Duncans Lesson in Life

By ua.moc.oohay@00023791atep

Published on Oct 1, 2004


By popular demand here is Chapter 2 of Duncan's lesson in life, I will slowly submit more if the feedback is positive.

CHAPTER 2: The meeting

Karen and I slowly got out of bed about 2.00pm; I was starting to develop the nerves that sent me into crying fits earlier again, a lot of what ifs came up. I got in the shower and washed my new body, I had no idea what to do with my hair so I gathered it up and jammed Karen?s shower cap over my head, I know how long it takes Karen to dry her hair and with hair as long as mine I had no desire to try, I rejoiced in the sensations that I have never experienced before as I ran my hands over every part of the new me, allowing my nerves to wash away with the soap. I got out and dried myself off. I took off the shower cap and let my hair cascade over one shoulder. It needed a brush (too much passion messed it up a bit!), I took one of Karen's brushes out of the drawer and ran it through my long locks. I must admit long hair was kind of nice; it was so luxurious to brush and felt nice as I ran my hands through it. When I finished brushing it, once again it flowed like sheets of gold down my back.

I stood in front of the mirror and took stock of myself again, I was amazed that I had continued to change, I could no longer see any form of my male self, I was all woman, my body shape had developed further, my waist had narrowed and my hips had expanded, my arms and legs were slim yet well shaped, my lips were fuller and my eyes had gone a deeper shade of green, my face had got smaller and almost looked angelic, if I was a guy this chick would most likely take my breath away. I was beautiful, I suppose Chantelle could have turned me into a fat ugly chick, so I was pretty happy with the new me. I smiled at my image as Karen walked in, "my god, you look awesome; I hope your body has finished changing because I don't think you could get anymore beautiful. She kissed my shoulder and embraced me from behind "we'll get to the bottom of this honey, I suppose if we don't, at least you are a great looking girl" I grunted, not wanting her to know how strangely happy I was with my new body. "Ok Duncan the first order of business is to get you dressed in clothes to suite the new you. Common, lets have a look at my wardrobe" We walked out of the bathroom into the Karen's wardrobe, Karen had always loved her clothes, she had outfits to suite her various states of 'fat', as she called it, Karen was definitely not a fat girl, but she always bought clothes that would accentuate her figure, so there was no room for changes in body size, hence the various outfits of different sizes. I know I look like a woman, but I still don't understand this particular side of womanhood. I have had clothes I have been wearing for the past ten years, granted they have a few holes, but they do the job. I was sure to keep my mouth shut though, not wanting her to walk off and leave me to this completely foreign wardrobe. Karen was fussing about holding various dresses and jeans up to me, finally settling on a long floral summer dress with exposed back, the neck secured by tying a bow behind the neck which effectively was supposed to hold your boobs in and keep it up. I think she called it a halter neck or something like that. Karen laid the dress on the bed and looked at me again "I don't know if my bras will fit you, your breasts are at least a size bigger than mine, but we'll give it a go" She has then got a bra and g-string out of her drawer, it was a lacy red number, I had bought for her about a year ago. I put the g-string on and was amazed at how comfortable it was, I always thought I would be picking something like that out of my butt all day long, but it sat there very nicely. Next came the bras, Karen stood behind me as I slipped my arms through the straps, she has then adjusted the straps until it sat nicely on my and secured the clasps at the back, my breasts seemed to burst out the top, creating a deep cleavage, "first chance we get we'll buy you some bras that fit properly" I was still looking down at the foreign sight of my own breast and cleavage when Karen quickly undid the bras and took it off, "why are you taking it off?" I moaned, "well for a start you can't wear that with this dress, and secondly unless you want to look like a hooker with all that cleavage I think we can wait until we get you something that fits better" she has then slipped the dress over my head and deftly flicked my hair forward over my left shoulder tying it off behind my neck. I was surprised at how well it supported my new breasts, it definitely felt strange wearing a dress, almost as if I had nothing on, with the way the breeze gusted up from underneath. Once again I felt strangely aroused, female clothes were so sensual.

"Now sit" I sat obediently as Karen rushed back into the bathroom, emerging with her makeup bag and jewellery box. Oh no what did she plan on now. Before I knew it I had a set of dangling beaded earrings hanging from each lobe, coupled with a set of diamond studs that I took out earlier. Next came a necklace to match the beaded earrings. Karen was working as if possessed; my hair was gathered up and secured in place with a large hair clip, she used hair spray to splay the ends out which felt like I had feathers sticking out of the top of my head, I started to complain but was quickly silenced. Next I was told to shut my eyes and shut up, I did as I was told and felt something being applied to my face, "Right open your eyes, look up, down, ok" She had applied mascara to my lashes and eyeliner and foundation and lipstick and and and and, the process was amazing, I'm glad I don't have to do this everyday, or at least I hope I don't have to do it everyday.

I stood up and was ushered in front of a mirror, I was stunned beyond belief, the girl looking at me was amazingly beautiful, I just stared at myself as Karen said "You like?" I gasped "I just can't believe that yesterday I was a man and today I look like this" "which takes us back to why you look like that, let's go and find out"

It was a short trip into town, and to Chantelle's shop, we walked in and one of Chantelle's girls came up to us "Hi ladies, how can I help you?", Karen piped up "We would like to speak with Chantelle in private please", "Ok, I'll just get her" The young girl walked out the back and shortly after came back with Chantelle, Chantelle had a twinkle in her eye and a slight smile on her face when she saw me. Immediately several methods of killing a human being came to mind. As if sensing my murderous desire Karen took a hold of my hand. "Darlings, how are you Karen, and who may your friend be?" Chantelle loved this. "Chantelle this is my sister Peta, I just wanted to speak with you in private if that is alright?" Karen replied smoothly. "Of course, follow me Karen and Peta!" We followed her to the back office, I was still thinking about how to kill her quickly and get out of there, but Karen firmly held my hand, preventing my male self from taking over.

Chantelle closed the door and we all sat down, "So Duncan, how do you like the new you, if I may say, you turned out far more beautiful than I expected", I couldn't hold back "Fuck you bitch", Karen slapped my arm, "do you want to spend the rest of your life like that" "Now Chantelle, why did you do this and how can we change Duncan back?" Chantelle looked at me with amusement and resentment in her eyes "I did this so Duncan could learn a valuable lesson, he is a nice man, but there is more to being a loving husband than just being a nice man, he must understand a woman, instead of calling you crazy, he must sympathise with the way you feel, I have given both of you a gift, the only way for Duncan to reclaim his old life is to understand what all women try to explain to men on a daily basis, once he understands this and can explain it to me with no colourful language, I will then consider changing him back"

"How long will that take!" I groaned, "a day, a month, maybe years, women spend years going through puberty trying to understand the changes occurring to their body, I would be reluctant to say that it will be quicker for you, after all you need to start thinking as a woman before you can start trying to understand a woman" Karen was sitting quietly, hanging off every word that was coming from this evil woman's mouth, she can't of seriously been taking all this crap in.

Karen slowly asked Chantelle "That is very noble of you, but I didn't ask for the help, and I wouldn't have expected you to make him into such a beautiful woman"

"Well I could sense your need for help from the moment I met you, you tolerated Duncan's childish ways, and because of your love for him the desperation for help oozed from your every pore, as for how great looking he is, well that has taken me a bit by surprise. The spell I cast on him reacts with the bodies willingness to accept the change, the beauty that the spell creates is a complete correlation with the desire for the subject to be a woman, obviously deep down Duncan has always wished to be a member of the fairer sex, unfortunately he has pushed this down over the years over compensating with manly pursuits"

"This is crap, Karen you can't be soaking this shit up" "Shut up Duncan, you have been given a chance to be what you always have wanted to be, a woman?" "I have never wanted to be a woman, I want to be a man and that's that"

"Well children it looks as though you will be spending quite some time finding your true selves, I will gladly change you back Duncan, but only when you have my answer, until then enjoy your womanhood" Chantelle has stood up effectively ending the conversation, I stood and stormed out of the office, looking over my shoulder to see Karen give Chantelle a hug and thank her for her concern, Bloody women!

I walked out to the car and got in, waiting for Karen to come out of her new buddy's shop. I was fuming, how the hell was I going to keep my job, how was I going to explain this to my friends, I was at a loss, I could feel my emotions crashing down around me again and let out a sob, damn, I can't cry my makeup will run. I checked myself in the sun visor mirror, hair, makeup, jewellery, what was happening to me. I firmly jammed the female tendencies and brought my belligerent male self to the surface. This wasn't working, while thinking as a male I felt ridiculous, thinking as a girl, which was slowly starting to embrace me felt somehow natural.

Karen got into the car and silently drove me home.

Next: Chapter 3

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