Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 7, 2004



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul@mail.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

========== Chapter Seven ==========

"Daddy, Daddy," both Jacob and Joshua yelled happily, "We missed you," Joshua continued. They ran to their father who grabbed one under each of his arms, holding them tight to his body.

"How are my boys doing?" he asked, smiling at them, "Do you like it here at Nana Wolfe's house?" He tickled them until they both were giggling. "That was Hardy Wolfe who was playing with you, those were his toys when he was a little boy like you. Could you say 'hi, Hardy'?"

Bashfully, they said, "Hi, Hardy," in singsong voices. He answered them back. "Hi, my last name is Wolfe, now you know a wolf. How about that?"

Steve broke in, "So, you now know Nana Wolfe and her son, Hardy Wolfe. You'll be spending some time with them for a while, as well as Uncle Matt."

Steve sat on the floor with his boys, patting their wispy light blond hair on their heads, trying to think what to say to them. "Boys, you knew your mother wasn't feeling well for quite a while, didn't you?"

Jacob spoke up, "Yes, Daddy, she was awful sick sometimes."

"Well, Mommy had a sickness in her head called a tumor. Yesterday she went to the hospital to have the doctors take it out so she could be better." Steve struggled to hold onto his emotions and not let go. "Well, the doctors did try very hard, but they weren't able to get rid of the tumor for Mommy. There was nothing they could do, and it was so bad that Mommy didn't get better. She went to Heaven to be with God where she would really be all better."

Then Steve started to lose it, lose all control of himself, so Matt stepped in.

"Jacob, Joshua, do you know what your Daddy was telling you?"

At first neither one spoke, but then Jacob looked at Matt, "He said our Mommy died, didn't he?" Jacob looked at his feet, then up at Matt, not crying, but very somber.

"That's right, Jacob. Your Mommy has gone to Heaven to live forever, ever and ever. We won't get to see her here again, but we will remember her forever, too."

Jacob walked to his Daddy, crawled into his lap and said, "Daddy, we'll help you. Don't be sad." He hugged his Dad around the neck, holding him tightly. Steve couldn't help crying, but was trying not to make noise. He couldn't believe his five-year-old son was comforting him. He held his boy.

At that Anne lost it, too, and she ran out of the room, tears dripping from her eyes, trying not to cry noisily.

Matt was having a hard time, too. He was so amazed at Jacob at five years, learning that his mother had just died, yet telling his father not to feel sad. Then he was surprised to find Joshua in his lap, just curled up seeking comfort, obviously not understanding the import. He cuddled him, kissing the top of his head, smelling the sweet scent of the shampoo, and the scent of all boy.

Within a few minutes Jacob let go of his father, walked to Matt and took Joshua's hand, leading him away to the other end of the living room. They stood looking out of the big window toward the beauty of the park and the golf course and Jacob had his arm around Joshua's neck, talking to him very quietly. He stopped talking and both were crying in each other's arms.

Matt would have given anything to know just what Jacob told Joshua, but he couldn't even guess. He also supposed these boys took care of themselves often when Becky was so ill.

Each of the adults was crying, sobbing in his own way, but separately. Only Jacob and Joshua held each other for support. Within a moment Anne Wolfe came back into the room.

"My dear boys, I'm sorry I had to leave, but how about we all have a grand hug, eh?" She opened her arms wide, waiting a moment before Matt, Steve and Hardy went to her. Jacob noticed what they were doing, so he led Joshua over to them. Steve picked up Jacob and Matt picked up Joshua, holding them high in the middle of their family hug.

"Dear God," Anne prayed, "please bless Becky and see to her care now, and please bless us and give us strength to sustain our will and do what needs to be done. In Thy name, Amen."

They uttered a combined 'Amen', and then a final 'Amen' in the small voice of Joshua followed.

Later in the day, Matt called Marty, explaining what had happened to Becky, that a memorial service would be held for Becky the next day, Monday, and he would have to miss band. "I will have to cancel band on Monday," he said, "unless you would like to take the rehearsal."

"I don't think I can. Gary called me last night to tell me. Please give Steve my sympathy, will you? I'll get down to see him sometime later. I didn't know Becky except that one meeting with her in Windsor. She seemed so sweet and a wonderful mother."

"Yes, she was. We haven't figured anything out at all about the boys. I know that Steve won't go to work any of the coming week. I will be back on Tuesday so put up a sign to that effect on the band room, and cancel tomorrow because of death in the family. Ok?" She nodded.

Matt continued, "I was going to suggest getting the Dukes together tomorrow instead, and Roger could take Hardy's place, if you think that's possible."

"Sure, Matt, that I will do. By the way, where is Hardy, anyway, Matt?"

"He's with me, Marty."

"Good," she commented, "You two need each other."

"Don't worry about anything, I won't mess them up too much." And she gave a sneaky giggle.

"You can tell the Dukes that I'm working on the next performance already, and we'll have to perfect some more numbers. That means I have to do some more arranging. And they should practice the music they have but didn't use for the Faculty Council. Ok, thanks, Marty, I think. See you Tuesday."

Matt clicked off, thanking his lucky stars for Marty, and Gary, too, for that matter. He did have a thought wondering how Gary was coming with his case against the University Press. Well, he would ask later on that.

He thought about his next move. Steve was on the phone most of the time, organizing phone brigades to make Becky's friends aware of the Memorial Service in the evening on Monday. He looked outside, noticed his dirty car in the drive and decided that he could fix that. He had seen a car wash on the main road just before they got to the golf course.

He called for Hardy, getting him up from the floor where all the kids were playing.

"Ah, jeez, do I hafta?" Hardy kidded, "just when I was havin' fun." He grinned at Matt and looked around, "Aha, no one watching." He leaned into Matt, embracing him and giving him a big kiss.

At that moment he heard the little kids, "Uncle Matt is kissing Hardy, Daddy, look." He pointed to the pair, lost to the world. Steve gave a half smile, then returned to his phone. Matt decided not to prolong this kiss, even though it was too late already.

"Come on, Hardy, let's clean up my car." He grabbed Hardy's hand, pulling him outside to the car. He was afraid the kids would follow to see what else they would do, but the kids didn't. Steve probably held them inside.

Matt and Hardy drove to the car wash on the nearest main road, a Kwik Klean. Hardy spoke up, "I hope they can clean better than they can spell." He giggled, "You don't suppose they could wreck the car, could they?"

"One could hope," Matt answered with a sneaky smile.

After driving into the correct lane, they left the car so the employee could move the car into the cleaning tunnel. Walking into the hallway, which led to the pay counter at the front, they could watch the car through plate glass windows. They had walked faster than the car moved, so were ahead when they heard a tremendous crash and screeching sounds which kept on going. A couple of the employees ran toward their car, one looking underneath while the other yelled to stop the pulling mechanism. The chain and the car ground slowly to a halt so the noises finally stopped.

Matt and Hardy looked at each other, then back to the car and workers. A door was opened which let them onto the washing floor next to the car. The worker came over, he mumbled, "We think your engine and all fell out of the car. That seems to be what is dragging on the cement floor, making all that noise."

"Could we talk to the manager, please?" Matt looked around.

One worker replied, "Sure, just wait a minute. But you need to get your car out of the way. It's holding up our whole line."

Matt gave a quizzical look, "Do you have an idea how we can do that?"

Fortunately, the manager walked up right at that point. "What's the problem?"

The car wash worker explained what happened to Matt's car. "And it's holding us up."

The manager looked at Matt, "What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing." Matt looked unyielding.

"But your car is holding up our business. You need to get it out." He was angry, yet soon realized he was technically impotent.

"I wasn't driving my car, it was damaged in your car wash. I'm not responsible."

Hardy looked at Matt wondering what he was thinking. So did the manager, stunned.

Matt continued, "Hardy, you have your cell phone?" Hardy nodded.

Turning to the manager, handed him a card on which he wrote Hardy's phone number."Here is my number, when you get the car out, give me a call. Come on, Hardy."

They left the office, walked along the road toward the golf course. Matt spoke up, "Gee, I'm glad I didn't pay for the car wash." He smiled wickedly.

"Hardy, how about calling the house to see if Anne or Steve could come get us."

Hardy smiled, "If not, do we just walk a few miles?" Matt gave him a grimacing expression on his face. Hardy talked to his mother who promised to pick them up.

Matt put his arm around Hardy's shoulder, "I know you are wondering 'What Kind of Fool Am I'," he sang to his lover. "That car is a wreck, I've expected it to fall apart any day. It is really worthless, Hardy, so we can let them deal with it."

"Ah, one little thing, Matty, how do we get to Windsor tomorrow night?"

"We'll have to think about that, lover, and soon. I'm sure we'll find something."

In the afternoon that Sunday, Gary Stuart arrived at Hardy's mother's house, appreciating the homes and land in the development, but still loving more his own street and houses and old time landscaping and trees.

Steve was outside when Gary arrived and they hugged closely, but did not show anything else between themselves. Gary expressed his sympathy to Steve, and offerings of help in any way. They went inside and Jacob and Joshua ran to him, climbing up his body until he pulled them up with his arms under their little butts. They kissed him extravagantly, squeezing his neck, both of them holding on tight.

Gary felt at that time the boys were connecting him to their mother, holding on to him in a different way than their father. It would be his pleasure to be with the boys as much as possible, to play with them and to love them. He fervently hoped he could help Steve.

After a while, the kids let Gary alone, so he sought out Matt to have some private conversations about his book.

"First, Matt," Gary started, "I need to know when you would be available for a week or so, maybe, before I start proceedings. Do you have any time off coming up?"

"Gary, I know I have time off around Christmas and the school second semester doesn't start until late in January. Probably from December 15 to January 25, something like that."

"Ok, that's good. Matt, I have had talks with the University Press lawyers who have yet to show me a contract they say you signed. This coming week I am going to put pressure on in the form of a judge's order that they produce the contract in court. I feel they are running scared. And that makes me feel that we got a chance."

"That's good, Gary, I'm so thankful of your efforts. Can we plan on receiving some contingency funds which would help pay for your time?"

"Oh, yes, Matt," Gary guffawed, "That will be one of my strongest points, that you had to hire a lawyer to receive your proper payment for the sale of your intellectual property." He put his arm around Matt's shoulder, "Matty, you are going to get what you deserve, and soon." He grinned, "And I'll get my piece of the pie, too." They both laughed confidently.

Monday evening at 7 the memorial service for Rebecca Ridgway was held at the Bexley Methodist Church out on east Broad Street where the family had attended for years. Steve had called his parents, but couldn't get in touch with them. The phone was not in service. He wondered what that meant.

The service was short and simple as Steve and Matt had requested. The large sanctuary was not full, but many of Becky's friends were there. Neither of her parents were well so they didn't try to come from Virginia. Matt or Steve had no idea where their own parents could be.

After the postlude on Sine Nomine, For All The Saints, from the magnificent pipe organ, the attendees were led to the hall where light refreshments were served and all who wished could speak to the family. Hardy and "Nana" Wolfe were induced to include themselves as part of the 'family'.

Steve and Matt were holding up well, but the boys were tiring rapidly. Anne suggested that she take them to her house, put them to bed. Their father agreed whole-heartedly, partly because he and Matt wanted to go past their parent's house on Pleasant Ridge Avenue in south Bexley, very near to Capital University. The other part was that they, Matt and Hardy, wanted to be together just for a bit, just talk and try to figure out what would happen with them now.

When most people had left, Steve thanked the pastor and slipped a check into his pocket."Doug, I have written a check with which I want to start a memorial to Becky here at the church, primarily to care for lost, abused or battered children. Will you see to it? I will put that in the obituary which will be in the paper tomorrow. When you need more, just let me know."

Reverend Williams gave Steve a hug and pat on the back. "That's very good of you, Steve, that will be a treasured fund here, and we will add to it, also. Bless you and your family."

Steve, Matt and Hardy rode south on Cassingham Rd. to Main Street, then Mound St, finally turning on to Pleasant Ridge Avenue in south Bexley, a middle class section of the small city. Their parents' house was dark with no sign of life at all. The street was mostly dark, too.

"Matt, would you run up to the Drake's house next door, see if they know where Mom and Dad are?"

Ten minutes later Matt returned. "Well, Steve, it seems that our parents sold their house, filled a moving van and left about a month ago. The Drakes have no idea where they went, even though they tried to find out. The moving van was Mayflower; maybe one day we can do some investigating as to where they took our parents' goods. I found out the exact date they left."

Steve wondered, "Why would they have done that? When did you last speak to them, Matt?"

His brother didn't say anything for a while. "I think I may know why, Steve." He paused, "It might go back to my doctoral degree graduation. I sent them a invitation, but didn't hear anything from them." He hesitated, "I don't want to admit the next part, but guess I must.

"So I called to ask if they had received the invitation. Mom answered and said 'yes they had, but weren't coming'. She didn't give any excuse, no apology, nothing.

"I'm sorry, but I got pissed. I said that I really wanted them there, I was very proud of my accomplishments and hoped they would be too."

"Mom said nothing. So, then I let her have it. 'Is this because I told you I am gay, is that it?'"

"'Yes'. That was all she said and hung up. So I said some bad stuff into the dead phone which made me feel better, but did no good. Now you know."

"I'm sorry, Matt, I didn't know. I realized they weren't at your graduation, but just assumed they weren't well enough. I wish you had told me, I might have been able to sort them out."

Matt was tearing up, "I don't think that would have helped, Steve, they gave up on me a long time ago. And I have the feeling that you may be on their list, too. Maybe they have seen through your 15-year avoidance of me. We are both tarred with the same brush. Mom was always getting at me for not having a girl or getting married or giving them more grandchildren. That was when I finally told her I was gay; I wouldn't be giving her any grandchildren at all, that she should be satisfied with your two boys. She told me, 'You are horrible, Matthew, we have nothing to talk about anymore.' Then she just hung up."

Hardy was leaning over the front seat, his arms around Matt's body, his face against Matt's, kissing him gently, tenderly and adoringly. "Matty, we get home and I'll give you something to make you forget ..... everything," he giggled, trying to change the mood. Actually his hand was clutching the rising prick he found between Matt's legs. "In fact it's ready right now, but this isn't the time or place."

Steve tsk, tsked and clucked with his tongue, "Down, boys, down." He laughed, "Won't be long now."

Steve had been driving north toward his own house on the north side, and drove in the driveway to the garage. Pressing the remote control, he opened the garage door to reveal a late model Chrysler Town and Country van, pure white and big as a house.

He took two keys from his key chain, "Matty, here are the keys to that van. I won't be using it, didn't like the way it drove, so it's yours to take you home tonight. We'll do the papers and stuff later. There is plenty of gas, I checked, so you two get in it and follow me to Hardy's house. You should get to Windsor by midnight, or before, so let's go."

"Thank you so much, Stevie, you know I appreciate it very much. I was a little worried."

Matt was so unused to this luxury, he was stunned by the van. It was Becky's, he knew, and quite a piece of machinery. "Hey, how about this, Hardy, pretty neat, huh?"

"Well, I don't like these split seats, I can't get near to kiss you or hug you."

"Maybe that could keep me from having an accident. Let's get to your house and then on home."

After picking up their belongings, Matt and Hardy hugged Steve and Anne before leaving. Matt, holding on to his brother, "Thanks again, Steve. You are wonderful. I love you. And call me, often, please." Matt squeezed Steve until he said, "OK."

Anne wanted Steve to stay with her for a while, so she could watch the boys. He agreed, but said he was thinking about getting a housekeeper.

The boys packed up the van, kissed everyone and left for Windsor College.

The week moved swiftly, rehearsals, classes and Dukes' practices. Hardy was spending most of his out of school time at Matt's, somewhat irritated because of the hiding and furtive moves they had to make. He wanted their love to be out in the open, they loved each other so much, but had to hide it.

The Dukes and Duchess were making steady progress, learning new music and dance steps and Matt was very pleased for them. He had scheduled a concert for them at Windsor College in two weeks for which posters were already in place around the campus.

"Matt, those posters are great. Whom did you con to make them?" Marty asked him.

"Con? Con?" Matt questioned. "The graphic arts director offered to do them. He saw our first performance, the command one, and loved the group. Christine just happens to be his niece." He laughed, "I can pick 'em, can't I." He preened and strutted around.

He was feeling good, his work was all up to his objectives and his lover, Hardy, and he were enjoying their life together. He wished, just as Hardy did, that they could be open about it, but that would have to wait.

His colleagues had, without an exception, been most gratifying to him, copious in their praise of the Dukes. Even Victor, for the moment, had expressed his pleasure for Matt's ideas for the group. He did wonder about the costumes, though, something about being too sexy.

The only costume that was sexy was Christine's slinky gowns and Matt admitted they were, but what could he do, the woman was sexy herself. She could wear a Grandma Moses outfit and still be sexy. He smiled to himself; she really added a big punch to the group. If someone didn't like the music, they could watch Christine and be entertained.

He had thought of using antique costumes for the Dukes, sort of medieval, like maybe a vest-like top, full sleeve white shirt and tights from their waists down. He would insist that they be skin-tight from their middle down, exposing their butts like male ballet dancers. The thought perked him up, visualizing his 'men' in those costumes. "Ruff", he growled.

Friday afternoon, Matt and Hardy went once more to Matt's house to rest after a hard week, have a few beers, eat and make love. Both changed to sweat pants after showering, Hardy going first, then Matt came from the bathroom to join Hardy on the bed. They wound their bodies around their partner, enjoying the feeling of closeness and their 'man'. Matt placed his head next to Hardy's, kissing his ear, enjoying his aroma.

"I love you so much, Hardy, you have made my life one of fulfillment, constant wonders of living with each other." He hesitated, "Yeah, I know we can't yet, but we're close to it. Don't you think?"

Hardy didn't reply, but hid his face in Matt's neck, clinging to Matt's body with all of his strength. His hands caressed Matt's naked back, almost roughly, as if he were trying to knead his muscles to relax them.

Finally, Hardy spoke, quietly and hesitantly, "Matty, we are going to be in trouble. I'm sorry, but my roommate from the rooming house caught me in the student union today. I rarely ever go there, but needed a coffee badly, then sat in a corner table. As I sat down, Charlie Maltese took the opposite chair, said 'Hi' and looked at me as if he had just swallowed a canary."

"Wolfe, haven't seen you in a long time." Charlie squinted at me, "I know ya been there sometimes when I'm not. I think you are avoiding me, ain't ya?"

"Why would I do that, Charlie, I'm just out and busy," I winked at him, "I got lots of friends to take care of, play with."

"Wolfe, that ain't the way it is." He face got mean, "I know what you are doin' and who yer doin' it with. And I'm gonna tell everybody, unless ...... unless you do what I say."

"What the hell are you talking about, Charlie, you're crazy. I don't know who you are talking about, and I'm leaving."

Hardy started to get up when Charlie whispered to him, "How about Dr. Ridgway, huh?"

Hearing Matt's name, Hardy's face paled, his breathing stopped and he was afraid that his heart might stop also.

Charlie got up, too. He leaned toward Hardy, "I'm telling ya, lover boy, I'll be talkin' to you soon. Just be waitin' to hear what I want." He sneered, curling his lips, and walked away.

Hardy grabbed at Charlie's arm as he passed by, slowing him down.

"Charlie, I don't know what you want, but I hope you remember, blackmail can send you to prison, I think I can guarantee that." He turned and left.

Charlie seemed a little stunned, he never expected Hardy to react that way. 'Maybe he got a little guts,' he thought. 'Oh, hell, he'd never do that.' Charlie giggled to himself, 'I got his number, for good.'

Hardy said to his lover, "That's just what he said, Matt, I couldn't believe it. I never thought he'd be spying on me, ah .... us. I suppose we haven't been careful enough. What are we going to do?"

Matt held Hardy's head in his two hands, placed his lips against Hardy's pale ones and pressed, hard. "Hardy, don't worry so much. We'll take care of Mr. Maltese all right. He paused, "But we'll need some information. First, can you get his Social Security number?"

"Yes, I can go when I know he isn't there and I'll get someone to watch for him. One of the Dukes will help me. Anything else?"

"Second, do you know where he lived before coming to Windsor?"

"He says he's from Cleveland, but he gets mail from Columbus, I think from his mother."

"Okay, we'll start with that."

"How soon could you get the information for Gary? Tonight?"

Hardy thought and checked his watch, "This would be a good time, Matt, if I can find someone to be the lookout."

Back at Matt's house, Hardy had just returned from his old room.

"Got it, Matt, it was so easy. Charlie had gone down to the rec room to play pool and left his wallet and all in the room. Here's his Social Security number and exact name on the card. Who knows what's right, though?"

Matt got up, retrieved his cell phone, and called Gary's number. He only got Gary's answering machine. 'Ah ha,' he thought, 'I could try next door.' So Matt called his brother's phone.

"Hello," Steve answered. Matt and Steve had talked at least twice a day since last Monday.

"Hi, bro, it's Matt."

"Well, who else. What's up?"

"Steve, I need to talk to Gary, would he happen to be there? Hmm? Would he?" He giggled into the phone.

Matt heard mumbling on the phone, and noises as the phone was dropped then picked up.

"Hello, Matt."

"Oh, you've been baby sitting, have you?"

"Yes, Matt, and I've been having the greatest time. Ok, Steve." Gary spoke more quietly, "Matty, I think I've got Steve almost recovered. We sleep together here but nothing except holding each other. But I can understand, he's having a tough time."

"Well, you're a noble neighbor. Say, Gary, I know this isn't in your specialty, but we have a problem here. It's called blackmail, and someone is trying it on Hardy. If I give you what particulars we have on the blackmailer, could you look him up for any misdemeanors or felonies or worse?"

"No problem, Matt, especially for my soon-to-be brother-in-law. Right?"

"I hadn't thought about it, but yes, I'd say so. Gary, this is pretty urgent. He hasn't made any specific demands, but no doubt will do so soon." Matt asked

"I'll go in to the office for a bit tomorrow and see what I can learn. Stay by the phone."

"Yes, we'll wait for your news. Thanks again." Matt put the phone down.

"Well, Hardy, that is set in motion. One problem might be that he isn't using his real name."

"Oh, yes, Matt, his mother's last name is different than Maltese. I think it was Falcone, Maria Falcone."

Matt climbed back in bed, close to Hardy, "I'll call Gary back to tell him, but first, I want a piece of that handsome ass of yours." He slid his hands under Hardy's sweat pants to cup his full, round naked buttocks, strong and firm.

"Oh, Matty, yes, yes, hold me, love my ass. I'm sorry we're in trouble again, but if we keep our heads, we'll make it, right?"

Hardy took the top of Matt's sweat pants and pulled them down to his knees, discovering his straight, rock-like cock, thrusting from his crotch right at Hardy who took one look and sank his mouth to the base. He slid his mouth up and down, wetting down the rigid cock, then using his tongue to sluice down the hot, velvet flesh, he allowed Matt's glans to slide down his throat.

Matt was thinking that Hardy was becoming more proficient in cock sucking, at least he had conquered his gag reflex. Matt held on to Hardy's head, following his moves with loving caresses, pushing his cock up with his groin to go further into Hardy's mouth. He also was feeling what seemed like thousands of tiny shocks shoot from his cock up his spine to his cerebral cortex, where his sensory information is coordinated.

Swiftly, Hardy ripped off his sweat pants completely, throwing them into the bathroom. He literally jumped over Matt's body, landing with his knees bent on either side of Matt's hips, leaning over to take Matt's lips with his own, his tongue sliding inside to duel with Matt's.

Sitting straight, Hardy reached behind him to grab Matt's steely rod, standing solidly up from his crotch. He then started sitting down on top of the cockhead, sliding its slippery surface between his ass cheeks, aiming for his ravenous asshole.

"Oh god, Hardy, you are so good," he murmured while his hands rubbed Hardy's thighs, practically scraping them free of hair. As his cock slid all the way up Hardy's rectum, he could only moan, grunting like a bear in heat.

Hardy bent over Matt's chest, moving backwards and forwards to send Matt's huge cock in and out of his rear treasure, his love hole only opened to Matt. Hardy was having a lot of difficulty with Matt's eight-inch cock, much thicker than he'd ever had before. He groaned in pain, trying to relax enough to accept the huge glans. The one lover Hardy had for less than a year, had a much thinner cock than Matt's.

But Hardy was so excited, so erotically charged from his ass to the tip of his dick, he couldn't concentrate on anything but his sex center in his crotch. He was working Matt's cock with his sphincter, gripping it and releasing it, raising his lascivious sensuality hotter and more feverish until Matt grabbed Hardy's cock which was flopping back and forth, fully erect, flushed with hot blood, dripping precum all over Matt's abdomen then wiping the glans on that slippery skin.

Matt gripped Hardy's cock hard, squeezing it and pulling his shaft skin up and over. Even though Hardy was circumcised, he had very loose and flexible cock skin which could even cover his glans when hard. Both men knew that the time had come, the tightness in their groins in inexorable, welcomed sequence, out of control and in control - mind and soul accompanying body in blissful, buoyant, limitless flight.

Both men were jerking, jolting and spasming in opposite directions, but still aware of their connection between Matt's cock and Hardy's asshole, their breathing labored and shallow. Matt yelled, "Oh, Hardy, I'm cuming, cum with me, do it."

Hardy raised his butt a few inches above Matt's crotch, allowing him to snap his hips and shove his cock deep into Hardy's ass, snap after snap until he wrenched once more and held his groin tight against Hardy's butt, his bursting cock sending surges of semen gushing from its cockhead, through his piss lips, spreading the cum around far into Hardy's rectum.

"Oh, god, Hardy, man, I've done it, you are filled with my seed, you should be thoroughly swamped with it, a deluge of manly spore to impregnate your body. It's good you don't have any eggs because they would all be fertilized, all of them." He laughed, but felt the release of his body.

Matt had kept pumping Hardy's cock, pounding it until he was rewarded with streaming semen exploding in shower of hot liquid puddling on Matt's chest and abdomen, the white, thick liquid sliding down his sides to the sheet.

Hardy suddenly fell on Matt's chest, holding him tightly, murmuring his love and his thrill of orgasmic delight and excitement.

"Oh, Matt, man, that was unbelievable, you about blew my head off," He laughed softly, "I know my cock won't be the same for a long time."

"Hardy, that was the greatest lift of my life." He kissed Hardy's ear, nuzzling its curves and holes, "Now I know we have to be together, no matter what!"

Hardy agreed, slowly letting Matt's diminished cock slip quietly from his asshole, feeling so empty and bereft without it in him. "Yes, Matt, I feel we are ordained to be as one forever."

Steve decided to take another three weeks of vacation time from his plentiful supply. He wanted to stay with his boys to ease them into life without their mother. Some friend had suggested that he take them on a vacation, but to his mind, that would only delay their adjustment to a new life. Neither one said much about their mother, yet he'd come across Jacob in out of the way places around the house, crying quietly to himself. Steve didn't disturb him then, but later, when the opportunity arose, he talked to the boys about their mother, the fun they had, the trips they took together, very personal memoirs. He wanted them to keep her with the best memories they could draw upon. He also began placing fun pictures of Becky around the house for the boys to see. He hoped they would get to enjoy them, too.

He often invited Gary over to play with the kids. They loved him and showed it, holding on to him, giving him kisses. They loved to have him on the carpet with their bodies thrown around him at will, and he would let them ride on his back, even both at one time. Gary tried to help Steve as much as he could, giving him hugs and the occasional kiss, the casual pat on the back but rarely one on the butt. He knew Steve wasn't ready yet, but Gary was a patient man.

After a week or so, Steve invited Gary to stay with them overnight. The boys were beside themselves with joy, their favorite playmate and 'horsie' for a whole day and night. When the boys were finally in bed, Steve and Gary sat on the sofa in the family room, close, leaning against each other. Steve had brought out a good wine they both appreciated.

"Gary, I want to thank you so much for helping the kids," he turned to face his friend, "and helping me, too. You are a wonder with them and me, and you fit into our life here so easily and well. " He hesitated, "I think you know that I love you, very much, and I'd like to build on that as much as you will allow."

Gary reached for Steve's hand, weaving his fingers between Steve's, holding strongly. "My friend, you do know that I love you, too, way beyond anyone before. And, I will participate with your family as much as you will allow. It seems to me that we are joining our families, my one and your three, well, four if you count Matt, maybe even five if we consent to fraternize with a Wolfe." He giggled, "What a family that will be, right?"

Steve turned to Gary, pulled him into his arms and hugged tightly, "Gary, babe, I want to love you physically, but I'm not ready yet." He lowered his head to Gary's shoulder, reddening, "Gary, I still feel some guilt, whether I should or shouldn't isn't the issue. You can help me by just being here, staying loose, but also holding me when we can."

The two men grew tired, their eyes sagging while they spoke sporadically.

"Gary, let's get to bed. We will be in a guest room because I still haven't been able to force myself to sleep in our marriage bed. I know I will eventually, but not yet."

"That's very understandable, Steve. Don't push yourself, just ease into it."

Within ten minutes they had each visited the bathroom and crawled into the queen- sized bed. "Oh, this is comfortable, Steve, I'm going to find out what kind it is. Mine is so rigid."

"I'll find out for you." He moved closer to Gary, "I would appreciate it if you would hold me, Gary, nothing passionate, just hold me. Don't be surprised, because I will hold you, too."

They both pulled their bodies together, arms around back, hands holding gently, but with strength. Gary smoothed Steve's hair, caressing his head but no further.

Steve couldn't help thinking about Becky, but soon he felt the warmth from Gary and enjoyed his closeness and the strong male body, so different from the female.

Gary knew that this man needed to be his and he needed him, too. He knew it would take a while, but also knew that Steve was slowly coming into Gary's life's sphere.

In the morning Gary and Steve slept later than usual. That reprieve only lasted until Jacob and Joshua found them and jumped onto them, snaking their slender, lithe bodies under the blankets until they were lying on top of the men. Each man's thought was 'I'm glad I kept my sleep shorts on all night'. They cuddled the boys, kissing their heads and tried to hold their wriggling bodies close. It wasn't long before everyone demanded breakfast which Steve and Gary produced with speed.

Karl Nordstrom and Victor Whinery had convened another after work elbow-bending in Victor's office. Their work had been going well, both with plenty of students and on the whole, good students. Victor was still irritated by Matt Ridgway seemingly sudden success. He never thought about all the experience and studying Matt had accomplished before the 'sudden' success.

"I tell you, Karl, he's going to take over this whole place, just look how he's made a fool out of Powers, a poor excuse for a department head." Karl thought a moment, "Ya know, Vic, I think you're looking at this the wrong way. I'm not against Matt because I think he'd be a much better head than Powers." Vic started to break in .... Karl cut him off. "I know what you are going to say, that I could be head myself." He shook his head, "First, I don't think so, I think Matt was personally chosen by the dean to be head. How can I overcome that lead? Second, I don't want to be Head, too much paperwork and too little actual teaching. I'd rather leave it to Matt."

Vic was shaking his head, "I think you are wrong, Karl, and I'm going to do something about it. Matt has a big concert this Friday night with his "Dukes" and maybe that won't go off as smoothly as he hopes." His smile that time was pure 'evil' and viciously conniving.

"You better be careful, Vic, you make a big mistake and he'll take you apart. You'll be booted out of here so fast we'll see the skid marks on Main Street."

On the way home to his bachelor apartment, Victor Whinery was planning the 'accident' which will happen to Matt's plans. 'Hell, he wasn't going to get caught. No way.' Again he just had to smile, he'd love to see Matt's reaction when he finds out who's going to get hurt.

`Matt and Hardy left the Music Building on the Friday afternoon of the Dukes of Windsor's premiere on the Windsor College campus. A few hundred of the students had heard them when the Dean decided that the group would continue in spite of Powers' disapproval. Matt was going to do some grocery shopping on the way home, but Hardy wanted to stop by his apartment to get some more of his clothes to take to Matt's house.

"See you in a bit," Matt said, "be careful, will you?" He started his car, picked up his groceries and headed home.

After an hour, he began to wonder where Hardy was, since he should have been home by then.

He headed toward the front door when it opened slowly. He couldn't believe what he saw. Hardy crept in, his face a mass of blood, saliva and blood dripping from his chin.

"My god, Hardy, what happened?"

Through thick lips, Hardy said someone put a bag over his head in the rooming house and began beating him, concentrating on his face. "I managed to keep my lips tucked into my mouth, though I almost bit them off after one hit."

"Shut up, Hardy, we're going to the Emergency Ward. Now!" He grabbed Hardy and tried to turn him around, but he wouldn't move.

"Geez, Matt, you got to call Roger. I don't think my lips are split, but I know I can't play tonight. He can, so get hold of him fast."

Matt nodded, "Ok, Hardy, you're right as usual." He picked up his phone, found Roger's number and called.

"Hey, Roger, what you doin' tonight?"

"Oh, nothing, just go and watch the show."

Matt countered, "No, you aren't, Roger, you are playing tonight. Get your Dukes outfit and be at the Auditorium by 7:30. OK?"

"What's happened to Hardy?"

"Somebody beat him up, bruised his face bad so he can't play tonight. We're depending on you, Roger, you got to play your greatest tonight. You can do it, stud, show Christine how good you are and be her hero!"

Roger started laughing, "Hey, Dr. R., I'm not that good. Her hero would have to walk on water and look better than Brad Pitt, in his younger days, that is."

"Ok, Roger, you'll do it?"

"Yeah, yeah, Dr. R., sure, I'll do my best. See you at 7:30 P.M."

Matt turned to Hardy, "Now you go to emergency so they can fix you up. We want you for next time, remember?"

After the doctor had worked on Hardy for half an hour, he pronounced that he'd live. "His lips will be Ok after the swelling goes down - a week maybe. But, no playing tonight, that's for sure. Ok?"

"Thanks, Doc. If someone comes in here with bruised or broken knuckles, you might let me know as soon as you can. Right?"

"Sure." He handed Hardy a tube, "This will help your bruises."

"Thanks, Doc. Come on, Hardy. We'll go home and get dressed."

At eight o'clock on the dot, the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor appeared from behind the curtain in the Auditorium before a crowd of 500 to 600 students, friends and parents, plus quite a few of the College faculty. Even with the substitution of Roger for Hardy, their performance was actually inspired, a potpourri of familiar and unfamiliar music, played with precision but also a warmth of musicality that got to the center of every person listening.

Hardy stood backstage talking to Roger. Matt had gotten a mike for Hardy and an earpiece for Roger, so Hardy could direct his replacement at some points in the program. When they rehearsed the system, Roger said it was working fine.

By the end of the program, all the Dukes were sweating blood, but had produced a beautiful program which was received with tumultuous applause. The Dukes and Duchess did their bows with precision and expressions of thanks. They exited the stage, planning to come back out if the applause continued.

When it did, they returned, dragging Hardy with them to take a bow with them. Matt was pleased that he made Hardy wear his 'penguin suit'. Gasps of dismay came from many of the audience who knew Hardy, when they saw his face. Those who knew the players also knew that Hardy should have been playing that night.

All of the Dukes & Duchess gathered around Hardy to accompany him backstage. Matt congratulated them all, particularly Roger for stepping in at the last minute for Hardy. Everybody embarrassed Roger by fawning over him, shaking his hand, patting his back, and a few whacks on the butt by Jamal and Rick. Roger loved it all, pleased that he was actually an almost full member of the troupe.

"Hold it, everyone," Matt shouted, "It's my treat at the Hob Nob. Get changed and put your outfits in the storeroom so I can lock it. And take your time, I'll have to go out to receive all those plaudits you guys earned. See you at the Hob Nob."

Constant chatter from the Dukes, talking to their friends who were in the audience, took time so Matt didn't have to hurry. He went to the front of the auditorium stage where he first shook hands with Dean McAllister. "Matt, I can't express how much your group will add to the reputation of Windsor College, thank you for being so persistent with us 'old fogies'."

He continued, "What happened to Hardy Wolfe?"

Matt explained, "He was beaten up by some guy who only touched his face. That's why we are sure the attack was to keep him from playing tonight. Obviously, the attacker didn't know we had a student learning Hardy's parts and moves. Roger was practically perfect tonight."

"Matt, we need to solve this, so if you need any help, let me know. The police and I are well acquainted, you know, students can get up to anything." He shook hands again and left.

A few more people wanted to talk to Matt, congratulating him and his group, and a few students trying to 'suck up', standard student activity.

When Matt turned to leave, he was stopped by Glen Vance. "Matt, that was a great show, don't know how you did it so quickly."

"Thanks, Glen, but you know those kids, they are the tops of all we have." He smiled at Glen to soften his manner. "And, I've never seen a group work as hard, either."

Glen obviously was embarrassed, but continued, "Matt, I want to express my apology to you for that night, and hope you can accept it. I'm sorry, and I can't blame it on my drinking, I just misjudged you and it was all my fault. If you can manage it, I would like to be friends," he smiled, "of the cool variety."

Matt stuck out his hand, "That's it then, Glen, we're cool friends, and no more to be said about it. OK?" They shook hands, Matt giving Glen a good solid shake and honest smile.

Matt watched his 'kids' finish up their refreshments, collect their belongings and head for home, wherever that was. He was so pleased with them and would have to be sure he never called them 'kids' out loud. He also realized that he would never have any children of his own, so would have to 'adopt' some since he dearly loved having young people around. Then he remembered he would have his nephews, Jacob and Joshua, and now, with Becky gone, he might have more to do with their rearing, which he would love.

He smiled at Christine as she passed him heading out the door. Such a pretty girl, and so smart, too, he wondered if she were going with anyone. He had heard that she and Roger Adams were an 'item', 'boy, does that date me' he thought, but since their two programs, he really doubted it. I don't know much about these fine people yet, I suppose as the year goes on I will learn more all the time.

Christine drove herself home, the large, luxurious home of her parents, Walter and Irene Griffith, in an upscale area on the outskirts of Windsor. There are no suburbs of Windsor, just some housing developments at the edges of the city.

Christine didn't feel like a shower or bath, she'd take one in the morning. For now, she used the bathroom as necessary, undressed and pulled down the bed covers, sliding naked between the cool, crisp sheets.

She lay on her back, luxuriating in the fresh bed, she spread her arms and leg outward, her dark hair spread over the pillow, just like a pin-up girl during World War II in the 1940s. And she was fully as pretty as the best of those women. Even Rita Hayworth.

At first one arm moved over her body, then the other, and they came together, one on each full breast, upright even though she was lying on her back. Such is the evidence of youth. Slowly, Christine's fingers played with her nipples, pressing hard on her breasts, that feeling she especially loved. The thrilling sensations she raised in her nipples zipped immediately to her crotch. Following that lead, Christine caressed her body from breasts to vulva where she pushed one middle finger directly into her vagina, the entrance already slippery with her flowing juices.

This was her favorite position; one finger up her cunt, the other hand kneading her breasts. She also was able to arouse her clitoris with the same finger which was fucking her cunt, sending chills throughout her system, building her passions and getting her hotter and feverish. She occasionally pulled her finger from her vulva and sucked the juices, rolling them on her tongue. She didn't take long to come to a climax, her body shuddering in spasms, her muscles cramping, then flexing until her body finally started to relax. She smiled, again sucking her finger, appreciating the taste of her juices.

Who had she thought of while loving herself? No one other than the good Dr. Ridgway.

Matt watched Roger and shook his hand again as he left the restaurant, also patting him on the back, smiling at his favorite who saved their lives this evening.

Roger also lived at home, but his parents' home was no match for the Griffith mansion. It was a nice house, but small and slightly cramped. He had his bedroom on the second floor, the only other room up there except for his bathroom.

Roger decided to clean up, so he took a quick shower, giving his dick a few pumps along the way, but concluded he would wait. Drying quickly, Roger soon slid between his white sheets naked with an already tumescent prick. He had no choice of keeping his hands away from his erection, hot and pulsing, swelling with the blood pushing from inside.

His thumb found the precum oozing from his glans and this he smoothed all over the head, closing his fingers around the shaft, hard yet just so soft, too. He lay on his right side, using his right hand on his cock while his left searched his buttocks for the crack between them, and on to a finger teasing his tiny bud just a bit. . He desperately wanted to give someone his cherry.

Meanwhile, he was pounding on his cock, pulling his loose skin over his glans, then back tightly to the base. He grabbed his scrotum and balls, then pumped himself, cock and balls and all, faster and faster until his excitement and hot passion took him over the edge. His body shook, his limbs taut and cramped, but his cum flowed in stream after stream, by pulses, all over his sheets. 'Well, now you'll be sleeping in the wet spot, you idiot.' He really didn't care. Bringing his right hand up to his mouth, Roger sucked all the spent cum he could find. It was always better hot than cold.

A bit later, Roger slowly went to sleep, with visions of someone before his eyes. Who? He saw .... Hardy Wolfe!

Matt noticed that Rick and Jamal left together, saying good-bye to him and shaking his hand almost self-assertively, almost challenging him to return the strong grip. When they started giggling, he knew they were trying him on. "Next time we do this, let's set up a arm wrestling contest!" Both of them had seen Matt's biceps at other times and didn't think they would be that brave, but they did say, "Anytime, Dr. Ridgway, anytime." He grinned at them as they went through the doors.

Again, we find Jamal and Rick in the taller man's dorm room, a single room, not a good looking room but fairly clean and polished. Jamal was a good housekeeper, so good he could never have lived with a roommate who was a slob, one would have killed the other.

The two men have been in the room for a while, but their present positions had been assumed shortly before. Ricky was on his hands and knees on Jamal's bed while Jamal was behind him, on his knees and leaning over him. They were connected physically because Jamal's hot rod was completely sunk into Ricky's asshole. Ricky was very pleased with this situation, he loved Jamal's slightly dark cock because it was long, but not too thick. And, he loved to play with Jamal's foreskin, sucking it and cleaning underneath with his tongue. It caused Ricky very little pain or discomfort while he was accepting his lover's mighty, swollen dong.

Ricky turned his head toward his rear end, so Jamal leaned forward over Rick's back more and was able to kiss Ricky's lips, tonguing them, sucking them into his mouth. Rick was becoming hotter, more excited, his erotic sensations driving his store of cum more and more under pressure. He felt Jamal's hot skin against his back, and his crotch and balls on his butt. They both were hot and sweating, feverish with sexual excitement, animal passion overcoming their senses. Jamal started thrusting his groin into Rick, his long cock touching Rick's prostate to give him a big jolt of erotic sensation, practically punching a new hole in his lover's rear end.

They soon reached their peaks, spewing their cum, Jamal's seed into Ricky's ass and Rick's onto the sheets. "Geez, Jamie, you came in me without a condom. What color baby do you suppose I will have, " and Rick laughed. Jamal looked serious, Why, the best color, you been lookin' at it all evening." Then he giggled along with Rick.

Who were they thinking about while in the throes of sexual passion? Each other!

A short way outside of Windsor forests of fir trees marched for miles on both side of the highway. On the north side occasional dirt lanes appeared between the trees, leading into the woods. That same night, one half mile or so into the pitch dark, a large rounded shape would have emerged as a Lincoln Town Car, one huge sedan.

The driver's and passenger's seats were empty. Visible in the windows of the back seat, two young men could be found spread out on the wide, full seat, quite naked. These two would be recognized by their friends as a tall man, Little Jeff, and the shorter man, Big Jeff.

These two Dukes hadn't gone back to their dorm because both of their rooms would have been full of Friday night party-time jokers. No fun for the Jeffs. Big Jeff had borrowed his mother's car that evening, anticipating the chance of being with Little Jeff. At that point the two Jeffs lay back across the seat, heads on their armrest, still in their 69 position where they had just sucked each other off, the evidence of their spunk on both chests, abdomens and pubes.

Idly, Big Jeff's hand played with Little Jeff's soft, wobbly cock, flopping it back and forth, watching closely to check any reaction from the prick. Finally, Little Jeff's cock responded very well, a steely, rigid hot rod poking straight up from his crotch. Big Jeff leaned forward to place his tongue on Little Jeff's cockhead, lubricating it, sliding his tongue over the spongy surface.

Suddenly, Little Jeff got out of the car, pulling Big Jeff along with him.

They stood by the front of the car, holding each other's still naked body, kissing vigorously, writhing muscle against sinew, arms against backs. As they moved around, they uttered many 'oohs' and many 'ows' because of the rocky, spiny, prickly ground on which they were walking in bare feet. Little Jeff leaned against the car, pulling Big Jeff to him, wrapping his arms around the naked body, rubbing every reachable part of him with devotion and much love. Big Jeff, much lower than Little Jeff, laid his head against Little Jeff's chest, licking his nipples while they embraced their love.

"Jeff, would you climb on the hood, crawl toward the windshield and face the back end of the car, still on your knees?"

Big Jeff gave Little Jeff a puzzled look, looked away, then clambered up on the hood which was still warm from the drive out there. "I guess you know what you are doing, Jeff, you've never led me wrong yet."

Big Jeff rested his hands on the car's roof, slightly damp in the night air, while Little Jeff scrambled up behind him, also on the hood on his knees, where he clamped himself to Big Jeff's back, his cock pressing into LJ's buttocks.

"Buddy, I don't want to hurt you and hope I don't, but I saw this done once and thought it was so hot, fire flaming hot. You should lean your body over onto the roof, your legs still on the windshield and relax, especially relax you know where."

Big Jeff turned his head to meet Little Jeff's lips for a warm, sloppy kiss. Turning back, he lay on the roof, his hands spreading far to both sides to clasp to the top of the window frames. Little Jeff spread Big Jeff's buttock's wide and urged his face between them, his tongue spreading wide to slather his saliva over the whole area. Quickly, he rose on his knees and grabbed his rigid cock, swollen and red, pulsing with the blood pressure. He leaned forward, his legs beside Big Jeff's legs, one hand holding his own cock, the other spreading BJ's buttocks to reveal the tiny, wrinkled orifice, the miniature rose bud where he planned to insert his slimy cock.

"Go ahead, Jeff, I'm ready, I want it, I want you to slide that hard cock straight into my fuckin' cunt where it belongs."

"Ok, little fella', here goes."

LJ's slippery prick head pressed into the wee small reddish slit, pressed and finally made a hard move into it. BJ had somehow relaxed his sphincter enough to take the cock as it slid sufficiently for the head to get beyond the anus.

Big Jeff groaned, "Oh, LJ, put it all in me, I need to feel it all, to feel full of you and your rod." Big Jeff's asshole was sending shocks of electric energy through his nerves from head to foot; he was shaking and jerking in little crashes of his excited heart and head. He hung on to the car roof with all his might; his arms and hands extended with taut muscles for fear that LJ might hump him off the car.

"Oh, BJ, I love you so much. I love your ass and your cock, even if it is too big for my britches." He snickered, "Well, I do my best to take it."

"Jeff, hurry up, I'm going to cum, my dick is pounding on the windshield, can't wait."

"I'm there, Jeff, I'm cumming up your ass, filling it with all the fluids in my body." He groaned, panted and gasped, "Here it is, man, it's all for you, lover."

He humped BJ's butt even harder, forcing his cock in as far as he could manage, then it shot hard streams of semen, one after the other, way up inside BJ's rectum.

"LJ, I've shot, I'm pumping myself, more that I've ever shot before. I can't stop it, it's cumming more and faster then ever, like it's just pouring out of my cock." He was breathing hard and irregular, panting but trying to get his breath. "Oh, god, LJ, that was super, the greatest. Pull me up with you, pull my body with yours."

"Jeez, BJ, look what you've done," LJ pointed to the windshield. "You have cum all over the glass, and it's even puddling at the bottom. Lord, you must have shot a cup or two." They were still on their knees looking at all of BJ's pools of cum, kissing with BJ's head turned around so they could reach each other's lips.

Finally, exhausted, they sat on the hood holding each other. LJ slid off the hood and helped BJ down onto the ground.

LJ giggled, "Jeffie, you should leave all that jizz on your mother's windshield, let her wonder what it was. She'll never think of your cock pissing all that semen on her car, never."

BJ smiled, too. "Ok, you're right, she'd never think of me. Let's."

As they relaxed, the two realized they must clean up and get out of the woods. But first, they thought of their sexual visions while cumming. For both it was each other plus just a little bit of Dr. Ridgway. Who could blame them?

Matt helped Hardy out to his van, which made it easy to get the injured man inside. Making him as comfortable as possible, Matt drove slowly to his house, entering the drive and the garage. Again, carefully, he helped Hardy up to their bedroom, stripped him while the bath was filling with hot water, then attentively lowered him into it.

Matt spent at least half an hour washing Hardy all over, not hard, just a soft washcloth on his skin. Hardy had been hit a number of times on his body, something he had not said anything about. Matt felt badly because he must have been hurting badly. Of course he stayed completely away from Hardy's face, not wanting to remove what the doctor had used on it. He looked horrible, actually, but he was still Matt's love and lover.

Hardy dozed at bit during the bath, but woke up enough for Matt to dry him, which he did. Matt was a little surprised that Hardy's cock stayed entirely soft during all that, since Hardy was such a cock hound, ready for sex anytime.

Finally, Matt got Hardy in bed, the house closed up and lights out. In the bedroom he gently crawled in beside Hardy, but not touching him. He prepared to go to sleep when he heard moans from Hardy. Placing his ear by Hardy's mouth, he understood 'hold me'. When Matt answered, "But, Hardy, I'll hurt you." The moans came again and Hardy said, "Damn it, I said hold me, now hold me. You won't hurt me, 'cause you love me, Matty."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 8

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