Duncans Lesson in Life

By ua.moc.oohay@00023791atep

Published on Sep 28, 2004


TG (Magic) - Duncan's Lesson in Life

CHAPTER 1: Transformation

First of all let me fill you in on myself, my name is Duncan, I am about 6 ft tall, athletic build, brown hair, brown eyes, not bad looking, and as masculine as you can get, I drive a big car, own a rotti, have lots of power tools and I work for the government in anti terrorism.

I was comfortable with myself buy my wife and friends always say that I can be a male chauvinist. In my mind women have their place like men; women were built for a specific purpose. I am not saying that they shouldn't be given the same rights as men; I just believe they don't belong in some areas. This view tends to get me into hot water a lot of the time, but because I am a pretty friendly guy most people just roll their eyes and put it down to Duncan being Duncan.

All of my views were soon to change though, as I will explain.

It was a warm summer's day, nothing out of the ordinary, I had just got back home from a very rigorous workout. My wife Karen has walked up to me and ran her fingers through my hair (I hadn't had it cut for a couple of months and I was starting to look a little bit shaggy), "I think it is time for a haircut dear", my wife said in an off hand manner as she walked down the hallway. I looked in the mirror and was inclined to agree with her. On that note I had a shower and made my way into town for a haircut.

I arrived at the only hairdressers in town, I always hated coming here, it was a bit too girly for me, but as it was I didn't have much of a choice. All the girls knew me by my first name, so as I walked in I got a chorus of "Hi Duncan", they were all pretty hot, there were three of them, two of the girls were around 20 years old, one blonde the other brunette, slim and sexy. The other was the owner, Chantelle. Chantelle was a strange one; I could never pick her and always found it hard to strike up a conversation. She was quite a bit older than the other girls, I would guess in her mid forties, but for her age she was still very hot, she had very long silky red hair, a great body which she would make sure as much was revealed as possible without breaking the law. When she cut my hair I was quite glad that I had the cape thing on to hide my raging hard on (I hated wearing briefs).

Chantelle told me there would be a wait of about fifteen minutes, so I sat down and grabbed a magazine, it just happen to be a female hair style magazine, with lots of strange and beautiful hairstyles. I flicked through it not really paying much attention as going through the motions of turning the pages.

Next minute Chantelle was looking over my shoulder, she whispered in my ear "See anything you like honey, I am sure we can make you look just beautiful". I jumped, I didn't even hear her come up behind me, I suppose I had just zoned out. I went beet red and looked at her. "Ah no, not even really paying much attention to it mate, time for a haircut then??"

Chantelle smiled, grabbed the mag out of my hands and ushered me to a chair. I sat down, as she gathered her items together, she wrapped some tissue paper around my neck and put on the apron/cape thing to keep the hair off me and then turned the tissue paper down over the top of it, nice neat and hopefully effective. The two younger girls have then left waving goodbye, I looked at Chantelle in the mirror and said "early mark for the girls?" "Not really, it is 4.00pm after all and it slows down at this time of the day, so I don't want to pay them for sitting on their arses!"

I had to agree with this as Chantelle asked what I wanted today "Did you want a long sleek flowing hairstyle or your usual short back and sides" It was a weird question, I though she was joking and I have laughed accordingly and said "Just the usual".

"You are so boring Duncan" as she ran a comb through my hair wetting it down as she went. The phone rang and she has excused herself, for some reason I was already hard, I know Chantelle turns me on, but normally it takes a bit longer than this. She seemed to be acting a bit weird today, almost seductive. I kept reminding myself that I was happily married with no desire to compromise that.

Chantelle came back after about five minutes on the phone; she has closed the blinds in the store with the excuse "Afternoon sun can be pretty glary at times". She has continued to comb my hair back, it felt really good for some reason and I started relaxing, as she was making each stroke through my hair it started to feel strange, as if my hair was getting longer, the comb just seemed to stay in it for a greater period of time. I tried to look up as she was combing but my eyes started to get heavy, then I fell asleep.


Chantelle was a successful hairdresser who loved her work, and equally loved all of her customers and staff, she was good at her job and liked to think that she knew what was best for her customers. When Duncan Peters walked in wanting a haircut she saw a man who was totally overcompensating with masculinity. She had known Duncan for about 5 years as a customer. He had told her many things about his life and work that was usually in confidence, and she kept it this way kind of like an unofficial hairdresser's code of secrecy. She knew he did very dangerous work for the government and as such was very gung ho. He loved guns, big cars, tough dogs, and his chainsaw. He had never tried anything different with his hair, even after the most direct hints from Chantelle. On this day when he was waiting for his haircut, Chantelle saw him pick up the latest women's hairstyle magazine. At this point she became curious of how he would react or behave as a woman.

Another thing about Chantelle that most people did not know is that she was born into a family of ancient magic; she had not embraced this side of her life and often fought it. Although on occasions she would tap the magic well deep within her to solve problems that confounded her for far too long. One of those problems was Duncan, she wanted to give him a new perspective on life, she wanted him to know something other than guns and violence.

So she planted her seed with the initial whisper in Duncan's ear, she then sent her employees home, placing Duncan in a chair ready for her to sculpt like a block of clay. She was exuding power, like a doctor would administer an anaesthetic she was dulling Duncan's senses with magic. She began to pass this magic through her comb and down into Duncan's brain and body, he was becoming drowsy and aroused at the same time. Then the phone rang, no great drama, the process was going to take half the night anyway so one delay didn't matter. The phone call was Duncan's wife, she told Chantelle that she had been called into work and wanted Duncan to know that she would not be home until late, perfect. Chantelle has then dropped a couple of hints of what she intended for Duncan. Karen appeared cautious and little bit shaken with Chantelle's comments, but Chantelle knew that Karen really wanted to spend some time with a female Duncan. Or at least she hoped.

Chantelle returned to Duncan and continued to comb his hair which was steadily getting longer and longer. Duncan nearly noticed what was happening and with a soft flood of magic was soundly put into a deep slumber.

The combing continued until Duncan's hair was at least waist length; Chantelle has then undressed him, until he sat naked in his chair. By this stage the magic was flowing in strong waves from Chantelle, her eyes glowed with power and her hair stood on end and the power coursed through her body.

About 9.00pm Chantelle was exhausted, but Duncan was looking very beautiful, changes had not fully taken effect but would slowly progress over the coming days until he was a fully functioning woman. Chantelle slowly assessed Duncan's new form. His hair was now blonde, long and thick, flowing down his back like waves of silk. He no longer had a penis, but now was the proud owner of a vagina, uterus and ovaries, effectively fully functioning female genitalia. He was completely hairless, save for his head. There was no hint of a beard, his body had begun to take on the classic hourglass figure and his face was beginning to soften. There were a couple of things missing, Chantelle could not do this with magic, so she ran out the back and came back with her ear piercing kit and just as quickly she had two diamond studs in each of Duncan's lobes. She has then shaped Duncan's eyebrows to a more feminine arch. Finally dressing him in his old clothes carried him to his car and drove him home, tucking him in bed and disappearing into the night. Now all she had to do is wait for the fire works, at this thought she chuckled to herself "I wonder if he will appreciate the gift I have given him?"


Karen had been married to Duncan for about six years, in that time she had come to love his finer qualities, he was a gentle and loving husband, but on occasions he could be frustratingly immature. There were times when she wished he could understand how she felt, could appreciate her pain when she was menstruating coupled with the hormonal mood swings. As a rule he would blunder every month and there would without fail be an argument, with him screaming "I don't understand what your problem is, one moment your normal the next you're a fruit loop", then Karen would scream "You're an idiot Duncan" then run off to have a good cry. He was still a great husband but needed some insights into the finer qualities of womanhood.

On the day of Duncan's change to the fairer sex, Karen had been called into work to fill in for someone off sick, Karen worked on a bar at the local pub, Duncan hated this but Karen enjoyed the interaction with people and even though the pay was lousy she always had a great time. It was a Friday night and proved to be busy, Duncan had gone to get another Military Haircut, and she wished he would try something different. She had to let him know she was working so Karen made a quick call to the local Salon and Chantelle answered "Hi Karen, I was just getting started on Duncan, what's up?" Karen asked Chantelle to pass the message on about working, then Chantelle said something that sent a chill through Karen "I thought Duncan could do with some prettying up, what do you think?", Karen thought Chantelle was joking, but the tone of voice just seemed a little creepy, what was she going to do, dress him in drag, no she must be joking, so with the thought that she was joking Karen said "Do what you want, it's about time he saw what the other side was all about" but Karen deep down was only half joking, after hanging up the phone she thought about what a female Duncan would be like to live with, for the entirety of the night.

Upon arriving at work she was right, it was ridiculously busy, and then phone conversation with Chantelle was totally forgotten. About 2.00am she has made her way home. Duncan's car was there, so thankfully he made it home as well, Karen crept through the dark house not wanting to wake her sleeping husband. She stripped off naked and got into bed with him, kissing him softly on the cheek. Strange, his cheek was very smooth, with no hint of stubble. Why would he shave on days off unless he intended on giving her some special time! She kissed him again on the lips, slowly getting more aroused at the thought of some passionate time with Duncan. So smooth, he has done a good job shaving tonight. Again she kissed him and this time he kissed back, obviously rousing from his slumber. He said "Karen, I'm so tired, can we do it in the morning?" His voice was soft almost feminine, Karen put it down to being woken from a deep slumber. "Well wake up then handsome, I want a piece of my man tonight"

Duncan moved closer to Karen "Fine, just don't hurt me you crazy vixen!" Again that soft feminine voice, now with a sweet ring to it, he was waking up and it was his voice kind of, but a female version of it, strange. Karen then pulled his head to her and kissed him deeply, while holding the back of his head she noticed that his hair was covering his neck. Feeling further down she ran her fingers through hair that just kept continuing, very long, almost waist level. He's got a wig on, now that was weird. Not jumping to too many conclusions she tried to deftly pull the wig off. "OW!" "What the hell are you doing Karen, since when did you pull hair to get off" Duncan sat up and switched on the bedside light, Karen couldn't believe her eyes, it was Duncan, but a female Duncan. Karen nearly fell off the bed in shock.


It was a strange sensation having my hair combed, almost as if it was growing while being combed. Then everything went black, next thing I knew I was in bed being kissed by Karen, I woke up after feeling her lips on mine, I think I mumbled something about waiting till morning, but Karen was insistent, she wanted sex and she wanted it now. So I obliged, she pulled me into a hard passionate kiss, next thing she was pulling my hair, but she was pulling it from the middle of my back "OW" I said, I made it known that I wasn't happy with having my hair pulled and switched on the bedside light, strange I was still in my clothes from when I went to the hairdressers. Come to think of it what the hell happened after the hairdressers" I didn't even know how I got home. I looked at Karen and she had an expression on her face of total shock. "What's got into you, you look as though you've seen a ghost", my voice was strange; I tried to clear my throat. "Duncan, get out of bed and come into the bathroom with me" "what the hell are you on about woman" again that strange almost musical voice coming from my mouth. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom with Karen hot on my heels. She switched on the light and looking back from the mirror were two very nice looking women. Then my jaw dropped, as did the hot looking blonde's in the mirror. It was me; I looked like a woman, "What the fuck!!! Chantelle, what, shit fuck!!!" "Calm down honey, what do you mean Chantelle?" Karen was trying to console me. "Well I don't know how I got back from the hairdressers and I have no recollection of having a haircut, all I remember was getting my hair combed then falling asleep. Now look at me!" Karen put her arm around my shoulders, strange we now were the same height and my shoulders were heaps narrower. "I thought something funny was going on when I spoke with her on the phone, she said a couple of strange comments about making you pretty, I just thought she was joking" My mind was racing, what had Chantelle done to me. With fear clawing at my brain I slowly pulled my shirt off, again I looked in the mirror and saw two very small but noticeable breasts, it was still me but almost in mid change between male and female, my face was a softer version of my male self, but my hair was the real thing that got my eye. It was long, very long, but thick straight and as soft and smooth as silk; I watched as Karen was looking at me with wide eyes, her hands slowly ran through my hair gathering it up in a makeshift bun on the back of my head. She silently got one of her hair clips and secured it in place. She stood back and looked at me again, "your ears are even pierced". I hadn't noticed with the state of shock of was in, my body felt numb, I looked at my ears and saw two diamonds in each lobe, I reached up and touched them, they felt weird, foreign, but there was no pain.

Karen then stood behind me and slowly pulled my shorts down, so I was standing in front of the mirror completely naked. She turned me away from the mirror and looked at me again in wide eyed shock. "Sweetie, I am going to get you to look down, but please don't fall over, I am sure we can get this fixed" At this point I was near to panic; I looked down and saw nothing. I put my hands down to my crotch and felt for my penis, it was gone. My finger slipped in between two folds of skin and an electric shock went through my body, as I ran my finger over a moist and very female vagina. I then nearly fell over, Karen caught me and half carried me to bed and lay me down. "I'm sure there is an explanation for this Duncan, we'll see Chantelle tomorrow, lets just sleep on it tonight" I couldn't move, my who male world had come crashing down around me, effectively I was a woman, and I didn't want to be. Karen undid the clip in my hair and brushed it out, it was kind of soothing and before long I was asleep. That night I had many very disturbing dreams, the most disturbing thought was spending the rest of my life as a woman, in my dream I was wearing a maid outfit, cooking and cleaning, waiting on my wife hand and foot, the whole time all of my friends were standing in the background laughing and pointing at me. All I wanted to do was run away and hide in the darkest place I could find.

All of a sudden it was morning, I was hoping, no wishing that it was all a dream, I opened my eyes slowly, Karen was next to me still asleep, I looked up at the ceiling and then have moved my hands to my chest. I gasped with shock, my breasts were now a lot bigger than what they were last night, they were now VERY noticeable, I could feel my eyes filling with tears, what the hell was going on with me, I never cried, I let out a loud sob, I just couldn't control my emotions. This has woken Karen "Duncan, are you alright?" She slid over to me and propped herself up on one elbow, "well it wasn?t a dream" she mumbled as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. I was now openly crying, I just couldn't control it. Karen has sat up "oh, common my big tough pretty husband, come here" I sat up and she embraced me as I sobbed into her shoulder, she began to stroke my hair and kiss the top of my head, I looked up "Karen, how are we going to have a normal marriage if I look like this, I mean your no lesbian, how are we going to have kids, I can't go to work looking like this, what the hell am I going to do?"

Karen lift my chin so she was looking into my eyes, "Duncan there is only one thing we can do, go and see Chantelle and get to the bottom of this no matter what it takes", she said this with such steely resolve that it kind of reassured me. She has then jumped out of bed "let's get out of bed and get moving, I want answers as much as you" I got out of bed, I was still naked, Karen let out a sharp gasp, I looked at her "My god Duncan, You're beautiful, come with me" she reached out and took my hand, nearly dragging me in front of a full length mirror in our bedroom. Once again my knees nearly buckled, the changes that occurred during the night nearly made me unrecognisable as my former male self, I had largish breast, a little bigger than Karen's, I knew her size as 12C, so I must have been into a D size cup (Handy to know this information for Christmas and birthday presents!), I was totally hairless, save for the hair on my head, which in itself was some of the most beautiful hair I had ever seen, it was like a golden waterfall, thick, straight and silky, and very soft to touch, it reach nearly to my arse, and I could feel it tickling my back and bum, my earrings glinted in the light which brought my attention to them, that was a little too female for me, even though I looked hot I just didn't want to play the part of a woman, so I started to remove them, they came out surprisingly easily with no pain, Karen then had a close look and found the holes to be healed as if they had been there all my life. "Duncan you are going to have to dress as a woman to avoid drawing attention to yourself, so you may as well put the earrings back in." "No way, I may look like a woman, but I am still a man on the inside, and real men don't wear earrings", "obviously this hasn't changed your belligerent and chauvinistic attitude!" Karen has then walked out of the bedroom mumbling to herself.

Typical woman, I looked back at the mirror and reassessed that thought, was I a typical woman with all my crying and carrying on. I shook my head feeling my hair shift across my back and shoulders; this was all so much to take in. I looked again into the mirror. I had lost some height, and now stood about 5'8", my breasts were full and firm, they didn't seem too big, but looked hot. I was slim but not skinny, my face only bore a very distant resemblance to my former self, you really had to look hard to notice and maybe I was just trying to see my former face. My eyebrows were thin and shaped in nice even arches over a pair of green eyes with my long lashes, at least that is something that hasn't changed! I looked at my hands, they were fine dainty looking things, sure was a lot different to the huge hands that I used to have. I moved these dainty girl hands to my breasts and cupped them in my palms. It felt so weird yet very sensual; I started to breath heavily and noticed that both large nipples have become erect. I took hold of one of those nipples and squeezed it softly. I couldn't believe how turned on that made me feel, they were so sensitive. I felt moistness between my legs, damn, had I wet myself? I moved my hand between my legs, and felt for the moisture, no, I was wet, but it wasn't urine, it was my own juices. I should know this; I mean I have had a close relationship with Karen's pussy for many years now. I spread my pussy lips apart and ran my finger between them; I touched my clit and nearly fell over with pleasure. Standing up won't do, I jumped on the bed and covered myself with the doona, then went to work, while massaging a breast with one hand I was slowly rubbing my clit with the other, my whole body was reacting to this, it was amazing, so completely different to my reactions as a male, it was true men and women were so far apart that maybe men were from mars and women from Venus!

By now I was softly moaning in my musical female voice, I was so wrapt up in exploring my new body that I didn't hear Karen come into the room. She has crept up on me and gently kissed my lips. I was in a state of sexual ecstasy and would have done anything to further that, this body was made for sexual pleasure. I slipped my tongue into Karen's mouth and she returned this kiss. I opened my eyes and saw Karen slowly undressing, exposing her beautiful body to me. She has then slipped into bed and continued to kiss me, while massaging my other breast. My passion was almost suffocating, I moved a hand to Karen's breast, and slowly kissed my way down her neck to her breasts, I licked her nipples until they were at attention, and again moved down her body until I reached her navel and again have caressed this spot, playing with her navel ring, and again slowly moved down until I was face to face with her steaming wet pussy. I ever so slowly ran my tongue along its length giving her clit a quick flick, she moaned loudly. I have then turned around and put my pussy in line with her face, continuing to lick and play with hers. There was no reaction for some time then she tentatively spread my pussy lips apart and slowly ran her tongue through it, it was electrifying. We both have then with a sense of desperation brought each other to a loud and sweaty climax. I lay there for some time staring at my wife's pussy wondering why men can't experience such intense sexual experiences, it was amazing. But at the same time it still brought back my initial problem, I was a man in a woman's body who although loved the sexual experience did not want to be there.

I sat up moving the hair away from my face and looked at Karen, she looked at me and gave a tight lipped grin, and I said "What's wrong?" She paused for a moment and softly responded "I loved that so much, I loved it better than what you could give me as a man, and it was so erotic and sensual. I am afraid Duncan, I don't want these feelings, I am not a lesbian, but I love being with you as a woman". I turned around and kissed her softly, "Karen you are still in love with me, whether I am a man or a woman, you fell in love with Duncan the man and as such have formed a life long bond, we are simply soul mates exploring each other, that doesn't make you a lesbian or for that matter, I suppose it doesn't make me one either" I smiled ruefully at that thought, imagine me being a lesbian, who would have ever thought. I then started laughing in sheer hopelessness of the current situation, Karen has began laughing as well, and we lay there for much of the day just holding each other and wondering what our meeting with Chantelle will bring.

Chapter 2 will follow on demand, if you like the story so far, email me on peta1973200@yahoo.com.au

Next: Chapter 2

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