Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Dec 2, 2017



Chapter 13

by Donny Mumford

After Sunday brunch Chubby's off with a couple of friends to play basketball at the high school. He asked me to go with him and I probably should have except I'm hung-up on the possibility of encore side-sex with Hayden. After impatiently waiting for him to call me I called him and he made some snide remark about me being awfully anxious to get together. Well that's the exact opposite of the impression I wanted to make so I told him my call was merely a courtesy call to inform him I'm playing basketball this afternoon and won't be getting together with him. That was a quick-thinking face-saving move on my part. It didn't exactly shake-up Hayden's world though as he merely asked if he could play basketball too. Now I'm on my way pick him up now.

So that's the way that went and it's all good except I've still got the sexual heat for Danny's boyfriend which I'm sincerely hoping cools off pretty fucking fast. There's only been one other time in the last three years I've had this over-heated malady. It was the beginning of freshman year at Merrimack when I was over-the-top in heat for Ryan Wilcox. That lasted for months but I'm not allowing this Hayden-thing to get on top of me like it did with Ryan. I'm going to avoid the pitfalls I didn't avoid previously. Me acting blasé about our side-sex will prevent Hayden from taking advantage of the situation the way Ryan did. Of course I was younger and stupider back then; I know better now. Another thing I know from experience is there's an end-game to these rare explosive storms of sexual heat. I could easily get over this one by the end of the week... or sooner.

For a short period I was into Ray Reeves pretty deeply too and, as most pricks like Ray and Ryan will do, Ray also took full advantage of the situation. That's not happening with Hayden. The thing I can't figure out is the why of it. Ya know, why the fuck do I get this weirdly strong attraction to any of them? I've never figured it out. Obviously they all fuck good, but is that all there is to it? I don't think so although other deeper reasons are still hidden from me. What the hell, this latest thing for Hayden isn't something major in my life, it's more a bump in the road, a passing fad. Yeah, but I'd still like to know what that mysterious something is that subconsciously makes a few side-sex partners seem sexually attractive times-ten. I mean, I've had awesome sex with many attractive young guys without developing this fatal attraction I experience with the few.

Pulling up to Hayden's house I hit the horn a couple of times. I'm certainly not going to the door like I'm picking him up for a fucking date! We're gonna shoot some hoops. He comes right out wearing flimsy black basketball shorts with a Nike swoosh on one leg, very much like mine. Ha, the legs of his shorts extend below his knees and not because he's a midget, he's like five-foot eight-inches tall. The shorts are simply a number of sizes too big for him. He also has on a much too large t-shirt with the short sleeves almost reaching his elbows. Frankly he looks like he's fifteen-years-old wearing his big brother's clothes. Hee hee, and with his new much-shorter haircut he looks really good too. Better than good actually except for his red high-top Converse sneakers with yellow laces. They'll attract some attention. I'm wearing basically the same shorts and T-shirt although mine are the correct size and I've got low Skechers sneakers on my feet that no one would look at twice.

Hayden comes right up to the Jeep's open driver's window and sticks his head in grinning. Naturally I move my head back, asking, "What the fuck are you doing now?" He grins, saying, "Kiss-kiss," and I say, "Get in the Jeep, Hayden," but he goes, "Kiss-kiss." again so what the fuck, I give him a quick kiss. He goes, "Thanks, Bagoas," and walks around to get in the passenger seat with me saying, "Enough with that Bagoas bullshit." My grumpy attitude has no effect on him as he laughs, but his laughter seems strained somehow. He exclaims, "Wasn't yesterday the best day ever!" I shrug trying not to grin but he's got so much positive energy going for him I finally do grin a little, mumbling. "Yeah, it was pretty good. Is everything alright with you? You seem like you're forcing your cheerfulness a little. " He goes, "Well there is something I gotta tell you," as I tell him, "Put your seatbelt on first."

Pulling away from the curb the car coming up behind me lays on his horn and I jerk the Jeep to the curb yelling out the window, "Stick that horn up your ass." as Hayden and I give the disappearing car the finger. Fuck, I didn't even check the rearview mirror before pulling out. Hayden has me a little flustered I guess. During that quick kiss, I smelled his super-nice boyish scent and it made me think of being in bed with him last night. He mutters, "Good advice you had about me putting the seatbelt on." I glare at him and he smiles a big smile so I end up snorting out a laugh. This time I turn around and look behind me to be sure no cars are coming before pulling away from the curb.

Hayden changes the station on the radio to the Red Sox game, and says, "I've got some bad news, sort of." Looking at him, I go, "What is it?" He said, "A classmate from Duke called this morning and I'm gonna be in California maybe as long as two weeks. We're in a college debating tournament, Tom Davis and me. I didn't know when the tournament would be but now I know it's next week. I'm sorry." I go, "No problem," but I am disappointed. We had something going that really got my rocks off. He says, "You and me just started something special and I wanted it to become something really special. You won't forget me, will you?" I shrug, "In one or two week? Not likely." Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Give me time to get over this infatuation. Still, I'd rather it go on for a little longer. I look at him and murmur, "I'll miss you, which is kinda fucked-up since I just met you." He nods, not looking at me. So all his bubbly personality a couple of minutes ago was phony.

We're quiet for a minute and then he asks, "Who we playing basketball with?" I tell him my brother and a couple of his friends, adding, "I'm not sure we'll get in a game right away, but we will eventually." He takes hold of the inside rearview mirror and pulls it over checking himself out and then patting his hair, says, "My parents may have both had orgasms in their undies when they saw me this morning. Holy shit I'm in tight with them now 'cause they looooooved this haircut! I told them you did it for me and they're anxious to meet you some Sunday soon." I'm like, "Some Sunday? Whaddaya talking about?" He goes, "Yeah, you know, when you go to church with us like you said you would." I go, "I'm not even dignifying that ridiculous premise with a rebuttal." He says, "You talk funny." I talk funny? Listening to him gets me feeling that hypnotized sensation again.

We ride along for a minute listening to the Sox bat in the bottom of the third inning, and then he says, "I'm sorry I need to be away for a week or two." I say, "It's not that long, Hayden, be cheery like you were before. I have a strong feeling that we'll pick up where we left off... maybe this afternoon." He brightens up and says, "You saying that gave me a boner, you know, because you really want it to happen." I shrug, muttering, "I don't care if we have sex or not, I just like when you're bubbly." He laughs and then mutters, "Liar."

Again we're quiet for a couple of minutes as we both think about whatever and then he goes, "Do you mind if I smoke?" I go, "Yes I mind! No smoking in the car." He nods his head and then says, "Okay, but some Sunday you'll join us for church, right?" I glance at him, "I was just being polite last night, Hayden. No, I probably won't be going to church with you. Generally speaking, I'm not real crazy about church services." Last night when I didn't immediately reject Hayden's preposterous proposal that I go to church with him and his family I was deeply into a hypnotic state of mind from listening to his voice. A person under the influence of drugs or when they're hypnotized can't be held responsible for what they say or do. Every-fuckin'-body knows that.

I'm half expecting Hayden to put out a feeler to hear more about side-sex possibilities after basketball but he doesn't. Instead he tells me about the sermon he heard at church today. He goes, "It was titled, 'Are You a Part Time Christian?', and it made me think. Ya know, I'm a good Christian at times, but am I good all the time? I'm not sure about that." I mutter, "Uh huh," and he says, "I think you'd like the minister. He's young and cute. I'm thinking of joining our church's youth group because he leads it." I ask, "Are there any overnight trips with that youth group? Maybe you can hypnotize the minister and screw him." Hayden makes a face, mumbling, "Don't be disrespectful of someone's religion." I go, "I'm not. You were talking about how hot the minister is, not his message." He goes, "You're obviously not a religious person and I feel bad for you in that regard." I go, "Uh huh, there's the high school." We see a four-on-four, half-court game being played at one end of the court and three guys at the other end taking shots randomly, or maybe they're playing 'horse'.

As I park Hayden smirks, saying, "You probably don't want me to hold your hand walking to the court, huh?" I give him a 'look' and he laughs and says, "I'm just trying to be bubbly like you said. We need to pretend me going away doesn't affect you or me.' I nod, "Sure." Glancing over at the game I see Chubby at the baseline sinking a long basket, SWISH! There's no cigarette in his lips this time although he sometimes does smokes while playing basketball. The three guys at the other basket are teenagers who give us a dirty look as we walk by. Probably to discourage us from joining them. There's no chance of that so they might as well have saved their dirty looks for someone else.

We sit on a cement bench behind the basket and watch the four-on-four game. Chubby smiles at me and yells, "Yo, bro, next game!" and he gives me a thumbs-up. There are two other guys sitting on the bench with Hayden and me. One guy looks to be maybe thirty-years-old and the other guy I'm guessing is in his middle twenties. Lots of tattoos on the older guy and he's husky, unlike your typical basketball player. He says to Hayden, "You guys wanna join Eric and me challenging the winners of this game?" Rather than answer the guy, Hayden looks at me, poking my side like he doesn't want to handle this. I'm lighting a cigarette. Exhaling, I say to tattoo-man, "Maybe, but we know some of these guys playing in this game and we wanna see what they're gonna do when this game's over." He mutters, "Whatever," and the other guy, Eric, who looks like a hard ass, says to me, "Would you mind not smoking here," and he points to a sign that says 'NO SMOKING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS'. He adds, "Sorry to be an asshole about it but cigarette smoke grosses me out, and then there's the second-hand smoke problem and all that other bullshit about cancer and everything..." I nod at him and get up to wander away with Hayden right behind me, saying, "I don't want to play with those dudes." I shrug, "Neither do I."

We lean against a bicycle race as I smoke and look at one of the teens shooting baskets at the other end of the court. He's a very sexy looking boy about sixteen-years-old with a wildly outgrown buzz cut of nappy light brown hair. It's like a halo around his head. Of course, he has a sneer on his face like he's pissed-off at the world. Many teens are like that because they know they're in way over their heads dealing with their changing bodies and out of control hormones. As a defense mechanism, they act surly when they're actually feeling a desperate lack of confidence and they want so badly to be cool. Their peers are their Gods who they want to impress and just be accepted by them, although you could pull their fingernails off with pliers and they wouldn't admit that. Behind that surly expression is a cute smile that will sometimes slip out and show he just wants to be liked.

Not all teens are like that of course; a small percentage are sociopaths or psychopaths. Studies show that two-percent of humans fall into those categories; humans with basically no conscience. Psychopaths occasional turn out to be Hannibal Lecter types while sociopaths, wired differently than most of us, are the liars and bullies in our lives making life miserable for some. Most teens though wear a mask hiding their uncertainty about almost everything at their young age. Mostly, like I said, they just want to be accepted and liked by their peers. Friends to a teen are more precious than gold and should never be taken for granted.

As I'm stepping on my cigarette butt, Hayden asks, "Are you any good at basketball?" I shrug, "I'm okay as compared to your average guy I suppose. How about you?" He shrugs like I did, and says, "I'm a good dribbler but not a great shooter." Nodding, I look over and see the game Chubby was in has just ended with high fives and fists bumps followed by some trolling on the losing team members. Good-hearted ball-busting... I'd be shocked if it didn't occur. Two of the guys take off which leaves six of the eight original players. Chubby comes over, saying, "Hey, bro, good to see you," and he gives me a hug, asking, "Who's this?" I introduce Hayden and then Chubby's friend, Dallas Brown, comes over to bump fist with me, saying, "Yo, it's Jeff's big brother! What's happening, Dylan?" I go, "Not much. How ya doing, Dallas?" He's a nice looking black guy, the younger brother of a girl Chubby dated in high school.

Two more guys follow Chubby over to where Hayden and I are leaning against the bike racks, Joe Berks and his brother, Buddy. Chub ran into these two friends from high school at the basketball game last week. I know who they are and they know me but we're not friends, per se. We bump fists and Chub says to me and Hayden, "Two guys from the last game took off so do you two wanna play?" I point at the two guys sitting on the cement bench, saying, "Yeah, but they were here before us." Chubby looks over and then yells to the guys, "You guys up for a game?" They stand and nod with the tattoo guy saying, "Yeah, thanks." Chubby goes, "C'mon over then." Chubby is always the organizer when there's anything needing organizing. He goes, "That makes ten of us so we could play a full court game." I'm like, "Except those kids are shooting hoops at the other basket." Chub glances over at them, frowning and muttering, "Hmmmm, they're an inconvenience," and then he calls out to a big guy with a scraggily beard who was one of the guys playing in the last game, "Yo, Moose," and motions for the guy to join us.

Sweating like a moose the guy swaggers over, asking, "Whassup, Romero?" Chub goes, "You've always been a bully, Moose, so make yourself useful and politely ask those three teens to take their ball and go home. We've got ten players now so we'll play a full court game." Moose says, "I was never a bully! Where'd you get that idea?" Chub pats his shoulder, "Um, no worries big guy, it's just a word, but, um, use your normal personality to ask those boys as nicely as you can to get the fuck off the court." Moose runs his fingers through his two-inch-long dark beard and nods his head, "Yeah, I can do that," and he swaggers down to the teens. Moose graduated two years ahead of Chub and me, and he was and still is a bully, although never to us.

Chub smirks, mumbling, "Watch this." Moose goes over and immediately gets the redheaded kid in a headlock pulling him along with him as he walks around talking to the other two. The surely teen with the hair-halo says some shit and Moose says some back and then the halo-kid fires the basketball at Moose who then kicks the ball down to the soccer field thirty-yards away. An unbelievable kick that makes all of go, "Oooh, my God! Scoooore!" Moose looks over grinning, stretching the redhead kid's neck, as Chubby yells, "Be nice, Moose. Use diplomacy!" The surly kid says something and Moose laughs. Negotiations take place and Moose lets go of the redhead and then boots him in the ass. With a lot of back-talk the three teens walk toward the soccer field to get their basketball and when they're halfway there they all turn around to walk backwards yelling insults at Moose, like, "Yo, faggot, suck on this!" holding their crotches and then the redhead chips in with, "Did ya ever hear of Certs, asshole?" and other things we can't make out while all three of them are giving Moose the finger. Unaffected by this outburst of negativity aimed at him, Moose swaggers back to us grinning and asking, "Is that what you had in mind, Romero?" Chub goes, "Not precisely, Moose, but who knew the children would be so unruly?"

Everyone laughs and Chub says, "Is everyone agreeable that the first two who make foul shots are the captains, and then they'll pick the teams." No one has any objections to that because that's the normal way we've always selected teams. In no particular order guys take a foul shot and out of the first four shooters two make the shots and they're the captains for this game. Taking alternating picks from the eight of us they choose teams. The first guy chosen is Moose because he'll get most of the rebounds in the game while running over people. Hayden and the other two guys sitting on the bench are the last three chosen for the simple reason the guys choosing their teams don't know how good or bad the unknown players are.

First team to reach twenty baskets, one point per basket with no foul shots in the game, wins. Well, except ya gotta win by at least two baskets or the game will go on. It's a 'call-your-own-fouls' game meaning if you think you fouled someone you call it on yourself and the other team gets the ball. Very few guys call fouls on themselves though so there's lots of arguing and name-calling. There's also a lot of hustling and bodily contact. A college referee could call a foul on every shot taken but we're not playing with a referee. Hayden and Buddy Berks are the guards for the team I'm on. I'm a small forward and the real skinny tall guy named, Skip, who chose our team is the other forward. The bully, Moose, plays center for our team. I'm glad to be on his side because, like I said, he runs over people. Lots and lots of cursing during the game and absolutely no good sportsmanship with lots of mocking for guys who fire up an air ball.

Best out of three games determines the winning team and with cigarette breaks between games we play for an hour-and-a-half at which time everyone is sweaty and tired. No fights erupted so it was good, really good fun. It's quarter-to-five and I want to see Rob before dinner so, after slapping hands and bumping fists with my teammates, I ask Chubby if he needs a ride home. He goes, "No, bro, I'm going over to that little bar for a couple of brews with Dallas and the Beck brothers." I remind him we're invited out to dinner and he says he'll decide about that when we hear from the Moms.

Walking to the Jeep with Hayden, I ask, "You wanna come to visit Rob with me?" He nods, "Sure, Bagoas, I wanna go everywhere with you." I mutter, "Um, you have real a boyfriend already, remember?" He nods, "Yep, the hottest boyfriend in Massachusetts but don't feel bad, Dylan, you can be my boyfriend on the side when I get back from California," and he laughs his laugh making me grin, muttering, "How'd I get so lucky?" The high school is closer to Rob's house than mine so I'm undecided if I should take the extra time to go home and wash up or go directly to Rob's. Fuck it, we'll use some Handi Wipes in the Jeep to do what we can about cleaning ourselves and then go directly to Rob's.

In the Jeep we're using the Handi Wipes wiping our faces, necks, and hands, tossing the used wipes out the window as Hayden asks, "Can I borrow your pocket comb?" I go, "How do you know I have one?" He says, "Because you're the kind of guy who would have a pocket comb and I'll bet ya ten-bucks you not only have a pocket comb but you're that one-guy-in-a-hundred with a handkerchief." As I'm handing the comb to him, I'm like, "More than one guy in a hundred has a handkerchief on his person." Hayden grins, "Yeah, there's at least two," and he pulls a clean handkerchief out of his pocket and shows it to be as he smirks and then does a little chuckle.

Turning the engine on I glance at Hayden as he's combing his hair and have the urge to extract another compliment about the haircut I gave him, but suppress that along with the urge to hug the shit out of him. Instead I mess his hair up when he's done combing it.

At Rob's I see Danny's car outside and say, "Okay Hayden, are you ready to cool it and act innocent when you see Danny?" We're sitting in the idling Jeep in front of the house. Hayden goes, "Whaddaya talking about? I'm good, I'm cool." I turn off the engine and start to get out but he grabs my arm, "Wait, Dylan! I forgot that you saw Daniel after Darleen and I dropped you off yesterday afternoon. What'd you tell him about the things you and I did together?" I ask, "What happened to your, 'I'm good, I'm cool?" He laughs, "Well I forgot you were with Danny after leaving me. What'd you guys do? You didn't, um..." I go, "No! We didn't do that. He picked me up, we saw Rob and then had some beers at some bar near Rob's, and then he dropped me off with a brotherly kiss goodnight." He's like, "Who's idea was the brotherly kiss?" I shrug, "His, and what I told him at the bar was you and I had a couple of beers, I gave you a haircut, and..." He yells, "You told him about the haircut? That was supposed to be my surprise!" I snap at him, "Well you should have said something to me then! You didn't tell me not to tell him." He frowns, "I thought I did. I meant to, and I think I did."

I get out of the Jeep, saying, "No you didn't! Or, um, oh fuck... now I'm not sure if you did or not." He slams the passenger door, yelling, "I did fucking tell you not to say anything! It was gonna be my big surprise." Walking down their driveway, I mumble, "Whatever, he knows about it and, oh yeah, he told me you've been talking about getting a haircut for months. Wait a second! Danny guessed that's what happened before I even had a chance to tell him! So fuck you!" Hayden takes a couple of running steps to catch up with me as he mutters, "It was supposed to be my surprise, that's all I'm saying. Don't get all pissy about it." I knock on the back door and when Mrs. Dickers answers we put big smiles on our faces with Hayden in front of me, saying, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Dickers! We're here to cheer up, Rob!" She looks a little startled, like... 'Who are you?' and then she sees me, "Oh, hi, Dylan! Come in, boys." We walk in and Hayden says, "I'm Hayden Parks, Daniel's friend," and she says, "Of course. I know who you are, Hayden. Danny's with Rob in his bedroom. They're watching some sporting event on TV. Nice to see both of you. Go right on up, Dylan knows the way."

Going up the steps Hayden whispers, "She didn't remember me. It's been a couple of years at least since I've been here, plus I have this new haircut." I joke, "No, that's not it. She knew you alright, she just doesn't like you," and he burst out laughing, mumbling, "Asshole." Before we go in Rob's bedroom, Hayden tells me, "Don't say anything to Danny about me going away next week. I'll tell him myself later." Hayden walks into the bedroom and Danny, who's sitting in the desk chair, exclaims, "Omigod, Hayden! I knew you got a haircut but I didn't expect this. It looks fabulous, babe!" He gets up and, as they hug, I wave at Rob, "Feeling better, Robby?" He goes, "Yeah, I guess so. How you doing?" Walking over I lean down to where he's sitting up in bed to rub the bangs off his forehead with my fingers, and kiddingly ask, "Are you still in those same pajamas?" He grins, "Why, do I stink?" I shake my head, "No, it's not that! You had those pajamas on yesterday." He goes, "Yeah, but Mom washed them this morning. I just put these on two hours ago after a shower."

They're watching the MLB channel; some sports talk show about major league baseball. Rob says to Hayden, "You look almost like a different person with that haircut. Hey, I didn't know your ears were pierced." Hayden goes, "Daniel, Robert's hurting my feeling," and Danny hugs him again, saying, "What's wrong, girlfriend? Rob's just kidding." Rob and I roll our eyes as he mutters, "Gag me with a fucking spoon! That was an unnatural and disturbing display right there." Hayden acts real gay, swishing around the room and Rob goes, "Get your pet gay swisher-boy under control, Danny." Now that Rob's on the mend we all do some low-grade good-natured ball-busting for a while and then, what else, it's baseball talk. Danny and Hayden talk about the try-outs tomorrow with Hayden giving me a 'look' like I'm not to say anything about him not being able to join Danny at the try-outs. Then the conversation is all about how the Red Sox are off to a good start this year and then Hayden and I tell the guys about the five-on-five basketball games we were part of at the high school.

At six o'clock Danny needs to leave for Sunday dinner with his Mom. He asks me, "Can you give Hayden a ride home?" I nod and then he gives Rob a wave goodbye and off he goes. Oh, no quick kiss tonight. Perhaps because Hayden is here. Rob and I talk about Dodger, who's expected Tuesday, which is a week later than originally planned. Hayden remembers who Dodger is but only vaguely and apparently without fond memories because he has nothing to say about him. I get a call from Mom saying they're making dinner reservations at Ken's Steak House. She says, "Jeff told his Mom he'll go if you go, Honey, so should we make the reservations for four or six people?" Well fuck, that puts me on the spot because I don't know if Chubby really wants to go or not. I gotta decide though, so I say, "We'll be there, Mom. What time?" Mom goes, "Eight o'clock, Sweetheart, and I'm so glad you boys are going to join us."

Ending the call, I look at Hayden, saying, "Did you notice I didn't turn my back on you guys while I spoke on the phone?" Hayden goes, "Yes, how rude of you. We don't wanna hear your conversation." Rob goes, "What the fuck are you two talking about?" We tell him how Hayden always turns his back when talking on his cellphone and shortly after that we say our goodbyes. Outside I call Chubby and for the amazing second-time in a row he answers his phone, saying, "What'd you tell 'em, bro?" I'm like, "Ken's is awesome, Chub, so I said well meet them there." He mumbles, "Okay. What time?" and we agree to meet at my condo at a quarter-to-eight.

Driving away from Rob's, Hayden sees the dashboard clock, saying, "It's only six-twenty, we'll stop at your place, Bagoas, before you drop me off. He pronounces it 'bag-o-wus', which might be correct for all I know. I don't know how that would be spelled though, I mean in Persian during ancient times, or whatever language it is." I go, "Why on earth would we stop at my place?" He chuckles, "Oh, I see how this works. You need me to suggest it, right? I'm the one who needs to act like I'm nagging you for sex." I'm like, "Oh! That's what you're suggesting." He says, "We're stopping at your place and I'll explain it to you when we get there." Oh boy! I glance at him, and he grins, saying, "You want to! Don't give me that 'what on earth for' shit'." I can't help grinning myself now. My plan worked perfectly... almost. Here's the surprise though... I'm not as juiced-up about it as I was this morning. That's good though because it means the flame is already waning.

Pulling into the alley behind our condo, I say, "Seriously, I need a shower bad! And then I gotta get dressed nicely for dinner, as you know from rudely eavesdropping on my private telephone conversation. What I'm telling you is, it'll need to be a quickie to get our rocks off, as summer fuck-buddies do for each other." He goes, "Summer secret-fuck-buddies." I ask, "Don't you feel guilty?" He nods, "A little, but I won't see you for at least a week so we gotta do it now that we have the opportunity. And anyway, Daniel's got a couple of side-sex fuck-buddies and we both know who one of them is." I go, "Yeah, who else though?" He says, "Well there's his fifty-dollar-a-suck-buddy, Greg Peters, and the guy from the deli whose name I forget." I'm thinking there was a deli guy who I suspected Robby of fucking a couple years ago. Maybe Danny and Rob have the same side-sex buddies, or some of the same. Sometimes I think Robby's doing better on the side-sex ledger than me; not that it matters. It's not a fucking contest!

It's okay to park the Jeep in our driveway behind the condo and thereby avoid the thirty-five steps up to my place. Mom won't be using the station wagon in the garage until tomorrow afternoon. We get out of the Jeep and as I'm punching in the code for the back door, Hayden says, "Fuck, I've got goosebumps thinking about this, Dylan." He gives my waist a hug and we go inside. Hmmm, I need to get on top of this, but for now I ask, "Aren't you having Sunday dinner with your folks?" He goes, "Yes, but we'll be eating about the same time as you guys. Mom and Dad close the shop at seven o'clock on Sundays and then we have a late dinner that's usually take-out, either Chinese or from that Italian restaurant on Main Street." Jeez, owning your own business means working sixty-hours, or more, every week. You pay a price to be your own boss although it just might be worth it.

In the living room Hayden turns toward the hallway to my bedroom but I take hold of his arm, and say, "Hayden, hold up a second." He looks at me expectantly, and I go, "We need to modify our relationship a little bit. Firstly we gotta put the brakes on things like 'kiss-kiss' and those intense make-outs. I mean you'll be away for a week or so and when you get back we need to try being regular side-sex buddies, who don't do that shit... it can lead to complications. That's one thing that side-sex doesn't need... complications." He goes, "But it's fun! And anyway you're the one who starts our wild make-outs, um, mostly." I nod, "Yeah I know, but I'm trying not to do that anymore. That's one of the things that needs modifying. I'm over the need to devour your hot little body." That's mostly a lie but I continue by saying, "I'd like to think we can have commitment-free random side-sex strictly for the sexy fun of it." He gives me a squinty-eyed look, asking, "Did you and Daniel discuss this?" Shaking my head 'No', I go, "Absolutely not! When would I have had the time to do that? This is between you and me. We're twenty-one-years-old and sexually active without anything forbidding us from having some buddy-sex for the hell of it, and that's nobody's business but our own. It'd be different if you or I pledged to have sex with only Danny in your case, or Rob in mine. Since we haven't done that you and I can proceed with friendly mutually agreeable buddy-sex. That's perfectly acceptable behavior on our part."

Hayden makes a 'face' while thinking about that, and then says, "Well aren't you the kill-joy though. No more wild make-outs. Ha ha, I'll bet you won't be able to resist doing that! Because if you resist I won't be able to call you my 'Bagoas', you realize that, don't you?" I chuckle, "Yes, that's one of the side benefit for me as a result of these modifications I'm proposing." He laughs, "Okay, it's probably good to back off a little because I was afraid you were falling in love with me." I go, "Oh my goodness, you can put your mind at ease on that score. Love has nothing to do with this. It's all about sex-drives and horniness." He's like, "Omigod, a light just went on in my head. Robert's laid up and you're using me as his fill-in until he gets back in the saddle, so to speak." I go, "Well aren't you the perceptive one though." He frowns, "Are you saying that as soon as Robert's well..." I interrupt, "No, I'm not saying that at all... and you know it's more than that. We can still be summer side-sex buddies after Rob's fully back in working order. I mean, if we both want to, and I for one say let's go for it" He goes, "Yeah, I want to too." Nodding I go, "It's awesome having that cleared-up in my mind." He goes, "Mine too. Now drop your shorts, Bagoas!"

Although this next modification is one of those deals where I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face, but I gotta do it anyway. I wanna get on top of the situation so, even though I love being Hayden's 'bottom', I'm gonna' top' this time. So, taking a page out of John Smith's sex-by-the-numbers approach: first you get your 'bottoms' attention. I get a fistful of Hayden's hair and say, "Not so fast, sexy. Here's another new twist to our buddy-sex experience... I 'top' too." He goes, "Aw, fuck that! I'm always the 'bottom'! It's so rare for me to find someone who is willing and able to take my accursed big dick and now you don't want to do it either." I'm like, "Don't jump to conclusions. I have incredibly high regards for that pecker of yours and the way you use it, but occasionally I need to give my dick a thrill too." He says, "You're changing everything! I liked it when you were trying to get your tongue down my throat and then you'd whimper and submissively suck my big cock after which I'd spank the shit outta you and then fuck you until you're walking bowlegged." He's grinning as he says all that, and I chuckle along with him and then agreeing with him, mumbling, "A delicious series of events to be sure, but," and he says, "But... not every time." I nod my head. murmuring, "Yes, that's it exactly..."

I let go of his hair and he finger combs it as we resume our walk to my bedroom with him mumbling, "Actually I'm interested in comparing how you fuck compared with how Daniel and my roommate at Duke do it." I go, "It's a fine thing to be able to rationalize on the fly like you just did, Hayden." He laughs, "Yeah, I'm good at that," and I go, "Me too." I say, "Seriously though, we need to speed matters up here because we both have a dinner timetable to meet." He drops his flimsy basketball shorts and then, just like that, my shorts and underpants are around my ankles with me holding my limp dick out, saying, "In lieu of the previous wild making-out-foreplay we'll rely on the old stand-by called oral sex." He smirks, "Well, I like sucking cock as much as the next guy," and I nod, "Me too. You first though." He sinks to his knees taking my dick from my fingers, saying, "You're getting awfully bossy, Dylan, and your penis is sweaty, not that that's necessarily a bad thing."

As I'm playing with his hair Hayden does an excellent job of sucking my cock while making slurping sounds that don't annoy me at all, unlike my bosses' slurping sounds drinking coffee which drive me up a fucking wall. My cock gets very hard and Hayden's magical tongue has me sucking on my lips groaning at the sensations coming off my hard penis. I get a fistful of his hair again to hold his head steady and then thrust my boner into his throat. He gags and then relaxes his throat muscles and docilely lets me move my boner back and forth in his mouth and throat until I'm right on the verge of climaxing. With an, "Ooooh, fucccck!" I reluctantly pull my cock free of his mouth as my shoulders do their little shudder. And, like often happens, there's a pre-cum drool connecting the head of my swollen boner and Hayden's lips. When I step back the slimy drool breaks free of my cock and swings down to Hayden's chin, wrapping underneath to his neck... heh heh. His tongue licks around his lips as he uses the back of his hand to wipe off the rest.

Taking a deep breath and not daring to touch my ready to explode cock, I gasp, "Awesome job... whoa, that was special cock-sucking right there, Hayden." He wipes his mouth again sitting back on his ankles, muttering, "Yeah, I like doing that and I'm pretty good at it too, even if I do say so myself. Your, um, pecker is very similar to Daniel's." He stands, saying, "Your turn." Unlike me, Hayden did not spring a boner from sucking my dick. His cock looks heavy and firm though so he did get somewhat aroused. Dropping to my knees I pick up his heavy long penis and lick up the shaft three times before sucking the fat head into my mouth, "Mmmmm,"... tasty.

Hayden has his hands on his hips pushing out his crotch as I slurp on the head of his big cock. My tongue laps the head like licking an ice cream cone and when the head begins swelling I take three inches of shaft into my mouth sliding it in on my saliva-saturated tongue. Hayden goes, "Ummmm," and puts his hands on my head as he shuffles his feet a little. I bob to and fro on his hardening penis and it gets really hard in about a minute and then Hayden pulls my head forward with the big cock head going into my throat and then it's a slow inch-by-inch push down my throat until his shaved groin is flat against my face. I need oxygen, struggling a little but he keeps pressure at the back of my head holding my face flat against his body for another ten-seconds as I fight off a submissive trance that becomes so inviting it takes all my willpower not to succumb to it. I'm determined to fuck Hayden even though the delicious notion of having his long cock up my ass is what I really would prefer.

He lets go of my head and, gagging, I move my head back so his boner slides tightly out of my throat and then out of my mouth. Sitting back on my legs gasping for air a plop of pre-cum pops out of my boner and drools down it. My boner is pointing straight up as I gaze at Hayden's prodigious boner wanting to suck on it some more. I don't though. Instead after swallowing some of his pre-cum I stand, take a deep breath, and ask, "Do you want lubricant?" He's very aroused making an 'O' with his lips exhaling a long-held breath. He nods his head that he wants his ass lubricated so I open the drawer on the bedside table and bring out the KY jelly. Twilling my finger indicating for him to turn around, he nods and turns leaning forward with his hands on his knees, obviously used to doing this. Then, like a good 'bottom', Hayden exaggerates sticking his ass up and I whack it three times hard, "SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!" Hayden goes, "More, please." Huh! I whack his ass even harder, "SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!" hurting my fucking hand in the process.

That satisfies him for the moment making me think of Pony who also likes being spanked; me too. With lots of jelly on my finger I push it up his ass and smear the lube around in there and then I rub his prostate with the pad of my index finger for four seconds or so until Hayden steps away from my finger, complaining, "I was gonna cum, Dylan." His face is flushed and a glance at his boner tells me it's harder now than when it came out of my throat. Hayden's acting very much like a 'bottom boy' now. Danny has him trained very well. Hayden stays in position; leaning forward with his hands firmly on his knees; his ass never dropping down even a little bit while being spanked. It's pushed up ready to be fucked, both butt cheeks rosy pink from the spanking.

I spread jelly on my hand and stroke my boner three times spreading lubricant on it and then, using my slippery lubed right hand, I spank him some more, "SMACKSMACKSMACK!" He staggers a couple of steps forward and then, looking back at me, he takes the couple of backward steps towards me still looking past his shoulder at me. Pulling my boner away from my belly, getting it straight out, I plug it into his ass happy at how tight it is considering this ass has probably been fucked more than mine. I only say that because he started taking a hard cock up his ass three or four years before I ran into fat Carl. It's nicely tight but not the tightest ass my dick has ever been in. I grip his hips and do a hard thrust watching four inches of my cock disappear up Hayden's ass as he moans with his back arching like mine sometimes does. Hayden groans, "Aaaah, oooh," as I pull him back onto the last inch-or-two of my cock and hump against his buttocks with my head back savoring the tantalizing sensation of his rectum hugging every fraction-of-an-inch of my boner. Ooh gawd, that feels good...

He's tightening the muscles in his rectum, moaning, "Fuck me... fuck my pussy." Yeah, okay, and I go right for it fast-and-hard with the sounds that go with it, "SLAPSLAPSLAP!" Hayden grunts, "Ooh!" with every thrust up his ass and, "SLAPSLAPSLAPSLAP,' continues with me slamming into his firm smacked-buttocks. Biting my bottom lip, my eyes closed tightly, my brain's absorbing the millions of nerve ending sparkling off my sensitive sex organ until my shoulder shudder so much I lose the rhythm I had going with my hips. Stopping for a few seconds, my boner as hard as stone and way up inside his ass, I gasp for air while lazily smacking the side of his ass.

Hayden starts stroking his boner when I start up again, "Slapslapslap," as I'm trying to hold off my orgasm because this feels so insanely good, but an orgasm has a mind of its own and takes over my brain and now it's a race to climax and forget about stretching out the pleasure. I need it right now! It's, "SLAPSLAPSLAP,' with both of us moaning and then I'm against his buttocks laying against him as cum pumps out into his bowels and I hear a 'Splat' sound as Hayden's hard stream of cum hits the front of my desk with Hayden making scary breathy sounds and then "Ummmm, oooh." Another hump against his ass with more cum shooting out as I see fire flies in my head, little dancing sparks of light. My eyes pop open and I begin thrusting my cock in his ass sliding easily back and forth in my cum and then gasp for air again and lean on his back catching my breath.

Breathing deeply and then muttering, "Omigod," I straighten up and step back pulling my cock from his asshole. It's makes a wet sucking sound when the head pops out and then, as my cum drools from his asshole, I look at my sloppy cock hanging low but still pretty firm. Hayden has his fist around his big cock looking back at me again. He's still bending forward so with another deep breath I step up to him and slide my cock back up his ass and we both go, "Mmmm, fucccck, ooooh." I start thrusting again and do it for four or maybe five long minutes feeling really good but not bringing on another orgasm so I pull it out again and sit on the edge of my bed going, "Jeez, that's a good ass you've got on you, Hayden." He stands up himself now and I point to my cock, muttering, "How 'bout sucking this cock of mine clean?" He snorts out a laugh, saying, "From what planet do you think I come from. I'm not sucking that cock again until it's been scrubbed with disinfectant soap and then lathered in Purell hand sanitizer." I go, "There's only my cum, some lubricant, and your own ass juices on my dick." He laughs, "Ass juices? Gross!"

We go in the bathroom and clean-up enough for the ride to Hayden's house. We'll both be taking showers of course, just not together. During the drive, without me even asking, Hayden critiques my fuck on his ass, "Not bad, Dylan. Very much like Daniel fucks me although he lasts longer than you. I cum just as fast but he goes another three or four minutes longer before he climaxes. It's a longer ride with that boy! Plus, no offense, but I have such a loving feeling for him it's, um, well it's a different kind of climax. I can't explain it." I mumble, "Surprisingly, I know what you mean." He goes on talking about how there really isn't a helluva lot of different ways to have sex, but he recently read online... blah, blah, blah.

I'm not paying too much attention because I'm thinking that, while his voice still is a bit hypnotic to me, I'm not sensing anything approaching a trance. I'd still like to hug the shit out of Hayden's body but it has nothing to do with increased attraction or anything like that. He has a good body to hug, that's all. I still want to feel his big cock up my ass too, but it'll apparently be a week before that happens. I ask, "What time do you leave tomorrow, Hayden?" He goes, "It's a late night flight. I'll tell Daniel about it tomorrow and that I won't be on the summer baseball team because I'll be away a week or two. That's really disappointing but I can't let my friend down with the debating tournament. We're on Duke's debating team and won a spot in the tournament representing the University." I go, "That impresses the hell out of me, Hayden! Good for you. Good luck to you! I'll be waiting for you to get back here with bated breath." He goes, "What is bated breath anyway?" I shrug, "Fuck if I know."

At his house, we bump fists and then Hayden leans over for an awkward shoulder hug, "See ya in a week or so, Dylan." I nod smiling a little and then hug him tightly and we kiss right there in front of his house. It's a good kiss too with Hayden doing the magic with his mouth. We break apart and Hayden voice sounds funny, saying, "I can't wait to do some more buddy-sex with you, Dylan. Bye for now..." He gets out and I watch him go up his front walk before pulling away and driving for home.

While driving I'm thinking if not for this fortuitous, albeit unlikely, connection with Hayden happening organically, seemingly on its own, I'd be in the middle of a week to ten days without sex. That'd probably be good for me to experience. Yeah, but it'd also be good if I stopped smoking, and stop drinking coffee and beer. How about if I eliminate candy bars and chewing gum, and it'd be good for me to get rid of the forty-four grams of high-fructose corn-syrup per serving in soft drinks like Coke Cola. That's something that would be good for me too although hard to do since chemicals in soft drinks are not only habit forming but addictive. Liquid candy is what fanatics-against-soft-drinks call it. What else would be good for me? I should probably stop late nights out and get more sleep, exercise more plus do away with fast foods and become a vegan. All those life style changes would be good for me but what about enjoying the relatively short time we're among the living on this blue ball in space? What about that? The answer is moderation in all things, which is a good answer and maybe I'll even try it sometime in the distant future.

So, Hayden is out of the picture for a week or more. Fuck! I gotta get over this thing for him though, so maybe it's a good thing. In the condo, I call Chubby and for the third time in a row he answers his phone. "What's up, bro?" I ask, "Are you at home?" Chub goes, "Yep, I'm home, showered, and ready when you are." It's seven-twenty so I go, "I still need to shower but I'll be ready to go in fifteen or twenty minutes." He says, "You're the best. I'll stop down and we'll go from there." I ask, "How many shots and beers did you have, little brother?" He snickers, "I'm not telling." I snicker back, saying, "See you soon, Chub."

My shower feels awesome. Drying myself I'm looking in the mirror thinking I should shave. What beard and skimpy mustache I have thus far looks stupid. It takes a minute to eliminate it and then I get dressed. But wait! Last time we were out to dinner Chubby and I wore the exact same clothes not realizing it until we saw each other. Hmmm, to be different I put on a Polo long sleeve pullover and the tan slacks I bought for work. With socks and loafers on my feet I'm ready to go wearing my leather bracelet, small silver hoop earrings, my sports watch and as always, the cross necklace Willie bought me four years ago. Oh, and a ring on each one of my two ring-fingers. Here we go...

I step outside as Chubby's coming down from his place wearing a Polo pullover, tan khakis and loafers. We hug as I say, "Nice fucking outfit you got there, Chub. You're looking good, brother." He says, "Same to you." Dressed like twins again, we start to go down the steps and then stop and I mutter, "Oh yeah, I parked the Jeep in the back." Going through my condo and out through the basement I get in the driver's side with Chubby saying, "I hope to fuck I remember how to drive this thing if I ever get the chance to use it again." Shaking my head slowly, I mumble, "Forget about it. I'll have this piece of shit Jeep all next week too." He goes, "Okay, bro," and laughs, adding, "I don't know why you won't share." That's our running gag. Chubby has the Jeep almost all the time and the rare times I have it he pretends I won't share it with him because I'm the bullying big brother. Big brother, who is mere minutes older than him.

At the restaurant, we find the Moms and the guys are already seated. The guy at the front desk takes us to their table where we see empty seats for us. There's a little hubbub for a minute as they all get up exchanging hugs and pats on the pack with Chub and me. It would make so much more sense not to do that here but the Moms are big on hugs and it makes me feel good. Their cocktails arrived during the hug-fest but the waitress patiently waited until we're all seated before serving the drinks. As she's doing that she asks Chubby and I if she can get us something to drink. We order bottles of Bud and after a cursory glance at our licenses she goes off to get our beers.

We hear about the movie the Moms and their fiancés saw this afternoon and about the candlepin bowling they did after the movies. Tom and Tim are very cool guys seven years older than Chub and I, so we don't feel totally out of touch with them. They're nice looking men, truly identical twins, who are not especially cute or handsome; just nice looking with short haircuts and cleanly shaved faces. Brown eyes and hair, light completed, both exactly six-feet-tall with regular bodies. Clean-cut guys who have nice smiles and dry senses of humor. They're both often grinning at Mom's and Tris' excitable bubbly personalities. Two sweet couples that Chub and I couldn't be more please about.

The dinner is very enjoyable as it always is every time we all do something together. Tim shows us pictures on his cellphone of the house they rented on the beach in Wildwood for two weeks this summer of which we'll be there the first week only. The Moms only get one week vacation and it's the same for Chub and me. Our week vacation was bartered for before we accepted our summer jobs. Only two beers for Chub and I and after dessert we head for home while the Moms and the guys go to a jazz club in downtown Framingham. They're a partying foursome alright.

Getting to bed before eleven o'clock is a very smart thing to do when you face Monday morning and your job. Before going to sleep I think back on a very active and entertaining weekend. I visited Robby four or five times counting Friday night and managed some good side sex with two of his friends, Hayden and Danny. Danny during the three-way and Hayden twice with just him and me. Thinking hard about it I come to the conclusion my burst of sexual heat for Hayden has not been completely satisfied so I'm expecting some interesting buddy-sex this summer. I'm pretty fucking sure it will be too. So that's all good although it truly is no substitute for the real thing with Robby. He'll be out of action until a week from Monday as far as I know, so I can't see anyway he's spending the weekend at the Westborough office.

After an awesome night's sleep, I get up Monday morning feeling so much more relaxed than I was a week ago. No bus to concern myself with because I have the Jeep all week. Today I need to inform Pony the weekend visit here is in jeopardy 'cause it looks like Rob will be home this coming weekend. Then, just maybe this will be the Tuesday that Dodger shows up. I certainly hope so. Dodger is who I think about while getting ready for work. What's he going to look like and has he changed like Robby claims? I'm kind of nervous about reuniting with him. Ha, what's new about that though; Dodger's always been full of surprises and totally unpredictable. Huh, I wish I could live that summer after junior year of high school all over again. Oh man, I get a chill thinking about Dodger as a kid fucking me in their swimming pool. It's the coolest, most unexpected fuck of my life. Dodger and I had a unique relationship and I can't help but wonder what it'll be like now after two years. Of course there's no guarantees he'll even show up this week, certainly no guarantee it'll be Tuesday just because he said it'd be Tuesday. It's Dodger, so ya just don't know...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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