Dying Eyes

By Gus Vardas

Published on Jan 15, 2001


Dying Eyes Chapter 3

Author's Note: jumps out of a worm hole Wow! Been a while huh? So much has happened in the passed little while. It prevented me from taking this story to where I wanted it to go. But I'm back. Hopefully for good. There are a few things I'm still working with in real life that need a lot of my attention. But fear not enthusiastic readers, I will continue to throw out chapters A.S.A.P.

Disclaimer: The following story in no way implies that I truely know the sexual orientation of either of the REAL Backstreet Boys. I don't know them personally, nor do I know anything concrete about them. This story is STIRCTLY fictional.

Dying Eyes Chapter 5

I pushed a button on my phone.

"Yes sir?" Jennifer's voice rang out through my office.

"I'm going to be out for the rest of the afternoon Jennifer. I have some things I need to get done." I said.

"Ok sir. I'll see you later I guess." she chuckled.

I collected my briefcase and laptop and headed for my car.

A half hour later

I pulled up to Jamie's house and noticed a few extra cars.

"They must be here already." I thought to myself. I parked my car and walked up to the door.

As I entered I was greeted by Kevin, Jamie, and 4 others. Kevin introduced me to each of the boys and we piled into 2 cars and headed towards a restaurant.

Kevin and AJ rode with me in my Aztek. We indulged in light conversation most of the way there.

"So, how long have you and Kevin been together?" AJ asked throwing me completely off gaurd. I almost swerved into a telephone poll.

"Uh...." I looked at Kevin searching for an answer.

"We're not together..." Kevin started. I think I sighed out loud. But miserable sigh.

"...yet." he finished while smiling and looking over at me. AJ made some kissing noises in the backseat.

"Hey now! Do you want to walk the rest of the way mister?" I joked.

AJ made a fake pout then began to laugh.

We finally made it to the restaurant. It was a quiet place. We orded and ate. We just chatted amongst ourselves getting to know eachother a bit better. After we finished, we made our way to the movie theatre.

"What are we gonna see guys? Our choices are as follows: Charlie's Angels, Miss Congeniallity, Save The Last Dance, or Dude Where's My Car?" I said looking at them.

"Hmm..." AJ thought for a minute, "What about Charlie's Angels?"

Everyone agreed.

Approx. 45 minutes later

As the movie progressed I noticed that Kevin had laid his head on my shoulder. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. AJ had, and of course was looking over making kissing faces at me. I threw popcorn at him.

"Hey!" he yelled.

"SHHHHHH!" someone from the front shushed him.

He sunk in his seat and made a face at me. I just laughed mocking him silently.

30 Minutes later

"That was a good movie! What did you think Jamie?" Nick was all hyper.

"Yeah it was! Let's go find us some Angels now!" he laughed grabbing Nick and dragging him out to the car.

I just laughed. "Are they always like this?" I asked Kevin.

He just nodded. He seemed to be in a better mood. I looked deep into his eyes. Something was different. The unknown words I'd seen before were fading. But they were being replaced by something else. Maybe it was contentment. I shrugged it off.

AJ didn't say much in the car. I had the music on pretty load. I looked into my rearview mirror a couple times, and caught him making faces at me.

Eventually I turned the music off.

"You know AJ, one of these days your face is gonna get stuck like that." I smirked.

"Nuh uh!" he screamed making another face. I slammed on the brakes and his face bounced off the back of Kevin's chair. I nonchalantly began speeding up again. I looked back and grinned at him. He was rubbing his nose.

"I'll get you back for that!" he laughed.

I looked over and notice that Kevin was looking out his window. The sudden stop, AND bang on the back of his seat apparently had failed to awaken him from whatever daydream he was having.

"Kevin? Yoohoo Kevin!" I said pinching his leg.

"OW! What? Huh? OH!! Er...." he was completely oblivious as what had just happened. AJ and I both burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked nervously.

"You!" AJ continued to laugh, "You're a space case!"

"Don't listen to him Kevin. He's on crack or something. What's wrong?" I asked genuinely concerned.

"Nothing." he smiled, "Was just looking at the scenery is all."

I just smiled back and continued home.

Dying Eyes Chapter 6

(Author's note: You might find this chapter a tad confusing, but bear with me. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about it!)

Once we had all reached Jamie's house, we went inside. We all had a few drinks and chatted amongst eachother about non-important things.

About a half hour later

"Kevin can I talk to you for a minute in private?" I whispered into Kevin's ear. He nodded and we managed to leave the room virtually un-noticed.

We walked out into the garage.

"What's up?" he asked a bit worried.

"Just wanted to apologise for kissing you last night. I wasn't really thinking. I'm not usually like that." I said looking down.

"It's ok." he reassured me, "If it was such a bad thing, I wouldn't have let you."

He winked.

I blushed and he leaned in and kissed me. This time it was a lot longer. Our tongues met, and we explored eachother's mouths.

"Ahem!" we jumped about 6 feet in to the air.

I looked over and saw AJ standing in the doorway smiling evilishly.

"What do YOU want?" I smirked.

"Well....you and Kevin disappeared and I got all worried." he said sarcastically, "Just kidding. We're thinking of calling it a night. Just wanted to say it was a pleasure, and we'll have to get together real soon." he extended his hand.

I shook it. "I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of me." I smirked and kissed Kevin on the cheek. Kevin blushed.

Kevin, Jamie and I saw the other boys out. As Jamie closed the door and turned and gave us a weird look.

"What?" I asked nerviously.

"Don't what me mister!" he smiled mischieviously, "What were you and Kevin up to?"

"Oh god." I smacked my forehead, "We were just talking. Jeez. You're so......so.....Barbara Walter-ish."

Kevin burst out laughing and Jamie just smacked him in the arm.

"On that note! It's time for me to go. I have to work in the morning." I said regretfully. Jamie took that as his cue and left the room.

"Stay." Kevin said catching me completely off gaurd, "You can sleep with me."

My face must have turned a million differents shades of red cause Kevin started laughing.

"I don't mean SLEEP with me. I mean sleep literally. I'd like to feel your body next to me in bed. To me that's much more intimate then anything sexual." he looked down as if he had just embarassed himself.

"I guess I could." I said lifting his chin up with my hand, "I think I'd like that too."

To be continued.....

Preview of Chapter 7********

I could hear him breathing. It was slow and steady. I put my arm around him, and moved closer to him. The heat from his body was driving me insane.....

***************************************************************************** Oh no not again! Not another cliff hanger! ;) Too bad. It's been a while and I like cliff hangers. I think they're fun. Don't forget to email me some thoughts!!!!!!

gussie@neoncrayon.com irc.altnet.org (Gussie@IRC)

Next: Chapter 5: Dying Eyes 7 8

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