Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 21, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=========== Chapter Eleven ===========

Those celebrating Christmas at Steve Ridgway's home in Bexley, Ohio, were pretty much partied out by eleven in the evening. Jacob and Joshua had been in their beds for two hours by then, but the rest played some games. After helping to clean up the glasses and bottles, bag the torn Christmas wrappings and ribbons and move furniture back into place, Matt and Hardy slipped upstairs to their guest room planning to sleep.

"Do you want a shower now," Matt asked Hardy, "or wait until morning?"

Hardy smiled at his lover, "Matt, dear, I'm too beat to do anything tonight, not even a shower. Would you mind if I waited?"

Matt gathered Hardy's body in his arms, "Man, you smell just fine to me. I am pooped, too, this has been a busy day." Matt love the feeling of Hardy's hairy chest on his own, it was soft and like silk. He hoped that Hardy wasn't disappointed that his own chest was bare, smooth except for a few light hairs around his nipples. Maybe he'll get chest hair later.

After getting up early that morning to start Christmas with the family, the two men had been busy all day, doing some odd jobs, talking to everybody and playing with Jacob and Joshua most of the afternoon. They visited Gary's house just to look around, impressed with the house itself and with the furnishings. It seemed to be old attic furniture at first, but was planned to look that way. There was no question that a single man owned the house, little influence of a woman's touch was evident. But they commented very favorably to Gary, hoping that someday they would have a place just like it.

In their bedroom they stripped to their shorts; boxers in Matt's case and boxer-briefs in Hardy's. They embraced quietly, hugging tightly then releasing to get into bed.

"Wait, Hardy," Matt put a hand softly on his chest. He gathered Hardy's golden chain in his hand, "This is so beautiful, man, and it looks so great on you." He looked into Hardy's eyes;

"We do have loving people in our lives, don't we." This was a firm statement, not a question.

Hardy caressed Matt's pecs where his chain lay. "I certainly think so, lover, and we are so much the better to have them."

Matt slowly bent over and dropped Hardy's boxer-briefs down to his feet, revealing his handsome cock, lying limp over his ball sack. He also pulled down his own boxers, baring his own genitals, all quiet and relaxed. Normally, by the time the underwear was around their feet, both cocks would be saluting each other. They couldn't make it, not that evening.

Matt smiled, looking at both dicks, "I think we better get to bed and to sleep to let them recover their usual upstanding nature."

"I agree," Hardy nodded.

Two men in love slipped into their bed, cuddling awhile, quickly falling asleep.

Steve checked on his boys, two tousled blond heads sticking up above the covers, sleeping tightly together. Steve smiled and remembered that they started sleeping together like that as soon as Joshua had been toilet trained, just like Steve and his brother Matt had done at the same age. He'd had a few accidents in bed previously and Jacob didn't like that at all. He kissed each of them on their forehead, gently brushing the hair off of their face. Walking back to his room, Steve passed Matt's and Hardy's room, remembering the time the three of them had wild, passionate sex with each other. He'd never forget that. Nor would he forget being with his brother for those few times. They were so compatible in sex that each knew where to go and where to be without asking or being told. Tears came to Steve's eyes as he thought of how much he loved Matt, wishing he could be with him. Maybe someday. He did love Gary, deeply, but it was just not quite the same. 'Oh, Matty, I need you so. Stay in my heart.'

Anne had been very tired and gone to her first floor suite, the original master suite. She loved being in the house with Steve, the boys and Todd. Even though he hadn't been there very long, she missed Todd a great deal. He was such a sensitive, happy person even though he still felt guilty at having left his mother three years before. She hoped his mother had gladly welcomed him.

Anne felt herself to be in the midst of a huge pool of love, shared by her with four affectionate men and two small boys who loved without question. Since Hardy had revealed himself as being gay to her recently, she had been delighted with his change of attitude, no more hiding, secretiveness, shutting her out from his life. She thought about selling her big house in Arlington, but realized that she might need it as the boys grew up, and she did love to play golf there.

She finally relaxed completely in the large, comfortable bed and fell into a calm, undisturbed sleep.

Gary decided to keep his sister, Marty, company in his house for the night again. He dearly missed being with Steve, but Steve said he could manage, though he didn't really want to. They slept together almost every night usually, unless Gary had some special case to work on.

He'd been working hard on Matt's case against the University Printers and that would come to a head soon.

Gary closed up the house after they entered and followed Marty up the grand staircase to the master suite. Gary was a little older, but only by two years since Marty was 28 that year. Gary and Steve were just six months apart, Steve the older.

When Gary and Marty were young, say, 10 and twelve, neither had been visited by the puberty nemesis. Actually, at that point, Gary was late and Marty was too early. Both had been nudists by nature, loving to shed their clothing completely when together. Their parents were never concerned about that if they stayed in their bedrooms, together or apart. These were their days of exploration and examination of their physical persons. From talking with his friends, Gary had learned a lot about sex, most of it wrong, but some actual fact.

The two of them slept together naked most nights, each in full view of the other when physical changes were taking place. Gary was most interested in Marty's vagina and where it led. He had found a medical book belonging to his father, which helped him explore and assess what he found.

On the other hand, Gary's sex organ lay in full view, easily studied by Marty. She often manipulated his dick and testicles in their soft little purse, watching whatever involuntary movements they made. However, he never had a full erection, just a little stiffening. Marty just didn't turn him on.

It should be said here that the two children never had sex with each other; neither felt the slightest desire for the other. In the interest of being scientific though, it must be said that Gary did let Marty jerk him off to a climax just once. He was as astounded at the result as she was, almost afraid they had broken something. He went back to the medical book and found out about semen and sperm and ejaculation; as well as the clitoris, labia and vulva on Marty's part. That led, a couple years later, to Gary physically exploring Marty's organs, inserting his fingers and moving them as she told him until she climaxed a few times. That was the only time for that, too.

When Marty caught up in puberty, Gary was sixteen and well aware of his ability to take care of himself sexually. They still slept together in the nude, never having sex but often hugging and enjoying the feel and contentment of a loving, naked body. If Marty were menstruating, she would wear shorts or something. This continued until Gary went to college, living in a dormitory, then fraternity house, even though he could have lived at home and commuted to the university. That was even more important in Law School because of the long hours of studying and research in the law library. By then Gary had gotten an apartment in the area, but declined having a roommate. His life was his own at that time, he had found no one to share the apartment, which meant no one to share his life; one and the same thing.

Gary, from the start of puberty, had an erection around Marty many times. Neither of them took much notice of it, though Gary might jerk off in her presence to relieve his tension.

He was not alone, because Marty would frequently do the same. As either one came down from their cumming, the other might snuggle with them, just comforting, nothing sexual between them.

That Christmas night both were thinking about their growing up, especially those years following the onset of puberty. Normally, neither one would have brought anything up about it, but Marty wanted to know about Gary's relations with Steve Ridgway.

"Gary," Marty said quietly, then stopped, undecided about continuing.

Gary's muffled voice mumbled, "Wha'"

"Gary, I've been wondering. Do you know why you are gay? Was I the cause of it?"

Gary started laughing, "Lord, Marty, no way. I was gay, I was gay, I was gay. No one caused it unless you want to say that God did."

"Well, when did you first think about being gay?"

"I don't think until I first started jerking off, and started to produce semen. Remember when I first did it and we thought I had broken something inside. Thank god for Dad's medical books."

He continued, "Before that, I could think back to remember hiding a Sears catalogue in my room to study the pictures of men in underwear. Bras did nothing for me, however."

Then Marty laughed at herself, "I thought you were planning to order stuff to give me. You did that sometimes, you know?"

"Yes, I did, but mostly as a cover-up. When we started getting catalogues from the men's' specialty stores, that was all I looked at, much more realistic without all the shading out of the too revealing shadows.

"I couldn't get much of a hard-on then, but enough to practice what I learned about jerking off. Remember in our other house, we had a large basement with a number of storerooms, which could be locked, from the inside? She nodded. "Well, a couple friends of mine, Jackie and Ned, and I would get in there, take off our shorts and underwear, then play with each other's pricks. I loved to feel their buttocks, spread them and lick in between. One of them, I think it was Ned, would suck our dicks though nothing happened. We were about 10 or 11 at the time."

"Anything else?"

"Ned tried to stick his prick up my ass, but it was too short. We all did get hard at times, and I wanted to feel it up there. We had no luck."

"Did you kiss?"

Gary paused, "No, I don't think so. I don't remember that."

"I see you have a nice hard-on there, Gary, are you missing Steve?"

Gary reddened, then grinned. "Yes, my dear sister, that's why I have a hard-on, not you."

"Are you sure you don't want to fuck me? Just think how nice that would feel."

Gary pointed to his dick, "Just watch it now." Within a few seconds the cock slumped, then slithered to his abdomen, shrinking fast and soon completely deflated. "That's me with a woman, never fails."

"What do you guys do together, suck and fuck?"

Gary wasn't sure he wanted to answer that question. But he thought he better try.

"Marty, Steve and I make love together, not fuck and suck. We love each other orally and anally, and any way else we can think of. Didn't you and your former boyfriend make love?"

She laughed, "Hell, Gary, he'd say 'Let's go fuck', and that would be the end of it." Gary looked at his sister tenderly, "Maybe, dear, that should have given you some warning about his feelings, and his depth of commitment."

"Son-of-a-bitch, you bastard...."

"Hey, watch out what you are calling our mother." He snickered, and pulled Marty to him, cuddling with her, their naked bodies tightly together.

"Oh, damn you, Gary, you are always so right. Yes, I should have known but I was hoping so hard that this one would work out." She sniffed, "Hold me."

Their two nude bodies on the large bed lay quietly, breathing slowly, occasionally petting each other.

"Marty, do you notice anything about my dick?"

"Well, I notice that it is as soft and limp as it can get, why?"

"Would you tell me if you are wet and hot? Honestly, please?"

Marty didn't have to touch herself, she knew she'd been wet ever since their naked bodies were pressured to attract the other.

"Yes, Gary, you still affect me just as you always have, you excite me and I want to have sex with you. Wait ... Let me finish. I have always been able to control myself, but it is getting worse."

Gary kissed her forehead, "Maybe we shouldn't be naked together. I'm sorry, but you don't, and no woman at all excites me. I am gay, and that's the way of it. I guess we will just have to find you a good man to love." He smiled at her, holding her tighter. "I will do whatever I can for you, but I can't make love to you." He pointed to his crotch, "Notice what the white worm is doing, going underground, I think."

Marty kissed him back. "I will always love you, but I won't ask for sex with you, ever."

Todd and his mother just finished the dinner he'd fixed for them and cleaned up. Sitting in the living room of the apartment she had leased after coming to Windsor, they relaxed with their coffee.

Carol thanked Todd, "That was a fine dinner, Todd. You'll make someone a good wife." Todd was not happy at all with her remark, but tried to ignore it.

"So, Mom, how is it working with Dr. Ridgway again? Just as good?"

"This is so different from high school, Todd, and we don't really work together like we did before. But I am enjoying my job so much, this is a small school but well regarded academically and it draws many excellent students."

"I'm glad for that, Mom, and on my part, I love being with Steve, Gary and Anne, to say nothing of my two lovely boys. They are such wonderful people; I get all emotional when I think how they treat me. They say they love me, and I honestly believe they do." He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his eyes and face. "Sorry, I get very emotional when I realize how great they treat me. The Ritterberrys were friendly, but nothing like it is now.

Carol put her arm around her son, so thrilled to have him home at least for a while. "You know, Todd, we have lots to talk about. I've been wondering whether you should move up here to live with me. You could go to school here, the tuition would be free, and since I have the medical insurance from the school that would cover a psychiatrist. What do you think?" Todd hesitated, not wanting to hurt his mother, but not ready to live with her again either.

"You know, Mom, I've been living on my own for almost three years now and I don't think I can go back. Steve and Gary are paying me a good salary with health insurance and said they will put me through college.

"That's a lot for me to think about, and I will consider your generous offer. My life the last three years has been with children, taking care of them, loving them and learning about their growth and development. I believe that is the way to go for me; either study psychology or some sort of medical field dealing with children. Do you see what I'm talking about?"

"Sure, son, but I was hoping we could be together for a while."

"First, Mom, I have signed a three year contract with Steve and Gary. We said nothing about getting out of it. My conscience wouldn't let me just leave." He turned, took hold of his mother's hand, "Mom, I'm sure they will be good about giving me time off, especially on holidays and stuff." He smiled, "You will probably get tired of seeing me after awhile."

She took Todd's hand in both of hers, "But, son, you will be living with those two gay men, and much as I like Matt, I wish he weren't gay." Todd wondered how his mother found out that Matt was gay, maybe because Hardy was living with him. He wasn't going into that.

"Mom, you are forgetting that I'm gay, too. That's a given."

"Maybe not, son. With the health insurance I have, we could send you to a good psychiatrist and have him work with you. You don't have to be gay, son. We can change that with a little work."

Todd slowly stood up, walked away from his mother, and then turned to face her.

"Mom, you still don't understand. This is not a phase I'm going through, it isn't a quirk in my personality or some glitch in my brain that can be fixed."

"Listen," he continued, "I didn't want to be gay, I didn't make myself gay nor did anyone else make me gay. That is the way I am." He still stood, looking down at her, "Mom, who in the world would want to make themselves gay or become gay with all the prejudice, violence and hatred from so many people against them? A person would be crazy to do that, masochistic or some suicidal unfortunately." Todd got on his knees in front of his mother, "Mom, I thought you were going to love me, no matter what. I thought you were okay with me being gay, believe me, if I could change it I would in a second, but I can't, and ... no.... one.... else ... can!" He laid his head on his mother's lap. "Please, Mom, don't hate me, please." He sobbed, his body taut and spasming in deep despair.

Carol caressed Todd's hair, patting it into place, "Todd, you are my dear son, and I do love you more than anything else. But, you will have to be patient with me. It is going to take time for me to adjust to your lifestyle."

Todd jumped up, "Mom, this is not my lifestyle! This is my life, my existence! I was hoping you of all people would understand. I guess I was wrong!"

He turned and stomped to the spare bedroom. It took two minutes for him to pack everything he'd brought in his gym bag. Returning to the living room he found his mother hadn't moved.

"I'd better go back to Columbus right now where there are people who will accept me for what I am and what I can do." At the door he turned back, looking into her eyes, his mother's eyes, "When you are ready to accept me, Mom, let me know. I am going to ask Matt to talk to you, if you will listen to him. Until then, remember I love you!"

He started his car, then swept the snow from this new Toyota, got in and headed out of town. He prayed that the roads wouldn't be too bad, since it was seven p.m. and he had a long way to go to get home. 'Hmmm, I love the sound of that word, my home. I do owe so much to Steve, Gary, Anne and Matt already.'

The car was soon warm, he felt comfortable in the driver's seat, but almost felt as if he were in a cocoon, traveling through a black tunnel in the snow and darkness.

Todd was on the Ohio Turnpike quickly within three miles from Windsor, driving swiftly east until he reached Maumee to get on Interstate 475, then heading south on Interstate 75. The going was fine until he reached Findlay and got off onto Route 23, heading for Upper Sandusky, Marion and then Delaware. From Delaware he drove about 12 miles to Interstate 270 where he connected with Interstate 71 into Columbus. From Findlay to Columbus the roads were not so nice, lightly snow-covered but not too slippery. The whole trip took him almost three hours so by the time he reached Steve's house it was past ten p.m.

After parking in back of Steve's house, he grabbed his bag, hurried to the backdoor where he let himself into the kitchen. He heard laughing in the family room, at least Steve and Anne, maybe Gary. He was exhausted and emotionally spent, but knew he would have to face all of them soon anyway. He decided to get it over with then.

"Hi, Todd," Steve spoke when he first saw him enter the room. "How come you are back so soon? We thought you'd take the rest of the week."

Both Gary and Anne looked seriously at Todd. Steve quickly shut up when he saw that Todd wasn't in good spirits. He got up, put his arm around the young man and led him to a chair with everyone else. "Can I get you something? Coffee? Cocoa? Are you hungry?"

Todd looked at Steve with the most forlorn look on his face. He started, "Well, I decided that I'd better... " He stopped, bowing his head to look at his hands and his shoulders began to shake, shuddering with his sobs that the others could finally hear.

"Oh, Todd, what happened?" He turned, got his drink glass and said, "Todd, drink this, right now!"

Todd obeyed and swallowed the liquor, suddenly coughing, sputtering, but his did get the whiskey down. Steve knelt beside Todd, again put his arm around the young man.

Anne spoke, "When you are ready, Todd, tell us what's happened. We're your friends and we love you."

"Ma.... ma.... my mother wants to send me to a psychiatrist to have me straightened out. She as much as said I have to be non-gay before she'd take me back." He bent over again, his hands to his face, "Before that she wanted me to live in Windsor with her. I explained that I had been living on my own for three years. I was able to still do it."

Squeezing Todd's shoulders, pulling him closer, Steve whispered to him, "Todd, you are tired, exhausted and emotionally worn out. Let me take you to your room and you can get some sleep. Okay?"

Anne and Gary watched as Todd barely nodded when Steve picked him up under his arms and knees and carried him to his room. He helped him get out of his clothes and found a sleep top and bottoms, which would help, keep him warm. Steve pulled down the covers and helped Todd get in the bed. After pulling them over Todd, he sat on the bed, took Todd's hand in his and said, "Todd, we'll all help you. You are in good hands, good loving hands." He kissed Todd on the cheek and tucked the covers around him.

Steve went back down and told the others as much as he knew from Todd, then they all retired to their rooms. Gary was already in their bed when Steve arrived.

"Gary, when I passed Todd's room, I heard him crying again. If you don't mind, I'll go and spend the night with him, giving him some familiar company, so he doesn't suffer alone."

'Sure, good idea." Gary grinned cheekily, "Just watch out, that's one hot young fella'."

Steve retorted, "I haven't had sex with a kid since Matt and I were kids. I don't plan to start now."

Steve kissed Gary passionately, and then undressed down to his boxers. Wearing a robe, he went to Todd's room, slid inside quietly and under the covers. Taking off his robe, he spooned behind Todd, wrapping both arms around the young man, holding him tight to himself. Todd stopped crying and was moaning almost pleasurably, backing himself into Steve's crotch and chest. Just before he dropped off, Todd turned his head and kissed Steve's arm, mumbling, "Thank you."

That same night Karl and Sunshine were enjoying their first night together in Karl's large home in Windsor. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room, just petting a little.

"You know, Karl, I really liked those guys at the open house at Dr. Ridgway's house. His partner sure is sexy, and nice too. I liked them both."

"Yes, they are a fine pair. I've always liked Matt, even though Whinery didn't at all. You remember, I've told you about him."

"Oh yeah, he was the one to tried to get back at Matt." He continued, "You have lots of nice people there at Windsor. Maybe I could transfer and go to school there, huh?"

"Sunshine, I'd love that more than anything. I've missed you a lot on the weekdays. We'll have to look into that when school starts again."

Karl was so pleased to be in his own home with his lover, Sunshine. He had finally gotten rid of his third wife though it cost him a small bundle, but no lingering alimony.

"Well worth it," Karl told Sunshine, "I'll never get married again."

Sunshine stood up suddenly and complained, "What's the matter with me, am I chopped liver? Huh? Am I just your piece of fluff?"

He giggled and started poking Karl, tickling him under his arms. "You haven't asked me if I want to marry you yet. When?"

Suddenly, Karl stood up, pulling Sunshine up with him, holding him close.. He whispered in Sunny's ear, "And if you keep that up, I never will ask you. I'll just keep you for a slave."

"Oh, Master, master, don't make me a slave." Sunny got on his knees in front of Karl. He kept pleading, "Master Karl, I'll show you what I can do if you ask me to marry you." With that he quickly unbuckled Karl's belt, then pulled his zipper down as far as it would go.

He pushed forward and working his mouth in between the zipper, pushing his tongue in farther, searching for Karl's 'meat'. Sunny expected to encounter underwear, but soon realized that Karl wasn't wearing any, his cock was just hanging there with no support. Finally, Sunny just let Karl's pants fall to his feet, puddling around them while his cock, balls and full, pert buttocks were exposed to Sunny's delight.

He turned his eyes straight up, grinning, ogling Karl's body and attachments. Very huskily, softly, Sunny moaned, "Karl, please take your shirt off." He smiled broadly, "I need to see all of you to be properly inspired, you know, to do what I need to do."

When Karl threw off his shirt onto the floor, Sunny slid his hands up Karl's torso, feeling his naked flesh over tight abs and flat stomach, pulling some of the light hair he found, silky and fair. While Sunny was reaching higher, twisting his nipples, cupping his flat, strong pecs, he laid his face in Karl's crotch, lightly kissing his still soft cock. Since it wasn't stretched out, Sunny nipped at the wrinkled skin on the shaft near the base, and pulled at his pubic hairs with his lips.

That hair was soft and straight, lighter than his other hair, even that on his pecs and the treasure trail down the center of his torso leading into his pubes. When Sunny realized that Karl's cock was starting to lengthen a bit, he left it and hobbled on his knees around his lover.

Still kneeling, Sunny lifted his hands to Karl's 'wings', pressing, massaging his muscled back, narrowing at the waist, then bulging into two twin melons of butt cheeks, staying saucy and brazen, and, of course, rather cheeky. (Sorry) Again Sunny pressed his face into Karl's flesh, kissing and licking the firmness, licking the soft skin, lightly haired but also smooth in texture.

Karl, meanwhile, was becoming highly excited; his cock was in complete erection, huge and long, getting redder and more swollen. He started to touch it with one hand, but Sunny slapped that hand away, mumbling against Karl's ass, "Keep your hands off, that's my property."

Both of Sunny's hands started at Karl's ankles, gradually climbing up the inside of his legs, lightly and tenderly touching, until he reached Karl's crotch, tickling his balls from behind. Karl's legs were well covered with dark hair that wasn't stiff, just soft and silky. Moving his hands to his lover's ass, Sunny had them spread the cheeks wide, revealing the tiny, pinkish- brown asshole in the depths, in the shadows. Sunny shoved his face as tightly as he could between those beautiful buttocks, sticking out his tongue, trying to reach the hole.

Suddenly, Karl bent over from the hips, helping Sunny by opening his ass to him. He even twitched his pursed anus at Sunny, winking at him. That immediately drew Sunny's tongue directly onto that orifice. Sunny slathered those wrinkles with his tongue, slick with his juices, trying to push into the entrance with that muscled mouth organ.

Karl was moaning, groaning with each of Sunny's movements, trying to open his rear entrance as wide as he could, finally succeeding to allow his tongue access to his inner body.

Sunny clutched Karl's thighs, trying to pull the man more tightly to his face. He flip-flopped his tongue, pushing in and out, then making circles around the ring of fire.

Sunny suddenly stood, ripped down his pants and bikinis to release his rock-hard cock, oozing precum from his piss slit, drooling on his briefs. Karl knew what was coming and he wanted it, needed it.

Pressing his cockhead against Karl's asshole lips, Sunny wrapped his arms around Karl, clutching his pecs, massaging them, then gave a hip thrust, hard and vigorous enough to let his cock slide into Karl's rectum.

"Oh, god, Sunny, do me, take me, give me your cock." Karl tried to force his ass onto Sunny's cock even further, shoving back until he felt Sunny's pubes against his cheeks.

"Honey, this is your loving cock from your loving man, just for you. Are you ready?"

"Oh, man, go to it. Fuck me, fuck me."

Sunny began to thrust his pelvis against Karl, faster and harder, snapping his hips with each plunge he made until Karl wasn't just moaning, he was yelling.

"Sunny, Sunny, be my love fuck, I love you, man, more than you could know." He gripped Sunny's cock with his sphincter, grabbing the hot flesh with the muscle. "Sunny, I'm saying it now, please, babe, won't you please marry me? I'm asking now because we are as connected as we can ever get." He was panting, short breaths, "Honey, will you? I need you!"

Sunny plunged his stiff, pounding cock as far as he could, then held tight.

"Karl, babe, my lover, I'll marry you any day or time and it will be for life. Do you hear? You'll be stuck with me for life." Sunny started crying, weeping, "K ... k... Karl... I mean it ... I'm yours ... f ... f ... for ...ev..er." At that statement, Sunny's cock expanded hugely and began a pumping movement, sending spurt after spurt of cum way inside Karl's body with Sunny's body jerking at each spurt.

Sunny reached around to find Karl's cock, and discovered it was covered with his owncum since he'd shot without touching himself when Sunny had climaxed. He wrapped one hand around the still erect organ, gathering the cum on his fist which he then lifted to Karl's mouth to let him lick up his own cum. That Karl did eagerly.

As Sunny's big cock gradually shrank and shriveled, it was finally spit out from Karl's asshole like the seed of a watermelon. Karl turned to face Sunny, and they embraced each other by cupping each other's buttocks, forcing their crotches together while reaching for each other's throat with their tongues. At last Karl bent over and picked up Sunny in his arms, dropping him in their bed where they tangled themselves and fell asleep.

"I love you," said Karl.

"I love you more," said Sunny.


Matt's van was hurtling through the darkness toward Windsor, two days after Christmas. They'd had a wonderful time with the 'family' including Hardy's mother and Gary's sister, both of whom fit in so well with the Ridgeway's. The youngest boys were so adorable and loveable with the others, going through good stages at 3 and at 5.

Having raised the arm rests, Hardy, in the passenger seat, lay across the gap between their seats where he was supported with a solid pillow, and lay with his head in Matt's lap. Matt had warned him about playing around, because the roads were not good, snow blowing around constantly. The van had good lights, but they created a tunnel effect on the road. That causes a sense of isolation, which is not conducive to visual awareness of the surroundings. Not many other travelers were on the road because of the weather and the time and date.

"Matt," Hardy mumbled quietly, "I had a wonderful time with you and your gang."

"I'm so glad, Hardy, babe, 'cause you are a great addition to any gathering. You are so kind and supportive to anyone, they all love you, almost as much as I do."

"I'm so happy that Steve has Gary, he would have been lost this Christmas without Becky. I'm in love with Steve, too, did you know that?"

"Yes, I did know that, Hardy, and I'm sure he knows it, too. He appreciates your affection, too."

"But, Matty, I do love you more than him. And, I know you love him as much as me, but in a slightly different way. And that is fine with me. I'm also glad that he's my almost- brother-in-law, too." He hesitated, "Matty, do you think we'll be able to ever get married - somewhere, sometime?"

Matt put one hand on Hardy's head, brushing his hair gently, lovingly. "I pray that we can someday be married, or at least have a commitment ceremony. We will have to keep looking for a minister or church that will do it."

Hardy laid one hand on Matt's leg, next to where his head was lying. He slept, dreaming of them having a huge wedding with the lots of organ music, with ushers and a bunch of groomsmen on each side, walking down the aisle together toward the minister at the altar. The pews were filled with their relatives and friends; no one had refused to come because it was a gay wedding. After the ceremony, Hardy and Matt held each other and kissed romantically after which the whole congregation applauded them, arm in arm returning up the center aisle. At the reception they fed each other wedding cake and danced every dance, until they were exhausted. But so far that was just a dream.

An hour later the van slid to a stop in front of Matt's house, their house. The house was dark, no lights at all inside or out. Both of them gave a big sigh of relief that they had made the trip safely in spite of traffic and weather. Hardy had fallen asleep halfway and Matt didn't want to wake him up, so he drove the whole way. He had kept Hardy awake until the wee hours the previous night, but he couldn't remember just how many times they had cum. Even though his dick was a bit sore, as was his asshole, Matt was ready for more when they got to bed.

"Hey, Matt, let's go look at the motor home again. We didn't get to inspect it much before we left for Columbus. "

Matt was able to rent, hurriedly, part of a warehouse where they could store the brand new vehicle. The owner met them at the warehouse in within15 minutes. Actually they had put it in the warehouse as soon as they could, not wanting it to be seen by everybody in town. Since Brian Whitlow had brought it after dark, they were able to get it out of sight within an hour.

After that, Hardy and Matt had taken Brian and Adam around the campus, showing a new 'student' around the school, particularly the music building. Brian hadn't said much about his impression to them, so they were still wondering what he told Congressman Mike about it.

"Okay, Hardy, but how about a little something to eat and drink before we do that."

Within fifteen minutes, the men had carried their bags and boxes loaded with presents they had received into the house. They had enjoyed arranging their new gifts under their own tree, looking at them again with pleasure and gratitude.

"Hardy, we didn't get to talk to Todd to see how he liked the presents we had sent to his Mother's. I was so sorry to hear that Carol still won't accept him."

"Well, we'll just have to be his family along with Steve, Gary and Anne."

Using cold cuts and cheese, they had a quick sandwich with some instant coffee. Not a very satisfying evening snack, it quelled their raging appetite. They jumped into the van again, after remembering the key to their space in the warehouse. Fortunately Hardy had brought a flashlight with him since the whole area around the warehouse was pitch black, no lights at all.

Matt put the key into the huge Master padlock on the small door so they didn't have to raise the full garage door. Removing the lock and pushing on the door, Matt walked into the large cavern of the warehouse, holding the door for Hardy.

"Let there be light, Hardy," he laughed in a deep, deep voice.

"Ok, oh highness."

Hardy flicked on the flashlight, waving it around, trying to find the motor home in the darkness.

Hardy sounded panicked, "Matty, I don't see the motor home, do you?"

"Ah, no, lover, I don't. Where do you suppose it could have gotten to?" He was joking, unable to realize the motor home wasn't there.

Both men were astounded; the vehicle should be parked there, within their sight, nowhere else. Matt thought back, the lock hadn't seemed to be damaged, it opened for him.

"Hardy, is there any other way to get in here except those doors?"

They walked around together, following the circle of light before them. The space was huge, could have held ten of those motor homes with plenty of room left over. After exploring the surrounding walls, they came back to the doors. Playing the light from his flashlight around, Hardy saw a piece of white paper seemingly tacked to the large door.

"Hey, Matt, look here." Shining the light on the paper, he watched as Matt tore it from the wooden panel that made up the door.

He read, "So, you've noticed that your motor home has vanished. Wonder where it could be hiding? And how will you ever find it? That's your problem, Mr. Doctor Ridgway!"

"Son of a bitch!" Hardy swore. "Who in hell would do something like that? They could never sell it, even if they painted it, it is too recognizable."

"You are right, Hardy, so this is a grudge against me. We know Charlie is in jail so it can't be him. Whinery is still in town but he's got enough problems of his own just surviving." He thought a bit, "Can't think of anyone, but how the hell are we going to find it?" He paced back and forth a bit, then, "Did you bring the cell phone?"

"Sure. Here."

Brian Whitlow had given them his private number, which Matt punched in.


"Brian, this is Matt Ridgway."

"Hi Matt, what's up?"

"Well, Brian," he laughed grimly, "we are in trouble again. So who else do we call?" He laughed with more humor and Brian laughed with him.

"Okay, Matt, tell me what it is."

"Well, Hardy and I have been in Columbus with family for a few days, celebrating Christmas and just got back tonight. We decided to look at the motor home again, we hadn't really seen it very well, remember we put it in the warehouse right away."

"I remember, Matt,"

"We are standing in the warehouse where the motor home should be, but isn't. It isn't anywhere in this whole building. Sorry to drop this on you like this but..."

Brian broke, "That's okay, Matt, that's what I'm here for. Now don't panic, babe, just take it easy, I'll locate it by morning, or certainly by noon if we have problems."

"You're kidding."

"Nope, you see we put a radio controlled transponder in a well hidden spot on the RV. We had no idea this would happen, of course, but just in case we needed to look for it. Now, Matt, just calm down, no problem. You and Hardy go to bed, do whatever you usually do before you go to sleep. Then go to sleep. You might hear a helicopter circling over Windsor."

"Okay, but should we tell the cops?"

"Matt, I'd suggest you wait until we find the thing. Then we'll talk about it."

Back at their home, Matt sat on the sofa while Hardy poured a little bourbon over ice in two glasses, handed one to Matt, and then sat next to him. They felt better just being home in that marvelous, comforting home of theirs. Like lovers everywhere they held hands, weaving their fingers together, sending their warmth and affections into each other's body.

Hardy was thinking of all that had happened since that day in September when he first attended Dr. Ridgway's graduate seminar, and fell in love with the handsome, smiling professor. How fortunate he was that his love had been returned, full measure. How despairing he would be without his lover. His emotions flowed to the surface, dripping a few tears from his eyes and down his cheeks.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Matt turned toward Hardy, embracing him with an arm around his shoulders. "What's the matter, love?"

"Oh, not much really, Matty, I just was thinking of what would have happened to me if you hadn't fallen in love with me, just as I was in love with you. Really, I'm so happy and I love you so much."

Matt commanded his Hardy to 'drink up' and 'go to bed'.

Within five minutes they had been to the bathroom, pissed and washed their hands and faces, cleaned their teeth, then stripped and slid together under the cold sheets. Naturally, they huddled together, one naked body glued to the other.

"Matty, thank you for loving me, you are wonderful."

Matt kissed Hardy lightly on the lips, "How could I not love you, Wolfie, I saw that first day that you were mine, because you were looking at me with that 'I'm in love' stare and I felt the exact same sentiment."

As the two young men warmed each other, every movement of their bodies began to excite the other's libido, causing a huge swelling to occur in each crotch. Their hands hardly stopped rubbing their lover, finding all those sexy spots on their flesh from neck crease to scrotum and buttock hot points. They were kissing feverishly, slobbering into each other's mouth, searching inside their mouths, not missing a spot of tooth and gum and cheek and tongue.

Matt grabbed Hardy's throbbing cock, hot and steamy, swollen and bulging all over while Hardy just petted Matt's slippery dick, covered with precum.

Slowly, Matt gradually edged his body over Hardy's, sliding over his legs and arms, then over until chest, pecs and nipples met chest, pecs and nipples, at the last swing his pelvis was on top of Hardy's and their cocks were lined up in parallel, head to head and base to base.

Both men held tight, rubbing fiercely the other's muscles and flesh, yet still sensitive to the feel of their mostly smooth skin, like velvet cloth. For a while Matt held Hardy's head between his two palms, touching his face and ears, tracing each with probing fingers. He also planted little kisses, like kisslets all over his face, thrilling in the tone of muscle and cartilage and bone.

Almost at the same time each man begin to hump his hard prick against the other. With Matt directly on top of Hardy, their crotches matched perfectly and their cocks slid side by side between their abdomens and each other, touching the heads and shafts, already slick with precum.

They never stopped kissing, the sort of kissing which tempted them, aroused them to erotic excitement, sending their hot blood through their veins and arteries, particularly pints of steamy blood through their pricks. Hardy reached to Matt's buttocks, strenuously massaging them, the softness of skin and light hair, the strength of muscle and the sense of eroticism in their bulk. He let his fingers slide between the pert cheeks, feeling along the crevice and tender flesh until he found Matt's asshole, pursed and pulsed radiating from Matt's cock. One middle finger searched for the tiny opening, circling it closer until the tip gradually slid inside.

Matt groaned when he felt Hardy's finger, then louder when Hardy penetrated his nether hole, well slicked with perspiration. He was even more excited when he felt Hardy's finger curl inside like a hook around his sphincter. Hardy helped Matt in his humping, pulling him up by his asshole and letting him slide back, pressing his crotch tight against his own crotch, cock against cock, rubbing their shafts and heads on the other's.

It didn't take long for their excitement to reach a climax for both of them, the sensation of tingling running from their crotch along the spine to their head. Once that started it couldn't be stopped. The pressure of needed release was tremendous; pushing the hot fluids up and finally out of their urethras, spurt after spurt from their cock and between the slippery abdomens and chests. The two men were moaning in harmony, their bodies still moving back and forth only slightly, but enough to keep them aroused until their cocks stopped pumping out semen.

Light was just brightening up the skies over Windsor when Matt woke up. He felt uneasy, like someone was in the house beside him and Hardy. Looking around the bedroom, he suddenly sat straight up, seeing someone on the chair in the dim corner.

"Who ... "

"Matty, it's Brian. I'm sorry about waking you up, but I didn't want to make a disturbance. Sorry about breaking in, but I have people who can do anything with locks.

"What's happened, did you find the RV?" Absent-mindedly, Matt jumped out of bed and walked toward Brian. He didn't realize that his crotch was dry and stuck with old cum flakes, flattened.

Suddenly Hardy sat up, looking at Matt, then over in the corner. "What!"

Matt turned, "Come here, Hardy, it's okay, Hardy, it's Brian." So Hardy walked over to stand by Matt, both forgetting they were naked. Brian noticed Hardy's crotch was all stuck in one mass.

Brian blurted out, "My god, you guys are gorgeous, what a pair." He smiled, "Did you do what I told you to do last night?" The evidence was there, but Brian ignored it.

Both Matt and Hardy looked abashed, embarrassed, and then thought 'what the hell, he's in our bedroom, we can be naked if we want.'

Matt grinned broadly, "Yes, Brian, I'm pleased to report that we did, and that we had a hot time. But that's nothing special because we always have an exciting time together."

"Glad to hear that, my friends." He thought a bit, "Gee, now that I think of it, you are both probably older than I am, I'm 19."

"Yes, Brian, but that's no problem. If there's anything we can explain to you, just let us know." Matt howled, hugging Hardy who slightly pulled away. "Hey, Hardy, it's okay, Brian is not only younger than us, but from what the twins tell me, he's way ahead of us with his partner who's my age."

Matt put his arm around Hardy's shoulders, pulling him close.

"To answer your question, Matt, yes, we know where the RV is right now. We haven't seen it, but the transponder says it is there. And I have a crew watching it. I'm going to suggest you put on some clothes," he snickered, "and then call the police and explain." He stood up, "but you better not explain about me and my friends." He started out of the room, then turned, "Tell them you had an anonymous phone tip and we'll try to get out of town with as little disturbance as possible."

Matt walked over with Hardy to Brian who couldn't help staring at their bodies, "Oh, jeez, I've got to get out of here."

Matt grabbed his hand to shake it, as did Hardy. Then, being completely silly, they each took hold of their cocks and waved the limp organs. "Bye-bye, Brian."

Brian turned back, broke into hysterical laughter and staggered out of the house.

"Well, now we've done it, ruined our reputation with Brian and Mike and probably everyone else in River City." And he had thought they were so dignified.

With an arm around each other they walked back into the bedroom, crawled back into bed. Matt said, "Sergeant Reardon won't be on duty for another hour. We could sleep until then." He smirked, "Or, do something else." They cuddled, nestling close together in the soft bed. The idea of sleep won out.

An hour later Matt woke up, untangled himself from Hardy and put in a call to Sergeant Reardon.

"Sergeant Reardon"

"Sergeant, this is Dr. Ridgway at Windsor College. I have a problem."

Reardon laughed, "So what else should I expect from you, Doctor. What is it this time?"

"Now, Sergeant, you'll make me feel guilty, but it's not me."

Matt went ahead to explain what had happened to their motor home. "And, sergeant, the motor home is not where we parked it in that warehouse. But, after we got home, we got an anonymous phone tip as to where it is. So we thought we should ask for some help in locating it again."

"Ok, Doctor...."

Matt broke in, "Sergeant, I'd feel a lot better if you'd call me Matt."

Reardon snickered, "Well, since we seem to have a lot of business together, I'll do that and you can call me Sergeant Reardon." He laughed again.

"Funny, man. Okay, here's the address where the RV is supposed to be."

"Fine, Matt, that address is in the city, and since I'm not chasing any criminals right now,

I'll pick you up in twenty minutes."

Matt looked at himself, naked, not cleaned up and without breakfast. "Sergeant, could

you make is a half hour? I just woke up."

"Sure, thirty minutes it is." He cut the connection.

"I can't take you in the police car, but if you will follow in your car, we'll make it okay."

The sergeant had stopped at their place, honking for them to come out. The procession took off for the south side of Windsor, the factory and warehouse section with the worse housing of the city. The streets seemed gritty, trashy, yet not abandoned or derelict, just full of the less fashionable business and manufacturing concerns.

"Matt," the sergeant asked, "this is where your caller said the RV was hidden? I'm not sure we can get in, but let's give it a try."

They walked all the way around the outside walls, seeing no entrances except the main one, which had the padlocks on it. Matt looked at the padlock. He thought it looked like the exact same lock as on the original warehouse where they'd put the RV. For no good reason he had brought that key along.

"Sergeant, this is the key for the padlock on the original warehouse door. Maybe it might work on this one. Is it worth a try?"

"Hell, yes, Matt, we're not getting in if it doesn't work."

Matt held up the large padlock, found the key and inserted that into the slot on the bottom. He was surprised, and yet not, by the fact that it slid in easily and turned. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble setting this scam up to get at him. The lock was well oiled or greased and opened without a hitch.

Whoever had done this, obviously had some inside information and had almost a week to set it up and pull it off. So far they had been successful.

Sergeant Reardon pushed on the large wooden doors, spreading them to the opposite sides of the opening. Again, Matt was not surprised that the motor home was not there. These people had some brains among them, so someone smarter had to get to work. He'd better call Brian again for help.

"Matt, could I have that key? You say it fit the padlock of the original warehouse."


"I'm going to call in an investigation team, you are missing a $100,000 vehicle and that's grand theft. We'll search both sites, checking for anything possible to catch the buggers."

Matt had Hardy drive his car home while he phoned Brian.


"Hi, is Brian there?"

"Well, if you have this number, you must be okay." He hollered, "Brian, another member of your fan club on the phone."

"He'll be right here. May I ask who's calling?"

"Sure, this is Matt Ridgway at Windsor College."

"Oh, right, Matt. This is Adam. Did you find your RV?"

"No, it was moved or stolen again. It was not where Brian said it would be."

"Okay, here he is."

Matt explained the circumstances, including finding the electronic gizmo on the warehouse floor. He couldn't keep his tone from sounding discouraged, disheartened.

"Now, Matt, don't give up. There is another way. There were two separate electronic signals and they found the active one. There is also a passive one, a responder, which only can be activated by the transponder unit in the helicopter." He hesitated, "It is possible that our helicopter attracted too much attention and scared the thieves enough to move it."

"But, Brian, we have no idea where they could have taken it. Oh, the police wondered if I had a picture of the motor home. I don't but I said I could probably get one for them. Do you have one?"

"If you will give me your number for your fax, I will fax a couple pictures, before painting and after. I don't think these guys are concerned with trying to sell it. I'm sure they realize it is going to be hot as hell and will probably sit on it for quite awhile. Don't you?"

Disconsolate, Matt said, "I agree with you, I think this is directed against me personally or the Music Department or the Dukes of Windsor. You will need to phone me before you send a fax so I can set up my equipment. Okay?"

"Sure, Matt. I better get busy. This is a slow morning, not much going on. Mike has gone back to Washington."

"Hey, Brian, we can't furnish the luxurious accommodations that you wallow in over there in River City, but we can always put you up here. Hardy and I would love to have you."

Brian laughed, "Thanks for the offer, Matt, I may need to take you up on it. For now, I'll be in touch soon, and I'll send the two pictures. The police can make copies. We'll find it, Matt, don't worry."

"Thanks so much, Brian, I don't what we'd do without you. Stay well."



As Matt and Hardy had searched for the motor home that morning, the door to the outer office of Dean McAllister burst open and Dr. Powers, head of the Music Department, rushed through and into the Dean's office.

As he passed the secretary, she said, "Dr. Powers, the Dean is busy ... sir, the Dean can't see you now."

However, Powers was past her and opening the door, walking into the office. "Dr. McAllister, I need to see you now." He spoke in his usual peremptory voice and imperious manner.

"Dr. Powers, I am busy now. I will see you later if you will sit in the waiting room. That's what it is for."

"But..... But ... I want you to do something about Dr. Ridgway. He's going........"

"No buts, out!"

Slowly, like a punished child, Dr Powers reluctantly left the office.

Within 10 minutes the Dean buzzed the secretary's phone, "Tell the old buzzard he can come in now."

This time Dr Powers actually stomped in from the waiting room. "Dr. McAllister, I don't think I should have to wait for a student."

"Sit down, Dr. Powers, you are out of order. Now what is your problem?"

"You have to do something about Dr. Ridgway, he's going way too far."

"Now what has he done?" the Dean said, smiling behind his hand.

"Well, he's gone and bought a motor home for his Dukes to take them on trips. That's a waste of department and college money."

Dean McAllister stood and walked around his desk to sit on the corner in front of Powers. "Gordon, I have no idea what you are talking about. What motor home? Where did you hear of that? Have you seen it? He smiled again, "Pick any question."

"No, I haven't seen it, but I've been told about it. It was sitting in front of Dr. Ridgway's house with Dukes of Windsor painted on the sides. And I know some other things about Dr Ridgway that you ought to know."

"When was this?"

"About a week ago, I think."

The Dean had had it with Powers. "If Dr. Ridgway bought something like that, he did not use College funds, or department funds. He has discretionary funds that are under his jurisdiction, but I know of no purchase. Now, I'm busy. The students will be back next week and everything has to be ready." He turned and sat again behind his desk, working on a pile of papers.

After Powers closed the door, McAllister smiled, "Damn, I wish Matt would at least tell me what he's doing once in a while." He thought. 'I love that man, he is so talented, personable and efficient, and a wonderful teacher to boot. And, I couldn't care less that he might be gay'.

That was the first that the Dean had spoken about that, even in his thoughts. He prayed that Matt could keep the lid on it until time for choosing the new department head. Yet he also thought, 'Being gay should not make a damn bit of difference in the choice of a Head.'

He walked to his door and asked his secretary if she would find Dr Ridgway and see if he could arrange some time to come visit the Dean. No hurry, just sometime.

Brian appeared at their door after dark that evening. He wanted Matt to go with him on the helicoptor to search.

"Brian, I get petrified in small planes. And I mean scared, panicked."

"Oh, come on, Matt, I'll hold your hand if you need it."

"Brian, I am very serious," and Matt sounded that way, "I will need to hold on to you." Brian put one arm around Matt's shoulders, "Okay, Matt, seriously, I will hold on to you too. "

Matt was really scared, "Well, Brian, I guess I'll do it, but please don't leave me."

Brian gave Matt a hug, looking over Matt's shoulder at Hardy. He smiled, "It will be fine, Matt, I won't leave you and you can hang on." He winked at Hardy, who winked and smiled back. He also held out one fist with a thumb straight up.

As before, a helicopter appeared over Windsor after dark, although this time it stayed well outside the city limits, trying to minimize the attention it would gather. And, this time Brian was in the copter as well as Matt. Matt was sitting where he could not see the ground, way below.

"Brian, maybe a big circle around the city would do it, what is the range of your activator?"

"I think about 5 miles, and we get the direction but not anywhere near an exact distance. So we will have to make some circles in order to triangulate the distance."

Matt broke in, "If we don't get a response at first, we might have to direct the activator away from the city. There are many barns around which could easily keep the motor home out of sight."

After circling the city about 10 times, Matt was ready to give up. He was so discouraged that Brian was concerned for him.

"Matty, listen to me," he pulled Matt close to him to speak in his ear over the noise of the motor. "It's going to be alright. We'll find your motor home. It is insured so we can get another one quickly. Have the Dukes seen it?"

"No, Brian, because of Holiday break when everybody would be out of town, we hid it where we thought it wouldn't be found."

Brian broke it, "Was there anyone who was involved in hiding the RV who might be the one who stole it?"

"Not that I can think of right off, I'll work on it." He paused then got his mouth close to Brian's ear, a beautiful one, he thought. "I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but I, and I know Hardy, too, would very much like to hear about you and Mike getting together sometime, when you can get free."

"Of course, Matt, we'd like that, too. Hey, by the way, our story is online. Do you know what Nifty is?"

Matt smiled, "No, I'm afraid not, Brian."

"Well, you ask Hardy, I'll bet he knows. Go online, go to Nifty, Adult Friends there and look for our story, 'Turning The Page'. See, I was a Congressional Page when I met Mike and we.... oh, well, it's a long story but you could read it. When this problem is over, we'll get together. By the way I'd love to meet your brother, Steve, too, so maybe we could meet there, about halfway for each of us."

"That's sounds great, Brian, I'm sure we can work that out."

Discouraged, Matt came back to the house about nine p.m. and was starving. Hardy welcomed him at the door with a big hug and kiss, which were accepted gratefully, but he immediately called for victuals. "I'm running on empty, Wolfie, I'm cold and chilled, that damn helicopter had a lousy heating system. And we didn't find anything, no motor home. Somebody's gone to a lot of trouble and effort to give us trouble."

Hardy got Matt out of his heavy coat, scarf and gloves. "Come on, your dinner is in the oven. Sit down and I'll set it before your highness." He snickered, "My Lord Ridgway, your wish is my command, I am merely a jester to provide for your amusement." As Hardy simpered, Matt wondered just what was going on with him. Maybe I better take him out more often and let him see more of our kind. Or we could invite Little Jeff and Big Jeff, Rick and Jamal and maybe Roger and Christine.

He asked Hardy what he thought about that.

"Sire, whatever is your will."

"Hardy," Matt practically yelled, "'cut that out' as Jack Benny used to say, but you aren't Rochester."

"Huh?" Hardy returned, ignorantly.

"I'm going to have to play some old radio shows for you, give you some culture."

Hardy turned away to get the chicken casserole for Matt, along with a fruit salad and rolls. He watched as Matt dug in eagerly, waiting for praise.

Matt was actually enjoying Hardy's cooking effort, not a bad meal for a beginner. He thought, I'll bet he called his mother to help him fix it'.

With a sly grin on his face Matt asked, "How IS your mother, Hardy?"

"Oh, she's great, Matt. Loving every minute she spends with your nephews and their father. And she does..... " He stopped suddenly, "Damn it, Matt, you're teasing me again. I thought your brother told you not to do that to me." Hardy actually pouted, lower lip practically covering his chin. "Alright, I did call her for some help." He grinned, "It worked didn't it?"

"Yes, love," Matt said through bites, "you did very well. This is excellent. You are now the official cook for 327 Locust St."

The two young men teased back and forth, even after the kitchen was cleaned up and house locked up for the night. After performing the nightly ritual getting ready for bed, they stripped and slid into their already warm bed. Hardy had turned his electric blanket on early so it would be warm.

"Oh, Matty, this is so warm and cozy, just what we needed."

"Did you notice that this is a dual control blanket? I know I'm not going to need as much warmth as you do, so I can regulate my own side."

Matt and Hardy wrapped themselves up in each other, not really serious about making love, just enjoying their community of two. They felt each other up from one end to the other, still not in earnest about the outcome, yet just loving the other and their relationship.

"Matt, what are we going to do about the motor home? This is a damn nasty situation. I sure wonder who is doing it, who hates you or me, or maybe our relationship so much they'd go to these lengths to cause trouble." Hardy clung to Matt's naked body, gripping him tightly to get some feeling of security.

"Wolfie, since we don't know the who, we can't understand the why, let alone the what." He nestled closer, "And, I want to know those things soon."

"But, Matt, what if it is directed against us, against us being partners?"

Matt kissed Hardy strongly on his lips, trying to encourage him.

"Maybe.... maybe, Matt, maybe I should look for a different place to live, to help out." Matt sat up in the bed, and cried out, "Hardy, we're partners, we should live together."

He held Hardy's shoulders with both hands and started to really shake him, "Hardy, we just got together, don't tear us apart, please." He was angry, but pleaded with his lover.

Hardy noticed then that Matt's eyes were full of tears in his desolation,

"No, no, Matty, I don't want to do that, but I thought if I didn't live with you, you wouldn't be accused of being gay. "

Matt jumped and sat on Hardy's crotch, still holding on to Hardy's shoulders, "Hardy, damn it, if necessary I'll start carrying a sign where ever I go reading 'I love Hardy Wolfe' and 'Hardy Wolfe loves me' and 'we are lovers and partners." He shuddered, "Then there won't be any problem at all. You and I will be together, job or no job. You mean more to me than any job, understand?"

Matt fell full out on Hardy's body, holding him so tight with his arms around his chest and his legs wrapped around his thighs, that it hurt Hardy, but he didn't say anything, never would. Hardy petted Matt's head and rubbed his back. He realized that Matt was much more traumatized by their situation than he ever thought, so much that he better try to mend the fences.

"Matt, babe, I'll never leave you, ever, and you must believe that. All I want, as you do, is for us to be a body of one, united in love and devotion." He was kissing Matt's neck and shoulders, massaging where he could reach.

Hardy remembered that this was Matt's first love affair, besides his brother, and Matt was totally committed to their union yet unaware of possible problems with others. Hardy had had a few lovers, but no relationship that lasted.

Pushing Matt over on his back, Hardy lay on top and just held him as convincingly as possible, cooing to him, soothing his fears and his shock. Hardy never should have said that about maybe living somewhere else, but he hadn't realized Matt was in such a fragile state.

"Matty, babe, Matty, I'm here with you. We'll tough this out, we'll stay together, I promise you."

Finally Matt opened his eyes, knowing what had happened, but not why.

"Thanks, Hardy, again, you are the greatest. I am so happy that you love me and we can be together. Honestly, I don't care that much about the job. I can get a job anywhere, though I'd like to stay here at Windsor." He shuddered, "We're one now. Our twin gold chains say that very clearly. Soon we'll have at least a commitment ceremony, I can promise you that."

"That's all I want, Matt. That's all I want."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 12

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