Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 18, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. This is a fantasy story in a time with no sexual diseases, a time which will probably never happen. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and the author hopes you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing every chapter of this story. They have made the writing smoother, correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters, and has been finished. One chapter will be posted each week, if all goes well. P.D.

============ Chapter Nineteen ============

The farmhouse, i.e. The Dukes Ranch, was quiet that evening. Steve and Gary had left for Columbus to check on their houses and Steve's studio, praying they hadn't been damaged. Matt and Hardy left for the Music Building for an extra rehearsal that night, even though Chris wouldn't be with them. Three of the female French horn players at Windsor were trying out for the position of Duchess for the next year. Chris wasn't sure she would do graduate school next year, so Matt and Hardy weren't taking any chances. In their hearts they knew they needed Chris back, so they did assume that she would change her mind, just for them.

Jacob and Joshua had been put to bed by their new friend, Chrissie, who dealt very well with them. They even allowed her to bathe them together before bedtime. She enjoyed it as much if not more than they did. And they had no problem being naked with her.

Chris did have an emotional problem twice, each time she was holding a slippery, naked boy body, squiggling in her arms, sadly wondering what her boy would have been like. She sniffed a few times and said she had a little cold when they asked. She was sure Joshua accepted her excuse, but was almost positive that Jacob knew that she was really crying. This had been brought out that day when Jacob asked Anne why Chrissie was so sad. Anne didn't want to lie to him, so she told him about Chris's loss of her baby boy whom she was expecting. Jacob took that very seriously, merely nodding.

When she tucked Jacob in and kissed his forehead, he solemnly told her, "You will have more boys, Chrissie, I know it." He patted her arm, turned over, closed his eyes and went to sleep. Chris couldn't believe what he'd said, so matter of fact as if he knew the future. 'Well,' she thought, 'I sure hope he's right. If I had the chance, I'd take these two in a second.'

After getting the boys asleep, Chris walked into Anne's suite to find her sitting on the soft couch. Anne could tell right away by Chris's looks that she was hurting. She knelt on the couch next to Anne, leaning on the back and looking out the window toward the far pasture.

"Did they give you a hard time, Chris?"

She turned to Anne with a sweetly sad smile, "No, Anne, they were darlings. I was thinking I'd love to ...... " She broke off, choking up unable to talk.

Anne reached around Chris to pull her onto her lap.. Chris followed easily to end up across Anne's body, facing her, holding tightly while Anne soothed her as she would have a daughter.

"Anne, little Jacob really got to me. He said I'd have more boys as if he were an oracle prophesying for me." She gave a couple little sobs, "I sure hope he's right."

She leaned into Anne, holding her, resting her head on Anne's shoulder.

"Chris, if I may, could I ask you why you went ahead to have a baby through the sperm bank?"

Chris nestled more comfortably in Anne's embrace. "Right now, I wonder myself, but at the time I knew it was the action to take. You know who my real love is, don't you?"

"I guess I would bet on Matt, right?"

"Yes, and when I realized he and Hardy were a couple, I knew they were out of my sight. I also knew that Marty Stuart had struck out with Matt, so I knew there was no chance." She was holding on to Anne who was unconsciously giving out 'motherly' vibes. "I couldn't see anyone else on the horizon." She raised her head a little to look at Anne's face, "Your son would also be on my list, but there you go. He's married to Matt."

Anne caressed Chris's hair, wavy and shiny, "Dear, I had always hoped Hardy would bring home a prospective bride just like you." She smiled, chuckling, "And now he brings home a bride who has to shave and sings bass." She kissed Chris on her cheek, "I know I will love Matt just as much as I do Hardy. And Jacob isn't the only one who can made predictions, dear, I know if you have patience, you will find the right man, you'll marry him and have four boys, at least." They laughed together, hugging tightly.

At the sound of the front door bell, Anne squirmed out from under Chris who was told to lie down and rest. Anne walked through the front hall to the foyer, softly glistening wooden floors under her slipper shod feet.

Opening the door, Anne's first words were, "What's the matter, you lose your key?"

The man on the porch looked at her weirdly, "Uh, I wondered if Matt Ridgway were home?"

Anne's hand rushed to her face, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were my son. I'm Anne Wolfe. Won't you come in, please."

"Thank you," the man said, "I'm Neil Jordan, a friend of your husband, sorry, your former husband, I don't have it yet, your late former husband.. Matt said to stop whenever I could."

"Follow me to the den, we'll get something to drink. I think I need it."

The truth dawned on Anne. "Oh, Neil, I'm so sorry. You see, I thought you were my son."

"Do you mean Hardy?"

"You know Hardy, too?" She was surprised, "You'll have to give me a chance to catch up." The two sat in the den after Anne had fixed two drinks.

"This is a beautiful room. Matt had said something about buying a farm house, but this is a mansion." He looked around, "Well, let me try to explain."

Neil told Anne about meeting her husband and their friendly talks for a few months, but no details. Also his theory that he looked so much like Hardy that Merritt had been drawn to him as a substitute. Then, how he had met Hardy on the day his father had died, because his father had sent him to the hotel to meet him. That was when the puzzle became more clear.

"When I met Hardy, I understood why Merritt had chosen me as an acquaintance with whom he could share part of his life. I assume that he hadn't shared much with Hardy before."

Anne nodded, "No, when Hardy was small, Merritt was too busy and when he had time, Hardy had left. So he really did miss his son. Is that what you are saying?"


Chris entered the den with a drink in her hand. "I thought I heard Hardy in here. Oh, I'm sorry, you sounded so much like him."

Anne introduced them and explained Neil's relation to Merritt and to Hardy. She could also tell that Chris was being drawn to the man. Of course she was, since he was so like the real Hardy.

The two women asked question after question of Neil, degrees, major instrument, parents, home town, girl friends or if not, boy friends. Neil blushed a number of times because of their questions. He finally explained that he had lived with a man for six months, but there was no love between them. He left the rest to their imagination.

"I was not happy as assistant manager of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. I received minimum wages and had to take care of all the problems. Here I was, just awarded my masters degree, and couldn't find a job. Matt said to get in touch with him and maybe he'd have a job for me."

Chris offered, "Matt should be home in a few minutes, Neil, he had a special rehearsal for the Dukes."

Neil blurted out, "How could he do that with the Duchess sitting right here?"

Chris admitted she had not been looking forward to another year with the Dukes, so Matt was trying out some female band members who play brass. Just recently she was a little more sure of staying on as the Duchess.

"You know, Neil, Matt just might have something available right away. But I better let him be the one to talk to you. Glad you stopped. Have you had dinner? We could whip up something fast. No, not fast food. It's we who are fast." Anne laughed and rose. "Chris, you keep Neil entertained while I dig up some grub. Neil, if you didn't know, this is the Dukes Ranch."

Very soon Neil was facing a delicious looking sandwich at the kitchen table as Chris and Anne munched on some of Anne's fresh cookies. Suddenly, Matt and Hardy rushed into kitchen without noticing Neil, but attacking the plate of cookies.

"Get some milk out, Hardy."

"Matt, the milk is right here on the table," Neil spoke up to let Matt know he was there.

"Hardy? How did you get over there?" Matt looked around and found Hardy behind him. He gave a double-take, looking quickly back at the 'other' Hardy. He yelled, "Neil Jordan, what are you doing here?" He blushed, "Sorry, Neil, I didn't say that very well. I'm glad to see you and hope you can stay a while." He reached over to shake hands, "Do you know Hardy? Oh, boy, that's a stupid question. Sorry, again, Neil."

The women told Hardy and Matt what had occurred since Neil arrived.

"Neil, let me see if I have all this right. You quit your job, have no income, have no place to stay and wonder if I have any work for you." Matt was sitting across the table from Neil, still munching on the few cookies remaining. He realized that Neil didn't look too good, he was obviously embarrassed, feeling very stupid the way Matt put things.

"Okay, Neil, here's what I'm going to do. One. I'm going to give you a place to stay at least for the next four months. I have a lease on a duplex in Windsor which is still running and won't be up until June. It is furnished and provided with foodstuffs which will serve you if you can cook a bit.

"Two. I do have a job for you immediately. Can you teach woodwinds?"

"Of course. My major instrument was trombone, but as you know I had to learn all the other instruments, too."

"Good. Neil, you will be hired as a part time instructor. That's the best I can do right away. But, you will have free room and board, and we'll talk all about that soon."

"Matt, that sounds wonderful. I'm very grateful. I'd give you a kiss, but certainly not with Hardy in the same house." He laughed, "Hardy, don't look at me like that. I wouldn't dream of coming between you two."

"Okay, Neil, it is getting late. I'll take you to the house right now and you can settle in for the night."

The two men left in their vehicles, Matt leading in the van and Neil following in his car.

Matt pulled to a stop in front of his old duplex. He noticed that it looked much better now that some bulbs were blooming and leaves coming out on bushes and trees.

Matt got out and pointed for Neil to park in the drive.

They met on the porch and Matt unlocked the door and led the way into the living room.

"Here is your key, Neil, you are welcome to use whatever you find. I'm sorry but we took all the stereo stuff to the farm."

Neil shook his head, "No problem, Matt, my car is full of equipment, both audio and video, so I won't hurt for entertainment."

Matt put his arm around Neil's shoulder, holding him in a friendly way. "I would like to ask you to be most careful about meeting people." He smiled, "Actually, you have probably read my thoughts, right?"

"Yes, Matt, I won't go picking up college guys who might really enjoy it." He laughed and held up his hand, "All right, Matt, I"ll be good. I will make a good impression at the college if it kills me."

"Neil, I will guarantee you that there are legal-aged men around campus who will enjoy being your friend. There is at least one male music instructor who I'm sure is on the lookout. So, just don't be hasty.

"Tomorrow morning come to the Music Department at nine, anyone can tell you where my office is. The weird looks will be because you look so much like Hardy. Be friendly, but don't get close. " Matt put his fist against the point of Neil's jaw, "We'll make sure you are taken care of, but not by us." He laughed as he held Neil's arms. "Damn, Neil, Hardy said you needed some muscle building and I think he's right. We must get you to develop all your muscles, not just one." Still joking, Matt gave Neil's crotch a good squeeze. Neil thought it was a good bit harder than it needed to be. Maybe a warning?

"Remember, Neil, nine o'clock in my office. Then we will go see the Dean and get you on the faculty. And, tomorrow evening, you are to be at our home by six o'clock for dinner. You need to meet everyone who is in the house. Okay?"

"Matt, I am very grateful and very thankful. However, Hardy isn't around and I'm just dying to kiss you."

He suddenly pressed his lips against Matt's, running his tongue lightly over Matt's closed lips. That was all he expected.

"Thanks, Matt. That's all, no more. I'll keep the memory of that in my mind forever."

"Bye, Neil." Matt turned to leave. "Oh, wait a minute, Neil." Matt went to his van and picked up a box from the back. "He are some groceries to keep you going for a while, you know, milk, bread, cereal." Matt put a finger to his lips, "Don't tell, Neil, I grabbed them before we left."

"See you in the morning, Matt, and thanks." Neil gave Matt a brilliant smile full of gratitude.

First, Neil put away the food Matt had given him, cold stuff in the refrigerator, other things in the cupboard next to the sink. Then he looked around the duplex, living, dining and kitchen on the first floor, then upstairs he found the master bedroom where Matt and Hardy must have slept, and another, smaller, bedroom for guests. The bathroom wasn't fancy, but it did have a nice shower over the bathtub. The place wasn't great, but sure a hell of a lot better than no roof and bed at all. He was going to owe Matt Ridgway a lot.

After carrying the suitcases and boxes from his car, Neil got himself a cold Coors which Matt must have left in the fridge when they moved. Wondering what kind of music he could get on his FM radio, he searched and found some classical and also a nice jazz station. Well, at least at this time of night, he should be able to get some good listening. He guessed Toledo was the closest city of any real size. He'd have to get a newspaper in the morning to find out about the area of Windsor.

Neil sat on the couch, drinking and wondering where his life was taking him now. There was noone except Matt and Hardy that he even knew in Windsor. A deep depression came over the young man, the man who looked so like Hardy Wolfe, but who was alone, very much alone. He knew he shouldn't be drinking, because that would just worsen his unhappiness.

He lay back on the couch, supporting his head on the armrest, still sipping at his beer. He closed his eyes and drifted off. Probably a minute after that, he jumped up, yelling, groaning, "Damn, what the hell?" he spoke. He soon realized that his beer can had emptied on his stomach and crotch. The cold liquid reached his skin quickly and spread through his underwear onto his flesh and his tender cock and balls. "Son of a bitch, you stupid shit, Neil, what's the matter with you."

Walking to the kitchen, Neil hated the cold, clammy feeling of the beer soaked clothes to say nothing of the smell. He looked around further and did find a washer and dryer. "Oh, that's good." He stripped all the way, emptied his pockets and dumped the whole bundle into the washer, adding soap he found. The wash was going soon, but he realized now that he'd have to stay up until it finished.

Neil stood watching the washing machine do it's job. He shivered, "Hell, I've got to get some clothes out and find my alarm clock." He decided to let the washer go and set his alarm early so he could use the dryer before going to the school " Instead of parading around nude for the whole town to see, he quickly found his bathrobe and wrapped himself in it, enjoying the warmth.

Neil sat on the couch again and sniffed. Something was stinking and he was pretty sure if was him, sweaty and beery. He opened the robe and bent over his crotch, then decided he could add urine and rear end aromas to join the others.

Carrying the suitcases upstairs, Neil found some nightwear, though he figured that after his shower he would just wear some boxers to bed. The shower water was warm and he washed quickly until he got to his dick and balls, rear and ass. One hand spread soapy suds over his cock, exciting the organ, slicking back his foreskin, cleaning underneath and around the head.

'No,' he thought, 'I've got enough problems already without trying to masturbate.' Neil hadn't cum since he left his roommate in Columbus. The excitement wasn't there, he felt nothing could arouse him, not his usual stimulus, the memories of his four-year, college love. After drying off, Neil put on some boxers and the robe, wandering around the house, putting out lights and locking the door.

Soon after getting between the cool sheets, Neil heard the washer stop its cycle, the drum coming to rest. He decided, 'They will be all right until morning.' He set his alarm for 7, time to finish the clothes, eat and get to the music building. After a tiring day, Neil was soon asleep.

Matt had invited Ted, his grandfather Marc and Neil two nights later to the farm house for dinner, as they had promised Ted. Matt greeted Marc with a good hug, noting that Marc did not look well, some of the spirit had gone out of that beautiful mature body. But Marc did speak well and didn't really look sick.

"Good to see you, Marc, and we're you could come have dinner with us. I want to introduce to a new member of the Windsor music department faculty, this is Neil Jordan whom I met in Columbus a while ago. Since he was available, I hired him. He's staying in the duplex I rented when I first moved here."

Marc stuck out his hand to Neil, shaking hand and speaking with his old energy and big smile. "Welcome, Neil, to Windsor. I'm sure you will love it here, great city. Ted," he pointed out his grandson, "and I sold this place to Matt and his brother and their partners." He smiled, "I kinda think they like it." He laughed, putting his arms around Ted and Matt."

Matt had told the others that when the dinner was over, he and Hardy would want to talk to Marc Anthony in the den, 'privately.' So, if they would please give them some space, it would be appreciated.

"Say, Marc, there is something I would like to talk to you about, and I though we might hit the den for a quick drink." Matt and Hardy conveyed Marc to the room he'd know well, got him settled in one of the leather chairs and settled with a drink.

"Marc, Ted sort of broke your condition to us and asked us to help, if possible." He held up his hand to Marc, "please let me get this out while I can. I had felt that we all are friends and friends help friends. Right?"

Marc nodded solemnly, not raising his eyes to Matt's.

"What he told us was that he was sure you are really sick, but you won't go to see a doctor? Is that right?"

Again Marc nodded slowly, his face a picture of sorrow and despair.

"I'm trying to understand, Marc, why you are doing that?" Matt paused, "Are you tired of being around Ted and possibly don't care about leaving him, if you are that sick?" He waited, "Or are you frightened to find out what your condition is?" He struck home, "Are you afraid that Ted will leave you if you are very sick? Is that right?"

Suddenly, the den door was thrust open and Ted ran in. "Grampa, I'd never do that, never in the world." He fell to the floor and knelt in front of Marc. "Don't you understand, I love you more than anything. If you are sick, then we need to get you fixed."

By that time tears were flowing down Marc's cheeks as they were down Ted's face. "Please, gramps."

Marc reached down, picked up Ted to hold him on his lap. He smiled a little, "Okay, Teddy, you are going to 'teach your grampa to suck eggs, right?'" He kissed Ted on his cheek, "I will do as you ask, but you have to come with me ... will you?"

By that time both Marc and Ted were sobbing in each others arms.

Matt and Hardy left the room quietly to let grandfather and grandson console each other.

On the following day after Matt had introduced Neil Jordan to Dean MacAllister he spent time with them while a job was discussed. The Dean asked if Neil's credentials could be faxed from U of O and his graduate advisor. Immediately Neil called the school and his professor and he was promised his credentials by fax within the hour.

"Matt, why don't you find someone who could take Neil in hand and show him the campus and music department,

Matt knew some young men who would be delighted to take Neil in hand, but he didn't think that was what Hamish had meant. Sometimes he was so naive and innocent. But a great man, anyway.

"Sure, Dean, I've a few who may be available. Shall I send him back in an hour?"

"No, Matt, schools never send faxes when they say they will. How about having him listen to your band rehearsal, have lunch and them bring him back. Okay?"

Matt nodded, "Sure that's fine. Come on, Neil, we'll be back soon."

"So, Mr Jordan, are you related to Hardy Wolfe?" This was the fourth time while discovering Windsor College campus and music department he had been asked that question.

He smiled politely, "No, I know we look alike, but I just met him about a week ago. I did see him perform with the Dukes of Windsor at SMEC in Columbus. I believe it is a great compliment to be compared to Hardy Wolfe." He laughed at himself, "He's got muscles."

They were witnessing that day's band rehearsal, listening at that moment to them rehearse Mozart's "Il Re Pastore Overture" arrangement for band, published by Ludwig. Neil listened with appreciation to the fast clarinet passages and the total band synchronous playing, almost perfection. He knew Matt was good, but the concert band itself proves excellence all around.

Neil had enjoyed talking with Lee Washington, a good looking light black, almost a heavy tan color, the bass clarinet player he had discovered.

"You aren't playing today, Lee?"

"No, Dr. M asked for a volunteer and after I saw you, I knew you and I would get along great. Of course he told me that the band would sound better if I weren't playing. He's such kidder." They both laughed, bumping shoulders while sitting on some risers in the corner.

"Why did you think we'd get along great, Lee?"

The young man looked around cautiously and whispered, "Because you are one of us."

"One of us, Lee, what do you mean?" Neil knew what he meant, but couldn't believe the handsome black would know his orientation.

"Why, one of our 'family ', you know, the brotherhood of men."

Neil decided to go further with this. "Lee, which one is yours?" pointing at the band.

Lee looked at his feet, sadly, "I don't have anyone, Mr. Jordan."

"Lee, why don't you call me Neil, please," he paused, "until I'm a teacher here, you know." He smiled at the handsome face, soft brown eyes and wide medium full lips, not dark. He also looked over the band group, "What about that hot number playing bassoon, Lee, what about him?"

Lee's eyes sparkled, "Yeah, that's Jamal Woods, he's hot, Neil, but he's also part of a couple with Rick Balsaam, the second chair trumpet. First chair trumpet is Jeff O'Brien who we call Big Jeff."

"He doesn't look very big, Lee, in fact, rather small."

Again Lee was embarrassed, "He's very big where it counts most, Neil." He laughed enough to make Dr. M look around with a big frown on his face. "Oops, I better shut up."

Neil looked steadily at Lee, seeing a young black man, much like Jamal, but good looking in a different way from Jamal. His face was more round, eyes farther apart and higher cheekbones.

"Lee, I'm living at the house where Dr. Ridgway lived before he moved to the farm. Do you know where it is?"

Lee looked excited. "Yes."

"Would you be scared to come visit me? Some evening?"

Slowly, quietly, "I'd love that, Mr ... ah Neil."

"I don't know anyone here in Windsor except Matt and Hardy, and them not very well. I sure could use some company." He had been looking at the band, then turned back to Lee, "Could I ask how old you are, Lee?"

Lee hesitated, then smiled, "I'm 21, Neil." Lee couldn't get his breath, wondering just what Neil had in mind.

Their backs were against the wall, out of sight of most everyone. Neil's right hand came up behind them and rubbed Lee's back muscles which were ample and solid.

"Lee, I'm not trying to put a move on you, but I'm lonely and I think you are. I would like having someone to talk to and have a beer with once in a while. Would that be possible?"

"Yeah, Neil," he said eagerly, "and I can get to your house without being seen at all."

"Okay, Lee, that would be fine, though not really necessary. Maybe it would make you feel better, right?"

Lee nodded, "Yup, for a while anyway."

At that point the band finished the overture so Lee and Neil applauded from their corner.

Matt turned around and bowed to them, motioning for the band to rise.

Neil and Lee looked at each other, nodded, and proceeded to stand up, giving the band a Standing 'O' for their performance, arms and hands raised over their heads.

Matt dismissed the band, motioning for Neil to come to him. Neil shook hands with Lee, thanking him for his help, whispering, "Maybe tonight, 8 o'clock, back door." He smiled.

Lee smiled and nodded.

Matt was in his office after the band rehearsal waiting for Neil when his cell phone vibrated.


"Matt, this is Steve. Gary's at his house doing some work. He called his investigative company early this morning and they had two men out at my house by eight. I hadn't even gone in, I stayed with Gary last night."

"Well, surprise, surprise," Matt giggled.

"Hush, maggot," he spouted, "we just slept."

"Sure, and Hardy and I played Hearts until we fell asleep."

"Okay, okay. Anyway, the investigators started outside the house, all the way around. Searching all windows and doorways. Matt, they didn't find anything."

"That means she must have had a key! That bitch is going to kill us yet." He hesitated, "Steve, has she ever been in the house?"

"Yes, when Jacob was first born and maybe a few times after, she was in the house."

"Steve, now think, did she ever baby sit Jacob or both boys by herself?"

Steve paused, awash with personal memories of his late wife, "Yes, I think so, Becky would remember in an instant if ...... " He stopped, choked a couple sobs, "Sorry, Matt, I thought I'd cried all I would ever cry. Give me a moment." He sniffed, blew his nose, "I think she did but I couldn't swear to it." His voice was not steady, very unstable. He was probably still choked up.

"Did you have the men go through your house?"

"Sure, but they wouldn't know if anything had been disturbed or not. I went in, too, and I couldn't tell, either." He swore, "What are we going to do, Matty?"

"Steve, do you think those are good investigators? Why don't we keep them on contract and explain everything to see what they could do?" He thought out loud, "Brian's Roy doesn't seem to be getting anywhere."

"Okay, Matt, I'll do that. Actually the men are still here, looking around. Talk later, Bye."

After getting some lunch, Matt and Neil headed for the Dean's office.

"Neil, everything came through just ten minutes ago, and I am pleased to say we are privileged to have you. I'll let Matt show you what and where you will be teaching while I check with the bursar's office for your pay schedule and all. If you would stop back to this office, my secretary will have a volume of forms for you to fill out in quadruplicate .... no, just kidding.

"We had a woman teaching the woodwind courses you will take over, but she got pregnant and decided that nothing was as important as her pregnancy, so quit without notice or concern. Luckily for you, you showed up just at the right time." Dean MacAllister stood, put his hand out and they shook.

"Thank you, Dean MacAllister, I appreciate this very much. Enough to say that I've been rescued from a tight situation."

After Neil turned to leave the office, Hamish raised his eyebrows at Matt, asking the big question.

Matt nodded, sheepishly smiling and shrugging his shoulders. "They're everywhere," he whispered and left the office.

Out in the hall, Neil asked, "Was that a question I should have been expecting?"

"Don't worry, Neil, no problems at this school, it is almost a haven for gays." He put his arm around Neil's shoulders, "Welcome, man, we're glad to have you. There might be something better by next fall, if you like us here, that is."

Matt excused himself, telling Neil he had to pee, bad! Since the faculty restrooms were on the first floor, Matt visited a student men's room. He stood in front of a row of urinals, pulled out his dick and let go. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed another man come in and move beside him at the porcelain pot, not paying any attention to him really.

"Would this one interest you, Dr. Ridgway?"

Matt turned his head left and looked down on a humongous cock, fully hard and pounding, maybe even nine inches. He thought quickly, deciding he better play this with humor.

"Good god, where did you get that thing?" Finally looking at the young man's face, he knew that the man wasn't one of his students, so 'what the hell'.

"Hey, Doctor, I growed it, just like that." He giggled, "Just sprouted up sort of like."

Matt laughed too, "What the hell did you use, Miracle Gro." He was really tickled. "Or maybe an 'increase the size of your cock' pump. I hear those things are dangerous - maybe pull your dick right off!"

The young man seemed a bit irritated, "I didn't use any of that, honest."

"Well, then, you've got a cock to be proud of there." He flicked it with a finger, "And hard as hell, too."

"I was wondering if you wanted to try it?"

"Good God, even if I were gay, I wouldn't get within a foot of that battering ram. Sorry, but no sale." He replaced his cock in his own boxers, "See, you around. Be careful with that thing, you might hurt someone.

"Tell me something, ah ... you know my name, tell me yours."


"Okay, tell me, Jack, have you had any successes with your offer?"

Jack looked sheepish, "Nope, not a one. Everyone is scared of it."

"So, what do you do?"

This time Jack blushed, then smiled, "Just whack off a lot!" And he giggled and struggled to get his monster inside his pants.

"Jack, maybe you better think of a more subtle way to meet someone."

Matt smiled and left the room. He wondered why the student thought he might be gay. He found Neil waiting for him, talking to Lee Washington.

"Hi Lee. Neil do you need a ride home? I can take you."

"I'm taking him home, Dr. Ridgway, it's on my way."

Matt thought, 'Like hell it is, Lee, but good for you.' "Great, Lee, thanks a lot. See you tomorrow."

That evening was warm for late March, the warmth which produced the lovely flowers of Spring, a little early this year. After Lee dropped him off, Neil splurged, went to a grocery store Matt recommended and bought a 6 ounce strip steak. He grilled it under the range broiler to medium rare, pink in the middle, but still warmed, and he had baked a potato with a prepared salad from the store.

Neil worked efficiently but not fast, not sloppily or clumsily. While he ate, he read the latest book of a series he loved, tales of the British navy in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth, battling with the Admiralty and Napoleon with equal fervor. The hero, Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater, was a man of the century, eventually knighted by the king for his long and valuable service to the country. The adventures were historically accurate and exciting. The book he was reading was the first one, when Drinkwater first joined the navy as a very young midshipman, knowing nothing about the ships or the sea. He learned a lot, quickly. He saw buggery for the first time, but escaped that punishment. He did, however, received a caning on his bare buttocks and kept that pain in his mind

Suddenly he noted the time, almost eight o'clock and he was expecting Lee Washington at eight. The broiling pan took time to clean, but the rest was easily done before Lee got there.

Neil heard a light tap at the back door, he smiled, knowing his visitor would have approached his house unseen. Even in Windsor a number of neighborhoods would not appreciate having a black man roaming around, even as light or as good-looking as Lee was.

Opening the door and seeing Lee, Neil welcomed him in with a gesture of one arm, which arm patted his back when he walked by. Lee looked back at Neil and smiled, seeming to be pleased with his greeting. After shutting and locking the door, Neil asked Lee if he would like a beer.

"What kind you got?" Lee seemed a little flippant to Neil, but, he was young.


"Cool, my favorite, Neil, thanks."

Neil thought, 'I should have invited him to dinner, another steak wouldn't have been that much. Damn!"

"Have you had dinner, Lee?"

"Oh, yes, I ate at the cafeteria, the usual mystery food."

The two young men sat on the couch, turned toward each other, similar in physique and movement, modest and comforting.

"Tell me about yourself, Lee, if you would. I'll tell you about me later."

"To begin with I'm here at Windsor on an academic scholarship, one of the founders' scholarships, tuition, books and room and board. I was very lucky to be chosen for the band. I play a not so good clarinet, but Dr M put me on bass clarinet and he and I found out I am super on that instrument. So, there I am."

"Thanks, Lee, but that's not exactly what I wanted to know. I would like to know about YOU if you would tell me."

Lee tipped up his beer and drained the can. "Could I have another one?"

"Sure, in the fridge."

Back on the couch, Lee started again. "I was born of a mixed marriage, black father and white mother, and we lived on the north side of Windsor, fairly nice neighborhood. I have no siblings, just me, but I did make some friends, yet only one good one. Butch was a nice guy when he was away from his parents, however they ruined him by pampering him totally. Butch's parents were red necks, not well educated or civilized. I can say that I civilized Butch myself, against the will of his parents and got away with it. As often as I could I had Butch staying at my house, morning, noon and night. All night. My parents weren't thrilled with Butch in the house, but they went along with me. Finally, they realized that I had tamed him, refined and polished him. He had the intelligence, but not a chance until I came along.

Neil broke in, "And when did he leave you?"

Lee jerked his head around to look at Neil. "How did you know that he left me?"

Neil just smiled.

"It was midway through our senior year in high school. We were doing so well, but one night he was home and a friend of his father's visited, sexually attacked Butch and took him the next morning on his motorcycle. Neil, I had never touched Butch, never, ever. Maybe I should have, he might be with me now."

"I don't think so, Lee. I think Butch had to get away and you couldn't have stopped him."

Tears were dripping from Lee's eyes, "But I loved him, Neil, I loved him so much, but was afraid if I ever told him he'd practically kill me and leave."

"I don't think it would have mattered. He needed to get away from his parents and, I'm sorry to say it, Lee, away from you. You stretched his vision and modified his behavior, but he needed something more feral and earthy, like the biker he went off with. How long ago did he leave?"

"It's been almost three years, Neil. I thought I was 'cried out' over him, but the tears are still there."

"Have you ever had a gay relationship?"

Lee shook his head back and forth, "Never."

"Lee, listen to me," Neil paused, "I'm sorry, but I don't thing I can be your relationship. I can't do that. But I would like to be your friend. Will that be enough, Lee?"

Silently, Lee nodded his head, his dark brown eyes focused on Neil's, begging, imploring the older man with his urgency. Neil got up, then sat next to Lee, opening his arms to receive the young man against himself.

"Lee, hugs are okay, but no more, agreed?"

He felt Lee nodding his head, sighing gently against Neil's shoulder. Neither of them spoke for 15-20 minutes, content to hold each other and be at ease. Neil could easily have fallen asleep, he'd had a hard day, emotionally and intellectually, and more to go.

"Lee," Neil spoke quietly. He realized that Lee was asleep. Neil had to get to bed, so he shook Lee until he woke up.

Embarrassed, Lee felt guilty, "I'm sorry, Neil, I fell asleep." He wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands, still some young moves inbred. "I felt so at home, so comforted here with you, Neil. I feel so much more contented and that's because of you." He stood and held out his hand, they shook warmly.

"Come back, Lee, soon. We need to talk more. I don't have anyone now and don't have prospects of someone soon." He smiled at Lee, "We can help each other, Lee, I'd like that, would you?"

"Sure would. I'll be back, count on it."

Matt and Hardy were sleeping deeply, soundly, not to awake for anything. Their personal exertions had been very lusty and had worn them out. They both snored softly but musically in alternative rhythmic patterns, and in concert with their bodies touching lightly.

Of course, at that point, Matt's phone screamed at them. Well, not actually, but close.

Matt pick up his phone, lay it against his ear, "H'lo."

"What is this, Matt, are you and Hardy asleep again? You guys play around too much." Mike Keith was laughing, pleased that he got to wake them up. He was in River City with Brian.

"Mike, why do you get such a pleasure from waking us. We don't wake you up.'

"No, Matt, you wake Brian up. And that gets me out of bed." He snickered, "Matty, I had to talk to you, soonest, so here I am."

Matt groaned, "All right, Mike, go ahead."

"Could you bring the Dukes back again to River City later next month? I'm having some guests at my house whom I want to experience and be impressed with your troupe. These men are from Washington, D.C. and I can't be specific, but they are very powerful and influential with the top of the government. Another guest will be the Governor of Ohio and his aides. If they all agree, they will arrange that you guys play in a certain house in Washington." He paused, "What do you think?"

Matt yelled, "Mike, are you saying what I think you are saying? We could maybe play in a special house in Washington, must be a big one." He breathed deeply a few times, "Sure, Mike, we can do it. Can you give me a time when we might perform in Washington?"

"I would say middle to late summer. But you would have to be ready at any time."

Matt was thinking fast, trying to project the possibilities, "Mike, if we have to be ready all summer, I'd like to suggest some scholarship money from our Bryan Howard Fund so these kids can stay around the campus all summer. Maybe even set up some light work jobs where they would have time for practice and rehearsals, along with some summer performances here in Windsor. What do you think?"

"I think Brian will go for that, Matt, we can arrange some work like that." He slowed, "Brian's head is nodding and he's awake, mostly."

"A few of them live in town here but most are from out of town. What should I tell the kids?"

Mike Keith, Congressman from River City, considered Matt's question.

"Probably, the best thing would be to say we're auditioning for some performances at the state level, probably in Columbus. Don't say anything about Washington, until that venue has been okayed by the people who do that. I don't even know who that is, but I'm going to find out."

"Thank you, Mike, for thinking of us, you may be taking us to a much higher level than I had ever expected. Talk to you later. Bye"


Matt was ecstatic, thrilled beyond words, so he sat up and punched Hardy on the arm. "Hey, you, wake up. Did you hear that?"

Hardy groaned, "Ow! Matt, that hurt! I've been asleep, I haven't heard anything."

Matt told Hardy exactly what Mike has said. And waited..

After a few minutes Hardy also sat up. "You mean, or he means that we are going to play at the Wh.... "

"Don't say it, Hardy, it might jinx our chances." He hit himself on the forehead with the palm of his hand, "Geez, I should have asked ... well ... all sorts of stuff."

Hardy grabbed Matt to pull him into a clinch, working his legs around Matt's hips in a tight scissors grip, working his magic with his tongue invading Matt's mouth.

Smack, he let go. "You mean, we, you and I, are going to play the White House?" He jumped out of bed, ran around to the other side and jumped on Matt again. "You," he pointed at Matt, "and me," he turned his finger toward his own chest, "are going," he pulled Matt to his feet, "to perform at the," Hardy grabbed Matt in good stance to dance a waltz, "WHITE HOUSE!!"

They swung round and around, holding on tight, crotch to crotch, chest to chest, one hand on the other's butt and the other hands together. Dancing cheek to cheek enervated these two naked, young men, thrilled and exalted about their future, caressing each other passionately.

Quietly, in Matt's ear Hardy whispered, "We have to audition again, huh?"


Hardy kissed Matt on the tip of his nose, "Piece a cake!"

After band one day, Matt was sitting in his office working at his desk, actually gazing out of his door for a moment. "Hey, Jack," Matt saw his "friend" Jack from the mens' room pass by and called to him.

After a moment or two, Jack's head peered around the corner of Matt's door jamb.

"Oh, hi Dr. Ridgway. How are ya?"

"I'm fine," he gestured to Jack,"come on in a minute and close the door."

Jack looked around the hall on both sides of him, "Oh, okay."

Matt smiled at Jack. "I had something to ask you, Jack. Sort of relating to our visit the other day." He motioned for Jack to sit down. "Jack, something wasn't clear to me after we parted and I've been wondering ever since."

"What was that?"

"You wanted to use the "thing" of yours, but I didn't understand whether you meant with men or with women, or both. See how I was confused."

Jack smiled shyly, "Aw, Dr. Ridgway, I don't have anything to do with girls. Naw, just boys and men for me."

"All right, now we're getting somewhere. I have another question. I saw you talking to Ted Anthony yesterday it was, I think, and I wondered what he said?"

"I didn't know his name, and still wouldn't if you hadn't mentioned it. He stopped where I was sitting and asked me if I had a date for the prom. Now that really confused me. I'd never had no idea of going to the prom."

"So you told him .....?"

"I said no and he left."

Matt stood up and sat on the corner of his desk right next to Jack Wurst whose name he had looked up in the directory. "His name is Ted Anthony and I'd guess he would want to take you to the prom." He paused, "Pretty good looking, wasn't he?"

"Sure, he was great."

"Okay. What you need to do is ask him to go to a movie with you, maybe twice, a few days apart. And, this is important, play it cool, don't let him feel your dick, he'd get scared." Matt hesitated, "Ah, where do you live, Jack?"

"I live with my parents on the west side of town."

"Do you ever have the house to yourself for a few hours?"

"Sure. They are always visiting relatives in Cleveland and stay overnight. No problem."

"Now, after you take him to the movie twice, and you are to pay for everything, then, you ask him to your house when your parents are there, maybe for dinner if that works. You introduce him as a friend from school." Matt stood and paced a bit. "A few days later you invite him back to your house when your parents won't be home for a good while."

"I see what you are getting at. I'm going to suck up to him, make a play for him, right?"

"Exactly. If you do this right, you may have the answer to your dilemma. See?"

Jack smiled a sneaky grin, "Got ya, Doc, thanks."

"Anytime, Jack, and, by the time the prom comes around, you might decide to go and take him."

In the month of April the weather in Windsor was beautiful, generally warm, sunny and bright with enough rain to raise prolific crops of lovely flowers around the houses and in the parks. The park-like areas of the Windsor campus glowed with new grass filled with nutrients and spring fever. The whole campus grounds were littered with pockets of students, relaxing or studying or sleeping, singly and in groups, their awareness of the springtime auras were clearly defined by their attitude of lazily industrious inactivity.

April was a busy month for the teachers who felt the urgent need to inundate their students with all the material in their course which hadn't been absorbed previously. For music teachers 'the show must go on' in full schedules of practice, full drills and dress rehearsals. That Spring Concert was approaching at near light speed to occur on April 19th, just two weeks away. The following week on Saturday, the 26th, just one week after, the Dukes and Duchess were fated to repeat their earlier concert in River City, though not at the U of O Branch, this time they would be at the fully restored 1926 Palace movie house, a grand theatre. Their program would include some of the previous concert's works plus new arrangements by Matt and Hardy which they were madly working on.

"Hardy, do you think we are going to make it?"

Hardy lazily responded, "For what?"

"Take your choice, Symphonic Band or the Dukes."

Matt's lover looked up from the arrangement he was editing on the computer. "Of course we will, Matt, both, no question.

"Matt, you're worrying too much. We'll be great. Look who's leading us!" He stood, stuck out his chest and pointed at Matt and himself. Hardy then looked worried, "Are you saying we won't, Matt?" In the privacy of their farmhouse room the two young men grabbed the other tightly, caressing and hugging with all their strength.

Matt kissed Hardy's lips, sucking them and lightly biting his thin smile, soon sinking his tongue into Hardy's mouth. Matt's left hand slid between them to slide down onto Hardy's crotch, feeling the hard shaft lying along his thigh heading toward his knee. "Hardy, you feel so good, wish we had time for you to sink that pole of yours into my hole." He giggled, "It rhymes."

That day, during the band rehearsal period, Matt had noticed his bass clarinet player, Lee Washington, surprised that he looked bright and alert, eyes sparkling, often smiling when he wasn't playing. Matt remembered that Lee had been morose and sad, doing his work, but without any flash of energy and eagerness. He wondered to himself if Lee'd been with someone with whom he had found more enjoyment in life. Neil hadn't told Matt about Lee, no reason to.

As he thought more, he remembered seeing Lee talking to Neil Jordan in the halls even though Lee didn't take any of Neil's classes. 'Maybe Neil is helping Lee somehow.' Matt hoped so, the young man seemed to need help of some kind.

That same night had been one of Lee's furtive visits to Neil's house, formerly Matt's duplex. Both men looked forward to their meetings, conversation and friendship. The recent talks had been mostly about being gay with Neil admitting he was gay and Lee not sure. They also talked about Butch, Lee's old friend of a sort whom Lee loved deeply and had worked with, but who took off three years before, as if throwing all Lee's efforts to rehabilitate him on a pile of trash.

"Neil, sometimes I feel that if I could locate Butch, I would tell him I loved him and I guess, hope for the best. He had always been so unpredictable, but he may have settled."

Neil shook his head, "Lee, if I were you, I'd go very, very slowly with that. I'd most likely feel that Butch isn't going to change radically or for good. I know you want to feel that you did something fine and worthwhile, and I applaud you for that feeling.

"How about another beer, Lee, not to push you, but to relax you."

Lee smiled, "I'm plenty relaxed, Neil, thanks to you. Just being with you, talking to you brings such ease to me." He put a hand on Neil's back, "I'm very grateful."

"And I to you, Lee, because you have given me company and an ear to listen that I've needed." Neil returned the pat on the back, caressing Lee's taut muscles, not really relaxed.

"Lee, I think I can help you relax further. Your back muscles are tight as a drum head and if you will let me, I'll loosen you so your body will be more comfortable."

"I don't know, Neil, I don't want to put you to extra trouble."

"No, problem, Lee, now just lay on the couch on your stomach."

The slim young man did as Neil asked, stretched out on the sofa, his head on a pillow and his eyes shut and face calm.

Neil proceded from Lee's neck and shoulders, working the muscles carefully, not too hard. He kneaded his way along the spinal column, then outward to his sides, gently massaging the lats.

"How's that, Lee?"

His muffled voice spoke softly and slowly, "Great, man, that's so good, keep it up."

"Now, I'm not going to attack you, Lee, but I could do this better if your shirt were off."

No answer from Lee until he sat up, pulled tee shirt over his head and off, and lay down again.

"Oooh, Lee, what a beautiful back. Your skin is so smooth, so attractive to see." He pulled back, "I'm going to sit on your legs, Lee, to get a better position. Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable, please."

"Mmmmm, 'kay," Lee merely moaned.

Fifteen more minutes passed and Neil asked if Lee wanted him to do his chest.

Again, no response while Lee was deciding, until he rolled over, lying on his back, his legs still providing a seat for Neil.

Neil easily noticed that Lee had an erection, a large bulge in his pants, his crotch distended hugely from his groin. 'Oh, well,' he thought, 'we'll ignore that.' How he wished he could have made love to Lee who had never had been loved before.

They talked a bit while Neil worked. "You went to school here in Windsor, Lee?"

"Yup, all twelve years. I thought they were very good schools, good teachers, excellent musical groups. Didn't have many friends, but that didn't worry me."

"Because you had 'Butch'."


"Did Butch live in town?"

"No, Neil, his father worked a tenant farm north of town, almost in Michigan. In fact I believe a part of it was."

"But he was bused in to the Windsor schools? Huh? Oh, what was his father's name?"

"His Dad was Ed Goddard." But then Lee smiled, "Butch had a different last name because Ed wasn't his real father, just step father."

"Butch had to travel by bus to get to Windsor?"

"Yes, unless he stayed at my house and we walked together to school. Most of the time, though, he wouldn't let me go all the way with him, I had to go a different route. He didn't want to be seen with me, I guess."

"Lee, could it have been that he didn't want you to be seen with him?"

Lee considered, "I never thought of that, Neil. Maybe that was it, that makes a big difference."

Lee could never hide his embarrassment, his blushes, which came when my hand bumped into his hard cock, pushing his jeans way up.

"Neil, I'm sorry I got a boner, you can quit if you want."

"Well, Lee, I think you are done, don't you feel better, now?"

"Yes, thank you. I'll be back for another one of those. I got to run, Neil, thanks again."

Neil and Lee hugged their usual closing embrace though neither would have called it that.

Lee slipped out of the back door. On an impulse, Neil kissed his own fingers, then held them out toward Lee and blew on them. He was embarrassed to realize that Lee had seen his gesture, and smiled.

Windsor College Symphonic Band

Directed by Dr. Matthew B. Ridgway


April 19, 2003

7:30 P.M.

Il Re Pastore Overture.................................. Mozart

First Suite in Eb................................... Gustav Holst

Crown Imperial March...................................Walton

Bassoon Concerto.................................. Boismortier

(Jamal Woods, Soloist)

The Hobbits (Lord of the Rings)................. de Meij

Lincolnshire Posy....................................... Grainger

Guadalcanal March...................................... Rodgers

Saturday night, April 19th arrived and the Windsor College Symphonic Band performed their Spring Concert for a large audience, a thoroughly approving audience of friends, parents and other relatives plus sponsors and friends, Brian Whitlow and Mike Keith.

They had talked to Matt a few days before the concert and they promised to stay over at Matt's 'family' farm. Brian had come to tell Matt in person that he would guarantee summer funds and/or work for the Dukes to wait for word from Washington or whoever possibly all summer. The whole project was important enough for Mike to have invited many prominent government representatives to River City especially to see and hear the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

After the concert, Matt and Hardy spoke to many of the people from the audience, moving the line along as quickly as possible, but enjoying the privilege of meeting these people. Yet their minds were focused on just a week into the future, their performance in River City on April 26th.

That night, Brian and Mike stayed at The Dukes Ranch in the spare bedroom with private bath, a very comfortable room for them. Before heading for bed, Mike and Brian and Matt and Hardy sat in the den with some cold drinks, talking mostly about the upcoming show the next Saturday in River City.

Brian said, "Guys, if you perform as you did last time, there will be no problem, you will stun everyone watching, you'll hit 'em in the teeth with a smash of fine music, dancing and incredible technique. That's what we want, I guess. Right?"

Matt nodded, "Sure, Brian, that's what we want, too. We're working on some new music and arrangements, maybe a strip tease." He said it so seriously, so normally, that no one reacted for almost thirty seconds.

"What? What did you say, Matt?" Mike asked, stunned.

"A striptease?" That came from Hardy, "Who is going to strip?"

Matt started laughing, roaring, almost rolling on the floor until he could croak, "You, Hardy."

Mike stood up, "Come on, Brian, this is getting too risque. I need my sleep."

Matt waved them off, "Have a good night, guys, see you in the morning. Since the weather is so great, we're having a breakfast buffet on the patio out back. Come with a good appetite."

Hardy and Matt crawled into their bed, embraced and fell sleep, very tired.

Neil had been cleaning up his house in preparation for getting to bed, he was tired and had to get up in the morning early since he'd planned to visit his parents who now lived in Columbus. After turning out the lights, he heard a thump, in fact a couple of thumps, on his wooden porch and he went to the front door to look outside.

The young man started to turn on his porch light, but quickly decided against it. He didn't like the looks of the barely visible figure on the porch floor, the person must be at least unconscious, if not worse. He opened the door a little and looked around the whole area, not noticing anyone or any lights, so moved out on the porch and knelt beside the naked, inert figure.

"Oh, my god, Lee," he moaned, "what has happened?" Icy fingers clutched at Neil's heart and stomach. Neil touched Lee's arm carefully, feeling warmth, and then checked his carotid artery pulse. He did feel a light pulse so knew Lee was still alive.

Without a light Neil really couldn't see Lee's condition, quickly went inside, grabbed a tiny flashlight and returned to Lee's side. First, he saw that Lee's eyes were closed, in fact, one eyes was swollen shut; second, he noticed bruises appearing on Lee's chest and sides, plus some on his legs. He almost panicked when he saw a round rod sticking out from Lee's legs. With the flashlight he searched more closely, and was stunned.

"Oh, Lee, oh god, somebody stuck a broom handle up your asshole." Pulling Lee's upper buttock cheek gently, he saw where it entered Lee's body, hoping he wouldn't see blood. And he didn't. But there was no way to tell how far the handle was inside, about a foot stuck out of his rear end. Neil was sickened to see Lee. Someone had beaten him up and rammed the pole up his ass. "Oh, Lee, who could have done this?" Neil wanted to hug Lee, but didn't want to hurt him.

Then, Neil heard a low moan, "Lee, it's Neil, can you hear me?"

A soft whisper, hardly enunciated, "Neil, thank God, I'm hurt. Can you help me?"

Neil was angry, "Lee, who did this to you, tell me, who? Please, Lee?"

No answer.

"Was it Butch? Was it him, Lee?"

No answer.

"Lee, if you want me to help you, you must tell me."


Though the temperature was fairly warm, Neil raced in the house to get his cell phone and get a blanket to cover Lee.

Neil called Matt, "Matt, this is Neil. How fast can you get to your old house?" He listened, "Could you get here in half that time? Please Matt, now. Lee Washington is hurt bad and I'm not sure what to do."

"No, Matt, I'm not calling the EMS yet. You will understand why when you get here." He nodded his head, "Thanks, Matt."

Matt's van screeched to a panic stop in front of his old house. He jumped out and ran to the porch where he saw Neil and a body lying in front of him.

"Thank god, Matt," Tears were coursing down his cheeks.

"What's happened, Neil?"

"I heard a couple thuds on the porch and found Lee here, hurt badly. The worse part you'll see when I pull down the blanket."

As he slowly took the blanket off, he ran the flashlight over the boy, showing the bruises, the closed eye and finally exposed his buttocks and the broom handle.

"Oh, god, Neil, who could have done this?"

"I ask Lee, but he wouldn't tell me." He paused, gave an affectionate glance at his friend, "I think I know, but if he won't say, we'll have to do some investigation."

"Oh, that poor boy. He must be in terrible pain."

"Do you see why I didn't want to call 9-1-1. He'll have enough trouble getting better without everyone know he was raped with a thing like that."

Matt thought a moment. "Let me hold his arm." He took Lee's pulse and found it fairly strong, no fever, but still unconscious.

"Neil, I'll have to call some people if we are going to keep this quiet. I think you could hold him, he might appreciate it."

Neil sat on the porch, leaning over Lee and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He spoke quietly to Lee, "Lee, it's Neil, you are going to get help. Just hang on. Are you hurting terribly?"

He watched Lee's head slowly shake from side to side. 'He's probably in shock', he thought.

Matt had contacted Sgt. Reardon at home. "Sergeant, you are going to regret giving me your home phone number."

The sergeant answered, "I already do. What's up now?"

Matt explained, especially the reason they wanted to keep it all quiet, at least the rape.

It seemed to take forever before Sgt. Reardon arrived, but it was no more than five minutes. He immediately examined Lee very gently, "It's okay, lad, we are going to take good care of you. Just relax." He patted Lee softly on the shoulder. Standing, he motioned for Matt to follow him.

Moving a few yards away from Lee, "Matt, that poor boy. I suppose you thought about pulling out the pole, right?"

"Sure, Sergeant, but I quickly realized that it might make everything worse. It all depends how far up his ass that thing goes. If it is quite far, that young man is dead."

"Okay, now, he needs the hospital. But how do we get him there?"

Matt looked around, "Oh, shit, why didn't I think of it. I'll take a seat out of my van and he can lay on the floor. That'll do it." He hit his open palm with the other hand in a fist. "Help me lift the third seat into the house." After putting the seat on his porch, "Matt, the sergeant and Neil gently carried Lee to the van, laying him carefully in the back. Neil brought the blanket with them to keep the poor, naked man covered.

"How do we keep everyone in the hospital from seeing him in his condition?" Sgt. Reardon had spoken out what they all were thinking.

Matt thought, "Let's get him to the parking lot, I'll get Dr. Burke, he and I have met."

Matt told Dr. Burke about the young man they had brought in to the hospital. "Is there any way we can keep quiet the fact that he's been raped with a broom handle? The poor guy is in bad enough shape without his trouble being spread around the city.

"Matt, I will do the best I can. But I just can't guarantee anything. Let's get a gurney."

By having Lee lay on his side on the gurney, covering him with a sheet, they minimized the possibility of anyone seeing the handle. Dr. Burke called for x-ray team and they took the pictures with the sheet still over him.

"Matt, it would be better if you and Neil leave. I will take care of Lee personally. I will do my best. We just have to hope the pole isn't in too far." Dr. Burke spoke quietly, confidently.

"Okay, Doctor, give us a call when you know, will you?" He pulled out a card with his cell phone number on it. He and Neil would stay at Neil's house.

Sergeant Reardon said he'd keep an eye on Lee, give them a call when there was any news.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 20

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