Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 30, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

========= Chapter Five =========

It was two minutes before nine on Monday when Matt opened the door to the conference room. The talking in the room stopped immediately, so Matt correctly assumed that he was the topic of their conversation. He walked in to see the entire music faculty sitting around the large oval table.

"Well, 'Hi' everybody. I know I'm still a bit early, but I guess I should have been a lot earlier to really be on time. My name is Matt Ridgway and I've met some of you but not others, so I'd like to introduce myself."

Matt knew Marty, Dr. Powers, Glen Vance and Karl Nordstrom whom he'd met during his first visit to Windsor. He walked up to a bald, heavy set man, about 35 or 40, whom he assumed was Instructor Victor Whinery, teaching composition, orchestration and strings.

"Hi, Mr. Whinery, happy to finally meet you. Hope we can get to know each other soon."

"Hi Matt, ah, Dr. Ridgway, but, if I may, my name sounds like 'win', not 'whine'."

"Ok, Victor, I'll try to remember that." Matt had known how Victor pronounced his last name, but wanted to play with his head, innocently, of course. He assumed that Victor would be someone he would have to win over. Or was it whine over. Somehow he kept from smiling.

"Hi, Glen. Glen and I know each other. Good to see you." Glen said 'Hi' but did not look at Matt, he concentrated on his agenda. He was still waiting for Matt to confront him, not looking forward to that encounter at all.

Matt introduced himself to three more instructors; Bob Henderson, Sonja Bratten and Scott Weber. He didn't know much about them but planned to correct that soon.

"Hi, Marty, good to see you, too."

Marty knew exactly what Matt was doing. She had warned him that all the music faculty were told to be at the conference room by 8:30 am, while he had been told 9 am. 'That Powers is a real son-of-a-bitch,' he thought, 'I've got to watch that man more closely.'

"Thank you, Dr. Powers, pardon me for arriving late."

"Ahem, that's all right, Dr. Ridgway, just a little misunderstanding." He looked around the music staff, "You have an agenda in front of you. This school year has started very well so there are just a few minor housekeeping item to address."

Powers talked for 20 minutes about nothing, absolutely nothing that hadn't been covered at the previous meeting. When he finally ran out of items on the agenda, he pull out a second piece of paper which only he had.

"Dr. Ridgway, I understand you have announced a new music group for Windsor College. I'm afraid you'll have to retract that announcement since you have never received permission to create it."

Matt was prepared for this. He stood up, opened his briefcase on the table and pulled out the Windsor College prospectus and quoted, "Windsor College Music Department is dedicated to provide a thorough music education, including performance groups of students who, besides receiving training in music techniques, are also focused on promoting the available music education at Windsor College and spreading the name of Windsor College to attract future students from around the country.

"To me, Dr. Powers, that statement provides direction for the administration and staff of Windsor College to comply with the intent of the prospectus for the music department.

"I have also read all of the directives for the operation and administration of the Music Department and have found no statement against, or for, creating new music groups. I have found no place where a method of starting a music group is shown. I found no indication of any form or forms to be filed anywhere to create a new music group. I am an associate professor of this College and feel that it is part of my job to initiate actions to follow the prospectus. This was my idea to help the students' education and to help spread the reputation of Windsor College. Our college has no powerful football team as used by most institutions of higher learning for that purpose, therefore I feel that my action was within my rights and good for the music department and the school.

" If there can be no agreement between us, we should probably take the issue to the Dean and Faculty Council of the Arts College." The rest of the faculty was struck dumb, well .... just momentarily silenced by the confrontation Matt had given to Dr. Powers.

Matt sat down and looked at Dr. Powers who sat without speaking for a few minutes, like an an hour to the others. Matt assumed that he was trying to think of some way to stop him or counteract his conclusions. None of the other faculty spoke or gave any indication of a desire to do so.

Finally, the Head stood up and said the meeting was adjourned, also asked Matt to stay a minute. Dr. Powers brusquely herded the staff out of the room and shut the door, turned to face Matt across the wide, glossy finished table.

"Dr. Ridgway, we should not always be on opposite side of every issue. We have to find some way for agreement between us."

"Yes, Dr. Powers, I agree. However, this is not an issue that I will give up on easily. I can only feel that you are against me just to be against me. If we cannot agree on the Dukes of Windsor, I can only take the problem to Dean McAllister for his decision."

Powers seemed to shrink as he stood, to become less forceful and more of the figurehead he was. In actuality Powers had become a 'lame duck', as in political office, since he had to retire as of next June. However, he still maintained that they should go to the dean.

Matt left the room while saying, "Fine. But ... if you ever pull that wrong time stunt on me again, I'll have you up on charges with the entire Faculty Council. Dean McAllister has asked me to try to work with you and I said I would if you didn't try to disrupt my work or to stop my teaching as I see it should be done. And you have just done that. Well, we'll see ......"

After leaving the room, Matt headed for the Dean's office, where he asked if he could talk to the Dean for just a moment. Dean McAllister kindly agreed to see Matt, who proceeded to tell him of the meeting, the rest of the faculty knowing the meeting would start at 8:30 am while he had been told 9 am. And finally the problem with the brass group, the Dukes of Windsor.

"Dr. McAllister, I will keep trying to do as you asked, but I think Powers will probably continue to buck me at every turn. I'm not going to run to you anymore, much as I admire you and your position, but will deal with his attitude myself. Thank you for listening to me." He started to leave.

"Matt, please slow down .... wait. I will talk to him and explain very clearly what he is to do and what he cannot do. I hope that will help and I'll keep my attention on the situation. Stay with me, Matt, please, I don't want to lose either of you, particularly you. OK?"

When Matt nodded and smiled, the Dean took the opportunity to indicate his future plans for Matt. "Please don't mention this to anyone, but Matt, I am determined to see you as Head of the Music Department after Powers' retirement, if that's all right with you? That was my primary aim when I hired you." He grinned, "I guess I should have told you that sooner, huh?"

Matt smiled his consent, "I appreciate your confidence in me," shook hands with the Dean and left his office, feeling a euphoria he hadn't experienced in a long, long time. "Hot damn," he exclaimed, then looked around to see he was alone, "wait 'til I tell Steve!"

In Columbus Steve sat at his home computer on a network with his work office in city, checked his e-mail, answered a few, but soon got on with his assignments for the day. Before starting them, though, he brought up Windows Explorer, searched for a special folder and clicked on a filename, MBRat13.jpg. Suddenly his screen filled with a picture of Matt at age 13, not nude, but practically so since he only wore a pair of tiny briefs. Steve had taken the picture of Matt without his knowledge or consent. The pose was the same as the statue he sculpted of Matt, except that he had to carve Matt's genitals from memory. That presented no problem to Steve who had them engraved on his mind and heart. . This beautiful view brought a lump to his throat and a dampness to his eyes.

Steve was also remembering last Friday after they had gotten back from Windsor, where he'd helped Matt cash the check from the University Press. They had stopped along the way for supper, so they were home with nothing much to do. Their kids were soon on their inevitable path to bed. Then Steve remembered that Gary Stuart had invited him to his house after they had gotten back from seeing Matt.

Steve had an idea, then called Gary from his special cell phone.


"Hi, Gary, this is Steve Ridgway, next door."

"Hi Steve, I'm glad you called. Did you get to Matt and get the check cashed Ok?"

Steve laughed, "Yes, we did, Gary, but we had to sit through a band rehearsal, too. I've never told Matt, but that is not my favorite music. And I never would tell him. I mean, what are brothers for, anyway? I was always in the art room in school, not in performance rooms."

"I have to disagree, Steve, I played in band in high school and college and really miss it. I'll have to make a trip to see Marty and hear his group. Would he mind?"

"Of course not, Gary, he'd love it. He's always been the preeminent promoter of bands. Maybe you and I can drive up sometime." He thought, then, "I'd like you to become acquainted with Matt, he's quite a man, I think." Steve spoke quickly, "Say, Gary, how about meeting me by our bathhouse in about 5 minutes, could you do that?"

"You might have to give me a few more minutes, I really should put some clothes on."

"Ok, see you." Steve clicked off. He thought, 'Wish he'd leave the clothes off.'

The evening was dark already with a cloudy sky and few lights when Steve and Gary met in front of the bathhouse. They shook hands and Steve placed a hand on Gary's shoulder as he led him toward the double white doors which he unlocked. Passing by the dressing rooms without lights, Steve still kept his hand on Gary, just lightly but establishing his certain presence. He felt Gary's muscles, deep flesh that seemed well toned and very warm, welcoming in some way.

While Steve unlocked the two Chubb locks and pressed the correct combination to the electronic lock, Gary was wondering at all the secrecy. He assumed that this was Steve's studio, but why all the expensive locks? He would learn soon.

The hand on his shoulder pulled him into the room and Steve shut and locked the door. Even in the dark Gary could make out a figure standing silently, unmoving in the studio, a white shape undefinable in the gloom.

Suddenly the lights were brilliantly lit, focused mainly on the statue. Gary gasped, trying to absorb the beauty of this male statue, yet practically breathless in its enchanting perfection. He was thinking, I wonder who that could be, he was still overwhelmed by the supple look to the muscles and the craftsmanship and proportions of the whole work. He could hardly speak.

"Ah ... ah ....oh my god, Steven, I can't believe the absolute perfection of your sculpture. May I ask who it is?"

"That is my brother at age 13. Wasn't he a stunner?" Steve moved to Gary's side and pulled him close to the statue. "Gary, I usually don't let anyone touch my sculpture while I have control, but I want you to do this."

Steve stood behind Gary as they faced the statue, held the man's right arm, then helped his hand caress Matt's shoulders and back, and down to his buttocks where he held Gary's hand immobile. Holding him there, he did the same thing with Gary's left hand, though on Matt's chest to slowly slide down his front until his fingers wrapped around Matt's small genitals. To do this Steve had crowded his body behind Gary's.

"Gary, I'm very serious about this, can you tell me what you feel inside while your hands are on the statue?" Steve murmured quietly, not quite knowing what to expect.

Gary was silent, barely breathing, solidly aware of Steve at his back.

"I don't know, Steve, but it seems as if my hands are full of static electricity, and my whole body is allowing those tiny shocks throughout it's entire grasp.

Steve enveloped Gary's body with his arms, holding him tightly and praying that Gary wouldn't go bananas. He rested his head on Gary's shoulder, then said in a muted tone, "Gary, that's exactly what I feel when I touch it. I've been thinking I was crazy but I'm so happy you feel it, too." He gave a small laugh, "And, Gary, it didn't start until I had made the final bit of carving on the statue. The very last chip from his hair was gone when I first felt him with both hands on the marble and felt what you are feeling. That is how I decided the piece was finished." He gave Gary a little squeeze, "And made me wonder if some bit of Matt's spirit could be inside it."

Gary released his hands from the statue, pivoted his body to face Steve, "I feel that in the statue and I feel the same thing when I'm held against your body. I hope you like it as much as I do." He clutched at Steve, pressed his lips against Steve's and moaned his delight as they grabbed each other, wound around each other.

Suddenly, Gary stopped and tried to pull away, "Oh, god, Steve, I'm sorry."

Steve murmured into Gary's ear as he pulled him back into his embrace, "Gary, don't be sorry. It makes me very happy. I suppose Marty told you that Matt and I are in love with each other. We are and always will be, but for obvious reasons we can't be together. And we both need someone we love to be actually involved with us. I don't know what you are looking for in a man, but I would like to present my application to your committee." He smiled, "My inner judges voted unanimously to award you 'me'."

Gary still held onto Steve, "We are moving a little fast for me, Steve, please give me a while to consider it before I present your application." He smiled, "However, I could say in advance that I've never felt so in touch with another man before." He snickered, "And that would be a good sign. Just hold me for a while. Then I want to take a tactile journey around Matt's statue before you put him off limits."

Matt found Marty in her office and asked her to go for coffee. He still had an hour or so before his band rehearsal, he needed an ear to listen to his weekend with Hardy. He knew that Marty was no 'fag hag' but also knew that she would understand his feelings without zoning out. Marty agreed and followed him to the Faculty Club coffee bar in the Administration building next to the Music building.

The room was almost deserted so they easily found a table in quiet corner and sat with their cappuccino, looking around, then at each other, waiting for the other one to talk first.

Marty spoke first, "Thanks for taking me to church, yesterday." She grinned at her friend, "We certainly set them talking and I expect that will help us both."

Matt nodded, then spoke up, "Marty, I want to thank you for warning me about Powers' tactics with newcomers. Did he do that with you?"

"Just once, he caught me completely unaware. After that, I made sure of the correct time." She grinned, "And you did very well, Dr Ridgway. He was hoisted by his own petard, thanks to you."

Matt looked serious and asked, "Do you think he'll take my group to the Dean and Faculty Council? I just can't read his intentions. He says we have to get along, but then he keeps pulling dirty tricks and I just don't think I can trust him."

"I don't know, but as soon as you can do it, you should form the group, get them together and work up a few pieces which they could play for the Council. You are planning dance routines and all that, aren't you?"

"Yes, I was planning on that, but just realized that I will need a choreographer, won't I. I can't do that. Do you dance much, Marty?"

Marty growled at him, "Matt, I will not be your choreographer. We'll have to check out the Dance department of Phys Ed to find someone, probably."

"I'd rather try to find someone already in the band, sort of keep it in the family."

He continued, "I'm going to have to find someone to design their costumes, too I want them to go back to the 30s and 40s and look like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in formal attire, I do want the men in white ties and tails, the woman in formals of some sort. Maybe recreate those silky, slinky dresses they wore back then, accentuating the women's figures." He just glowed while he was talking, as exuberant as she'd ever seen him. "We might even go back farther than that, back to the time of the compositions we'd be playing. What do you think?"

"I think you have a live one there, Matt, great idea. Will they do present day music, too?"

"Sure, I feel that should be a draw, too, music from all ages." He appeared absolutely exhilarated, flushed and animated.

Marty stared into Matt's eyes, a broad grin began to form on her face.

"If I didn't know better, I think you must be in love, that is, besides your brother, Steve. Am I going to have to guess, or are you going to tell me about your weekend?" She put a hand on his arm, "Remember, whatever you tell me goes no further, Matt. You have my word."

"Does that mean you won't even tell your brother, Gary?" Matt teased her.

Marty did blush then, "If you say so, Matt, then I will even promise that. But he is very close-mouthed, believe me. I have to drag everything out of him ...... oops, I shouldn't have said that, should I?"

Matt couldn't help laughing, "Marty, you are a love, but I'm wondering how far you would go to find out." He thought of the last two days, "I had the most wonderful weekend of my life, I still can't believe it happened. I'm in love and so is he. Need I tell you who?"

She beamed over her whole face, "No, because I know about Hardy. You know, Matt, after I'd seen you with your brother a few times, I was going to tell you that anyone seeing you two close together would know positively that you were in love with each other." She grabbed his hand, "And I'll bet you still are, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are. Someday, when I have the guts, I will tell you what happened between my brother and I, but we will always be in love even though we can't be together. You know that is what I need, and remarkably, that's what I think I have found. I hope to God that is true.

"I told my weekend guest the whole story and he was able to relieve me of some of my distress resulting from 15 years of frustration, desperation and despair. Many times I thought of suicide, yet was somehow able to see the future in a better light." He smiled, then blushed, "How am I going to talk about 'my friend' with you, maybe as 'the wolf at my door'?" He blushed again, "I'm acting like a teenager and his first love."

"Matt, I think it is cute, and you are cute, too. I don't think you could have picked a more wonderful friend and, like I said before, such a 'hot' friend." She fanned her face with her hand because she was a bit chagrined at her reference to Hardy, 'but', she thought, 'he is HOT!'

"Actually, Marty, he picked me. I think he knew he'd have to make the first move and he sure did. Oh, I wish I could tell you ...... oh jeez, you don't want to hear that stuff."

"Well, no I don't, but since my brother has always told me everything, I do know quite a bit about what your weekend must have been like."

Matt's face saddened, "There are problems, Marty, Hardy has a serious problem, but I'm sure we'll work it out together." He looked thoughtful, "Do you think if Powers finds out we're going to be a couple, he will try to destroy us? I'd hate to have to hide all the time behind a facade of a simple friendship with him and have to skulk around otherwise."

Marty leaned over and kissed Matt's cheek before she realized that a number of faculty had come in. She whispered, "Well, that kiss won't hurt either of our cases, will it?"

He kissed her back, "Not a bit. You are so wonderful, I'm so happy that you and I can always be friends, along with my wolfish friend."

Marty made a fist and playfully punched him on the upper arm, "You betchum, Red Ryder!" And she laughed and laughed.

"Marty, you aren't old enough to have listened to that on the radio."

She giggled, "My Dad did and he had bought audio cassettes of those broadcasts. I loved to listen to them and Dad and I used to kid around about them. I was 'Little Beaver', of course."

Matt looked at his watch, "Hey, I've got to be in class in five minutes. Luckily, I have everything set up already. See you." He stood, put his cup in the trash and left on the double.

As Matt stepped on his podium, all instrument playing and noise stopped, yet he waited a minute or two as he aimed to build a little suspense for his next announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the distinct pleasure of introducing the members of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor." He smiled, "By that statement, you can assume there will be four men and one woman. Actually, there will be five men and two women, but that's for two different jobs.

An undercurrent of buzzing whispers arose, but a movement of his hand stopped it at once. "And the players of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor will be ...... ", one of the drummers played a snare drum roll and cymbal crash, completely on his own. Matt smiled a little sourly at him, then spoke.

"First, the tuba player with be Jeff O'Brien." As the applause died down, "Or you may know him as Big Jeff." The reaction to that was more laughter than applause.

"Second, the French hornist will be Christine Griffith. She's the Duchess." Again, more applause.

"Third, the first trumpet will be Little Jeff, Jeff McGruder." Both applause and friendly laughter.

"Fourth, the second trumpet will be Rick Balsaam." More applause.

"Fifth, the trombone will be someone who is not in this band, but is a grad student in the College and eligible to play, as we decided. He has also agreed to be the student director of the group. Welcome Hardy Wolfe, trombone." The room actually rocked with the ovation that roared around it and Hardy walked into the room up to the podium, waving as he went. He seemed proud, but modestly appreciative of the honor, too.

At the grad seminar that morning, Matt had asked Hardy to wait at noon by the band rehearsal room, and explained what he was going to do. Hardy was almost overwhelmed, but he agreed to do as Matt asked. So he knew what was going to happen, but not how he'd be received.

Matt had hoped for it, but was not surprised by the great response to Hardy's selection. He was now sure that all would be well. He wanted to go over and kiss him, but that would have to wait.

When calm was restored, Matt had more to say. "There are two more names which will be connected with the Dukes and the first is Ashlee Washington whom I understand is quite a choreographer and will help with our productions." Flutist Ashlee rose in her place, smiling all around.

"And last, our fine trombonist, Roger Adams, has agreed to be our 'roadie', and he'll be the one to carry our amps or whatever. Thanks, Roger." Matt moved his eyes to Christine Griffith who looked shocked and very pleased that Roger would be with them. He had heard from Marty that they had been seen together a lot.

"Roger will also understudy Hardy for all productions." He paused, "Will all those I've mentioned please stand up and will everyone give them a great welcome to our new group."

The noise that followed probably could have been heard over the whole campus, maybe even to the ball fields. Later, Matt found out that was literally the case. Actually, the windows were open on that warm day, aiding and abetting.

It took him a while to restore order, but he didn't mind, he liked the exuberance he heard.

"Will the Dukes and the Duchess please pick up the first batch of music at the end of this rehearsal from Hardy and learn it by tomorrow night - 7:30 PM right here."

"Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a lot of work to do, so let's get to the overture."

Soon the unique melodies and style of "Papa" Haydn's Windsor Castle Overture, transcribed for band by none other than Matt Ridgway, echoed around the room, miscues and all. Once Matt had found a computer program called Private Composer, he realized it was a valuable and time-saving tool for his composing and orchestrating skills, valuable assets for any band director. And he had been thinking that the courses in arranging, composing and orchestrating could be usefully enhanced by that program. He would check into those.

The Overture was not a particularly valuable piece of music, but Matt had remembered the title after he had gotten to Windsor, thinking maybe it would fit with the College Music Department.

At Windsor College very few classes were scheduled at night, so evenings could be reserved for musical groups, theatrical clubs, chess club, ad infinitum. Two teachers therefore were free and sat in one's office, sipping a scotch on the rocks, talking as they have many, many evenings. One was not married and the other was married but preferred not to go home until he absolutely was forced to do so.

"Well, what about our new friend, Dr. Ridgway, Karl, is he dangerous or not?"

Karl Nordstrom looked at his associate, Victor Whinery (win not whine), "Vic, I see nothing dangerous about him. He is smart, you heard the way he handled Dr. Powers, and he is determined to do well to the best of his abilities.. And they are many." He sipped his drink, "I also think it is easy for people to underestimate him, much to their detriment. I think Powers does, and it is him who will be in trouble, not Matt."

"But the guy comes in and immediately wants to change course, musical groups and the way we have run the place for ages."

"Maybe those ways do need to be changed, Vic, maybe we need someone to shake us out of our routines."

"Mark my words," Victor said importantly, "He is going to be trouble. You'll see."

Karl looked at Victor Whinery, an apt name he thought, and saw a very heavy man, most likely just about 300 pounds. He knew that Vic had taken six months off to check into a weight loss clinic and returned having lost over 100 pounds. Two years later, those 100 pounds have crept back on plus a few more. He looked a little like Tweedle-dum or like a large pear, and he panted like a locomotive walking from class to class. He had little hair on his round, misshapen head, also pearlike. He was not an attractive person, but somehow he had learned the way to reach his students and his choral groups, all of whom learned and produced well.

Karl Nordstrom, MA, MMus, Associate Professor, 36, 5' 10", 160, dark brown wave cut, good looking, well set up body but certainly not a jock or hunk. He possessed a beautiful tenor singing voice, was a good teacher, and had good relations with students but not a patsy. He was good but not nearly as good as he thought he was. Karl was cursed with a huge ego, and that didn't serve him well. He looked remarkably like a young Robert Goulet, and acted as if he already were a Robert Goulet.. He played some sports, racket ball, tennis, swimming, but not any team sports. He was active but no desire to have a muscular body, just stay in good shape.

Karl was working on his third wife, a good effort at the age of 36. Marty didn't know he was married when she dated him, but her instincts told her something was wrong, so she stopped their relationship very quickly, particularly before anything had happened between them. And she had not spoken to him at all after she learned he was married.

In the bathroom Matt cleaned up after a hard day at school, enjoyed the hot shower and wished Hardy was under the water with him. He knew that Hardy was very worried about the blood test for HIV he had taken, and he himself was praying that his Wolfie would not be infected, would be free of the scourge. Putting his face in the shower spray, he knew the water was washing away some tears of sympathy for his new love. Under control, he got out, grabbed a fresh, dry towel and dried his body, carefully, tenderly, making it ready to be close to Hardy. He checked his underarms, then used antiseptic wet wipes on his dick after he peed and also his asshole. He wanted to be as fresh as he could be.

Hardy rolled over to face Matt as he slid in beside him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Matty, I want to thank you so much for today. You have given me fresh spirit and more hope than I deserve. When I was in Bryan Saturday, giving my blood, I so much wished you were with me, I was so down." He lowered his eyes, frowning and his mouth sagged while he remembered. "Then today you have so quickly restored my faith in myself and especially in you." He kissed Matt again, this time on his left nipple and said simply, "I love you."

Matt smiled at his lover, "And I love you, Wolfie, you, too, have given my life a new focus and direction, you have settled my troubles, my wounds." He ran his hand down Hardy's neck to his shoulders, feeling the strong muscles and smooth skin.

He asked, "How come you don't have a goatee or moustache, maybe just a soul patch, Wolfie, I know you don't have much body hair, but young men like you seem to want to show their machismo, prove they're a man."

Hardy felt embarrassed, "Not me, Matty, I don't have those things because I don't have that much of a beard. It would take me a month trying to grow one, and you'd hardly see it."

"I'm just as happy, Wolfie, I don't much like them. When I taught in the high school those three years, I did grow a moustache to look older, but soon found I really didn't need it. The kids didn't particularly care how old their band director was. So I shaved it off."

He pulled at Hardy's little patch of hair between his sculptured pecs, a few fairly long light hairs.

Hardy complained, "Hey, Matt, I only have a few of those, don't pull any out, please." He was teasing, but even so, he thought them precious to him.

"How can you have hair on your butt when you have so little elsewhere?" Matt caressed Hardy's buttocks, just enough hair for him to feel.

"Beats me, Matt. It just grew, I don't know why," he whispered, "there's none on my asshole, though. I've looked." He giggled and squeezed Matt. "Can you picture me doing that?"

Matt giggled, "This bit here is just enough for me." He snickered and moved his hand lower until he pulled on Wolfie's pubic hair, "This is what I'm especially fond of myself. Wolfie, you don't need any beard to show you are a man, a real man. You are my man." Matt grabbed Hardy, pulled them together and clutched his 'man', their two bodies practically welded as one.

"Wolfie, you know what I want tonight? What I've waited all day for? When you walked into the band room and everybody applauded you, I was so proud, man, I could hardly contain myself. I wanted to run over and kiss you hard." He grinned artfully, "'But when you turned around to face the band, all I could see was .... your ...... your beautiful butt in those tight jeans," he laughed, "and I visualized myself kissing that instead."

Hardy smirked, "Well, lover, it is all yours, what's mine is yours, you know that." He reached around Matt to his buttocks, cupping both of them, "And I expect these are mine, right?"

The two men used their hands to discover the other's rear, round and firm, full and both looking bold and saucy. Hardy's buttocks were slightly hairy but not covered in depth while Matt's ass, like the rest of his body, was pretty much smooth and bare. And each one especially liked the way the other's rear end appeared, as it was intended to be.

Matt pushed Hardy onto his stomach, placed his knees on either side of his hips while he sat on his meaty thighs, his erection lying along Hardy's ass crack, wedged into it when Matt leaned toward his lover's shoulders where he began to massage Hardy's back. Using the fingers, palms and heels of his hands to caress, gently force against the muscles to relax him and placate his worries and nerves. As Matt moved above Hardy, his cock, slippery with precum, slid into Hardy's butt crack and grew larger and more excited with each push.

Matt steadily worked lower to his waist along his sides, his delts, lats and traps, kneaded each area, then down the center of his back along the spine. By the time Matt had reached Handy's butt, beginning to manipulate those handsome full, strong cheeks, he realized that Handy hadn't moved for a while. He bent over his lover's head to hear what he expected, Handy was asleep and snored lightly, the slightest sound echoing in his sinuses.

Since he was asleep, Matt didn't want to wake him. They had already had supper, fixed it themselves in Matt's small kitchen, and even enjoyed the chili, corn muffins and a fruit salad. Tears again came to Matt's eyes, a lump in his throat every time he understood anew how their lives were already being wound around each other's.

If they went to sleep this early in the evening, they might waken in the night, but Matt thought that would be a wonderful time to enjoy Hardy's body all over again. So Matt turned the lights out, pulled up a sheet over them then lay beside Hardy, gently easing an arm and a leg over Hardy's warm and relaxed naked flesh, taking him under his protection to be a shield for his love.

Tuesday night at the first rehearsal of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, Matt himself was amazed at the talent exhibited by those .... men and women. He started to think 'kids', but realized they weren't much younger than himself. He and Handy walked in side by side having been discussing future plans for the Dukes.

The music he had given them, some motets by Palestrina and Gabrieli, some dances by later composers, had been well learned in the short time they had the music. He had also included a short piece by Bach, and brief arrangements of music by Beethoven, Berlioz, Wagner, Bartok, Messiaen and Ravel. Eventually they would have to memorize every selection they performed, but not as yet.

He explained to them just what their first objective will be, that is, a few selections that they could play before the Arts College Faculty Council, which may be determining their group's existence. Matt had a few more modern pieces which they would receive to work on, for example, Alexander's Ragtime Band, Maple Leaf Rag and a couple from Andrew Lloyd Weber's Broadway shows like Cats and Les Miserable.

He also explained that he and Brittany Briggs, whom he learned was majoring in clothing and costume design, were working on their costumes. These will range from white ties and tails and slinky gowns for Christine to apparel relating to the 1600s and 1700s, plus more modern garb to fit with the latest music. These costumes will have to be very conservative price-wise and also easily put on and taken off.

"So, guys, we have a lot to do in what will probably be a short time. It would be best if our actual activities were kept to ourselves. We want to put on a big splash of a show when we get the chance, and keep them guessing beforehand. Ok?"

Their answers were positive until one hand was raised.

"Yes, Jamal."

"What happens if the faculty decide we shouldn't have our Dukes and Duchess?"

Matt had to think quickly, "I honestly don't think it will come to that, but if it does, we'll figure out a way to do this anyway. I'm committed to this project and that won't change."

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear you say. We are all behind you, Dr. Ridgway, and we'll stay all the way."

Again, positive replies came from the whole bunch. Matt could only smile and try to be positive. He looked over this group, a fine bunch of young men and women, good looking, alert and smart. When he and Hardy first had walked into the room, just a couple minutes late, he was not surprised at their grouping. BJ and LJ were sitting in one corner, very close together with their knees and legs touching, talking intently, smiling frequently. He had the feeling that he was invading their privacy. But then he also felt that they really didn't care if he intruded, they openly welcomed him.

Christine and Roger sat on the piano bench in the rehearsal room in deep conversation about an apparent fact of life. One of them was tickling the keys a little, softly. Matt saw the last pair, Rick and Jamal, in one of the small practice rooms, in an embrace where the other guys couldn't see them, but where at Matt's angle he could. Jamal's hand were intimately exploring Rick's buttocks, his fingers gripping and clutching. Very loudly Matt called everyone to attention so that they would be sure to hear him. They broke apart suddenly, almost unaware that they had been in very compromising positions, then laughed about it and winked at me as they came in the main room. Noone could help enjoying them and their unaffected attitude.

Hardy and Matt looked at each other. Hardy raised his eyebrows then pointed a finger at Matt and then at himself. Matt thought he was asking if they should get in on the 'big hug'. He smiled.

He placed them in a semi-circle as they will be on stage. For the moment they had music stands in front of them, holding lots of printed sheets, but they will have to memorize some of it very quickly.

"I'm sure you have noticed that we will be playing all sorts of music from Palestrina to songs from Cats. In this way I hope to keep our audiences guessing our next move. Since we don't have much time to learn an actual choreographed routine, we will do things so simply for now."

The rest of that rehearsal went in a whirl. Two simple dance movements were learned by everyone, and four pieces were also learned almost perfectly. I had picked the ones we would perform if we have to go before the Faculty Council. But I said I also expected them to be trying to learn all the rest as soon as possible.

"Thanks for all your hard work, people. You sound damn good, all of you, I'm very proud of your progress, especially working, playing and listening with each other." Matt smiled, "Thanks."

"If you want to get together this Saturday, I'm going to suggest that you see Ms. Stuart. She can let you in the building and help as you need it. I'm going to be out of town this weekend. And I understand that Hardy will also be away. Right?"

Hardy answered, "Yes, I'll be gone all weekend. But I will have everything learned."

After Matt got home from the rehearsal, he had a call from Steven.

"Matty, are you going to be able to come down this weekend?"

Matt thought a moment, he liked the sound of it, but what about Hardy?

"Stevie, that sounds great, but .... ah .... could I bring someone?"

"You mean Wolfie? Of course, Matty, you can bring Hardy."

Matt understood immediately, "I'm going to kill that Marty when I get my hands on her. I should have known she'd tell her brother everything, and she said he couldn't tell anyone."

"Now Matt, don't blame Gary, I told him some of our history and we thought I should know about Wolfie so I wouldn't be so surprised. I begged him, hon, please don't be mad."

"No, I'm not mad. It's just that I wanted to tell you myself. But this is ok, I guess."

"Sorry, brother, if I got ahead of you. I am sorry."

"Oh, I guess I still love you," Matt laughed, "and will always. If Hardy wants to come with me, which I hope he will, we'll be down latish on Friday night. And you are supposed to wait up."

"Ok, Matt, see you then. I have so many things to show you. Bye"


Hardy couldn't believe the size and quality of the houses on Steve's street as Matt was driving about 10 pm on Friday night. Since it was very dark, they couldn't see much detail, but Hardy knew he'd never been in a house of the dimensions he saw.

He was holding Matt's hand, threading his fingers between Matt's, gripping the whole hand tenderly, rubbing with his thumb on his soft palm, the delicate skin giving him a tingling in his groin. Part way down from Windsor, Hardy had laid with his head on Matt's lap and silently slept, ignoring the bumps and noises of the car. The shift lever had been pushing in his side, not comfortably at all, but not enough to keep him awake.

From time to time Hardy realized, too, that Matt's cock had grown huge in his jeans and thought about sucking him, but decided that the position was too awkward and discomforting. By the time they had reached Delaware, just before I-270, he sat up, looking around bemusedly, not sure how long he had slept.

Hardy moved as close as he could to Matt, and kissed him right on the lips, also sticking his tongue inside to play with Matt's tongue. Matt could barely see around Hardy's head and had to make him quit.

"Wolfie, that tastes go damn good," he gushed, "I am so happy that your blood test came out negative, love, I've wanted to do that so bad, or good, I'm ecstatic, thanks for being strong enough to take it."

"I've wanted to do that even longer and more than you did, and with you holding me up, I know I can do lots of thing I never would have." Matt turned up the driveway of a very large house, old, but in great shape as far as Hardy could see. "Is this Steve's house?" he asked, " so that must be Marty's brother, Gary's, house over there. Jeez, they are impressive homes. I love older homes with much greater style values than in today's new homes."

"If you want to see a huge, historic house, I'll take you through the Jeffrey mansion."

Matt pulled the car up to the house, stopped near the walk to the front door and they got out with their overnight bags. Hardy was surprised that they walked to the door, opened it and walked right inside. Matt yelled, "Hey, Steve, we're here." His voice echoed around a foyer as large as most living rooms, wide and high and long.

Hardy was looking around in amazement when they saw Steve and Gary Stuart appear from a dim hallway to the side. They were looking almost exhausted, sweating profusely, their clothing wrinkled and dirty, nothing bad since they only wore a t-shirt and shorts.

"Hey, Matt," called Steve, nearing quickly, "and this must be Hardy." He stuck out his hand to Matt's friend, "Pleased to meet you, Hardy, and welcome to our home."

Hardy smiled into Steve's face, appreciating his masculine beauty, "Thank you for inviting me. For once it was not a bad ride down. I come to Columbus frequently to see my mother, but don't usually enjoy the ride." He laughed, "Of course I didn't drive this time."

"And, Hardy, this is Gary Stuart, and I assume you know his sister, Marty, well."

"Hi, Hardy, my sister has sung your praises since school started this year. Very pleased to meet just a fantastic musician, if you believe my sister, and in this case, I do." Gary couldn't take his eyes off Hardy even though he knew that he was Matt's lover. The young man was just plain gorgeous, handsome face and well-developed body.

"Hey, Gary, you could let go of Hardy's hand now. It's been too long already." Steve laughed at Gary's red face, he enjoyed teasing Gary because he embarrassed so easily.

"Steve, don't you think you could introduce me to Gary, I'm Marty's best friend, you know." He pouted, lowered his head and faked a hurt look. "And he is my lawyer, you know."

The other three laughed and Matt finally laughed, too."

He and Gary shook hands, smiled with each other, already enjoying their relationship.

Steve spoke quickly, "Guys, Gary and I have a surprise going, that's why we look so disheveled and dirty. However, we do have a small evening lunch ready if you would all go into the kitchen. Just follow Gary. Oh, I forgot, Matt does know the way by himself." He grinned, he liked to tease his brother about some things Matt didn't think Steve knew about.

The four men walked into a huge kitchen with plenty of room for a dining table. Steve and Gary had fixed a pickup lunch so they could choose exactly how much they wanted.

"Matt," Steve smiled at his brother, "you and Gary can take the guest room. There is only one extra room now since the boys each have their own bedroom. I expect you can find it."

"Sure." Matt grabbed Hardy's hand and pulled him down the hall to the staircase leading upstairs. "I told you that I didn't see Steve for so long, but when I knew he would be out of the house, I sometimes stopped to see Becky and Jacob and Joshua, so I do know the house."

Gary, still in the kitchen, leered at Steve, "Man, that Hardy is sure a fine looking man, I think Matt is very lucky to have him. Are they living together?"

"No, not totally, because in that small town they have to be very careful, often Hardy will lie down in Matt's car when Matt goes home. His garage has an inside door directly into the house. Personally, I'm hoping they can 'come out' before long. Matt told me he's up for Head of the Music Department when the old one retires at the end of this year. He feels he must hold off until that is decided before they come out. And, he's probably right."

Gary stared at Steve while he was talking, thinking 'oh would I love to have you, Steve. That kiss in the studio a week ago turned my horny gene control up to high. Maybe this weekend after watching Matt and Hardy make out, we'll get going.'

Steve had a fiendish cast to his eye, walking toward Gary with the intent of kissing him hard, but they heard Matt and Hardy talking in the hallway. Steve had closed the family room and locked the door so Matt couldn't get in there before he and Gary wanted him to.

After they ate and cleaned up the debris, Steve announced, "Matt, and Hardy, too, I have a very special surprise for you that I hope you like. This is a present I created for you, Matt, to celebrate our fortunate coming together after years in the void I created."

Matt couldn't imagine what Steve might have for him. He realized that he was holding Hardy's hand tightly and almost released it, then decided, 'no, damn it, at least here I can hold my lover's hand'.

Steve unlocked the door after he had turned off the hall lights. The room was pitch dark, no light anywhere, a darkness almost stifling, smothering any bit of life in there. He brought them just inside the door and shut the door quietly. None of them heard Steve move to the light switch that he and Gary had rigged up just for this occasion.

"Matty, this my gift to you to commemorate our recovered relationship and showing my love for you forever." He flipped the light switch. Steve's statue of Matt appeared as an illusion

All four of the men gasped at the vision before them, Steve and Gary had not seen it lit.

"Oh, my God, dear God," Matt whispered, "Oh God, that's me." He turned to Steve, tears dripping down his face, "that's when I was thirteen. I can't believe it. Oh Steve, I love it. Thank you so much."

Matt walked to Steve and they embraced each other tightly, whispering in each other's ear until their faces came together in a torrid, burning kiss, lips scalding each other for a few minutes. Very slowly their bodies relaxed, muscle by muscle until they had parted, only lightly holding their hands together.

Matt whispered, "That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, love, even if it is me. I thank you with all my heart." He lay his head on Steve's shoulder, "Dear Heart, what am I going to do with it, though, where could I keep it?" He paused, trying to slow his breath, "I have an idea, hon, I think you should show it, put it where it will be seen." The other three men okayed his idea with words of agreement. "They do show nudes now don't they?" Suddenly he straightened with a jerk, "Steve, how the hell did you do my cock and balls so perfectly. You crud, I remember when you took that picture, I know, I know, you didn't think I saw, but I heard the camera, but I remember, I had my briefs on then. Tell ne, huh?"

Steve's face was glowing with a guilty smile. "Dear brother, don't you think after all the times I played with it and sucked it when we were that age, that I would remember every freckle and wrinkle. I know it wasn't huge like it is now, but I was trying to portray your male beauty in marble, and showing my love for you carved into it."

Matt moved over to Hardy, wrapped his arms around him and kissed him with all his fervor and strength. As they held each other, Matt said, "Hardy, now you can see why I love my brother so much, I hope you can share a bit of me with him, maybe?" Hardy squeezed Matt to show his agreement.

Matt and Hardy settled into their king-sized bed, comfortable and warm, cuddling their naked bodies into one, kissing gently and tenderly, carefully working up to their torrid love- making. They had heard Gary say goodnight, Steve shut the doors and climbing the staircase to their floor. He was in his bedroom for a few minutes, then walked to Matt and Harty's bedroom door.

He knocked quietly, waiting until Matt said, "Come in," after they had pulled up their covers over their nakedness.

Steve opened the door and stepped in, but still standing in the light of the hall fixture. Both men in the bed could see that Steve was naked, and even more so, he had a huge erection aimed directly at them. When the door was shut, the room turned dim, just enough light to see dark and light, and a form moving toward the bed.

"Hardy, I'm not sure how to approach you and Matt right now. I'm sorry if I am disturbing you, but I'm pleading with you both, let me be with both of you for a while. Could you do that?"

The darkness held an infinite quietness, their breathing seemed blanketed by the negative atmosphere. Neither Matt or Hardy spoke, but Hardy knew it was up to him. He realized, as Matt had told him, that Matt and Steve had sex together hundreds of times as young boys, but also those few times since their adulthood and reconciliation.

He started slowly, softly, "Steve, Matt has told me most of the history between you two, and you both have my sympathy and my love. I don't know you, Steve, as I do Matt, but what I'm trying to say is that I would like to know you. You are Matt's brother, more than Matt's brother, and I guess I would like to be part of that, have a share in the realization of your love." He paused, held out his hand to Steven, "If you can accept me, I would love to be included in your bond of passion.

Steve took Hardy's hand but slid further down his arm until they gripped each other's large bicep muscle. Matt showed his willingness by throwing the sheet and blanket toward the bottom of the bed and off onto the floor. He also moved away from Hardy, leaving space between them where Steve could lie down.

And that was just what he did. Steve crawled onto the bed and lay on his back between his brother and his brother's lover. It felt most wonderful to Steve, as he related to his two neighbors. Handy felt so privileged and Matt was thrilled himself.

Matt said quietly, "Steve, before we start grabbing ass and each other's tool, would you tell us about you and Gary. Is there something going on, or will there be?" All three men had solid tall cocks towering over their crotches, dripping precum down the sides.

Steve put his arms under Matt and Steve's shoulders, pulling them to his body, they both put an arm on his chiseled chest. "To answer your question, I'll say we have kissed a few times, but nothing further. You know I have to be especially careful with Becky and the boy's around. Maybe this weekend though.

"Did I ever tell you, Matt, when you left from this house that first time we were back together, my son, Jacob, saw us kissing at the front door. Of course he ran to the kitchen to immediately blab to his mother. I heard that and walked back there, too, showing that I had heard Jacob.

"I just said that yes I kissed him and we were trying very hard to settle the problems between us, getting to love each other again. And she completely accepted that, pleased that we were in good spirits again." He mused, "But, sometimes, Matty, I wonder if she doesn't have a idea of what we are doing. This trip to her mother's house was out of the blue, no warning at all. I've set the house alarms to go off even if she were to return unexpectedly.

"I called her at her mother's earlier this evening, so we know she is there, and that's a 7 hour trip to here. We'll just have to watch out."

Matt and Hardy both lay on their sides, one leg over Steve's legs, one arm around his chest, getting as close to him as they could.

"Steve," Hardy whispered, "could we have a dim light on, you realize I have never seen you naked or your cock at attention." In the dark they couldn't see his red face, but he had one.

Matt snickered and reached behind him, turning on a night light on the bedside table.

None of them were brightly lit, but the glow was even better to show off all three bodies. Steve and Hardy were equally developed with chiseled, defined muscles, especially chest and abdomen, arms and legs. All three found the little light a big help as they all were feeling each other erotically with Steve's arms down the backs of the two others, focusing his attention on their buttocks, playing with the muscles, fine skin - light hair on Hardy's butt, Matt's butt hair- free except around his asshole.

"Ya know, Hardy, when we get home, I'd like you to do something for me. I want an asshole like yours, that is, no hair. Would you shave my asshole for me?"

"Sure, babe, anything you want." He stretched over to kiss Matt's lips.

Both Matt and Hardy moved even closer, raising their bodies on top of their part of Steve's nakedness, bring their lips to Steve's face, finally getting to a three-way kiss, three pair of lips slobbering over each other's and three tongues licking lips, teeth, gums and other tongues.

All three men were groaning loudly as they rubbed their body parts, strong hands sending powerful messages to each system, nerves activated by the erotic sensations and loving passions. Steve's fingers were working into Matt's and Hardy's asses, around the buds, wrinkled and pulsing, then into the holes until they curled around the sphincters trying to spread them.

"Matty, if you pull out that drawer in the night table, you will find some lube and a box of condoms which I feel we will want to use tonight. Unless I'm reading you lovers wrong?"

"No, no, Steve," Hardy answered, "I think we are both ready for that hot stuff."

Matt brought out the goods, handing them first to Hardy to use. He had an idea.

"Steve, would you turn in the bed to put your head at the foot, and I'd like to suck your cock while you suck mine. I'll kneel over you and drop my cock into your mouth. Sound good?"

"Oh, lover, absolutely, I have always loved sucking you. But what is your lover going to do?"

"Well," Matt drawled, "maybe he could get behind me and figure out something that might be fun, right, Hardy?"

After getting into position, Matt lowered his head, pressed his lips against Steve's cockhead and slowly inhaled that soft, spongy glans until the flange was inside his lips. His tongue was busy licking this cock, drawing Steve's attention to the pleasure he was receiving. Meanwhile, Steve had pulled Matt's cock directly down into his mouth, then put his hands on Matt's butt so he could lower it and force his cock into his throat. Matt's cock was so large, he'd had trouble getting it to sink into his throat, but the last time they'd been together, he had learned how to swallow enough to take it in. Steve could taste his brother's precum, he loved it. Even though Matt's cock was down his throat, he could still slide his tongue around it, back and forth, working his lips up and down the shaft which tickled his nose on Matty's pubes. He also rubbed his hands all over Matt's butt, massaging those muscles and feeling the smooth, soft skin, then let his fingers creep into his butt crack, tentatively teasing the asshole. Suddenly, his fingers were pushed aside as Hardy's condom covered cock was forcing it's way into Matt's anus.

Steve was pleased, too, because he could play with Hardy's cock and balls while that prick was forced in and out of Matt's rectum. He even reached back as far as Hardy's buttocks to help him force them forward to fuck the hell out of Matt. Matt's brother was wishing that cock could be inside him, maybe sometime this weekend he could talk Matt into letting his lover fuck him, too.

Matt's prick, down Steve's throat, was being shoved forward and back by Hardy's thrusts into his rectum. Hardy slowly lay over onto Matt's back, where he rested a bit, but then wrapped his arms and hands around Matt's chest, tweaking his nipples, caressing his pecs, feeling the power and strength. Hardy was getting very excited, so horny that he could hardly stand it. His pelvis began pumping his dick in and out with sudden forced snaps and he knew he wouldn't last much longer without cumming.

"Oh, Matty, I love your ass so much, it feels so hot and smooth, my cock just loves your butt, it fits so well, and your asshole's power is pulling out my cum. Take me, Matty, take my cum. I love you so much. Ugh ... nugh ... oh ... ah .... o, there it is, man, my man."

Hardy relaxed on Matt's back just as Steve told them that his cum was pumping out, sending streams of semen, stream after stream into Matt's mouth, down his throat. It tasted so good to Matt, his brother's germs of life, part from their parents and part from his own body. He couldn't help the drops of joy that dripped from his eyes onto Steve's crotch.

Hardy's cock had diminished enough to slip from Matt's asshole, Steve climbed from under Matt, turned around and even though he'd just cum, his cock was still stiff and hard. He asked Matt to turn over and pull his legs way up over his head. Matt's red, slightly bruised asshole appeared clearly in good position for Steve to try. He made a good thrust into Matt's ass and immediately begin a pounding action into him while his cock still stayed hot and hard. Hardy came around them, got his head in between the two men fucking hard but was unable to get Matt's cock into his mouth. So, he turned to Matt's face and started kissing him with all he had, invading his mouth with his lips and tongue. Their two tongues battled each other and Hardy grabbed Matt's cock with his left hand, pumping it, slick with all the precum around. He gripped it hard, toyed with the slippery head with his thumb, trying to suck out all that hot cum from Matt's balls. He pinched Matt's cockhead between his finger and thumb, squeezing out the precum, feeling the slickness between them, as he held tight with those fingers.

Steve couldn't believe that his cock hadn't softened but kept just as hard. His excitement was rising, his body building with his erotic electricity entering his system.

"Matt, hon, I'm going to do it again. I'm cuming again. Look out 'cause I'm cuming way up in your asshole, deep in your rectum, maybe up in your stomach." He was shoving his body onto his loving brother, soon telling him that he was cuming, and his cock pulsed, not as many times as the first time, but plenty up into the depths of Matt's abdomen.

Just as he did, Matt himself cummed all over his chest as Hardy's hand pulled the stuff out, the streams of clotted white semen puddling around Matt's belly button, between his pecs and also on his pubes. A real mess.

The three men collapsed on each other.

"Thanks, guys," Steve grinned, "that's the most I've cum in years and years. I'm glad you agreed, Hardy, but if you don't want to anymore, that's ok with me."

"No, no!," Hardy yelled, "don't worry, I'll take it any time you want to put out. That is if it is OK with Matt." He looked at Matt and grabbed his flaccid cock, "I know I can take this twin cock of yours home with me. My Matty and I will have plenty of time for ourselves. You are the greatest stud, man, I love you, too, you two are the most wonderful and amazingly talented brothers I've ever heard of. Thanks so much for having me here."

Both Matt and Steve hugged Hardy, kissing and licking him however they felt. Matt kissed Hardy on his perky nose, "I love you so much, man, and you are mine forever." Steve sat up looking down at Matt and Hardy. "I just thought, Hardy, you are going to be my brother-in- law, aren't you." He looked back forth from one to the other, "Or am I overeager or haven't you worked that out?"

Matt and Hardy glanced at each other and burst out laughing. "We hadn't gotten that far, no, Steve, but I'm happy to take another Ridgway brother, not to change his name or anything, just have a third brother for our team. Isn't he a fine lover, Steve, and such a beautiful one? Don't know how I was so lucky to get him. Might even marry him one day."

Matt and Hardy kissed, then pulled Steve down so they could kiss him, too.

"And, Steve, I can't thank you enough for my statue. I think it is glorious and I'm so grateful. Is there somewhere you can show it?" Steve nodded. "I hope so. Maybe someday I could have it around the house, to enjoy, to admire and to caress at times.."

Hardy spoke up, "Steve, I'm so pleased to be able to see Matt as he was 15 years ago, a handsome young boy with all the fine attributes which have shown up in the super man he is. We do have problems, at least I do and Matt's shares them, Steve, and we hope to get through them." He grabbed Steve, pulling him into his embrace, "And, brother, we are certainly going to need your help most of all. You will be our guiding light." He kissed him again as did Matt.

All three men were thinking that they had most of the weekend left to play around.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 6

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