Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Jan 12, 2018



Sunday morning I wake-up in Dodger's bed with a hangover and a foul-taste in my mouth. Looking over I see Dodger at the far edge of the mattress. Well, all I can see of him is the very top of his head but I'm assuming the rest of him is snugly under the covers. According to Dodger's newly purchased alarm clock that's sitting on his newly purchased bed-side table it's ten-minute-of-nine. That normally would be way too early to get up on a Sunday morning but obviously I can't trust myself going back to sleep so, using my immense willpower, I slide out of bed and onto my feet. My head thumps boom-boom-boom as I stagger into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

Taking the longest piss in recent memory I notice, in addition to my pounding headache, my rectum is kinda sore. For a brief second I grin at the memory of all the frequent rough sex with Dodger that caused my sore ass, and then immediately think of Robby. Closing my eyes and slowly shaking my head I need to admit I went overboard with side-sex again, and it's mostly my fault, not Dodger's. He basically asked permission each time and I never said 'no'. I'm no fucking good at saying 'no' when sex is offered.

Done my piss I'm leaning on the edge of the sink gawking at myself in the mirror. The face looking back at me surprisingly shows almost no hint of the drum that's banging away in my head. It's good to be young. Sighing again I vigorously wash my face and hands. Huh, that helps clear-out some of the cobwebs and then I see a CVS plastic bag of bathroom items lying on the granite vanity next to the sink. Searching through the bag I find, among other things, a number of inexpensive toothbrushes I'm guessing are intended for guests' usage, present and future. Ah ha, and here's a tube of Sensodyne toothpaste plus a bottle of Cool Mint Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash. How very thoughtful of my host.

Brushing my teeth till they shine and then gargling with minty mouthwash eliminates the horrid taste in my mouth. Feeling a tiny bit better I go back in the bedroom and begin getting dressed. Not wanting to borrow more new clothes from Dodger I'm putting on the clothes I wore last night. Dodger's still out of it and I argue with myself whether I should wake him to say goodbye, or just leave. 'Just leave' wins out and then I look around in the kitchen for something to write on, but there isn't anything. Taking out my cellphone I send him a text message: 'Dodger, awesome reunion this week! Hope I see you at Rob's sometime today.'

After checking my pockets for the keys to the pickup I go outside and, looking around, conclude it'll be months before the area around Dodger's apartment building begins to look anything like the picture on the billboard at the entrance to this complex. Touching the pack of cigarettes in my pocket I say out-loud, 'You can't be that stupid' and leave the pack where it is. My head would explode from one drag off a cigarette.

The pickup starts right up, so that's good. I drive to Dunkin' Donuts, the one in the Frederick Plaza a couple of stores down from the bar Dodger and I were in last night. Buying a large coffee with extra cream and sugar I drink it while driving to my house, planning my day. After brunch with my family I'm determined to spend the rest of the day with Rob. Even though he's already aware of some of it, I still feel bad about all the sex I've been having with his brother. It helps my conscience to remember Rob hasn't been overly concerned about my extracurricular sexual activities for some time now. No more than I'm overly concerned about his. Whether either of us ever gets over the inclination for side-sex remains to be seen but so far our arrangement is working. I'm twenty-one so there's still a lot of maturing ahead of me. That goes for a lot of us.

Inside my condo I find it eerily quiet. Mom's bedroom door is closed so I know she's home and I also know she won't be getting up for a couple of hours. Taking three Advil with a large glass of orange juice I go in my bedroom and lie on the bed thinking about things. Okay, I already admitted to overdoing it with Dodger but damn it was so damn easy following his confident lead. He's a very accommodating guy too, always considerate about the way he takes charge of everything. Hell, I was barely aware he was taking charge because he'd ask if I wanted to do whatever it was he suggested and I can't remember even one time disagreeing with him.

Yeah, it's like everything flows along naturally with Dodger. I'm not in love with him though so it ends merely being 'buddy sex' no matter how good it was. I love him as a friend but that's nothing new or especially unique. And yes, Dodger has always predicted when everything is said and done it will be him and me rather than Robby and me living our lives as a couple. I've never taken him seriously about that though. After his two-years in the Army he's mostly the same Dodger although somehow I guess he's different too. Hell, we're all a little different after two years of growing up. Basically nothing's changed; it's still gonna be Rob and me together until our final dirt naps, which very well could be eternal blackness like the blackness and emptiness of space. Or maybe not. No one knows... and I mean no one! Gruesome thought though...

Turning over onto my stomach with my face on the pillow I grin to myself and get on my knees in the position Dodger insists for sex. Oh wow, I feel the beginnings of a boner just thinking about that. Being up on my knees gets my head pounding though, so I lie flat again and remain very still. I need to give the Advil time to do its job. Both Dickers brothers are really special. Fuck, did Mother Nature ever get that combination of genes perfectly formed to produce two beautiful boys who are now beautiful young men. So different too and I mean in most matters other than the physical. In many ways Dodger is more mature than Robby or me, although there's still plenty of 'boy' left in him too. The way he's so excited about his apartment, his buying spree, and his motorcycle demonstrates Dodger's youthful exuberance and then on the mature side Dodger had his life planned out, and I mean before winning a Las Vegas jackpot. He had a definite plan for the next couple of years. It was a hard path he'd set for himself of working construction and saving money until he could come back home on his terms.

Then there's Dodger's wild side like buying that motorcycle and riding it almost all the way across America by himself. My most daring adventure was going to New York City to be dominated sexually by John what's-his-name. Ha, it turned-out I was dominated mostly by his protégée , the irresistible Billy. Those two were into more of a slave/master relationship though, I mean rather than a sub/dom one which is as far as I'll go. Even so I'd still really like to see how Billy's doing two-years later, except I can't imagine how I'd go about doing that.

And then there's Hayden. Can't forget about him because he generates more sexual heat in me than anyone since Ryan Wilcox. Hayden is a wild-ride of sexual heat very similar to what Ryan and I experienced during parts of our freshman year. Jesus, that was really something back then! Hmmm, I wonder when Hayden's getting back from California? And how weird is it that Hayden's coming back around the time Dodger's going there to visit his friend, Josh? From what Dodger's told me about that guy, Josh, he seems like a crude hick.

Holy shit, I just felt the strongest urge to drive back to Dodger's apartment and get in position on his bed and wait to be fucked hard again. Oh man, that urge came out of nowhere! My sore asshole twitches just thinking about it. Looking at my watch again, I definitely do have time to do that. Just one more of Dodger's fast monkey-fucks would probably cure my hangover... ha ha. It's so cool getting in the same position every time and waiting to see how he's going to do it. And those spankings before I suck his cock. It was all so fucking hot!

What the hell, I'm gonna do it! Sliding off the bed my head goes BOOB, BOOM, BOOM! Fuck, why doesn't the Advil work faster? Oh balls, I need to get a grip here! No way can I go knocking on Dodger's door when he's still sleeping. It'd be like I'm back to the days of fat Carl when I'd knock on his door nagging him to fuck me. Lying back down I feel guilty again for even considering driving back to Dodger's place. What the fuck's wrong with me? That's an insane idea! Jeez, Robby praised me for being discrete and not overdoing my side sex even as I was in the process of doing just that with his brother. And me being so in love with Robby but still overdoing it with Dodger!. Rob's and my sex together is so special though and different too from any of my side-sex buddies, including his brother, it's not even comparable. Love rules!

Lover's sex is the most natural and most rewarding sex of all. Still, I can't ignore the kind of sexual heat generated in me by certain rare guys. I'm speaking of pure sexual heat minus love and sometimes minus affection as well. There's no explanation for it, but for periods of time guys like Ryan and Hayden turn me into a puddle of steamy sexual heat. Just looking at Hayden gets me squirming with desire. Yeah, Hayden, of all people! Good lord! Rob's my first true love, my only true love to date, so it's lovers sex I have with him but not always or it'd be commonplace. We have recreational sex a lot and doing it with him is the best. What can I say except they're very different experiences: my true lover's sex with Robby, and the super sexual side-sex generated by Ryan Wilcox a few years ago and lately by Hayden. Very fucking different things.

It's not the same thing as my other side-sex buddies like, Dodger, whose sex is hot but he's consciously and subtly playing to my submissive nature by gentle insisting I do everything his way. The same position on the bed repeatedly is subtle dominance and then of course he fucks awesomely. That's important; it's essential actually and Dodger does it rough the way I prefer side-sex. He knows what he's doing and I have zero problems with it, but that's definitely different then my current infatuation with Hayden. And infatuations, I've discovered has a shelf-life, one that can be quite short. On the other hand a relationship like the one I think Dodger is intentionally developing with me could interest me for a very long time.

If only the Advil would do their fucking job maybe I would drive back to Dodger's. He has me used to going to bed after a hard fucking and then the same to start the day when I wake up. Right now I could really use the second part; the hard fucking waking-up sex. It's a very desirable situation; sex before and after going to bed. I wonder why Robby and I didn't do more of that last year in the apartment? We did it some of the time but not most of the time. Well fuck, that's something to ponder. I'm thinking that Dodger's and my frequent sex probably has a lot to do with the 'newness' of sex with him. It is new after a two-year separation. That, plus him suggesting it so frequently knowing I'd never say 'no'. Hell, a few times I got right up in the position he wanted me in without him suggesting it. Guess I was already pretty much programmed, not that I find anything especially wrong with that; it's still only side-sex.

Oh, what the... I don't know what happened but I'm pretty sure I hear my Mom laughing in the living room. Did she get up early this Sunday morning, or what? And who is she laughing with? Looking at my wristwatch I see the problem. Yeah, I fell asleep and now it's almost noon. Fuck! Getting off the bed, my clothes totally wrinkled, I look in the mirror over the bureau and see I have a case of bed-hair and a crease on my cheek where I slept on it funny. I need a shower! Getting undressed in my bathroom I take a quick shower and then put on a nice pair of ironed Polo shorts and a button up the front short-sleeve shirt. Kinda dressy but only because we're going for brunch at some ritzy hotel. Jeez, thank God my head feels better...

Combing my hair makes me think back to when Dodger said it was unevenly cut in back and on one side of my head. Turning my head to look at both sides and, oh yeah, I see what he means now. Robby left a shingled effect near the back on the left side. Huh, I hadn't noticed that until this very minute. It looks more pronounced now that my hair has grown out some too. Hell it's grown out a lot. My hair really grows fast. God, my hair looks goofier the longer I look at it! Getting a hand held mirror I use it with the bureau mirror to look at the back of my head and there's some uneven shingling back there too. Goddammit, if Dodger hadn't mentioned it I'd never have known. Robby's doing pretty good with his barbering though, and just the other day I was pleased with how my hair looked... and now this.

Still gawking at my hair I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door and my Mom saying, "Dylan, honey, we're all ready to go." All? Is everyone here already? Balls! I say, "I'll be right out, Mom," and try brushing my hair up to see if it hides the shingling. It doesn't, but maybe using some hair gel will help. Back in the bathroom I rub a small amount of hair gel in my hair and re-comb it but that highlights the shingling even more. There's a harder knock, but on the bathroom door this time and then I hear Chubby's voice, "We're leaving, Dylan. No time for you to jerk off." I whip the door open and angrily go, "Don't be stupid, Chub, I'm not jerking off!" He goes, "Whoa, whoa, bro. Don't yell at me, it hurts my feelings. What's wrong?" Realizing I crazily overreacted, I go, "Oh, jeez, sorry I yelled, Chubby," and then I snort out a laugh, "It's nothing. I'm just a little hungover, bro," and I hug him and kiss his cheek, saying, "I'm really sorry." We let go of each other and he says, "I love you, brother, so it's okay if you yell at me once in a while, but why do you have gunk in your hair?"

We walk toward the living room with me saying, "I was just trying for a different look, that's all." He touches the hair at the side of my head, saying, "It's uneven here. Did you notice that?" I sarcastically mumble, "Yeah, I did. Thanks for mentioning it though," and then we both snicker as he gives my shoulders a one-arm affectionate hug. Mom says, "There you are, Dylan." Tom and Tim Rider, the twin fiancés, say, "Hey, Dylan, looking good, dude." They said it at the same time, sounding alike. That makes me grin again, and say, "Hi, future step-dads. Where we eating this morning?" Tim says, "Well, good-looking, waiting for you means we'll be eating thisafternoon, not this morning" and he pats my back so I'll know he's kidding. The twins are super nice to Chubby and me. Chubby yells, "Stop picking on my brother!" The way he said it and the way he stepped right up next to me and put his arm around me makes everyone laugh. Chubby can make you laugh by reading the newspaper obituaries out loud.

We can't all fit in Tim's BMW so Chubby drives him and me in our Jeep to the new Hilton Hotel in Natick. We initially were going into Boston for brunch but this is closer and supposedly just as good as Boston hotels' brunches. It's an expensive brunch but the twins are treating and they don't care what it costs. Actually I'm not all that crazy about buffets in general, which is basically what most brunches are. Too many people hovering over the food, sneezing, and coughing, and touching. It's basically a germ convention.

When we get there I need to admit this brunch buffet definitely qualifies as an upscale one. There's table cloths and cloth napkins with good silver-wear and crystal on all the tables. Also we can order omelets of our choosing getting any ingredients we want in it. First though the real-adults, the Moms and the twins, order Mimosas which of course is an orange juice and Champaign cocktail. Chubby orders a bloody Mary and when I order iced tea everyone looks at me, and I'm like, "What?" Mom says, "Oh nothing, sweetheart." Chubby goes, "If I knew you were going to order iced tea that's what I would have had too." Liar! The waitress didn't evencard Chubby.

We all order omelets, mine's a three-egg omelet with mushrooms, onion, three kinds of cheese, ham, and an asparagus spear; just one. The asparagus is to shock everyone and also to complicate matters so Chubby can't say to the waitress, 'Ya know, that's exactly what I was going to order'. He says it anyway, even with the asparagus spear, and then mutters to me, "It's easy to pull out the asparagus and wrap it in a napkin." I go, "Yeah, that's what I'm planning on doing with mine too." We giggle like little kids.

Mom and their guys order omelets with various vegetables. They don't know any better. While waiting for our drinks Chubby and I decide we should go to the buffet for a plate of breakfast food to hold us over until the omelets are served. My headache has been dealt with but I'm still feeling less than great, a tad queasy, so I only get eggs Benedict, one pancake with a container of real maple syrup, home fries, mixed fresh fruit, and some bacon. The Canadian Bacon looks good too but I decide on the regular bacon because there should be Canadian Bacon in my eggs Benedict. If not the chef doesn't know what he's doing. At the last second I add three small Danish pastry to my plate.

One side of the buffet is breakfast stuff while the other side is all lunch and dinner stuff like standing rib roasts, a roasted leg of lamb and some kind of ham. There's a chef who's carving at each station. There's also different kinds of potatoes and salads and vegetables, rolls and stuff I'm not sure what it is. This is a huge room and it's loud in here, just the way I like it.

Back at the table Tom asks us, "How's it look over there, guys?" Chubby says, off the top of his head, "Um, really good, Tom, you might want to try the 'Mother and Child Reunion' dish." They frown and Tris asks, "What's in the 'Mother and Child Reunion' dish, Jeffrey? I've never heard of it." Chub smirks while swallowing a whole slice of bacon and then shrugs, mumbling, "Oh, it's some kind of egg and chicken dish." They all chuckle and my Mom says, "You're so clever, Jeffrey." I look at her and she goes, "You too, Dylan." I mutter, "Damn right!" Our drinks arrive and I chug half the tall glass of iced tea. Damn, that's good! It's important to drink lots of fluids when hungover.

Chub and I are done our first plate of brunch when our omelets arrive and we all order another drink. The waitress takes Chub's and my first plate away, which is a nice touch. Oh, and Chubby does not switch to iced tea; he ordered another bloody Mary, saying, "Brunch was invented as a socially acceptable excuse for drinking in the early part of the day." The real adults laugh, as I mutter, "Clever, Jeffrey." He smirks at me and then takes a piece of my omelet and goes, "Your omelet tastes better than mine." We switch our half-eaten identical omelet plates as both our Moms make noisy exhale sounds of disapproval. Tom and Tim chuckle. Done the omelets and fortified by two drinks with a third one the way we all hit the lunch side of the buffet. For the third round of drinks I ordered a bloody Mary too and Chub goes, "You don't always need to copy everything I do, bro. Jeez!" I snort out a laugh as he pokes me in the ribs while giving me his awesome smile. Oh man!

On the other side of the buffet Chub walks behind me and gets whatever I get which is prime rib, scalloped potatoes, a piece of fried chicken and Caesar salad. It's really a very good brunch. When we finish that dish Chub and I get desserts which are really awesome looking; the highlight of the brunch. We each get three different desserts because they're not all that big: a slice of vanilla cake, strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream, and something that I think is called a parfait. It's vanilla pudding with various fresh berries in it and we feel it'll be the healthy part of dessert. We eat that last. Tim says to his brother, "Well, Tommy, you and I got our money's worth and what the boys ate makes up for what Tris and Dee didn't eat, so it evens out." The real adults all chuckle because that qualifies as adult humor. Chub and I frown at each other and then both snort out a laugh because that's what we do; we resort to acting like thirteen-year-olds sometimes... just because we can.

Many thanks from Chub and me to the twins for an awesome brunch and then we're in the Jeep with Chub mumbling, "I might need to throw-up on the way home." I nod, "Uh huh, too many bloody Mary drinks!" He shakes his head, "Nah, I may have overdone it with the forth dessert." I go, "I told you not to eat a hot fudge Sundae on top of everything else! Chocolate is hard to digest. Everybody fuckin' knows that!" He goes, "I didn't know it," and then I ask, "Ya wanna come with me to visit Robby?" He nods, "Yeah, sure, but I promised Jesse to help him get his motorbike working." Looking at him, I go, "You don't know anything about motorbikes, Chub." He shrugs, "I know as much about them as you do, and anyway I'm mostly interested in his sister. Jesus, she is hot and sexy with a nice ass!" I'm like, "Please, Chub, I just ate!" I tell him, "Drop me off at the house. I've got Rob's pickup truck for the week so I'll follow you over there. I plan on staying with Rob all afternoon." He says, "Yeah, okay. I almost forgot that I have the Jeep this week and then you'll have it next week, right?" I nod, "Yeah, we share, brother." He mutters, "Sweet," as he's pulling to the curb below our condos where the pickup is parked.

Chubby's going to change clothes so he'll come over Rob's after that. I decide to drive straight to Rob's because, even though I should probably change my clothes, I don't feel like it. So what if I'm a bit over-dressed for hanging-out. Halfway to Rob's I'm wishing I did change clothes because if I did I'd get a chance to brush my teeth. Looking around in the pickup's cab I don't see mints or gum. Damn, and then at Rob's I see only Danny Monday's car. Good, Rob's folks are out. I park at the curb behind Danny's car figuring Rob's parents will want to park in the driveway when they get back from wherever they're at.

Walking up the driveway I see his Mom's car in front of the garage so she might be home after all. Dammit, but when I knock no one answers. Huh, Mrs. Dickers must be with her hubby. Rob's probably in his bedroom so I call him and my call goes to voice mail. Well what the fuck? Danny's car is here so either Danny and Rob went with his parents or they're both here. I leave a voice mail... 'It's me. Just wondered if you were up for some more company.''

When I'm back in the pickup my cellphone rings and it's Robby. I go, "Hey, boyfriend, where are you?" He says, "I'm home, and sure, come on over, Dylan, I'd love to see you. Danny's here." I go, "I know, I'm outside your house and see his car right in front of me. No one answered my knocking at the door though, so..." He hesitates, "Um, you're here?" I go, "Yeah, I'm in your truck. I was just about to drive away." He says, "We couldn't hear you knocking. We're in my bedroom but the back door's open, so c'mon up." I go, "Be right there." Yeah, I guess he wouldn't hear my knocking in the bedroom but why didn't he hear his cellphone ringing?

I stride up the driveway and go in the backdoor, through the kitchen and down the hall to the stairs, and then up to the bedroom, but the door's locked. Rob hears me jiggling the doorknob and opens it right away acting guilty, stammering, "Was it locked? I didn't know the door, um, I never lock the door." Then he looks at Danny, asking, "Did you lock the door when you came in?" Danny shakes his head. looking especially eatable this afternoon. Walking over to me he's saying to Robby, "Shit, I don't know, Rob. Maybe I hit the button by accident," and then to me he says, "Hey, Dylan, good to see you," and he hugs me and kisses me on the lips with his quick-as-awing-kiss of his, adding, "If your boyfriend won't give you a nice greeting, I will." Rob goes, "Oh, yeah, hi, babe. The door wasn't, I mean...," and he waves his hand at the dumb door, adding, "It's never locked, I don't know what the..." and he hugs and kisses me too. I'm like, "Fuck the door. What's up with you two?"

Danny's grinning but Rob's still acting a little flustered as he says, "Oh, nothing. We were just talking. Weren't we, Danny?" and he turns around looking at Danny and then back at me, saying, "How 'bout if we go downstairs?" I shrug and he asks, "Do you want a beer or something?" I mumble, "No thanks, Robby" and Danny goes, "Yeah, I'll have one." Rob says to me, "After you, babe," as he nods at the door. I know why he wants me to go first. When he turned around I saw a wet spot on his light blue shorts just about where his asshole would be. Maybe a little hemorrhoid burst except he doesn't have hemorrhoids. So maybe he sat on an inch-wide circle of wet matter or maybe that's a little of Danny's cum drooling out of my boyfriend's ass. I have no grounds for thinking badly of Rob or Danny in that regard though, so I ignore it.

Those two follow me downstairs and into the kitchen where I turn around abruptly and catch Robby pulling at the back of his shorts. He sees me watching him do that and blushes a dark red, saying, "Did you say you wanted a beer, Dylan?" Danny chuckles and flashes me a 'look' that could mean anything. I go, "No thanks, I had too much to drink last night and then a bloody Mary at brunch." Danny grins at Rob, mumbling, "I'll get the beers," and Robby backs up against the stovetop island frowning and mumbling, "Oh, I'll be right back. I gotta take piss," and he slides sideways out of the kitchen without me bothering to watch him do it as I grin to myself. Even though there's a powder room off the family room Robby goes upstairs to take his bogus piss. Danny opens the two beers, takes a swallow and talks about his summer baseball league team.

He goes, "There's a chance both Hayden and Rob can still make the team. The original coach has been replaced and thank God for that. He was like a Marine drill sergeant, for chrissakes. Five guys quit or committed to another team so there's openings on our team. There'll be try-outs next week some time." I ask, "So Rob's well enough to try out?" He goes, "He's getting better for sure," and he snorts out a laugh before adding, "But probably not to go full speed next week playing baseball. He has a reputation though and since he won't be on the Westborough project he'll be around and will probably make the team without even trying out. I already talked to the new coach about my two boys, and I'm gonna try to pull some strings and get an okay for you to practice with us too." I go, "Oh, um, don't do that, Danny."

He's acting awfully cocky this afternoon. He reaches over to touch my hair, saying, "Why all the gel in your hair, Dylan?" I shrug, "Just trying something new." He shakes his head, "Yeah, well if I had hair like yours I wouldn't fuck it up with a hair product, it looks..." but he doesn't finish his sentence because Rob's back with new shorts on and probably new underwear too. He interrupts, saying, "Yeah, I agree with Danny, babe, you shouldn't use hair gel," and then he looks closely at my hair, mumbling, "Oh fuck! I see I cut ridges in the side. I never noticed that without the hair gel. Dammit, I hate that I left ridges in your hair!" I go, "Fuck my hair. It's fine, Rob."

As Robby chugs some beer, I ask, "So, you're feeling a lot better, huh?" He nods, "Yes, today I woke-up feeling almost like my old self. Well, not that good, but much better." I'm like, "I'm very glad to hear that," and we both smile. Danny stands between Rob and me squeezing the back of both our necks, saying, "Hayden gets home Tuesday and then we'll all be together and healthy again." I sarcastically say, "One big happy family, huh?" Rob says, "Well, we aren't a family like you mean, but we're four gay buddies, right?" Danny says, "We're lucky to have each other too. Truthfully it's getting so I'm happiest being with my gay friends and I don't mean I don't like my straight ones. I just feel more myself with you guys." It's getting a tad awkward so Rob changes the subject, "Hey, Dylan, do you know if my brother is planning on a visit today?" I shrug, "The last I heard he was buying a car today." He goes, "What kind?" I say, "A Mini Cooper, I think," Danny goes, "Christ, he's spending that hundred-thousand awfully fast!" I shrug again. If Dodger isn't here by now he probably isn't coming.

I gotta admit one thing though, and it's that these two guys are better looking and way sexier than most straight guys I know, my brother excluded. I'm thinking that thought as I follow Rob and Danny downstairs to the basement. We've decided to play ping pong, Rob and Danny being wicked competitive! While playing Rob winches occasionally and touches his side but he's seems better than even yesterday. At Merrimack I'm one of the better ping pong players among normal guys at the Quad's recreational center. Here though I can't beat either of these two, and I mean even when Rob plays me with his left hand. These fuckers take for granted the exceptional eye-hand coordination they were born with. The games between Rob and Danny are hard-fought and they show no mercy, mocking any mistake either of them makes. It's like they're enemies during the games.

We're all sweating a little after playing for an hour so those two get another beer in the kitchen while arguing about the score of the last game. Danny's agitated, asking me, "Did you keep score, Dylan? I had two points up on him, didn't I?" I shrug, muttering, "I didn't fucking keep score when you two are playing. I was reading that old Sports Illustrated magazine." Rob goes, "It was eighteen to nineteen and then I scored a point and..." and I stopped listening and give-up on my none-drinking plan. It's like their beer breath is getting to me so I opened a beer in self-defense. One sip of beer and I won't notice their beer breath.

After they finish arguing we go outside and sit around the outdoor table talking about this and that. Rob's parents return from wherever it was they were and they stop at the table to say hello. Mrs. Dickers rubs Danny's shoulder, asking, "How are you good-looking boys doing today?" We all mumble something and then Mr. Dickers asks me, "Is the new benefits project still moving along okay, Dylan?" I tell him where I'm at and he seems pleased with that and then Chubby finally shows up, saying, "Oh wow, I see the band's back together." Mrs. Dickers acts thrilled to see Chubby, exclaiming, "Jeffrey! How nice to see you. Aren't you looking handsome today!" She's definitely in her over-doing-it-mode this afternoon; her manic mode I guess you could say.

Chubby banters with her as I'm looking at Danny, thinking what a stud he is. Those broad shoulders and, well his entire body is hot, plus he is a good-looking guy. I've noticed that before of course but as I get to know him better I can see why Rob's attracted to him. And Danny's so freaking nice to me! Jeez, and I enjoyed giving him his last haircut too. Ha ha, him and Rob have identical haircuts and they both comb in the small pompadour that I combed for them after finishing their haircuts. Neither of them notices the similarities though. Like many guys they aren't fixated on their hair like I am. They're both hot and, as crazy as it sounds, I think it'd be nuclear-hot watching them fuck together. Danny moves his eyes and sees me staring at him. I avert my eyes immediately as he smiles at me and does a little nod of his head. Who knows what that means, but he's one cute mother-fucker.

Jesus though, I shouldn't be horny! No sex today of course but Dodger provided plenty of hot sex for me this week. Instead of me being sexually satisfied maybe all that sex makes me think I need more. Oh fuck, that'd be something, wouldn't it? Rob's obviously back in the saddle, so to speak, so I've got that going for me. I hear my name spoken by Mr. Dickers so I go, "Excuse me," and he asks, "Are you okay with picking-up Rob for work next week?" I go, "Oh, yes sir, we're all set with that. Rob's letting me use his pickup," and Robby says, "It probably won't be necessary all week. Just maybe Monday and Tuesday." I nod thinking I won't mind taking the bus and seeing my bus-buddy, but what's his name? Shit! Wait, it's Ryan-something.

Yeah, that's it, Ryan. Guess which Ryan I'm thinking about now though? Not for long as Mr. and Mrs. Dickers are inviting the three of us, Chub, Danny and me, for dinner tonight. Chubby goes, "Thank you but I've got a date tonight." I wonder if Chubby having a date with a girl makes Rob's parents focus on Rob and me being gay? It's probably paranoid of me having that thought. Gee, I wonder if they know Danny's gay too. I'll bet they don't, which might explain Mrs. Dickers' extra interest in him. Preferring him over me as Rob's friend, or am I being paranoid again? Ha ha, yeah probably! Oh man, or maybe she has a special interest in Danny for the same reasons I do, which is to say because he's an uber good-looking hot sexy boy.

Rob says, "How about you, Dylan? Can you have dinner with us? Dad's grilling tonight." I go, "Huh, grilling? Oh, um, are you staying, Danny?" He goes, "Absolutely! Barbecued baby-back-ribs. Count me in." I nod and say to Mr. and Mrs. Dickers, "Thank you, I'd love to stay. I'll call home and let them know." Mrs. Dickers says to Mr. Dickers, "Let's see, it's four o'clock now, so Robert what do you think? Say six o'clock?" He goes, "Sounds good. We'll see you boys around six," and they both go inside. Chubby wants to challenge the guys at ping pong so the four of us go back down to the basement and do that for another hour. Chub has to leave then to help his friend, Jesse, with his motor bike as well as put the make on his friend's sister. The rest of us go up to Rob's bedroom with bottles of beer.

Rob lays on his bed propped-up by two pillows and he and Danny argue about if Rob should try-out for the baseball team or just be up-front with the coach about his recent operation. Rob goes, "I don't know. It'd probably be better if coach doesn't know about it." They go back and forth as I'm daydreaming about being on Dodger's bed on my knees with my face on his pillow. Rob's now saying, "Damn, that ping pong was the most activity I've had since the operation." Danny asks, "You want to take a nap?" Rob shrugs, "I feel pretty good, but I should probably rest after I finish this beer."

Danny and I look at each other and then I go, "Well, Danny, why don't you and I kill some time at the high school basketball courts. Maybe shoot some hoops for a while and we'll return in like two-hours." Danny goes, "Yeah, good idea." Robby makes a face, "I feel like a shit making you guys leave. You could play video games here while I take a nap. I am sorta beat." Danny says, "Nah, we'd make too much noise doing that. We'll do what Dylan suggested. It's too nice an afternoon to stay inside all day anyway. C'mon, Dylan." We both pat Rob's shoulder as he mumbles, "Thanks, guys," and we go downstairs telling Mrs. Dickers we'll be back, but for now we're giving Rob a break so he can rest. We tell her that as we quickly pass her in the kitchen. As the door is closing behind us we hear, "Oh, Danny, I was..." and he says, "Pretend we didn't hear that." We're down the driveway in a flash without hearing the rest of Mrs. Dickers sentence.

Danny says, "We'll take my car." After firing up the engine, he pulls away from the curb, saying, "My Mom's on a late afternoon date. She's at the movies with my boss from the dry cleaners. A budding romance perhaps." I nod my head, not much interested in that. Danny goes on to tell me, "So, my point being there's no one home. Rob wants me to make sure you're taken care of so how 'bout we go to my house and I'll do what I promised him I'd do for you." Glancing over at me, he asks, "Do you have a problem with that?" I say, "Did you provide a similar service for Rob before I got there?" He looks at me and quietly says, "Dylan, I told you before that I'm uncomfortable discussing my sex life. Trust me, I'll be just as discrete with any sex I have with you. That'll be our business and no one else's. The only thing I'll say is I can't remember the last time I had sex twice the same day. If you weren't so sexy-hot I' doubt I could even rod it."

What the fuck? Oh man, he must think I was born yesterday with that bull shit story. And he just admitted he fucked Rob three-or-four-hours ago. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's what Rob told me anyway. Not that I care, I got a little 'crush' going on for Danny.

We drive in silence for a minute and then I exhale an exasperated breath, and say, "It's nice of you and Rob to be concerned about me, but it's not necessary for you to provide me with anything, sex included. I'm good. I don't need you looking out for my sexual needs, really!" He looks hurt, asking, "Don't you want me to do it with you? Didn't you like our three-way with my boyfriend, who I'm missing, by the way. Hayden's been away for a week so maybe you'd be doing me a favor too." I shrug, "Oh fuck, it feels awkward, that's all I meant. You and Rob, and me and Rob." He goes, "It could be you and Hayden if you both wanted too. It'd be okay with me if you guys got together once in a while," and he forces a chuckle, adding, "Not great, but okay, ya know?" If only you knew, Danny. So yeah, it's slightly hypocritical of me excluding Danny. Why the hell would I wanna do that anyway? I think he's hot!

Another minute of silence before I go, "You're right, Danny. I apologize for acting like I'm above it all. Believe me I'm not that way, and you've been without Hayden all week. I didn't think of that. Hell, I like you and I think you're sexy so why not some casual buddy-sex?' He goes, "Yeah, why not? Rob's okay with it." I go, "And I assume Hayden is too." He goes, "Um, don't mention it to Hayden, okay? As a favor to me don't do that. We need to be discrete like Rob said, right?" I nod, "Yes, be discrete."

Discrete is a word that might be a cover-up word for being unfaithful or devious or sneaky and other things along those lines, but why look at the negative side of a word? Then I'm like, "Wait a second! Hayden knows you have side-sex. He mentioned it to me." Danny's like, "Yeah, but like you and Rob, we don't talk specifically about it. That's all I'm saying." I nod, "I got ya! A policy of 'do it if you must, but I don't want to hear about it'! He goes, "Exactly!"

Hmmm, convenient for sure but it's been working for Rob and me like forever. I ask, "Does Hayden have a side-sex buddy?" He laughs, "Probably not. Anyway I don't know of any. He spends most of his time, when he's not with me, with those girls; his fag hags. I don't think Hayden knows any other gay guys and, let's face it, he's burdened with that huge penis that none of us can handle without a lot of pain. You struggled mightily with it yourself and I felt bad for you during the three-way. Let me tell you though, it was a thrill for Hayden to get a chance to 'top' and I thank you for persevering through that. You were a true friend to both of us." I shrug, muttering, "He's got a big one alright." Danny glances over, "Yeah, with that freakishly big noodle of his I'm afraid Hayden's pretty much relegated to 'bottom-boy' status permanently." I go, "He had some boyfriends in prep school though. Didn't you tell me that?" Danny shrugs, "I guess I did. Hayden pretty closed-mouth about those days, although I do remember him bitching about always needing to be on the 'bottom' at prep school too."

He parks his car, a Volkswagen of some sort, in his driveway and pats my shoulder smiling and saying, "C'mon, no need to be nervous with me." I ask, "Why would you assume I'd be nervous?" We get out of the car as Danny's saying, "I don't know. Maybe you don't have any more side-sex than Hayden has, so it's kind of a new thing for you. I'm just trying to be considerate." I give him a 'look' and he shrugs saying, "Well I'm sorry if I underestimated you in that regard. I mean, I see how you adore Rob, and why wouldn't you, so I guess I didn't think you were into side-sex all that much. I mean, after that first time with me freshman year you never ask for it again, so..." Is he fucking serious? Now I'm thinking maybe Rob doesn't tell Danny anything at all about me. Gee, I kinda feel bad I doubted Rob in that regard. Jesus though, I almost laughed in Danny's face when he said, 'Don't be nervous'.

He has his arm casually on my shoulder as we walk, which is fine except he continues treating me like I'm new at this. Coming up to his front door, he says, "I want to do this right for you so that you'll feel comfortable. I'm thinking we'll get naked and I'll do you in my bed. Whaddaya think about that?" I go, "So you just assume you're the 'top'?" He goes, "You know it, babe, and you know very well I can't bottom so that leaves you with the 'bottom' position. Ha ha, I told you before why I can't 'bottom'." I nod, "Oh yeah, that was an humiliating time you had in the hospital after Hayden tried 'topping' you." He mumbles, "I hate even thinking about that."

At the door, he asks, "So, we good?" I nod, "I'm cool with that, Danny." He hugs my shoulders, saying, "Thanks! Counting the three-way we had with my boyfriend, this will be yours and my third time, Dylan. I hope it's not our last." He's making my dick tingle for some reason. Seriously though, can he actually be this naive? Inside he takes his arm away, asking, "Do you need a beer or maybe shot of booze to get in the mood? My Mom has good liquor." I shake my head and he says very nicely, "Um, a minute ago I said I want to do this right. I hope I'm not mistaking about doing it in my bed. If you'd feel uncomfortable in my bed, um..." I go, "No, that's fine," and he says, a little excitedly, "I was pretty sure this would work out after I saw how much you enjoyed 'bottoming' during our three-way, and you were in that sweet submissive mood too, so..." and he makes a 'face' like he's hoping I'll reassure him. I go, "Yeah, you're right. I prefer to 'bottom'. I always have."

Nice smile from Danny as he nods his head, "That's awesome. I mean, that you enjoy 'bottoming' so much. I don't know a lot of sexually active gay guys so I'm impressed that you actually prefer 'bottoming'. I always suspected guys would want to 'top'." I roll my eyes, but not so Danny saw me do it. I think he's a nice guy and apparently much less experienced than I'd have thought considering he started so young.

With his hand on my back, sort of guiding me to the stairs leading to the second floor, he goes, "But you said, 'prefer to 'bottom'. Um, does that mean you 'top' sometimes?" I go, "Occasionally," and he nods, "Huh, that's called versatile, right?" Another eye roll from me without him seeing me do it. Danny goes, "Okay, I'm almost positive you're gonna enjoy yourself. If I do say so myself, I know what I'm doing and it's a special treat for me too. I've always had a little 'thing' for you anyway. I think I told you that before." I go, "Yeah, you did and I'm flattered." At the top of the steps, he asks, "Do you mind?" and he takes hold of my hand and leads me to the end of the hall and then goes, "This is my humble bedroom." I mutter, "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." He looks puzzled, so I mutter, "Oh, there's a saying that goes something like that."

Letting go of my hand, he says, "I'm pretty sure you don't mind getting undressed," and I'm like, "Absolutely not," and as I drop my shorts I tell him about my nude-beach fantasy for guys eighteen to twenty-three. He laughs and says, "I'd drop the age to twelve or thirteen if I had that fantasy." Huh, so would Rob and Dodger considering their early start with their incest. As Danny takes his clothes off I find myself watching him because his body is hunkier than even Rob's. I saw it a week ago and I'm anxious to witness it again. He's saying, "I guess among the four of us I'm delegated as the major 'top' in our group now," and he laughs, adding, "That sounded obnoxiously conceited. What I meant is Rob's a couple of days away from 'topping', and you hardly ever 'top', and Hayden 'tops' even less than you, so that leaves me." I'm praying he doesn't say the over-used cornball phrase, 'It's a nasty job but somebody's got to do it' He grins, looking me in the eyes, saying, "It's a nasty job but somebody's gotta do it, right?" I go, "Ha!"

Actually I like Danny's almost-naive openness about everything, plus he's always good to look at, and now without clothes it's a definite treat for my eyes. We're both naked with our clothes mixed together in a pile on a chair. He pulls on his dick, asking, "Is it okay with you if we make-out first? After that you can suck my dick. That's sort of the way I'd normally do it." I ask, "You always make-out with side-sex buddies?" Shaking his head once, he goes, "No, I wouldn't with just anyone. Not that I know many gay 'anyones' ha ha, if you know what I mean." No, actually I'm not sure I do, but I'm not sure I want to, so I let it slide. He goes, "You know, with the four of us being one big happy family of gay sex-buddies now, I was hoping you'd be okay with making-out." I'm half grinning thinking he's kidding about that, but he's not so I drop the grin and say, "Sure, why not?" He inches closer to me still fumbling with his nice-looking pecker. Grinning nervously, he mumbles, "Oh boy, you have the sexiest lips and you're so fucking cute it's like insane that I get to do this with you," and his eyes close, his hands go to my waist, and his lips meet mine.

Right from the start Danny does a sort of lover's make-out. Gentle slow kisses and light licks on my tongue and then more sweet kisses. Not at all like normal buddy-sex kisses that are often kinda rough. And Danny is definitely feeling he's the, well that he's doing the guy's part, or the one-in-charge-part of our make-out. What the fuck, I've got no problem with that either and I let him lead as he slowly lowers both of us onto his rumpled unmade bed, me going down on my back. I kiss back of course but it's his tongue in my mouth and him fondling my privates. His naked body is very tight and I'm enjoying myself rubbing the palms of my hands from his shoulders down his back to his butt cheeks while feeling his firming-up penis against my leg. Naturally I'm getting a very hard boner of my own in the process. There's none of the manic kissing with teeth scrapping and a lip getting cut a little that I get into with the rare side-sex guys I make-out with, like Hayden. Even so Danny's sweet manner of making-out is getting me very aroused and a quiet moan slips out from my throat, "Oooh, mmm," which causes Danny to grin even with his tongue sliding nicely all over mine. He's a very good make-out.

Finally I gasp needing a big inhale with pre-cum drooling down my cock. Danny's cock is firm too but not nearly as hard as mine. I feel his against mine now as he lays on me again slowly devouring my mouth while lightly running his fingers through my hair. I swear he'll make me cum if he keeps this up, but instead he lifts his head a little and then smiles at me before doing a deliberate lick up the front of my nose making me wonder if he got that from Robby, who got it from me. Hovering over me, a hand on the mattress close to both my shoulder, he murmurs, "That was special, babe. Now I want you to scrunch up further on the bed so I can sit on your chest while you suck my cock for a few minutes." He tries helping me move up further on the bed.

I find myself in a partial stupor surprised he used that manner of making-out, although I'm liking it okay. He has a pleasant expression on his face and there's a nice scent to his skin. He's more confident now as I'm pretty sure everything is going the way he expected it would. I'm the complete opposite. Surprised at how Danny's going about everything although I'm pleasantly surprised. I gulp with desire as I slide up the mattress using my heels to push off with.

When my head hits his rumpled pillow, he goes, "Okay, that good where you are, babe." and he puts his hands on my shoulders and then sits on my chest, a knee on either side of me. Smiling down at me he ruffles my hair, murmuring, "This is nice, babe, isn't it?" I nod and he holds his firm cock out. Him using the term 'babe' is becoming disconcerting. Taking his cock from his fingers, he leans forward and I lick the head as we stare into each other's eyes. This isn't the way buddy-sex is normally done, and it's not the way it's supposed to be done either. Like I said, this is more like lover's sex than buddy-sex and it probably is the way Rob and Danny do their side-sex, which should give me pause I suppose. Buddy-sex is normally much more matter-of-fact with maybe a few chuckles and some macho rough stuff. Instead I'm feeling a little dreamy with real feelings of affection for Danny. He's so gentle and there's something so nice about him; there's also an innocence, or something I've never noticed about him before. I can't believe this is how we did it that one time, just us two. Truth is I don't recall hardly anything about the time we did it freshman year. We may have been drunk at the time for all I know.

I get lost in the cock sucking and hope he's going to do some deep throating but, like most guys, when pre-cum drools out of Danny's now very hard penis he pulls it from my mouth, takes two quick breaths and says, "Oh, fuck, that felt fabulous, Dylan." Sitting up straight he takes a deep breath, his boner sticking straight out from his neat, brown pubic patch. His penis is almost identical to mine so sucking his was almost like sucking my own dick. If I had to bet money on it, I'd say his is maybe a little longer than mine. Danny slides down my body right over my boner, grinning and making a 'face', mumbling, "You get a boner sucking cock, don't you?" I go, "Well, that plus making out with you," and I said that in too much of a sincere voice, maybe picking up on his mannerisms. I should have given a smart-ass response, like, 'Yeah, I do. Why don't you sit on it and take a ride.' No, Danny's being too nice for me to say that crude comment to him.

He gets between my legs and then stares at me. I go, "What?" and he says, "Pull your legs back, please. Get an arm around both of your legs and really pull them as close to your chest as you can." I do that which pulls my asshole up off the mattress a bit and he says, "I'm sorry, I should have asked if you wanted lubricant earlier. Do you?" I nod, "Sure, or it's not necessary if it's not handy." Again I'm using the wrong tone, sounding way too submissive for the circumstances. He's not being dominant. Danny says, "No, it's okay, just stay like that and I'll get my KY jelly," and he gets off the bed. Holding my legs back harder than necessary, I watch him go to the bottom drawer of his bureau and reach way in the back. He comes out with a plastic jar, saying, "Hayden sometimes asks for it too so there's no reason for you to feel self-conscious about needing it." Why would I? I again murmur a dumb response though, meekly saying, "Okay, Danny." Dammit!

Holy fuck, this isn't how I thought it would go at all. I expected some rubbing of his cock on my ass and then a hard quick fuck standing up or me leaning over with my hands on his bureau, or something like that. Somehow I find myself in this mood like I'm a novice and Danny's gently taking me through anal sex for the first time. I feel like I'm thirteen-years-old, for chrissakes. Danny gets back on the bed and smiles nicely as he spreads some lube on the lips of my asshole, quietly saying, "Pull your legs back more if you can, babe." I do that and he pushes some lubricant inside my ass with his finger, saying, "I'll try not to rub your prostate too much. I know that can make a guy have a premature ejaculation if he's not used to it." I need to concentrate hard not to murmur, 'thank you, Danny'. Jesus, what's going on here?

He says, "That should do it," and he rubs the lube up and down his boner, mumbling, "Just to be sure." I know what it is: It's Danny being unnecessarily nice about everything with all his sweet smiles and it's putting me in one of my hypnotized frames of mind; one that feels yummy. There's a gay word for you... yummy. Getting up on his knees and pushing on my left leg, he quietly says, "I'll go in slow. Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop and let your rectum adjust." Taking a big breath, I want to tell him not to worry about it, but instead I'm feeling sexy sensations zipping sensation all around my groin so I simply murmur, "Okay," and then grin to myself. This is sexy and fun.

He pushes the head of his hard cock in past my sphincter muscle and looks up at me, asking, "You okay, babe?" I nod and in goes another inch of hard boner feeling good and making me bite my bottom lips, going, "Oooh, mmm, Danny." And it does feel really good, with just the right touch of pain. Cocks our size are very good at giving pleasure during anal sex. Good size for anal fucking, but then any size penis can give pleasure. Hell, that kid with the two-inch boner in Georgia made me cum faster than anyone before him or since. He had a very short fat boner that was right on my prostate a hundred-percent of the time he was thrusting away. Good ol' Timmy.

Danny keeps feeding his cock up my ass and, because it feels really good, I go, "Ooh..." again making him grin and then murmur, "I'm happy it feels good for you, babe. That's my intention but I wasn't certain I'd be one-hundred percent effective." What's that mean? Is he still on the two-times-a-day lie? He stops for a little bit looking at me with raised eyebrows and a questioning expression on his face, like,Everything okay? and I think, what a considerate guy! I nod encouragingly, probably nodding my head too fast and too enthusiastically. He chuckles, mumbling, "Oh good, you're really liking this, aren't you? That's a relief," and he pushes his boner all the way up my ass as my shoulders shudder a little and I murmur, "Yeah, everything feels really good, Danny." He nods his head smiling and murmuring, "Yeah, I'm good to go too. That's what I wanted to hear from you. I worried for nothing I guess. Crazy of me, I know, but I want to please you and I wasn't certain, um, oh nothing..." and then he leans over me between my legs with a hand on the mattress next to my chest on either side, murmuring, "Here we go," as he pulls his hips back and then smoothly moves his hips forward, and then does it again as I moan, Aaaah, oooh."

His face is a foot in front of mine so I lift my head and he smiles again, murmuring, "Okay, you want a little kiss, huh?" and he leans his head down so we can kiss. I'm really feeling the sexuality coming off Danny. He's a hot guy to look at and so fucking nice about everything it makes me want to hug the shit out of him. I suck on his lips hoping he puts his tongue in my mouth again but instead, after the short kiss he goes, "That was tasty," and then begins a steady fairly hard fucking of my ass at a medium fast speed and everything feels really, really good right off the bat. His hard sliding boner moves over my prostate and gets it sizzling with sexual pleasure while the lips of my anus hug his constantly moving hot cock as a million nerve ending vibrate out pleasure signals and I can't get enough of it as I'm tightening all the muscles in my pelvic region trying to feel even more of the brain sensitizing sensations swarming all over me. He's not doing it hard enough yet to create the slapping sounds but he has a way of lifting his hips as he's thrusting that totally sensitizes my prostate until my eyes close and I'm going, "Aah, aah, aah, aah. Oooh, Danny, aah aah," and he picks up the speed as I let go of my legs and wrap them loosely around his waist.

Now I hear the "Slap, slap, slap," sounds as my shoulders shudder again and I reach up and put both arms around the back of his neck, my back arching and curving, stretching my spine to get closer to him, and we're like a tight bundle with fabulous sensations going off inside me along with the sexual throbbing coming off my boner. I'm up against Danny as much as I can get so that my boner is pushed back by his belly so the head of my cock is pointed right at my neck as it's sliding lengthwise against his belly with each thrust of his boner up my ass. It's so awesome! Danny's smooth six-plus inches of hard boner feels incredible sliding back and forth rather tightly in my rectum, doing everything it's supposed to do.

It feels really good and I'm pulling Danny's head down to mine so our foreheads are touching. He has his hands flat on the mattress on either side of us supporting himself, never stopping the constant driving of his hard boner back and forth in my ass right up against my prostate. We're both sort of rocking together from the movement of his humping hips, moaning quietly with him now making, "Oh, oh, oh," sounds with each thrust and it goes on for maybe five minutes of intense pleasure and then he makes a breathy noise doing three fast thrust and then gets tight against my buttocks, humping against them as I feel his hard cum stream hit inside me. I squeal and hump my hips with cum pissing out of my cock in a long thin stream that goes all over my chest and neck. Yeah, it came out in a stream like an overdue piss. I'm shaking and letting go of his neck and somehow grab a fistful of his hair as we're both making grunting sounds while shooting our follow-up streams of cum and then I'm stroking my cock laying back flat on the bed feeling my usual weakness after climax. That limpness lasts for a minute as wonderful vibrations sing around my groin and inside my rectum.

Danny pulls his cock from my ass, asking, "How was that for you, babe?" Ha ha, he doesn't diddle around. He wants compliments about his fucking prowess immediately. I let go of my dick and figure, what the fuck, that was good, so I enthusiastically say, "Really good sex, Danny, honest to God, it was great. It felt awesome. I liked the way you were concerned that it was going good for me too. That was nice." He gets off the bed, saying, "Well I know Rob probably looks out for you and I wanted to make sure I did the same. 'Tops' can sometimes be indifferent to their 'bottom' boys, but I'm not like that," and he gives the top of my head a rub, adding, "You have a pretty good rear-end on you too, so don't worry, it was okay for me too. Mostly I'm happy it was good for you." Again I have the thought... is he fucking with me?

Getting off the bed, I go, "Yeah well, I'm dripping cum on your bed and it's all over my chest and neck too, so a little help maybe...," and he points to the little bedside table, saying, "There's a box of tissues. Clean yourself up and put your shorts on. We'll have a beer to celebrate. It's extremely unusual for me to go, um, more than once in the same, you know, like the same day. What I'm trying to say is I probably could try doing you again later, but..." I totally believe him now. He wasn't BS'ing me before. He was being honest. Gee, I never expected that. I get some tissues, a little disappointed he didn't offer to help, but mostly, listening to Danny I'm wondering how infrequently he and Rob have sex, or him and Hayden for that matter.

I swipe at the cum on the back of my legs, and say, "Where's your bathroom, Danny. I've got cum on my front and back. These tissues aren't cutting it." Ya know, this is finally more like normal buddy-sex behavior even though everything else was closer to lover's sex. He says, "I don't have my own bathroom, Dylan. Um, the hall-bath is two doors down the hall. Oh hell, I'll come with you. I should be helping with that. I'm sorry." He drops the tissues he was wiping his dick with into a trash can next to his bedroom desk. With me holding two folded tissues against my asshole we walk down the hall, our limp dicks flopping around, as Danny's asking, "Were you okay with holding your legs back while I fucked you?" I mumble, "What? Oh, you mean... yeah, sure. We do it like that once in a while," and he says, "Well, um, next time would you mind not putting your legs around me like you did? It threw me off a little." Huh?

Jeez, I didn't expect criticism from him either; lots of things I didn't expect from Danny Monday. He's usually sort of, I don't know exactly, sort of deferential with me. A tad obsequious even. Whatever, I have to admit I really liked having sex with him, so I go, "Oh, okay, Danny, I won't put my legs around you next time." He nods, "Thanks, and I'm thrilled to hear the words 'next time' come out of your mouth. We'll both get to know what we like over time. And no need for you to be shy with me either. Tell me if you don't like the way I do, um, whatever." Again I glance at him to see if he's kidding, but again he seems serious as he smiles at me and pats my shoulders, mumbling, "You did good, don't worry."

In the bathroom he haltingly says, "I think that's, ah, the best position for my 'bottom' boy to be in. The one I had you get in on your back with your legs pulled back. I think it's the best position for both of us actually. When I fuck Hayden or, oh um, anyone, and we have the luxury off a bed, I always have my 'bottom' get like that." For the third or fourth time I look at him to check if he's kidding me, but he seems serious, and again I marvel at how naive he seems to be at times. I mean some of the things he says are embarrassingly inappropriate. They're immature even. He looks back at me grinning as he puts his arm around my back, saying, "My Mom doesn't work so she's usually home. That means doing it in my bed will be rare. Hayden and I need to do it wherever we can, and so will you and I. Usually we have car-sex or in his garage, heh heh. We're taking a chance with garage-sex with his mother in the house, but when we're horny we're horny, ya know?" I nod and mutter, "Yeah, I guess."

In the bathroom I see a roll of paper towels so I use wet paper towels on my chest as Danny uses toilet paper to swipe at the cum that's leaking out of my ass and he's doing it very meticulously. He mumbles, "Remember, don't tell Hayden." I mutter, "Mums the word." I can't remember anyone being so, um, forthcoming, saying whatever they think. I'd be embarrassed saying the shit he's saying and obviously whenever he mentions Hayden he catches himself before saying Rob's name too. I'd bet anything he doesn't have sex with anyone except those two. Well those two plus that weirdo who pays him twenty-dollars to blow him, and now he has sex with me too.

When I'm very well cleaned-up and dried off, Danny smiles and says, "I kinda would like to give you a big kiss after that great sex, so if you don't mind, um..." I shrug, "Okay." He puts his arms around me for a tight hug and then plants a sloppy kiss on my lips. Why do I think this is nice? He ruffles my hair after the kiss, saying, "Let's get that beer now," and again he holds my hand just like Hayden does, or tries to. And Danny calls me 'babe' like Robby does. Do I think that's weird, or is it kinda sweet? I haven't decided yet, but I'm definitely totally surprised by some of Danny's behavior. He looks like a macho stud but he has a very unusual way of dealing with buddy-sex. I'm going to casually probe Hayden as to what he thinks of Danny's making-out and his 'topping' technique.

We're sitting at the kitchen table with bottles of Rolling Rock beer. Danny looks very comfortable now. During our three-way Hayden suggested we try for seconds, but Danny didn't endorse the idea now that I think about it. Yeah, but does that make him a bad person? Of course not and he just had sex with both Robby and me in one afternoon and it was very hot so he obviously is more than capable. Maybe it was a confidence issue that's now must be bolstered for future endeavors. Or I hope it is anyway.

He continues being very friendly, smiling and telling me about how odd it is that his Mom is dating the man he, Danny, works part-time for. "You know, Dylan, I loved my Dad but he got to be a prick to Mom the last year he lived with us giving her the cruel silent treatment and blatantly dating his administrative assistant at work. He insisted on living here before the divorce was final, and now it just seems strange thinking Mom is fucking the guy I work for. Ya know?" I ask, "How do you know their being intimate?" He shrugs, "I guess I don't, but I assume they are." And then he gets exuberant, throwing out his arms, exclaiming, "I feel fantastic! That was great, wasn't it? Me fucking you, I mean." I go, "Definitely, Danny. Hey, that should be your nickname." He looks puzzled. "What should be my nickname?" I mutter, "Definitely Danny, like I said two seconds ago." He's like, "Oh yeah, that'd be cool!"

Yeah, that's right, somebody told me Danny was a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but I like him anyway. I say, "You're a happy guy, aren't you?" He nods, "Yes, and I'm especially feeling good right now, thanks to you. I kept my word with Rob and did a pretty good job making you feel good, as well as myself. It made me feel great that you seemed a little bit overwhelmed when you busted a nut climaxing. I'm proud of the way I can do that for certain guys."

I've given up checking to see if he's kidding because he isn't. I mumble, "Yes, it sure felt good Mr. Definitely Danny." He laughs and then mutters, "You're flattering me too much, but Rob seems, I mean Hayden seems to agree with you. He really likes me 'topping' him and I only wish we could do it more often." I go, "I know you don't like talking about sex with anyone, um, except the person you're having sex with, but I wonder if you'd mind sharing how often you have it?" He shakes his head, "Again I gotta tell you that falls into the too-personal category, Dylan." I go, "Okay," and drink some beer. Thirty-seconds later he reaches over to pat my hand, whispering, "Okay, we're almost family. Sometimes I get it on three, even four times a week. Hey, sex rocks! I hesitated to tell you that though because I don't want you to feel cheated. Or, hell, maybe you and Rob do it that often too for all I know. Um, do you?" I go, "Occasionally."

Holy shit! I knew I was over-sexed but I didn't know it was by that much. He said 'sometimes as much as three times, even four times a week'. How about sometimes three or four times a day! Danny looks very happy and pleased with himself as he reaching over and now holding my hand, saying, "Be honest with me. Don't worry that you'll hurt my feelings, but come right out and tell me if you prefer me doing something different the next chance we get to do it together?" I shake my head, "Nothing comes to mind. I liked everything you did, Danny. Or did you have something in mind you'd like me to change?" He shrugs, grins, and then says, "Nothing major. Um, except the legs around my waist. Don't do that or the hair pulling. Don't do those two things again and you'll be perfect as my 'bottom'." I nod, and he mumbles, "That's all the critique I can think to give you. You were good with everything else. I even liked that you wanted me to kiss you during the sex. That's sweet of you." Hmmmm!

I can't think of anything to say to that, so he goes, "I noticed you seem the most comfortable letting me, as the 'top', decide on how we'll do everything." He's affectionate with his hand-holding although it's definitely over-the-top, but his sincerity, even though he says weird unnecessary stuff like he just said, has won me over. I don't want to hurt his feeling, so I go, "My preference is for you to decide when and how we do it, yes," and he nods, "I think that's best too. Anyway that's my favorite way of fucking, but I wanted to see if you had any objections that you were too shy to mention." I go, "Seriously, I'm not at all shy, Danny," and he blushes, squeezing my hand, mumbling, "I guess I'm just fishing for compliments... ha ha." Gee, he's cute. I go, "You did it perfectly. What can I say except whenever you want to do it again I'll be happy to oblige." He's gushing, "Thanks, Dylan, that means a lot to me. Um, did I mention not to tell Hayden?" I nod, "Yeah, you did, and I won't." He smiles, "Rob's lucky to have you as his boyfriend." I mutter, "I'm lucky too," and then add, "Hayden's another lucky one."

Actually I'd love to have a second go-round with Danny right now, but I don't want to freak him out by mentioning it. He finishes his beer, asking, "Would you like another beer?" I shake my head and he says, "Let's go over to the high school then. We'll see what's happening there." We head back to his bedroom to finish getting dressed but I stop off at the bathroom first to wipe a little drooling cum from my ass and then put some toilet paper in my underpants. He watches me, saying, "Sorry I put quite load up there, babe, and it surprised me too because I, um, well it just surprised me that's all." He means because he fucked Rob a few hours ago and he didn't expect a big second climax. If he only has three climaxes a week... ya know, why wouldn't the second climax today be big? Sexual lads our age can store up a lot of spunk in a week.

Outside he takes my hand and I don't pull it away like I have the inclination to do, instead I say, "Maybe we should leave the holding hands to just when we're having sex." He lets go of my hand, mumbling, "Of course, I'm sorry. Hayden and I do it all the time so it's become a habit. Maybe it's just me, but I think holding hands with another guy is very sexy." I go, "I do too, but..." and he goes, "But we're not boyfriends, right?" I shrug, "Yeah, but we're becoming really good friends." He says, "That's the silver lining about Rob's appendicitis, you and I have gotten to be real friends." I go, "Yes, I agree, Danny, I'm very happy to get to know you like this. You're a really good guy." He says, "You too."

Danny drives us to the high school where we see three guys shooting baskets. As we approach Danny's got a big smile on his face and when the three guys see him they give him a big greeting, "Monday! Great to see you, dude! What have you been up to?" and shit like that as they all bump forearms with a little hop as they do it. That's what professional baseball players do after someone hits a home run. Danny goes, "Meet by buddy, Dylan Newman," and I bump fist with all three of them as they say their names: Richard, Mike, and Swampy, the last one obviously a nickname. Mike points at me and says, "Hey, yeah, I remember you from high school, Newman. You were a little bit on the stuck-up side as I recall. A pretty boy back then, right? You always hung out with that short wise-ass kid. Um, wait, he was your brother, right?" I go, "He still is although I don't think I care for the stuck-up-pretty-boy bullshit, or calling my brother a wise-ass. um, Mike!" and I exaggerate saying his name.

Danny goes, "Whoa! Mike's a big kidder, Dylan. Aren't you, Mike? You didn't mean anything by that, right?" Mike goes, "Aah, that was years ago, but that midget brother of his always had a smart-ass comment for me, so..." I swing a roundhouse punch that he moves his head back just enough so it only brushes his chin and all three of then try getting at me with Danny in between going, "Stop it, you assholes!" A punch skims the side of Danny's head and he tackles the tall kid, Richard. Then all of us are on the blacktop rolling around but not doing much damage. A middle age man is walking by on the sidewalk and he rushes over grabbing guys arms, saying, "Knock it off. You guys aren't in middle school now," and then he's dragging someone up off someone else. One of the guys goes, "Oh, Coach Rush, um..." That guy gets up as we all stop doing whatever we were doing. As for me and the guy I was on top of, we weren't doing much either. I had my arms around him, um, I think he said his name was, Swampy or Swarmy. Just loosely wrestling with him without either of us trying to do the slightest damage to the other. In another minute or so I'd likely have a roaring boner because this kid is hot and cute and younger than the rest of us.

We're getting up together, me helping him to his feet, as the man is now bumping fist with Danny and the other three guys, all of whom were on the high school baseball team together for varying amounts of time. The man, Coach Rush, was one of their coaches. Swarmy or Swampy was a freshman when Rob was a senior and, from what the coach is saying, Swampy's apparently Mike's little brother. I exchange smirks and with him and, with his back to the others, he makes a kissing move with his lips as I grin back at him. He holds his fist out and I bump it with mine. When I had him on the ground his long red hair on the back of his head was against my face as we wrestled ineffectually. He smelled good too. He's a skinny kid with an arrogant but cute expression on his face, cute as a box full of puppies. He snorts out a laugh putting his forefinger to his lips, like, "Shhh" as us two gay guys recognize each other as members of the same tribe. He joins in with the others reminiscing with Coach Rush for a while and then the coach stays as the sixth man for a three-on-three, half-court basketball game.

Swampy and I guard each other with lots of bodily contact, chuckles, and knowing grins, but we never say a word to one another. It's me, Danny, and Richard against the Coach, Mike-the-asshole, and his younger brother, Swampy. They finally win by two at a score of 26 to 24 with made baskets counting as one point each. Mike never says another word to me or me to him. I'm not sure why I tried sucker-punching him. It was probably him referring to Chubby as a'midget wise-ass'. Well, I didn't care for his characterization of either of us. I'm always surprised to learn someone thought I was 'stuck up' in high school although he isn't the first person whose accused me of that. This will come off sounding conceited, but I think guys confuse my good looks with me being stuck-up when I've never felt a reason in my life for adopting that pose. The fact is I was very shy until coming out of it a little after acknowledging my sexuality. It's been a slow process but I don't think anyone would say I'm shy now. Well with the exception being Danny, apparently. I don't how many other people from high school mistake me for being stuck-up, but they're wrong, and perhaps stupid as well.

Danny and I take off after the game with things apparently patched-up between him and the other three. The only one who even acknowledges me before we leave is Swampy who bumped fists, mumbling, "I hope I see you around sometime." I just smile at him and nod my head. He has to be eighteen at least and I hope I see him around sometime too. Maybe I should have cards printed up with my first name and cellphone number; like business cards. Or maybe a drawing of an anus too. The thing I need the least this summer though is more sex-buddies. This is turning into a summer to beat all summers as far as sex-buddies go. Still, a one-timer with Swampy would be okay too.

In his car, Danny says, "That Mike was a bully in high school and he still is. I guess bullies don't ever outgrow it." I ask, "Did you know him well?" He shrugs, "We were teammates for four years so I knew him like that, although outside the team I never did anything with him. His brother is cute though, don't you think?" I go, "Yeah, he and I were mostly rolling around together trying not to hurt each other." He says, "A typical school yard fight. That guy, Mike, though is an excellent pitcher; the best on our team by far. He got a full-boat scholarship to attend Swarthmore College. He's the only guy on our team to get a full athletic scholarship." I'm not interested in Mike so I just go, "Huh." Danny looks at me and says, "Good thing I was there, babe, or you would have taking a serious whopping, dude." I go, "Yeah, thanks for jumping in, Danny." He drives for a minute and then goes, "Have you ever seen Rob lose his temper?" I go, "Oh yeah, two or three times. He gets outta control a little bit." Danny mumbles, "A little bit? I saw him... well, never mind. He ever lose his temper with you?" Shaking my head, I mutter, "Nope, not even close. Knock on wood," and I reach over to knock lightly on the side of his head. Danny laughs out loud.

We stop at Danny's house to wash up. My shirt lost three buttons during the rough-housing but that's what I get for wearing a button-up-the-front shirt to hang-out in. I turn down the offer of another beer but then I could kick my own ass for doing that. Maybe while drinking a beer and bull-shitting with Danny I could have hinted around for another trip to his bedroom. That never happens though and anyway now we need to hurry to get to Rob by six o'clock. We get there at a six-fifteen and see Dodger's motorcycle parked in the driveway. Hot shit, Dodger's here...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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