Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=============== Chapter Thirty-seven ===============

After Moose and Mike had a meal, Matt asked what time they would be back after school the next day. When they said about three, Matt said he would be here to take them to their permanent home then. He also asked if they would like to swim, watch TV or see a movie in their entertainment room. Moose and Matt looked at each other, searching then nodding.

"We'd like to swim." The boys spoke at exactly the same time.

They must be able to read each other's thoughts, maybe like twins, Matt thought.. They looked as much like twins as Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwartzenegger did in their movie, Twins. But who knows, they just might be as close as twins.

"Okay, guys, did you bring bathing suits of any kind."

Both of them reddened, "Ah, no, never thought of that."

"Well, just go ahead in your undies, I'll warn our Nana that you will be mostly undressed." He continued, "You can go to the pool room and undress there. If you happen to lose your undies, no problem, Nana won't go in there anyway. She is also going to love having two more grandsons, and so good looking like you two. By the way, she's Hardy's Mom."

Matt couldn't help watching them undress. Mike about half the size of Moose, but shaped like a gymnast, light weight but extremely well muscled. Matt was sure he must be working out on some exercise device. Moose, as Matt expected, had an almost perfect shape, large muscles but less defined than a body builder. His shoulders were huge and his waist was narrow with a six pack that was defined. Full, round butt, too. And Matt, since the guys decided not to wear anything, noted that their cocks, hanging softly but long, fit their own body structure well. Both Mike and Moose had butts that almost bubbled, beautiful shapes and strong. He watched a while longer as they swam and played together in the pool. Just before they had jumped in, Matt noticed a lengthening of their cocks.

No one usually swam at night so Matt doused all the lights in the pool room, including the underwater lights on the sides, ends and bottom. That gave his newest friends plenty of privacy while they enjoyed being together. He hoped they could console themselves in spite of their parents anger and vehemence. Matt wished he could hold them and try to soothe their apprehensions.

Matt had gotten Hardy to watch a little while. When they decided to go to bed, they both were pleased to have two more friends in their house, if only for a few days. They undressed for bed, shut off the lights and cuddled close, just love, not sex, in their hearts that night.

The next day when Moose and Mike returned to the Ridgway farmhouse, Matt was waiting for them.

"Hi guys, how did it go today? Any problems."

"I've told my friends not to call me at home, I'll call them, our parents would be out of town for a while.. I explained that I was moving in with my brother, that we were allowed to live on our own. Neat, huh?" Mike was pleased.

Moose added, "I said about the same thing, but they could call me on my cell phone."

"Damn, Matt, why didn't I think of that." Mike pouted just a little.

Moose hugged Mike, "That's okay, Mikey, you've never had a cell phone."

"Okay, M's, we are going to your new home. We won't take any of your stuff because it will be a few day before you can actually move."

"By the way guys, Hardy and I visited your parents with police Lieutenant Reardon and as a result, Mike, you will be getting money from your Dad. I've arranged it so his checks go to your checking account at the bank. He will be sending the checks until you turn eighteen. Is that okay? Be sure to tell me if he stops sending his check. Moose, I'm afraid since you are well over 18, we couldn't get a dime for you."

Mike was thrilled, "I never expected to get anything from him, but that's great. Thank you so much, Matt. Moose's tuition and all is paid up to the end of the year, so he's okay."

Driving to the Dean's house, Matt explained to them just where they would be living.

"My god, he's going to take us in?" Moose was staggered. "He doesn't even know us."

"No," Matt answered, "he doesn't, but Hardy and I do and that makes all the difference."

Mike whispered quietly, "Man, Matt, you are some wonderful sort of guy, I can't believe you are doing this for us."

"Mike, if I may, I love you both and want to see you happy. What has happened to you should not happen to anyone. Ever. You are two marvelous human beings and I am very proud to know you. And, you are part of our family."

Moose wondered, "But Matt, you and the Dean are being so great. Someday we'll pay you back, that will be our aim."

"You can pay me back, Moose, by helping someone like I've helped you. Remember, there are a lot of men like you, homosexual and badgered and harassed sometimes to death. We have to try to make their lives better. Okay? That's all we want.!"

When Matt drove uphill on the long drive to Hamish's house, a mansion really, both Moose and Mike gasped, amazed that they might live in a house like that. Hamish McAllister was standing on the stoop where the drive turned. He was smiling, honestly thrilled that he would get someone to live with him, he'd been so lonely.

The four men gathered in the foyer, "Welcome, Moose and Mike. I haven't known Mike but I've watched many of your wrestling matches, Moose, and am so proud that you are a student at Windsor College." The boys shook hands, looking around at the luxurious home, large rooms, beautiful furniture and exquisite decor.

All they could say was "WOW". Hamish smiled and pulled them all back into the family room near the kitchen where he had set up some refreshments, pop and chips for them. He made a remark about the house, "My wife, now ex-wife, was a fantastic home decorator, unfortunately she was a terrible wife. So now I have the house and she's in jail. You can have Matt tell you all about it sometime." Moose and Mike looked askance at Matt, eyebrows raised. Matt just smiled.

As they relaxed, Hamish started, "Matt, before I take these fine looking young men into my home, you have to make them accept what ever it is that I want to give them. And I mean that. None of this, oh no, I can't accept that! You've got me," he was looking both at Matt and the boys.

"I don't know if I can make them do that, but I can try to explain that they should."

"Okay, let me tell them some facts first. Mike and Moose, I have never had any children and wanted some so badly. My wife, my ex-wife, never wanted any. I desperately wanted two boys that I could spoil rotten and flood them with gifts and love. Do you understand?" They nodded.

"Now, I have a chance, if you are willing, to give myself that pleasure. So, I'd like to know what you will do if I happen to do this." Hamish reached into his wallet and pulled out a credit card, a gasoline credit card. "Matt told me that you have a car of your own, but not much money. So I'm giving you this card to use. No more buying gasoline, use the card."

He handed the card to Moose, who didn't immediately take it. Mike was elbowing Moose in the ribs to no effect. "Take it, take it," he whispered.

Moose looked at Matt and raised his eyebrows. Matt nodded.

Moose finally took the card. "I will save all the slips so I can pay you back."

"Matt, doesn't he know what I want to do?" Hamish looked as if he were ready to cry.

Matt took Moose's hand in his own, "Moose, if you are going to pay him back, you are depriving Hamish of his pleasure. Please say you will get all the gas you will need, and that you will not pay him back. Okay." Matt squeezed Moose's hand, hard, trying to impress him with his determination. Moose finally nodded.

Matt said, "Moose and Mike, both of you, I'll try to explain. Hamish would dearly love to have two sons. No, he can't have any real sons now, but if you would consider thinking about that, stepping in, keep it in mind.

"He wants to GIVE to you, and not to get back anything. That will be his pleasure. You may not stay with him long, or maybe a long time, but for that time he would like to feel he does have two sons. Think about it."

Moose looked at Mike. Mike stood and whispered in Moose's ear. Then he kissed Moose hard on the lips for quite a while. Moose continued getting redder and redder, hotter and hotter.

Mike sat down again, smiling broadly, "We will do as you ask, Dean McAllister. Thank you."

Hamish stared at Mike, "Mike, you didn't happen to promise Moose that he will really like it if he does what I've asked."

Then Mike blushed, "Well, I might have, just a little, but he seemed to appreciate my offer."

Hamish stood up, "Okay, that's settled, now come with me to see your bedroom and bath, I'm assuming you would rather be in the same room - king-sized bed, of course"

Mike nodded excitedly, "Yes, oh yes."

When Moose, Mike and Matt were leaving to go back to the farmhouse, Mike was beside himself, "Oh, man, wow, I can't believe it. What a place to live!"

Matt smiled, "Men, you have just struck the mother lode, you will live in the lap of luxury. And you deserve it, very much. I, for one, am so happy that you two will be together and will be living in love and joy." He continued, "And by the way, Dean McAllister will take care of your college, Mike. He's got scholarships that haven't been invented yet. Trust him."

They had reached the farmhouse and got out, heading for the front door. Matt stopped.

"One thing will help your situation. You are not to give Hamish back money and stuff he gives you, but, you can help him with any way you can. Even taking out the garbage probably would be a good thing to do. Do you see what I'm talking about? Take what he gives you, and pay back with love and help."

"That's great, Matt," Moose agreed, "we can do that standing on our heads. Right Mike?"

"Yeah, I'm with you , Moose. Then after you have a job and we can afford our own living quarters, then we won't be depending on someone else."

Matt broke in, "But, you two, if you and Hamish exchange hearts with each other, and you don't stay part of his life, I'll come and bust your butts. I'll even get Hardy to help. Okay?"

"We're shaking in our boots, Matt." Mike cowered behind Moose, goosing him repeatedly. Moose tried to shake him off, but Mike slid around him and grabbed on to Matt, hugging him with all his strength. "Thank you, so much Matt. We respect and appreciate and love you as much as we've loved anyone, except each other."

Matt looked at Moose and spread his arms wide, raising his eyebrows in question.

Quickly Moose got in on the hug, for a second he showed he could lift both of them, but put them down gently.

They walked in the house to hear riotous yells and screams and laughter from the pool room. From the pool room doorway, they saw everyone in the pool. There was Brian and Ted, Todd and Roger, Steve and Gary with Hardy, too. Plus of course the small boys, Jacob and Joshua. Even the two Jeffs, big and little, and Rick and Jamal.

Roger hollered, "Matt, come on in, this is a Dukes spur of the moment party. And bring your new friends in to so we can meet them."

"I'll let Moose and Mike come in, but I'll be preparing food and drinks for the party. See you later. Go ahead, guys, have fun."

Both Mike and Moose noticed that no one was wearing a bathing suit, everyone was naked. Both were thinking, 'We swam naked in that pool just yesterday, so we can do it.'

"Let's go," Moose said quietly and excitedly, "last one in has to suck off the other tonight," he dared Mike, "Go!" He grinned as he started taking off his clothes, dropping them on a chair beside him. Mike was doing the same thing, but more quickly.

Mike was naked and jumped in before Moose could finish undressing. Mike grinned and yelled at Moose, "Ha, Moose, I won, I won, and you lose." He started racing to the other end of the pool to be out of Moose's arms reach.

The others gathered in the pool and on the lounges around it were stunned, first, by Mike's beautiful body, looking like he'd spent years working his routines as a gymnast. That was only exceeded by the appearance of Moose's seven inch hanging cock, not hard or erect. Gasps of sudden breaths, groans of disbelief and 'HEYS' of surprise greeted Moose's revelation of his body and sex.

The residents and guests were spread out around the pool room, some in the water but most on chairs or chaise lounges. As Moose walked to the edge of the pool and stood there a moment, Roger quietly stood up, raised his arms over his head and began clapping very slowly. Right away others did the same, standing and slowly clapping. Soon everyone was applauding.

Moose wondered what they were doing, he looked around and everyone was looking directly at him and clapping a very rhythmic beat. When he finally realized that they were applauding him, blushed from top to his bottom, and he was thoroughly embarrassed. What could he do? To save himself, Moose put his right arm across his middle, then bowed deeply to his audience, smiling broadly. The moment he realized that his cock was just starting to fill up, he jumped off the side of the pool and swam toward Mike.

The others returned to their drinking, eating and talking, though still smiling at Mike and Moose. Rick whispered to Jamal, "Hey, Jamal, it looked bigger today than when he came to our room." His eyes bugged out with excitement, "Let's get together again with them. Okay?"

Jamal had been plotting how and when to get the boy to their room. "Yeah, Ricky, I think that's a good idea. Work on it."

Mike and Moose were treading in a far corner of the pool, talking quietly and trying to hide their long, rigid cocks.

"Hey, Moose, how are we going to get out of the pool without showing everything we got? I've noticed a few hard dicks but it doesn't seem like anyone notices, I'll feel stupid." He smiled, "I'd like to get some food and pop."

"Okay, Mike, I'm almost soft so I'll go to the other end and get out. I'm sure everybody will be watching me. Just heave yourself out at the deep end and grab a towel. There are piles of them all over. Meet me at the food tables."

As Moose predicted, every eye was on him, watching his perfect body, broad, shapely shoulders to narrow waist and hips, full buttocks and a scattering of dark hair over his pecs and down his stomach to his crotch. Even without his magnificent body, Moose's handsome face would draw many admirers.

As the evening wore on, both Moose and Mike began making friends, enjoying the Dukes and other band members. They talked with Rick and Jamal quite a bit, having spent a hot, happy time in their dorm room.

Around nine they decided to go to their room so Moose could perform his duty since he lost the challenge on getting in the pool first. Mike had a thought that Moose might have purposely delayed his strip because he wanted Mike's cock in his mouth. Mike thought, 'Hell he can have my cock anywhere, anytime.' They left after saying good night to the others, thrilled with delight at all their new friends.

In their room, usually Brian and Ted' room, Mike asked, "Did you see how much Rick and Jamal were watching us tonight? I think maybe they want a rematch of our sex lessons from them."

"Yeah, I saw them. I think that might be a hot thing to do." He gave Mike a warning look, "We'll have to watch ourselves at the Dean's house. I know Matt said he isn't gay, so we need to keep our loving confined to the bedroom."

A week after Mike and Moose moved in with Hamish, he knew he'd need to have a talk with both. He knew they were a bit uncomfortable in his house. That had to change. When Moose drove in by the garage, used the door opener and drove in, he remembered the Hamish had said he wanted to talk to them after school.

The boys gathered their books, notebooks and backpacks, walked through the breeze way into the house. They moved gently down the hall to the kitchen where they kept their school stuff. Passing through the kitchen door, they were stunned, shocked and speechless. There was Hamish at the sink, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts, nice and tight.

Mike started, "Uh .... Ham ... uh." He shut up quickly.

"Hi boys, put your eyes back in and sit at the table please." The room had an alcove and a desk where they put their homework and stuff. "Oh, wait, before you sit down, please remove all your clothes except your underpants, what ever they are. ..... Please."

Still agog, struck mute, Mike and Moose removed their clothes and sat at the table, Moose in boxers and Mike looking hot in bikini briefs. They hadn't seen Hamish without clothing ever, and were amazed at how well he'd kept his trim, very hairy body. He even had hair on his back and shoulders.

After Hamish put some cheese and crackers out and the pop they liked, he sat between the boys at the kitchen table.

"Gentlemen, I know you are wondering what the hell I'm doing. I've noticed that you two do not seem really comfortable here, I haven't heard a swear word since you've been here. You've never exposed a square inch of your skin that would not normally be shown."

"Now, I'm sure Matt told you that I'm not gay. That is true. I'm not, and never will be." He gave them a stare, "However, I want you to feel really at home here, free to run around the house in your undershorts, boxers, briefs or thongs, or even nude if you want. Even I can tell that you two have completely different physiques, and I can tell you probably a couple of the best ones on campus."

The boys' faces blushed when they thought of what he'd said.

"Now, don't be bashful, guys. I want to be able to run around in my shorts any time I want. My ex-wife would never let me do that and it pissed the hell out of me!" He frowned, "Well, she pissed me off a lot, but that's beside the point.

"Hell, I finally figured out I didn't have to and after she and her sister kidnaped the Ridgway boys, Jacob and Joshua and she went to jail, I was free to divorce her. Sort of a severe way to do it, but I've been lonely but wonderfully happy since. Now, you are here and I'm even happier. I want this to be a home, OUR home. Can you help me do that?"

Mike and Moose jumped to their feet, lugged Hamish to his feet and hugged him between them, crushing his stocky body against theirs. They kissed him on each cheek, gave him a swat on the butt and set him back down in his chair.

Hamish had tears in his eyes, but those eyes sparkled with delight and happiness. "Thank you, my boys, I'm sure we can be a family, Right?"

"YES, YES," the boys shouted, making the room ring with their strong, male voices. To seal the bargain, they ripped off their underwear and danced around the kitchen. Their cocks flipped and flopped as they did, but were not excited. They stopped, stood by the oven at one end, and put an arm around their brother's shoulder, grinning with their happiness.

Hamish grinned, "I've told you that I am not gay, and I'm not, but I can appreciate and enjoy male beauty when I see it. And you guys GOT it." He sobered, "I'm starting to love you two like a father loves his sons. And I'm hoping, maybe, that you will be able to return that love." His expression took on an air of expectation, a little anxious.

Moose spoke for both on them, "Hamish, we haven't been here long, but I speak for both of us, we would be wildly happy if you would be our father." They moved beside Hamish again and hugged their new father. This time, Hamish broke from their clasp, slapped each one on his butt, hard, "Now, boys, that's no way to be running around the house. Get dressed."

Mike and Moose complained about the brutality, then laughed, teasing each other and Hamish, flaunting their nakedness and exposure. But, they did get dressed quickly.

"One more thing, boys, I want you to feel free to show your personal love anytime. If you want to hold hands, play grabass, kiss, cuddle on the sofa, that's fine. BUT, please don't make love on the living room floor. Save that for your room. Oh, by the way, a cleaning woman comes in twice a week, so please leave your room .. ah ... well .... oh, hell, so that any of your extra-curricular activities are suitably cleaned up." By that time Hamish was bright red from head to waist.

"Hamish," Mike promised, "we will not do anything to embarrass you in front of your cleaning woman, but, you will be teased." He grinned, artfully, "Take warning, if you have a party we just might show up au natural." His sly grin showed he was teasing.

Hamish laughed hard, "Well, I know quite a bunch of my friends who would be very pleased to see you two in that condition. And that's just the men. I suppose the women wouldn't mind either." He smiled and ducked into his first floor bedroom.

The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor were traveling from Chicago to northwest Ohio where they all lived and went to school. Their RV motor home sped along Interstate 80 and 90 for about 200 miles from Chicago. Most of the riders were asleep in their captain's chairs and couches. The time was early on Sunday morning after their performance at the College Band Directors Association in Chicago. They could have left later in the morning but they all wanted to bring back their "Best Brass Ensemble" trophy given to them the previous night to place it in their new Music Building Trophy Case.

They were passing farms and fields covered with snow with the exception of South Bend and Elkhart metropolitan areas. That late winter snow was less than a couple of inches in depth, though it did flow into drifts from the heavy winds. The topography from there to Toledo would be as flat as could be. Actually, the interstate almost follows the border between Indiana and Michigan, the most northern portion of the state. Not much was happening outside their RV, just other travelers and cold, windy bare trees, except for all the pines.

Matt and Hardy had been given the honor of staying in the bedroom to catch up on their sleep. They had slept for an hour, but then were awake, holding each other gently and whispering.

"God, Hardy, I never expected the BBE trophy, ever. For our first time at the convention I was just hoping we'd place somewhere in the middle. I still can't believe it."

As he was close to Hardy, Matt could feel his body shaking and knew he was quietly sobbing, finding a release for his stress and excitement over the last 24 hours. Matt held him more closely, he deserved to have the relief of his adrenalin overcharge.

Hardy turned to look at Matt, tears running down his cheeks, his eyes red rimmed and slightly swollen. Matt took his own hand to wipe the tears away, then kissed him on the nose. He smiled tenderly, sending warm currents of his love to Hardy, holding him even tighter.

"Hardy, you were wonderful, so controlled and poised, so in focus to the performance and your players. I could never had done as well, I know that. I desire you, my babe, but I also hope to surround you with my pride and devotion." He paused, "Hardy, do you remember that day, almost two years ago, when I first saw you in my seminar class? My breath stopped, my muscles froze and all I could see was that beautiful head with the blond curls. I definitely knew that you were going to be my partner and companion forever, as long as be both would live"

Hardy rolled on top of Matt. The door to the bedroom was open, but they knew no one would come in 'their' room at that time.

"Matt, you hot sucker, I knew the same thing at the very same moment. If you thought you were frozen, I couldn't force my eyes to look anywhere. I thought, jeez, you idiot, everyone's going to wonder what's with you. I would have sat there forever if you hadn't said something, which I've never been able to remember since.

Matt smiled, "My words were ... 'Here are your first instructions'. I've also wondered what the others thought."

"Before the seminar was over at the end of the semester, but after you and I were together, I kind of asked some of them what they thought." He grinned, "And they all said they thought it was cute and had never seen love at first sight in a more vivid and romantic scene. I felt that we were doomed to spend our lives together. And, almost a year and a half later, I don't regret one moment of our lives together." He sobered, "And I want to thank you for all your help, support and love ever since."

Matt could hardly breathe, Hardy was holding him so tightly.

"Hey, in the bedroom there, isn't it time for snacks!" someone yelled.

Hardy pressed his lips to Matt's a little, "I guess this is what it would be like to have a bunch of rug rats." Then he yelled back. "Hey, yourself, get Todd and Jamal on the ball."

Regretfully, they eased away from the other, shook themselves and walked into the main section of the motor home. There they had to laugh, Roger was asleep in his captain's chair, cuddling the Best Brass Ensemble trophy in his arms.

Hardy spoke with authority, "He better not drop that thing or we'll put him in the trophy case as the Most Unworthy Bandmember." Then he did smile a little as Roger woke up. "Huh?"

Everyone who had been paying attention had to laugh, poor Roger caught again. At least Todd didn't punch him in the nose again. He was rolling his eyes in regret that he hadn't brought up his partner, Roger, right.

Soon, after waking Roger, he and Todd help get snacks out for a solid brunch. The small galley could produce bacon and eggs, all sorts of rolls and breads, and fruit juices and grapes or apples.

When they were nearing Exit 2 on the Ohio Turnpike (80 and 90), Hardy stood behind the driver's compartment, and faced his men and woman, and Matt.

"I have no words fine enough to describe your performance and demeanor throughout all our time in Chicago. You young people are the greatest. I feel great, yet still unhappy knowing I will be losing so many of you by June, especially my dearest love, ..... "

Gasps and moans filtered from the group. He continued, "Christine Griffith. What? You thought Matt and I would ... you are crazy. Matt and I are tied by our umbiblical cords that can't be broken." A few titters of laughter.

"We have a very few more performances yet, so don't get upset when I'm checking band members to replace .... well, no one can replace you .... maybe try to replace BJ, LJ and Christine. I'm also pleased to have Rick and Roger staying to be the leaders. I would be most pleased if you wouldn't talk to underclassmen about their possibilities of joining the Dukes. The road to joining will be difficult and impossible to figure. I already have a couple good possibilities for trumpet and French horn, but not for sure. If you would like to recommend a band member, tell me but please don't tell them you're doing it. I don't want anyone getting false hopes. Okay?" The group mumbled or said something, but he hope they meant it.

"And now, hhhheeeerrrreeee's Matt!"

The kids faked feeling bored, like 'oh not again', and started talking with each other when Matt stood at the front. He knew what they were doing and decided to play with them.

Very softly Matt started talking about final oral exams that would determine who graduates and who doesn't. He was more or less talking to himself, "So, those orals will concern the final master's theses. The exam will happen around the first of May and I will have them judged by the end of May, actually the day before graduation. Any questions?"

Some of the Dukes, BJ, LJ and Chris had heard what Matt threw at them. When he stopped, they started telling the others what he had said.

"What Oral Exams? What is this, Exams?" BJ and LJ demanded together.

"Didn't you read your Master's Degree program book? It's right in there."

"I never saw it," Chris stated convincingly.

Matt returned, "Well, it should be." He paused, "Maybe it isn't in now, but it will be. Maybe by 2010. Or not." He cracked up, laughing behind his hand, not willing to give up entirely.

The whole bus groan and griped about his teasing.

"Now that I have your attention, I can say I've never heard as professional, musical, and sensitive a performance in my life. And that covers a lot of ground. I can only congratulate you all and say that I know each and every one of you will do very well in the outside world. You guys is good!"

He shook hands with everyone on the bus, even Hardy, wishing them the best and to keep up the good work. "I love you all", when he finished, then hugged Hardy, "especially you."

The whole bus rang with good comments on each member's work all the way through Windsor to the farm where they piled in their cars for home or stayed if they were Roger or Todd. The farm was their home.

Matt and Hardy were enjoying the den and working on their projects. Matt's cell phone starting chattering and to shut it up, he answered.



"This is your father. Could you get Steve on the phone too?"

"What do you want, Dad?"

"Just get Steve on the line and I will explain. I don't want to say it twice."

Hardy climbed to Steve and Gary's bedroom and office, and told Steve to get on the phone."

"Okay, Matt, I'm on."

Their father cleared his throat, "Boys, I must tell you that your mother is dead. And I buried her, so I know it. She won't bother you any more. Nor will I."

"Are you sure, Dad? She's not going to pop up someday and try to kill us."

Gerald Ridgway coughed a couple of times. "I'd rather not go into it. But, she had gone way around the bend, all the way. I had to do something immediately or she'd have killed you. Fortunately I had unloaded her gun the night before, so when she fired, nothing happened. In other words, I wasn't killed."

"Where did you bury her, Dad?"

"I can't say anymore. She is dead, no question, and I wish you would take my word and not probe any more. Please."

"Okay, Dad, I think we understand. If you can make it up here sometime, we'd like to see you," Matt offered. Steve agreed.

"Maybe. Bye boys."

The connection was broken. Steve descended to the first floor and into the den with Matt and Hardy.


Matt turned to Steve, "Do I have to say it? Did our father kill our mother?"

"Sounded like self defense to me," Steve surmised.

"I have a strong feeling that he did and she is gone. Don't you?"

Matt walked to Steve and hugged him. "Yes, brother, love, I definitely do. Thank God and Dad."

Sitting in the den again a month later, Matt and Hardy were planning for the end of the school year, performances and tests, auditioning for the bands next year and for the Dukes. Matt's cell phone fluttered and he picked it up.

"Matt, help, you've got to get out here to help me, I'm being help captive." Hamish McAllister was pleading for help. Matt was stunned, why would Hamish be help captive.

"Ok, Hamish, I'll be right there, 20 minutes."


He turned to Hardy, "That was Hamish, says he's being held captive. I better go rescue him, can't imagine what from, though."

Driving into Hamish's driveway up to the front door. He did notice that all the landscaping was in great shape, no weeds, no dead or dying flowers, very nice. For late April, the place was gorgeous.

Matt walked into the foyer as he was supposed to do, just like normal.

"In here, Matt."

Walking into the living room, Matt was stunned by the sight of Hamish, lying back in a lazy boy chair, a table beside him with a drink, snack and his favorite book and newspaper right beside him.

"Hamish, who the hell had got you captive?"

"Those bastards in the kitchen - those guys you sent me. They got me captive."

As soon as he turned the corner into the kitchen, Matt started laughing. He stopped, leaned against the doorway, holding his sides.

Moose and Mike were dressed in overalls, the old fashioned kind with a bib and straps over the shoulders, Mike with a broom and Moose on his knees polishing the tile floor. He could see that the overalls were their only garment excluding shoes and socks.

Hamish had risen from his comfortable chair to stand beside Matt in the doorway.

"See, Matt, see what they do to me?"

Matt smiled, "Looks to me like they are working hard on your kitchen. That's good boys."

Hamish fell to his knees, fortunately on the carpet, "Matt, they won't let me do anything. If I pick up a dish to rinse it, they grab it out of my hands. I can't do anything around here." He almost pouted. "And you are the cause of it all. Telling them they have to help me around the house." He shouted, "They do every chore or job. They won't let me do anything. Please, Matt."

Trying to keep from laughing, because it seem very serious to Hamish, Matt asked Moose and Mike to get up. He went to stand in front of them and grabbed them in a clutch.

"Men," he said, holding their bodies tight to his. "I think you have gone a bit too far."

Moose spoke first, "But, Matt, Hamish gives us everything. Gas for my car. He gives each of us an allowance every week, for lunches, toiletries and other personal expenditures. We can't go on taking that without doing something for him."

Hamish whined, "Matt, did you see the landscaping? The lawn. The trees. The shutters are freshly painted, I want you to notice. All the windows in this whole place have been washed, that's over 60 windows ... "

Moose broke in, "Matt, he wanted to buy a car for Mike. I thought that was way too much. So I told him no."

"Let me get something down here. Hamish, do you love these men?"

"Of course I do, Matt, don't be silly, they're the most wonderful young men I know."

"Men, do you love Hamish?"

"Matt, we love him so much we are devoted to him," he blushed, "we'd like to be more loving to him, but he won't let us."

Matt couldn't help laughing. "Guys, you know what we said at the beginning, Hamish is not gay and would not appreciate being seduced. Right?"

Slowly, Mike agreed, "But, how else can we show him that we love him?"

Matt wondered how he was going to cope with this quandary.

"Guys, think about this. I get the impression you won't let Hamish do anything around his own house. Right?"

"We are just trying to help Hammie."

Matt did a double take, "You let them call you Hammie?"

"Sure, Matt, they like it and so do I. Remember, I love them. And they're my kids now."

Matt thought, 'I cannot picture Dr. Hamish McAllister, PhD, LLD. being called Hammie.'

He shook his head, trying to fit Hammie in his brain.

"Hamish, do the boys hug you?"

"Well, no, they aren't supposed to, I thought."

"Boys, does Hamish hug you?"

"You said we shouldn't"

"I didn't exactly say that. Listen." He knew this was a critical time. "Would you like to hug Hamish?" "Absolutely." "Would you like to hug them, Hamish?" "You bet your bippy."

Matt looked at Hamish weirdly, frowning.

"What, Matt. You never saw 'Laugh In' way back." He smacked his own head. "What am I thinking. You weren't even born then. You missed it by about 10 years anyway."

"Mike, does Moose hug you?" He nodded. "Does he kiss you?" He nodded again. "Does he have sex with you?" Another nod. "Do you like all that." Then Mike smiled and nodded vigorously.

"Okay, what do you think you shouldn't do with Hamish of those things."

Now Mike smirked. "Well, making love, I'm guessing."

"Right. Now what do you think you could do with Hamish."

"Hey, hugging and kissing. We could do that, if it's all right."

"Yes, guys, you should."

"Now Hamish, could they hug and kiss you, just friendly like?"

He nodded, blushing a bit. "That would be fine. And please, they don't have to work around the house every time I give them something. Actually, I'd much prefer that you hug me and kiss me, but not wildly. Okay?" "Oh, they can say they love me. That would be nice." He looked at them and blushed.

"Uh, Hammie, we never got to sleep with our Dad, ya know, just sleep." Moose brought this up. "We'll stay on our side, just maybe hug you a little. Would that be okay?"

"That's fine, I'd love it. In return I still want to get a car for Mike. I really want to."

"Hmm, I guess that's okay," Moose said, "but it has to be a used car."

"That's okay. By the way, Mikey, you are all enrolled at Windsor College, and your tuition is taken care of for your first year. Scholarships from the College. Okay?"

Mike rushed to hug Hamish. They hugged until Moose was getting jealous, so he joined them, and kissed Hamish on the cheek.

"Hey, guys, I do like your work-around-the-house clothes. I wouldn't wear them outside if I were you. Know what I mean?"

They looked at Matt, puzzled. So Matt went to Moose, pulled his overall out from his chest and reached inside to twiddle with Moose's cock.

"That's what I mean." Moose blushed deeply, nodded.

"Okay, is everybody happy?"

They all smiled and nodded.

"That's good, because I want to get home to Hardy and go to bed with him." He smiled, "We need some time together. Bye."

Matt fled the front door, happy to be going home. As he left the Dean's property, he wondered to himself how long it would take them to bend their straight "father" to their wishes, and do more than sleep. I know Hammie will be a fine example for them, no matter what happens.

The dean and 'sons' in the meantime decided that going to bed was a good idea. Hamish usually wore boxers to bed and noticed that the boys did also. 'That's good,' he thought. 'At least they aren't naked'.

Hamish lay on his back in the middle of the bed and the boys entered beside him, one on each side of their 'father'.

"Dad, is it okay to hug a little and kiss a little?"

"Sure, boys, I love you two rascals."

Moose and Mike on their stomachs, moved on either side, so they lay next to Hamish, putting an arm over his chest and stretching to reach his cheeks with their lips. Hamish pulled his arms up and put them under their necks. They rested their heads on his upper chest, pulling their bodies together, lots of flesh touching.

The boys fell asleep quickly with light breaths warming Hamish's chest. If they were still awake, they would have noticed that Hamish's heart beat had speeded up considerably, and, if Hamish would admit it, his cock was like an iron pipe, pushing on his boxers, very close to his boys' bodies. He was worried, "Dear God, I'm too old for this." But he smiled.

His heart slowed, and eased the vigorous beating, he sank into a deep sleep, so content to have his boys around him. He knew taking the boys in was the best thing he'd ever done in his life.

As soon as Matt and Hardy got back to Windsor from their trip to the Michigan U. in search of another Duchess, they called Chris. They explained what had happened. "She can play well, Chris, but not with much feeling. And she was very snippy, not friendly at all. Can you tell us anything about her that might help."

"Gee, Matt, I can't imagine. I'll call her as soon as I can. Maybe if you FedExed one of our videos to her immediately, it would make a difference."

"She is very pretty and built just right, but she might not be a good member."

"I really don't know about that, Matt, she was recommended by a friend of mine."

"We met a young man named Darren who thought she'd be trouble."

Chris sounded excited, "Did you meet Darren Foster? He's neat."

"Neither of us could remember his last name, but we have his phone number. And we met a friend of his named Peter. They seemed very friendly."

Chris was getting worked up, "Matt, would that have been Peter Workman?"

"Darren didn't mention his last name, just Peter. But he did say they were partners."

Chris responded, "Yes, aren't they the cutest couple you ever saw."

Matt laughed, "I hope some day you will reveal all about that tangled web woven between your friends and you. Well, Chris, we'd appreciate it if you will talk to her. See you, bye."

That night when Matt and Hardy got in bed, both were somewhat discouraged.

"You know, Hardy, babe, that Collegiate College Band Director's Association concert probably will be the last program we'll do with our original Dukes. I'm getting sad because it seems as if we won't have as good a group." He turned to grab Hardy around his chest, hugging and squeezing his lover, needing to be comforted.

"I know what we'll do, Matt. Don't move a muscle."

Hardy stood by the bed, pulled Matt to the edge, then picked him up in his arms, walked into the Jacuzzi and laid him into the warm water. Matt was taller and a bit heavier than Hardy, but the younger man was stronger.

"Now just lay there, Matt, and get warm. Close your eyes and just dissolve into the water. Don't open your eyes, okay?"

Matt heard Hardy bustling around the room, then noticed the click of a lighter. 'What is he doing?' Matt thought. He was breathing deeply, filling his lungs with fresh air, but also realized that he recognized an aroma of the seaside, waking a beautiful memory of being at the beach.

Matt felt Hardy sliding into the tub with him, slowly sinking into the warm water and whatever aroma bath salts he'd added.

"Okay, Matt, love, you can open your eyes now."

First thing Matt noticed was that all the lights were out, except for a bunch of candles. The soft glow of candle light flowed throughout the room, warming them in a different way. Hardy had put them around the room and on the rim of the Jacuzzi. He smiled, "Oh, Hardy, you dear man, you know exactly how to get to me, don't you." His throat choked up, his eyes went misty and his smile broadened. He raised his arms, "Hardy, my man, I love you so much."

Hardy's hand rubbed Matt's side and chest. "That's right, you do, Matt, and I love you just as much. I feel it in my heart, in my soul and in my loins. We are together, Matt, and we'll stay together. Whatever problems we have, we will handle jointly with love and devotion to each other." Hardy lay down in the water, on top of Matt's nakedness, their firm, strong flesh united in love.

They caressed each other, rubbing their bodies everywhere but just in appreciation and delight in themselves. Eyes shut, the two handsome, physically beautiful men relaxed into each other."

'Oh God,' Matt thought to himself, 'make we worthy of this wonderful man, he is the light of my life and the thrill of my body. I would die without him, succumb to my own despair."

They lay, eyes closed, silent and still in the turbulent waters, warm and soothing, while their bodies, emotions and mental synapses slow to rest and repair. Matt could barely sense Hardy lying on him nor did he realize his caresses were calming his battered nerves. He felt he had been fighting the world for his right to love Hardy, a man, his gorgeous man with so much talent Matt himself felt in awe of him and never could have dreamed such a wunderkind.

Matt also sensed that he had been leading Hardy when their union should have been more equal and on more parallel tracks. He should have watched out for Hardy more and himself less. Maybe it isn't possible for two men to love each other and work together without one lording it over the other.

'No,' Matt thought, 'it should be possible and I have to change, to love him more and to have him beside me more, not under me..' At that Matt smiled when he thought exactly what he said. 'All right,' he acceded, getting the picture, 'I do like him under me, but that's another thing all together.'

"Hardy, babe, I need to talk to you." Hardy didn't answer, 'maybe he's asleep,' Matt thought.' He let his arms slide down Hardy's body to clutch his full, solid butt cheeks. "Hardy, do you hear me?"

Hardy began stirring, his body shifting on Matt, worming his way further into his body.

"Oh," Hardy barely mumbled, "I was so into you and yourself, I must have been dreaming. I must have been dreaming, yet, I don't think so."

"Hardy, I must talk to you. I must apologize to you, I've not been fair to you in our relationship." He placed his hand lightly on Hardy's mouth. "I don't think I have been treating you fairly in our union. I'm afraid that I haven't been sharing myself with you and I've been making decisions without your counsel and advice. I didn't mean to do that, love, I'm so sorry and I want to make amends. And I will."

Hardy had his arms around Matt, embracing his chest. Matt's head had slipped into the angle of Hardy's shoulder and neck. "Hardy, I'm so sorry. I can't forgive myself. Please, help me know how to do that." Matt face was pressed into Hardy's neck, but Hardy knew Matt was not content. He, Hardy, had to help him, do something to release his torment.

"Matty, release that pain you have, you have not denied any rights to me in this partnership. You have talked about everything to me, you must have know that I would have said something if I didn't agree. God, Matt, you have helped so many people in your life, especially me. Heaven only know where I would have ended up without you. I shudder to think. Don't you know I have been in wonder of you, of your talent, your intelligence, your deep concern for everyone else? Look what you have done for Mike and Moose, for Mitch and Craig, for Rick and Jamal, for Lee and Neil, for Chris, especially for Chris. Then there was Roger and Todd who needed you desperately. Don't forget Jacob and Joshua, you worried about them before you even knew of me. Even more, your brother, Steve, how you were able to forgive him, then love him more than ever.

"You helped Ted, encouraging him to be what Brian wanted him to be."

"And, you helped me, Hardy Wolfe-Ridgway, more than anyone else. Just look where I am, a music instructor and director of one of the country's most well known groups of instrumental music, just getting better and better because of your talent, your encouragement of my abilities and your love for me and everyone else. You have always been fair, Matty, and for that I love you even more. We will work together, don't worry. We have our love, our friendship and our dedication to each other. That's what I say, Dr. Ridgway, that's what I say." He finished on a direct and honest output of his feelings.

Matt had stopped brooding and listened intently to his lover tot up his qualities and his accomplishments. 'Man, have I underestimated this wonderful man, well, no more, no more!'

Feeling much better, Matt and Hardy dried off and went back to bed. Holding each other, the two exemplary young men decided they were together and would stay together in equal partnership, no boss and no slave for the rest of their lives.

"Say, Hardy, did I tell you about Professor Jefferson?"


Matt looked at Hardy wondering where he had been. "He is the History Professor to whom I spoke about the Ridgways. Remember?"

"Okay, I think."

"Well, I talked to him way back when I first came to Windsor. I found out he had written a book about General Ridgway and said he would continue searching. He thought I might really be a descendant of the old General. I honestly never thought I was. When I talked to him the other day, he admitted he hadn't gotten anywhere and didn't know if I was or wasn't. But he would continue. He had the feeling that Gen. Ridgway's son, who died soon after graduating from West Point, had been married contrary to military regulations and the two had supposedly had a son. But no evidence at all he decided. I talked to him a bit, saying that the FBI had proved that our grandmother actually was a daughter of the General, but Steve and I were not related at all to him. However, Steve and I are definitely brothers, no question, and were adopted by our parents."

All of a sudden Matt had an idea. Something he had wanted but hadn't brought up for discussion, hadn't thought of for ages.

He started slowly, softly. "Hardy, would you listen to something I want very much to do."

"Well, sure, hon, anything." He smiled and kissed Matt on his nose, crossing his eyes trying to look into Matt's eyes.

"Mein wondertater, I would like a big photograph of our group, of you and I and everyone we have worked with here at Windsor. I would like the Dukes and Duchess out front. Hey, we could rent a section of metal bleachers to put near the house here. We'll get a professional photographer, have him organize everything."

"Matt, I think we should have a big party and get everyone here, then setup the picture. We need our friends in the department, friends in town and I want a huge picture that we can mount in the living room, one whole wall probably. What do you think?"

Matt and Hardy were lying on their sides, facing each other and cuddled closely. Both had their hands on the other's buttocks, caressing, rubbing and loving those extraordinary parts of their bodies.

"That's fine, Hardy, first thing tomorrow, we start with the list and we'll have to start getting invitations out quickly."

"This is going to be a lot of work, but well worth it, right?"

"Sure, I can just see the wall sized photograph on the living room wall. The photographer can take the picture digitally at a very high resolution so when he blows it up so much, the faces will still be clear."

For a while they exchanged ideas, getting sillier as they dueled with words, until they soon nodded off and slept in their usual manner, attached to each other. Just before they did slip off, Matt told Hardy what he'd been dreaming about for a while, "Hardy, I want to see us attain the title of the 'Bryan Howard School of Music' at Windsor College. Know what I mean?"

"Sure, Matt, I think that would be super and I'm sure Mike and Brian would be ecstatic."

Matt wondered if he should tell Hardy what else he was dreaming of. "Also, love, I would like that to read - 'Bryan Howard School of Music' at Windsor University. What do you think?"

Hardy sat up suddenly, really excited, "Is that possible, Matt? That would be unbelievable! How do we go about that?"

"We'd have to talk to the Board of Trustees, then find out what further curriculum and facilities we'd need. I'm sure it could be done without a huge pot of money. We could talk to Hamish and Dr. Bishop, the president. We offer many degree majors plus a number of advanced degrees."

Hardy flopped on top of Matt, naked bodies tight, flesh to flesh, and kissed him, grinding his steely hard cock against Matt's bigger one.

"I'm sorry, Hardy, love, but I just don't have the strength. Let's wait until morning, okay?"

"Okay, boss, I just ... ah ... uh ... oh, well, see you in the morning." He rolled off of Matt and settled against his side as usual.

Matt had no idea that morning would mean 3 am to Hardy.


Saturday, the 22nd of May, bloomed brightly from early morning until the party at noon. Matt had rented some bleachers which were set up the day before and he had the caterers already setting up the tables and chairs.

Matt and Hardy stood by the back of the farmhouse, welcoming their guests and directing them to the food and drink tables, urging restraint with their drinking. They were warned that the Big Photograph would be taken about one p.m., so they were given friendly warning.

All the Dukes and Duchess had arrived with a big surprise, Charles Lord Ballard was with them. Matt and Hardy were thrilled, especially because Charles had brought Ian, Edward and Alfred with him as his guests. They hugged Ian, Edward and Alf too, assuming they would staying a while with them. The other Dukes spotted Ian and Alf and headed to them at speed, to welcome them to the Ridgway Farmhouse, of course expecting to be around them later.

Finally, Brian and Ted showed, looking so desirable and handsome. Brian said Mike couldn't make it, so he brought Ted with him. Actually, they talked to Matt and Hardy to report that Ted and Jedd, the helicopter pilot, had decided to live together, not sure where, but Ted had plenty of money to find them a house nearby, they hoped. Soon, Jedd showed up after checking the copter in the back yard. Brian was going to sponsor them by investing in their Executive Airline, to be set up soon. Jedd would do the flying and Ted would take care of everything else, including Jedd..

The feasting was finished by one p.m. and Matt and Hardy got a megaphone to call them to the bleachers. Faculty members, Dr. Barnes from the ER at the hospital, Les Reardon of the police department, all the Dukes and alternates,

Matt was planning a big party for his regular bands later, nearer graduation.

Hardy and Matt stood together in front of the bleachers as they filled up, maybe up to a hundred friends and coworkers. The Dukes and Duchess sat in the center of the bottom row with the Dean holding Moose on one side and Mike on the other.

Suddenly, Roger stood up by his front row seat.

"Will everybody shut up, please?" Roger yelled loud enough to get every's attention. "Ok, folks, now is the time. Matt and Hardy will please smile and not move. Okay, guys."

The two men hadn't any idea what Roger was doing, when suddenly at least 100 digital cameras flashed into their eyes. Their first expression was one of being stunned, so they waved back at everyone.

"Please, let us get a better face on, if you will." They smiled warmly, arms around each other.

"Okay," Roger spoke again, "Now, Dr. Matt Ridgway and Director Hardy Wolfe- Ridgway, we would all like see a wonderfully passionate kiss between you two, our great leaders." He sat again, "Ready, now, one ... two .... THREE!" The whole area exploded with brilliant flashes of light, capturing Matt and Hardy holding each other in a loving and adorable clinch. Almost every one in the stands had a digital camera in their hands.

The whole group burst out with cheers and whistles and catcalls. That went on for five minutes at least and only stopped when Matt and Hardy waved their arms, trying to get their attention so the Big Picture could be taken. They only quit finally when Matt and Hardy kissed again for all the requests.

Roger stood up again while he and Todd walked up to Matt and Hardy. They pushed and pulled them to sit on the lawn in front of the first row, forcefully putting Matt's arm around Hardy and vice versa.

"Now we'll get the final photo with our distinguished leaders. Everyone, all shut up and smile. For all of us."

Within ten minutes the photographer signaled that the Big Picture was in the camera. The crowd on the bleacher was released to find more food and drinks, talk with their friends and regretfully left around 4 p.m.

Matt and Hardy had never been hugged and kissed by so many, men and woman both, they had taxed their emotions, feelings and sentiments. When Les Reardon hugged Matt, he whispered that Dr. Powers, Matt's nemesis, was dead, suicide in Columbus.

"So, Matt, you have a free road ahead. God bless you and don't have any more problems. Okay?" He even gave Matt a little peck on the cheek.

At that the tears were flooding down his cheeks, and he grabbed Hardy to hold him, and sob on his shoulder.

Edward, Ian and Alfie were staying at the farmhouse that night. They would be having a good time with the Dukes while Charles and Chris were staying with the Griffiths, Christine' parents, at their home. The Dukes themselves had been invited to stay and party in the pool.

Nana Anne Wolfe had been watching the boys, Jacob and Joshua, all day. She had her party with the Dukes in the evening.

It would take time to get the picture printed on a 24 x 12 foot sheet, eventually being papered on the largest living room wall. Matt never had a photograph like that taken again, the first and original couldn't be topped in his thoughts or Hardy's. With all the new Dukes and Duchess chosen for the next year, having decided on Eve Gardinerie as the Duchess, they knew their work was cut out for them,

On June 15th Matt and Hardy and the Dukes, along with Brian and Congressman Mike Keith, traveled to England, to Ballard Hall where Christine's and Charles' wedding was performed. A special acquaintance, Elizabeth II, Queen of England, also was a guest along with her entourage. Everyone had a great experience, loving the couple and the whole tradition. Many were the opportunities that night for loving adventures between friends and sometimes acquaintances.

Next, Chapter, 38, of The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor will tell where our friends were ten years following that BIG PICTURE party.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Next: Chapter 38

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