Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 25, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

============== Chapter Thirty-three ==============

Matt requested, "Can we get him in a cubicle and I'll explain what happened?"

"Sure, Matt, let's go. Since I know you are all close, you can all go in."

Hardy and Roger pushed the gurney and followed the nurse. Matt followed, talking to the nurse as they walked.

"Oh, that's too bad, Matt, but usually the pain is gone in less than an hour or so. I'm worried that it's been at least two hours. I'll get Dr. Allen here right away." He smiled at the concerned men, "He's very good."

Dr. Allen breezed through the drapes around the bed and introduced himself, recognizing Matt's name and reputation. He looked at Charles lying, now on a hospital bed, white and so tense with his legs drawn up, protecting his genitals.

"You said, Sean, that this is Lord Ballard. Right?"

"Yes, that's it, Doctor Allen. He's visiting from England as a diplomat in Washington."

The doctor turned to Charles, patted his shoulder, "Lord Ballard, we'll have you feeling much better in a few minutes."

In a very weak voice, Charles told the doctor he should call him Charles.

The three friends watched as the doctor checked Charles out. He tried to remove the ice bag but Charles didn't want to let go. Matt talked to him quietly, "Charles, the doctor needs to see to help you, he'll be very careful. You can let go, the ice is almost all melted already." Matt lifted Charles' hands from his crotch, gently. "It's okay, man, you're safe now. No little boys around."

The onlookers smiled slightly, amused yet not wanting to upset Charles.

After his examination the doctor reported that he did see some swelling and discoloration of the testicles, but nothing dangerous. He checked the scrotum for swelling, thickening and color, but was pretty sure there was no tension or rupture. He also pinched Charles' upper thigh to see if the regular scrotum reflex was present, and it proved to be so.

"You guys who put the ice pack on did the right thing. That probably helped to keep down the severity of the swelling and maybe some of the pain. I do think that when the boy's knee hit Charles' testicle, he forced it against the pubic bone which caused the major damage. I could do an ultrasound just to be sure. We don't want Lord Ballard leaving unless he is in top notch shape."

The three men nodded at each other, Matt spoke, "We think that would be a good idea, doctor, just to be sure. Could you give him something for his pain, though?"

The doctor smiled, "I will, Dr. Ridgway, he should be feeling more comfortable very soon. I needed to investigate while he still had pain." He nodded at Sean who gave Charles a shot in the butt, his cute butt..

Dr. Allen looked at Charles, "I will have the ultrasound done right away. Just lay there and try to relax. I'll be right back." The doctor pulled the sheet up over Charles' naked body, giving him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. Charles managed to send a weak smile back.

Hardy, Roger and Matt gathered around their friend and benefactor, "Are they feeling better now, Charles?"

Charles nodded slowly, but affirmatively. He whispered, "Thanks for helping me, guys, I appreciate it."

Hardy answered, "Well, Charles, that's the least we could do, after all it was our nephew who bashed you in the balls."

Roger spoke up, winking at Charles, "The next thing to find out, Charles, is whether everything down there works any more. Right?" He looked at Matt and Hardy who blanched at the thought.

At that moment the doctor poked his head through the curtains, "I'd suggest that you wait a bit, maybe even tomorrow before you take it for a trial run. However, I would be willing to bet my left nut that it will work just fine." He laughed and left them waiting for the ultrasound. He was sure he had them pegged as men of his 'family'.

The three men drove back to their farmhouse, ready to start their day since it was still early in the morning. Roger asked Matt and Hardy, "Do you think he will be all right, guys? Do you think his nuts and stuff will work again?"

Matt smiled, turning from the wheel, "I think he'll be just fine and his bits and pieces will be up to the job. I'm a little concerned about Charles and Christine. I really wonder if he is up to a life with Chris, a 'heterosexual' life with a family. He will have his chance and I'm sure he will be up to the challenge. With Chris's beauty, sex appeal and personality, Charles doesn't stand a chance of not being up to the task, since I think Chris could probably be impregnated by a eunuch, given the opportunity."

Hardy broke in, "What I would worry about is whether he can give up his "gay" side. I think he's obviously seventy-five percent gay, don't you two?"

"He sure seems to crave man-to-man love," Roger said, "and he can give and take with the best of us, but still keep his own style, mostly thorough-bred for sure. One thing I know is that he will treat Chris like a combination of a queen, angel and siren."

Matt agreed, "You got it right there, Roger, right on the nose. He will dote on her with everything he has. But, ten to one, Charles will revert occasionally to a gay relationship. I just hope the Chris will appreciate him enough to hold on to him.

"I wanted to ask Charles if he has someone to be with once in a while to get relief," Hardy sounded concerned, "that is without danger of being discovered."

Matt continued the thought. "I believe that Chris may already suspect that Charles might be bi-sexual, though she won't know for sure from us." He waited, "What do we say if she asks any of us, especially you, Roger, whether Charles is really gay? Do we tell or just say we have no idea." He laughed sarcastically at that, "Would she believe that a bunch of fags like us would not know if a close friend is gay or not." Fags can call themselves fags, but no one else can.

Roger was quiet, believing that Matt was right, that Chris might ask him the question. When Roger thought that, he spoke, "I think I would ask Chris how far she would want me to go, revealing what I considered to be Charles' very private personal life." He finished, "I probably would tell her that I believe he may be bi-sexual, but mostly straight."

Matt and Hardy were quiet, then Hardy spoke, "I believe you have said it, Roger, other than denying everything, that would cause the least harm."

Matt recovered, "Do you two think we should talk to Charles about it?"

"Matt, will you be picking Charles up this afternoon?" Hardy wondered.

"I guess I will, maybe I better ask him, okay?"

"Good," on the lips of Hardy and Roger.

Charles slept most of the day in the hospital as an outpatient, no longer considered as intensive care. The nurses pushed him to an out of the way room where they fed him sedatives and just let him sleep it off. Dr. Allen had asked one of the nurses to keep an eye on him.

Lord Ballard came out of his drug-induced sleep very slowly in a hazy feeling of floating with numbed sensitivity. He finally tried moving his legs. Since his balls didn't seem to hurt, he put one hand under the sheet and felt around.

His scrotum didn't seem as swollen any more, and when he lightly bounced his balls with his fingers, he produced no hurting pains. He smiled to himself, then wondered who would pick him up. 'Oh,' he thought, 'I believe Matt said he'd be back about four. Wonder what time it is? Should be close,' he thought.

He found the call button and a nurse soon arrived.

"Hi, you're back with us, that's good. Doctor Allen said you could be released if you were feeling good ... everywhere." She emphasized the 'everywhere'.

"I'd like to get up, try to walk just to see if I'm okay 'everywhere'!" He also stressed the word 'everywhere'. He smiled at her.

"Sure, let's get you up." She sat him on the side of the bed, then helped lift him onto his feet." He was able to stand straight, and then walk without hurting. He also felt a cold draft on his buttocks, reached around to see why. "Aha."

"I feel very good now, did Doctor Allen say when I might be released?"

She answered, "I'm not sure but I'll call him right away. I do know that Dr. Ridgway will be picking you up when we call him."

Charles walked over and sat on the bed, "I think I better lie down a bit."

"Okay, Charles, you take it easy and I'll get the doctor."

Charles lay back, closed his eyes and started thinking. 'Bloody hell, what am I going to do now, what will I tell Christine?' He rubbed his forehead with his hands. 'Should I tell her what I am before or after the wedding?'

'Maybe I should get us unengaged, before I hurt her.?' He sat up on the bed, actually wringing his hands, his face a pale, tormented countenance on his handsome, shapely brown haired head.

Dr. Allen walked in the room then, "How you doing, Charles, ready to get out of here?"

Charles looked up, saw Dr Allen and turned his face into his usual smiling, congenial appearance. "Oh, hi Doctor, yes, I'm feeling fine. No hurting at all."

"I do think you are pretty well recovered, Charles, but I'll be giving you some pills which will keep the pain from coming back. I believe the pain could be just hiding and may be for a while. Keep the pills handy and do take them when needed. Okay?" He patted Charles' shoulder, "And, as I said before, I'd take it easy with your equipment there." He smiled, pointing at his crotch.

"Yes, Doctor, that's great. Dr. Ridgway said he would be back about now."

From the door came a voice, "And here I am, your driver, M'lud, at your service."

"By George, you'd make a fine footman, Matt, good to see you."

"Yes, sire, I will be your valet, too. Get you dressed."

Matt face Dr. Allen, "Thanks for all your help, John, I guess I can get him home now."

"Okay, and Charles, take those pills, even if you don't think you should. You should!" He headed out the door, "See you later, Matt, I'm sure I'll see you in here with another of your busy family."

Matt screwed up his face at that slur on his 'family', then laughed easily.. He stood by the bed to help Charles up, "Come on, I'll give you a hand."

Charles stood in front of Matt, then swayed back unsteadily.

Matt reached out, wrapped his arms around Charles, one hand on his bare back and the other on his naked buttocks. Charles gripped Matt with his arms, holding him tightly, leaning on his sturdy, muscular body.

"Whoa, Charles, you okay now?"

Charles was quiet, still hanging onto Matt. "No, Matt, not really." He stopped and soon Matt could feel that the tall man was sobbing, quietly but still sobbing. He could feel Charles' chest against his own, his breaths quick and shallow. His face lay close against Matt's face, absorbing some of his warmth and spirit.

"Matt," Charles sniffed, "please don't let go. For a bit. Okay?" His voice was shaking.

"That's fine, Charles, just hold on."

Dr. Allen had shut the door when he left, and Matt thought they'd be fine, hugging each other. Finally he said, "Charles, are you hurting? Is that it?"

"No, Matt, I'm not hurting. I just don't know what I'm going to do."

"About what, Charles, about Chris?"

"Yes, Matt, that's it. What am I going to tell her about me?"

Both of Matt's hands patted and caressed Charles' naked back. "How about we get you dressed and leave this joint? We'll get some coffee and sit and talk a bit. Okay?"

Finally, he pulled his head back and smiled. "You are so good to me, Matt, thank you." He gave Matt a peck on the lips and let go, shivering in his drafty hospital gown.

Matt returned the peck, then tried the closet for the man's clothes. He turned and found Charles buck naked with a half-rising cock, obviously from Matt's ministrations.

"Get your clothes on, you hussy." Matt grinned and threw Charles his boxers. Charles blushed. When he finished dressing, Matt whispered, "Let's try to get out of here without anybody catching us."

"What about the bill, Matt? I know you don't have nationalized medicine here."

"Don't worry, Charles, that's all taken care of. I have a number of friends here at the hospital. It's because I bring them so much business."

Matt drove through a Wendy's drive-in lane, got two coffees and parked at the back of the lot, but kept the car running so the a/c would work. They relaxed, sipped some of the hot drink, then just enjoyed each other's company.

"You are worried about telling Chris what, Charles?"

"Well, for the first thing, what do I tell her about last night and how I got injured. Then, what do I tell her about my homosexual leanings and experiences?"

Matt sipped again, "I don't think you need to worry about last night. We, you and I, will talk about you sleeping with Hardy and me since there was no bed for you and we didn't want to put you in the basement. Then, we'll tell her about our nephews running in and jumping on the bed irregardless of whom they land upon. She does know the boys very well, and can easily imagine how this had happened before, but not usually so drastically. We can easily describe the event as a disaster for you, but purely accidental. Yours was a special case.

"I just think that won't be a problem at all." Matt finished.

"But, Matt, what about the gay thing?"

"Have you really had much experience before coming here?"

"No, not much. Well, a fair amount in schools, but that is usually so meaningless that no one takes it seriously. However, to some of us, those sexual experiences must mean a lot more than to most. I have to tell you, Matt, some of those relationships in school meant a lot to me. I know I was frantically in love with three other boys, to the extent that I really threw myself at them. For two boys, it was fine, I think they really loved me too. With one boy it was a disaster. I had to bribe him with gifts and money to keep his mouth shut. He was a scholarship student and didn't have any money, nor did his parents. I was very good to him in that way.

"He never did tell, but we didn't have much sex after I started paying him. Spent a few thousand pounds on him," he smiled, "and it was worth every shilling of it. I had trouble using my money without my parents finding out. He was gorgeous. I really missed him when he left school for Cambridge. I've never seen him since."

Matt interrupted, "What about the other two boys? Were they gorgeous, too?"

"You bet, Matt, and I still see those two. They are partners now, working in a brokerage house, and when I visit them I have to admit, we do have some wild times. Of course we are very careful because both of them are sons of high ranking men in the brokerage, expecting to eventually rise to their positions. They don't live together, but their flats aren't far apart."

"Okay, Charles, after you marry Christine, will you be able to give up the boys, or will you want to be with them at least a few times a year?"

"That's why I'm in such a turmoil, Matt, I just don't know."

"I suppose that you would be able to organize time with them without difficulty and without Chris knowing."

"Yes, I think I could. I could get away for the estate business, meetings, and the like."

"Just remember, Charles, that Chris is a very smart woman and very aware of what goes on around her, even undertones. She knows boys and young men, their sexual struggles and relations with their male friends. She knew which boys loved which other boys and watched their naive scheming and plotting to hook up with the love of their life. Her only misplay was to assume that Roger was heterosexual when she conspired to have him take her virginity. Actually Roger didn't even know himself that he was gay up to that point. That was actually a colossal epiphany of his life for him. They didn't have sex, I want you to know.

Matt finished his coffee, used the napkin and turned to Charles. "My friend," Matt smiled, "I honestly don't know what to tell you." He looked away and spoke softly, "Charles, Christine is probably my most favorite of the Dukes, she's beautiful, talented and completely wholesome and, in a word, she's wonderful and I love her. I want the very best for her."

"I understand that, Matt, and I agree totally."

Matt again smiled warmly at Charles, "So, since she is madly in love with you, and wants no one but you, what shall we do?" He put his arm around Charles' shoulder, looked directly into his eyes, concentrating on connecting with Charles' inner soul, "It may be better to have a talk with Christine, confess your experiences with boys and your friends in school, people of your age and background. But also mention a few women you have been with since leaving school.

"Can you do that?"

"Yes, Matt, I think I better. However I may take it slowly until I can see her feelings. I don't want to lose her, I do want to keep her."

Matt pulled his arm down from Charles' shoulders, started the car and headed out of the parking lot toward the 'family' farm house. "If you need to talk, please let me know, any time."

Charles put his left hand on Matt's inner thigh, "I will, thanks so much." He leaned over to kiss Matt on the cheek. He left his hand on Matt's leg all the way to the house. He didn't seem to realize that Matt had a full erection, a swelling cock inching down his leg, just a couple of inches away from Charles' fingers.

Mitch was trying to concentrate on his computer work, the last page of the Toledo Blade web site which was on the screen in front of him. But he kept thinking of Matt and Hardy Ridgway, their friends who made it possible for them to meet, and especially to fall in love.

He looked at his lover, Craig Lawrence, working on his computer with a different project, and he suddenly turning to face Mitch.

"Mitch, hon, did you finish that last page on the Toledo Blade site?"

Mitch MacPherson looked up from his computer, "I sure did, babe, and if you take a look at the site you will find it all in place. Also, the order page and shopping cart are working slick."

Craig got up from his desk, walk behind Mitch's computer chair and grabbed him around the shoulders, nuzzling his lover's neck, kissing his face until Mitch's turned his head toward Craig so they could duel tongues and lock their lips. Both started moaning, twisting their bodies against each other.

"Hey, you guys, remember I'm here? I only want to know just so much about your sex lives, got it?"

"Yes, Mom" "Yes, Mom" Both boys answered Mitch's mother. They would rather get on their knees in a gravel pit and grovel in pain before they would go against her wishes.

Bette MacPherson smiled endearingly at her 'boys' and reminded them, "I can't concentrate on the books here if you keep up this kissy-face stuff. Okay?"

Each young man held their arms around one side of 'their' mother, kissing her gently and lovingly.

She relented a little, "If you just have to cuddle a little, please go in the bedroom, K?"

"Sure, Mom, we would but there is too much work for us to do." He whined, "Geez, Mom, it was just a kiss." His face pleaded with her.

"Ha! A fifteen minute kiss is longer that most people take for the whole thing." She grinned, then laughed, "All right, my sons, I'll try to concentrate harder, but remember, I'm a poor divorcee, practically alone and so desperate."

Then her sons really roared, knowing that she was no such thing. She was catered to by them, taking her out to eat, shopping and sight-seeing, and keeping her company when their internet business gave them time. Since she was the bookkeeper and financial officer of their corporation, she was a partner, too. Her money had helped a lot starting up the business, which was doing very well financially, thank you. Fortunately her ex-husband still had to pay her well for his romp with his secretary.

Mitch and Craig had rented a much larger apartment for their home and business address, decorating it with Bette's help. They called their decor mostly 'early junkyard', but it was comfortable and to their taste. Someday they would have to refurnish the apartment.

Their computers were state of the art with cable modems, tons of gigabytes of storage space and were fast as the wind. Each day they were signing on more clients for their services. Craig was the most computer literate, his degree in computer science was great, but Mitch was learning fast. His artistic abilities were a great help while designing Web sites, constantly trying to be innovative and inventive.

Fortunately, they were falling deeper in love as each day passed. They were living together, working as one and having the best sex of their lives. However, neither of them were submerging their own personality in their union, and they respected each other's opinions, needs and desires. Often they had little moments of disagreement, nothing serious, but they had to be resolved. For instance, Mitch washed dishes from left to right and Craig liked from right to left. They compromised. Craig always wanted a shower before going to bed, but Mitch liked one first thing in the morning. Another compromise, because Craig knew he'd have to shower in the morning since they usually had sex after they got in bed. And since they loved showering together at night, Mitch and Craig often ended up with two a day.

Neither of the young men was truly aggressive or assertive, so their sexual delights were generally gentle and very loving, nothing harsh or the least bit cruel. They'd had a series of long talks with Matt Ridgway, their gay mentor, about their living together, their sexual activities and mainly living as a gay couple. They didn't hold back, told him everything. He didn't particularly want to know all their secrets, but went along with the young men, Craig at 25 and Mitch at 18.

Since their company was doing so well, Craig quit the clothing store job, while Mitch was to start college in September.

That evening Mitch and Craig sat across their dining room table, having finished their meal and enjoying their coffee. During their 'coffee time' they usually talked over that day's work, what they had accomplished that day and mapped out the plans for the next day.

"What are we going to do when I'm at school, Craig, I won't be able to help much and my homework will be another problem. What can we do?"

Craig reached across the table to hold Mitch's left hand in his, they were both right handed, and asked, "Do you know how busy you will be? How many courses will you be taking?"

Mitch squeezed Craig's hand, then held it with both hands, pulling on his fingers. "I really don't know, love, but I should have my schedule soon. Maybe I can be scheduled so I could have some mornings or afternoons available to work here. I've been worried about that too."

Craig looked hopeful, "Maybe we could hire some part time people who could fill the gap. The big problem would be to find someone with your artistic sense and knowledge of color, we can't do without that." He looked into Mitch's eyes, "Let's go into the living room, hon, I want you to sit on my lap."

"Of course." Mitch smiled knowingly, ready for anything.

Craig sat on one end of the couch with Mitch sitting on his lap, leaning against Craig's chest, gently kissing his neck and cheeks. Craig's arms were tightly wound around Mitch, his hands roaming Mitch's back and butt.

"I love you so much, Mitchie, it seems more and more every day. I'll be lost here without you everyday." As Mitch started to say something, Craig gave him a heavy pat on the butt, "I know, I know, you'll be here every night, but you'll have to study and write papers and all that. And any spare time I think we ought to spend it .... ah ... in ... " he cracked a wide grin, "in ... bed. Okay?"

Mitch laid his lips on Craig's, speaking through them, "You bet, not any other place."

The two young men held each other, caressing and cuddling, closer and tighter.

Mitch piped up, "I wonder when Matt and Hardy are going to have another party. I sure liked the last one. They are such great guys. Everyone knows that and agrees."

Craig put one hand on Mitch's head, holding it against his own, comfortable in the feeling of Mitch's face on his. "Did you hear that the Dukes and Duchess are going to England this fall? They've been invited by Lord Ballard. He's asked Christine to marry him, but she told him she'd have to wait until next summer, after she graduates."

"No, I hadn't heard that. I guess I've been too busy here, no contact with the Dukes for a while. Once school starts I'll be seeing them regularly since I'll be in the concert band. Can't wait!" He embraced Craig harder and pulled back so he could see in Craig's eyes, "I want so very much to teach music, especially bands, Craig. Will you help me? You know all about that stuff."

Craig put one hand on either side of Mitch's face, pulling his lips to his own. "Lover, I will do everything I can to make your dreams come true, just like you are helping me." He had a dreamy look in his eyes, "And, babe, I want to be married to you, live together, and with your mother, too, well, after the honeymoon." He giggled. "And, maybe, maybe, we could have a child or two to raise."

Mitch looked surprised, "Gee, Craig, I'd never thought of that. That would be great, super. Ah ... which one of us should have them?" Mitch kept a perfectly straight face, while Craig was trying to decide if he was for real.

Finally, Mitch broke out in gales of laughter, "Gotcha'" he spit out. "Craig, I'm naive and innocent almost, but I do know that neither of us can have children." He gave Craig a strange look, "Unless you are hiding some difference that I haven't noticed."

At that Craig started to pull off Mitch's t-shirt, shoes and socks. Pushing Mitch to his feet, Craig opened and pushed his shorts and boxers to the floor. He stood up and laid Mitch out on their sofa while he removed every stitch of his apparel. He looked down and smiled lovingly at Mitch, slowly laying his body on top his younger lover.

By that time both had huge cocks, already dripping and pulsing.

"Babe, I think it is time for us to renew our union, it's been a few hours." Craig smiled and kissed Mitch's body from neck to crotch, and everywhere in between.

Mitch was tingling, all over his pelvis area, from his anus to the tip of his cock, sensing the coming explosion because Craig then had his mouth over his cockhead, pulling, squeezing, tonguing, even trying to pierce the piss slit with his pointed tongue. Craig was holding Mitch's scrotum softly with one hand, while the other gripped his shaft, hard and slick, moving the skin along with his mouth on the top.

Mitch was arching his spine, tensing and relaxing his muscles along his back, trying to shove his sexual nerve center into Craig's mouth, tongue and throat as far as he could. He gently held Craig's head with loving hands, messing his hair with ten searching fingers. Craig kept his mouth down on his lover's cock but raised his eyes up toward Mitch's, revealing a lot of white in them as the brown glistened wetly.

"Craig, babe, that's fantastic, I love it." He smiled, "At the rate you are going, it ain't gonna' be long." He groaned, deep in his chest, the electric sensations were climbing his spinal cord toward his head, "Oh, do that again, Craig." Craig agreed, and ran a finger of his left hand down from the scrotum, between his legs, heading toward Mitch's rear entrance. Mitch felt the fingertip traveling his perineum to his anus and circle that slit in the dark areola, still slippery from the pre-cum on Mitch's cock, and gently slide a ways into the hole through his sphincter.

Craig could see Mitch's chest and neck redden, blushing in splotches from one side to the other. He knew that Mitch would climax soon.

Ring! Ring! Ring! The phone was ringing, just above Mitch's head on the small table. He was almost cuming. Craig didn't want to take his mouth off the beautiful cock of his desire so he nodded to Mitch to answer.

"Lo." Mitch could barely get the brief word out.

"Hi, is the Mitch?"


"Hi, this is Matt Ridgway. I just called to see how you two are doing. You doing well.?"

Mitch couldn't say anything for a few seconds, "Ah .,,, yeah ... ah ... pretty well, Matt. We'd like to see you guys ..ugh... soon."

Mitch's body tightened over his whole frame, limbs taut and rigid, he was almost there.

"Yeah, Mitch, we were wondering if you guys would come over for dinner this Friday. Some of the gang," Mitch groaned, "ugh.. ngh.." Matt kept going.

"Mitch and Craig, we feel somewhat responsible for you two, having introduced you to each other with pleasure and hope"

"Agggh, oh, man,"

"You two are favorites of ours. So, can you come?"

At that moment Mitch yelled, "Yeah, oh yeah, love it," as his cum spurted from his cockhead to Craig's tongue and throat. Craig kept slapping the pulsing cockhead with his tongue, while Mitch moaned with each shot.

"Ah, are .... ah .... you okay, Mitch?"

Mitch panted a bit, then was able to catch his breath, "Oh, yes, Matt, everything's great, we'd love to come to your place on Friday. Thanks for inviting us."

Matt replied, "That's fine, Mitch, say hi to Craig for me and we'll see you then."


Mitch answered, "Bye, see you."

"Oh, god, Craig, let my cock alone, it is really sore now." He snickered, "I can't believe I had a conversation on the phone while I was cuming, and with Matt who will be my prof at school soon."

Craig rose up and with two quick pulls on his cock, came all over Mitch's chest and abdomen. "That really got me going, Mitch, I could only try to hold off until you came." He slid on his cum to lay on Mitch's slimy body to kiss him hard and fiercely, adoring his lover more than ever. "I don't know how you did that, Mitch, do you think Dr. Ridgway knew what was going on?"

Mitch bit Craig's lips, tentatively, showing his love too.

"I don't think he guessed anything."

At the Ridgway farmhouse as Matt put the phone back on the cradle.

"Hardy," he smiled evilly, "I think I caught them having sex, probably Craig was sucking Mitch off, since Mitch could talk and I think Craig had his mouth full. I felt that Mitch shot his load just as I was asking him if they'd like to come for dinner Friday. That was too bad, I sure didn't mean to break into their sex, as hot as it sounded."

"Yeah, you're a real downer, you know?" Matt nodded.

"Well, in spite of that, Hardy, I'm sure Mitch exploded while talking, I heard a lot of grunts and groans and then he could barely talk. Sounded like a real good one." He smiled, "It looks like we did a good job with those boys, Hardy, I'm pleased."

Hardy smiled, too. "Yup, Matty, we are good and we deliver." They high-fived!

"In case you didn't know it, we are having a dinner party Friday night. We better tell Anne and everybody."

"Are you practicing with the Dukes, today?"

"Not until 3 this afternoon. Some of them had things to do this morning."

"Okay, tell them about Friday night when you see them. We want everyone here."

Hardy was concentrating on his latest arrangement for their trip to England. Matt had been trying to make a list of the Dukes' needs for the trip.

"Hey, Hardy, did Charles say anything about passports for the Dukes?"

Hardy remembered, "Oh, I forgot, Matt, Charles said he would start the process of passports for us all." He turned back to his work, "Oh, and we are supposed to get everybody's birth certificate and photograph as soon as possible. Don't know how we are to do that, do you?"

"Sure, tell everybody to call their parents for a copy of their birth certificate, and if they don't get it, they won't be going. That should stir them up."

"What do we do if they don't get one?"

Matt smiled, "We'll just have to depend on Charles to do something. Don't worry, Hardy."

Hardy jumped on Matt, sitting at his desk in their bedroom.

"Ooof, damn Hardy, you're going to kill me with one of those. And I don't have time to play right now."

"Okay, spoil sport, just wait until I get back from Dukes practice." He paused, "Oh, by the way, Matt, we have to discuss the final number. I assume we will play God Save the Queen. What if she isn't at the program?"

"I think we'll just have to talk to Charles, see what he thinks, if he can still think after he has been alone with Chris for a few hours. Hah!"

That same morning Roger, LJ, BJ and Jamal met at the Hob Nob for breakfast. Roger met them on time even though he wasn't a 'morning person'. After they ordered and were quickly served with huge platters of eggs, bacon, sausages, waffles, toast and coffee, Jamal spoke first.

"Guys, I've been talking to 'Moose' quite a few times." He didn't tell them what had transpired between them, but he did say, "Before we can really do anything, we must have Rick put in a complaint against Krupko with the police for assault and battery. They can't do anything unless there is a complaint." He took a slug of coffee, "I think Lieutenant Reardon will help us."

"How do ee do dat," BJ questioned Jamal through a mouthful of waffles and eggs.

"Geez, BJ, who raised you, a pack of wolves?" That brought a round of laughs from the others.

"Yeah, BJ," LJ chided his lover, "haven't I been trying all year to bring you up better."

The whole group roared, making BJ almost choke on his food, embarrassed enough to blush all over, at least where they could see.

"Aw, come on, guys, I'm just so hungry. Cut me some slack." He could finally swallow everything, "Jeff and I tried to talk to Krupko three times, but he just told us to go fuck ourselves. We told him Moose was going to rip him a new asshole and said he could just shit on him with both barrels. He's a real sweet guy. Should have been drowned at birth."

LJ threw in, "I'll bet they thought about it, but decided he wasn't worth going to jail for."

Most were finished with their breakfast and had things to do. They knew the Dukes would be practicing that afternoon.

Jamal spoke when they were leaving the Hob Nob, "I'm picking up Rick at our dorm and I'm taking him to see Lieutenant Reardon right away. Hope he doesn't give me any sass."

"Give us a call," BJ interrupted, "we'll go with you."

The guys left after high-fives all around.

"Rick, why didn't you bring this to me right after he did it." Lieutenant Reardon was a bit peeved at Rick, and Jamal too.

"Lieutenant, we were leaving that same day, going to Washington, D.C. to play for the President. That would have made us late. See?"

"OK, Rick, I understand, but we could have helped sooner."

Reardon didn't tell the two young men that Moose Monahan had been to see him the previous day, telling him what had happened and volunteering to face Krupko with wearing a wire any time the Lieutenant said. Moose had gotten the story out of Jamal since he called Jamal's report of Krupko's threats 'bullshit'. "Krupko's a stupid jerk", Moose had said. "He'd gone out for the wrestling team but they kicked him out after one practice for causing four serious injuries which were entirely intentional."

Jamal had to explain what he'd been trying to do.

Jamal found out that Moose was really a very nice guy, huge, but good looking too.

Moose had told him, "Jamal, I know you and I know Rick. I've heard all the local performances of the Dukes and I think you guys are great," he smiled, "and especially Chris." He gave a sweet, sentimental smile.

"And I know you and Rick are a couple, and I think that's great. I have a younger brother, Michael, who is gay and I love him very much. He's a senior in high school and was being bothered by some other seniors. When he came home with a split lip and black eye, bruises all over, I decided that since the administration didn't help, it was up to me.

"I got the three worse ones by themselves and put the fear of 'Moose' in their minds. I did bruise them a bit where it wouldn't show." He put one finger to his lips jocularly, remembering, "I do wonder if their balls are again producing semen. I must admit their balls probably didn't stop hurting for a couple months at least." He smiled rather fiercely, "And Michael hasn't had any problems with them or anyone else."

Then Moose told Jamal he'd be glad to try to get Krupko to tell him about his tangle with Rick. "I know what you have told me, Jamal, and I think that's enough to have him worried that maybe I know about it first hand..

"When I get that, I'll give it to Lieutenant Reardon and he'll take him in. They should be able to hold him, so you or Rick won't be in danger." He put a huge hand on Jamal's shoulder, "And if he gives you any trouble, just call me and he won't be able to lift an arm to do anything, even to eat. I know all the most painful spots. And no bruises." He grinned at Jamal, "I like you guys a lot, man, and wish you the best. I wish I could play an instrument, too, but," he looked at his hands and fingers, "I couldn't make these monsters play anything but a big gong."

"Thanks, Moose, we appreciate your help very much. Sorry, there isn't much demand for gong beaters. By the way what is your real name?"

"Matthew," Moose responded.

"Like that name, Moose, just like our leader, Matt Ridgway," Jamal came back.

"Hmm," Moose, "wonder if he's related to the general."

Jamal frowned, 'A general named Matt?', he thought.

As it happened, just a week later, Moose met up with Krupko and with some urging from Moose, Krupko told him (into the mike) just what he'd done to Rick. He seemed to be proud of what he'd done. After Moose told him he had a younger brother who was gay, Krupko turned very yellow, in fact he tried to leave quickly, but Moose held him until he could call Lieutenant Reardon who came within a minute or so. Moose knew that Lieutenant Reardon had been nearby since he'd called him earlier. The lieutenant had been hiding where they couldn't see him, but he would have heard everything and recorded it. He couldn't see whether Moose had inflicted some pain on Krupko, but it wouldn't matter anyway, to anybody.

When Rick found out what they'd done, he was angry at first that he'd been left out, but soon calmed down. He did worry that he and Jamal had been outed, but Jamal told him there was nothing about either of them being gay, just that Krupko had caused a hate crime because of his storming and accusations against blacks, and causing injury to Rick.

Then Rick was demanding to meet Moose, so Jamal called and Moose came to their dorm room. Moose's body filled the room door as he walked in. He was smiling broadly as he and Rick hugged each other. Rick wasn't small, but his head only came to the level of Moose's shoulders.

"Thanks so much, Moose, for helping us out." Rick spoke into Moose's chest, "Jamal says you have been at all of our performances, so you must tell us when you will be wrestling this year, OK?"

"Sure, little man, I'll do that and I'll get you all tickets." Still hugging, Moose reached down, cupped one hand under Rick's buttocks. He lifted him high enough to give Rick a kiss on the lips, which Rick returned gladly.

"Don't be surprised, Ricky, at me kissing a man 'cause I kiss my brother on the lips all the time. I know it doesn't make me gay, and we love each other one hell of a lot. So," Moose put Rick down and smiled, "I was glad to help." He looked at Jamal, "And don't you look cross- eyes at me, Jamal, I know he's yours, you'll just have to let me kiss him once in a while. Okay, man?"

Jamal walked to them, stuck out him hand to see it being swallowed by Moose's huge paw. "Thanks again, Moose. You are one great guy!"

Times had been quiet at the Ridgway Farmhouse the last couple of weeks. Matt had been busy with his duties at the State Fine Arts organization in Columbus and he'd been in Columbus every few days, chairing a number of meetings each time. He found he had a good staff already and wasn't in any hurry to replace any of them, except for the newsletter editor.

He was also busy as Music Department Chairman at Windsor College. He had occasionally caught a glimpse of the previous chairman skulking around the campus. One day he saw him coming from the Administration Building with papers in his hand. Wonder what devilment he's up to now. Matt was uneasy with him still living in Windsor. He was supposed to be teaching in Iowa at Iowa State University this year. He sure hoped that job hadn't fallen through.

Hardy was rehearsing every day with the Dukes. Oh, once a week or so, they go do something fun. One day they spent the day at Cedar Point on Lake Erie, probably the largest and finest fair grounds of it's kind in the country. Well, there is Kings Island in Cincinnati which is close among many others.

Anne, Hardy's mother, had paid for the whole thing. She loved all her children, now all young people. Describing the whole trip would be counter-productive, just think of roller coasters, ferris wheels, cotton candy, junk food and friends to enjoy the trip. Hardy went with them, but Matt had too much to do to take the day off. So much of his work now would be administrative, not in music much. He was going to teach the same seminar the coming year he had the previous year where he met Hardy Wolfe.

The Dukes walked around and got on the rides, usually with their partners, BJ and LJ, Roger and Todd, Jamal and Rick and Hardy with Chris since she had no partner there. Because they were away from the college, they felt free to indulge in holding hands, touching and feeling, showing their love more demonstratively than back in Windsor. It was love all around.

Jacob and Joshua didn't go with the Dukes, but Anne took them to a Kiddieland in Toledo which was more their speed. They loved their 'Nana' and always did what she said. Well, if she could see them. But they had fun too when by themselves.

The Dukes came back, tired, sunburned, stuffed with food? and happy to be going 'home'. Roger was driving Matt's van with room for eight. They could have taken the Dukes' RV, but Hardy thought that was really pushing the limits. When they got back to the house, about eight in the evening, Charles was waiting for Chris, had been for most of the day. He'd come from Washington in the morning with Brian, enjoying his company, but very nervous about seeing Chris, talking to her.

She, without hesitation, ran to him, into his arms and hugged him.

"Charles, let's go to my house for a while. I want to change and bathe. Come on, we'll take my car. Let me say good-bye to everybody and I'll be ready."

Chris had a kiss for everyone, including Hardy who had chaperoned her and cared for her. Chris had noticed every once in a while, Hardy had gotten an erection while he was with her. She wondered if he might be half and half. Then she thought, 'I wonder if I'm missing something.' After that, when she noticed he was hard, she watched his eyes and every time they were trained on some hunk, some good looking man he'd like to explore, some beautiful bottom that drew his attention away from her. She wasn't disappointed, because she already knew he was gay, but he's so gorgeous, handsome face, wonderful physique and pelvic goodies. 'Oops,' she thought. 'I've got to stop, I'm getting wet and I'm nowhere near Charles'.

In fifteen minutes they entered Chris' huge home, noting quickly that no parents were around. Chris found a note stating her parents would be gone until tomorrow. They were staying at some hotel-golf course center in Maryland for a few days.

Chris started up the stairs, then called to Charles, "Come on up, Charles, you haven't seen the house. I know it's nothing like your castle, but it is home."

She led him to her bedroom, where she immediately stripped all of her clothes off.

"Like what you see, Charles?"

Chris was not tall, but slender and perfectly shaped. She had narrow shoulders closing into an even narrower waist which widened to her broader hips. Her breasts were not large, but were pert and pointed without any sag. There was no imperfection on her body, no moles or scars or marks of any kind. She had a ravishing physical presence and Charles was thrilled to see her naked flesh. His cock quickly rose inside his briefs, fuller and harder each second. He thought, 'Maybe this will be fine', in hopeful speculation.

Charles was completely red, blushing in embarrassment. "Ah, oh yes, Chris, you are gorgeous. I don't know what you see in this anti-hunk of a Brit."

Chris ran to Charles, wrapped her arms around him, pulling his head down to give him a kiss. And a powerful kiss it was. When she pulled away, Charles was standing there, showing vividly the huge bulge in his pants around his crotch.

Chris came closer, "Are you happy to see me Charles, or is that a baseball bat in your pants?" She pressed both hands on the bulge, rubbing it up and down, then squeezing against him. Her hands were on his backside, then slid beneath his trousers and his bikinis until her palms were feeling Charles' naked buttocks.

"Oh, Charles, please, come take a bath with me. Please."

No one could have given a sexier plea. It took Charles about one minute to strip himself while Chris watched each bit of naked flesh come into view. Her smile grew brighter and wider until she yelled when she saw his fully hardened cock pop out of his briefs. She grabbed Charles' hands, pulled him into the bathroom where the Jacuzzi was already warm and bubbling.

She climbed into tub, feeling the surging water, bubbling lightly on her body. Turning to invite Charles in with her, Chris was charged with excitement when she saw the length of Charles' erect penis, not fat but probably eight inches.

Charles noticed that Chris was staring at his cock, looking amazed at the size. She hadn't seen any hard cocks before, except Roger's. She realized that Charles' prick was bigger that Roger's, but not as thick.

He smiled at Chris, "Chris, darling, I want you to know that I've been vetted by your Dukes when we were in Washington and came out okay."

She had a frown on her face, "What does that mean, Charles? What did they do?"

"No problem, dear. They told me that you said my cock had to be bigger that Roger's and they found out it was."

Chris started to laugh, "That was a joke when we were traveling to Washington. I never thought they would go through with it, checking out your penis size." She thought about it for a moment, "You mean you and Roger both beat on yourself until you were hard?"

"Yes, dear, and they were very nice about it. I wasn't bothered at all, a bit taken aback at first, but soon got into the swing of the program."

Chris smiled at Charles' cock, then at Charles, "Well, darling, I guess you have passed part of the examination." She grinned broadly, "Now for the rest."

She reached out to grab Charles' cock and pulled him to the tub where he stepped in slowly, gently so he wouldn't step on Chris. He sat at one end of the tub, facing Christ, his legs on the outside of hers.

Chris's hair was so lovely then, shiny blond and in gentle waves. Charles hair was similar but called sandy in England, not really blond, actually the color of sand with a slight red tinge, not light but not dark. He eased himself into a comfortable sitting position. As soon as he did, Chris turned and sat between his legs, leaning back against his chest, twisting her neck so she could kiss Charles' neck.

He had no choice but to put he arms around her and his hands over her naked flesh. This was so exciting to him, he'd only been with a couple women so he knew the basics, but Chris was not like any of the others. One of his hands slid down her body to rest on her pubis while one finger search and found her hole. The other was clutching one of her breasts. She then turned around to face him, put her legs outside Charles' hips, closing his legs together.

Sliding her hands down Charles' chest, pecs, teasing his small tipped nipples with nickel sized aureolas, reddish but almost as light as his skin. She leaned over to kiss her lover on his lips, licking them with her tongue while her hands went beneath the water to find that huge cock she had appreciated. All ten fingers wandered over the head, so sensitive with his foreskin gathered behind the glans flange. She was kneeling over Charles' pelvis and began to lower her bottom toward the rising cock, barely above the water's surface. His cock with its tiny mouth slit drooling precum and was pulsing, still rock hard and getting moreso as her hands stimulated the sensual flesh.

"Chris, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, before we are married?"

"Absolutely, lover, I'm sure, I've seen the size of it and now I need to know if it works. Do you understand?"

"Anything you want, Chris, I'm yours for the rest of our lives." He gently placed a kiss on her lovely lips, just a tender feel of moist lips together.

Chris's body sank while she held the cock straight up until she had accepted it with a bit of a shock and pain, entirely into her body. She felt every inch of his steel hard cock enter her body, gradually because she wasn't sure she could take it all.

Charles was moaning, clutching her back, searching with his tongue for hers to do battle. Chris was focused on what was happening in her vagina, feeling Charles' cockhead going deeper and getting closer to her womb. She felt the sexual excitement she had never known before, finally allowing her buttocks to rest on Charles' pelvis, the electric tremors shaking her whole frame, tiny pinpoints of static shocks all over.

Now Chris knew what it felt like to have a man, a real man, in the center of her being and forcing his way to the depths of her sex. She felt dizzy like nothing she'd ever perceived. Holding on to Charles' huge cock, entrenched in her quivering sheath, using muscles never used for that purpose before. She had no problems with her hymen, hardly a barrier at all.

Charles was exulting in the sensations around his cock, yet comparing this experience to that he'd had with his cock in Jamal's ass. 'That was so hot', he was thinking, 'and a lot tighter on my dick'. Still, he knew he was going to come soon. A thought flashed through his brain, 'my god, I don't have a condom on. Oh shit!'

He sat up and pushed Chris back, lifting her off his hot, desperate cock. He set her on his thighs while she glared at him, starting to react to his sudden withdrawal.

"Charles, what are you doing? We were doing great."

"But, Chris, dear, I'm not wearing a condom. I don't dare get you pregnant!"

His hands clutched at on her shoulders while she scrabbled to reach his hot rod and get it back in her body. "I don't care, Charles, I don't give a damn. I want you! Now!"

Charles spoke softly, trying to calm Chris, but firmly, "Chris, I have to give a damn. I can't marry a woman who has already had my baby, and I would never allow you to abort my baby." He caressed her flowing blond hair and her back, pulling her body to his, feeling her ample breasts against his own. "Darling, I would be cut dead by everyone I hold dear in England, including my mother. Is it so bad that I get the condom in my pants pocket and we start again?" He lowered his hands to her buttocks, soft and smooth, pulling her closer but not too near. "Like a Boy Scout, I'm always prepared." He smiled charmingly,

He worked his body from under her, walked a few feet to his pants lying on the carpet. and brought back the little packet, unwrapped it and unrolled it on his still hard cock. He smiled at Chris, "There, now we are protected," as he again lowered himself in the water. He quickly brought Chris over his crotch to help to reattach her to his rigid, waving cock.

Chris grabbed it again and this time sat quickly on it, forcing the torrid flesh into herself, following its trail of sensational impressions on the tender linings.

"Oh, Charles, I love you so much, this is okay, but after we're married, we'll throw away all the condoms and have dozens of children." She leaned close, kissing Charles lips, her fingers playing with her lover's nipples, pinching and squeezing. Charles was thinking, 'You may want dozens, but I think two would be plenty. I guess I'd have to have a vasectomy for sure."

Suddenly, Charles lifted Chris, still connected by his cock, and lay her on her back in the tub with her head supported out of the water. Then he was on top of her, forging the movements to make glorious love to her. She was moaning, her fingernails making dents in Charles' back and sides. He'd never been a fan of pain, but it seemed just right for their first loving each other.

Even though Chris's vagina was sore, she couldn't imagine having a more wonderful lover and the sexual thrill of his red, solid cock making the rapture in her heart and head. Charles didn't last much longer and with rapid and vigorous thrusts into her, he came and filled the condom with his life-giving fluid.

As they relaxed against each other, their ardor cooled though they still hugged and cuddled each other's nakedness until Charles' cock shrank and slipped from the warmth and safety of the receptive cave it had found. Charles made sure to remove the condom carefully, tying its gaping opening. He didn't trust Chris too far. They stayed since the water was well heated, they wouldn't get cold.

Chris was dreaming of a life with Charles, of being Lady Ballard, wife of the Earl. She expected plenty of good sex with him, plus a good life as the mistress of Ballard Hall. For a while she had actually wondered about Charles' sexual orientation, but had just received proof of his virility and manliness. But she decided to check his past a little more.

"Charles, dear, I've read quite a bit about the public boys' schools in England." She pressed little kisses on his face. "And, I read about the boys having sex with each other. Does that happen, still?"

Charles grinned, "Oh, yes, my dear. That is a tradition in boys' schools, utterly unstoppable and not particularly condemned. I remember back then I had three so-called love affairs, approximately at the time when you and I played back then, when we were fourteen, or so. Those were at different levels, not all at once.

"It is not much different at the college level. I didn't have love affairs then, but my two roommates and I did carry on occasionally for fun, you know. Nothing serious, just playing around. We all had women friends, too."

Chris thought a few moments, "How about now, Charles, how is it now." To Charles she sounded a bit worried or concerned.

"No, darling, I'm your man and nobody else's. A group of friends in London mostly, have 'boy's' night out, but that is gambling, drinking and cards. Not very often, though, these days, almost all have families and responsibilities to be aware of, and I'll be one of them soon, thanks to you."

He pulled her from the tub, hugged her and they kissed romantically.

Chris realized that Charles' cock was rising again, stiffly between her legs which she opened to allow it to slide between her thighs. She thought, 'Oh hell, that's as good evidence as I need, he will be my 'shining knight', my dearest lover and father of my children.' She pressed her body against Charles' naked flesh, enjoying their warmth and loving care. In Charles mind that experience with Chris was very good, but to be truthful, he was more excited fucking Jamal, who he was thinking about as his cock rose to fight another day.

"What the hell is going on, Christine? What do you think you are doing?" A deep man's voice resonated throughout the bathroom.

Chris and Charles broke apart to face Chris's mother and father standing in the doorway of the room, unbelieving, the parents were to be back the next day. They got out of the bath.

"Hi, Mom and Dad, I didn't expect you until tomorrow. But it's good to see you anyway." Chris had grabbed a nearby robe, donned it and went to her parents to hug them.

Charles stood in a daze. His erection gradually faded and fell without him noticing. 'Oh god, what do we do now.' He couldn't think of anything to do but stand there, naked and partly aroused.

He finally turned around, showing his beautiful buttocks to his future parents-in-law. He did see another robe, got his arms in the sleeves and tied the belt. 'Must present a good face,' he thought, 'or bottom.'. He smiled at the thought.

With the robe hiding his nakedness, he quickly walked to the Griffiths, holding out his hand to shake with them. He thought he saw a tiny smile in Chris's father's face and a rather forthright gleam in her mother's glance.

They both shook hands with Charles.

"Lord Ballard, we are happy to have you in our home, and want to make you welcome." Her father was not embarrassed, nor was her mother as they both asked the usual traveling questions, the weather, the temperature in London and so on.

Charles tried to be his most charming self, endearing and lovable as a sweet pet rabbit. He will have to pray that Chris's parents won't decide to live in England. He giggled to himself, 'maybe I could put them in the dungeon'. They probably wouldn't believe that he had one, though he did.

Chris marveled how Charles had been able to recover from the shock of her parent's surprise arrival, that is, after he finally covered up his huge cock and naked body with a robe. She was feeling great that she and Charles would be happy forever. That little thought of him maybe being gay had retreated to the most distant part of her brain.

She would been even more embarrassed if she could have read her parents thoughts as they saw her fiancee naked and aroused. Her father thought, 'Men, Chrissie is getting one of the biggest cock I've ever seen, good girl.' And her mother was feeling an itching in her vagina and wondering, 'Oh god, I've got to get that cock, twice as big as this old husband's of mine.'

The next morning Matt and Hardy were lying in bed, cooling off after mad, wild sex in their king-sized bed, enjoying their cocks inside the other's body. They were still hot and sweating, but kept touching, kissing and hugging.

"Thanks you, Matty, I really loved that. My ass is a little sore but that's okay, reminds me that 'my man' has a huge cock that still fits me anyway. He hugged Matt again and they kissed romantically, a wet one sharing lips and tongues and juices of course.

Both started to feel their cocks rising to the call of love, Hardy ended up on the bottom when Matt turned them. He enjoyed his naked body against Hardy's, loving the feeling of his smooth skin and his rigid, swelling cock between his thighs. Matt was bigger than Hardy but not by much. Hardy was the stronger and more muscular with a smaller proportion of fat to body weight, but Matt was still impressive.

They were only half covered by the sheet pulled up to their waists. Matt was sucking Hardy's tiny nipples, tonguing and nipping at them almost absent-mindedly while he was smearing Hardy's precum over his hard, powerful spear. He continued down through Hardy's thighs, spreading precum as he went toward Hardy's ass hole.

Matt's right middle finger toyed with his outer ass hole, circling the anus teasing the wrinkled lips with the tip as he gradually worked it inside. Hardy's sphincter squeezed the finger and only relaxed when the precum smoothed the way.

"Hardy, you know I love you beyond measure, beyond impossible limits, out into the world of space where we could be ourselves. I'm very sorry that we can't be ourselves here in Windsor, but within a year I'll bet will be able to be very OUT! If not, we may be forced to go somewhere else, but I'd prefer to stay right here." He stole another kiss from Hardy's beautiful mouth, wishing with all his heart that they go public with their love and devotion.

"Matty, whatever happens, I'll be hanging on to your tail, my nose all the way up there. I love you more, so there."

"No, you don't, I love you more." By this time they were playfully yelling those phrases and almost didn't hear the soft knock on the door to their bedroom.

"Matty, someone knocked on the door."

"Who is it, please?"

"It's Rick, can I come in?"

"Sure, come on in."

The two men didn't even bother to cover up, Rick was one of their close friends and a Duke too.

The door opened slowly, Rick's head peeked around, "Are you guys decent?"

"Of course not, we're at our best when we aren't decent. Come on over."

Rick shut the door and walked slowly to the bed, not looking very happy.

"Guys, I got some not good news. I hate to show it to you, but I gotta'." He stood looking down at them, amazed as usual at the size of their cocks, especially Matt.

Both Matt and Hardy sat up, revealing the remnants of their hardons, "What's going on, Ricky, tell us." They looked and felt worried, must be something really bad to get Ricky sad.

Rick handed them a sheet of paper, obviously a letter.

Matt glanced through it, quickly getting the import of it.

"My god, that son of a bitch did it again. I will kill him this time."

Matt read it out loud.

Dear Parents of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor,

I'm writing to apprize you of an unfortunate situation at our school. Your student is a

member of the instrumental group called the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, sponsored by the college and the Music Department, headed now by Dr. Matthew Ridgway who organized the group. The present director, Mr. Hardy Wolfe, is the partner and lover of Dr. Ridgway. If you conclude by that statement that they are queer, they are. Queer fags

And my further investigation has shown that those two men have so infiltrated the souls

of the men and woman with their sexual orientation, that all members of the group are now gay too and have lovers.

This situation must be dealt with immediately before they indoctrinate the whole student body of our great Windsor College.

Call the College President, Dr. Bishop, at 419-555-5555 at your earliest chance to halt the depravity and perversions on going.

Thank you for listening,

A friend

"Good god, that's got to be Dr Powers. Well, he did intimate that I should be awake and aware. I thought he was out in Iowa. I wonder who he got to type these for him, I know he can't type." Matt was livid, disgusted with the man. "Somehow we have to stop this son of a bitch or somehow try to soften the damage."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 34

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