Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 5, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyrigh 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=============== Chapter Twenty-five ===============

The den in the farmhouse mansion was aglow from the roaring fire in the fireplace, with flickering shadows and lights around the room plus snaps and creaks in the wood. The four men sat quietly, concern on their faces but no speech interrupting the silence.

Softly, Matt disturbed the hush, "Is there no way to find out, Karl? No way you could find out who hired someone to kill me?"

Karl slowly shook his head 'no', resting it on Sunny's shoulder in agony, his thoughts contained in his own mind.

Hardy spoke up, "Matt, do you suppose Congressman Keith could find out anything?"

Karl raised his head again, "Hardy, Congress doesn't know anything about the group I'm affiliated with. Our budget is hidden under other secret funding items, very quiet."

"Can you try, Karl, to find out something?"

"Well, Sunny, I could try 'Red' but the hit man usually doesn't know who he is working for. And doesn't want to know." He promised, "I'll try, but Matt don't get your hopes up."

Matt felt that they'd gone as far as they could for then. He'd been watching Karl and Sunny, noticing they both were super hard, stretching their pants.

"Karl, I'm going to suggest something for you two. You mentioned swimming before and I think you might really enjoy it. The lights are out and it will remain dark in the pool area. So, I'm offering our pool to help you to get back together again.

"Sunny, do you understand why Karl has kept quiet up to this point?"

Sunny nodded, "Yes, Matt, I realize he was protecting me. I forgive him for everything."

"Then, how about doing what I proposed. There are plenty of towels around and you don't need to wear a suit. Just go 'au natural' and enjoy it together. You need it."

Sunny raised his eyebrows in question to Karl, "Please, Karl."

Karl gave a very submissive smile and kiss to Sunny. "Okay, hon, anything for you."

Hardy broke into the tender scene. "One thing before you can swim. We want to know how you got the name Sunshine. Would you tell us?"

"Sure, since this is a confessional tonight. My parents were great fans of John Denver back in the middle 70s and early 80s. They particularly like his song, "Sunshine On My Shoulder" and both sang it to me when I was just a wee babe on their shoulders. The name stuck and was legally entered on my birth certificate." He smiled, "Silly, huh?"

Matt smoothly said, "Not at all, Sunny, it fits you very well." The more they got to know this young man, the better they liked him. And Karl, too, in spite of him being a hit man.

In the dim glow of the stars shining into the pool room Karl and Sunny stood, hand in hand, watching the starlight sparkle on the blue water.

Karl looked at Sunny's face, "Babe, let's do it. Okay?"

Sunny nodded 'yes' and turned to face Karl and hugged him with all his force. Then he stood back and started to unbutton his dress shirt, opening the collar and then the front. Karl stayed and looked with desire and longing in his eyes. Sunny pulled his shirt from his khaki's and threw it on the cement pool surround. He began to work on the rest of Karl's clothing.

Soon they were naked except for their bikini briefs, the same deep red, since they usually wore the same solid color. These were dismissed quickly down their legs. Both men were sporting a solid, steel-like cock stretching far out from their crotches. Each had one hand under the other's cock, just letting it rest on their very sensitive palms.

These two men were in no hurry tonight. Matt said they could stay there as long as they wanted, but probably should dress when the sun rises. There were soft lounges on which they could rest until morning if they wanted.

Karl felt better having confessed his 'moonlighting' to Sunny. He had hated keeping the secret from him, but hoped it wouldn't backfire on them. The older man put his hands around Sunny to hold his glorious buttocks, not large, but round and solid. He was in heaven with the sense of holding a treasure in his hands, the soft skin, smooth and bare, the staunch flesh so sturdy. Slowly his fingers strayed between Sunny's cheeks, deep and long, where, as the saying goes, 'the sun don't shine'.

Karl suddenly rose, grabbed Sunny's hand and led him down the steps into the shallow end of the pool. Gradually the warm water rose on their bodies as they waded toward the deep end. They held hands even as the water covered their faces to the top of their heads. Their bodies started to float, but they clutched each other until their heads broke the surface and both gasped for air into their lungs.

Karl kissed Sunny as they tread water until he decided they should swim some laps. Starting at the deep end, they took off, using the crawl, their flutter kicking leaving a wake behind as they headed for the far end side by side all the way, matching their speed. By back flipping they were headed the opposite way. Though it was dark in the pool room, there was enough starlight to illuminate their buttocks, two white split bottoms shining in the glow, flexing as their legs kicked alternately.

The second time they reached the shallow end, Karl held Sunny to keep him from flipping. They lay partly on the steps up to the deck, pressed together, rubbing their slippery bodies from butt to shoulders and back. Their bodies came closer and closer until their steely rods lay between them when Karl had forced himself on top, kissing his lover so sweetly and passionately, sharing their lips, mouths, tongues and teeth.

After a few moments Karl lay back beside Sunny to relax, closed his eyes and rest the tension in his body. He had been 'on a high' for quite a while after he and Sunny made up. With no noise Sunny slowly pushed off the steps and paddled quietly toward the middle of the pool. He was floating on his back with his rampant cock sticking straight up from his crotch like a heavy mast. He didn't move fast, just waiting until Karl realized he was gone.

That happened before Sunny thought it would. Karl felt the absence of his lover next to him and slid the same way out into the warm, rippling pool water. He slowly overtook Sunny, driving his head and face into Sunny's feet which were on the surface. When they met, Sunny parted his feet and legs so Karl could float his face further toward Sunny's crotch. Soon, Karl's tongue was licking Sunny's balls as they hung just out of the water. 'A little chlorine won't hurt me,' Karl thought.

Sunny couldn't believe the sensation that caused his nervous system, shock after electric shock drove him, jittery and shaken. Karl drove harder into Sunny's crotch, and suddenly lifted one hand above Sunny and grabbed his still vertical cock tightly. He started swimming to the shallow end, harder, pulling Sunny with him by the cock, laughing all the way.

As soon as their heads would be above the surface of the water, they stood on the bottom, Sunny in front of Karl, pushing back with his hungry buttocks, his starving asshole. Karl held his love tightly to him, caressing him up and down his chest and abdomen, feeling the smooth, slick flesh and velvety skin. When he reached Sunny's crotch, he clutched Sunny's cock with both hands, running them back and forth on the hot, hard cock, hard yet soft as silk.

When Sunny extended his arms behind him, he grabbed Karl's cock, trying to shove it up his asshole in desperation for the thrill of Karl's huge prick rammed up his ass.

Karl spoke quietly, "Sunny, my love, not in the pool, but soon when we get out."

Sunny felt rejected but soon realized it was something they maybe shouldn't do there.

The two hot men swam some more, trying a side stroke that they could do with their bodies spooned together, slow and blended movements. They did well for a few strokes, but then got out of synch and started giggling. Sunny sank in the water and came up choking, water flowing from his mouth and snorting from his nose. Karl gathered his lover to his body, slapping his back to help him recover.

"Some coordinated swimming team are we, more like slapstick comics I think." Karl started laughing again as did Sunny. "I guess that isn't our forte."

Karl clutched Sunny's cock again and pulled him to the side where a soft pad had been laid on the very edge of the pool. He gripped Sunny's bottom lifting and boosting him onto the pad, his feet and ankles in the water. He pulled Sunny closer to the edge where he could get his mouth on Sunny's tall, slender fuck handle.

First he sucked in the helmet shaped head to slaver it with his tongue, poking the wide slit searching for more precum. Sunny's hand caressed Karl's head, smoothing his light, thin strands of dark blond hair, enjoying fully Karl's mouth on his cock, his hands playing with his balls, working the large round orbs with his fingers. Sunny was getting excited, an ecstacy of passion throughout his body. He pinched his own nipples, bringing them to points and delicately smoothed the aureolas with his finger. His whole body shuddered, tensed and stiffened all over.

Karl grabbed Sunny's buttocks, fondling them while he pulled his young lover closer, shoving his cock down his throat, all the time sucking and licking and testing his endurance of Karl's loving service to him. Sunny was getting extremely agitated with all the erotic sensations coursing through his body. He was breathing hard and fast, his chest had reddened sections and spots where he was blotchy with flushing and blushing, groaning, trying to reach Karl who's body was too far away.

Sunny's climax began, his 'ohs' and 'ahs' with associated jerking and spasming of his body were becoming more frequent. Suddenly he yelled, "Oh god, honey, you've got me good. It's coming! He grabbed Karl's head, pulling it harder into his crotch and his cock farther down his throat, "Love me, Karl, love me good."

Sunny's pelvis was humping forcefully, shoving against Karl until his body exploded and the streams of cum were shot into Karl's mouth and down his throat. Sunny leaned over Karl's head, farther and farther, until with his last shot of cum he fell over onto Karl, forcing him down into the water where they sank in surprise.

Sunny didn't recover right away, not actually aware of Karl being underwater with Sunny's cock in his mouth still pumping the last of his cum. But soon Karl had flipped them over and got his head out into the air to breath. He was still holding Sunny and pulled him up to his feet.

"Oh, god, Karl, hon, that was tremendous, lover. I've never felt such striving in my life." He found Karl's lips and kissed him fiercely, frenziedly. "Oh, babe, I love you so much."

Soon the two men climbed out of the pool, well watered and a bit tired. That is, except for Karl's cock which hadn't been satisfied as yet. Walking to the side of the room, Karl pushed two lounges together and picked up a few bath sheets. They spread one on each lounge, piling some beside them on the cement.

Karl and Sunny lay down on one of the lounges, still naked and still loving their partner. They began caressing their bodies, kissing and dueling with their tongues. Sunny had shot his load into Karl's mouth and stomach, his precious white, hot seed then resting there, good protein for his lover. But Karl hadn't cum and Sunny was about to remedy that omission.

He lay on top of Karl's body, chest to chest, cock to cock and lips to lips. Both men were thrilled by their touching, their feeling of their mate. Sunny loved frottage and began rubbing his cock against Karl and Karl's groin until his hard on had returned and his passions refueled. After a few moments, Sunny raised his pelvis and pulled Karl's hard cock down to between his legs, then pushed up against his buttocks.

Sunny finally sat erect on top of Karl's crotch, then raised above his rigid, hot cock, red and dripping his precum, and pressed Karl's cockhead against his anus, pulling up more precum to press into the tiny, wrinkled hole. Trying to relax his sphincter as much as he could, Sunny gradually allowed his legs to let his butt drop down onto the cock. Suddenly, the cockhead popped into Sunny's asshole, into the heat and pressure of the sphincter and rectum to the delight of Karl's lover. He persevered shoving the cock inside him, adjusting his innards to receive this hard and thick cock, drooling and so hot, until he felt Karl's pubes under his buttocks as he sat on Karl's crotch.

"Okay, lover, fuck me. Just fuck my ass and hit me hard, got it? Hump me like you were going to drill all the way through to my heart. That's where you belong anyway, hon."

Sunny moved faster as Karl pushed upward into Sunny's dripping asshole and his sphincter tightened and loosened as Karl pushed and pulled his cock. He soon pulled the cum out of Karl's swollen balls, forced through the cock and warming Sunny's insides, Karl's thick and rich semen filled with sperm. Sunny fell on top of Karl, clutching him feverishly and fiercely, holding on with clenched arms and legs which surrounded Karl's body.

"Oh, babe, you are so great," Karl congratulated Sunny, "I've never had as exciting and fulfilling cum better than that."

The two young men relaxed against each other, on their sides. Sunny did pull up a couple of bath sheets to coved their naked bodies. Hopefully, they would wake at sunrise and no one would see them in a compromising position. Little did they know that two people were watching their whole love-making scene, enjoying the entire business.

Brian and Ted turned away from the upstairs pool window and walked toward their bedroom.

"That was sure hot, wasn't it, Brian.!"

"Sure was. I love the twin buttocks shining in the starlight rippling the water with their progress, bouncing up and down as their legs synchronized. Karl's lovemaking to Sunshine by sucking him off so tenderly, yet full of sexual vigor, was wonderful."

"You know, Brian, I was surprised that Sunny sat so easily on Karl's cock, that's big one, looks like."

Earlier Ted had been to the kitchen for a little snack and coming back up the stairs passed the pool window and watched Karl and Sunny strip each other to gently hold the other's rock hard cock with love in their eyes. He quickly went in their bedroom and grabbed Brian for him to see what he saw. Brian at least had some sleep shorts on unlike his bed partner who was naked.

While they watched, Brian had Ted in front of him since he was shorter and he pulled Ted back against his muscular chest and abs. His hands were never still as he played with Ted's ruler straight cock, his small, but low hangers in their velvet sack and Ted's nipples which for him were an exciting sensation.

For his part, Ted pressed back against his younger but bigger lover, feeling Brian's erect cock cramming itself between Ted's bubble buttocks, though the cotton of his shorts limited his dick's travel into the cleft.

Brian had been caressing and massaging Ted's fine muscles, not huge but well filled. He was shaking against Ted, his body moving constantly, jerking and twitching. He suddenly clasped his hands together underneath Ted's crotch, front and back, then pulled him up so his head was even with his own. Brian vigorously swung Ted around so they could kiss, lips to lips, mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue. Ted hung on to Brian with his arms tightly around his neck and his legs wound around Brian's waist, humping his lover's crotch until he felt Brian freeze and tense his muscles, and the hot liquid shooting between them, covering Ted's bare cock and balls along with Brian's.

Brian groaned, breathing hard and fast, having just cum on Ted's genitals. He moved his hands to under Ted's buttocks, solid globes of velvet flesh, holding the dough-like muscles, kneading them with his fingers. His fingers slid between Ted's sweaty buttocks, searching, then toying with his anus.

The two men continued watch the exhibition below them in the pool, but soon returned to their bedroom where Brian sucked Ted off in a few seconds. They both felt relieved and growing into each other, sharing closely their individual lives. Once Ted had gotten over being awed by Brian's half-billion dollars, which took longer that Ted would like to have taken, he met this lover with joyous excitement and wondrous release in their sex together. Ted was only 2 years older than Brian, yet they were equal in their loving and adoring the other.

As they both fell asleep, Ted was wondering where this affair would take him. He knew that Brian's partner Congressman Mike Keith was devoted to Brian, yet Brian was able to give of himself to Ted, sharing his love with this farmer boy. Ted envisioned possible scenarios which might follow their relationship. He smiled warmly as he drifted on a cloud to Morpheus, the god of dreams. Their bodies were wound together, limbs wreathed over each other.

Tuesday, May 20th at 5:30 was scheduled for graduation ceremonies for Windsor College in 2003 in the campus soccer stadium, large enough to hold commencement for about 1500 graduates. As was the custom, the Windsor Concert Band was to play for the procession of faculty and graduates into the stadium, plus a closing selection to cover the departure of graduates and the friends and relatives.

Matt had decided to use three processionals for the long parade of graduates and faculty into the stadium; first, Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar; second, Rigadon by Campra; and third, Processional March by William Harris. The last was a composition created for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England for H. R. H. Princess Margaret's wedding in 1960. He figured and hoped that he wouldn't have to play each selection more than once. However, he had signals for the band if they were to repeat one or all three pieces when necessary.

Without talking to Hardy, Matt had planned for him to direct the band.

"Hardy, I'd like you to direct the band for graduation, if you don't mind."

Hardy looked at Matt like he'd grown a set of horns on his head.

"Matt, can you remember what else I have to do at graduation?"

Matt gave Hardy a quizzical look with a wrinkled forehead and frown, not know what Hardy was talking about.

Matt started, "I don't under.... stand ..... ." Finally he saw what he'd forgotten.

"I am graduating, Matt, getting my Master of Music degree. Did you forget?" He lightly hit Matt upside his head, giggling, "My love forgot I was graduating."

Matt quickly wrapped his arms around his lover and mate, squeezed and apologized to him, "Hardy, babe, I'm sorry. So much going on this week I just forgot. I will direct. At least that will get me out of walking in the faculty parade. I never bought a PhD hood anyway.

"I am so proud of you, my Woofie, for all your accomplishments this year, including your seduction of and marriage to your Professor, me!" He kissed Hardy on the lips, hard! "However, there is an errand we need to run, for you, hon."

"What do you mean, Matt?"

Matt assumed a very authoritarian attitude, "It is my firm opinion that since you will be receiving a graduate degree," he opined, " and you will be a teacher at this college this coming year," he put his hands tenderly on Hardy's shoulders, "my mate, you need a new suit for graduation." He quickly added, "Now don't try to find an excuse. You will be a working man now and must uphold the traditions of the college."

"You mean, like when Karl comes to teach in sweat pants and a leather vest over his bare chest? Or our esteemed Professor of Art with his zebra striped pajamas?"

"Yes, like them!" Matt kept a straight face for a minute, but then broke down, laughing. "Please, Hardy, I'm trying to be serious. Will you just honor your lover and mate by agreeing to get a suit. Please?"

"Okay," Hardy agreed, hugged Matt and slid between his lips to search his whole mouth.

Gentlemen's Clothier Ltd., Established 1892

The sign on the best men's clothing store in Windsor welcomed Matt and Hardy to that exclusive establishment. The room they entered reminded them of pictures of English Gentlemen's Clubs in London. Even the few mannequins wearing classic men's suits fit right in with the decor. The elegant interior featured dark wood and leather and included sofas and wing chairs accompanied by polished and gleaming wooden tables, cabinets and racks.

Subdued deep reds, blues and greens colored the wall treatments appeared warm and attractive to Matt and Hardy as they walked slowly into the store. They noted a tall, young man standing at the register, entering data into the computer, and turned to look at each other, raising their eyebrows in admiration. He was tall and slender, very good looking in a smooth, cultured way. He soon noticed them, taking time to give Matt and Hardy a detailed head to toe search of their bodies, seeming to concentrate on their crotches. He left his counter and walked toward them, an honest smile brightening his face.

Before he got to them, Matt whispered from the side of his mouth. "Is he or isn't he?" Hardy made a 'don't know' gesture with his hands. He whispered back, "Let's find out."

"Hi, I'm Craig Lawrence. What can I do to help you."

Hardy and Matt put out their right hands, shaking the hand of this attractive young man. They noticed that he was well shaped but no body builder, maybe a swimmer or runner. He led them to a display area of the room where a few suits hung from racks.

Craig suddenly remembered, "I know you," he was talking to Matt, "you are Dr. Ridgway of the college and heard your Pops concert with the Windsor band." He grinned, "Your students are great. I playing in high school and college - .... "

Matt broke in, "You played trombone." He smiled proudly, "I can always tell the trombonists." He laughed, "Am I right?"

"Yes, sir, you are right. I didn't play here in Windsor but down in Columbus."

"This is Hardy Wolfe. He played trombone in Columbus, too."

Craig looked more closely at Hardy, "Damn, I heard you play in contest my senior year. Man, Hardy, you were fantastic! You made me think seriously about quitting. But I didn't, I was having too much fun."

Matt spoke, "He needs a suit in a hurry."

Matt was casually but well dressed while Hardy wore a t-shirt and old sweat pants and was shod with leather sandals. "Hardy is getting his Masters degree tomorrow night, I think he should have a fine suit. Can you believe it, he doesn't have a suit?"

Hardy blushed when the two men turned to stare at him, quietly accusing him of being deficient as a man. "What!" he offered in his own defense. "I've never needed a suit."

"Well, you need one now and Craig is going to fix you up. Okay?"

Hardy knew he had no choice.

"I would rather you had a suit made to your measurements, but there isn't time."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it."

"Dr. Ridgway, if ...."

"Please, Craig, call me Matt, I'm just Matt."

Craig smiled, "Okay, Matt, will you look through those fabrics on the wall there and maybe decide what type, color and pattern you want for Hardy."

Craig started measuring Hardy, his chest, neck, arms, waist, hips and thighs. Next came arm length and inseam. He raised the tape end in his hand under Hardy's crotch, holding the other end where a cuff may or may not be.

His thoughts were becoming hotter every second. Hardy's sweat pants were rather tight on him, revealing a lot about his cock and balls which Craig saw and felt. His own cock had risen to full strength, getting very cramped in Craig's shorts. He needed to stand up, but then his cock would be practically in full view of these two handsome men. Oh, well, he had to stand.

"Okay, Hardy, take these trousers into the fitting room over there and try them on, please. Then come out so I can check the fit.."

Hardy's eagle eye spotted Craig's erection in his dress pants, even though they were pleated. 'Hmmm,' he thought. 'This may be easier than I thought.'

Craig followed Hardy's ass with his eyes as he walked away. 'My god, what an ass!' He turned to leave when he heard, "Craig, could you come here?. I've got a problem."

He entered the fitting room and froze, his eyes staring wide open. . He found Hardy, completely naked from the shoulders down, his arms raised over his head trying to extricate himself from his shirt. He had pushed his sweat pants to his ankles first, then tried to remove his t-shirt. Craig was seeing a profile, a muscular profile with a big soft cock hanging out over his large balls and his bubble butt globes pushing out to the rear. He was stunned breathless and into silence.

"Craig, don't be embarrassed, please, man. I'm sorry about this, but I forgot I hadn't worn underwear today. I didn't know we were going shopping when I got dressed." He groaned, "First could you get this t-shirt off my arms before I go into shock."

Craig pulled on the shirt, sweating as he pulled Hardy's muscular arms free. "Oh, Craig, that's great." He head was free and he could look at Craig, noting his bright red face.

"Do you sell bikini briefs here?"

"Sorry, Hardy, we don't sell any underwear." Craig tried madly to think of something to help. "Oh, yeah, wait, I'll be right back."

"I'm not going anywhere, Craig." He giggled, having given the young man the thrill of his life, showing him his tight, sturdy body and sexual equipment.

Two minutes later Craig returned to the fitting room again, carry a brown paper package.

"Hardy, I just remember I picked up my laundry this morning. Very clean, hardly worn."

Nervously he opened the package and among the shirts, found one bright red bikini brief and one in red, white, and blue stripes. "Hardy, which do you want? If you promise to wear them tomorrow night at graduation, they are a present from me to you. Okay?'

Hardy smiled and took a chance. He pressed his naked body against Craig's clothed one, wrapped his arms around the good-looking young man. He couldn't help slamming his lips against Craig's, kissing him wet and sloppy.

"Craig, you have my promise, thank you. I didn't want to try on clothes without underwear on, it wouldn't be very sanitary." He kissed him again, "Craig, if you have more at home, I'll take both pair, one for today and one for tomorrow."

Craig was so stunned, he hadn't even put his arms around Hardy.

"Craig," Hardy whispered, "You could run your hands down my back and over my butt."

Again, Craig was reddened, bashful, but did as Hardy had asked, feeling the wonderful muscles and the beautiful, sexy buttocks.

Suddenly, Hardy broke away, throwing his hands high in the air, "No foul, Matt, honest, hardly touched him." Matt had just entered the fitting room.

Now Craig was desperate, scared of what might happen. "Oh, Matt, I didn't mean anything, I didn't!"

As Hardy stepped back, Matt took hold of Craig, "Don't worry, Craig, Hardy is a great prankster." He turned to Hardy, "Good god, Hardy, get some clothes on. Don't you have any manners?" He knew Hardy had been trying to bring out their new young friend.

Craig and Matt watched Hardy try to get his lengthening cock into the tiny bikini briefs. They applauded when he managed to do it, still laughing together.

Hardy put his arms around Craig, "Sorry, if I embarrassed you, Craig. You are a good sport and now, if you could find a dress shirt we can buy, we'll get my special suit fitted and bought. " He again kissed Craig on the cheek and placed his own cheek in position for a return kiss. Success.

Later, Matt spoke to Craig as they left, "If you would like to, we want you to come to our house tomorrow night after graduation for our party. That would be 9 pm, the old Anthony farm, know where it is?"

"Sure, thanks, guys, I'd be pleased."

Matt continued, "If you have a partner or special friend, bring him."

Craig blushed again, "No, I don't yet," he smiled, "but I'm looking. Thanks."

"You are welcome, you might find someone at the party." He grinned at Craig.

Matt thought, 'And we'll leave now and you can go jerk off in the men's room.' Hardy knew exactly what Matt was thinking and he nodded.

Craig, still red, reminded Hardy, "Your suit with alterations will be ready this afternoon. Do you want to pick it up?

"Great, Craig, I'll do that."

Outside the store, Matt chastised Hardy, "You shouldn't have done that, you know!"

"Sorry, Matt, but I couldn't resist. He's so cute and I wanted to give him a thrill, maybe bring him out, you know. I thought he needed some help."

At 2 pm the next day, Tuesday, May 20th , Matt was standing behind Hardy in their bedroom at the farmhouse. They had an hour to get to the graduation ceremony. Hardy had his new suit on except for the jacket and started to knot his tie, but gave up in frustration.

"Matty, I've never tied a tie before, hon, I've always used pre-tied ones. Could you help me out?"

Matt stood close behind Hardy, his arms around Hardy's chest, holding the two ends of his tie. "Now watch closely, Hardy, and I will demonstrate." Matt wound the long end around the short end once, twice and again in a different way, then down through, finished with a sharp tug.

"There, isn't that a handsome tie now, well-shaped and smoothly tied. And that is called a Windsor knot, from the Duke of Windsor of the 30s."

Hardy looked into their full length mirror, then donned his suit jacket. He was amazed at how good he looked, not exactly himself, though, but should go super at the graduation.

Matt pressed himself against Hardy's rear, "You are absolutely gorgeous, Hardy, maybe you can see how I can think that, right?"

"Oh, Matt, I'm not that great." Hardy honestly thought he looked pretty cool .... and hot, too. He laughed to himself. Suddenly he felt Matt's hand curve under his balls and cock.

"Don't get excited, Hardy. I'm just making sure you have Craig's briefs on. I think you are going to have to show him that you wore them." Matt pulled Hardy's zipper down, reached in and pulled out the front of the bright red bikini briefs. "Okay, you are set, Hardy, so after graduation, if he comes to our party, find a quiet place and show him the briefs." Matt rushed to say, "And that's all, Hardy, show him nothing else."

Hardy laughed, "Hey, Matt, I've already shown him everything I got. And I think he liked it."

"Okay, let's go, you hussy." He stopped, "No, wait. Hardy, I won't be able to do this at the ceremony." He held Hardy close, little kisses on his face and lips. "I am so proud of you, Hardy, you have worked hard and accomplished so much. You will be a fine instructor and eventually an excellent professor. And, I feel you are a born teacher, not happy without someone to teach."

Hardy looked into Matt's eyes with tears in his own eyes. "Matty, I couldn't have done it without you, I thank you so much." He kissed Matt on the lips, trying to express his devotion and love and gratitude. Both men could feel the rock hard cock of the other partner.

"Shall we wear our rings, Matt?" Hardy asked while he rubbed Matt's cock, tickling the head with quick fingers.

"Hey, stop that, it'll never go down." He thought, "And, yes, we wear our rings."

"Matty, when I go up to get my diploma, I'll pull my right ear. That will mean just to you that I love and adore you, and am planning to spent the rest of my life with you." He smiled musingly.

One more kiss and hug and the two young men left the farm, got in their van and headed for Windsor College.

More than 3,000 people sat under the bright sun in the soccer stadium stands waiting for the ceremony to begin. Exactly at 5:30 pm Matt started the Pomp and Circumstance Processional and the first of the graduates appeared around the corner of the stadium headed for their row in a large assembly of seats. This year just about 1000 students would graduate.

The procession complete, Dean McAllister began the ritual. Most of the time was spent handing out diplomas in the various areas of study. The administration decided to go without a speaker this year, no one listened anyway. However, they couldn't get out of allowing Dr. Aaron S. Bishop, President of the College, his turn to talk, mercifully short.

"Hardy Merritt Wolfe, Masters Degree in Music." Matt watched from his vantage point as Hardy walked up to the stage, Matt feeling so proud, his chest bursting. When he saw Hardy pull on his right ear, the tears started to flow down his cheeks. He pulled out his handkerchief to wipe them, and blow his nose. As he turned back toward the band, he realized they had been applauding Hardy with all the noise they could make. And Matt hadn't even heard them. His smile spread over the whole group in appreciation and thanks.

Hardy waved at the band and went from the platform directly to his mother, Anne, in the stands with his nephews, Jacob and Joshua. He kissed her and tousled the boys' hair and kissed them too. Then he sat with them for the rest of the program.

After the graduate degrees had been conferred, the bachelor diplomas were presented. Matt was sadden by so many of his band members graduating, about a third of the band. Then he realized that the remaining two thirds had just been playing and didn't sound bad at all.

He watched BJ, Big Jeff O'Brien, get his certificate; then LJ, Little Jeff McGruder, grab his degree and hold on tightly. Fortunately both of them would be in graduate school and eligible to continue as Dukes of Windsor. Christine looked so beautiful, the cap and gown could in no way cover up her lovely face, her poise and regal attitude and that lovely body. Matt wondered if Chris had had her gown altered to fit her so well. 'I'd bet she did. It probably is silk.'

Roger would be the new Dukes trombone, Matt knew he was lucky to have him around. Jamal would still be the road manager of the Dukes. So, except for Hardy not playing, the Dukes would be back again as before. He was reminded that the Dukes had a performance in Washington sometime that summer. They had a lot of rehearsals and difficult practicing to go.

With so many diplomas to be presented, the program took a long time. Matt stood on his podium, looking over the crowd of parents and friends, not searching for anyone in particular. Suddenly he spotted someone he shouldn't have seen there. He stepped down and leaned over Jake Farrenaci, his new first chair clarinet.

"Jake, do you know Mr. Nordstrom?"

The young man smiled, "Sure do."

"Would you please find him quickly and bring him back to me as fast as possible? But you must walk, don't run. He's over with the other faculty."

"Sure," he stood, handed his clarinet to Matt who looked at it with disdain as all brass people looked at woodwinds. Holding the instrument with two fingers as if contagious, he handed Jake's clarinet to the second chair player. The whole clarinet section laughed quietly at their leader, knowing his scorn was just pretense..

Matt saw Karl and Jake approaching at a walk, but with huge strides. Karl came up to Matt with his hand out as if wanting to congratulate him. They began to talk to each other.

"Karl, I think I've seen my mother in the audience, right side of the center aisle just below the press box, second seat in. There is a man in the first seat."

"Wait, I'm having trouble in finding .... Oh god, we're in trouble, Matt. Yes, I see your mother." He turned to Matt, put on hand on his arm, "Don't worry, Matt, we are prepared for something like this."

Karl held his program up to his face, as if tapping his mouth with it. However, we was speaking into it. Matt couldn't hear everything, but it seemed there were men in the vicinity and in the audience just waiting for his command.

"Matt," Karl whispered, "is there any way you could hold everyone here in their seats at the end of the program?"

Matt thought frantically, then, "Karl, we are to play a selection at the very end. But, if we play the Stars Spangled Banner first, everyone will rise and stay by their seat for at least three minutes. Is that okay?"

Karl said 'great' and shook Matt's hand again, and as he was leaving, asked, "What time will you play it?"

"In about ten minutes, I'd guess."

"Do it!" And he left quickly.

Matt passed the word to the band that the next number would be the Stars Spangled Banner. Music was no problem because they all had memorized their part.

However, he was startled because Karl seemed to ignore Matt's mother. She could be planning some real evil, he thought.

Ten minutes later Matt signaled for the drum roll, then gave the upbeat for the pickup notes and the whole band playing The Star Spangled Banner. He wanted to turn around to see what was happening, but didn't dare. The band could have play the piece without direction, but he didn't want to bring any undue attention to the crowd in the stands.

At the final chord he cut the band off and turned to stare into the stands again. He found the right place in the stands, but neither his mother or the other man were there. Since the audience was leaving rapidly, he felt he had no opportunity to see either of them.

He dismissed the band to return to the music building.

"Hi, son, no, don't turn around. That thing you feel in your back is a gun. Well, actually it is my purse which contains my gun. The trigger is on the bottom and my finger is on it."

"Mother, what the hell do you think you are doing? Are you finally going to have to kill me yourself, since your sniper failed?"

Hardy had noticed what was going on. He didn't know Matt's mother, but the description fit. He had to figure out something to do.

Matt and his mother were facing away from Hardy and the moving band members. Suddenly, an idea appeared to his consciousness. He ran around among the students, whispering, "Please, go and surround Doc as fast as you can, mill around him, talk loud and fast." Running from group to group, Hardy soon had practically the whole band headed for Matt and his mother.

Blanche Ridgway was paying attention only to her son, nothing else, pure tunnel vision. She was wearing levis, t-shirt and denim jacket, hair styled like a kid, or college student. >From the rear that was exactly what she looked like. She was moving Matt ahead, slowly, steadily.

That was what Hardy was hoping for. He got in the middle of the students surrounding Matt, hoping for a break, for his opportunity. With the band milling around, close to the two people; one, Hardy's love and mate, and two, a murderous, insane woman, he would have a chance.

Hardy prayed that his action would work and would not hurt anyone, especially any of the band members. He could hear Matt's mother calling him all sorts of names and horrible descriptions. He never said a word.

Hardy's chance did appear, he prayed that he could do it. He put himself next to Matt's mother, moving slowly, knowing that two actions had to occur at the same time. He yelled, "Down Matt," and at the same instant gave a huge 50 yard punt and kicked her purse high in the air. The gun did go off, but since Matt had dropped to the ground, the bullet missed completely.

Matt was dazed, but Hardy grabbed him, lifted and mostly carried his lover as fast and as far as he could do away from the scene. Suddenly, they both fell, ending up in a heap with Hardy lying on top to protect his mate and partner who was practically unconscious.

Neither moved even though many people came by to see how they were. Slowly they parted and sat up, finally on their feet. Karl appeared in front of them, pulling them to him with his arms around the two men.

"Hardy, you dumb shit, you idiot, you have no brains!" He paused and smiled, "But, my friend, you deserve a medal for that wild rescue. I was getting my men in place, but you upstaged us. By George, you deserve a kiss, a big one." Since all the kids had gone, Karl gave Hardy a big kiss as did Matt, slowly coming out of a dazed phase.

"Hardy, my love, you saved my life. That idiot mother of mine damn near killed me, didn't she?"

Karl answered, "Yes, Matt, she did. Somehow she slipped away from us in the crowds of kids, but we got the purse with a loaded gun that had enough power to blow your head clean off." He continued, "And, the man who was sitting with your mother was none other than "Red", the sniper I met in the SocSci Building. He better hide good because the next time I see him he's going to be dead!" Karl had hit his left palm with his right fist, and his eyes glared with fire.

Matt gave Hardy a warm, loving glance, "Let's go home, we've got a party to host. You coming with us, Karl? We'd like to have you."

"Sure, thanks. I'll go get Sunshine first, okay?" The answer was affirmative.

By the time they got to the farm, all three had recovered from the stress and excitement, blood pressure at normal and pulse rate about like a second hand. Steve, Gary, Todd and Roger, and Anne had everything under control. Most of the guests had already arrived and were getting drinks and food from their hosts and hostess.

Matt made an announcement. "Welcome to our house everyone. Congratulations to the graduates, including Hardy Wolfe-Ridgway. Yes, we are partners now." Applause filled the farmyard from so many people who were pleased to see them together. " So you are allowed to come to see our twin rings. Drink and eat and have a good time. However, no driving if you have beer. Please select a sober driver to get home. Any of our family can get you home safely."

Hardy saw Craig having a soda and sandwich. "Matt, I'm going to welcome Craig and show him what he wants to know. Okay?"

"Sure, Woofie, take care of that for us."

Hardy decided to give Craig a tour of the house before revealing his choice of briefs. Craig was delighted with their Jacuzzi and huge bedroom, in fact the whole house was a wonder.

"Hardy, this mansion is incredible, you guys are so lucky. I've looked at this farmhouse for years, but had no idea it was so large." He took in Hardy's eyes, his beautiful smile and his bright, white teeth. Taking a chance, his hands unbuckled Hardy's belt, opened his pants and pulled down his zipper, letting Hardy's pants drop to his feet.

Craig was thrilled to find Hardy wearing his red, white and blue bikini briefs. He grinned at Hardy, a question on his face, and pointed at his crotch.

"Go ahead, Craig, you can feel the material if you like." Hardy leered at Craig, pointing to his obvious swelling cock bulging the crotch of his briefs.

Nervous and shaking, Craig tentatively reached to Hardy's crotch where his fingers lightly felt the cotton material, smooth and pulsing from the vibrant cock beneath. He moved closer to this hot hunk and curled his hand around the whole basket, cupping his new friend's red hot meat.

Hardy placed a hand over Craig's hand and lay back on the bed, taking Craig with him to sit down. He stretched out on the spread with his hands over his head.

"Keep going, Craig, discover what you can about me." Hardy closed his eyes, giving Craig the opportunity to follow his desires. He took advantage of Hardy's opening and began to flex his cock between his fingers and palm which closed and opened slowly and lightly. Craig lay beside Hardy on his left side, only touching Hardy where his hand met his crotch. He could tell that Hardy's cock was getting fatter and longer, though it still stayed inside the briefs.

Hardy breathed deeply, relaxing his body, giving in to the feeling of ecstasy as Craig manipulated his growing prong, stronger and more quickly, until Hardy was at the gate of climax.

"Oh, Craig, man, that's so good, man, keep it up. Keep it ...... oh," Hardy groaned and tensed his whole body, his muscles practically cramping with the stress and strain. Craig watched as Hardy's six-pack ridges rose with the effort. Still he kept on working Hardy's cock in his cupped hand.

"Craig, I'm cumming, I can't hold it," he whispered, "it's cumming, don't stop."

Craig followed as Hardy wished, his own body struggling with his inner passions being able to handle this exciting, hunky man. He left the moisture on his hand when he felt Hardy's cock pumping his semen out and through the cotton strainer, but he didn't let go.

Finally Hardy relaxed, his muscles calming and softening and he looked at Craig with a huge smile on his face. "Craig, you are so good. You will make some man a great partner, husband and lover."

He stood up and motioned Craig to rise. "Can I help you in the same way, Craig?"

Craig reddened, embarrassed, and admitted, "I came when you did." He looked down at his crotch, sopping with semen, already softening and shrinking.

"Okay, how about switching briefs, huh?"

Without speaking Craig dropped his trousers and pulled them off his legs. He reached to his waist to grab his white, almost transparent briefs, soaked in his semen and took them off to hand over to Hardy. Hardy had done the same and each pulled on the other's cum soaked briefs, grinning at each other, closing in a ferocious hug.

The two young men dressed, hugged again and walked from the bedroom, clutching each other's buttocks. "Craig, I'm hoping we can help you. Come over for a party on Friday, okay? About 7 pm. This will be for some of the band members, but we'll get time to talk with you. We'll stay in touch."

"Thanks, Hardy, you guys are great," bashfully patting his back.

Matt noticed Craig and Hardy returning to the party. They looked a bit shop worn, but calm and happy. 'Wonder what they did,' he thought. 'Oh well, Hardy will tell me.'

Craig went to get some food and a drink, but Hardy walked straight to his lover. They clasped hands, but refrained from any further outward display of affection. Their friends would love them to be together, but still wouldn't want to see their passion on exhibition. Someone would quickly yell, "Get a room!", and they would be correct.

"Hardy, how about we go around to congratulate the graduates in the Dukes. I am so thankful that all three are entering graduate school and can still be a Duke or Duchess."

"Me, too, Matt, especially since I'm going to be directing the group next year. I don't how I'll do, stepping into your shoes, but ...... "

Matt broke in, "Hardy, I'm going to give you a challenge. Your job is to make them a better group than the present one." He turned to face Hardy, "You know I love you more than my own life. But I want you working to be better than me. Okay?"

"Sure, but ..... "

"No, buts, and don't think I didn't notice what you did for me this evening. You fell on top of me to protect me, keep me from getting hurt. I love you so much."

"Well, Matty, the thought of me ever trying to get another man if you were killed just gave me the shudders, so I did it." He chuckled, "I loved getting a feel, too, or didn't you notice I fell on you with my hand on your crotch. If we were going to be killed, I wanted one last cock grope."

Matt started laughing, deep belly laughs, hardly able to get his breath until he finally fell on the ground, panting in great gasps, trying to stop. Hardy was down on his knees beside Matt and many others were around wondering how to help. Hardy held Matt's hand but he was still chortling involuntarily. Hardy jumped up, ran to the food table and grabbed a large pitcher of iced tea. On the way back he kept thinking, 'I shouldn't be doing this, but 'I dood it'.'

The whole pitcher was poured on Matt's head and shoulders. He shuddered violently and sat up in reaction. He looked up at Hardy, standing there with the pitcher in his hands, and started to turn red, dark red, and tried to get up. Hardy took the hint and started running out to the fields beyond Steve's studio.

Matt was more determined than Hardy but they were a couple hundred yards from the party by the time Matt tackled Hardy and they landed in a pile. Matt looked around to see if anyone else was after them. Because no one had followed them, Matt looked down into Hardy's face and savaged a fiery kiss on his lover. Hardy returned the kiss and they held it until both of them started to giggle into each other's mouth.

Matt rolled off Hardy but still held his hard, robust body against himself.

"Hardy, ..... "

"Wait, Matt, honest, you didn't seem to be able to control your laughing, so ...... " He again started laughing, "I just couldn't help myself," and roared some more.

So, what else could Matt do, yes, he tickled Hardy where he was especially ticklish, his lower abdomen on opposite sides of his crotch. Soon they both wore out and needed a rest.

"Hardy, as I was going to say when rudely interrupted, I pray to God that we always stay together, because I just couldn't live without you." That last part was said so seriously and emotionally that they both had their faces drenched with tears. They could only hold each other and lay quietly, absorbed completely in their union of life and spirit.

They both began to hear voices coming closer so they rose and straightened their clothing.

Matt whispered, "I'm going to get you tonight!"

"Promises, promises," Hardy whispered, then giggled, his wonderful, enchanting smile breaking over his face.

The two men walked slowly back to the party, then found Jeff O'Brien, Jeff McGruder and Christine Griffith. After shaking hands with each one and congratulating them on their graduation, they expressed their gratitude that they would be in Graduate School next year and thus eligible to remain in the Dukes.

"Since Hardy is taking over as director of the Dukes, I was hoping he could have the same group another year." The graduates smiled, pleased that they were respected and valued. "Of course, keep in mind I will be watching everything he does, just to make sure he doesn't screw up." He looked at Hardy with such adoration in his eyes so Hardy could understood that Matt would do no such thing. Jeff, Jeff and Chris understood that too, and were positive that Hardy wouldn't 'screw up' at all.

Matt and Hardy both hugged the Jeffs, then held and kissed Chris on the cheek.

"Have a great time tonight, guys. We'll see you at Dukes practice on Thursday at noon. Oh, and by the way, I will explain your scholarships and grants in aid for the summer. That comes from the Bryan Howard Foundation here at the college. And, that is also where the money will come for constructing the new music building this summer." Matt grabbed Hardy and pulled him to the food table. "I'm hungry, my love, you need to feed me." He winked at Hardy, "I'll feed my other appetite later this evening."

Looking around at his party group, Matt wanted to make sure he had talked to everyone. Then, he noticed Lee Washington and Neil Jordan standing by the food table, loading their plates. "I haven't talked to them yet, better be quick."

Matt walked up behind Lee and Neil who were standing close together. He wrapped one arm about each of them, holding them tightly to himself.

"Gentlemen, sorry, I got waylaid," he giggled, "not exactly that, but I needed to welcome you both to The Dukes Ranch."

Neil answered, "Thanks, Matt. We both owe you a lot."

Lee broke in, "And thanks to you Matt," he whispered in Matt's ear, "Neil made love to me last night, I mean really real love, and it was good, even better, it was wonderful." His face turned bright red and he looked shyly into Matt's eyes.

"I'm so pleased to hear that, Lee, especially that you enjoyed it." He squeezed Lee tightly. "You both deserve each other, I hope you will have as great a relationship as Hardy and I"

Neil asked, "Matt, could we see your ring? We've heard about it."

"Sure." And Matt held his hand so they both could see the ring, shining in the outdoor lights, "And his looks just the same."

He noticed that Neil and Lee connected with their eyes, feeling they would be up to rings and such before too long. That pleased Matt to have their affection turn in to love, and particularly to have Lee recover from his night of terror to enjoy having Neil's cock in his ass instead of a broom handle..

The next morning, Wednesday, Hardy left early to help the band officers get everything ready for the band celebration dinner in the Student Center that evening. They had decided on a semi formal event including dinner and a dance with a good local rock band, lots of slow, romantic rock with some wild numbers thrown in here and there.

Hardy had been going to suggest having the Dukes play, but wisely decided not to and to concentrated on the concert band members at that time. The Dukes had been having their own audience reaction recently, probably heading to the White House some time that summer.

Matt and Hardy had wild sex Tuesday night after everyone left. Brian had flown back to River City, leaving Ted feeling somewhat bereft. Matt woke late since he was taking the day off. Hey, he was the Head of the Department and he made the rules. He also felt the band concert the previous night would do for compensatory time off.

He opened his eyes to see Ted standing beside his bed, clad only in some very short and very tight boxers, his muscular body tightly bound. Matt also noticed that Ted's eyes were red and puffy, glinting in the morning light coming in the window.

Ted didn't say anything, just looked at Matt with a pitiful countenance, sorrowful and abused, on his face. Matt almost smiled at him, but wisely decided that wasn't what Ted wanted. So, he lifted the covers up a ways and indicated with a nod that Ted should get in the bed.

Climbing on Hardy's side of the bed, Ted and Matt came together like two powerful magnets, drawn by an irresistible force in their bodies to couple. You could almost hear the two magnets click together.

Matt and Ted had had sex in the Jacuzzi when Matt was first looking over the house for purchase by he and his brother. Ted had clearly seduced Matt, using his every wile to draw him into the tub where Matt had no resistance to the young charming hunk. Ted had been a virgin anally, he and his grandfather had never had anal sex. Ted knew his own ability to attract other men, but had never used it prior to that time. From the time he was a young boy, maybe 10 or 11, he had been introduced to sex by his grandfather and they still continued to enjoy each other fairly often. Mark Anthony, his grandfather, had correctly deduced that Ted was gay and hoped strongly that Ted would find a mate.

Matt wasn't about to have sex with Ted again, but realized this young men needed help, so gathered him in his arms, holding him tight until he heard Ted crying, sobbing deeply in his chest.

"Teddy, babe, tell me. Tell me, maybe I can help." He made a guess, "I guess Brian had to leave?"

Ted nodded his head, sobbing harder. Matt could feel Ted's taut abdomen reacting, moving against his own body. He held Ted more closely, one hand on his back and one on his cute, little buttocks, massaging with both hands. Ted tightened his grip on Matt's back, rubbing his cheeks against his friend, "Matty, I'm so sad that Brian's gone. And I don't know when he will be back."

Matt patted Ted's buttocks familiarly, he'd always loved this young, sexy body. "Teddy, you knew that Brian and Mike are full time partners, in love with each other, didn't you?"

"Yes," Ted answered ruefully. "I did, but he is so hot and such a wonderful person, I fell hard for him right away." He mused, "And he loves me, I know it."

"Teddy, he probably does love you, he also loves me and Hardy. I just don't want you to expect too much from him." Matt kissed Ted on his forehead. Ted tried to bend his neck back so he could kiss Matt's lips. "Uh-uh, Teddy, dear, no, no. Forehead only." He went on, "I'll hold you as long as you want me to, Teddy, but no sex, okay?"

Ted smiled, "Okay, Matty, just hold me."

Since it was still early, Matt and Ted fell asleep woven together.

That same morning, nearing noon, Matt was working in the den, reading some new music methods, especially one string method by someone named Harmon E. Tunez. He wondered who could have a name like that. But it was a good set of methods books, he thought.

Rapid knocking on the front door woke Matt from his efforts at studying. The raps became quite insistent, more than would be from a casual visitor. He felt a strange, ominous warning in his system as he moved to the door and opened it.

"Dr. Ridgway?"


"Dr. Matthew Bunker Ridgway?"


He saw two fairly large men in dark suits, short hair cuts, closely shaved and quite tall. They moved closer to the door, intimidating Matt with their aggressive behavior though he remained in the doorway.

"Dr. Ridgway, we would like to talk to you if you would allow us to enter."

Matt cleared his throat, "First you will have to show me your identification and give me a reason for doing as you ask."

As the two men brought out their identification, they gave Matt a quick glance, then put the wallets back.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, that was not good enough. I need your names and the agency for whom you work." He turned to go back into the living room and shut the door.

"Wait, Dr. Ridgway, we'll show you again."

This time Matt had a chance to read the I.D.s accurately.

"Okay, Agent Phillip Dennison and Agent Angio Liscenza of the U.S. Treasury Department." He returned, "Now, why do you want to talk to me?"

Agent Dennison pressed his lips together, unhappy that they still stood on the porch. But he want on, "We want to ask you questions about your great-grandfather, General Matthew Bunker Ridgway."

Matt now was angry, "Agents, my great-grandfather was not General Matthew Bunker Ridgway. My grandmother thought she was his daughter, but the general said he didn't have any daughters when actually, he had two daughters. I have nothing further to say."

Agent Liscenza spoke up, "Dr. Ridgway, we would much rather handle this the easy way."

Matt thought a moment and decided to appear to give in, "Okay, come in the living room and I will talk to you."

Before the agents could get settled, Matt had called Gary, asking him to come to the living room as fast as possible, and to bring Steve. "Urgent," he said.

By the time Matt sat down, Gary and Steve had entered the room.

Pointing to the agents, "These men are from Treasury Department, Agent Phillip Dennison and Agent Angio Liscenza, who seem to have come to ask questions about my so-called great-grandfather."

Pointing to Steve and Gary, he told the agents, "This is my brother, Steven Ridgway, and the other is my attorney, Gary Stuart. Now, I'm going to follow their advice on any answers I give to you. Actually, Steve, will you please call our friend and ask him to contact Congressman Mike Keith to check if the Treasury Department has agents by these names and if they do, exactly where they are at this moment."

The two agents looked at each other, wondering what would happen now. The five men sat in the living room quietly after Steve finished his call for fifteen minutes when their phone rang.

Steve answered, said little and hung up.

Speaking to Matt, Steve said the Congressman's chief aide told him that these two men are Treasury Agents and at the present moment should be in Windsor, Ohio.

Agent Dennison looked at Agent Liscenza in wide-eyed amazement. "Why can we get service like that? It would have taken us at least twenty-four hours to get that result."

He turned to Matt, "Could you let us in on your secret?"

Matt smiled, "Well, first you would have to be very close to the Congressman or to his friend and have done favors for either or both." He nodded to them at the point where he saw they realized exactly what he had said. "By the way, his friend spent the last week staying in this house. Does that answer your question?"

Agent Dennison finally relaxed and smiled at the other three. "I guess I can tell you a bit about this investigation. When General Ridgway was Commander in Chief in Korea in the early 1950s, some members of lower rank in his staff seem to have been involved in illegal activities in connection with the South Korean government and a lot of money. We are positive that the General had nothing to do with the Lieutenants and Captains whom we suspect, but we are trying to find out if any records of his we don't know about had been left to family members.

"Since you deny being his grandson, we of course believe you, but would like to check for sure. Have you ever done that?"

"How would we do that?"


Silence. Matt finally spoke, "I never thought of that. But how could we compare to the General's DNA?"

Agent Dennison smiled at Matt and Steve, "Actually, we have that from items left in his house in Pennsylvania?" He almost smirked, "And we have your grandmother's DNA, too."

"Have you compared them?"


"Aw, come on, don't leave us hanging, man. This is big news."

"Okay, your grandmother is the daughter of General Matthew Bunker Ridgway alright. That's for sure." He stood slowly, nervously pacing a bit. "And we would appreciate it if you would come with us so we could take your DNA," he turned to Steve, "and yours, Mr. Ridgway. We can do that in Toledo, about an hour away."

"I wouldn't mind that, Agent Dennison, but I have responsibilities today at the college. This is the last day the students will be there until Fall." He thought, "Could we give you personal samples which would accomplish the same thing?"

The two agents whispered in the corner. "Okay, I think we can do that, however we will be back if for some reason it won't work." He brought two envelopes from his pocket. "If you and Steve will put your names on the envelope, and take this foam swab to collect DNA material from the inside of your cheek which we will seal in these special envelopes."

That was quickly accomplished, the swabs coated and preserved in the envelope.

All five men rose to their feet, the two agents heading for the front door.

Steve asked, "When would you have the results and when could we hear about them?"

"Here is my card," Agent Liscenza said, "You can call me tomorrow about this time. I'm sure I'll be able to advise you then."

Matt, Steve and Gary said 'thank you' and 'goodbye', showing them onto the porch.

Matt, Steve and Gary repaired to the kitchen for some urgently needed coffee. Fortunately Todd and Roger had been up early and had made a large pot, then left for school to help with the band party that evening. Ted had returned to his home and Anne and the little boys were playing in Anne's suite according to the noise they were making.

Steve asked first, "Matty, what if we aren't related to the general. What does that mean?"

Gary spoke up. "That would mean that either your father was adopted by your grandmother, or one or both of you were adopted by your parents. As well as I know you two, I'm sure you are brothers, no other way, especially the way you look and the way you two love each other so closely.

Matt looked at Steve, "No matter how this turns out, Stevie, I will continue to love you as I always have, with my whole heart, body and soul."

"And me, you, my love." Steve grabbed Matt to hug the stuffing out of him.

Both men were having terrible thoughts of various possibilities. And, wondering how their lives might change, they both felt apprehension, but clutched each other for comfort.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 26

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