Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 5, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=========== Chapter Fifteen ===========

Hardy and Matt headed back to Windsor about one on Sunday afternoon, being careful not to get home too soon and disturb Roger and Todd on their 'honeymoon'. They both giggled when Hardy mentioned 'honeymoon' in connection with the weekend the two young men were spending in Matt's house. Whether it was a honeymoon or not might be a difficult question to answer unless they ask the boys themselves. Neither Matt nor Hardy felt they had the nerve to do it.

As they neared Windsor, Hardy took out his cell phone and called their house. When he got no answer, they assumed that their friends had left and Matt kept on driving. Within a few minutes as the van parked in front of the house, they noted that the snow had not melted as it had in Columbus.

"That's what we get for living in the far north," Hardy quipped and they chuckled while getting their bags from the van and into the house. Matt had told Roger to leave the thermostat at 70 degrees when they left. He didn't want to walk into a cold house after driving all that way.

"Man, Matt, do you think these guys were really here?" Hardy had looked around the first floor and found nothing extra or out of place. "Maybe up in the honeymoon suite, the site of the orgy, we might find a real disaster." He laughed and so did Matt. They looked at each other, then, as one, they tore up the stairs and into their bedroom.

"What did you say about an orgy, Hardy? This doesn't even look used."

Hardy came back, "Just you wait, man, when I get done we'll know exactly what they did."

He started by checking the bed itself, made well with blanket and spread in order. Not quite sure, he started to unmake the bed. Pulled down the spread and moved the pillows, looking closely at the blanket and sheet.

"Aha," Hardy exclaimed, "here it is, Matt." He pulled down those covers and put his nose close to the sheet in the middle of the bed. "I knew it. They washed the sheets." He was roaring with laughter, joined by Matt who also put his nose close, smelling only fresh sheet aroma.

"Why did you decide that?"

Hardy explained, "You know how we make the bed, putting the top sheet wrong side up so that when we pull the top edge of the sheet over the top edge of blanket, that part of the sheet is then right side up." He pointed, "This sheet has not been put on that way."

"So, Hardy, you have decided that they messed up the sheet. You think, maybe, signs from a virginity being taken?" He smiled at the thought, but said, "No, I guess that probably didn't happen." He thought, "You didn't screw Roger that time in River City, did you?"

Hardy blushed, abashed at the thought, "No, Matt, I told you everything, we didn't do it."

Matt sat on the bed, lay back and pulled Hardy on top of him, kissing and cupping his butt with both hands. "Hardy, I love you so much, I'm just bursting with pride in you. How I was able to love you and have you love me, I don't know." His voice was thick with emotion, his eyes a little glazed and his grip on Hardy as tight as he could make it.

Hardy grabbed his lover, rolled over and pulled Matt on top of himself. "Matty, my lover and love's delight, I am the lucky one, I know it. You have given me so much."

Both men thought seriously about making love then and there, but decided independently that they had too much to do the rest of that afternoon. They would be in that bed later that night.

First, Matt called Roger, "Hi, Rog, how did your weekend go?"

Roger hesitated, then, "Matt, I guess it went okay." His voice was very quiet, without emotion, but leaving a sense of latent excitement in it. He was trying to act 'cool'.

"Well, Rog, Hardy and I wondered it you would have supper with us. We would be pleased if you could join us."

"Gee, Matt, that would be great. I'd like it. What time?"

Matt considered, "Come over about 6, if that isn't too early."

"Okay, thanks, see you then."

"Hardy," Matt hollered, "Roger can come for supper, what are we going to have?"

Hardy came down the stairs, "I have an idea, that nice restaurant around the corner will also sell takeout of any of their entrees. Doesn't that sound good?"

"Good idea. I told him six o'clock, okay?"

"Yeah, and I found something else in our bedroom. I checked the KY tube in the bedside table. The cap was loose and I always put it back on tight. Don't you?"

"Yes, so that means?"

"Well, what else? Maybe we can find out from Roger, you think?"

Matt's next call was to Dr. Powers, Head of the Music Department. He received no answer and when the answering machine clicked on, he declined to leave a message. Next he called Dean McAllister and did get an answer.

"Hi Matt, how was your weekend in Columbus?"

"Dean, it was one of those up and down times, some very good and sometimes bad. Hardy and I did well, but my parents are really causing trouble. Anyway, I hope we can get together with Dr. Powers tomorrow morning. I have planning to do and need to know where the concert requests are."

"Matt, I haven't been able to get hold of him all weekend. I am serious, I guess I can't just fire his ass, but I can suspend him for the rest of the school year. He doesn't do much, so even I could take over."

"Dean, he does have some graduate students under his authority and their needs would have to be filled."

"Couldn't you do that, Matt, they are all on the master's degree program, aren't they?"

"I believe they are, Dean, I suppose I could, but I do hate to spread myself too thin."

"Well, we'll talk about that if it comes around, but first thing, or as soon as he gets to the building, we'll attack. I've been waiting for this. See you in the morning."

"Yes, bye."

After dinner, Matt handed small out small glasses of Drambuie, a delicious Scottish liqueur for the perfect ending of a meal. All three enjoyed its smoky, unusual flavor derived from whiskey, honey and herbs. It was strong but still smooth and easy on the throat.

"Roger, I hope you won't mind that we ask you about your weekend with Todd, but as I said before, we feel responsible for your meeting. We hope everything went all right."

Roger immediately sent his mind to his memory of Saturday afternoon and evening. His remembering took only a flash of a second, but ran through all of their activities.

He and Todd had slept for an hour or so following Todd's almost unaided ejaculation in his own shorts, dripping on Roger's pants. They huddled together, both naked and luxuriating in the feeling of their bodies clinging as close as they could get.

Roger woke slowly, feeling content and full of pleasure, not quite sure why, but he slightly stretched and became aware of something holding onto his cock, as hard as it could be. He raised on his elbows, blinked his eyes open and was amazed to see Todd holding Rog's cock fully in his mouth, down to his pubes. Roger didn't think Todd could take a cock of his size all the way in his mouth. He was not big, really, but long. He needed to stop this.

"Stop, Todd, you've never done this before, have you?"

Slowly, keeping his keen blue eyes on Rog's, Todd very gradually pulled his mouth from Rog's root to the head, keeping his lips tight to the cock skin. Rog's cock muscles were starting to spasm and twitch, so close, too close.

"Todd, let go, please love, please."

Todd sat up and let go of Rog's cock, a delighted smile on his lips and all round his lips were smeared cock juices. Rog could tell that Todd was immensely pleased with himself for having taken the whole cock.

"Yes, Rog, love, what's wrong, was I doing it wrong?"

"Good god, Todd, you were doing it perfectly, I was so close to cumming and I didn't want to do that yet. How long had you been sucking?"

"About ten minutes."

"It's no wonder I was ready to cum. I didn't last that long with Hardy."

He sat up further and held onto Todd's head, his beautiful shiny, black hair, and got close enough to kiss him. "You are so wonderful, Todd, I hadn't thought you would be ready to suck me."

"It's my first cock, Roger, but I seemed to learn fast. I tried to keep my teeth away from your prick and use a lot of tongue. Was it okay?"

"Todd, it was so okay, I'm going to let you finish, if you want."

Todd didn't answer, but leaned over Roger's crotch, sucked his cock into his mouth and again went down on it to the pubes, sucking lightly but mostly using his tongue to excite his lover, round and around the spongy head, bright pinkish-red, and pushing into the urethra, the piss slit. It took no more than a minute and Rog's groin muscles and cock pumped to send four or five spears of semen into Todd's mouth. He didn't hesitate but swallowed every drop while jerking his own cock rapidly, pulling his own semen out to coat Rog's balls and legs. He dropped onto Roger, holding him tightly, rubbing fiercely, passionately.

"Come up here, Toddy, lay on me, let's cement our cocks together with our juices."

After they slept a while, Roger suggested that they detach themselves from each other and go get some supper, maybe even fast food this time. This time they took their shower together, enjoying the feeling of washing the other. Once finished and dried, they decided on a south side Wendys since Todd said his mother lived on the north side.

While they were eating, they also discussed their relationship. Roger hadn't heard of the possibility that all the Ridgways and Hardy might be living near Windsor.

"Do you think you could handle that, Todd, to live seven or eight miles from Windsor and your mother, maybe even go to school at Windsor College?"

Todd smiled shyly, "Rog, if it is near you, I'll be there. I guess I'd be living at the farm house with the boys, taking care of them. I'm not sure whether their new grandmother, Anne, Hardy's mother, would move also. That would make a difference in what I would be able to do. And, I don't know if we could room together in the farm house or not." His eyes and whole face brightened in a huge smile, "Wouldn't that be wonderful for us, Rog?"

"You are so right, but I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Roger finished reminiscing about Saturday afternoon for Hardy and Matt. "Guys, what can I tell you? We think we are perfect together and at this point want to have a relationship. The details I'll just have to let you imagine for yourselves."

Todd was back in Columbus Sunday night with Steve, Anne and the boys, Jacob and Joshua. He had heard there was a problem with Steve's parents and their money somehow. It seems to be up in the air until tomorrow, a difficult night for them.

He didn't know it, but Steve and Gary, and even Anne, had noticed that Todd was walking sort of funny, slightly spraddled-legged and waddling from side to side. Anne wasn't sure, but Steve and Gary knew what was wrong. He'd had his first cock up his ass and was suffering some of the effects. Steve and Gary smiled to each other and Gary made a suggestion. Steve nodded and headed for his bathroom and picked up what he'd intended to get.

Todd was in his own bedroom, resting on his bed. Last night Roger had been so gentle, loving and careful as he prepared Todd's asshole. When Todd asked him how he knew what to do, he just said he read a lot. He had even licked Todd's little red bunghole, a feeling which in itself had almost made Todd cum right then.

He used one, two, then three fingers with lots of lube to dilate Todd's hole, trying to get it to relax. Finally Roger felt Todd was ready and put the bell end of his cock right at the hole's lips. Todd was so scared that the pain might not let him accept this symbol of Roger's love.

Roger sank his cock very slowly inside Todd, first the head was past the sphincter then, since Todd seemed okay, he moved millimeter by millimeter until his cock bottomed out and his pubes rested on Todd's butt. Todd told him he could put it all in. 'But, Todd, it is all in,' he said.

Todd expressed how wonderful it felt, he had no pain, just a feeling of fullness. He was so excited and wanted Roger to start pulling and pushing. 'I want you to love me, now!'

Roger was very close then, he'd never had his cock inside another man, and he was feeling so high, but did as Todd asked. Unfortunately for both of them Roger couldn't last long, just a minute or two of ramming his cock in and out, and he jetted stream after stream of his semen into Todd's rectum. His whole body shook, trembled and stiffened, then collapsed with a shock, falling on top of Todd. Todd's cock had burst forth with clots of semen to puddle on his chest. They lay holding each other for a long time. Todd tried hard not to eject Roger's shrinking cock, wanting to keep it there forever.

Twenty-four hours later, Todd had hoped his anus would feel better than it was.. He wasn't asleep, so when Steve rapped on his door, he immediately sat up and said he should come in.

"Hi, Todd, I'm your angel of mercy, in case you hadn't recognized me." He smiled and sat on the bed beside Todd. "I'm here to help you feel better. Please don't be bashful, my friend, I'm here to give you some relief."

Todd blushed anyway, he had an idea what was coming. "That's okay, Steve."

"Gary and I assume that you and Roger made love last night and that you are not feeling so good. I'll bet the drive down here this morning was a bitch," he smiled.

Todd nodded, mumbling an 'oh, yeah'.

"Well, I have some relief, this tube of ointment. This is mostly for hemorrhoids, but works very well for your problem." He took Todd's hand, holding it in both of his. "I need to suggest something, Todd, and I hope you will go along with me. It is for your own good that I should inspect your anus to see if there any complications. If not, I will put some of this on it and you will feel better quickly." He didn't mention going to an emergency room if it was bad.

Todd's eyes widened at first, but as Steve talked, he understood that he should agree to Steve's suggestion. He smiled modestly, "Okay, Steve, I appreciate your concern. It is feeling pretty sore." He gripped one of Steve's hand, holding it securely, thankfully.

"We've all gone through it, so if you will pull down your pants and roll on your stomach, I will do my best."

Steve loved the beautiful butt he soon saw, narrow but full and definitely cheeky. He leaned over it, gently pulling the cheeks apart. The area around Todd's anus was dark and deep red, bruised and swollen, "No wonder he's hurting," Steve commiserated.

"Todd, I'll put some of this stuff on, it will take a good bit. This will feel cold at first, but will warm up quickly. Tell me if I'm hurting you too much."


Steve opening the tube, squeezed an inch long ribbon of the white medication onto his finger. Holding the buttocks apart with his other hand, Steve laid the cooling, healing substance. He rubbed it around the anus and also pressed some inside the muscle.

Todd had squealed a little, but quieted quickly when Steve's finger began really feeling good on his asshole. Steve put a couple more dollops of the remedy on Todd's rear inside and working it from outside.

Both men had their backs to the door which Steve hadn't close tightly., because all of a sudden came a small voice, "Hey, Dad, what ya doin' to Todd's back? Is he hurtin'?

Steve froze for a second, then said, "That's very good, Jacob, he had hurt his back and I'm trying to make it better."

"Why don't you just kiss it like you do when I get hurt?"

Steve barely restrained an outburst of laughter, but finally admitted, "Jacob, that would just hit the spot, I will kiss to make it well."

He leaned over Todd's buttocks and placed a sloppy kiss on each one. He hope that would please Jacob and Todd as much as it pleased himself.

By that time Jacob had climbed on the bed, sitting right beside Todd's butt. Steve could tell that Todd was giggling, trying to keep it quiet and hold it in.

"Daddy, I think Todd might get better quicker if I gave him a kiss too. Right here." Jacob's forefinger pushed on his left buttock.

"Okay, Jacob, you just might be right. All right, give him a quick healing kiss." This Jacob did.

"Thank you, Jacob, that feels much better," Todd had turned his head to speak to Jacob. "I'll remember that when you have your next hurt." He reached back to pat Jacob on the back.

Steve stood up, "Get down, Jacob, and we'll let Todd rest. You go ahead to the playroom, will you?"

"Sure, Dad." He left the room, heading down the stairs.

"Todd," Steve whispered, "I'm sorry I left the door open. Will you be alright now?"

"Except for being terminally embarrassed, how could I not be alright having my hurt butt kissed by the two handsomest men in the house." He giggled, "And, it does feel so much better." He quieted, "Steve, I love you so much and I owe so much to you and Gary," he continued, "oh, and Matt and Hardy. What a family!"

"Well, Todd, it was Gary's suggestion so you need to thank him, too."

"Oh, man, does everyone know about this? I suppose Anne knows, too?"

Steve laughed, "My good friend, she may not know exactly, but I'd say she has a good idea." He didn't know that Anne had seen Matt and Hardy together. She definitely knew it all.

"Great," he said sarcastically, "I suppose little Joshua knows, too."

Steve carefully slapped two naked butt cheeks, "Maybe not yet, but he probably will soon. He'll probably want to kiss your 'back', too."

Finally he wiped his finger off on a towel and turned to leave the room, taking one last look at those beautiful buttocks. Oh, Todd, I'm going to leave this tube on your night stand. You can keep it for future needs." Todd said thanks.

Steve couldn't resist. "Maybe, just one more kiss to help you."

"Steve, if you don't mind, I'd feel much better if you gave me a kiss on my lips, they are sore too," he giggled, "I'm beginning to think I was abused," he paused, "and loved every minute of it." He grinned, then raised up to receive his therapeutic kiss from Steve.

Late Sunday night, after they had returned to Windsor, Matt had a phone call from Ted Anthony, telling him that the appraiser would be at the farm the next afternoon about 2 p.m. Ted was sure that they would like to be there. Matt agreed, figuring he and Hardy could grab some lunch after band practice, saying they would be at the farm about two o'clock. In fact, Ted could have a ride to the farm with them. He agreed, planning to get a ride to the college that morning. And, every moment he could spent with Matt was exciting. Well, Hardy, too, for that matter. They made his dick salute when he was around them, and often juice up a bit.

At the Windsor College music department Matt and Dean McAllister tried to find Dr. Powers early that morning in the music building, but they found no sign of him and couldn't get an answer his phone at home. They were both getting really pissed so they went to his office. His secretary wasn't there; it looked as if she hadn't come in either .

The two men looked at each other and as one, said "Yes!" vehemently. They tried the door to Powers office and were surprised to find it unlocked. Dean McAllister mused, "I wonder if he's ever coming back? Do you suppose . . . . . ?"

"He'll be back, he'll have some cock and bull story to tell that no one will believe." Matt started looking around the room. The office was clean and tidy, no files or papers lying around and his desk was also clear, nothing on it but his phone and desk light. When Matt spotted the phone, he searched the desk for Dr. Powers Windsor College phone directory.

He tapped out a number and waiting, then, "Hi, Rosemary, this is Matt Ridgway. I was wondering if you knew where Dr. Powers might be." The man's secretary should know!

He listened for a while, then "I see. And as for you, when were you supposed to come back to work?"

"Okay, Rosemary, Dr. Powers in the last week received at least eight invitations that I know of for the Dukes of Windsor to play at other colleges and universities. Would you happen to know where those invitations might be."

He waited.

"Could you make a guess? Those invitations were not his to do with as he pleased." He could hardly control his temper, "If you see him, hear from him or get hold of him, you could tell him to contact Dean McAllister immediately if he doesn't want to be suspended without pay for the rest of the school year. That might get his attention." Dean McAllister nodded in agreement.

She spoke some more.

"Rosemary, if I were you, I would get my butt to work as fast as I could, that's today. He may have decided he deserved a vacation, but he didn't have leave to tell you to take two weeks off. We won't count your half day illness against your annual leave. We'll see you later this morning."

Matt put the phone down and turned toward the Dean. "Dr. Powers decided that he'd been working hard enough and went on a two week vacation. He also told Rosemary that she could also take a two week vacation. I could happily shoot that man."

The Dean spoke up, "That does it. He goes as soon as we can find him."

"Rosemary said she had seen the invitations when they came in, but not again. He kept them somewhere only he knew about. Could we get someone to search this office?" He paused, "Oh, we could have Rosemary do that this afternoon, she should be well rested and she certainly doesn't have anything else to do."

Before Matt had left Steve's house, Gary had asked Matt to call him about nine-thirty on Monday morning at his court house office. He hoped to be able to tell him if his pet judge had been able to stop Judge Cillia's order to freeze all of Matt's and Steve's financial accounts.

He called.

"This is Matt Ridgway. Is Gary Stuart there?"

"Just a moment, he'll be right with you," a well-modulated female voice answered.

He waited.

"Hi Matt. I'm pleased to say that my sneak attack was successful. However, there will be a hearing in a month and you men will have to be there."

"Gary, will we know just what we are being accused of by then."

"Oh, I can tell you that right now. You have neglected your parents and left them needy and starving."

"What bull shit!! They have plenty of money."

"If you know where it is, you better let me know, soon."

"They've hidden it then, somewhere. Okay, Gary, thanks, love, we'll work on that right away."

Monday was a sunny, but crisp winter day that came their way and Matt and Hardy were visiting the farm they hoped would soon be theirs. While Matt drove the van, Hardy livened the trip by resting his left hand on Matt's crotch, occasionally rubbing and petting his hard cock. Matt would have to wait a bit before going into the house. It didn't matter that Ted was riding behind the older men, they couldn't care what he saw, or thought he saw, he was one of the family.

Even without leaves on the trees, the brief trip was easy on their eyes, many of the fields had a green haze, maybe Spring winter wheat. When Matt turned the van into the farm lane, they both enjoyed the tunnel effect of the many oak trees on either side of the road, even though they were bare and eerie. They were meeting with Ted's grandfather along with the appraiser from the real estate company.

Two large pickup trucks were stopped by the house, but the three men saw no one around them. Ted said that the appraiser and his grandfather had most likely already started and suggested that they enter the house to find them. When Matt stepped out of the van, he had to rearrange his equipment to be presentable. Ted had exited on that side too and watched closely. He remembered having that wonderful cock up his ass and still could feel the pain and pleasure..

Hardy was very pleased with the wide porch all around three sides of the two story house. He was as excited as Matt had been with the living room; dark wood trim, hardwood floors newly plastered walls, not wallboard. They found out from Ted that the roof had some leaks which caused the walls to begin to crumble. Ted had suggested wallboard, but his grandfather had insisted on original plaster work.

Matt and Hardy heard voices which seem to come from below them and assumed that the appraiser had started there. Ted led them to the stairway to the basement.

Ted introduced them, "Grandfather, this is Matt Ridgway, oops, Dr. Matthew Ridgway, and his friend, Hardy Wolfe." He turned to the appraiser, "I'll let grandfather introduce our appraiser."

Matt broke in, "Please call us Matt and Hardy. I hope we'll be good friends." He smiled and reached out to shake hands.

"And I'm Mark Anthony, Matt, how do, and Hardy, how do." He turned to the appraiser, "This is Chuck Reynolds, from Top Value Appraisal Company." He laughed,"That sounds big time doesn't it? Well, he's the owner and single employee, and is doing very well. So there."

They all laughed. Chuck and the men shook hands, nodding to each other as they did, also appraising each other's look and body. Matt wondered if Chuck was as good an appraiser of men as he was of buildings.

"Hi, Matt," he nodded to Hardy, "Hi, Hardy."

Chuck Reynolds was tall and slender, almost skinny, probably in his middle forties. He wore a loose plaid wool shirt with pipe-stem jeans of light blue. His face was also long, very rugged and good looking, not model handsome, just looking good. His short hair was dark with strands of gray interspersed lightly in it. He face had a regular, wide mouth, straight sharp nose with wide ranging eyes on either side and a chin you couldn't miss. No facial hair that wasn't well trimmed. His shirt may have been loose, but those jeans were tight all the way, from his prominent ass and huge crotch bulge to his long feet.

Now, Mark Anthony resembled Chuck, but there was no doubt about his physique. Even in the cool basement, he word a t-shirt like a second skin, his nipples poked out seriously as did his pecs and six pack abs. More important, Matt didn't think he was wearing underwear as his cock was conspicuously sliding down his left thigh, and Matt was sure he was circumcised by the defined shadows around the head. His muscles showed under his shirt and under his pants, including beautiful full rounded buttocks, but not flabby or fat looking, solid with narrow hips.

Ted had certainly had a good thing those years in bed with his grandfather, and he knew it. Mark Anthony presented a very erect stance as if he had been military and never forgot it. Contrary to Chuck's looks, Mark was model handsome, gorgeous features which actually drew you into them. He was the Marlboro Man, but slightly less rugged and more sophisticated, again dark hair but no facial hair to mar his masculine beauty. And it was beauty, no question at all. And above all, Mark Anthony was sex, he exuded his pheromones constantly and in a vibrant cloud which surrounded all the men there. For a man in his late fifties, Mark harbored the soul and passion of a much younger man.

Matt and Hardy couldn't help staring at Mark, neglecting completely Ted, a mild shadow of his grandfather.

Mark broke the silence, "Chuck was just talking about the foundation we have here. As you can see, it is not make of cement blocks, but of stone and mortar and he says it should last another hundred years." Mark laughed, "The house isn't quite that old, but it won't be long."

Chuck spoke up, "I want you to look at the overhead beams, those are hand hewn beams from a single tree. Back in those years they could get fifty foot beams out of one tree, and in perfect condition. These beams span the whole width of the house. I think, maybe thirty years ago, someone had the idea of putting up steel posts underneath the beams, but they really didn't need to. Was that you, Mark?"

Ten's grandfather looked abashed, "I'm guilty, Chuck, at the time I figured those beams were getting so old they'd be weakening."

Chuck laughed, "They are fine. Let's keep this inspection going."

The five men gathered on the front porch for a final report.

Chuck started, "Tell you, Matt, if I could afford it, I'd sure buy this place. I found very few problems in the house or barn or any out buildings, not in foundations, insulation, plumbing or electrical supply. The house and basement are dry. You fixed the roof very well, no problem. Oh, there a couple places, Mark, that should have receptacles if we are going to follow code. I'll note those on the report. Also, there are some places where the house gutters need to be replaced and I'll note those, too.

"All in all, this is a wonderful property. Do you want me to give you a value right now? Or should I take a couple days to think about it, then give you the same value I could give you here and now? He laughed, "No matter to me."

Ted's grandfather spoke up for the group, "Okay, Chuck, let us have it."

"Well, all told, the house, barn, unused dairy barn, little sheds and so on, and the 30 acres would be close to four hundred thousand dollars. I will give you the final report, Mark, by Friday and I'll do some closer figuring, but the final value will be very close to that figure."

Mark shook Chuck's hand, "Thank you, Chuck, appreciate your help." Then Mark started laughing as did Ted, and finally Chuck. The three men roared, slapping each other on the back, dancing around the wooden floor. Matt and Hardy stood there, puzzled, uncomfortable.

"Matt, Hardy," Mark finally spoke to them, "didn't that sound as if I hardly knew Chuck?"

Matt said he thought so.

"Actually, Chuck is my nephew." He started laughing again, "and of course Ted knew that, but didn't say anything, did he?"


"Well, I didn't want you to go away and maybe find out who he is, then think we were trying to cheat you. Men, Chuck is the best appraiser I've ever met, and if we asked him to raise the price for us when the property wasn't worth it, he would never speak to us again. Right, Chuck?"

"Damn tootin'," he said, "and I'd never work for you again, neither." Then he nodded to Matt and Hardy and left the porch, started his truck and headed back to Bryan.

"Well, Ted," Matt turned to his young friend, "is he right? Is your grandfather honest?"

Ted stared at Matt's eyes, "You can count on it. I'm supposed to show you something." He reached into his side pants pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, folded a few times.

"Grandfather put this in my pocket before we started the appraisal. He said, when Chuck had finished and given us his estimate, I was to give you this note which he wrote last night, before he even met you men."

Matt took the note, stood close to Hardy and read it out loud.

"To Dr. Ridgway and Mr. Wolfe. You both have impressed my grandson so much, have given him so much of your time and showed that you appreciate him and his talents, I am hereby reducing the value of this property by $100,000 on my word alone. I should also say that I am trying, too, to make up for a student prank for which he could be in jail if you hadn't interceded for him with the police. You have my thanks and appreciation. I know this boy very well, and, as surprised as I was when he told me what he had done, I know he will live up to his abilities and not pull another dumb, stupid stunt like that one." He turned to Ted and whispered, "Sorry, grandson, but I had to get that in."

Hardy and Matt were so dumbfounded with Mark's generosity, they couldn't speak.

Finally, Matt stepped over to Mark and hugged him tightly, "Mark, we certainly didn't do anything to deserve your generosity, but we won't turn it down. We want to buy your house and part of your farm." He was loving to hold this sexy man, feeling his thick muscles and his crotch pushing into his. Pulling away, he grabbed his hand and shook it. "Thank you very much, Mark, and I hope we can become good friends. You will certainly be welcome in this house and on this land any time you feel like it."

He turned to look for Hardy and found he and Ted were also hugging. Hardy was facing Matt and winked broadly at his lover, nodding and smiling at this hunky stud he was feeling.

The four men shook hands all around, smiling, giving pats on their backs.

When Matt looked into Hardy's eyes, the man returned the signal with a slight nod.

"Mark, there will be five men living here; myself, Hardy, my brother, Steve, our lawyer, Gary Stuart and Steve's sons' caretaker, Todd Fowler, and occasionally Hardy's mother, Anne Wolfe, will be a resident. My brother's sons, Jacob, 5, and Joshua, 3, don't qualify as 'men' yet, but they will be living here, too.

"Our attorney, Gary Stuart, will be handling our part of the sale and I hope he and you will be friends, too. How soon can we finish this purchase?"

Mark stood beside Matt, arm around his shoulder, they were equal height. "My friend, you and I are friends, I declare that to be a fact, and I declare that this property is yours right now and we'll work out the money as we go along. By the way, all the furnishings, furniture and anything else is yours. You can move in when ever you want."

Matt turned to Hardy and Ted, "Would you two head for the barn and see if we could use that as a garage. There will be quite a few cars with our entourage."

"Okay, Matt," Hardy said, "Come on, Ted, I'll need your help." They walked side by side toward the barn, occasionally bumping hips, after which each got a punch on the shoulder, laughing all the time. Later Hardy whispered to Ted, "How did you like that cock of my partner's stuck up your ass, feel good?"

Ted answered, "Felt like it was killing me, but it was Matt's and I wanted it so bad. It took me three days before I could shit without screaming." He laughed, "It was worth it. And, I've since had my grandfather's cock up there regularly, works great."

Back on the porch, Mark suggested that they sit on one of the porch rockers. Matt wanted to be sure that either these rockers stayed, or they buy a bunch of them. He rocked.

"Matt, I'm going to ask you some questions, some of which you may object to, and I will respect your objection."

"First, Ted and me have no secrets." He laughed, "Except for the RV caper." He coughed, "He learned his lesson and knows he needs to be straight with me." A gentle smile touched his lips.

"Excepting the RV caper, Ted tells me everything. First, he told me that he told you all about his life, especially his life in my bed. Is that right?"

Matt was embarrassed, but answered truthfully, "Yes."

"Good. He also said that you and he had sex in the hot tub upstairs. Is that true?"

Matt didn't think this man would hurt him. "Yes, that is true."

Mark smiled again, "I knew you would be a man I could take to, honest and trustworthy." He continued, "Are you and Hardy Wolfe partners, a couple? If so, you are some lucky man." He grinned broadly, affectionately.

"Mark, I will be as honest with you as I can be. Yes, we are a couple, dedicated to each other and to spending our lives together. Being known as gays will not be advantageous to either of us right now, job-wise or career-wise. " He looked directly at Mark, trying to read his eyes. "I am putting my trust in you, my friend."

"You can do that, Matt."

"Alright. My brother, Steve, and our lawyer, Gary, are also partners. They all are fine people who wouldn't cause any trouble for anyone. They are professionals, serious but as human and honest as anyone."

"That's good going, Matt, but what about Ted? Where does he fit in. He also told me about being with you in your office. Taking a bit of a chance, wasn't it?"

Matt looked at Mark, trying to get a handle on this man, "Mark, I have a good idea that you know your grandson very, very well. I'm sure he has surprised you with his eagerness and lust for sex from time to time, and I'm sure you have given in to him is fairly dangerous situations. Right?"

Mark laughed and laughed, mostly laughing at himself. "Matt, you wouldn't believe. Once, just after he'd learned to suck me off, he was in bed with me, sucking my cock under the covers with the technique of a professional. My wife, his grandmother, came back into the bedroom after she had gone to the kitchen. She never did that. But she did that time, and she asked what Ted was doing?"

"I said he was looking for my truss which had slipped off. I had never worn a truss but she did know I had one I could wear if I needed it. She turned and left down the hall. I pulled Ted up from his kneeling position, lay him down on top of me and kissed him voraciously. He cuddled me and giggled, 'That was a close one, wasn't it.' " He added, "I just ask that you try not to hurt Ted, he is quite sensitive."

Matt could see tears gathering in Mark's eyes, "Mark, we will all do our best to include Ted in our circle and hope he enjoys us, too. But if I can stand it, I'll have to curtail sex between he and me. I want to keep Hardy." He continued, "Mark, I need to ask something very delicate about your relationship with Ted. Have you ever ... did you ever ... was your cock ever ... "

Mark broke in, "You are asking if I have ever make anal love with Ted? The answer is no."

Matt bowed his head, covered his eyes. "Then, Mark, I must apologize so sincerely to you, and to Ted, also. Up in the Jacuzzi ... we ... did that and I'm so sorry. I was under the impression that he had. That should have been your proper privilege if you both agreed. I again apologize, Mark, I'm sorry."

Mark got up, pulled Matt up with him and hugged him again. "Ted did not tell me about that experience with you; however I did happen to notice him walking funny for a couple days." He laughed heartily, "Served him right, I thought at the time.

"Matt, it is no matter. If that is what Ted wanted to do, and I'm sure it was his idea, there is no problem, and no apology needed. We need speak of it no more." He smiled slyly, "Have you told Hardy, Matt?"

Matt reddened brightly, "No, Mark, I haven't as yet, but will as soon as we move in. And I hope that will be soon. Now that we have keys, I guess it could be anytime, hopefully soon."

They parted, shook hands and patted other on the back. Matt called for Hardy and Ted. He made sure to hug Ted solidly, whispering in his ear, "Thank you for all your help, we are going to love living in your house. You must stay close to us, okay?"

Ted nodded, "I love you, too" He snuck a kiss to Matt's cheek, watching that Hardy wasn't looking.

"Matt, why don't you show Hardy the features of the Jacuzzi in the master bath, I'm sure he'd like to see that." Ted grinned

Ted and his grandfather waved good-bye from their pickup as they drove down the lane to Route 15 to go home.

Matt was talking as they walked up the wide staircase to the second floor. "Ted suggested that I show you the Jacuzzi in the master bedroom. It is quite amazing." He had one hand on Hardy's butt, rather possessively, but lovingly. The two men sauntered into the master bedroom, then into the huge master bath, looking around all the time. Hardy was amazed with what he saw, so luxurious and comfortable.

"Do you mean, Matt, that all the furnishings go with the house, and furniture, and pictures and everything else?"

"Yup, my friend, that's the truth. Mark said so, and he doesn't lie. He shook on it."

Hardy smirked at Matt, "He's pretty hot, don't you think? For his age, I mean."

"You mean Mark Anthony?"

"None other."

Matt started unbuttoning his shirt, throwing it off his shoulders. His pants came next, sliding down his legs to reveal his light gray boxer briefs.

Hardy was staring at him, "What are you doing, Matt? Are you going naked? Are you going to get in the Jacuzzi?"

Matt stopped, turned toward Hardy and slowly, sensuously, pushed his briefs down his legs to step out of them. His eyes flicked up to Hardy's, "He said this is our house right now, Hardy, right this minute. We can move in any time we want." He smiled sweetly, "And I decided it would be 'right now'."

Matt's cock was upright and hard as steel, it swung from side to side as he walked up to Hardy and began to pull his shirt over his head. Following that, Hardy's pants, boxers and his shoes and socks left him. They were both naked as babes.

The older man decided he'd better lead the way by moved to the Jacuzzi, stepped over the edge and sank gratefully into the warm water. "Oh, Hardy, will you flip that switch on the wall there by the door? That will start the jets."

As Hardy walked to the switch, Matt watched his back and rear, so beautiful in motion and succulent in nature. Walking back to the Jacuzzi, Hardy's big cock swung back and forth in rhythm with his pace, his balls shifted in their scrotum while Matt envisioned his full, globular buttocks rising and falling as they had on the way over.

Matt grabbed the hand the Hardy put out to steady himself as he stepped into the Jacuzzi.

"Thanks, man," Hardy smiled, "notice anything you like? I'm a la carte today, " he joked and leaned over to kiss the top of Matt's head. "And I'm having some specials today, too." He clutched his rock hard cock, waving it back and forth in front of Matt's face.

Suddenly, Matt clasped Hardy behind his knees and pulled hard, toppling his lover in the warm water, even pushing his head under the water with both hands. Hardy soon rose, coughing and sputtering, reaching for something on Matt that he could grip. Luck was with Hardy because, with his eyes closed, he accidentally got his fingers around Matt's scrotum and pulled toward himself, stretching the loose flesh full of those two eggs.

"Ow, damn it, Hardy, you're hurting my jewels, play nice now." Matt complained, but, to release the pressure on his bag, he closed with Hardy, embracing the dirty blond, kissing him passionately as the two bodies merged into one perfect love.

They lay side by side, touching each other all over, looking for that sheer spot of ecstacy which would awaken the soul. They kissed, hugged and wound around each other, their cocks tussling blindly yet so satisfyingly by sending electric shocks to their nervous systems.

Matt was thinking to himself that this exact position was where he had planned to tell Hardy about fucking Ted in this same Jacuzzi. At this point though, he wasn't sure that he could do it. How could he tell his lover he had betrayed him with a hot, young, sexy man, taking his cherry with a frantic, pounding fucking, almost the most exciting he'd ever had, except for Hardy of course.

"Penny for your thoughts, Matty?"

"Oh, nothing worth that much, Wolfie, nothing much." He hugged his lover's body very passionately, rubbing his back and then cupping his buttocks with both hands.

"Okay, Hardy, I'm thinking about this wonderful property we got; this wonderful house, the two barns, some sheds and especially that three holer outhouse near the woods."

He grinned cannily, kissed Hardy and relaxed against his lover's muscular body, an dream idol's perfection.

"Would you let me guess what you might be thinking about, Matty?"

Matt thought, not sure, feeling some suspicion, "I guess so."

"I think right now that you are thinking about Ted."

"Ted? Why would be thinking about Ted?" Matt had been shocked, jerked his head over.

Hardy smiled, "Because you and he made love in this very Jacuzzi."

Matt face dropped, 'Oh god, what have I done. What do I do now? Damn it, I can't lose Hardy.' The older man was despondent, completely forlorn.

"How did you know, Hardy?"

"I really didn't know, lover, until I asked the question." He gripped Matt's body, kissing him fiercely. "It's okay, Matty, it's alright, love. The day after you and Ted were here looking over the house, I saw Ted walking around the music building as if he had a baseball bat up his ass." He laughed, "Actually, he did, he had this cudgel up it."

Hardy grabbed Matt's now limp cock, "Soft or hard, Matty, this is mine, you are mine, and don't you forget that."

"I also overheard Ted talking about this very Jacuzzi to some of the Dukes, suggesting they could influence Matt to have a party after he gets the house. He did make some very suggestive remarks about using that Jacuzzi with someone. Then I did remember that you came home from that earlier inspection really beat, and also recalled you had a good nap before supper."

Matt tried to get closer to Hardy, "I'm so sorry, Wolfie, Ted practically made me get in the tub wearing one of his old speedos. It was not premeditated, love, it just happened." His eyes began to glisten, "Please forgive me, Hardy, I love you more than anything or anyone." Matt's head bowed, holding on to Hardy with frenzied fingers.

"Matthew Bunker Ridgway, Doctor, listen up! You and I are partners, we are committed to each other, and we don't split over anything this silly. Did you break with me when I told you I had sex with Roger Adams? No, you didn't. And you'll have to fight to get rid of me. And you won't win because I have the strength of ten and ..... my .... heart ... is ....pure, my love."

Hardy's throat choked, his face red, "Please don't leave me, man. I love you." Hardy began to sob against his lover when he realized Matt was sobbing into his shoulder.

"Matty, we better stop crying, we'll flood the Jacuzzi." He started sobbing and laughing at the same time, tugging Matt's all too human body against his own.

Matt tried hard to speak, "Thank you, Hardy, I don't deserve you, but I love you with all my heart and soul." He lay back against the side of the Jacuzzi, utterly exhausted. He was breathing short, shallow breaths through his mouth, alternating with some deep ones. Hardy lay next to Matt, cuddling him, feeling his depth of guilt destroying his usual positive outlook. He decided he had to do something to get Matt out of his funk.

Hardy started to step out of the Jacuzzi and accidentally slipped over the side, ending up on the carpeted floor on his hands and knees. It suddenly came to him, maybe he had a way. On hands and knees he moved a little away from the spa, his ass pointed at Matt, when he shook himself like a big, woolly, very wet dog, shaking the water off of him. Matt ignored him, or just didn't notice at all. . So Hardy started whining, softly, then louder, whining, wagging his 'tail' and shaking, too. He would look around his body toward Matt, giving him the eye past his still waving buttocks.

After whining louder and giving a yip or two, he saw Matt glance toward him so he waved his 'tail' like mad, back and forth, and started panting a bit with his tongue hanging out. He also moved just a bit farther on the carpet, heading for the double doors leading to the bedroom itself. He sat back on his ass, not turning around, but raised his left leg, trying to reach his ear with his foot and scratch it. The foot wouldn't reach and Hardy started to giggle, but quickly squelched it.

He got on his hands and knees again, then put his head down lower, whining pitifully, his whole body sagging in despair and barely moving. Suddenly, he heard a snicker coming from the spa and another body dropped from the Jacuzzi rim. Looking back, Hardy witnessed something that almost made him hysterical. Matt had slipped out of the spa just as Hardy had done, onto his hands and knees and was shaking himself as Hardy had.

When Hardy looked again, Matt was licking his shoulders and paws, one at a time, trying to sop up the water. With a quick move, Matt noticed Hardy, give him the eye and galumphed, as woolly dogs are wont to do, toward him still on hands and knees. It was obvious that Hardy's 'hind quarters' were the attraction that drew Matt. In fact Matt soon was close enough to sniff around with his nose, up and down and around, finally he stuck his nose between Hardy's butt cheeks, squeezing inside to reach his asshole, sniffing and snorting all the time.

Matt slid his nose up and down, licking the whole area with his tongue, delighting inwardly, feeling the pursed lips of his lover's anus. He then sniffed down lower between Hardy's thighs, snooping out his scrotum and licking his perineum while he was there.

Hardy waited patiently for Matt to reach his goal. He knew that happened when he heard and felt Matt spitting on his asshole, his paws pulling Hardy's butt cheeks apart. He would spit and then use his tongue to spread it and push as much as possible into the hole. He almost broke up completely when he turned his head around to witness Matt sitting on his butt without using his paws, trying to hit his cock with his saliva as he drooled it down. Hardy had to admit, Matt was staying in character very well, no knowing glances from him.

Raising back onto paws and feet, Matt slowly waddled until his cock touched Hardy's butt and he lifted his body on top of Hardy's, inching forward until he was in position. Hardy was afraid he have to hold Matt's cock for him, but his lover managed to direct it with his paws, pushing the soft, swollen head against his pucker. With one forceful lunge of Matt's pelvis he forced his cock into Hardy's hole, sinking the glans beyond the sphincter to be held in place with his cock's flange.

Hardy growled, then panted and rumbled in his throat, wagging his ass back and forth slightly, urging Matt to shove his cock in all the way. A second later he took matters in his own ass and lurched back toward Matt, thrusting his anus all the way to Matt's pubes, feeling the soft, curly hairs against his butt and his lover's huge, hot rod far into his rectum.

Matt started rhythmically grunting in his chest just as his cock was plunging full force into Hardy's body, hanging onto his shoulders tightly with his paws. His hips snapped a strong impact with Hardy's butt, their flesh smacking hard and loud, the force pushing Hardy a bit into the bedroom.

Hardy could tell his prick was drooling precum onto the carpet. He realized they would be obliged to clean up the carpet before they left. He also knew that his sensual excitement was being raised to new heights. He was burning and blushing all over, starting to shake and shiver while the cudgel in his asshole was carving new paths to the utopia of the gods. He hadn't felt this high before with Matt, he was soaring and mounting his passion scale and soon would be shooting.

He started barking, woofing and yipping, many times, hoping to alert Matt that he was coming very soon. Matt did the same and they were creating a blazing duet of canine sounds, reaching to a peak of loudness and height as they both came as one, one pumping streams of semen from his organs into Hardy's rectum, into the heat and moistness of the silken sides there while the other puddled his cum under him on the carpet.

Even though he had shot, Matt wasn't ready to quit, his cock staying stiff and straight, still pushing in and out of Hardy. Hardy was getting worried that maybe Matt's cock would swell hugely on the end and get stuck inside of him, like dogs often do. He giggled to think of them, locked together, until someone came to rescue them. Someone could pour a bucket of water on them.

That started him off, really laughing, roaring, almost hysterically. Very soon to his relief, Matt pulled his cock out and pushed Hardy over, laying on top of him. Hardy realized that Matt was laughing as hard as he was.

Between bursts, Matt muttered, "Do dogs kiss, Hardy?" And he roared again, his chest heaving and whole body shaking.

To respond Hardy grabbed Matt's head and pulled it down, his lips on Hardy's, their lips and tongues reacting to each other's excitement and release.

"Matty, I love you and nothing will get between us. You got that? Not even a Ted."

Matt looked at him strangely, "What's a Ted?" His face was closed, impassive.

The two men hugged for a long time before they decided to get up to dress and clean up their mess, well, Hardy's mess since Matt didn't get anything on the carpet.

Matt started laughing, "Dogs? You realize we were dogs, Hardy, how did you think of that?"

"Oh, when I fell down, I said 'Oooof' and it sounded like 'woof', so I thought 'dog'! And that started it off. I was worried at one point because I was afraid you might raise one back leg high and spray the dressing table!" He couldn't help snickering, which Matt joined.

After using a wet washcloth, they stood, holding each other tightly, exulting in their new home, their property and their restored love and devotion. Matt hung the washcloth on Hardy's horizontal cock, still very hard and stiff as a metal pipe. Arms around each other, they looked out of the window to survey their lands and barns, not cool in their nakedness but warm in their union of life and love.

Matt and Hardy were back in their old house since it would be a while before they could actually move on the farm. They had talked to Steve and Gary, all four deciding that the price was a great one for the property, especially for such a nice house and all the furniture and goods. The two men had been talking about all sorts of directions they expected for their lives as a couple. Ensconced on the sofa, using a minimum of the available space, Matt was sitting on Hardy's lap, like an oversized teddy bear, so cuddly and squishy, both totally naked.

"Hardy, what I dream of for Windsor would be a new building and the opening of the Windsor College Conservatory of Music. I know that would be a huge undertaking and lots of money, but we have to think big, don't we? Oh, and Hardy, I didn't tell you what just came in the mail today." He smiled secretively, sort of gloating, too.

"Okay, I give, what is it?"

"It's an invitation to the State Music Educators Conference in Columbus at the end of January for the Dukes! How about that!?"

Hardy stood up, his strength sending Matt to the floor on his butt with a loud groan.

"Matt, don't you see what that means, we'll be performing for the majority of the band directors on the state. And, hopefully, the large majority will like us and we'll get gigs all over the place. Wahoo, lover, that really means we're on the way to fame and fortune." He started laughing, "Ha, lover, I think I'm getting a little carried away." He was dancing around the room, doing his inimitable style of Dukes' choreography although unusual because of his naked body.

Matt agreed, "I agree, Hardy love, maybe a little bit of fame but hardly any fortune. Well, who knows what could happen."

"Hey, Matty, did you ever tell anyone about your dream of a Conservatory of Music at Windsor?"

Matt had to think, "I don't think so, at least not on campus. While we were in River City for the concert, I was talking to Brian, I think, and may have mentioned that. Why?"

"Where do you think the money might come from if it weren't approved by the Board of Trustees and President Bishop?"

Matt got up off the floor, sat again on the couch, pulling Hardy down on top of his lap. If Hardy were only wearing a loin cloth, he'd look just like Tarzan, but Tarzan with an extraordinarily large penis pendant from his crotch. Matt was always pleased to see Hardy in his nakedness, the beautiful muscles and slim physique, not power built, but naturally shaped with glorious bulges in the right places, especially between his legs.

While his hands roamed Hardy's body feverishly, Matt had to admit he didn't know where the money would come from. "Could we have a bake sale?" He said and immediately giggled.

Their phone chirped stupidly, but Hardy, nearest to it, picked it up to silence it if for no other reason.


"Hi, Hardy, it's Brian."

"Oh, hi, Brian. How is everybody? We were disappointed that you didn't come up after the concert to Otterbein. We knew you were there."

"Yes, Hardy, we enjoyed the program immensely, specially when they changed horns, and saw Matt playing the trumpet so well. Didn't know he could do it. But we didn't want to break in on your celebration. You deserved every bit of it."

"Thanks, Brian, we appreciate that, but here's Matt."

As Hardy handed over the phone, he whispered in Matt's ear, "Where's the money?" and smiled smugly.

"Hi, Brian, good to hear from you. And we were so pleased that you two could make it to the concert. I was just telling Hardy that we have been invited to play for the State Music Educators Conference in February. Now that's the big time," Matt boasted.

"Good to hear it, Matt, that will be a big advance for you." He paused, "Oh, I wanted to ask about your farmhouse and part farm, any news?"

"Man, Brian, you picked the perfect time to call. We just took possession today. When we are settled, we want to have a big party to celebrate and hope you and Mike can make it. Don't know when yet, but we will check with your schedule before we set a date. The place is huge, lots of rooms, and in great shape for its age."

"Matt, seriously now, is everything all right for you? Please tell me. Both Mike and I are very much interested in you and your family."

Matt hesitated, not wishing to burden Brian. But he said tell him. "Brian, we have a problem with our family, Steve and I." Matt proceeded to tell Brian all about their parents, mainly their mother, who were causing a big problem. "That's it, Brian, any ideas?"

"You mainly need to know where they have stashed their money, right?"

"Yes, that's it." Hardy was playing with Matt's nipples, and, when he had given Matt a full cock, he knelt on the floor between Matt's legs and started sucking. Matt groaned.

Brian was thinking, 'Is Hardy playing around with Matt's cock? That groan sounded very familiar.'

"I think I have a way to go, Matt. Our accountant and financial advisor is a whiz online and can find out anything on the Internet. If he can't find out where the money is, no one can. I want you to print out all the particulars and fax that to me. Do you still have my numbers?"

"Yes, but we didn't want to bother you."

"Matt, damn it, I told you to call me anytime, or use my pager or cell phone. It doesn't matter when. Got it?"


"Okay. When you get me that information, I'll get Roy MacLean right on it. Keep thinking good thoughts, my friend. I need to go. Bye."

"Bye, Brian. Thanks."

"Hardy, I think Brian will fix everything. Now get off my cock and we'll go to bed and do something with it. I love you so much."

"And me, you, so much."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 16

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