Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 24, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D..

============= Chapter Thirty-two =============

Following the Dukes' return from Washington, Matt repeated his offer to give everyone three weeks off, until the end of the first week in August. They could stay at their regular dorm rooms, or go home.

The Dukes RV ended the return trip at the farm of the Ridgways, where there were plenty of rides home for everyone. Most decided to stay in Windsor, practicing and chilling, but LJ said he was going home, as did Roger. Todd's lover said some of his family lived in Lima and since he hadn't seen them for a couple years, he thought he better go to be reacquainted. Todd wasn't happy with that, but he reluctantly agreed.

Matt and Hardy congratulated all of them again for their performance at the White House. There was a photo and article in the Washington Post of which every member had a copy, soon to be pasted in keepsake albums. And the group had received a letter from the President, praising their performance and, oddly, remarked on their good looks. Though they were tired, the Dukes were still running on adrenalin and couldn't slow down..

The group broke up then, going as they pleased, happy to have three weeks of freedom. Matt had to spend the three weeks in Columbus coordinating with his staff at the State Music Association for the upcoming school year with all of the concerts, contests and conferences. Each district of the organization would have a conference for their group early in the year and as president, Matt should try to make as many of them he could. Since Ohio has 88 counties, each district covers a number of counties, depending on population sizes..

Before Roger left, he and Jamal and the two Jeffs sat together in the pool room, ostensibly to talk about when and where they were going, but actually Jamal brought up an issue the rest had forgotten.

"Guys, we haven't talked about Rocky Krupko and how we're going to get back at him for messing with Ricky. My boy could have been hurt a lot more, but was just lucky to get away with a minor concussion."

"Yeah," Roger demanded, "we gotta' get him, but how? He's bigger than all five of us put together."

Jamal considered, "If he's bigger than the five of us, who is bigger than that jerk?"

Roger screwed up his face trying to think, then he burst out with, "Guys, do any of you know who Moose Monahan is?"

Little Jeff spoke up, "I do, I've seen him in the gym and locker room. He's twice as big as all of us, he's a monster. He's on the wrestling team That guy has muscles on muscles, thighs like thunder and he's bigger than King Kong, and it looks as if he has a dong as big as the biggest moose. And, he's gorgeous!"

"Hmmm, I think I'd like to see that dong go up Rocky's asshole." Jamal's eyes gleamed.

Roger added, "Yeah, but I rather see ol' Moose knock the shit out of Krupko. Right?"

Big Jeff spoke, "How about both if we can work it. Hey, each one of us has a bigger brain than both of them. AND, our IQ's probably are higher than their total weight." He laughed, pleased with himself.

Roger asked, "We know that Krupko knows you, Jamal, but does Monahan know you?"

Jamal drawled, "Hell no, at least I've never seen him. I don't watch wrestling."

"Then you could get to know him, talk to him and tell him how Krupko's been calling him a pussy, a shit-eating ass wipe, and he could smash him with one arm. Okay?"

"Okay with me. I'd like to take one of the Jeff's with me sometimes. So I'm not just by myself, and I'm not the only one . What I have to find out is where he gets his beer."

Little Jeff laughed, "We'll all be glad to help search the beer halls for him." He punched Big Jeff on his shoulder, then gave him a kiss on his cute red lips.

"I'm afraid you Jeffs will have to hunt for Krupko, so you'll still need to hit the saloons," Roger told them, "I'm going to Lima for two weeks off, so try not to let the battle start until I get back." He grinned, "I want to see Krupko smashed to shit."

"We all do," the rest retorted as one.

Before they retired to bed, Steve asked Matt to come to the studio with him. Matt looked curiously at Steve, but went along. They left the house and walked through the mown grass to the old dairy barn, now Steve's sculpture studio.

"Could Hardy come too?"

Steve shook his head no. "Not yet."

"What is this, Steve, something new?"

"No, Matt, it is something old." He put his arm around his brother and lover, squeezing with his hand on the muscular shoulder. He whispered, "This is just between you and me." He gave Matt a quick kiss on his cheek and unlocked the door.

The large room stayed dark while they walked toward the presentation stage.

"Just wait, Matt, this is my present for you, again."

Steve flipped the light switch and his statue of young Matt appeared, glowing brilliant white on the podium.

"Oh, Steve, you made another statue, just like the original.! Thank you so much, my other self." He squinted, "It seems to be brighter than before."

"No, brother, this IS the original. You should have seen it when we got it back. Fingerprints and dirt everywhere. It's taken me a few weeks to finish." He smiled slyly, "I have to tell you that the dirtiest part was your buttocks." He laughed, "I always knew that was your best part!" He patted Matt's butt, also kissing him lightly.

"Wait a minute, Steve. You went and bought this for me?"

"I'd like to claim that, babe, but I didn't buy it. Brian bought it for you." He smiled softly. "That young man does some of the most wonderful things for people." Steve continued, "And he must have had some hold, financial or otherwise, on the owner because he paid just what the man had."

Matt turned and grabbed Steve, holding on tight, kissing him as they had Matt's first night in his house in Windsor.

"Oh, babe, thank you for refinishing it, and I'll thank Brian, too. Wish I could do something for him." Matt had tears in his eyes, seeing more on Steve's face. "Wait, where are we going to put it?"

Steve kissed back, rubbing Matt's back and butt, "I'm not sure. That's why I left it here, out of harm's way. I want it somewhere that we can see yet make sure it is safe. We may have to have a special plastic case built for it."

"I have an idea, Steve. We could build a very strong ledge against the pool room wall where it is two stories tall. Then it would be visible, but out of harm's way. How's that?"

"You are a genius, Matty. That will be great. And a clear plastic screen would help."

The next morning, Monday, Matt and Hardy were sitting at the breakfast table with Anne who prepared a buffet brunch that morning for everybody. The little boys had been up early and were already playing in the play yard with Todd, their male nanny, sort of.

"I'm so proud of both of you, but I wish we could have seen your performance. And when the President came up to shake your hands. I'll be that was just because you played songs of Texas. That's about right, Texas songs for that Tex - ass."

"Mom," Hardy complained, "you are really getting to be a 'potty' mouth. Tsk, Tsk."

Matt grabbed Anne's hands and told her, "That's okay, Mom, you're allowed. You have to take a lot of crap from all of us, so you are due."

She smiled at both of them, "You are right, Matt, but since this house is filled of MY boys, I love all of you, no problem."

Matt looked at Hardy, "Babe, you have a lot of arranging to do and we will need to set up a number of routines based on English music, like, ah, Rule Britannia for example."

"Could you tell me why, oh wonderful partner, why we should have stuff about England."

Matt whispered, "This goes no farther than you two, but Lord Ballard talked about having us come to England for a performance, maybe this fall. Nothing definite as yet."

Hardy pretended to be enraged, "Matt, you knew this and never told me? What if I didn't want to go to England or ... or ... " he broke up at his silliness, but then sulked a little. "I wish you'd told me. "

"I did tell you last night, but probably you went to sleep before I got to the good parts."

Hardy retorted, "Well, you got me so tired out that I .... ah .... oops!" He looked at his mother, "Let's skip that," as he blushed. She smirked a little. "Okay, I'll get started on the arrangements. But," he threatened with a sharp forefinger, "you will call me every night you are in Columbus. Right?"

Matt leaned over to give Hardy a warm kiss, "Every night, love."

Anne smiled at her son and son-in-law, so thankful they had managed to get together. She knew that Matt had saved Hardy from himself. He had been going off the track before he met Matt. She loved both of then dearly, so satisfied with them and her little boys, sons of Matt's brother, Steve.

"Well, I have dishes to do and cleaning up to do, so get out and let me work."

"Oh, bye Mom, see you for lunch. In fact I'll take you and the boys."

Anne looked very pleased, "Thanks, son, I'll accept even though we'll probably have to go to McDonald's."

"Mom, I'll be leaving for Columbus in a few minutes. Give us a kiss and I'll see you in a couple weeks." Matt gave his mother in law a kiss and then found Hardy waiting behind him for his kiss.

"Matty, I'll miss you terribly."

Matt gave him a special kiss too, "Hardy, I'll get back just as soon as I can, but you know these endless meetings. I love you very much, so don't worry. Please?"

"Okay, Matty, though I may pine away like a deserted bride."

Anne gave a huge 'Hah!' and even Hardy couldn't keep a straight face at that. So, Matt blew a kiss to each and left to pack and take off.

On Sunday evening, just two weeks later, everybody was back in Windsor and the 'family' at the farm was complete except for Roger Adams, Todd's lover. Todd was nervous, biting his nails, never sitting still.

"Where could he be, Matt? He should have been back by now. He said two weeks."

Matt smiled at his young friend, well more than a friend, "He'll be here, Toddy, he'll be okay, I'm sure."

Most everyone was sitting around the living room, utilizing the soft chairs and sofas, except for the little boys who were already in bed. Most of them had been swimming in their pool, enjoying the warm water even though it was in the 80s outside.

The possibility of performing in England hadn't been passed around, so Hardy and Anne had been as good as their word to keep it silent. Yet, the Dukes themselves had been wondering among themselves as to what would be coming next.

The front door slammed open, Roger and a dazzling young woman on his arm came in, a blonde who was immediately recognized as a "cheerleader" type with the usual figure and so on. Both them were smiling broadly, as if in a toothpaste commercial.

"Hi, everybody." The group in the living room responded as the mood took them. But they all were looking at Roger and the girl on his arm. .

Todd was immediately in front of Roger, waiting for his personal greeting.

"Hi, Toddy," Roger exclaimed excitedly, "I want you to meet Princess, my fiancee." He turned to the girl, smiling broadly. "Isn't she beautiful?"

The quiet was deafening. Everyone watched the next split seconds in slo-mo!. They were all shocked dumb.

Todd's face lost all its color and went ashen white. He couldn't believe what he'd heard.

His mouth opened but nothing came out. Then as all watched him, he began reddening up, anger showing in his face. He spun around, turning his back on Roger, meaning to walk away. Then, just as quickly, he spun back around and as he did, his right arm swung around, plowing his tight fist into Roger's nose. Roger backed in surprise and fell backward over a hassock, holding his hands to his face and crashed to the floor, shocked.

Matt watched Todd stomp upstairs and heard him slam his bedroom door. He also asked Hardy to get Roger a towel for his nose which was spouting blood. "We don't need blood on these beautiful carpets.

The blonde could speak, "Dr. Ridgway, I told him not to do it. He said it was a joke. He wanted to play a joke on Todd." She was crying, feeling horrible embarrassed.

"Steve, would you take her to her home, or whatever." He whispered, "Get her out of here." Steve put one arm behind her back, leading her back out the front door to Matt's van.

Roger was still lying on the floor, moaning about his nose. "At least he didn't hit my lips. But I dink he broge my dose."

Matt knelt on the floor beside Roger. "What were you thinking, Roger? You have just humiliated and embarrassed him and I would say you may have lost him. He'll have to love you an awful lot to get over this."

"I .. I .. don't know, Matt, I just wanted to play a joke. He should know that I .... would ... never ..."

"Roger, you know Todd doesn't have a strong self image, mainly because of what his mother has done to him. Don't you know that?"

Tears were swimming in Roger's eyes. "Yes, Matt, but I can't lose Todd, he's the best thing that ever happened to me. What can I do?" Roger really didn't understand what he'd done.

"Right now, Roger, I'm not sure. First, you need to get an ice pack on your nose, maybe Gary would help you with that. Then I want you to go to Brian and Ted's room and lie down. I'll try to talk to Todd to see what he says. But, you stay in that room until I talk to him. Got it!"

Sadly, remorseful, "Okay, Matt, I'll do anything you say, I just have to have Todd back." He lay his head on the towel, raising up when Gary brought an ice bag. Gary also helped Roger up and helped him climb the stairs to the bedroom.

Matt spoke to everyone in the room, "Let's keep this just between us. I hope I'm as good a talker as I think." He turned to his mother in law, "I may call for you, Anne. We'll just see." She nodded to him, concerned about their family, no matter which one it would be.

Matt tapped lightly on Todd's bedroom door. "Toddy, please, may I come in?"

A very weak 'okay' came through the door.

In the dim light, Matt saw Todd curled up on the bed, rocking back and forth, holding himself as tight as he could. Matt moved closer, lay out on the bed and took Todd in his arms. Todd uncurled and grabbed Matt's back, holding him tightly, as he never wanted to let go.

Matt could tell he was sobbing, spasmodically, his body shaking as he did. Todd had his head against Matt's head, one ear by Matt's mouth.

Matt whispered, "Toddy, Roger wasn't trying to hurt you, in his own weird way he was playing a joke on you. He just assumed you would know he was kidding. By the way, Toddy, I believe you did break his nose. Well, it was too straight anyway. This will give him a little character to his face, he was too good-looking."

Todd smiled bleakly, "Matt, I feel so ashamed, I should have realized he was joking, but it hit me so suddenly and frightened me to death. I knew I couldn't live without him." He started to cry again, but not as long that time.

Matt hugged Todd and tried to soothe him, rubbing his back. "Roger has an ice bag on his nose and he is in Brian and Ted's room and I told him to stay there until I came. I know he loves you as much as ever, and wants to see you. I thought he ought to stay in the room maybe until tomorrow. Would you help me find some of his clothes that he could wear tomorrow? Maybe you could find some of his favorites."

Todd went to Roger's dresser, first finding a pair of 'Roger loves Todd' boxers.

Matt was wondering just where they found those.

Holding the boxers, he found a nice shirt in the second drawer and cargo shorts in the next drawer down. Todd was crying all the time, he couldn't seem to stop. He looked at Matt, his mouth open but nothing coming out.

Suddenly, Todd threw all the clothes on the floor. "The hell with that, Matt, I want my Roger right here in this room, please?"

"Are you sure, Todd? Is this what you really want? Maybe you should make him suffer some more."

"NO, NO. I'll be suffering more if he stays where he is." Todd was really getting angry.

Matt was tired of interceding between two lovers. "Okay, okay, Toddy, he's yours to do with as you will."

Matt left the room and went to Brian's room just down the hall, where he knocked and went in. Roger was lying on the bed, ice bag over his nose, cotton plugs in his nose.


"Hi Matt."

"Well, I can't believe it, but Todd wants you in his room, now!"

"You mean it, Matt? Oh, that's great." He looked in a mirror, "I look like shit."

"Wait until your black eyes develop tomorrow. You will look worse." Matt put his arm around Roger, "Get that hunky body over to Todd before he comes with a dragnet. He still loves you, Roger. But, you better apologize every five minutes for the next two weeks. He knows you love him, and only him, but you also better prove that to him."

"Okay, Matt, I'm ready."

Roger, with Matt trailing behind, went to Todd's door, tapping cautiously and lightly.

"Toddy, it's Rog, can I come in?"

The door suddenly opened, revealing Todd completely nude, just waiting for him. "Get your beautiful butt in here, and make love to me. Now!"

Matt silently backed away and went down the main stairs. Once in the living room, he was able to announce. "Our two friends at this moment are in their favorite positions in their favorite activity. That's as far as I'll go." He smiled and literally wiped his brow.

Todd stripped Roger of his clothes in two minutes flat and pushed him back on the bed. He then crawled in and lay on the bed beside his lover. He smoothed Roger's hair, shiny and black, over his forehead, then kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry I hit you, Roger, but you surprised me so much, I freaked. I should have known you could pull a stupid trick like that. But, honey, .... I still love you as much as ever and forever."

Todd pulled Roger to his body, "How are you feeling, love?"

"Pretty tore, Toddy, I ding you broge my dose. Man, I din know you dat trong. I'm gonna to have ta watch so I behabe myself." He smiled and held Todd's hand against his face.

"Don't you think that will add more character to your face? Now you will look like a suffering musician, woefully trying to make a living." That picture tickled Todd enough that he started giggling, as did Roger, reacting contagiously to his lover.

"By the way Roger, just who was that beautiful fiancee of yours. She was attractive, if you're into cheerleaders. What has happened to her?"

"Teve took her homb. Te had a aunt in Windsor and wanted to tee her anyway."

"Is she one of your multitudes of cousins? I don't see how you could have so many. Maybe some are just 'kissin' cousins?'

Roger got a little huffy, "Well, if you must know, she's not actually a cousin, but I used to date her when I lived in Lima. When she found out I couldn't or wouldn't make anything happen between me and her, she gave up. I guess I felt pretty special to be dating a cheerleader."

"Now I suppose you want me to wear a tiny skirt and falsies to practice cheers with you?"

Roger laughed, then groaned since his nose was hurting him. "Donn make me laugh, luff, it hurd when I do."

"Rog, pull the ice bag away from your face." When he did, Todd was shocked at the damage he'd done to his partner. Tear started to slide down his face, "Oh, Rog, I'm so sorry." He looked into Rog's eyes. "I know you are sorry as you can be, and so am I, love of my life. And, I think around your eyes is starting to turn black and blue. Oh, damn, I'm am so sorry."

"Yeah, me too, I for sure will never do anything like that again. Not if I want to keep my looks, babe." He sat up to look in the mirror, "Oh, jeez. I do feel better, I can talk better."

"Roger, I do think we should take you in to the ER, you need your face looked at. Now, I could look at it for an eon and never stop, but we need a professional. Okay?"

"I guess. But what are we going to say happened?"

Todd thought seriously, "Well, we could say we were boxing and I got a good one in."

"But you aren't beat up at all."

"Yeah, I'm a lot better boxer than you." He laughed, "I know that is silly, but what else?

"The sooner we get there, the better for your face and I want it back to the normal, beautiful one you have had." He looked solemnly at his lover, "I am so thankful, and will be the rest of my life for Matt and Steve introducing us at Otterbein. Nothing else has ever happened to me of that magnitude, something like the greatest high point in my life."

"Me, too, love, and we will have more great high points together. But we better get dressed and get someone to take us."

They dressed and found Matt and Steve in the kitchen, snacking and drinking coffee.

"Matt, could we get someone to take us to the Emergency Room? Todd thinks I should go right away to be sure my beauty is restored." He grinned gently, so he didn't hurt his nose.

He looked at Todd warmly, devotedly, holding him around his waist, his other arm clutching Todd's hand, both for comfort and solace. "Todd doesn't think he can drive."

Both the older men jumped up, Matt spoke, "Come on, then, I think Todd is right. He sure gave you a smack." He turned toward Todd, "I didn't know you were that strong, Arnold." He and Steve grinned.

The ride was quick and service was fast and good. The ER Doctor, Dr. Burke, who helped them with Lee months ago, told them to sit while he helped Roger.

"I'd like to stay with him if I could," Todd told the Doc. "We're sort of together," he said and blushed.

The doctor looked at them and smiled, "That's okay, gentlemen. It shouldn't take long," and Roger, Todd and the doctor left.

Matt and Steve were looking at magazines in the waiting room when they heard a sharp yelp coming from one of the bays. They smiled at each other, "I'll bet Todd's holding his hand."


After thirty minutes or so, Todd and Roger came up to them. The doctor talked to Matt and Steve as if they were the parents. He knew these people and admired them a lot.

"Well, Roger's nose isn't broken, but it was severely bent." He smiled broadly, "It will heal quickly and not leave any disfigurement. He wasn't as badly damaged as that man you brought a few months ago." He thought, "What was his name, ah .... Oh I know, Lee. How is he doing? And his friend, Neil, was it?"

"Very good, doctor, that's some memory. They are very well, doing fine and living together. Neil is an instructor at the College, and Lee has graduated. I believe he is working on a graduate degree." Matt was impressed with the doctor and remembered back then he thought the tall, good looking man was probably gay when he had seen him that time..

Roger just had a plaster over his nose.

"Putting ice on it was the best thing you could have done, though it probably hurt a lot at the time. If it still hurts, Roger, try aspirin and put more ice on it. Stop in again, Dr. Ridgway, when you aren't bringing in another casualty." He held out his hand for everyone to shake. "Take care, and guys, I'd suggest no boxing for a while."

Todd and Roger grinned shyly, blushing with guilt.

After returning Roger and Todd to the farm house, Matt left them ensconced in their bedroom doing whatever they wanted, but carefully and gently. Following the excitement, the 'family' settled down to their usual routines on a Sunday evening.

Suddenly, the front door swung open again. No one appeared immediately. Then Christine jumped into the living room, shouting, "Ta-da!", swinging her arms wide and stepped aside to show the man behind her, announcing, "Lord Ballard, from the Sceptered Isle of England", when Charles stepped through the doors and bowed regally.

Everyone within hearing jumped up, rushing toward the doorway, showering Charles with greetings, hand shakes and pats on the back, and other places. He didn't seem to mind, kissing everybody, male or female. Matt and Steve and Hardy rushed up also, anxious to see if their plans would come to realization. While Steve was hugging Charles, Matt asked Hardy to get upstairs, break up anything Todd and Roger were doing at the time and bring them downstairs.

Matt also got close to Christine, kissed her and said, "We've missed you, Chris, welcome back. Did you call anyone before you came here?"

"Sure, Matt, I called BJ and LJ and Rick and they said they'd be right behind us." She smiled, hugged Matt, "I've missed you too. When do we go back to work?"

"We'll decide that tonight, later, I hope."

Hardy came down the stairs and told Matt that Todd and Roger would be down presently. "I don't know quite what that means, but they needed to shower and find some clothes to wear."

Steve spoke loudly, "Everybody, how about meeting in the pool room, we have plenty of chairs out there and can talk and hear easily."

BJ and LJ arrived with Rick and Jamal, joining the others in the pool room in chairs or lounges. They were all waiting for Todd and Roger.

All heads turned toward the stairs when they heard footsteps. Broad smiles and poking each other resulted from seeing Todd and Roger hugging each other and kissing on the way down. Roger did look a bit damaged with his battered nose and tape over it. Everyone was pleased that they were togther again.

"Everybody," Roger spoke out to them, "I've apologized to Todd one hundred times over and want to apologize to you all for my stupid 'joke' on Todd." He looked into Todd's eyes, "And I've learned a lot in the last few hours. Todd has forgiven me and I hope you all will forgive me."

Applause broke out from everyone in the pool room along with various cat calls and whistles, too. All of this was in appreciation of Roger's apology and especially Todd's acceptance of it. Hardy and Jamal rushed to Roger's side, picked him up with a two man carry to take him to a special lounge chair which would do for both he and Todd.

Once settled again, Matt nodded to Charles to continue. Charles set his lap top on a table at the far end of the pool, aiming it at the clear wall space on the house end of the pool room. His laptop had a projection unit attached and as he turned on the computer, a large white rectangle appeared on the wall.

With a few clicks on the keyboard a picture of what would be called a Stately Home in England was illuminated on the wall. The building, grey stone, seemed to be at least a hundred yards long from one side to the other with trees and sculptured lawns, stone figures and gardens spread over the landscape, appeared. The building was at least four stories comprising a large center section plus an extension on each side of that. Charles hadn't said, but the house contained over 100 rooms.

"This is Ballard Hall, the ancestral home where I grew up. Christine should recognize it since we played there frequently when she and her parents visited my parents. We couldn't have been more than fourteen or so, and had some jolly good times together." He looked around at the 'gang', "And for those who have their minds in the gutter, we played pure and simple games, nothing indecent or improper." His face reddened.

Christine was blushing with his statement, only because he brought it up, not that anything had happened. She spoke, "That's right, we were like babes in the woods." She looked at Charles with love in her expression, "Should I tell them?"

Charles nodded, "Yes, dear one."

"Well, my dear friends, Charles has proposed marriage to me and I have accepted." The uproar that followed was so loud they didn't hear her next statement. Christine was mobbed as was Charles, accepting kisses, hugs and congratulations from the gathering. Christine stood and raised her hands, trying to quiet the milling crowd.

"There was a condition, though," she warned, "I said I wouldn't marry him until the end of this school year, next June, so I will finish my degree at Windsor and will perform my responsibility with the Dukes of Windsor!"

Again, the young people surrounded Charles and Christine who were hugging each other, almost oblivious to their friends. Soon Charles broke away and told them he would continue with his presentation if they would sit down again.

"I show you this place, this home which I love. Since my father passed away, I am now the owner and the person responsible for its care and preservation. A small part of the center section was built around 1000 A. D., over a thousand years ago. For that reason, this year we are having a Millennial Celebration of the founding of the home."

"The rest of the home has been added to over the centuries, the last being in 1870 when an auditorium seating 250 people was built. I am proud to say that last year I began construction of an extension of that section, complete with state of the art theatrical lighting and sound equipment. A 'Royal' box has been built off the balcony in the back."

"For that, which will be finished in September, I am inviting all of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, their handlers and directors to England, to stay at my home for a week in November at the time of your Thanksgiving celebration. I would be very pleased if you would perform in the new auditorium in connection with our Millennial celebration."

All the Dukes were looking very excited, whispering to each other, a buzz all over the pool room.

"Ballard Hall is in a large park not far from London, but far enough to seem to be in another land. We have a swimming pool, riding stables and endless woods and trails for walking and riding. I do plan to bring other entertainment from London, so you will have just the one performance of your own to do."

He smiled, "And, I will to have some Royals in attendance for that show. I can't tell you just who will be there, but you may do better if you don't know."

"Hey, Charlie," Little Jeff spoke out, "If we weren't nervous for the President of the United State, I think we can hold up and perform well for royalty."

The 'gang' was whispering to each other, "the Queen and Phillip, maybe Charles, Edward, or Andrew, maybe even William and Harry. I hear they are the 'fun' ones."

Charles heard the whispering, "Don't count on any of those, guys, I just don't know. You never know what notions will get into the heads of 'Royals'. Please keep that part of this quiet, not your trip to England, but who you might play for. If it gets out before I can make my presentation, we might get none of them."

Charles continued his slide presentation, showing the complete exterior of the Hall and the grounds, at last reaching the interior. Shots of vast rooms, beautifully decorated, especially with huge oil paintings of his ancestors, following one after the other. One picture showed the auditorium where they would perform, one the indoor swimming pool, including a bunch of bathers surrounding Charles in the shallow end, standing tall and very hot.

The audience hooted and hollered about Charles being a 'hottie' with his gathering of women milling around him. The male members of the Dukes wondered about him being in the pool with only women, they really expected him to have a bunch of male friends with him. Well, they really didn't know Charles for sure, but did feel he was highly suspect as a collector of women.

After Charles shut down his computer, Matt took over the speaker's spot.

"If I could have your attention please." He waited patiently, then smiled.

"Okay, folks, I have checked with Dean McAllister and he has tentatively okayed our trip to England at that time. I have also talked to Brian and Mike about it. They have given their whole-hearted approval and will provide expenses as needed. You will need to take some tests ahead of time so we can be gone the whole of Thanksgiving week.

"So, I guess we are a 'GO'!" A roar of approval and applause followed his statement.

As they quieted, "I would like to express my thanks to Charles, first," he bowed toward Lord Ballard, "and to all of our friends who have been so faithful." Matt had to clear his throat to control the emotion which was flooding his feelings. He had to wait a bit until he could do that.

"Charles, I'm been wondering exactly what your title is and how you would be formally addressed. Could you explain?"

Charles stood and faced the group of friends and musicians. "Actually, I am an Earl, to be specific, The Right Honorable the Earl of Ballard. "Christine," he nodded to her, "Christine will be addressed as, Countess, The Right Honorable the Countess of Ballard. In less formal situations, we would be addressed as Lord and Lady Ballard." He paused, "Does that answer your question, Matt?"

"I am also so grateful to our whole family here at the house and those in the school. I know we can make a real production worthy of the Queen, if she's there. Hardy and I have been arranging music for the trip since we had a little warning of the possibility of going."

Roger spoke up, "Matt, when do we start practicing, we still have a month before school starts."

Matt grinned, treating them to his 'come-hither' smile that could brighten the whole room. "We will be starting tomorrow afternoon at the music building. Remember, your summer scholarships and grants will continue until school starts. The new building won't be ready for another month when classes starts. Hardy and I will be working all morning tomorrow, printing out the routines and music we've worked on for the trip. That may change somewhat as we define what we want to present and how we'll do it." He looked seriously as everyone, "I know in my heart that we all can do it and be very successful and near perfection.. Don't you?"

The Dukes and guests raised the roof of the pool room at least by a foot with the noise and excitement in their voices. They wanted to celebrate and knew no better way than to splash and be exuberant in the water. Clothing flew in all directions as the Dukes and friends decided immediately to join in the pool. The males were down to underwear of all sorts jumping in the water, while Christine repaired to Anne's room to borrow a bathing suit.

The male Dukes eagerly helped Charles to get rid of this clothes, revealing a bright red pair of bikini briefs which added greatly to his physical attraction, but slightly tarnished his aura of nobility and gentility. Solicitously, BJ, LJ, Roger, Todd, Rick and Jamal helped Charles into the pool. Actually, they picked him up and threw him into the deep end, following his splash with their own. The yelling and screaming filled the pool room from one end to the other, probably being heard all over the neighborhood.

Matt yelled until he could ask to be heard. Finally the noise dropped into silence.

"Guys, let me get this all out before you go zooey again." He looked at Steve, "Steve and I have decided to bring out a case or two of beer for you to celebrate with. WAIT!" Matt impatiently waited, "There are conditions. You may drink beer here in the pool room, there are lounges, pads and plenty of towels in the cabinet. You know where."

"Now, I don't want any of you driving after drinking. So, you may stay here at the house. Some of you already do, but BJ and LJ, Rick and Jamal, you may stay here in the pool room, but in the basement are a number of couches which pull out into beds. You may use those, too." Those boys looked at each other, thinking that might be the better idea.

"One room upstairs would be available, that's Ted and Brian's room."

Loudly from the living room, "NO, that room is not available." The command voice they heard was that of Brian as he and Ted walking into the Pool Room. "Sorry, guys, but Ted and I will be using the room tonight. We just heard the news and appeared as quickly as we could. And I mean the news of Chris and Charles being engaged. We are so happy for you."

Brian and Ted walked into the Pool Room, hugged Chris in her lovely two piece bathing suit, and shook hands with Charles as he reached out of the pool to them. If Charles had been one of the Dukes, he'd have pulled Brian and Ted into the pool.

"Come on in, guys, the water's great!" The Dukes were inviting Brian and Ted to swim with them, and they were quick to shed their clothes. Only Ted had a problem because he had not worn any underwear. "Come on in anyway, Ted, with Brian around, no one will bother you." They laughed, congratulating themselves for being clever, and obvious.

So Ted jumped in, holding his testicles in both hands so he didn't smash them on the water. Brian dove in, hardly displacing any of the water. He had been a superb diver and swimmer at his high school. They met in the middle and proceeded to hug and kiss.

Brian was as beautiful as ever, his wavy blond hair, glowing in the lights of the pool room, his face shining behind a miraculous, broad smile to win anyone's heart. As Teddy came to him, he was gleaming rosy hues all over, gathering his lover to his body and mouth.

Chris gave Charles a kiss and quickly decided to leave the pool and sleep on Anne's couch where she'd slept before. It was comfortable and better than being in the pool with all the cock-hungry, hot guys in there. Better to go with discretion than be a wet blanket at the party. She got a night shirt from Anne and was soon asleep, dreaming of her future as Lady Ballard, hostess of Ballard Hall.

Back in the pool, of the four couples only one single appeared. Hardy. Matt was playing host, getting beer and such, so Hardy was alone. Soon Hardy realized that another man was alone there, Charles, swimming in his bright red briefs with agility and style.

Hardy decided to find out just what Charles was made of, straight, gay or half and half. He swam quickly, purposely running in to Charles in the deep end where the tread water and talked.

"I hope we can become better acquainted, maybe even tonight."

"Hardy, I'd like that, too. Chris's friends are important to me."

"You do realize that we are all gay men, most with partners, some without?"

"Yes, I understand. That doesn't bother me at all?"

"Is that because you have been around gay men a lot?"

Charles nodded, "Yes, I have. I don't think I am, though." His face was serious, earnest, but the words didn't seem sincere, "I've been with gay men and have to admit that I do like it." Again he sobered, "I'm not sure at all if I'm gay, but I will be very good for Chris, and good to her. I do love her very much."

"Charles, let's get out of this huge bathtub and go upstairs. We have a nicer little pool up there in the bedroom. Come on!"

Hardy and Charles climbed out of the pool. The others all saw them leave, but said nothing, they assumed that Hardy had a plan to seduce Charles if possible. Hardy led them up the stairs, knowing that Charles would be watching Hardy's hot ass closely.

Charles was uncertain just what he should do. Hardy attracted him a lot, he was a very sexy young man with a hot body and huge bulge up front. Charles wished to touch Hardy's ass and feel it. That butt aroused him fully, so he felt he should cover his crotch, yet only he and Hardy were on the stairs.

When they reached the top step of the stairs, they headed for Hardy's room side by side. Suddenly, Hardy put on hand on Charles nearest buttock, squeezing and rubbing it. He was pleased to feel Charles do the same to him, one hand clutching Hardy's buttocks, caressing and fondling with a hot fervor. They walked into the bedroom and Hardy shut the double doors.

"Come on, drop your briefs and follow me." Hardy carried two large towels with them to the bedroom, gave Charles one while he dried himself. He pulled down the spread and sheet on their bed and lay on his back while watching Charles' tall, slender body and his tight muscles while he dried his pale, smooth skin. Hardy had thought of getting Charles in the Jacuzzi, but decided to just take him to bed and skip another bath.

Hardy closed his eyes just a moment and was stunned to feel Charles flop on his body, full length, like he fell on him from the ceiling. He heard Charles talking to him, but he was too busy trying to catch his breath.

"Charles," Hardy called loudly, "Charles, shut up a minute. I can't hear you."

Charles raised up onto his elbows, looking concerned, "What's the matter, Hardy, I hope I didn't hurt you."

"Squire Charles, I'm still trying to get my breath. I like you lying on my body, but not quite so hard, babe." He managed a smile to encourage Charles. "Look down, my dick has sprung a leak, he's soft as a sponge." He pouted a little, then smiled again. "Give me a kiss, babe, I'd love it. And he'll be back." He pointed down toward his crotch.

Charles grabbed Hardy tightly and rolled over onto his back with Hardy on top. His hands again searched out his buttocks, kneading the smooth melons. Soon his fingers were tentatively seeking Hardy's tiny rose bud, one finger tip finding the wrinkled slit.

Hardy didn't object immediately, but felt he'd better do something. "Squire Charles, I'm afraid I can't let you play there, man, my ass belongs to Matt alone, no one else has ever been there, or will ever be." He played around a little with the truth there, but meant well.

"Oh, Hardy, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have .. ah ... if I'd known." He looked disappointed, "But I really want to get my cock up someone's ass."

Hardy held Charles' body to him, "Don't worry, Charles, I think we can find a way out of this. Let me mull over the problem."

Hardy considered all of their guests, most all were with their partner that night, not likely to let Charles fuck one of them. Then he had an idea, 'What about Jamal and Rick? Jamal fucked Charles in Washington and Rick didn't seem to mind? Would he mind if Jamal got fucked? Or, maybe he'd like to get in on the excitement.'

"Get off me, Charles, a minute, please." Hardy got up, went to the intercom and called Matt in the den. "Hey, Matt, it's Hardy."

"Yes, we are."

"No, not for a while."

"Okay, how about sending Rick and Jamal up to the bedroom if they aren't otherwise engaged."


Hardy, turned and smiled at Charles, "I think we have the problem solved." He walked back to the bed, his resurrected cock swinging heavily from side to side, pre-cum dripping.

Soon a knock came on the bedroom door, "Come in," Hardy called out.

Jamal and Rick hesitated, then walked in and shut the door.

"Hi, Charles, Hardy, what's up?"

Hardy stood up and put his arms around Jamal and Rick. "Guys, we have a problem here, Charles, here, needs an ass which will take his cock, notice how long, how narrow it is." Charles at the time was jacking his 8 inch long cock. Hardy turned to Jamal, "Now, I believe you fucked Charles in Washington? Right?"

Jamal smiled but blushed as best he could. "Yes, I did do that and it was very hot."

"Okay, man, how about returning the favor for Charles. Huh?"

Jamal walked over to Charles who was lying flat on the bed with his cock sticking straight up. He leaned over, put his mouth on the rock hard prick, tonguing the head inside the foreskin. Jamal's own cock was pushing hard against his briefs which he removed immediately. His cock was exposed to Charles who played with his foreskin, stretching it with his fingers..

"That tastes mighty fine to me, Hardy, I think I might like to do that."

"What do you think, Rick?"

"Sounds fine with me." He grinned, "And I could suck him off at the same time." He looked at Hardy,"Gee Hard, you could fuck me at the same time and we'd all be happy!"

All four young men were grinning with bright eyes, hoping for a good time.

Charles wanted Jamal on his hands and knees, butt up high in good position for cock. Charles knelt behind Jamal, playing with his small buttocks, spreading them to find the tiny hole of Jamal's anus. He ran his cockhead between the cheeks, drooling pre-cum which lubed Jamal's asshole. Charles lay on Jamal's back, his hands caressing the younger man's light brown skin, hardly any hair on the hard muscles of his chest, pecs and tiny, but pointed nipples. His cock was pushing between Jamal's thighs, poking his ball sack, while he kissed the young black's shoulders, back and down to his waist while his hands were busy with Jamal's uncut cock, pulling back the foreskin along his shaft. Charles had never played with a black, though most of the men he'd been with had been uncut, as are almost all Europeans.

Hardy and Rick were watching the two long, lean bodies, one white and one light brown. Their position was so sexy, so sensual, so exciting and arousing. They looked at each other and smiled. Rick mouthed the words to Hardy, "Aren't they beautiful." Hardy nodded. As one, they converged on Lord Ballard, caressing his body but mostly his buttocks. Not a bubble butt, but well built.

Jamal was moaning, rocking his hips, wishing that Charles would enter his gaping rear mouth. It's lips were snacking on the pre-cum Charles had left in his trench, but wanted more.

"Oh, Lord Ballard, please fuck me, man, I've never been fucked by a lord and Lord knows I need it." He smiled wickedly.

Charles hugged Jamal's body to him, "And I want to reach your depths, man, so get ready." The long slender cock, dripping pre-cum, oozed its way through Jamal's lips and past the sphincter, the guardian of his asshole. When Charles' cock hit bottom, his pubic hair came against Jamal's buttocks, his balls swinging against Jamal's.

Hardy pushed Rick to lay on his back, his head under Jamal's crotch and his mouth open to catch Jamal's cock when it would swing his way. He pulled a pillow to put under his head, and he grabbed the rock hard prick and aimed it down toward his mouth.

Rick's body was lying across the bed toward Hardy who stood on the floor beside the bed. Hardy slapped his butt lightly, pushing Rick's legs back toward his own chest, revealing his asshole and placing it just right for Hardy's cock to dig in. Ricky's body was finely muscled, but still slender and not heavy.

"Ricky, try to relax, I'm afraid my cock is some bigger than Jamal's."

"It's okay, Hardy, just take it slow and easy, I have been fucked by big ones, but since Jamal and I have been together, it's only been his I've enjoyed." He smiled at Hardy, held his legs back while his mouth grabbed for Jamal's cock swinging from Charles' fucking vigor.

Hardy knelt on the bedroom floor, his face between Rick's buttocks, his tongue searching for the tiny, hot entrance to his rectum. He had been jacking his cock to produce streams of pre-cum that he planned to spread in Rick's crevice. His mouth was there first, his pointed tongue, as rigid as he could get it, pressed into the anus, smooth out the creases while shoving in.

Rick let go of Jamal's cock, "Oh, Hardy, that's great. Just shove and I'll let you in. Do it!"

Hardy found out Rick was right, with one thrust his cock was buried deep inside Rick, feeling the heat and moistness and ultra softness in the sheath. He pulled out to the flange of his cockhead, held a moment and then wrenched his pelvis to slam his cock to the bottom of Rick's ass. Rick was almost constantly moaning but still sucked on Jamal.

The four young men were intently seeking the erotic wonders and the electric shocks in their systems. The four sexy bodies were struggling to reach their goal of ultimate coition and orgasm, writhing against their partner in the erotic wrestling, naked body to bare body. All four were simultaneously moaning, grunting or swearing in their throats.

Charles' body was thrown upward, tightly erect, his head tossed back, his hands behind his head while still shoving his pelvis against Jamal's buttocks, his cock wedged into his ass. He was keening, his throat muscles stretching wildly as he started a rabbit-like humping of Jamal's hot ass.

"I'm cuming, I'm cuming." Charles cried and was echoed by Jamal as he shot stream after stream down into Rick's mouth, on his tongue and sliding into his throat. They both shuddered, their naked bodies rubbing together, slippery with their sweat and hot with sexy smells and auras. Jamal raised up on his knees, Charles' cock still in his ass, and put both hands on Charles' butt, pulling him against his buttocks, his cock farther inside.

Charles wrapped his arms around Jamal, grabbed his cock with both hands, jacking the remaining cum from his still hard cock. He brought his fingers up to his lips, tasting a black man's cum for the first times. Jamal turned his head way around so he could lick Charles' lips and suck his tongue. Slowly, the two relaxed after their struggle to cum, then noticed Hardy fucking Rick hard, but still slowly. They looked at each other, grinned, agreeing mutely to help Hardy and Rick reach their destination, quickly with red-hot, burning desire.

Jamal lay on the bed where he could reach Rick's cock which was flopping with each plunge of Hardy's cock in his asshole. He got on his hands and knees over Rick with his recovering hot rod in Rick's mouth while he slid his head between Rick's thighs to suck up his lover's straining cock, drooling pre-cum like a river.

Charles wasn't sure just what he could do with Hardy since he knew he couldn't fuck him, but, maybe ... maybe.

Charles knelt behind Hardy, rubbing the pair of bubbles with both hands as Hardy fucked Rick's hot ass, his swollen, red cock diving into the sore, aching anus. Both Hardy and Rick were gasping, breathing heavily and moaning in their lust. Hardy gave a loud groan when he felt Charles' tongue swiping his asshole, licking and depositing his saliva as deep as he could push it in.

"Oh, man, Charlie, that's great. That's as far as you can go, but it's great - I'm hot - I'm almost ready." He yelled, "Oh, Ricky, are you ready?"

Rick had to spit out Jamal's 'hard again' cock, "Sure, Hardy, go to it - let's go for it." He sucked Jamal back inside his mouth and worked his tongue over the whole thing.

Suddenly Hardy started yelling, "It is now, guys, make it now, NOW." With one last thrust into Rick's dripping asshole, he held it in at the bottom and his contractions began, pumping spurt after spurt of his white hot cum into Rick's guts. At the same time Rick spewed into Jamal's mouth, finally able to release his tensions with a world-class orgasm, thrilling his whole body.

Jamal came a second time, his cock well used to Rick's sucking on it, reached his explosion with shots of cum sliding down Rick's throat to pool among his last load. Charles, meanwhile, had stuck his whole face between Hardy's butt cheeks, his hard, focused tongue into Hardy's asshole and through the sphincter's clutch.

Hardy reached back to Charles' head, pulling it tighter between his ass. Suddenly, he let loose, turned and knelt in front of Charles. He grabbed Charles' head again, but this time he wanted to kiss the hell out of Charles so he'd never, never forget Hardy with his lips and tongue and whole mouth inside Charles' mouth. With all their pushing and shoving they ended up stretched out on the floor, Hardy on top of Charles, clutching him wherever he could. Charles' arms grasped Hardy's back, then back and buttocks. One finger was slyly working toward Hardy's asshole and gently, with subtlety and gentleness that finger gradually disappeared totally into the hot ass.

Hardy was going to stop him, but decided that a finger was completely different that a cock going in there, that was saved for Matt. They slowed down wrestling and actually stopped as they got a shock when Jamal and Rick fell off the bed, busy with kissing and hugging each other.

"Oh, shit, man, what's going on here?" Hardy yelled when Rick landed on his back. "Can't you guy stay on the bed?"

Rick was giggling, "Sorry, Hardy, it ... it ... was an accident." Then he and Jamal erupted with gales of laughter, poking and prodding each other and finally, Hardy and Charles, too.

By that time everyone was laughing their asses off, beating on each other, playing grab ass all over the floor. They didn't hear Matt Ridgway slowly slide into his bedroom, wondering just what was going on.

"Well, gentlemen, are you having fun?"

"What? Who is it?" Charles' questions showed he was a bit nervous.

Matt frowned at them. "You know you are keeping everyone awake in the house?" He appeared to be very cross, not pleased at all. "Well?"

The four young men got quiet. Hardy stood up, put his arm around Matt, nuzzled him and spoke up, "Sorry, Matt, we're sorry." He sounded serious, but broke the spell by laughing behind his hands.

Matt gave Hardy a hard slap on his beautiful buttocks.

Hardy held Matt tight in his arms, "Come on, Matt, we weren't that loud, were we? I'll bet everyone is still asleep."

Matt finally lightened up, "Ok, guys, no one was wakened by your antics, but I could hear you down in the pool room. And, it is getting pretty late, time to quit." He grinned, "Or be quiet."

The four young men all stood up, and Charles smiled at Matt, "Sorry, Matt, it wasn't my idea, but I enjoyed every moment and loved meeting Rick and Jamal again." He laughed, "And particularly I enjoyed these bits of them." He grasped each one's tired dick and shook it. "Thanks guys. You've made my trip a real experience to remember."

Matt turned to Jamal and Rick. "Guys, where would you like to sleep? Your choice?"

Rick and Jamal looked at each other, smiled and Rick spoke, "I think we'll stay in the pool room."

"That's fine, guys, but you might want to put some clothes on for the trip to the pool." He turned to Charles, "Lord Ballard, you could stay with us if you would like, plenty of room in this bed." He grinned, "We'll try to behave, but might not be able to, completely." Matt looked at Hardy and raised his eyebrow.

Hardy reacted quickly, "Oh, yes, yes, Matt, sure, sure, we'll behave." Everybody noticed his crossed fingers and evil smirk.

Matt got nude and slipped into the bed with Hardy and Charles. The last two were pretty well spent, tired and sleepy. Matt wasn't, but decided to try to sleep, maybe something might happen later.

Since the visit and performance in England was approved all around, the Dukes worked all month on the music, routines and dances. Most of the material they do would have to be new and as different, without changing their basic successful style and mode Matt and Hardy created more spectacular arrangements of different music, especially music to honor their hosts, especially Charles.

Lord Ballard had stayed at the farm house for a couple of days, but needed to return to England without more delay. He was the source of funds and direction for his estate's operation. On the plane he remembered his night in bed with Hardy and Matt and smiled to recall all three slept soundly until morning. He never expected the two little boys, Jacob and Joshua, to run in the room and jump on the bed, incurring as a result a small boy's knee right in his testicles. He groaned loudly, waking Matt and Hardy while he tried to breathe again, holding his balls gently.

The small boys quickly jumped on Hardy and Matt who were forewarned and made sure their genitals were hidden between their thighs.

"Hi, Uncle Matt, Hi Uncle Hardy. We woke up."

Hardy answered, "Yeah, we noticed, and it looks like Charles noticed the most, seeing his white face."

Matt looked at Hardy, "Love, would you take the boys down to breakfast ... ah ....after you put some clothes on and I'll take care of Charles. Okay."

Hardy smiled, kissed Matt on the lips and soon had the boys going downstairs.

"Charles, I'm so sorry, we forgot to warn you about our little boys." He was embarrassed, "We don't really think Jacob does it deliberately, but if we aren't aware when they come in the room, we could have mush for balls. We've tried to explain the problem, but we hate to hit Jacob's balls to make a point. However," he smiled sympathetically, "we may have to soon.

"Now, just lay there and I'll fix an ice bag quick. That will help as long as you can stand the pressure of the ice bag."

"Oh, Matt, that bloody hurts. Haven't felt anything like that since I was playing football in school."

Matt was at their little refrigerator in the bedroom, putting ice in a towel. He walked back to the bed.

"Charles, spread your legs as wide as you can, I don't want to freeze anything unnecessarily." Matt got between Charles' legs, gently slid his fingers under his scrotum, "Oh, shit, Charles, he really got you, they are swelling fast. Stay still, and I'll try to be as careful as I can."

Matt pulled Charles' totally soft dick up over his groin, "Here, Charles, grab your dick and hold it out of the way." Matt then lifted the scrotum and slid the ice laden towel under and around his balls. "Now, Charles, close your legs as much as you can and use your other hand to keep the towel against your testicles, as long as you can. You may need to release the towel from time to time to let those little fellas breathe. I'll be up to help a little later." He started to leave, then turned back, "What do you prefer in the morning, tea of coffee?"

Charles frowned and moaned, "What I'd really like would be a large whiskey." His face was still white and pained.

Matt rushed to the bar, poured three ounces of whiskey. He sat on the bed next to Charles, lifted the Lord's head and poured the whole glass down his throat.

"Oh, god, Matt, that's good. You might pour another one and leave it on the bedside table."

Matt leaned over and kissed Charles on the lips. He smiled, "I never would have thought I'd get to kiss a "Lord", but I'm always open to new experiences." He thanked him, "We can't thank you enough, Charles, for how you are helping us." Another peck on the lips and he headed downstairs to see how breakfast was coming.

Matt found that Anne had scrounged enough breakfast food for the whole gang. He saw many of their guests in the pool room, eating from plates stacked high with Anne's food. Back in the kitchen he fixed a plate for Charles and returned to the bedroom.

What he noticed wasn't good, Charles was pale, sweating and seemed dizzy.

"Hey, Charles, how are you doing?"

"Well, my balls don't feel better and I don't think I better have any more whiskey, I'm beginning to feel a little nauseous."

Matt sat on the side of the bed, "I must admit you don't look good." He felt Charles' forehead, "And you have a fever I think, man, and I'm for getting you to the emergency room, but I'm trying to figure out how we can work it without everyone in the whole city of Windsor hearing about it. Let me talk to Hardy, my friend, he usually has good ideas." He patted Charles on the arm, "Hang on there, I'll be right back." He walked quickly to the door, then stopped, "Do you think you could walk? I especially don't was Chris worried about you."

Charles looked at Matt with a very pained expression, "I'm not sure, Matt, but I'll try if I have to."

"No, you won't need to do that. We'll get a couple strong lads up here to carry you out to the van. We'll explain that you must have some sort of bug, virus or something, and need to be checked at the ER. I just hope that we can keep Chris from wanting to go along." He hmmmed, "Maybe we could suggest the you might be contagious."

Matt left the room, then immediately popped back in, "Charles, what are we going to give you to wear? Do you have anything with you?"

"Oh, yes," he groaned, breathing rapidly, "I brought a bag in from Chris's car, but never brought it upstairs. Must be in the living room." He sank back in his pillow, still clutching his balls and dick, looking totally exhausted.

"Be right back."

Matt, Roger and Hardy arrived with Charles' bag. They opened it and found a pair of silk pyjamas, beautifully made and looking brand new. Carefully, they sat Charles up and got the top on his arms. The bottoms were slid on his legs and over his hips, the ice bag still held onto the scrotum with Charles' hands.

"Charles, Chris isn't awake yet and we're hoping to get you out before she does. We've told everyone you have a bug of some sort and need to be examined." He warned, "And you don't need to say a word, keep your head down and don't even look at anyone, especially Chris if she happens to waken before we got out."

Charles nodded, staying mute.

"Hardy, there's a bucket in the bathroom closet. Get that and I'll have it ready in case he does throw up, okay?"

Matt took the bucket while Hardy and Roger gathered Charles between them and into their arms, wrapping a blanket around him. Since their steps hadn't been coordinated, the trip down the stairs was a little shaky, but they make it. As they moved through the living room, everyone there was concerned about Lord Ballard, but were told that he would be fine. Matt asked the other Dukes to try to keep Chris at the house, not wanting her to be exposed to the virus or germ or whatever.

Moving fast, the three with their burden managed to lay him down in the back of the van, Matt getting in with him to hold his body, so he didn't get bumped during the trip. Matt let Hardy drive because he is the fastest driver and the safest.

The morning was warm, beautifully sunny, all the farmers' fields were looking very ripe, nearly ready for the reapers. Hardy drove fast but not wildly, and they reached the hospital within 10 minutes.

After they pulled into the ER entrance, Hardy snagged a gurney onto which they loaded Charley carefully. He still looked terrible, white and shaking, but determined to keep the ice bag on his balls. As they watched him, all three felt he was turning green. Matt got the bucket out of the van and had it under Charles' head just as he threw up, fortunately keeping it all in the bucket.

"Dr. Ridgway, you are back again. Another casualty again?" Their favorite male nurse, Sean, came out of the door and helped them inside. "He just throw up? Has he thrown up before?"

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 33

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