Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 4, 2023


The Dukes of Windsor Book - II - Chapter 6

Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental.

If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me .When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject.line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.

Greg and Will with Mark and Ted walked through eight houses for rent, some for sale. Nothing really pleased them. Some were too expensive, too modern, too old, too junky, too much a 'fixer-upper' and some just looked as if they were filled with nasty spirits. Will never explained why he felt that way.

At the last house Will took Greg out into the back porch. "Greg, I want you to listen to me. Okay?"


"I'm not just your little cousin or brother, however you want to say it, I count. Right?" Greg looked at Will strangely, not knowing what he was getting at.

"Of course you count, love."

"Okay, I have as much say in what we get as you. Right?"

Then Greg hesitated in his mind,. 'What is the kid getting at?"

Will hit Greg on the shoulder with his fist. "You just thought 'what's with this kid.' Right?"

"No, no, Will, I wouldn't."

"Sure you would and you did. I know I'm right but please say that I was right. But only if it is the truth." He was deeply serious standing in front of his lover. "This is serious, Greg."

When Greg looked at Will's face, he saw that Will's eyes were swimming in unshed tears, and his body said, 'Take me seriously now, or I know you never will.'

Greg grabbed Will into his arms, "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. Yes, I said 'kid' in my mind, but hon, that's going to be hard to stop." Will gave him a quick, accusing glance, "But, yes, love, I will change. I will take you seriously and we will be equal partners, I promise." He started to kiss Will who wrenched his way out of Greg's arms.

"NO, no, Greg, you can't just kiss me and it will all be perfect. It won't." Will was almost frantic. "Please, Greg, I love you with all my heart and soul, my body, especially one bit, loves you more than anything." He pulled Greg over to a wooden swing hanging on chains to the ceiling of the porch to sit and rock. Greg realized that he had to be careful with Will, he needed to take him seriously. He followed him to the swing.

"Greg, please, just hold my hand. I know you love me as I love you, no question." He glanced sideways at Greg, a tiny smile on his lips. "Let's do it this way. I want something right now, and I want you to agree. Will you do that?"

"Well, if it isn' ....

"Damn it, Greg, will you do that. No conditions or ifs or buts. Okay. Please tell me 'yes'."

Finally, Greg knew he had met his match, no getting out of it, he was hooked, solid. He took both of Will's hands in his own and turned toward Will.

"Will, I promise I will say yes to the next thing you ask." He smiled, "But it better not be bleaching my hair." Will laughed, breaking the tension, and grabbed Greg in the steel-like clutch of his. Greg felt the power in this smaller young man, a gymnast's strength.

Will was elated, overjoyed, "Okay, let's talk to Mark and Ted, and .. . I do the talking. Right?" Greg nodded. "You don't talk, right?" Greg nodded. "You just nod your head like you are doing now?" Greg nodded and smiled, though inwardly somewhat fearful of his agreement.

Will led Greg to the front porch where Mark and Ted were waiting.

Will spoke with purpose, "Mark, we want to buy the first house we saw today. That was the gorgeous farm house about half a mile from the Ridgways that Greg said was too expensive."

"Yes, I know the one." Mark answered. Ted had a big smile on his face because he knew that Will had totally overridden Greg. He was 'the Man' now, at least for the moment.

"Okay," Will continued. "That's the one we want to purchase," Greg gave him an astounded expression, wide eyed and gaping mouth. "Yes, Greg, that's what I want, that house and all the furniture in it. And I was wondering how much land could we buy with it. We might need to have some animals and some big gardens, too, maybe even a stable."

Mark and Ted were having hysterics while Greg was having serious apoplexy. He could hardly breathe and his heart seemed to have stopped working completely.

"Oh, hell, Greg, deal with it. That's what I want." He decided he'd better help Greg so he grabbed him, patting him on the back, patting his butt then goosed him until he recovered with a sudden spasm. He coughed lightly, breathing deeply. His eyes finally seemed to come into focus so he could realize where he was.

"But, but....."

Will broke in, "Remember Greg, no ifs, ands, or buts .... well, except for this cute one," he caressed Greg's hard buttocks. He smiled at Greg and at last worked a smile from him. Then he kissed him hard on the lips.

Mark pushed between them, held out his hand and shook with Will and Greg, "Boy, are you guys lucky. I took you to that one first because it is the best in the area, hoping you would take it. Another couple was looking at it, but I'd much rather you two have it than them." He winked as from one conspirator to another. "They were too 'uppity' for me."

Ted also squeezed in to hug Will and Greg, too. He liked Will but Greg was the hottest, sexiest and most adorable man he'd ever seen. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'I've got Jedd and he's the greatest too.' He and Jedd had been talking about starting a business with helicopters and stuff.

Will confronted Mark, "We'll be paying cash, Mark, that's the way I want to do it. And it will take me a few days to have the money transferred. And, that's the way it will be." He looked at Greg, still dizzy, "Is that okay with you, lover?"

When Greg just nodded his head, the Anthony's again had hysterics, but managed to sober up when they went to the car. Once more Mark drove to the house they wanted and let them spend an hour or so inspecting it. Will was the one who talked non-stop, describing what they could do with this room, or that one. Greg was mute most of the way, but Ted and Mark could see that he adored his Will and worshiped him above all else.

"Greg, you can talk now. Okay?" They had all reached the front porch where Greg hugged Will as if he would never let him go. "Will, you have amazed me, but I'm so pleased with what you have done. Will you marry me?"

"Sure, lover." He whispered in Greg's ear, "Honey, it is our money, not mine. Believe it. And this is an investment, also."

Again the Anthony's broke up as their clients hugged and Greg picked up Will and swung him around, hoping his leg would stay attached. They'd had a lot of clients, but none as enjoyable as these two. Mark called out, "Greg and Will, these are the keys to the house. We have shaken on the deal and that's as good as gold to me. Enjoy your house, you deserve it."

"Oh, Mark, where do I have the money sent?"

"You and Greg get an account at the First National Bank of Windsor, it is next to the campus on Main St. When you have the money there, then we'll do up the paper work and you guys are all set." He gave a squirrely smile, "Hope you invite us to your House Warming party."

Greg hugged Mark and Ted, "You can count on it. I hear that Ted is good with parties and maybe he'll help us. Right?"

"Absolutely, Greg, I'll be there."

Mark had one last thing, "I'll take care of putting the utilities in your name and will tell you what I've done. Everything is working now, so if you guys want to move in tonight, you may."

Greg and Will looked at each other, "Mmmmm, I think we'll sponge on Matt and Hardy for a while longer. We need to get our stuff from Bryan which will take a while. Thanks Mark, we'll call you when we are ready."

Mark got them back to their truck and they drove to the Ridgway farm house.

Hamish waited for his 'sons' to come home, they were usually home by then. He fixed himself another martini and sat in the middle of the couch in the den, trying to read a magazine, People. Most of those people in that issue were unfamiliar to him. Couldn't be very important. Hamish didn't watch much television, particularly not the so-called reality shows. Nothing could be less real than those frauds.

Finally, he heard Moose's car come in the driveway. He could tell the Moose didn't pull into the garage, he must have to go out tonight. Hamish had gotten Mike a car, a used car, but he mostly wanted to ride with his brother anyway. He guessed that Moose's car was more 'bad' than Mike's. He did try to live in the present, as much as he could stand.

The boys came in through the kitchen as usual. He knew they would look around, one of them would poke their head in the refrigerator and one poke in the den. Yep, there was Moose's head.

"Hey, Moose, you guys have to go out tonight?"

Moose walked across the den to sit next to Hamish. "Yeah, Dad, I have a meeting with parents of kids who have signed up for our high school wrestling team. As the wrestling coach, I let them know what equipment to buy at first. If the boy makes the team, then they have a lot more to hunt for." He turned to stare into Hamish's eyes. He noted the martini and the People magazine. 'He hates that magazine and I'll bet has had a couple or more martinis already. I think we may be in trouble' "Mike will be home though, earlier he went to the gym to work out a bit. Actually, I think he needs a nap." Moose smiled facing Hamish, "He is so cute, ain't ... whoops ... isn't he, Pops? And he's getting hotter and much better built all the time."

Hamish smiled wanly, "We need to talk, Moose, Mike too. I need to tell you some things and I need you to respond. Matt says I have to, so in that case, I must. Could you holler up for Mike?"

Moose did that, irritating Hamish's ears, but in a few seconds, Mike joined them. He had been prepared for a nap so just wore his boxers. He asked the boys to sit on either side of him. This they did, Moose on his right, Mike on his left side. They both put their nearest arm around Hamish's shoulders, squeezing him between them.

"Boys, I did talk to Matt about this problem of mine. He promised never to tell anyone about it. And I know he will keep his word. You know he is my conscience, don't you?

"Let me get this out, tell you what my problem is, and you can respond to that. I want to I go through the whole thing first. I'll do my best." He patted his boys' nearest thigh.

"You guys know that I love you, you know that you are the boys I always wanted in my life, and I know you love me too." He smiled at each of them, "and that's a given. I feel that you are my sons. "Now, my feelings have changed, I don't know why, or how, but there has been a change and I'm hoping I don't freak you out."

While Hamish took a drink of his martini, the boys were both panicking, wondering what could have happened to their Dad.

"I won't prolong this, though I wish I could. Boys, I'm scared to death," he raised a hand at their anxious faces, "No I'm not sick, I don't have a disease, this is all in my head." He smiled, "And I do think that I am sane as ever, maybe." Hamish knew that he had to tell them, he couldn't stall any longer.

"Okay, my sons, I've said I love you as my boys, part of my family without reserve. And, I know you have loved me too." Right?"

Moose and Mike was still unsure of Hamish's direction of thought, but nodded to him.

He dropped his face into his hands, "What has happened, my sons, is that I have fallen IN LOVE with you two." He raised his head, "Believe me, Moose, and you too, Mike, I've tried not to do this, but it's no use. I love you desperately and I'm in love with you beyond my ken." He watched their expressions, 'what were they thinking, thinking that I'm stinking pervert?' Moose calmly spoke first, nonchalantly, "Hey, Dad, we've known that for a long time. Why do you think we wanted to keep sleeping with you? We've known every time you got a hard cock, and by the way we think that's a big one. Bigger than Mike's anyway. Right, Mikey?" Hamish gasped, thinking, 'They already knew and knew about my hard ons. Oh shit!'

"Sure, Moose, we've been in love with you, Dad, since we came here. That first day when Matt brought us." He grinned, "You were so cute, Dad, and sweet. Even though you eventually tried to corral us, we still were in love with you." He turned toward Moose, "Dad, Moose and I are as IN love with you just as we are in love with each other. You have been so sweet to let us sleep with you, and also have our own loving time by ourselves."

Hamish concurred, "I wanted to be fair with you boys, you needed time to express your love to each other. And you have done that, I assume."

They blushed, "Yes, Dad, we do." They also smiled at each other, remembering their love. "And, we are tired of all this talk," Moose agreed, "Dad, will you please stand up with us." Moose and Mike stood up, with Dad standing between them. Mike was in front of Hamish and Moose behind, pressing against their love, wrapping him in their arms and bodies.

Mike started, "Come on, Dad, I'll help, let's go upstairs. Moose has to get to his high school, but we can't wait for him. When he comes home, we can talk about it." He smiled at Moose, "Isn't that okay, Moosie, babe?"

Moose whined, "Can't you wait for me, please, please. I can make it quick and be back in an hour. Okay, guys?" Hamish and Mike looked at each other. They nodded together, "Okay, Moose, we'll wait, maybe have some dinner." He smiled and kissed Hamish on the lips. "Maybe not."

"Better go, Moose, in a hurry," Hamish grinned, "I don't know how long we can wait."

Moose ran out of the house, into his car and headed to the high school.

Hamish and Mike sat in the kitchen snacking and holding hands. They were doing a lot of smiling. Hamish couldn't help staring at Mike's hardon peeking through his boxers, waving, could he be soliciting? He smiled dream-like and squeezed Mike's hand, their eyes meeting in delight.

Dinner at the Ridgway Farm was a festive affair. The whole group was pleased with the home purchase that Greg and Will had made. Greg was careful to give all the credit to Will, to his tenacity and brains. He didn't mention that Will had a lot of money himself which he would use to get the house for them..

Matt's first opinion of the house was that he and Hardy had looked at the house and almost bought it even though it was too small for their needs. "Greg and Will, that is a great house, and will be a fine home for you two. You do have extra bedrooms for little feet that might come along. Believe me, these boys of ours have made our family so exciting and sometimes a bit of pandemonium, but who cares." Since Jacob and Joshua were at the table, Matt didn't tell about their being kidnaped, that could come later for their new guests.

Hardy asked them, "When can you move in?"

"Mark Anthony already gave us the keys to the house, can you believe that?" Will replied.

"I sure can," Matt answered, "he gave us the keys to this house before we had even signed any papers. You'll find that Mark, and Ted, will be great friends if you give them a chance."

Hardy broke in, laughing, "Hey, isn't that Ted a hot one, right? And his grandfather isn't far behind."

The whole gathering combined into an orchestra of 'Hear Hear's, and 'yahoo's, and sharp, piercing whistles from Roger. Ted sure had made a lot of friends there at Ridgway Farm. Someday, Matt thought he needed to tell Greg and Will all about Brian and Mike from River City and the story of the late Bryan Howard, Mike Keith's late friend and the person whose life is commemorated on the new Music Building.

Hardy wondered, "Hey, Greg, when are you going to go get your things and bring them up here. You have the key so your belongings could be stored in your house. I'd be glad to go with you and help. Okay?"

Greg looked a little startled, he hadn't even thought of that. "Uh..." That was his best thought on the situation. Hardy laughed, "Greg, you may want to think that over, man." He laughed even harder, "Ah, Greg, it isn't that hard. We could hire a U-Haul truck in the morning." He turned to Will, "How much furniture does he have there, Will?"

"I don't know how much is really his," he gave an evil smirk, "but I do know he needs a big box for all his tapes that are hidden behind the bookshelves." Then he was laughing with the whole group, much to Greg's dismay. "Sorry, Greg, just couldn't restrain myself." He dropped into and easy chair and held his stomach. With the looks that Greg gave his lover, everyone thought that Will should have restrained himself, for sure. Then Will hopped to Greg, wrapped his legs around Greg's waist and arms around his neck and held on tight. "I'm sorry, booby, you know I love you."

Greg had a angry cast in his eyes, so he held onto Will tightly and walked slowly to the pool room where he leaned over the pool trying to drop Will into it.

"No, no, don't drop me," Will was wailing, and laughing too.

Greg tried, but couldn't get Will off his body. Finally he gave one big push and they both splashed into the water, clothing, shoes and all.

The whole room was in an uproar, everyone talking and laughing at once. Eventually they sat down and watched Greg and Will floating, kissing and hugging. They pretty much ignored their audience to put their attention on their lover.

Greg whispered into Will's ear, and they slowly stepped out of the pool to get two big towels and walked toward a table. Almost in slow motion, they gradually stripped themselves in front of everyone, underwear included. After they were naked, they did keep their backs toward their audience. Their best sides, many of the males thought. They wrapped a towel around themselves and as in a grand parade, holding hands, they moved stately, side by side up the grand staircase to their room, completely ignoring everyone else. Those present who hadn't seen Will's torso before were awed by the grandeur of his magnificent musculature. When they vanished, talk went around that the event they just witnessed would be placed in the lore of the Ridgway Farm archives.

Their new friends, Todd and Roger, went through the men's clothing for valuables. Two wallets came from the back pockets and soon everything of paper was drying, spread out on one of the tables in the pool room, including the cash. They tried not to look at what they found, but didn't miss two condoms in each wallet. Todd smiled, turned to Roger, softly said, "They were prepared for anything." Roger nodded and grinned wickedly, waggling his eyebrows. And on Roger, that was a big thing, his eyebrows were bigger than Groucho's, though Todd took on the job of keeping them separated over his nose, and trimmed.

Todd went to the pool room cabinet and brought back a large cotton table cloth to be placed over all the items to help dry and to keep them private.

Anne was looking on, wondering what could be done. She decided that while the boys were in their room, she would iron all of it carefully. Fortunately most of the important items were encased in plastic. Those she smartly decided not to iron.

Greg and Will had made precious friends already in the Ridgway home, friends who would stay with them forever. They had bared their bodies and souls, inviting their new friends to come in and look around. Of course Hardy had known Greg since high school, so he provided an insight about his friend for all the Ridgways.

The next morning Greg, Will and Hardy left for Bryan in a U-Haul van to pick up the men's belongings from Greg's house. Their clothing had been pressed by Anne and after Will's prosthesis drained and dried out, he was able to wear it again. After they arrived, Hardy and Will set about to filling the truck with their valuables. Greg left to Will the job of identifying the important from the useless. And Will found out that Greg only had four gay sex videos. He made sure they fit in a box and put it in the van marked, Czech Study Tapes. Thank goodness for Bel Ami.

Greg's first call was to Eddie who was on his day off. Greg had known this and hoped that he could help. He could and would. Although Greg had told his father what was going on, he called him to ask if he could have lunch with them. His Dad answered in the affirmative. They together agreed to eat at Gregory's, the nearest restaurant to Greg's house. Not a fine place, but they served good food for reasonable prices.

With the three of them working, most of the heavy stuff had been loaded before Eddie got there. He parked his pickup behind the truck and slowly got out, looking them over.

"Oh, darn," Eddie commented innocently, "I've missed most of the heavy stuff."

The others laughed and Greg introduced Eddie to Hardy. "Hardy, this is our best friend in Bryan, Eddie Bates, he's a wonderful worker with the Bryan EMS, and has been a great, close friend to both of us. He sure helped Will a lot when my young friend here arrived." They all shook hands. Greg and Eddie hugged as did Will. Will's eyes were very moist and slightly red, but not dripping, as yet.

Greg noticed that Hardy was looking at Eddie, closely. He even walked around the man, checking all sides.

"What's up, Hardy? You see something you like?" Greg laughed, trying to tease Hardy.

"Ah .... no .... ah you know, Greg, there's something very familiar about Eddie, like he's someone I should know. " He shook his head, slowly, "I just can't place it, somewhere he has a twin or close relative." He smiled and patted Eddie on the back, "Eddie, nothing wrong, somebody I know looks just like you. Or maybe vice versa. Except I don't know who." He continued patting all over Eddie's back, "Hey, guy, you are some built, aren't you?" That was not a question, an honest statement.

Eddie blushed, not used to being felt or having his physique judged by a stranger. Greg broke in, "Hardy, Eddie is in fine shape, he and I have worked out together, but of course I'm always way behind him."

Will piped up, "And he's got a huge .... ah .... chest ... ah ... as you can see." That time Will's face heated up like an electric burner on high, as did Eddie's. He almost said the wrong thing, and everyone knew exactly what he had been going to say. He would apologize to Eddie, but the big man had already forgiven him, he loved his Will.

A little later Will and Eddie were piling books in boxes, mostly Greg's college books. Will hugged Eddie as best he could, "I'm so sorry, Eddie, I didn't mean to say that, that was between us, please forgive me." He lay his head on Eddie's pecs, feeling their softness and the hard muscles too.

"Will, you are forgiven, I love you remember. It was just a little slip and now everyone knows that I have a huge .... cock. And that's not bad, either." He looked down into Will's face, loving the beauty he found there, "But I expect a kiss now and some later. Okay?"

Will wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck and pulled himself high enough to meet his lips with his own. "I'll always love you, Eddie, always." Now Will was dripping tears on both of their faces. "Why don't you come live in Windsor with us? We'll find you a job. Okay?"

Eddie tightened his hold on Will, "My baby, I certainly will think about it. I love this city, but ... well, we'll see." Like a parent who isn't sure quite what to do. He hated to admit it, but he also had tears in his eyes. They both heard someone start to enter the room, and retreated after he saw the two of them holding each other so tightly. When Greg saw the two of them, he knew he had to get out, or he'd be crying with them. He found something else to carry out, and called out to Hardy to help. That way, he would alert Will and Eddie to break it up. They did part, but held each other's hands, diving into the other's eyes with love and respect. They quickly wiped their eyes and carried out a small table which Eddie could have lifted with one 'pinkie'. Late that evening, back in Windsor in their new house, Will pleaded with Greg to find Eddie a job up there with them. "We need him, Greg, I'm in love with you, you know, but I do love my big, strong friend and I know you do too."

"But you saw his hard on, didn't you?" Greg winked, a little jealous because he hadn't.

Again Will blushed, quietly, "Yes, but it was by mistake. I should be spanked for referring to it this morning."

"My baby, just for curiosity's sake, how did you see his big cock?"

Will told how Eddie thought Will was gone for the day and he took a shower in their bathroom, walking out into the living room just starting to dry off. He dick was like iron and forging straight out ahead. "He said he was sorry, but didn't cover it up, I think he was just too startled." He kissed Greg, "I shouldn't have done, but I grabbed it in my hand, just playing with it a bit, pumping it some, which I think put him into a momentary trance while I touched it." Then Will remembered, "I asked him how long it was but he didn't know. So I measured. Nine inches."

"Soon he apologized for not having it put away, tempting me to touch it. It wasn't his fault at all."

Again Will felt bad, he shouldn't have touched Eddie. "Greg, I've told him a number of times that I shouldn't have touched, even if it was in the open. Well, that's the way it was."

He continued, "I think Eddie is more gay than he lets on. Don't you?"

"Baby, we may never know. It isn't important, anyway, right?"


When the van was completely full, nothing else to put in it, they closed and locked the doors. Greg's Dad had arrived and was introduced to Hardy, everyone else knew him. "Hey, guys, I'm hungry," his dad complained, "Let's get this show on the road." Greg and Will rode with Greg's Dad in his car, while Eddie and Hardy rode in Eddie's truck. Only took a few minutes to reach the restaurant and settle in at a large round table. The drinks were served and their orders were taken.

Mr. Gooding questioned Greg, wondering if he will really like it in Windsor.

"I think Will and I are going to love it. My position with the College is a great one and won't take too much time. Will is signed up for all his classes."

Hardy broke in, "Did Matt tell you that he'd applied for scholarship money for Will. The dean will approve."

Will started to say something, but Greg stopped him by grasping his nearest thigh, hard. "Well, Hardy, that's great. We'll have to talk to Matt, though, later."

"Dad," Greg spoke reminded his father, "It's only 15 miles away and we hope you spend a lot of time with us. And we have some spare bedrooms, you could live with us."

"No," Greg's father practically shouted, "No, this is my home here, I'm too old to think of leaving." He smiled at Greg and Will, "I will visit as much as you can stand, but my heart stays in Bryan." He was a little embarrassed, "You two need your own space, not with a father sitting around wondering what you are doing now." He smiled with a guilty twist, not really wanting to think about their sex life. The others smiled at Mr. Gooding's discomfort, dealing with a reality he didn't understand or want to. "Okay, Dad, that's your pleasure, but you will come visit, right? You know, you could have some grandchildren someday!"

Mr. Gooding started laughing, "All right, now tell me which one of you will get pregnant." The whole table roared, amazed at Mr. Gooding's joke. He had just won over the whole gang. Will leaned over toward Mr. G, "We'll tell you ... when it happens." His winning smile crinkled his whole face, giving his countenance the image of a loving sprite.

The meal was finished and they all stood. "Hey, Eddie, we'd appreciate it if you would follow us up to Windsor. Just in case we drop something valuable, like Will."

Greg was telling Eddie that they didn't want to say good-bye yet. "And we want you to see our new house. Well, it's about 80 years old, but in great shape. And you could stay overnight."

"Are you kidding, Greg and Will, I'll do no such thing. I'll look it over and maybe a cup of coffee, but I'm not staying over on your first night in the new house. I might be stupid, but I'm not a moron quite yet." He patted both Greg and Will on the back.

"Bye, Dad, see you soon. I'll give you a call after we get unloaded." He yelled like a Wagon Master, "Forward, Ho!!"

Greg turned into their driveway just half a mile from the Ridgway Farm. He and Will looked at their house from a distance, hardly remembering the building they had bought a few days before. It was a two story with a hip roof and porch extending across two sides and front under another shorter roof. The frontage contained five upstairs windows and three large windows on the first floor. The building was all white with gentle grey shutters and trim. The roof was of dark red, almost brick color shingles, locked in place. Four dormers adorned the roof, but were just for decoration, they thought.

Greg and Will had looked in the library in Bryan for books showing homes of the same vintage. Those with color pictures showed them decorated with a number of vivid colors on the same building. They both thought they might in later years bring it back to the original style of painting.

Greg had noticed Hardy using his cell phone before they left and wondered who he was calling. As soon as they pulled in the driveway of their house, he knew. Everyone from the Ridgway home and a number of others were waiting on the front porch. Tears started coming from Greg's eyes making his steering of the van a bit flaky. Both he and Will were overcome by their emotions for these wonderful people. By the time the van and Eddie's pickup stopped, the trucks were surrounded. Will was as affected as Greg, tears flowing down his face. Matt pulled Will out of the truck and hugged him with vigorous arms. Will reached into the cab for his crutches. He'd been walking a lot that day and his left stump was really tired and achy, probably somewhat bruised with the prosthesis. He held onto Matt while he got his crutches under his arms.

"Welcome, home, Will and Greg, I better explain." He had everyone's attention, "Most of you know that the Ridgway's are prone to have unannounced parties and this in one of them"

He watched Greg and Will's eyes bug out, how could they have a party?

"To the Goodings, I say, don't worry. We'll do all of the party and especially the barbeque for dinner. Ted Anthony has started on the Ridgway grill to barbeque the meat. Now the rest of us will take your chattel and goods into your home. Hardy was suppose to watch where everything was located in your former house. However .... he probably has ...."

Hardy broke in, "Wait a minute, wait a minute." He was standing beside Eddie, "Where is Moose? Moose I'm calling you." He waited, "I want Moose, where the hell are you?"

Wide-eyed eyed, Moose appeared at the front door, buttoning his flies, embarrassed again. "Well, geez, Hardy, I just had to go." The whole assemblage roared at Moose's simple statement of fact.

"That's okay, Moose, we all love you and when you have to go, you have to go." He smiled warmly at Moose, "Would you come here, Moose, and stand by this gentleman here."

Not understanding what was going on, "Sure, Hardy, anything?"

So, Eddie and Moose were standing side by side. Hardy yelled, "Does anyone notice anything about these two big, and I mean big, men?"

Everyone was stretching, gawking, trying to see them from the front. In just a few seconds a chorus of 'oohs' and 'ahs', some 'oh mys' and OMG's. Even Matt and Greg and Will looked at the two of them, seeing what Hardy saw, these guys had to be related.

"Everyone, the man on my left is Eddie Bates, an EMT from Bryan, best friend of our new friends, Greg and Will Gooding. On my right as you all know is Moose Monahan, a Ridgway close friend, Dean Hamish MacAllister's son number one. That's alphabetically. In case you didn't know, Moose's real first name is Matthew which comes before Mike." Hardy gave a smart-ass grin.

"It is my considered opinion that these two men have to be related. While we unload the van and fill the house, these two men will talk to discover the relationship. Greg and Will can tell you where everything goes in the house. Let's go to work."

While their house was being setup, Greg and Will just stood around and directed the mover's helpers when looking for a place to set a large wooden object down, anywhere! Eddie and Moose were taking all the big, heavy furniture by themselves. And they did figure out what the connection was. But that would only be announced at the party.

The Ridgway's family brought everything needed for about 50 people; including meat, salad, rolls, relishes, chips and dips, plastic plates and utensils, napkins, barrels and garbage bags, drinks (non-alcoholic) and a mammoth cake for dessert. Anne had worked all morning making it with frosting which read, "Welcome Home, Greg and Will". When they saw the cake, they cried again, tears wetting down the napkins tucked in their shirts.

The two Gooding men found Anne and surrounded her with hugs and kisses, swearing their devotion to her and promised favors aplenty. Anne enjoyed the attention and love that was evident in their words and faces. She kissed them and pushed them away, "Go enjoy your party."

So many people were introduced to them they just couldn't remember then all. Matt sat down at Greg's desk and wrote a list of the people who had been at their House Warming. Some of them had graduated and would be off to more graduate work or jobs.

BJ and LJ introduced themselves in their usual manner, exaggerating their heights in reverse order, waiting for their victims to correlate their cock size into the mix. Christine and Charles had been married and lived in England. Greg and Will were treated with many pictures of the Dukes of Windsor and Christine herself. Rick and Jamal had met them in the pool just recently, loveliest brown man Jamal was. They also knew Todd and Roger from staying in the Ridgway home. Moose and Mike were familiar, but they introduced their 'father' to the men. Of course Greg had met him previously. The G's hadn't met Mitch MacPherson and Craig Lawrence, the internet wizards soon to incorporate their business. Mitch was a sophomore at Windsor who promised Will that he would help any way he could. The party was winding down, all the food had been eaten and everybody was full. Matt got everyone's attention to announce the cake was ready for cutting. Some groaned because they were full, but most cheered the Goodings, welcoming them to the 'family'. The fact that Greg was gay had been intimated, but in love with each other? Will hadn't been included as a gay person, that had not been indicated or even hinted at. Naturally everyone wondered, but so what!

While most mouths were filled with cake, Matt introduced Moose to them again.

"Hi, everybody. Well, Eddie and I have been talking ever since he arrived. Eddie is a Bates, because his father, Charles Monahan, had passed away with a heart attack when Eddie was 10. A few years later his mother married a man named William Bates and he adopted Eddie later. At first Eddie wanted to keep his father's name, but William soon won him over. They were a warm and loving family and Eddie looked up to him as he grew up. "Now for the relationship. Charles Monahan, Eddie's real father, was the brother of my father, an uncle I had not known about. My father was not a friend to his relatives, especially of Charles Monahan. So, here we are, cousins, just like Greg and Will." The two big men, Eddie and Moose, stood, arms around each other, patting the other's back. For a joke, they backed away and took a boxing stance. They touched clenched fists, looking fiercely at the other, started to move toward them, but suddenly released their fists and adopted a standing wrestling hold. They smiled and let go, raising their arms, hands clasped together.

Everyone cheered and yelled, "Go Eddie, get Moose". They hugged and waved.

Alone, in their own house, Greg and Will headed for their bed. They realized that a lot of work would be needed to completely straightened the house for company. They were thinking that their first guest would be Greg's Dad. As they slid between the cool, fresh sheets, naked and aroused, they met in the middle for a good night cuddle. Their first night in their new home and in bed together, they hold on, comforting and portraying their love with fingers, eyes and lips and tongues. They were terribly tired and emotionally drained, but so happy and content.

"Greg, I'm wondering what I am going to do if some hot guy comes on to me at school. If I don't take up with someone, people will wonder about our relationship. Or, if I decide I need a girl to keep my secret life, what would I do with her?"

Greg looked skeptically at Will, "You wouldn't know what to do with a girl?"

"You're embarrassing me, Greg. No, I hardly ever dated, and for sure not to point of maybe having sex. I didn't mind being around girls, I had a couple of girl friends, just friends, and enjoyed being with them. But when any girl come on too strong, I just left."

"Gee, Willie, am I going to have to give you the birds and bees talk? The one your Dad should have given you."

"Hah, in connection to sex, he just told me not to come back to the house. No, he didn't get a chance. He was very late in his duties" Will ran his hands down Greg's back and over his buttocks. "How are you feeling now, Greg?"

He groaned, "I think I have a lot of sore muscles which I hope will ease by morning. My back is telling me that I should let it rest. How is your leg? You were on it a lot today." Greg ran his hand down the remnant of Will's leg, sensing the soreness. He smiled with evil delight, "What was on your mind?"

Will changed his mind, he wouldn't ask Greg to have sex with him. They would wait until morning.

"Greg, love, I just want to lay here and hold you while you ease your muscles. I love you so much, hon, you are my breath and my hope."

They cuddled each other gently, softly and with all their love. The breathing slowed, bodies stopped jerking and quavering.

Greg was gradually coming awake, coming to, though on the way he was still dreaming that someone was making his crotch feel the warm moistness and softness touching him. His breathing sped up and the urgency in his loins had almost reached his peak. Finally awake, he realized that Will was sucking his cock, and he was going to spew his semen.

"Will, don't Will, stop I'm going .... going to ... ugh .... oh, I did. Oh, love."

After he finished spouting, Greg reached down under Will's arms and pulled him on top of his chest.

"Oh, baby, you shouldn't have done that." He kissed Will's lips, tasting his own juices on them, licking the shiny red flesh. He grinned at Will, "I loved it, hon. Now we better get in the shower. It's going to take us hours to finish unpacking and get everything in the right place."

Greg slid out of bed first, went to Will's side to help him up. Will put his arm around Greg's shoulder and hopped to the shower in their master bedroom. The shower was big enough for a basketball team. Greg started washing Will, rubbing his soapy hands over the young man's smooth, muscular body, sometimes tweaking his nipples. Will shook nervously though his hard cock waved from side to side. Almost finished, Greg gave Will's butt a swat, when they heard some banging at their front door. Then someone was yelling in a loud male voice, "Hey, guys, ain't you up yet?"

Will heard the noise, "Hey, Greg, that sounded like Eddie. Wonder where he stayed last night?"

"I guess I'd better let him in or he'll wake the neighbors," Greg complained wryly.

"But Greg, we don't have any neighbors," Will explained.

"Well, the Ridgways then."

Greg pulled a large white towel around his waist and raced down the stairs, leaving wet footprints behind. By the time he got to the front door, the pounding has stopped. Thinking he recognized a familiar outline through the stained glass window, he threw open the front door and Eddie walked in with a tray of breakfast food for them. Under clear covered plates, Greg saw eggs, bacon, pancakes, even a pitcher of coffee. "Hey, Eddie, where have you been?" Greg took the tray from him so Eddie could pick up a box still on the porch, grinning. "This is great, did you cook this?"

Eddie laughed, "I expect you thought I'd gone back to Bryan. Well, Moose wouldn't let me go, I spent the night at the Dean's house."

"What's going on down there?" Will was yelling from the top of the stairs, standing nude with his hands on his hips, his short leg waving in the air. He had hopped safely with his gymnastic training from the shower. Then he noticed Eddie.

"Eddie, come on up. Hurry and get me down. " Eddie gave the box to Greg and rushed up the stairs to his favorite. He picked up Will under the arms and behind the knees, holding him like a child in his arms. Will held on tight to his big friend, "Eddie, so good to see you. Will you help me get my leg on, and get dressed?" Eddie knew very well that Will didn't need his help, but as the bulge in his pants showed, he really enjoyed helping his little friend. One of his huge hands was gently patting Will's soft, yet solid cheeks. Will loved it but ignored it. His real love was Greg. In ten minutes Will and Eddie got to the kitchen to see the table loaded with breakfast goodies. Eddie had carried Will down, but he walked from there. "Some of your breakfast is warming in the oven, which works, by the way, so when you are ready we'll bring it out."

"So, Eddie," Will asked, "you stayed overnight with Moose, Mike and Hamish. Was there room enough for all of you?"

Eddie was excited, "You have to see the dean's house, it is a mansion, gorgeous, huge. He said to bring you guys back for lunch. Take a break from your unpacking."

Will raised his eyebrows, "Can we, Greg? It wouldn't take long, and we don't have anything to eat here."

"I guess so," Greg answered, not sure that is was the right thing to do. Then he thought he could talk to the Dean about scholarships which Will didn't need.

Eddie jumped up, excited, "I'm supposed to call if you can make it. The dean is so great. And no, I didn't sleep in their bed, they have five bedrooms there. What a place. " He lowered his voice, "Both Moose and Mike have their own rooms, but they sleep with Hamish!" He smiled.

Dean Hamish MacAllister asked Greg after he led them into the living room, how their unpacking was coming. Greg and Will couldn't help gaping around at the beautiful room.

"Dean, we made a lot of headway this morning, but still much to do."

"I've been in that house of yours, and if I'd been in the market for a house, that's one I sure would have considered. Come on in the kitchen, that's where lunch is waiting." Five chairs were set around the table at one end of the kitchen. The place where over a year ago Moose and Mike had danced naked around it and Hamish, enjoying the freedom he had made them assume.

"I want you to know that Moose and Mike made everything for our lunch. Thank goodness they have learned to cook well, because I can't."

"Oh, Dad, you make great toasted cheese sandwiches." Mike smirked, "if you don't burn them." He also ducked a swat on the head from his brother.

Hamish cut the chatter, "Let's pray and eat. Sit down everyone."

It was as if Moose and Mike knew Greg and Will wanted to talk to Hamish because they left to check in at their schools. They weren't working since it was Saturday, but took the afternoon to run some errands.

"Dean, we have something to discuss with you which we would rather not broadcast to the whole school. That is, we've heard that you were working on scholarships for Will. Is that true?"

Hamish responded, "Yes, Greg, I have some ready to assign to you, Will."

Will spoke up seriously, "Dean, I want to ask you to give those scholarships to more needy students than me." He took a big breath, "I have plenty of money, Dean, and I'd prefer no one else know that." He nodded to his left leg, "When this leg was destroyed, I was an adult. I hired my own lawyer, a good one, and we sued everyone we could, mainly insurance companies and we bled them dry. A good friend of mine was driving the car under the influence of drugs and alcohol and none of us in the car knew it.

"I received a total of $3,500,000. My lawyer got a bunch, about half a million or so. I told you he was good. So I still have $2,909,000 left in the bank. Properly invested, that amount would create a good income for me, so good I wouldn't have to work if I didn't want to. "I don't want that. I want to learn enough to help others in my situation. That's why I need an education. So, thank you, but please award those scholarships to other students."

"Well," Hamish starts, "first, I want to thank you and Greg for talking to me. Your request will enable a couple other students to get their education at Windsor. You two are certainly worthy friends of Windsor. Let me shake your hands." Hamish stood as Greg and Will did to share their feelings with grasping other hands. They each gave Hamish a good hug, too.

Greg and Will left the MacAllister home to finish their unpacking, get their home organized and comfortable plus buy groceries and perishables. Growing boys need to eat, lots.

Moose and Mike ran into their house as soon as they saw Greg and Will drive away form the house. They found their dad still in the den, relaxing, pleased with Greg and Will for their honesty and generosity. The two 'sons' fell solidly on either side of Hamish on the couch, squeezing his body with theirs. "Okay, what did they want. We knew they wanted to talk to you, that's why we left. Now you get to tell us." Moose was excited, hoping to learn their secrets. He had developed a strong liking for his 'new' cousin and wanted to know more about them.

"My dear sons, what they told me was in confidence, they don't want everyone to know why they refused any scholarships for Will." He blushed, "Oh, damn, I've already said too much."

Mike turned toward to Hamish, hugging him, "Come on, Dad, tell us, we won't tell about it." He gave his Dad a kiss on the cheek, put his right leg over Hamish's legs, practically laying on top of him. He so loved his 'Dad', he hardly ever thought of his real dad. When he did, it caused him great pain. He knew Moose felt the ache in his heart, too. Moose asked Hamish if Will couldn't be in college free as a relative of a staff member.

Hamish corrected him, "That's only for children, not cousins.

"You are my sons, and I love you, but I can't tell you. It is secret to Greg and Will which they want to keep. Okay?" He waited for them to nod. Once they averred their acceptance he no longer worried. Their nod was their word. He smiled and hugged both of them, expecting and accepting kisses from their young lips.

"Now, what's for dinner? Huh?" Hamish caressed his sons where he could best reach with either hand, getting into a tussle with their hands on his own body. Within a minute or so he was sitting without any clothes and the boys were stripped, too. Hard ons explored the fresh air and view.

"Hey, Moose," Mike called, "shall we carry him upstairs or just rape him right here." Mike loved when they played with each other. He smiled as he thought how Hamish had begun to give his share of the action, besides getting all the time. "Actually, Mike, I'm going to chase him upstairs." He stood up and looked down at Mike, "Are you coming with us?"

"You just try to keep me away." Mike got on one side of Hamish while Moose grabbed the other arm, two hands smacked Mac's butt as their new dad headed for the stairs. He pretended fear of them, but his eyes were bright, looking for the eroticism they would bring to a head. (Sorry, not an intentional pun.)

"Will, will you please sit down for a while. You've been standing all day and working hard again this afternoon. I can finish what has to be done." Greg was irked at Will when would not sit down and rest his leg. "Hey, bud, I'm going to count to three .... one ..... two ..... three."

Will hadn't sat down, nor rested his leg.

"Okay, man, you are going to get it." Greg was looking daggers at his lover. He put down the books he was carrying, overpowered Will, picked him up in his arms and deposited him upstairs on his bed. He carefully removed Will's prostheses, then put some lotion on his hands to spread over the stump which looked angry and painful. Then Greg got on the bed with Will, spooning him from behind.

"Babe, I know I'm a bother, but I'm trying to look out for the love of my life. That's you, in case you wondered." Greg pulled Will's body to his, embracing him, one hand caressing his stump with more lotion. He knew Will liked that, especially after he'd been on his feet, well, foot, a lot.

Will turned over to face Greg, holding Greg's head in both hands while he placed light kisses all over his face. "Greg, I love you so much, to the depth of my soul. But I thought you weren't going to tell me what to do. Right?"

Greg kissed Will, patted his butt. "When I think you are overdoing physically I'll try to have you slow down. Okay, I was a bit forceful, but I was thinking only of you. You can tell me what to do right now."

Will smiled, plotting his chance, "Okay, Mr. Greg Gooding, my husband (I wish), I want you to ..... uh .... " then he grinned in a sneaky way. "I want you to make love to me. You still owe me from this morning anyway. Right?"

The taller, heavier man pulled Will over on top of him, resting on his chest and crotch. His hands released the button and zipper of Will's khaki pants, then pushed them down, over his bubble butt, thighs and off the foot. Will rolled off Greg onto his back, proudly playing with his hard cock, toying with his balls, staring lovingly into Greg's eyes. Greg got off the bed to stand at the bottom, appreciating his view of Will's legs and lower body, especially his bare naked crotch. First , he stripped off his shirt, then his shorts and he was naked. He'd been going commando all day and his cock was dripping, impatiently waiting. Will smiled when he saw how Greg had been dressed, "Greg, I think you have been getting ready for this all day. Check?"

His lover smiled but didn't speak, just climbed on their bed to hold Will's manhood and repay him for his courtesy and love early that morning.

Mike's school would start that day. Moose's high school had been in session for two weeks, so he was into the routine already. His brother and lover Mike was going to Windsor College for his freshman year, his way had been paid for by his 'father'. Mike wanted to be sure he did well since his dad was the Dean and he wouldn't want to disappoint him.

Mike had persuaded his dad to get Will's schedule so he could meet him. The Goodings had gotten a phone, but he didn't know what the number was, Hamish said it wasn't on the college records yet. The evening before he had driven to Will's home to see him.

He drove up to the farm house, expecting to see everything in disarray, boxes everywhere and clothes scattered. When Greg answered the door, Mike asked if Will was there. "Sure is, Mike, come on in. Don't mind the mess, we're still in the process." He smiled, put his arm around Mike's shoulders, leading him to the kitchen. "Hi, Mike," Will stood and bumped fists with Mike. "You all ready for school tomorrow?" Mike gave him a confident smile, grinning in his brilliant, toothy way. "Hell, no, Will, I'm scared shitless. Don't know what I'm doing. How about you?" He put a very worried look on his face, a frown and lined forehead. "Were you able to get all your books?"

"Almost, all but the one on college algebra. And that will be my worst subject."

"Hey, forgive me, guys, we just got a pizza, won't you join us. We are a little late for supper. Come on, dig in." "Sheeze, Will, I just ate a couple hours ago. I shouldn't, I'll be putting on the freshman 15 right away." He patted his stomach as if were fat.

"Damn, Mike, you don't have a pound of extra weight, I bet. Let me see," Will pulled Mike's shirt up to his nipples and pinched a roll of his flesh there. It was a very thin roll. . "See, Mike, you have lots of room to grow here."

Greg came back into the kitchen, noticing the bare stomach. "Hey, Will, let's compare yours to his." So Greg pulled off Will's t-shirt in one swift movement.

Mike was stunned, he hadn't seen Mike's body close up, "Holy Moses, Will, I can't believe that, that's the most muscular torso I've ever seen. He turned to Greg, "Is that the way he came, Greg, just like that. Wow."

Greg remembered, "Yes, Mike, I've only known him for ....." he looked at Will, "what is it, Will, two and a half months?" Will walked around the table to hug Greg.

"Yup, Mike almost three months." He smiled and his eyes lit up like flashing neons, "Best thing that ever happened to me, soon after the worst thing."

The three men were munching on pizza and a beer. Mike hesitated, worried he might upset Will, "Would you mind telling me how it happened?" Mike nodded to Will's leg, the prosthesis showing below the shorts.

Will told Mike the whole story, from the crash to the operations and then in Maine where he met Greg who helped him. He explained about his parents kicking him out when they found out he was gay. "If Greg hadn't been there to save me, I'd still be alone and depressed to the pits."

"Will, if you don't want to, just say so, but could I see your leg close up?"

Greg had his hand behind Will's neck, giving him encouragement and spirit of courage

"Sure, Mike, I don't mind." He dropped his shorts to the floor. Mike was amazed that he did that, since he was naked underneath. Will had adopted Greg's commando style, just once in a while. Actually he'd forgotten he didn't have any underwear on, but thought, 'If he doesn't like it, tough."

"Let's go in the back parlor, guys, you'll be able to see Will better, Mike, come on."

From Mike's attitude when he saw Will naked from the waist down, he was sure that Mike wanted to see ALL of Will as close as possible.

Will sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him, "Come here, Mike, sit here and you can see everything." Will hadn't noticed Mike's close interest in his genitals, and continued to show him the prosthesis. He placed the artificial leg over Mike's leg so he could touch and see how it felt.

"Mike, this is just my first prosthesis. Later I'll get a better one, and even later I'll get a super, duper leg, with electronics and automatic reflexes. It should even feel like my real leg." Will told him to hold on, then pull the leg toward himself. "Here, I'll get it started." He got the leg almost off his stump, handing it to Mike.

"Wow, Will, that's heavy. Is it as heavy as your real leg?"

"Yup, now feel the stump, you won't hurt it, Mikey, just feel around. I do like sort of a massage toward the end." He nodded at the remainder, "You can do it tonight, Greg usually does it for me, but you get the honor."

Mike's fingers felt so good, they worked hard on the end, but not too hard. It felt so good to Will, "Man, Mikey, that's good, you got a job," he laughed. Will didn't notice that he had a full hardon, sticking up from his crotch, but Mike had noticed it, and stared at it more than the leg. Mike thought he'd better say something. His own cock was as hard as it had ever been. "Will, does that do it's thing when Greg gives you a massage, too?" He was pointing to Will's hard cock.

Will wondered what Mike was talking about when he happened to see his hard cock.

"Oh, jeez, Mikey, I'm sorry." He grinned and tried to push his cock down between his thighs. "As a matter of fact, it does exactly the same thing when Greg does it. Amazing, isn't it."

Mike's face reddened, "It's not just you, Will, does Greg's get like this?"

Mike leaned back to show Will that he had a full hard on, too. He was laughing, giggling just being silly. He grabbed his big one through his khakis, shaking it, hoping it would go down.

"I'm not sure, I guess we'll have to ask him later. Sorry about that." He blushed too, "Ah, could you massage a little more, farther up the leg." He draped a small pillow over his hardon.

Mike grinned, but felt the eroticism, "Will, you really don't have to hide it. I have seen it before by the pool."

Mike kept up the massage, then asked, "Would it be all right if I met you before our first class. We have English 101 together, I believe" Mike knew damn well they did.

"Yeah, Mike, that would be great. I'm going to wear the prosthesis, but will have crutches also. I'll have to take things slowly at first. I'd appreciate it if we could go together. I'll be wearing a backpack since I can't use the big crutches and hold my books, too." He decided he'd better get some shorts on, "Okay, Mike that's excellent, thank you. Here, put it on my stump." Will showed Mike how to connect the prosthesis to the partial leg. With that done he stood and thanked Mike again.

"Will, I appreciate you telling me all about it, however you seem to be taking it fairly well now."

"Yeah, Mike, but that I have to attribute to Greg, he saved me in many ways, Mike, he is so wonderful. You'll realize that as we get to know you better. Okay?"

This time Mike held out his hand to be shaken, which it was. And they patted each other on the back.

"Bye, Mike, I'll see you in the morning. I'll have Greg come and pick me up." He thought a bit,."Well, that won't work because Greg needs to be at work by 7:30 am."

Mike smiled greedily, "Willie, you need a car. Now I can sell you a real fine car, low mileage, driven by an old lady only on Sunday .."

"Wait a minute, Mike, are you talking about that heap out front?"

"Oh you've hurt me, Will, it would be a great deal for you. How 'bout I stop here tomorrow at 7:30 am and we'll get to our first class. Then we'll do something about getting you a new car. Right?"

"That sounds great, Mike, thanks a lot. See you tomorrow."

As Mike left, Will was thinking about looking for a car that afternoon, if Greg would go with him.. 'Greg has a truck, so we don't need another one,' Will speculated, 'Maybe I could get an SUV, I could get a Lexus.'

Will dressed and started cleaning up the house, mostly picking up stuff he and Greg had set down. He did wash the dishes left from lunch, the house had everything but a dishwasher. With only the two of them they didn't actually need a dishwasher. His mind was still on getting a car. Probably Greg wouldn't want him to get a Lexus, too expensive for a student and teacher to be able to purchase. He knew there were some smaller SUVs. Maybe he'd better do some research on the Internet. He walked into the den and sat at Greg's desk where he turned on their computer. . Soon he was connected to the internet and found Automotives.com, he checked on SUV's from different makers for prices, warrantees, gas mileage and repair records. Of course, styling and some flash are important too. Because of his leg, he needed plenty of room. One of the little SUVs wouldn't work and he just wouldn't have a van, too suburban.

Will was still searching when Greg appeared at his elbow. He bowed in front of his love and kissed him torridly, having been missing Will all day long. He would fade into a daze on occasion while lecturing, then come awake to see his students looking at him strangely. He apologized for the momentary lapse and the class continued. He was just missing his lover.

"How you been, hon. Did you do anything today?"

Will smirked. "Mike said he would pick me up in the morning and would take me to our first class. We have that one together." Will eagerly continued, "I've decided that I will need a car for myself. I love riding in your truck, but I know we don't need two trucks. Okay so far?"

Greg knelt beside Will as he sat at the computer. "Just fine." He gave Will a hug.

"So, I think I want an SUV, not a huge one," he hurried to say, "a smaller one, but with enough room for me and all my crutches and stuff." He turned to the computer screen, "See here, Greg, where the Toyota SUVs are listed by name. There's the 4Runner, Landcruiser, Sequoia, Highlander and Rav4."

"Sweety, what about an Explorer? We know Doug White who is a salesman at the Ford dealership in Bryan. Probably get a deal."

"Two reasons, the Explorer is too big and too expensive. From what I've been reading, the Toyota SUV would be better all around. The RAV4 would be too small. And the Sequoia and Landcruiser are way too expensive. Now I think the Highlander would be perfect. That would probably be about 27,000 or 28,000 dollars in cost. Their reliability is rated tops in most of the articles." He stopped because he saw Greg's eyes glazed over.

"So, what do you think, babe?"

Greg could only give his lover a smile, "Hon, you can get what you want. If you want a Toyota Highlander, you can buy one, and I think that's great. I'm proud of you, my babe."

Will felt a rush of love for Greg, he wouldn't be able to explain the reason, but he knew his 'man' was really his. Or was he really spoiled?

"Greg, could you take me to Bryan, I know there is a Toyota dealer there. They might even have one in stock, maybe?"

"Sure, " he held Will to him, "we'll go and find one now."

Next: Chapter 45: Dukes of Windsor II 7

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