Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 31, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

============ Chapter Fourteen ============

The next morning, a cold Saturday dawn, saw the Columbus Dispatch newspaper machine at the motel raided and depleted by eight members of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor brass group. It was not simultaneous because they awoke at different times, but every one of them wanted his or her own copy of the paper's review of their performance the previous night.

Other guests at the Cross Country Inn in Westerville would be disappointed to find no papers left when they came searching. The desk clerk would apologize and try to mollify their irritation by assuring them there would be more copies available soon. That would never happen before those guests left the motel, of course, but it sounded good at the time. He smiled broadly, too.

Hardy had bought two copies, one for himself and one for Matt. He had just slipped a pair of jeans on with his jacket to make the run to the lobby and was quick to remove them before he jumped into bed with Matt, nude as usual. They quickly flipped to the Arts section, to find nothing! Looking at each other, they thought silently, 'What? No review?'

Unbelieving, they looked through all the sections to still find no review. Just by chance, Matt looked at the first page of the second section, the Metro, to find a large headline, which read, "Windsor Dukes it Out and Wins". Matt thought, 'Must have been a slow news day.'

As both men read the article as fast as they could, searching for definitive statements, they couldn't hold it in and yelled simultaneously, "WE DID IT!" They turned toward each other and embraced ardently, both men with tears of happiness in their eyes. Quotes they found they could use: "Amazing Performance"; "The Brass Group Is Musical Perfection"; "Fantastic Musicianship by the Quintet"; "Perfect Blend of Sound and Sight and a Symphony of Colors"; "Four Men, a Woman and Delightful Musical Harmony".

The final judgment by the reviewer was that this group of students would go far and delight thousands of concertgoers with their fusion of talent, spirit and superb support from their gifted director and arranger, Dr. Matthew Ridgway. He went on to name all of the performers, their two managers, Roger and Jamal, and assistant director, Hardy Wolfe. He also praised Dr. David Drumm at Otterbein College for his foresight and recognition of musical excellence to bring the group to the Columbus area.

One special part of the performance he mentioned particularly was the finale where the quintet exchanged instruments with each other, continuing with the same strong, vital sound no matter how their instruments were distributed. "A real 'tour de force' of technical superiority with gorgeous brass tone quality performed by five gifted young musicians. Rick and Chris exchanged trumpet and French horn; BJ and Hardy exchanged tuba and trombone, and LJ and Matt exchange trumpet and baton. When the lead trumpet exchanged his instrument for the director's baton, Dr. Ridgway was shown to have lost none of his performance abilities, even though his original instrument was trombone."

He did feel that might have been a bit of 'grandstanding' but then said, "If you've got it, why not flaunt it!" Performing is, in essence, 'showing off'.

The concluding music began with a Canzona of Frescobaldi, then seamlessly emerged from a series of transpositions with their spirited rendition of "America the Beautiful".

"Hail to the Windsor Dukes and Duchess, may they long reign."

Matt and Hardy had just read that last quote when their motel room door burst open and seven young people in various stages of dress, or undress, shoved into the room, landing on the bed where Matt and Hardy were trying to cover their nakedness, unsuccessfully. Fortunately the men all had some sort of shorts on, and Christine, "The Duchess", had her robe on. Matt counted seven, thinking, there should only be six, but finally noticed that Todd Fowler was part of the group.

Roger yelled, "Everybody get off the bed!"

They did and the blushing pair covered themselves with the blanket while continuing to cover their genitals with one hand. Actually, neither one was able to wholly contain his genitals with just one hand. Then everyone sat down again on the bed. The kids weren't fazed by the situation at all. And no one stared.

"Thank you, Roger, that was decent. However, I hope everyone saw all that they want to before the covers came up." He laughed, "But if you missed anything, tough noogies, 'cause that's all you get." Matt said that much and pulled the blanket over his head in embarrassment.

Christine spoke up, "Don't worry, Dr. Ridgway, you still have your pride and dignity, well, except for that cute little birthmark you have on your.... ah.... well. If you people didn't see it, you don't get to because only one certain person ever will get to see it again."

The whole group broke up at her suggestive remark and her tousling of Hardy's hair!

Actually Matt did have a tiny birthmark on his butt, yet he was positive that Chris couldn't have seen it, since its position was very close to his anus, hiding in the dark. He could only see it bent over to look through his legs into a hand mirror with a flashlight attached. Once Hardy surprised him by holding his butt cheeks apart and taking a picture with his digital camera. Then they had a ball trying to decide what it looked like. The closest they came to agreeing was when they both suggested a trombone. Fitting, they thought.

Matt took charge. First, he looked at Roger, "Roger, would you and your friend stay a minute?" Then, "Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, I firmly suggest that we all shower and dress, then repair to the coffee shop for breakfast. And..... breakfast is on me, so have whatever you want. Okay? You have a half hour to get there."

Matt received a thunderous response from his kids who simultaneously cheered, waking the whole motel, disappeared and ran, only to reappear in the coffee shop 30 minutes later.

"Please, guys," he nodded to Todd and Roger, "I'm not trying to be nosy, but I do feel responsible. I just wanted to know if Todd is going back to Windsor with us?"

Both young men looked at Matt in surprise, as did Hardy. Matt broke into laughter, telling them he was kidding. "Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to embarrass you, can you just tell me what you think or how you feel?"

A big grin fractured Roger's face. "Matt, we met last night after the concert. Steve said that Todd could stay if he wanted to. He wanted to. So we came to the motel, loaded up on pop and snacks and went to my room." He couldn't keep from looking at Todd, every other word or so. "Dr. Ridgway, we ate and talked the whole night through. We told each other our life's story, well, most of it." He pointedly looked at Hardy, "But not necessarily every event of our lives."

"Fine, I'm pleased to hear that. Todd, what about you?"

Todd took a while to get started, "Matt, sorry, I sort of feel like I'm on exhibition, like a Christian led to the lions. Let me just say that I'd like to see Roger again." He reddened, abashed but not seriously.

Matt smiled, "Since I still feel somewhat responsible, I would like to offer the use of my home to both of you. Hardy and I have been wanting to spend a weekend in Columbus, maybe next weekend. I know that Anne would be happy to take care of your boys. Would that suit both of you?"

Looking at each other, Roger and Todd couldn't help having broad smiles on their faces, "I think we'd appreciate that very much, Matt."

"Okay, it's settled. Todd, come up to Windsor on Friday evening and I'll give Roger the key, plus a whole pile of instructions that you can happily ignore. We won't get back until Sunday afternoon." He smiled warmly, patted their backs as they left, "Enjoy!"

After everyone had ordered their breakfast, Matt rose, "Guys, when we get back to Windsor you and I will have a celebration for ourselves and by ourselves at which time we'll have a thorough debriefing. Now eat and drink, because, if I can find our driver, we will head back as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if you would talk to me about any suggestions you have relating to our performance. I hope we can improve, if we don't, we won't last." He went around the big table, shaking hands with each member; Little Jeff, Big Jeff, Rick, Hardy, Christine, Roger, Jamal and Todd since he wanted him to feel at home, thanking them for all their hard work and practicing.

"We've just begun to perform!"

While riding the RV back to Windsor, Matt indulged in his memories of the concert. The hall was almost filled; he supposed about 800 - 900 seats occupied with all sorts of people. He recognized quite a few students he thought, probably, from a number of colleges around Columbus, including University of Ohio, the largest in the state, and a number from the high school where he taught for three years.

He really didn't have time during the performance to watch the audience; he could only hear their reactions and responses to the Dukes' rendition. He had to be ready to take the stage at the end of each section of the concert to describe what would happen during the next part, giving the performers time to change their clothes. He didn't want to relive the whole concert, just dwell again on the memorable moments.

The audience's response to the group kept growing, louder and longer after succeeding numbers, waiting expectantly for the next musical treat. Matt watched the Dukes carefully for signs of weariness and fatigue, but he saw none. Adrenaline charged their powers to the max and kept them thinking and playing at their most advanced level. Matt just prayed that they would last through the final number.

He had planned the last piece, pairing a Frescobaldi canzona with America the Beautiful, arranging the parts to allow two instrument parts to be silent for four measures at a relatively slow tempo. For instance, the first exchange came between BJ and Hardy, trombone and tuba; the second exchange between Rick and Chris, French Horn and trumpet; and the third exchange where LJ dragged Matt from behind the curtain, gave him his trumpet and took the baton to direct the Dukes. Matt normally didn't conduct the quintet, but LJ needed an instrument of some sort. Those people played the final sixteen bars with those new instruments, not on their major instrument. And Matt was so proud that it worked and brought from the audience a tremendous outpouring of appreciation and a standing ovation that started before the final number was quite finished.

They had practiced their responses, their bows to their audience, waving and smiling. And they made sure to include Matt in those bows whether he wanted to or not. The group left the stage but was pulled back by the continuing applause. Finally, they had the five plus Matt and Roger and Jamal all taking bows. They moved into the wings and Matt had the curtain closed.

While they were taking those final bows, Matt saw his mother jump out of her seat and head for the stage. 'Oh, shit,' he thought. His father was trailing behind. But Steve saved the day. He must have been watching her from his seat, and rose to the occasion. Steve held his arms open and jumped and jigged as necessary to head her off, at the last minute wrapping his arms around her shoulders, smiling as if welcoming her. He led, actually pushed, her to the sidewall through a door he had found earlier. This was a little used storage room, emptied except for a few chairs sitting around.

Steve spoke, "Mother, you are not going to ruin Matt's triumphal moment, what he's been working for all along." She didn't respond, "Do you hear me, Mother?"

Steve's father had followed them in the room. "Dad, you are going to act like a man and take care of this woman. She rejected both Matt and me and I'm sorry but we don't want to have anything to do with her." He spoke as if she weren't with them, "If she keeps pestering us, we will get a restraining order that she stay away. " He looked directly into his Dad's eyes, "Listen, Dad, I'm very serious about this. You are going to have to stand up to her, or prepare to defend yourselves. We won't put up with it any longer."

His father said nothing, just looked at the floor.

"Dad, are you going to keep her away?"

No reaction from his father.

"Okay, that's it. I want to go to my brother, my family and friends to enjoy their triumph. I will call security if you attempt to interfere with Matt or me. That's a threat, and that's a promise, too." His parents ignored him completely.

He left them to find the reception room where the Dukes, Duchess and Matt were holding court. The room was full of friends and many of those who just appreciated the concert. Steve walked to David Drumm to thank him, and express his delight in the concert.

Dr. Drumm responded. "Oh, Steven Ridgway, I know who you are. I never connected the two of you. Matt never talked about you when he and I were in college together. I'm so happy to have met such a talented sculptor, one of a pair of amazingly talented Ridgways."

Matt saw Steve talking to Dr. Drumm and smiled. Steve excused himself to Dr. Drumm, broke into the line waiting to see Matt, and hugged his brother, an expression that was returned in full force.

In Matt's ear Steve whispered, "Love, you were wonderful. You are on your way now!"

"Thanks, hon, we'll talk later."

Matt saw Jamal and Roger come in the room, followed by Todd Fowler. That pleased him very much, and he hoped that was significant for their relationship. He also hoped that he hadn't butted in where he shouldn't have.

He also wondered about Brian Whitlow and Congressman Keith. If he had known them better, he would have realized that they would not want to disturb Matt's success by upstaging him. That was the kind of people they were. Actually, they were well pleased with their investment in the Dukes and Duchess, delighted with their decision. Now, both were thinking about their future plans for Windsor College and Dr. Matthew Ridgway. He wouldn't believe their thoughts.

The week following the Otterbein concert was one of excitement, thrills and so many awards of congratulation to Matt and to all the Dukes; in fact, the whole enterprise rewarded the Music Department with kudos from all over the state and beyond.

Even Windsor College President Bishop called on Matt in his office with praise and best wishes for the future. "Matt, you have a big future here at Windsor, just stick with Dr. Powers and his visions."

Matt almost laughed in his face. This man seriously considered Dr. Powers as the man to follow, but he was the last person Matt would have emulated. Although Matt's regular schedule continued as usual, the successful completion of the Otterbein College concert allowed his mind to drift toward the issue of the farmhouse.

After band practice on Tuesday following the concert, Matt asked Ted to stay to talk with him in his office. Steve and Gary had viewed Matt's photos of the house and farm on Steve's computer and were wholeheartedly in favor of the purchase, once Matt found out about cost, terms, taxes and utilities, availability, etc.

Matt and Ted sat in Matt's office, opposite each other yet feeling closely contained.

"Ted, my brother, Steve, his friend, Gary, and Hardy and I are definitely agreeable to the purchase of your farm. We do have a few reservations, but nothing major. Here's the big question, is it for sale to us?"

The quiet in the room burgeoned thickly into an enveloping tension on Matt. 'How could Ted so easily create this pressure on my mind', he thought.

"Matt, if we can agree on the price, I will be happy to sell to you, in fact, delighted that you guys would own the family farm. I know Hardy, of course, and I was introduced to your brother and Gary at the Otterbein concert. Your nephews are terrific and I know they will love the farm, maybe even run it some day."

Matt put his hand on Ted's knee. Ted jumped as if he were scalded. Matt broke in, "Oh, god, Teddy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

Ted grabbed Matt's hand and replaced it where it had laid on his leg. "Matt," he spoke quietly, "I don't have a problem with you touching me, I just wish it could be for real, ya' know?"

Matt smiled, though sadly. "Yes, I know, Ted, and I'm sorry. I just can't promise you that we might ever repeat our experience of last week." He smiled and squeezed the knee he was feeling, "My question was going to be whether you and your grandfather would mind if we brought in a professional appraiser? I don't mean to infer that you would cheat us, we would just feel better about the money end if we did."

"That is an excellent idea. You and I should go around with him, noting anything he detects as troublesome. My grandfather and I will fix anything that needs it beforehand."

That reminded Matt, "Ah, Ted, you were with a fine-looking man at the concert in Columbus, was that your grandfather? If so, he's a real hunk."

Ted was smiling broadly, "Yeah, Matt, you want a piece of his ass? I can get it for you."

Now Matt was embarrassed, he reddened brightly, "Ted, no thanks, but he is gorgeous."

Ted walked to the door, and then turned to face Matt with his hands behind him. "Do you have any appointments, Matt?" Matt shook his head, 'no'.

While he had been speaking, Ted had locked the door. Moving in front of Matt, Ted quickly unbuckled and unzipped his pants, dropping them to settle around his ankles. Since he had worn no underwear, his rock hard erection pointed to Matt's face. "I locked the door."

Matt was struck dumb. He couldn't say anything but stared at Ted's beautiful, smooth and reddening cock, the head swollen so much larger than the shaft. In his mind Matt knew he should move away, stop Ted, but he just couldn't. He didn't have the strength or sense to resist his desires.

Ted kept moving closer until his dripping glans forced Matt's lips apart. Despite his common sense that said, 'stop this', he opened his mouth, pushing his tongue to circle the head, the underlying hardness covered with velvet softness.

Matt put both arms behind Ted; sliding his hands up along the solid, muscular thighs to cup the pert, brazen buttocks, one half in each hand. He pulled Ted's pelvis closer to himself, opening wide to receive Ted's whole cock inside his hot, moisture-laden mouth, not too big to fit neatly with the spongy head sliding a bit into his throat.

"Oh, Matt, that's so good, Matty, suck it, suck me good," he whispered into Matt's ear as he bent over him. "I need you so bad, man, I'm close, Matt, keep going. Stick a finger up my butt, please, way up, touch my hot spot."

Matt pulled Ted's cheeks apart, circling his anus with one finger that finally pushed into the tiny hole, all the way to his knuckles. He tongued Ted's cock ferociously, mostly the head but all over, too, while he began to vigorously finger-fuck his asshole, feeling the strength of his sphincter and the softness and heat of the rectum lining.

Ted's body started shaking, jerking and pushing to face-fuck Matt.

"Oh, Matt, oh god, man, I'm cumming, I'm shooting, ugh ... ngh ... take it, here it cums." His cock started pumping streams of semen down Matt's throat and on his tongue where the older man was delighted with the young man's hot, herbal tasting cum. His cock jerked with each pump, his sphincter tightening and twitching strongly as he emptied his balls into his teacher's mouth. Soon he slumped over Matt, holding on tightly to him. Matt pulled his finger from Ted's asshole.

"Thank you, Matt, thank you. You are so good."

Matt pulled off Ted's melting cock, softening but still drooling. "I called you a guttersnipe, Teddy, but you are more a tempting hustler, aren't you?"

Ted smiled, "So? You want me to quit?"

Matt looked down at his crotch. "Look at what you did to me. I shot off without touching myself. How am I going to get these pants dried out?" The front of Matt's jeans was dark with his semen, spreading to the sides.

"Do you want me to go to your house and bring back a dry pair of pants?" He was laughing, pleased with having shot his load, but more so that Matt was in a spot.

"Ted, Hardy is at home, that wouldn't go over very well. No thanks." He stood, hugged and kissed Ted, holding those sensuous butt in his hands, "You little devil, what am I going.... ah, I know, go to the instrument storage room. Someone left some jeans there the other day. Bring them here, please. And don't make a lot of noise about it"

To himself, Matt thought, 'I must never invite that devil into my office again.' But he smiled, anyway.

"I'll see you and raise ten bucks," Gary looked around at Matt, Steve and Hardy with an avaricious challenge on his face.

"Well, I'm out, too rich for me," Hardy flipped his hand upside down on the table, stood up and went to get another beer. Matt passed.

Only Steve met Gary's play, "I'll call, let's see what you got."

Gary exclaimed joyfully, "Read 'em and weep, turkey." He laid down his hand, showing a full house, aces over deuces.

Steve couldn't beat him with his hand of three kings that he buried in the deck. He looked at the long case clock, noting the time was almost midnight. "It's getting late and I don't about you guys, but I'm beat. I had a hard day."

Gary smiled and looked up at Steve who had stood, "Just how tired are you, Steve?" He gave a lecherous smirk, "Too tired, hmmnn?"

The other three men laughed knowingly, understanding what Gary was getting at. Steve couldn't help smirking lecherously at his lover, "Well, maybe not that tired." He grinned, "I'll let you ride my horsie!"

Matt and Hardy crooned in unison, "Ooooooo oooo oooooo," raising and lowering in pitch.

Hardy laughed and called, "That's no horsie, that's an elephant!"

Matt thought out loud, "I wonder how tired Todd and Roger are by now?"

All four men burst unto hilarity, roaring as a picture of the two young men crept into their imagination.

Hardy spoke up, "Well, I for one, hope they are having a wonderful time, enjoying themselves and each other."

The four men had been playing poker for almost four hours after dinner, enjoying the game and just being together, pitting their wits and card sense against each other. Usually, Gary was the winner but the losses were spread among the other three men. No one lost a whole lot of money. Because he wouldn't take money from his mother, Hardy was the least well to do of the group. In fact Matt had staked him with a couple hundred bucks before they left Windsor.

The two had left their home early that Friday afternoon to visit Matt's brother, Steve, and his lover, Gary, who lived most of the time in Steve's house. One reason for their trip was to talk about buying the farm Matt had found up near Windsor. They all looked at the pictures Matt had taken of the grounds and house, barns and out buildings and found the whole place charming and very desirable.

"How much does he want, Matt?"

Matt faced Steve, "He hasn't said yet, we're going to get a professional appraiser to go over everything. Ted and I will travel behind the appraiser. If anything needs to be fixed, Ted says he and his grandfather would do it."

Steve exclaimed, "Did we see a picture of Ted?"

"Yes, in front of the house."

"Well, I remember him from the concert and I remember the older man with him. They both were sexy as hell, if that was his grandfather, he's a lucky boy."

Matt had told no one about Ted's sex with his grandfather from a young age, but he agreed with Steve, two hot men.

"Gary, from your experience, how much would you say that property would be worth, just the part we've seen pictures of." Matt was asking seriously.

Gary hummed, then, "It's hard to tell, Matt, but I would guess in the neighborhood of half a million dollars. I would offer a quarter of a million and see where you have to go from there."

Matt looked around at his brother and their friends, "If need be, could we go half a million between us?"

Gary, Steven and Matt all had a good stash of money, and if necessary Hardy could probably get a loan from his mother. They all nodded.

"I will go around with the appraiser and Ted this coming week and we'll see."

All four men had been looking forward to that night in bed with their lover, and further into the weekend with their whole group.

At that same time in Windsor, Todd O'Brien Fowler and Roger Adams sat quietly next to each other on Matt and Hardy's sofa in the living room. They were fully dressed, sort of dozing but with one hand from each in the grasp of the other's, fingers entwined.

They met at Matt's house about five that Friday afternoon, Todd having driven from Columbus and Roger walking from his dorm. They had been introduced at the Columbus concert of the Dukes of Windsor, after the concert and stayed together in Roger's room all night. They only talked, telling parts of their life, good times and bad, becoming acquainted. They had fallen asleep, but still in their clothes. That was just a week before. Matt and Hardy gave them the chance to get together again, hopefully more intimate, by leaving for Columbus again and giving Roger a key to their house.

Even though they'd been together for about 12 hours that previous Friday, they felt shy and bashful meeting again. Roger, taking the lead, thought they would warm up if they had supper together. Todd agreed to drive, but only if there would not be a chance of meeting his mother.

"Roger, I've told you a lot about me, but not how I get on now with my mother. We are not on good terms and I certainly don't want to run into her." He looked sad, so Roger put his arm around Todd's shoulders, "Come on, we'll drive toward Bryan, there's a good restaurant that I'm sure she wouldn't visit. They only play very loud hard rock. Am I right?"

Todd laughed, "She wouldn't be caught within a mile of that place." He giggled, "I used to try to bring her up to date on the latest music, but she totally resisted."

"Wow, Todd," looking at Todd's car, a Toyota in bright red, "this is a hot car, how'd you get it?"

"Steve and Gary gave it to me, can you believe it? I couldn't, but they did."

"Could I drive it, Todd? Is it stick or automatic?"

Todd hesitated, this was his brand new car, "Maybe later on, Roger, this is the first time I've driven it out of town. It's a 148 horsepower 4 with automatic transmission.

Roger smiled, "That's okay, Todd, I wouldn't have either if it were my car. Stick to it."

They ate and returned to Matt's house, feeling much more comfortable with each other after eating a good meal, even though neither of them actually liked the music.

The two young men sat on the couch and looked around.

They both started giggling at the same time.

"My mother would never have lived with furniture this tacky," Todd snickered.

"Mine, neither, Todd, mine would have thrown it out immediately."

They hit each other playfully, laughing, rolling back and forth on the sofa.

For the next few hours, they sat on the couch, close, but only their hands actually touching, fingers woven together.

Roger told Todd about his experience with Christine after making Todd swear a death oath that he'd never reveal it to anyone.

Todd was amazed, "You mean," he paused, "Roger, you mean that she jerked you off?"


"And she was naked, wanting you to screw her, and you didn't. Right?"

"Yup, that's right." Roger continued, "Would you have done what I did?"

Todd stated firmly, "By that time I knew I was gay, I'd been sure for two years. I don't think I would even have let her jerk me off."

"I really didn't think I could cum that way, Todd, but I thought about someone else, and then I shot all over myself."

Todd smiled suspiciously, "Do I know the person you thought about?"

Roger reddened, and admitted, "Yes, buddy, you do."

Todd was thinking furiously, then a breakthrough, "It was Hardy, wasn't it?" He was smiling broadly, sure of his guess, positive it wouldn't be anyone else.

Roger again reddened, "Yes, buddy, it was Hardy and it worked. Right?"

Todd lowered his head in embarrassment, "I have also thought of Hardy when jerking off, I get so hot when I do that, I can cum so quickly."

Roger was debating with himself, 'should he tell Todd about him and Roger getting it on, or not'. Finally, he decided that Todd would keep quiet, wouldn't spread it around.

He turned to face Todd, very serious, "Todd, I'm going to tell you something that you should never tell, it would hurt two wonderful people if you did. Can you swear again?"

"Sure, Rog, I'll never tell."

It was when the Dukes were in River City for the weekend that he was so despondent while rooming with Hardy. His mother had told him to stop being homosexual and then he could come back. He admitted to Todd that he woke up crying, not knowing what to do, even thinking of killing himself.

"Todd, I was so desperate I didn't know what to do. Hardy realized that I was suffering and decided to help me. I'd never had sex with a man and though I was sure I was gay, I didn't know whether I better die than go through life that way."

"Buddy, Hardy made love to me in ways that were so wonderful, so exciting and so thrilling that it didn't matter then that I found I really was gay, I could live with that if I found someone to love." Tears filled his eyes as he remembered that moment, "For a while I didn't think I could live without Hardy."

Todd was sad that his friend was crying, so he put his arms around Roger, holding him tightly, cooing soothing sounds in his friend's ears.

Roger sat up, "Todd, it's okay, I got over it. I knew Hardy was Matt's partner for life, their souls as one. You see why you can't tell, don't you?"

"Of course, Rog, I won't ever tell. You are so damn lucky."

Todd realized he was still holding to Roger, but decided not to let go.

"Toddy, it's almost midnight. You think we ought to get some sleep?"

"I really need a shower, do you?"

"Yeah, me too. Why don't you go first?"

Todd went to the bedroom, undressed to his shorts and entered the bathroom. He checked the water temperature, started the shower, dropped his shorts and carefully stepped under the water. He turned around to get himself wet all over, rubbing his skin with the warmth.

Todd was rapt in his cocoon of hot mist, soap and suds. He quickly washed and rinsed. Just as he started to shut off the shower, Roger stopped him, "Don't shut it off. I'm getting right in."

Todd started, then calmed down, "Oh, sure, Rog, I'm getting out now."

Todd knew that Roger must be on the other side of the curtain, and he must be naked. He reddened before he even stepped out of the tub onto the mat. There was Roger, completely naked and just waiting to get in the shower. Todd kept his head and eyes down, moving around Roger without obviously looking at him. With his good peripheral vision, Todd did see a hot looking cock as it went by and as Roger was stepping into the tub, he saw a beautiful ass that called to him.

Roger noticed this and smiled at his shy and diffident friend, a friend he had already felt close to and hoped they would be much closer. He stepped under the shower, sure that when he emerged Todd would be in the bed, completely covered up, hiding in a way from something he wasn't sure of. I think, 'Maybe we better just sleep tonight, I don't want to frighten him.'

By morning Todd and Roger both had slept the night through. Todd woke first and lay quietly beside his new friend, not moving until he realized that his hand and Roger's hand were connected, their fingers entangled, their palms feeling soft and sensuous together. As he felt it, his cock started rising to the ceiling, pushing up the sheet and blanket upward. He wanted to pump it dry, but decided he would wait for Roger to see what he wanted to do.

Roger had been awake for a while, himself waiting for Todd to wake. He definitely noticed Todd's cock stretching for the sky. He thought, 'He must have more than I thought he did after seeing him last night. Well, I think we better wait until later today; maybe I can show him around the campus together.' However, he also enjoyed feeling Todd's hand in his, his long, slender fingers curled around his own, joining their bodies at the end of their arms.

Roger whispered, "Todd, are you awake?"

Todd turned his head toward Roger, "Yeah, Rog, I'm awake and I have to pee bad, but I don't want to let go or get out of bed." He smiled, almost lovingly, at this new friend, "Rog, I don't know what to do, I've never done anything with another man, or woman for that matter, but," he giggled, "I'm ready when you are."

"If you can hold it for a little while, I'd like to stay just like we are and talk, okay?"

Todd tittered, "Well, for just a little bit I guess I can."

When Roger turned onto his left side facing Todd turned on his right side. "Todd, I don't want to do anything in a hurry. I want to make love to you, as Hardy did with me. But, I don't just want to just jump your bones, I want you to participate and love me, too. I think we need to know each other a little better than we do now. Okay?" Roger raised his hand, pulling Todd's hand with it and placing a tender kiss on that extension of Todd's body. It was a slow pressure of his lips on the back of his hand, sliding back and forth on a bit of moisture placed there by his tongue.

"Roger, that's all right with me, but, I'm sorry, I love it but I got to pee, bad! Let me go, please?"

Rog smiled sweetly close to Todd's face, "No, I'm not going to let you go, but I will take you with me." He laughed, "Come on, let's go." Rog slid to the edge of the bed, pulling Todd by his hand along with him. He noticed that Todd's cock had gone limp, hanging and waving back and forth as they walked.

Soon they stood side by side, their penises hanging soft and limp, two streams of piss crossing before hitting the water in the bowl. At that same moment Matt was standing at Steve's toilet in Steve's house, and for some reason Matt was thinking of Steve, remembering when he and Steve were standing at the toilet in Matt's house just before they made up and began to show their love for each other in a physical way.

"Now, Todd, lesson number one." Roger put one hand behind Todd's head and leaned toward him, finally placing his lips on Todd's, gently and quietly at first, then stronger and more passionate. Releasing Todd he said, "There, Toddy, that was a man to man kiss, a real man's kiss between two men, not two fairies. Just two men who love each other. What do you think?"

Todd looked down at the two cocks hanging limply from their crotches. He smiled, "Rog, I do like it a lot. I want to learn how to do that with you." As he said 'you', he squeezed Roger's hand that he still held tightly in his own.

"I'm going to suggest that we have breakfast and get dressed, in that order," he said grinning, "and then we'll drive around a bit, then walk around a bit too. And, of course we'll talk."

"Sounds good to me, Matt said he'd left lots of stuff for breakfast."

Saturday morning in Steven's house was regular as clockwork, the kids watched cartoons on television while Steve and Gary ate a slow breakfast, talking about their week and the week to come all the while. This Saturday Matt and Hardy were included in the ritual, reviewing their previous week with the others.

"Matt, you and Hardy should be flying high with the tremendous success of your concert at Otterbein last week. I was amazed at the talent of your group, performing so wonderfully on their own instrument and then as well on a different instrument." Gary looked at Matt and Hardy with such a burst of pride and admiration in his heart. His 'brother-in-law' was certainly an incredible musician and teacher, giving to those young people their fine-tuning as performers and the ability to play as a group with unity and a sense of complete solidarity. "And, Hardy, you must be congratulated for your talent and performing ability, and your expertise in welding the Dukes into a force to be reckoned with."

He continued, "How many more invitations have you received since the concert?"

"Hey, Hardy," Matt started, "we didn't think of that. As far as I know, Gary, there haven't been any. No one has said anything."

Steve asked, "To whom would the invitations go if they were received?"

Matt thought, "I don't know, but I suppose they would go to... oh... oh..shit ... yes they would go to dear Dr. Powers, Head of the Music Department." He slapped his head, "Why didn't I think of that? Dumb ass!"

Steve broke in, "Don't be too hard on yourself, Matt, who would think of a Department Head sabotaging his own music group? Why don't you call Dean MacAllister and ask him if he's heard of any. I can't believe some wouldn't request a program."

"Excuse me; I'll just do that." He checked his watch, "It's almost noon, he should be up."

When the Dean answered the phone and Matt asked the question, the Dean didn't reply for a few moments, realizing the meaning of his answer.

"Matt, if I find out that he has ignored or destroyed requests for the Dukes, I'll have his ass. If I don't kill him, I'll fire his ass immediately." He paused, "Matt, I'm sorry, I tried to get him on my cell phone, but there is no answer. When are you coming home?"

Matt looked at his 'family' in the other room, "Hardy and I will be back tomorrow afternoon and I'll get in touch with you then. Okay?"

"That's fine, Matt. I hope we are wrong, but I'm afraid we're right." He was happy that Matt and Hardy were together because he knew Hardy affected Matt all for the better, more human and more compassionate.

Matt walked back to the kitchen. "Man, is the Dean mad. He thinks like I do, the son of a bitch has ignored or destroyed any requests for a concert."

At that moment Jacob ran into the room, "Daddy, Daddy, Uncle Matt said a bad word. It was 'sunfabidge'."

The men broke up, laughing while Matt picked up Jacob and told him he was sorry and he would never say 'sunfabidge' again. That brought even more hilarity that Jacob didn't understand. But he knew his Uncle Matt was sorry. He wrapped his arms around Matt's neck and held on like a leech to his body. Matt had been holding on to Jacob, but let go and walked around with Jacob clinging to him tightly.

"Can somebody get this leech off of me?"

Steve was worried that Jacob might take this too seriously so he grabbed Jacob and cuddled him closely to himself. "It's okay, Jacob, Uncle Matt wasn't talking about you. You aren't a leech. Here, go hang on Uncle Matt again; he looks lonesome." Steve smiled at Jacob who practically leaped from Steve's arms into Matt's.

Matt immediately played one of Jacob's favorite games with him. Jacob made his body stiff, legs together and spread his arms to either side of his body, imitating a plane. Matt had one hand on Jacob's chest and the other between his legs and pretended that Jacob was a plane and whirled him around, up and down, then spun around to pretend the boy was really flying. After doing that for a few minutes, Matt set Jacob on the floor on his feet, but when releasing his hand, realized that Jacob had hard penis, not long but as hard as any hardon he'd seen. 'Hmmm, he thought, 'young Jacob is growing faster than I'd have thought.'

Then Matt had an idea. "Guys, I just decided that I'm going to call Dr. David Drumm at Otterbein College to see if he requested another concert sometime, or if he knew any other organizations that might have requested the Dukes come to their college or whatever."

"Good idea, Matt. Then if there were any you can bring that up to old S.O.B."

Ten minutes later Matt reported eight places which David knew about who had requested a performance by the Dukes at their school. That settled it. He called Dean MacAllister to report.

Some of Steve and Matt's friends were coming in that evening for a party. That would include the twins who lived next door to Matt while he was in grad school. He wanted to show off Hardy to them and hoped they wouldn't try to rape him immediately. Practically none of Steve's friends knew he was gay, and almost married, but a few old pals probably wouldn't be surprised. This would be a limited party, because only two of Gary's friends knew of his love for Steven and no friend of Hardy's knew anything about him. But, as soon as the twins saw Hardy, he'd not have a moment's peace trying to fend them off.

Of course they would have to invite Marty, Gary's sister, since she knew them all except the twins and didn't mind being the queen bee of the hive among all the other queens. Matt did wonder how this mixed bag of guests would mingle and get along. He was optimistic.

By noon time Roger and Todd had found a neat out of the way restaurant for their lunch in Angola, Indiana, about eight miles beyond the Ohio border. They'd been driving rather aimlessly in Todd's new car and hadn't realized that they were in Indiana until they spotted the sign for Angola, Indiana, population 5486. The name was familiar to the men, but this Angola, however, did not have a huge prison such as in Angola, upstate New York.

These two handsome young men had been talking for four hours, not without some breaks that could last 20 minutes or a half hour. Because they felt comfortable with each other during the quiet times, they would be considered to have bonded, one with the other.

They often got out of the car to look at a historical site or scenic vista, but each time they returned to the car, Todd's right hand and Roger's left hand were clasped with more than friendship, edging onto affection and growing attachment.

"You know, Todd, I can't believe that I've met you. Even since I confessed all my fears to Hardy, and he took pity on me to help me when he shouldn't have. He fought with his conscience but finally told Matt all about it. And Hardy said that Matt was very supportive, to him and to me."

When eating at the small dining room, they sat on the same side of the booth, and were lucky that Todd was left-handed and Roger was right-handed so they could hold hands while eating. Later they were sure the waiter saw what they were doing, but he just smiled at them.

Heading east after their meal, Todd and Roger drove the 20 miles back to Windsor. During that time Todd told Roger of his last meeting with his mother. How she had welcomed him home, but then wanted him to see a psychiatrist to 'cure' his homosexuality. Todd had to pull over on the berm because his eyes were filled with tears, clouding his vision.

Roger leaned over against Todd shoulder, still holding his right hand and caressing his shoulder as he tried to soothe Todd's agony. "I'm so sorry, Todd, that you had to go through that, you were so pleased to be home again and your mother didn't accept you. Have you thought about trying again?"

Suddenly angry, Todd turned toward Roger, "Roger," he roared, "I've thought of nothing else, but also nothing is going to let myself be belittled and disparaged by my own mother." He had stiffened, tightened his hand like a vise on Roger's hand.

"Hey, Todd, I'm not fighting you. You're breaking my hand," he almost whined.

Todd looked down at their joined hands, then softened his grip and relaxed, "Oh, Rog, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's not your fault." He reached his left hand to Roger's face and ran his palm softly over his cheek, "You have done nothing but help me."

Roger used his left hand to pull Todd's head toward his own. He let his lips touch Todd's, just a light kiss, hardly a meaningful one, but that peck totally changed Todd's life. Never again would he feel less than a man, never would he feel subhuman and never again would he feel inferior to 'normal' men.

Todd wiped his eyes, smiled gratefully at Roger and headed his Toyota toward Windsor and Matt's home. The house was warm even in the freezing weather outside. These two hot young men probably would have felt warm in a meat cooler full of frozen sides of beef. After removing their winter coats, Roger took Todd's hand, put one arm around his waist and pulled him toward Matt's bedroom, very deliberately and purposely.

Next to Matt's bed Roger turned Todd to face him, wrapped his arms around his young friend and forced his body against his own. Their faces were very close, practically nose-to-nose, and Roger was taken with Todd's bright blue eyes, his glowing black hair and rosy complexion.

"Todd, this is our time, yours and mine, to know each other. I want this to be a wondrous experience, my dear friend, so you must tell me when you don't want what I suggest. Do you agree?" Todd nodded amiably.

Roger held Todd's face with both hands, gently, but pulling it toward his face until their lips met for a third time in their lives. This time Todd returned his passionate kiss, parting his lips so that Roger's tongue could invade his mouth to duel with his own tongue.

Todd plastered his body to Roger's, still kissing heatedly, searching out every crevice in Roger's mouth. They shared volumes of saliva, breath and flavors while trying to feel every high and low place on each other's body.

Roger broke their embrace and moved back a fraction, holding Todd's shoulders in his hands massaging them with his subtle fingers. Moving his hands to Todd's throat, his fingers then opened his top shirt button, and then slowly opened the buttons until reaching his belt. Holding Todd's wrists, he opened his cuffs, then pulled his shirt from his pants. He could feel Todd's body begin to shiver; his muscles reacting physically to his emotions.

Todd's mind is whirling, thinking 'My god, Roger is taking my clothes off me, I don't know if I can hold it.' He felt Rog's strong hands on his back muscles, caressing them and him, his passions burst off the top of the scale, filling him with nerve shocks throughout his system.

With Todd's shirt folded on a chair Roger pulled his naked torso against his own, caressing his back muscles, smoothing them, soothing them. Todd was breathing heavily through his mouth, short and rapid breaths, his bare flesh blushing in diversified spots and tints. Roger knelt in front of Todd and placed his right cheek against Todd's crotch, discovering the young man's solid, rock hard cock, lying to one side of his groin.

'Oh lord, it's too much, his face is pressing on my cock, nobody's ever been near my dick except my hands. It's too much, too hot and lusty.' Todd couldn't speak, just listened to his mind.

Todd's belt was opened and his top button also, then his zipper traveled to the bottom of his crotch and Roger let his pants drop to gather around his feet. Todd's tight boxers were pulled taut by his full buttocks and his thrusting cock, and were virtually dripping with precum from Todd's full, pulsing cock.

Todd knew and mentally cried, 'He's going to pull my underwear down, he'll see me, my cock and balls and butt, no one's ever seen me.... I can't hold,' his body tensed all over as he tried not to cum. He held onto Roger's head. Todd had forgotten all those times in the gym shower room when he was naked, but he kept his eyes down, not looking, sure no one would look at him. That was too bad because a really hot senior in his gym class spent a lot of his shower time staring at Todd, wishing he could make it with Todd whom he thought was perfectly straight.

Roger's curling fingers worked around Todd's boxer's waistband and he started to pull them off his ass to release his hot prick. Roger heard, but ignored Todd's moans, his bodily lurches and finally his loud, "Oh.. oh. Oooh god ... Rog.. look out! I'm cumming ... I'm cumming."

Grabbing Todd around his hips, Roger held his friend's shooting cock against his cheek, feeling the throbbing prick shooting stream after stream against the material of his shorts, finally dripping down on Roger's pants as he hunched down.

"Oh, Rog, I'm sorry, so sorry, I couldn't help it ... honest ... Ohh," and Todd started shaking, holding his arms around his chest.

Roger stood and gathered Todd in his arms. "It's okay, Todd, really, it's okay."

Todd was taller than Roger and not a lightweight. As Roger tried to hold him up, he relaxed and they tilted to one side, falling on the bed, lying on their sides. Roger quickly lifted Todd so he could pull off his boxers, dropping the soggy material on the floor. Roger then took the opportunity to remove all his clothes, return to the bed and clutch a naked boy to himself, his hands caressing his back and butt, and legs.

He started kissing Todd vigorously, suckling his tongue as he pulled it into his own mouth, lightly biting his lips and sucking them.

"Babe," he moaned, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that to happen but it's no problem. You will be cumming with me millions of times, right?"

Todd realized what Roger was saying, that they would be together for a long, long time. His eyes twinkled with unshed tears and stared lovingly into Roger's dark orbs, and finally smiled wistfully.

"Is that right, Rog, are we going to be together? Oh, I hope so. I do love you, man, I need you so bad I can't stand it." He then felt Roger's hot, hard cock pressing against his own crotch, "But you didn't cum, Rog, can't I do something about that?"

He knew that Todd wasn't up to having sex immediately, so he calmed him. "That's okay, Todd, I don't think you or I could. Stand up and I'll open the bed where we will cuddle and hug and fall asleep. When we wake, if you still want to, then we'll do something." He smiled widely and kissed his lover passionately, slowly dropping off to sleep, hugging each other tightly.

While in that half-awake and half-asleep zone, Roger realized something about himself. He'd had one sexual experience with a man and here he was, leading another young man, like himself, where he had gone so recently. Roger was feeling more independent, more self-reliant and more confident and assured. He knew he owed a hell of a lot to Hardy who had risked his relationship with Matt to help this miserable young man.

Back in Columbus Matt and Hardy decided to visit with his mother in her house. Since there were four men who could watch the boys, and she hadn't been home for a while, she went to her house in Upper Arlington. Also, she figured that she could get 18 holes in some time that Saturday. The course was very exclusive and it was easy for her to get a tee time.

Matt and Hardy also wanted to take some of Hardy's things that were still at his mother's house. They would soon have a home of their own in Windsor, a farm with loads of room in the house plus acres of fields and woods to play in. They met Anne Wolfe just on her way to play 18 holes so they did have plenty of time.

Once in Anne's house, Matt pulled Hardy by his hand upstairs to the bed that used to be Hardy's for years. He released Hardy, pulled the bedclothes to the foot of the bed and began to undress himself. He gave Hardy a look that said 'I'm getting undressed, you better do it too.' He quickly responded to Matt's invitation.

Once in the bed, side by side, nestling into each other, Matt said, "I've always wanted to make love to you in the bed that you had before you grew up and I knew you. I could imagine your dreams, day or night, and try to fulfill them for you."

They held each other's naked bodies, flesh on flesh, lips on lips and cock against cock. Matt decided that this was Hardy's day, his day to be adored, admired and pleasured. Laying Hardy on his back, Matt began assaulting his body with kisses, some wet and sloppy, some long and tender and others quick little lip bites all over his strong, hairy legs, over his torso from nips to groin, bellybutton to pubes and neck from ear to ear. He couldn't resist licking Hardy's arm pits, kissing the inner scents of the unique person he was, finally pulling the long strands of light pit hair in his lips while getting the whole area sopping with his saliva juices.

Having warned Hardy what was going to happen, his lover lay as still as he could, though it seemed his skin shivered, like you sometimes see a horse's skin shimmy, wrinkle and smooth out, seemingly separate from the horse itself. Hardy was in a light trance, dazed by the electric sensations from his dermal sheath, enjoying every contact with Matt's lips.

Matt turned Hardy onto his stomach, full of pride in his mating with this handsome and beautifully developed man who loved him, inspecting his backside from nape to knees. He lowered his head over Hardy's beautiful bottom, alternately licking and kissing that upright, hard, yet so easily loved flesh, sliding his tongue between them all the way to his perineum.

When his hands pulled those strong cheeks apart to reveal Hardy's most private area, Matt knew he'd found the mother lode, the El Dorado, the mine of all delights. He wedged his face in as far as he could and circled the tender hole with his tongue, feeling the soft, darkish ring around the wrinkled, pursed lips of his anus.

Hardy had been moaning for quite a while, louder and stronger when Matt's reached his sacred hole, moving all of his body a little, all except his hips which remained immobile under the loving attention of his mate. Matt drained as much saliva into his hole as possible, slowly working his pointed tongue into the entrance, probing for gold of the loving kind.

Matt slid his rigid, solid cock along the buttocks cleft and lay on Hardy, his mouth at Hardy's ear. He whispered, "Hardy, babe, were you efficient enough those years past to have secreted some lube in this room."

Soft laughing sounds came from Hardy's mouth, "Of course I did," he mumbled into the pillow, "I wasn't no dummy - duh!" He turned his head, "If you'd reach over to that table drawer, open it, and bring back my tube of KY, we'll be fine. I can't wait."

Matt did as he said and started laughing so hard he fell off of Hardy, curling into a fetal position, roaring so hard his stomach hurt, and he could hardly get his breath.

Hardy lifted his head, "What's the matter with you, Matt?"

"Ha, ha, oh hell, oh Hardy, ha ha ha." He couldn't stop laughing and by the time he did, his cock was completely limp, his libido null and void.

He continued finally, "Oh, Hardy, heh heh heh, there's a note attached to the tube. It says.. ha ha ha ha ha, oh damn, I can't stop." He forced himself to calm down, "Hardy, the note says, 'Dear Wolfie, I hope you are using this to condition those little areas of dry skin for your comfort's sake and mine. Love, Mother.' Matt started up laughing again, a little less frantically.

"I think she might have had a clue as to just what you were using this stuff for, don't you?"

Poor Hardy turned beet red from top to the bottom of his feet. "Oh, god, my mother wrote that note? I'll never be able to look her in the eyes again. She knew I was jerking off way back then. I haven't used it in a long time."

Matt stretched out and held Hardy to his side, "Of course you will, Hardy, she's your mother and only concerned for your health and safety. She didn't want you to rub your poor little willie raw, did she? I'm sure she's aware enough to know all men masturbate."

Hardy just groaned, rolling over and trying to dig deeper in the mattress.

"I guess I'll have to start all over again, huh Hardy?"

Hardy snickered, "I'd love that, but I'd rather you got to the main event, okay?"

Matt started at Hardy's neck and traced his spinal cord from there to his coccyx, the entrance to his nether regions. He continued by sliding his tongue again between those perky butt cheeks all the way between his thighs, almost to his scrotum. That seeking tongue soon found the route to Hardy's darkish pink anus lips, trying to breach the sphincter muscle into Hardy's inner sanctum, his holy of holies, normally inviolate from outside.

Matt's hands were rubbing Hardy's side feverishly, pressing the muscles hard to fondle them, express his desire and love to him. They massaged his sides; his arms and shoulders then wormed their way under his chest to cup his full pecs, tweaking his nipples.

Raising up finally, Matt uncapped the KY tube, pressed the open end against Hardy's blushing hole and squeezed a copious amount of lube into his subterranean passage. Getting on his knees, Matt held his full cock in one hand and used the other to spread KY all over it, especially the head. He was ready!

Grabbing Hardy by his hips, Matt pulled his bottom up in the air as Hardy kept his head on the pillow. Matt used his thumbs on opposite sides to pull the cheeks apart until his path to the winking asshole was clear. He pressed the head lightly against Hardy's opening.

"Hardy, babe, I love you, and I want to make love to you, to help you remember all those times you lay in this bed and dreamed of a handsome hunk like me fulfilling all your dreams."

"Hey, no more commercials, Matty, fuck me. You hear, F u c k M e!"

Matt pressed enough to force his cockhead to slip through the sphincter until the flange on his cockhead was holding him in. "Are you okay, Wolfie?"

"I'll be okay when you get that whole 8-inch monster inside me, lover, do it, now!"

Matt thought, 'Well, he said do it, so I will.'

With a sudden lurch and thrust Matt's whole cock filled Hardy's rectum to his pubes, now surrounded by Hardy's heat and moisture and softness inside his colon.

Hardy had voiced a huge grunt at the initial plunge, but immediately wanted Matt to pump it, move it in and out. "Take it almost out, Matt, then give me another pounding and another one until you make me cum when you cum."

Matt draped his torso over Hardy's, his chest against Hardy's hard muscled back, both butts high in the air, smacking loudly with each stabbing move and he held Hardy's breasts, tweaking his nipples with his thumbs, setting more exotic and erotic sensations racing from Hardy's chest to his crotch by way of his brain.

Hardy's cock had gone limp when Matt's cock first entered his hole, but soon that noble rod returned to its former glory, straight, solid and hot, reddened, especially the head, swollen hugely and deep purple-red. The piss slit dripped precum steadily in long thin streams that puddled on the sheets. Matt's hands, fingers spread widely, slid tightly against Hardy's chest from pecs to abdomen, into his pubic hair and grabbed Hardy's cock like a baseball bat, slick from the precum already on the prick. He pressed one thumb on the narrow mouth, a narrow slit with a very slight flap in the center of one side which leaned over the other lip a fraction.

The rammer was becoming highly aroused, excited and passionate and began to hit the ramee harder and faster, deciding to jerk Hardy's prick in rhythm with his plunging. His fist slid easily on the slippery shaft from base to head, tight then loose, while his other hand had its fingers around Hardy's scrotum, pulling his balls down, then relax, then down.

Matt hoped that Hardy's mother was still playing golf, for sure playing eighteen holes, maybe even twenty-seven, because Hardy was making a hell of a lot of noise, even screaming from time to time, yelling, "Matty, harder, fuck me harder, I need it, give it to me."

Other times Hardy just moaned, sometimes groaned and sometimes panted so loud it surely could be heard outside the house. Matt knew he'd better finish this fast.

One hand he brought off the scrotum and back to Hardy's ass. He leaned back and rubbed his thumb on his cock to make it slippery. He didn't know if this would work, but he pressed the thumb tightly against his cock and pushed both in the asshole with his next thrust. They slid in!

Hardy immediately yelled, "Matt, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, fuck me and jerk me, hard and fast. Please. Oh, god, Matty, it's here."

His body tightened all over, stiffened and tensed until he was a body of one part, jumping and flexing rigidly while his cock spewed his semen in a flowing stream on the sheets. He couldn't hold himself up any longer so he fell to the bed and Matt followed, keeping his 8 inches deep inside Hardy.

"Feel me, Hardy, feel me pumping, feel me cumming. My life is yours and yours must be mine." He collapsed on top of Hardy, knowing he could easily hold up his body without smothering, "Oh, Hardy, babe, take me and take my ass, make us one together."

Neither could move nor cover themselves, assuming that Anne wouldn't climb to this floor. It probably didn't matter that she saw them and the result of their love. She knew she should be shocked, but she wasn't. She was pleased that they could express their love in a very physical way, though she did wish they could have done it more quietly. She had heard strange noises from outside the house and stayed away until she thought it was safe, for them, that is. She knew then that they weren't going to wake for an hour or two. Well, she'll never tell.

In Steve's house Gary's phone rang. He had had an extension of his home phone installed in Steve's house with a completely different ringing tone from Steve's.

Steve was working in his sculpture studio while Gary was lying back in the den, watching the boys in their playroom next door.


"Attorney Stuart?"


"You asked me to watch any court activity under a certain name. A woman with that name has approached Judge Cillia with her lawyer, Bret Sampson, to freeze financial accounts of two men with the same last name. You know what I'm saying?"

"Yes, continue."

"This action occurred yesterday at the court's closing. The judge so ordered with no investigation at all. No action will be taken until Monday morning when the so-named accounts will be frozen."

"Thank you; I will take immediate action. You will receive your usual compensation." He knew that meant he'd have to drive to the candy store on South High Street, the store that hasn't sold any candy for 40 years, and leave an envelope for his source.

Gary disconnected and ran from the house out to Steve's studio.

"Steve, the shit has hit the fan. I can't imagine what has gotten into your mother, but she has gone to Judge Cillia, led by her lawyer, Bret Sampson, to freeze your accounts and also Matt's accounts. I wish I had found out yesterday, but my informant didn't see fit to tell me until today."

"Geez, Gar, what can we do?"

"Well, right now, if I can get to my pet judge, Harvey Beckstein in Superior Court, I will have him order a stay of Judge Cillia's order, he's on a higher court than she is and can order a court hearing of the previous order before its execution."

"But, Gary, what the hell reasons could she have to succeed with a demand like that?"

"Bret Sampson, her lawyer, is a good guy but has gotten into trouble financially so he's taking every possible case he can. I may be able to talk to him to see what's up."

"Of course the banks are all closed. We can't do anything until Monday and then if you aren't successful, we'll be hung out to dry by our scheming mother. Damn bitch!"

"I'll do what I can, Stevie, you should have enough time to transfer your funds to me and Matt could do the same with Hardy, we'd find ways to hide the finances."

"Well, don't just stand here, love, go get that judge!"

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 15

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