutched at Matt's body, embracing Matt all the while, saying, "I'm so sorry, Matty, I'm so terribly sorry."

Matt's unemotional brother began to sob, deep, tortured sobs between his ragged breathing as he gripped Matt harder and harder. His sobbing became more agitated, more desperate, his body was spasming, wrenching his muscles into cramps and knots. Matt practically dragged Steve back to the couch, he wasn't helping much, but he got them there where Matt sat and pulled Steve onto his lap, just holding him tightly, trying to calm him. The fact that their penises were still peeking from their pants tickled Matt later on, but not then.

Matt realized it had been 15 years since he had held his brother, even touched him, and especially saw his penis, soft or hard. Somehow he got a handkerchief out of his pocket (his mother always made sure he had a cloth handkerchief in his pocket before he left the house - and he still did) and dabbed at his eyes and cheeks. The sobbing had quieted down, his body very tired but still tense.

It was just a reflex, but he kissed Steve on the cheek, on both his cheeks, holding his lips to Steve's face for a moment or so, one hand behind his head. There was no response at first from Steve, but when Matt's lips actually kissed him again he started sobbing again, not the horrible sobs of before, but more quiet, plaintive sobs, still from deep in his soul.

Matt stayed as he was, holding Steve to himself tightly, caressing his back and patting down his hair, still trying to calm him down. At first he was afraid he'd done that too well and he was asleep, however Steve soon pushed away from him a little, his face right in front of his, looking at Matt's face and into his eyes, the same blue as his own eyes. His eyes seemed to lose their focus as he closed the gap between us and pressed his lips onto Matt's pair of lips, their thin, pale red lips touching each other's trembling, timid mouths. He thought Steve must have lost his mind, Matt's 'straight as an arrow' brother kissing another man. He never did that even when they were very young, it wasn't right to do that, too queer.

Matt certainly wasn't going to be the first one to stop this wonder of all wonders. Steve was kissing him and he'd take all he could get. He even began to run his tongue between Matt's lips, trying to part them and force his way into Matt's mouth as he was prepared to accept his tongue against Matt's tongue and teeth, gums and inner lips. He happened to remember that our dicks were sticking out of our pants and glanced down. Yep, there they were. The twin dicks, still soft just peeking through our flies, showed our feelings, brother to brother but not sex to sex.

Steve very slowly pulled back a little, put his hands on either side of Matt's face forcing it to aim directly at his face. He smiled sweetly, tenderly to me, just one corner of his lips rising in affection, a loving image to reflect Matt's. He spoke softly, "Oh, God, Matty, what am I ever going to do now? I'm in such trouble and it's all because of you and me." That was the first time in fifteen years that my brother had said Matty, his pet name for his younger brother as kids.

"Matt," Steve began, clearing his throat, "that is why I've been so mean to you all these years. I .... Love ... You ..., my dear brother, I love you so much I was going insane at the age of 16, afraid that we'd be separated if our love affair, which I wanted, was discovered. I ... am ... so .... sorry .... to have caused you so much pain. You couldn't see it, but I was suffering just as you were, and I knew well how you were suffering, believe me, Matt, I grieved for you every day, every hour." He stopped, dropping tears again, "I can only hope you can understand what I was doing and that it was the only way I could figure out to keep us apart." Steve took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "Matty, I was so scared that I would come on to you with my eager sex in hand, and I would ruin you and me both. I had no way of knowing whether you might be gay at 13, but I just wasn't going to take the chance of losing you completely.

He continued, "I don't know about you, but I am gay. I've known it since I was 13 and chose to ignore it to continue as if I were straight, forcing my mind and body to go along." He hid his face behind his hands, "I'm sorry for what I've done to Becky, Matty, though I've done pretty well, but not all that I should have. I love her desperately and also my Jacob and Joshua are the joy of my life. But, Matty, I love you more than everything, more than them, even more than myself."

Matt leaned forward to kiss Steve lightly, quickly to show he was accepting his reasoning, but still very confused. "Steve, I'm never been with a woman, though I have been with a few men over the years, nothing more than one nighter's." He grinned,"The twins you met have been some of those. I've avoided every possibility to be in a lengthy sexual situation with anyone. I don't know how I knew or felt, but I think I was waiting for you."

"If you had approached me when I was 13, Stevie, I would have welcomed you gratefully. I was ready and I loved you without question or doubt. The possibility that we might be discovered never crossed my mind." He closed his eyes, "Even though it practically killed me, I'm thinking that your actions probably saved both of us from ridicule, punishment and separation. Our parents could easily have sent one or both of us away."

Matt still held Steve tightly to him, caressing as much of his body as he could reach. He took a big breath through his nose, coughed, then commented, "Stevie, I think what we need right now more than anything else," he paused for effect, "is a bath! We stink, my brother whom I have finally found again, we stink. If you'll get up, I'll show you how we take baths around here."

Steve looked into Matt's eyes, sneaky, questioning, "Have you ever had a bath here, Matt?" He smirked since he knew the answer to his question.

Matt grinned, gave his brother a kiss on the nose, and admitted, "Well, this will be the first." He started laughing, roaring, finally getting out, "Come on, stud."

Leading Steve by his hand to the bedroom, Matt started undressing, throwing everything on the bed. "Come on, Steve, this bath we are taking together, well, maybe better be a shower." Steve pulled off his T-shirt, then jeans and finally his boxers slid to his ankles.

Matt was stunned by Steve's body, so toned up, slender but with defined, taut muscles. "God, Stevie, you are a hunk. You been working out on that body?"

Smiling shyly, Steve seemed embarrassed, "Yes, Matt, hoping I'd be able some day to be with you like this. Frankly, I wanted to impress you."

"You sure have impressed me, brother, and you have a gorgeous ass, just perfect, man." He paused, "Hey, we're both naked so let's get in the shower." Again Matt grabbed Steve's hand, thinking that if it worked once, it might work again. His other hand lightly rubbed Steve's ass, more as respect and a compliment than anything passionate yet.

In the shower they took turns getting wet, then moving away from the spray to load on the suds. By necessity their bodies touched occasionally, but neither one saw that as more than just an accidental contact. Matt's mind and Steve's were so bound by their emotions of being together and having given each other professions of deep, abiding love, they were not centered in their crotch, but in the sexiest part of the body, their brain.

While Matt went to close up the apartment, turning lights off and locking doors and windows, Steve had gone to the bedroom, found a pair of Matt's sleep shorts which he was sliding on just as Matt entered the room. Matt smiled, a smile that Steve caught.

"Remember, Matty, I don't have any clothes here except what I was wearing." He looked down at Matt's shorts he was wearing, only a little abashed, "And, it makes me feel close to you to be wearing your clothes." He smiled broadly, pleased with his expression of the nearness he felt..

"Well, Steve, pick the side of the bed that you want while I get some boxers on. Since I've never slept in the bed, either side is fine." He watched his brother lower the sheet and blanket, actually staring at that beautiful physique sliding under them. Matt followed suit and then pulled the sheet over them, too hot for the blanket.

Matt laughed quietly, thinking of Steve and the twins.

"You remember, Steve, the twins in Columbus?"

"Yeah, hot, aren't they?"

"They sure are, and Steve, they knew you were gay when you first met them. I know because they recognized me as a member of the group before I knew I was one. If I hadn't been there, they probably would have raped you all day, and you'd have loved it."

As one, the two men slowly reached for the other, arms closing around their bodies while they adjusted themselves to comfortable positions that would enable sleep.

Matt and Steve exchanged a brief, tender kiss, their lips barely touching, neither one thinking any thoughts other than the wonderful feeling of being together, in the same bed, holding someone they desperately loved. No questions about tomorrow or the next day, or about what Steve was going to do, or Matt for that matter. They slept.

Matt slowly emerged from his deep sleep while wondering in his fuzzy state why he felt someone or something focusing on him, disturbing him by the intensity of the nearness. He blinked his eyes, finally becoming aware of his brother, lying on his left side, his left arm bent so his hand could hold up his head. A very scared feeling twisted Matt's stomach and guts into static overload, but he quickly remembered he and Steve had become brothers and friends again. He was smiling and staring at Matt, completely naked, his cock standing at attention from his crotch aiming toward Matt. Immediately after noticing that, Matt realized his own cock was all the way through the fly of his shorts, also standing at attention.

Matt groaned, "Ah, Steve, have you ... ah ... been playing with my little soldier here? Is that why he is straight and tall, standing at attention? Excuse the 'straight' pun. Hmm?"

Steve snickered, "Yes, little brother, I must admit that is the truth. I just couldn't resist. Sorry." Another snicker left his lips, floated over to Matt to be followed by a few more. "You see, I woke up with one of these," he pointed to his own erection, "and just couldn't wait until you woke to see yours." He bent over Matt, "Here, let me help you with these shorts."

Steve 'helped' Matt by pulling down his boxers, dragging the hard, solid cock with it until it was let free to snap back onto Matt's stomach. "See," Steve questioned, " doesn't that feel better?" He turned his eyes up toward Matt's, "From now on we won't have to wear those shorts to bed, will we?" A rhetorical question. "Now I want to check something, since I haven't seen your big hardon in 15 years." He winked, "You did have a good size then, you know."

Matt watched Steve get on his knees to poise himself over Matt's thighs, one knee on either side. He looked at Matt, smiling, not explaining his actions, but Matt jumped when his older brother suddenly took hold of Matt's cock, holding it straight up, sat down on Matt's thighs, putting his own prick against Matt's so they could compare

"Well, my little brother has been exercising his old plaything, quite a bit as it looks. In fact, Matty, I'd guess that we are exactly the same size, what do you think?"

Matt raised up to lean on his elbows behind his back, "Sure looks the same to me. It even looks as if we have twin dicks, don't we, our heads are shaped like little helmets, aren't they?"

Steve held the two swollen, rigid cocks together in his right fist and looked into Matt's eyes, asking him, wondering if it is all right. Matt smiled, nodded his head slightly then humped his hips, shoving his cock further into Steve's grip.

Both pricks were oozing pre-cum, covering their cockheads, running down Steve's fingers to lube the shafts as he started to pump their dicks as one, sliding his hand up and down the soft skin over the solid structure of their shafts. As their parents wished, they had been circumcised. However, neither one felt he had ever missed having a foreskin, so sensitive was their glans.

"Ohhh, Steve, that feels so good, rub your thumb over my head." The older brother did that, enjoying himself the erotic sensations coming from his sensitive glans just as Matt was. Steve was also enjoying the familiar stunning feelings coming from his scrotum where it rubbed against Matt's sack of balls, the same size as his large eggs. Keeping one hand on the two cocks, Steve used his other hand to rub Matt's body, his tight chest and abdomen though not defined as his own was. Steve thought, 'Wish we would be living close together so I could tone him up like I am. We'd be almost like twins is he did.'

'No,' he thought again, ' this is my brother, not a twin. We are slightly different types and should keep our individual selves, not imitating each other. That would be one of our strengths.' Their new togetherness was a permanent fact in Steve's mind and heart.

Meanwhile, Steven had kept up the raising of their erotic sensations, the passionate ecstasy of their sexual drives, pumping the cum up from their loins, up their piss chute.

"Stevie," Matt whispered, "I'm going to cum, soon, very soon." As his body jerked and humped, Steve suddenly pumped their twin pricks faster, urging both of them to explode, send their shots of semen onto Matt's chest and stomach.

"Ugh, ngh," Matt forced from his chest, "it's here, Steve, here's my cum." He was breathing hard, panting and jolted his limbs, his face flushed and sweating as his hot juice gave squirt after squirt down onto his own body, streaming down his side to the sheets. "Oh, god, man, that was so good. I've waited for that to happen for so long, I was afraid I'd missed my chance forever."

"Well," Steve said, smiling, "I hope it was good for you, 'cause it was mighty good to me. I remember when you were 13 and just started to shoot, I wanted so bad to suck you and drink your cum. But," he sighed, "I hope you can forgive me for being such a coward, and that started my horrible treatment of you. Can you forgive me now, Matt?"

Matt grabbed Steve's butt with both hands, gripping the full, solid cheeks to pull his still hard cock toward his mouth. "Let me do it, Steve, and you'll see if I forgive you." Matt pulled hard and Steve followed on his knees until his stone hard cock and spongy glans touched Matt's mouth, through his lips, tongue and slipped right down his throat. Way back in high school Matt had learned how to deep throat a good sized cock, his band buddy who also played trombone owned that prick and was happy to let Matt experiment on his toy until he got it right.

"Holy, shit, Matt, my God, you got my cock all the way down your throat. How do you do that? I'm sure I'd gag if a cock ever got near my throat." He starts to pant, "Man, man, that's so hot." Steve put his hands on the headboard, pushing and pulling his distended, turgid cudgel in and out of Matt's mouth, so excited by Matt's tongue all over his prick, especially under the head flange.

Steve's hips began a tattoo on Matt's face and head, driving his saliva soaked and hugely swollen prick to slip along his tongue, his uvula and into his esophagus until he screamed and yelled, "I'm cumming, Matt, here's my cum, thick, hot, white and heavy to sooth your throat. I'm shooting ... " he choked up, "love me, Matt, love me."

Matt swallowed probably four or five teaspoons of liquid life in a toast to his brother. Finally he had to cough and push Steve's hip away from him. "Sorry, brother, but I was having some trouble breathing. That's a big cock." He panted and cleared his throat, "Steve, that was delicious, what I've always been waiting for even though I had put it out of my mind, almost."

Steve slowly allowed his body to fall gently on Matt's, his cock lying beside Matt's, both cocks drooling their cum and lubricating the 'nest' between their groins. He lowered his head to rest on Matt's shoulder, the sides of their faces pressed together while his arms clutched his younger brother desperately. Matt knew that Steve was silently weeping and that brought his own tears to the surface which on one side mixed with Steve's and on the other, dripped into his ear. He couldn't resist making his next comment.

"I've Got Tears in my Ears From Lying on my Back in my Bed While I Cry over you." Matt recited the song title soberly and gravely, broken a bit by an occasional sob while his own tears flowed steadily.

He thought that Steve didn't hear him, but before long the bed began to rock. Matt soon figured out that Steve was laughing silent, hilarious belly laughs, seemingly without any intention of stopping. Matt wrapped his arms around Steve's back and neck, pulling him tightly against his own naked body.

"You ..... are ...... crazy, Matt," he continued, laughing out loud, "I can't believe you said that, here and now." He started laughing again, "Is that a song? Don't remember hearing it ever. Must be country." He didn't actually say 'Yuck', but the derogatory term was clearly implied.

Matt twitted Steve, "Where have you been, brother, that's a classic. I don't say what kind of classic." He started laughing, "I'll have to get you that recording, Steve. It was sung by Homer and Jethro, music and lyrics by Harold Barlow. To me it was so silly and stupid, it was funny. I love it."

"And, since you are wondering, I do have tears in my ears, my own tears on one side and a mix of our tears on the left. How could I pass that by without some mention? Anyway, Steve, I've shed enough of my tears over you in the last 15 years, and I'll bet you have over me too. So, let's hold the tears, brother, we're are on new lives now, aren't we?"

"Yes, Matt, I guess we are. I have no idea really where we are going, but if we are together at least some of the time, I'll be very happy. I love you, I always did and always will." He raised his head to kiss Matt on the lips, tenderly, sincerely with the love of his brother, his own bit of humanity.

Matt kissed back, "I know what you mean, Steve, I'm not at all clear what's going to happen, but if we can keep together, never be actually apart even though we might be separated for a while, we'll be OK."

Matt slid his hands down Steve's back, rubbing his brother's strong muscles down to his butt. Those buttocks felt so sexy and exotic to Matt, solid and strong, but narrow and soft and tight. His fingers caressed them, then slid deviously between them to explore his deep cleft.

"I want you to know, Matt, that even though it seemed that I ignored you, I didn't, far from it. You wouldn't have seen me, but I was at all your special events. I was so proud of your valedictorian speech, I get choked up right now. Your solos with the band in concert and on the field are burned into my memory and heart, I'll never forget how wonderful you were. I did watch over you in Scouts even if I didn't seem so. In some of the contests, I was mostly behind a tree praying so hard for you to win, or to do well. Our scoutmaster noticed this and asked me one day about it. I just said I didn't want to influence you."

The younger Ridgway reached to pull Steve's cock from between his legs, so he could play with it and his scrotum gently, carefully. By pulling on Steve's shaft, he forced out more cum on his finger to lick it off.

Steve continued, "Mark, whenever you played at solo and ensemble contest and when your band played at contest, I was there. And I was so proud of you when your band director got sick the day of the homecoming game your senior year, and you took charge of the band through the whole thing, directing, calling moves on the field, watching out for the band in the stands and off of them. I would cry myself sick at night, wishing I could tell you how I felt. I am so happy now that we are together again, we're in love and I can tell you exactly how I feel."

By that time Matt had played with Steve's cock until it was as hard and rock solid, the cockhead swollen and squishy, deep red in contrast to the pinkish tan of the shaft. The pre-cum that he was drooling was rubbed over the whole cock. With his other hand Matt had been still investigating Steve's rear end, between his pert melons and fingering around the puckered hole, even pressing the opening to force one finger into it.

Steve finally became acutely aware of what Matt was doing, "Ah ... Matt .... ah ... I've never played around back there, ever. I'm a virgin there as anyone can be, nothing's ever gone in there, just out."

Matt thought about rimming him but decided with all their activities they'd better get a shower first. "Ok, Matt, but you don't know what you're missing." He pushed Steve off himself, then pulled him by his prick toward the shower. "Shower first, brother mine, then I'll show you something."

Steve was dubious, but went along with Matt to get the shower. After they'd washed themselves and each other, Matt made sure each was well rinsed. He turned Steve away from the spray and bent him at the hips toward the wall. Kneeling down, Matt spread Steve's buttocks wide open to see the brownish-pink rose bud, already twitching and tightening in advance. Pressing his face into the crack his tongue pointed and reached out to the asshole, feeling around it then into the center. He felt the warmth, the sensitivity of the wrinkled mouth and succeeded in forcing his tongue tip into the opening, inside to feel the strength of the sphincter.

Steve was moaning, wiggling his butt and legs, "Oh, god, man, I've never felt anything like that, oh, don't stop." But Matt did stop.

"Steve, since you are the virgin here, I don't think we should go any farther. But," he paused dramatically, "I think you should sample some of my wares in that direction. We were lost for 15 years, but now I want your body inside mine so we won't get lost again."

Steve turned to see that Matt was grinning widely and waggling his tongue at him. Before he could move, Steve pressed his lips on Matt's and sucked his tongue lustily into his own mouth. He sucked as hard as he could, practically shoving his whole mouth into Matt's.

Steve's prick was still rock hard, pulsing to his heart beat, and still oozing his precum. Matt again grabbed the big cock and pulled him out of the tub and into his bedroom, bringing towels along with them. While Matt wiped their bodies, Steve wouldn't let Matt's dick alone, jacking it then squeezing his glans, pulling from base to head to force more precum out. Gathering this slick, transparent fluid in his hand, he used it to push his curved fingers along the whole cock, down to the base where he also slicked up Matt's scrotum, pressing his balls down to the bottom of the wrinkled sack, pulling the whole piece of Matt's anatomy toward his feet.

"Ow, damn it, Steve, that hurts, you're pulling too hard." He complained some more, "I want to keep those gonads in good order, not smashed to mush, not that I'll ever use the sperm, but I still want it to squirt at the right time."

"Ok, brother, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Shall I kiss it to make it well?"

Matt giggled, "That's not a bad idea, go for it."

Steve sat on the floor while Matt spread his legs so his brother could get to his balls to kiss them. This he did. But he kept going, behind Matt's scrotum, licking along the perineum which led right to Matt's asshole.

Steve found the wrinkled flower of his rear, pulling the ass cheeks apart for a better view. He kept licking Matt's body down there until his tongue was licking around the anus, tickling the very sensitive nerves there. He tried to force his tongue into Matt, as Matt had done with him, but couldn't shove it in, not pointy or hard enough.

"Steve, don't worry about it. When we get your cock to that point, it will slip right in - believe me." He smiled down on his sibling, "Now get up and we'll give you a lesson, me and Matt, Junior, good, I hope."

Matt hugged his brother, pulling him fiercely against himself, so overjoyed and exhilarated to be holding his naked body, their hard cocks meshed together between their groins. Suddenly, Matt pulled away, lay on the bed on his back, put a pillow under his butt then stretched his legs back over his head and yelled, "Come on, Steve, this is your chance. The lube tube is on the night stand so grease yourself and shove your fingers up my ass to lube me too."

Steve was holding his eight inch cock in one hand and the lube in the other, staring hard at the sight of his brother's ass, his butt and his anus, he thought it was winking at him. Moving forward on his knees, Steve slowly brought himself right up to Matt until his cock was nestled with Matt's cock and balls, drooling his pre-cum all over them, shiny, slippery and smooth.

Sliding his hands over Matt's cock then down to his asshole, Steve put his lube covered fingers against Matt's anus, gently but firmly poking them inside, then taking more lube and doing the same again. That didn't seem to be working, Steve thought, so he placed the open end of the tube directly into Matt's asshole to squeeze what he thought was plenty of K-Y. Matt felt a little too full.

Looking down at Matt's asshole and his own cock, Steve couldn't believe that he would soon have his cock inside his brother's ass, they would be connected the most intimate, possible way. He could hardly breathe or see right, but his cockhead found the wrinkled lips and with one little push his glans was nestled inside Matt's sphincter.

The heat, the heat just stunned Steve, his cock had just entered an oven on broil, that heat warmed not just the head but the whole shaft too. Without really thinking about it, Steve waited for Matt to indicate he could go further and push the rest of his prick in. "Ok, Steve," Matt whispered, "I can take it now, brother, and man, I thought I taken a couple big dicks, but you are the most I've ever had, and I love it!. In case you've wondered, you are definitely larger than either of the Montoni twins."

Steve looked into Matt's eyes, leaned over to press his lips to Matt's succulent mouth, their tongues parrying in his mouth, as he gently but lustily made his hot cock slip all the way in, down to its root and pubes. His cock not only felt hot, it sensed the soft, constricting side of Matt's rectum and, though he didn't know it, he massaged Matt's prostate with his spear. Matt himself perceived the depth to which Steve's cock reached in him, seemed to be near his stomach. He was sweating, trembling, in ecstacy loving his brother so much and especially his big cock in his own ass.

"Steve, I hope you are enjoying this because I sure am." He reached around to grab Steve's buttocks to pull him closed and his dick farther into his body. "Oh, Steve, now start pounding my ass, shove that hot rock cock deep and pull it almost out. You know how to do that, the same as you have done with a woman. Go, on, more, harder and faster, Steve."

Steve soon found his rhythm, a natural erotic cadence, creating a force between them of sensations and nerves on fire, clear to their brains, exciting their minds, hearts and bodies with the coming of their sexual completion of physical output. "Oh, Matt, I'm going to cum I'm sorry I can't stop, I can't keep going but I'm pumping, I'm shooting, I'm filling your ass with my cum, gallons of cum for my brother."

Matt was moving with Steve to his cadence of love, physical love with his brother, intimate, sexual intercourse between two loving men, not just sex but making love with each other. Steve's first anal fucking genuinely jolted his mind and body, never expecting anything so high powered, so the top of human sex curriculum. Nothing he had ever done before prepared him for what he had just experienced.

"Steve, I want you to look at my chest, covered with my cum. For the first time in my life I came while someone was making love to my ass without touching my dick. That's the effect you have had on me, you and I belong together, brother, and just wait until you try taking my cock up you virgin ass."

"Matt, just give me a few minutes and we can do that." Steve was excited to try it, but Matt said he should wait. "Steve, if I fuck you this morning and you go home tomorrow morning, Becky is really going to wonder why you are walking so funny. And that's no joke." He snickered, just seeing Steve doing the painful walk. "More that anything in the world, Steve, I was to make love to you, and we will, soon, but today is too soon. Ok?"

"Ok, Matt, if you say so, but it must be soon. I need you inside me, brother, I want you to stay with me forever. I don't know what I'm going to do about Becky and the kids, but I'm not going to let you go."

Matt wanted to quickly calm Steve down. "Steve, you are going home tomorrow morning and try to act your normal self. You will let me off by my car at the apartment and go home to love your wife and babies." His tears slowly coursed his cheeks, "Steve, I love you ten times more than ever, and need you more than that, so we'll have to work something out. But, for now, you will go to work, come home to your family and be the attentive and loving father and husband." He thought, "Steve, do you have a cell phone?" Steve nodded. "Well, that's how we communicate and leave no records. We'll set the best times to call each other and stick to that."

"That's good, Matt, that will work." He paused, "Matt, I've got to do something, I'm slipping out of your ass. What do I do?"

Matt laughed, "Bring it here, brother, and I'll lick it off for you."

"My God, Matt, you've got to be kidding. Think of where this cock has just been." Then he started laughing, "Jeez, where it's been, that's funny, it's been where it has belonged for over fifteen years, and that's a fact!"

"I'm serious, Steve, drop it in my mouth. Come on, get over my head. Come on."

"Well, if you are serious, Matt, OK." But Steve sounded dubious, unsure, but still put Matt's legs down on the bed, crawled over them and lay his cockhead on Matt's tongue which was sticking out of his mouth. Steve groaned as Matt started sucking on his cock, clear to the base, licking it clean as Steve moved it in and out. Matt took it out, "Steve, that tastes wonderful, your cum and my juices are a great combination. You can send me a carry out of that anytime!"

The two brothers again met in the shower and again showed their adoration by washing each other completely. After they dressed, Steve with some of Matt's clothes on, they walked to the neighborhood coffee shop, had breakfast, then got in the truck and drove to the college to see Matt's office and facilities available to him.

Windsor College was primarily an arts and science school, able to award a bachelor degree and a master degree in music plus the teaching credentials for all grades of public schools. The campus was generally old with a few more modern buildings sticking out like sore thumbs here and there. An abundance of towering trees, oaks, maples and sweet gums covered the campus with leafy splendor, also with tended lawns between buildings.

The music building was one of the oldest on campus, an old red brick two story structure which early on was the main college building. It still had a small auditorium which was primarily used for music group rehearsals. That auditorium was equipped with matching Steinway 9' grand pianos which Matt was dreaming about since he first saw them. He was hoping to find another pianist on campus good enough so they could play two-piano duets. Matt had majored in piano as well as trombone for his bachelor's degree. Performances are now produced in the new auditorium, built with the gifts of some wealthy alums. Matt, even though he hadn't started teaching yet, was hoping somehow that a new music building would be erected as soon as possible. That was his goal.

As they walked the campus, Steve had a difficult time keeping his hands off his brother, just a touch, a pat on the back, an arm around the waist which soon slid down to quickly caress Matt's butt. They had to be careful because a few early students were all over the campus, paying attention to anyone looking new to them. Matt's asshole was feeling a bit sore, he'd not taken a cock as big as Steve's ever, even though the twins' cocks were close.

Entering the Music Building, Matt and Steve walked quietly back to the office section toward the rear of the building, well separated from the class rooms. Matt's office had his name on the door, in gold and even spelled correctly, Dr. Matthew B. Ridgway, Associate Professor of Music. Steve looked at that, then at Matt, tears in his eyes, pride showing in his face, pride in this wonderful brother whom he seemed to ignore for almost fifteen years. Steve mouthed the words silently, "I am so proud of you, love."

Matt unlocked the door, opened it and nodded for Steve to go in to see his office. The room was about 10' x 15' with one end completely stacked with boxes, Matt's music library previously shipped, while the other end contained his desk, filing cabinet and two visitor chairs.

Matt smiled, "Well, it isn't home yet, but shouldn't take long. Have a seat in my desk chair, I spent two hours searching this building until I found the best desk chair I could. Don't know who used to own it, but it's mine now," he snickered, "and I'm keeping it locked up."

Steve sat in the oversized, leather executive chair, tall back, comfortable arms and swivel rollers. He opened Matt's desk drawers, snooping on his brother. "All right, where's the booze? We deserve a drink after all our work yesterday."

Matt walked to the filing cabinet, opened the bottom drawer and lifted out what looked like a large old metal Thermos. When he got the whole top off, inside rested a bottle of good scotch and two plastic glasses upended over the top. Steve started laughing, he couldn't believe it, his little brother hiding booze in the filing cabinet. The brothers each took a glass with a small jolt of scotch, not Steve's favorite, but the time was here for their brotherhood to celebrate. Clicking plastic glasses is difficult, but they did it and each took a sip.

"Matt, you keep surprising me all the time. These two days with you have been miraculous for me, and I hope you know how deeply I regret those years we were apart, but I'm going to do my best to make up for them." He put his fingers on his lips, "Hmm, speaking of that, is there a chance that your ass could take me again tonight? I sure hope so, little brother, cause I'm just desperate for your butt."

Steve walked over to the door, shut and locked it and turned around, smirking at Matt, then going to his side, "What about that?" He wrapped his arms around his slightly smaller brother and pressed his cheek to Matt's, his lips touching his ear, his hands cupping his buttocks. "I know, not now, but how about as soon as we get to your apartment. OK?"

Matt couldn't disappoint Steve, "Yeah, Steve, you are welcome in my ass any time, especially if you bring along that huge cudgel that is trying to split your pant leg." Matt rubbed Steve's erection with one hand, the other playing with Steve's ass. "You know, Steve, when we get together again, which I hope will be soon, I am definitely going after a large chunk of your ass." He looked behind Steve at his narrow, but solid butt, full and strong, bulging behind his back, "And, I'm going to lick it, eat it, then make love to it and eat it all over again."

Three quick raps on Matt's office door broke them apart while Matt unlocked the door and opened it to see a young woman holding a stack of mail. "Hi, remember me, I'm Marty Stuart?"

Matt smiled as he took the mail, "Hello again, Marty," he paused, "thanks for the mail. Oh Marty, this is my brother, Steven Ridgway."

"I suppose you are married, Steven?", Marty asked with a question mark, "All the good looking ones are either married or gay."

Steven and Matt looked at each other, thinking 'or, married and gay'. Steve pulled out his wallet, slipped a small picture from it, "Marty, happy to meet you, and this is my wife and Joshua and Jacob. I guess I can easily answer that I'm well married." He looked at Matt, "Now, here is a single man, Marty, no chains, strings or ties to anyone. But, frankly," he grinned, "I couldn't understand anyone wanting him!" Matt gave him a nasty look, not for the reason Marty thought.

Marty watched the interplay between the brothers, their eyes alight with some inner glow. "Steve, I'll see you later, I hope. Dr. Ridgway, we'll be talking soon. Remember, you are to be at the President's Official dinner for new faculty members on Tuesday evening. Right?" Matt nodded and she continued. "You are starting on Wednesday, right? And you'll be at the staff meeting that morning. Right?"

"Yes, Mom, I'll be here." He watched Marty blush and said, "Sorry about that, but I have to go back to Columbus tomorrow, so I'll see you when I get back." He paused, "And please call me Matt, if you will."

"Ok, Matt, glad to meet your Steven, drive safely. Bye."

Later, both Matt and Steven agreed that Marty was a beautiful woman. She was slender but very shapely, glowing auburn straight hair, just to her shoulders and her features were sharp and defined with clearly a patrician character.

The tall brothers cleaned up, left Matt's office close together. Matt guided Steve as they walked around the campus, checking out most of the other buildings. The campus was not large, just about thirty acres, including the athletic buildings. Since Windsor College did not field a football team, there was no stadium and no large area devoted to the sport. A small group of bleachers were near the soccer field which was contained inside a running track. Some years Windsor College had an excellent soccer team and drew many fans from the student body and surrounding area. The cross country and track teams were also some of the best in the state, in spite of the college's relatively small number of students. Because of the federal laws on equal rights for women, some of the men's teams had to be dropped because the school couldn't field both men's and women's teams. The women's groups on campus didn't think dropping the men's teams caused any problems.

Driving from the college to Matt's duplex was a matter of 5 minutes so Matt could easily walk on good days. On the way they stopped at a Pizza Hut to pick up their evening meal, and one more stop to replenish their beer supply. After their meal and the cleanup, they looked at each other, their faces showing eagerness and love and lust. Matt felt so at one with Steve, he felt a attraction to him that seemed beyond his understanding. How could he tell Steve what he feels? He needed to try because they'd been split apart for so long, they so needed to be in synch as they were as kids.

"Steve," Matt started, lying on the bed, looking up to his brother standing above him. "Steve, I can't explain it, but I have never had this feeling of attraction to anyone before. You have such an appeal for me, you charm my soul and my passion beyond any limits I've known. I know that I love you, but it is so much more. I feel as if I'm being drawn into you, body and soul. And, I love it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He thought out loud, "Do you have any conception of what I'm saying?"

Steve didn't speak, he grabbed Matt's right hand and slowly pulled him upright on the floor to hold him tightly, pressing his hands around Matt's body, resting his head on his brother's shoulder, just sensing Matt's breathing and pulse, his aura of intelligence, love, emotions and superior abilities.

"Matt, you know, for so long I had to discipline myself not to think of you that way, of love and lust, otherwise I'm sure I'd have zoned out completely, maybe even permanently. I was afraid - I know, I know, you thought I could never be afraid - but I was, I was terrified, thinking, oh god, what would our parents do if they knew." While Steve was speaking, he was also slowly removing Matt's clothing until his young brother was completely naked, his slim body standing upright along with his erect cock which was point directly up along his abdomen.

Steve held Matt's prick, pulsating and swelling, and pulled it toward the bed. Fortunately, Matt's body followed along. Steve smiled lovingly, adoringly and with a leering look in his eyes.

Monday morning the brothers left early after cleaning up and stopping at the coffee shop around the corner. Steve's pickup was empty this trip and felt much more eager to travel, so they concentrated on making time. Neither one spoke, though Matt showed his feelings clearly by resting his left hand on Steve's solid upper thigh, occasionally his fingers straying over that bulging crotch, not toying, just showing his love and devotion.

Matt finally spoke when they entered the Columbus city limits, "Steve, I hope you can agree with my hopes, my desires for the time coming up for us." He turned toward Steve, bending his left leg, sliding it up on the seat beside him. "I think you should stay with Becky and Joshua and Jacob, trying your very best to keep to your responsibilities to them. Maybe, later on, brother, we can consider different moves. But I think what I just said comes first for at least a year. Can you find that feasible?"

Matt noticed the tears sliding down Steve's flushed cheeks as he tried to come to terms with his problems. "Matty, I would like nothing more that to go back with you, live with you, make love with you. I just don't know." He wiped his face using the back of his hand like a kid. "Yes, I will do as you ask, but I will keep hoping we can be together. I have other responsibilities to deal with in Columbus besides my family, so I honestly couldn't move now anyway. I love you so desperately, just as I have for the past 15 years, only more."

"Ok, Steve, that will have to do for now. I want you to get another cell phone that Becky knows nothing about because I want to talk to you as often as feasible. Possible?"

"Sure, brother, that I can do. But, I think I'm going to have to do some consulting trips at Windsor or nearby and since you are so close, I'll just have to stay with you. And fuck like rabbits." He laughed, "And, one of these days I hope you'll take my cherry." Steve gave Matt the most loving and adoring glance he could, smiling at his lover.

"You can count on that, stud, I'm going to get my willie up your dilly ass as soon as we can." He clutched Steve's crotch with all the feeling he could mount, "And I want to thank you for sticking this monster up my ass last night. I hope you enjoyed it." Matt snickered, "But when we get to your house, we'll have to take it easy. Be friendly, tell Becky that we've settled our problem, but not be specific at all. You'll have to dodge her questions after I leave."

Matt considered farther on, "I think you will have to stonewall. Don't affirm or deny anything, but say the reasons weren't important and you don't want to bring it up again. That might work."

Steve supposed, "Hey, doesn't Windsor College need some new computer systems, like from my company? Keep that in mind, babe, especially when you become the college president."

"Sure I'll do that. Before I forget, do you have my cell phone number?" Matt asked.

"Matt, I have that engraved on my heart. So often I almost called you, particularly after you were in college, but, because of my cowardice, I didn't, and I'll be eternally sorry." He mused, "Of course that was after I was married and the boys were on their way."

The pickup then slid onto Steve's white cement driveway while the brothers said their 'I love you', the last to each other for a while. Steve purposely put his arm around Matt's shoulders as they stepped along the cement walk to the front door. The door swung open before they reached it, so obviously Becky had been watching for them.

Becky stared at the two men, realizing that they looked friendly and Steve had his arm around Matt's shoulder. She was pleased with herself for making Steve take Matt and his 'stuff' to his new assignment. If she only knew exactly what her 'order' had done, she'd be in desperation for herself, their kids and their marriage.

They ate lunch that Becky had prepared earlier wanting to be ready. She told Steve that she had called his office, giving them his sickness excuse for missing that day, which they accepted with good grace. That was good since Steve was a half owner of the company, though Becky didn't know that. Becky was in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes and putting away leftovers.

Matt and Steve stood in foyer, saying 'good bye', and 'call soon', and a very silent 'I love you'. Steve noted that Becky was in the kitchen so he kissed Matt on the lips sweetly, quickly. However, after Matt had left to get his car which he had left on their lawn, Steve heard Jacob, his 5 year old, telling Becky, "Hey, Mom, I saw Daddy kissing Uncle Matt."

'Oh shit!' Steve groaned.

Write to Paul - dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Steve turned toward me, very slowly, let go > of his soft penis, and raised his arms to go > around Matt's shoulders where he clutched at > his body, pulling his to him all the while > saying, "I'm so sorry, Matty, I'm so > terribly sorry."

Next: Chapter 2

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