Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Jan 27, 2018



Chapter 21

by Donny Mumford

Danny has just dropped his car off at his house so his Mom can use it. In Rob's pickup truck I'm now driving Danny and myself the short distance to Rob's house with Danny assuring me that Rob's back from the hospital by now. He goes, "And even if he isn't back, we'll just wait for him in his bedroom. We can snoop around and maybe find his porn collection." I frown at him and he touches my arm, saying, "I'm kidding about snooping in his room, Dylan. Jeeeez, lighten up!" I mutter, "I knew you were kidding."

Is it so wrong that I think the polite thing to do is call before dropping in on someone? How much trouble is it to make a cellphone call? Danny doesn't think we need to, and I don't like arguing so we're on our way. It makes me uncomfortable just dropping in on someone but nothing seems to make Danny uncomfortable. I park at the curb because both his Mom's and Dad's cars are in the driveway. Unless Rob needed to stay at the hospital overnight he's home by now, just like Danny said he'd be.

While cockily walking up the driveway to the backdoor, Danny's his normal smiling self, telling me, "Mrs. B. said you were the one who thought Rob's incision might be infected." I go, "Yeah well, he fell asleep when I was driving him home after work and I took the opportunity to feel his forehead. He felt hot, so yeah..." Danny nods, "His Mom said the doctor told her Rob got the infection after being re-stitched when he pulled the stitches out doing sit-ups." I go, "He wasn't doing sit-ups! He sat up in bed one time forgetting about his incision, and then I guess he wasn't conscientious about keeping it clean like he was after the operation." And anyway, how the hell does Danny have these apparently in-depth conversations with Rob's Mom? And when did he do that? I mean I've been with him all afternoon and he hasn't made any cellphone calls that I know of.

Danny's still wearing his baseball cap from practice and even with the windows down and creating a nice breeze there are still beads of sweat running down his forehead. He could have washed-up a little when he was inside his house dropping off the car keys for his Mom. I would have if our situations were reversed. Danny walks right through the gate to the backyard with me trying to keep up; then, if you ask me, he knocks on the door way too hard. "Thump, thump, thump," and he looks at me grinning while saying, "Is anybody home?" Jesus!

As we wait Danny wipes the palm of his hand across his face, mumbling, "Hot, huh?" Well not especially, but then I wasn't running around like crazy for almost an hour like he did at baseball practice. Plus, he said the word 'Hot' in a funny exaggerated way, mugging at me so I chuckle at that making him grin. He's a good-looking fucker! He knocks on the door again and then takes his baseball cap off to wipe across his forehead, this time with his forearm. Holding the hat to the side, he mumbles, "What the fuck's going on in there?" He looks in through the middle set of six-window-panes that are on the top-half of the door and then looks over at me grinning again and saying, "They can't outlast us, babe," and then he plops his hat on my head.

Jesus, it's sweaty around the, well the sweatband, but Danny pulls the brim so it's halfway down my forehead. Instead of me getting pissed about it, I chuckle as my dick tightens up a little. He goes, "That looks good on you, Dylan." Readjusting the hat to wear it properly, I tell him, "Yeah? Well now I'm keeping your hat, wise-ass!" He puts his hand on my shoulder squeezing, but before he can say anything the door open and Mrs. Dickers is effusive, "Danny! Oh, I'm so glad you came. We were upstairs seeing how he's doing. Oh my, Rob's being a grump about everything."

Inside Mr. Dickers has changed out of his business suit and is making one of his horrible gin and tonic drinks. He looks up and seems glad to see me. "Oh, Dylan, good! I want you to explain something to me, son," and he motions for me to follow him. Mr. Dickers and his big gin and tonic go into the library with me right behind them. From the kitchen, I hear Mrs. Dickers laugh and then say, "Oh Danny, the things that come out of your mouth. I wish Rob could be in the good mood you're always in." I can't hear what Danny says but I hear Mrs. Dickers laugh again.

I'm standing here as Mr. Dickers, holding his drink in one hand, is going through a pile of papers with his other hand. He pulls out a paper and right away I recognize it as a copy of the report summary I did this morning. I recognized the format that I used before printing it out. He holds it up, saying, "Gordon Zimbroski passed out this report at our head-of-departments meeting this afternoon. It has to do with your area of expertise. Have you seen it yet?" and he hands it to me. I go, "Yes, Sir, I've seen it. Um, I wrote it this morning before work. Rob likes to get to the office early, um, so I had..." He interrupts, "Oh, so you verified these figures?" I nod, "Yes, Sir." Dammit, I got in the habit of saying, 'Yes, Sir', and 'Yes, Ma'am', at Ryan's last summer and can't stop saying it when I'm around older authority figures. Mr. Dickers raises his eyebrows, as if he can't believe it, "So these are accurate numbers?" I go, "Very accurate," and he's like, "If I interpolate these figure for the next two months you'll have covered the entire three-hundred employee staff at least three-to-four-weeks before Gordon's optimistic projection of a September-fifteenth deadline. In other words, you'll be done by the middle of August."

He takes a big gulp of his drink and motions for me to sit down. I do that and then explain how all the employees interviewed so far are in the Framingham office and it went fairly quickly simply because we're all in the same building. When I need to track down the men working in the field on construction I expect it'll go much slower. He's very interested, saying, "Yes, I can see that. Maybe the middle of September is about right after all, plus I see where you have a week vacation in August penciled in as well. Dammit though, I should have gotten more involved in this. I'm glad you're on top of everything though, son. You say this is your report?" I go, "Yes, Sir. I did it before work just today." He goes, "And Gordon, er, Mr. Zimbrorski, didn't request it?" I shake my head, so he asks, "How 'bout Carl, did he request the summary?" I say, "I don't know Mr. Zimbroski but I can tell you that Carl insists on reports." That's partially true although it doesn't answer his question. Why not let him think Carl was behind the report though? He nods, "Okay, then! And everything is going good from your view of things?" I nod, "Perfect, so far. The report, of course, doesn't include the twelve Accounting employees I interviewed after compiling the report."

After another swallow of bitterness from his high-ball glass, he does his half-smile, saying, "So things are actually even better than the report indicates, huh?" I go, "Yes, you could say that." He stands, reaches over his desk and claps my shoulder, "Well done, Dylan! And I'm glad to see Carl's using some initiative too. You're a good team. Plus, Gordon says the feedback from the employees is just what we hoped for; better than we hoped for actually. It's a damn nice feeling when something goes as planned. Hey, can I get you a drink?" I shake my head, "No, thank you. I'll just see how Rob's doing now." He goes, "Oh, of course." He looks at Danny's hat on my head, asking, "Did you make the team?" I go, "Oh, ha, no, not yet." He sits back at his desk, takes another gulp of his drink, and takes another report from his soft-sided attaché case. I assume our meeting is over so I slink out of the room. Danny and Robby are talking upstairs so up I go and see Rob sitting at his desk with his shirt pulled up showing Danny his latest wound.

Rob looks up at me standing in the doorway and smiles, saying, "Here's my doctor now." I walk in, muttering "It doesn't take a doctor to know a fever probably isn't a good thing." Danny goes, "They lanced Rob's swollen incision. Look at that," and he points to Rob's boo-boo. I make a face, "Ouch, that's probably gonna leave a mark." Rob goes, "The very thought of someone cutting into that sore swollen mother-fuckin' incision is exactly why I was avoiding doctors. And all the disgusting pus that came out. Gross!" I go, "Did they give you medicine; antibiotics or something?" He nods, "Oh yeah! They gave me a big dose of antibiotics and a prescription that I'll be taking for a week. But Dylan, baby, I'm feeling much better already! I'm supposed to take all the large antibiotics pills even if I'm feeling perfect I still gotta keep taking those pills," and he points at the prescription in the familiar brown little plastic bottle. I'm like, "What else did the doctor say?" Rob shrugs, "He knew it was infected as soon as he looked at it. A nurse applied hot compresses and something called chlorhexidine, or something that sounded like that, and then the doctor made a small slit and out comes a ton of gross yellow pus. Then some antibiotic ointment and a soft gauze bandage over it. It was totally amazing how quickly I began feeling better."

Moving on from Rob's medical situation, Danny tells Rob about baseball practice and then he adds, "The only openings now are for a starting pitcher and a relief pitcher; one of each. I've been talking with coach Bientendie and he's expecting you and Hayden to try out for the two openings. Um, there may be a guy or two from Wayland trying out too." Robby goes, "So now I gotta try-out?" Danny shrugs, "Yeah, sorry. I thought since he knew of you he'd skip the try-out for you, but we've got a pretty good team and should do well in the summer league and coach thinks he needs another really good pitcher so he's trying-out all comers. Do you think you can make it on Wednesday?" Rob looks disgusted, saying, "What do you think, Danny? I just got my infection drained so of course I'll make it Wednesday." Danny rubs his nose and then looks at me, "Can you pitch, Dylan?" I shake my head, "Nope," and he says, "Well maybe the Wayland guys will stink, but I've pretty much got an okay from Coach for you to practice with us, babe." I go, "Me?" and he nods, "Yeah, I had to fabricate your credentials a little but don't worry about that. And there are two guys signed-up ahead of you on the waiting list, but I'll see what I can do about that." I go, "Um, that's alright, I don't need to be on the team." He cups my chin with his thumb and forefinger, grinning and saying, "All of us together need to be on the team, my friend. It'll be a blast."

It's settled that Rob will show up Wednesday and maybe I'm gonna join in the practice without actually being on the team. I don't want to do that, but it's hard saying 'no' to Danny. Then he tells us that Hayden is flying in to Logan tomorrow and he wants me to go with him to meet him. All Rob says to that is, "That's nice," and Danny goes, "Don't be like that, Rob." Robby sort of shrugs, muttering, "You're right, Hayden's okay," and it occurs to me that if the four of us do become a close-knit group Danny is gonna be our leader. I certainly don't want to be a leader and Hayden's already used to Danny being his leader. That leaves Rob who, except for some residual left-over bossiness for me, wouldn't think of challenging Danny as our leader. Every group needs a leader I guess. Rob's never actually been much interesting in being a leader except when he's playing baseball.

Glancing over at Danny I'm remembering what Rob said about him not being all that bright. Yeah but that's just in school work. Danny could have good leadership skills even if he isn't a brainiac. Anyway, he has a college 2.0 GPA, or almost 2.0, so how dumb could he be? I'm perfectly fine with Danny being our leader. Truth is, lately I've been kinda 'crushing' on Danny a little. If he's noticed my 'crushing' it's hasn't carried much weight with him as far as side-sex goes. He hasn't been exactly knocking down doors trying to get me in bed with him. We did it one time and I thought it was really good, but there's been no follow-up.

Yeah, Danny's really good at his type of side-sex except he doesn't appear to need much frequency in that regard. His form of lover's side-sex mixed with buddy-sex gets more enticing the more I think back on it. After saying that I'm glancing at Robby who is laughing along with Danny about some baseball player they both know who screwed something up at practice earlier tonight. Seeing Rob feeling better, and looking better too, makes me realize there's an almost overwhelming desire in me to have sex with him. After all he is my friggin' boyfriend. It hurts that he seems so blasé about us not doing it for almost two-weeks now. And he let Danny fuck him yesterday or at least that's my strong suspicion. I haven't verified that with either of them of course, not that I know how I'd go about doing that in the first place. Danny considers any sex he has as too personal to talk about and Rob and I don't talk about our side-sex either. Oh man though, I'm horny for Rob!

We leave Rob at nine-thirty and outside Danny squeezes my shoulder, saying, "Let's grab a couple of beers before we call it a night, babe." I'd like to do that because I enjoy being with him and sometimes Danny slips and tells me a little something I didn't know about Robby's early interaction with him, and even with Hayden. After saying that, I need to admit Danny throws around details like he's flipping manhole covers. I meant to say, 'personhole' covers. I mumble, "Sure, Danny, I'd like to have a few beers with you." He gives me his beaming smile as he bumps my arm, saying, "Oh, that was nice; the way you said that. Thanks." I shrug, not sure what he means by that, and then ask, "Where should we go?" Danny says, "Mc Farlin's Tap, if that's okay with you."

Danny and Hayden's local bar of choice is Mc Farlin's Tap and it's on this side of downtown Framingham so it makes sense we go there. As I'm driving I'm half listening to Danny telling me about his Mom's unreliable car while I'm thinking about the latest commitment I made to myself. The one about me being tired of random side-sex and how I desperately need Rob's lover's sex before I'll feel comfortable dabbling in side-sex again. What that boils down to though is me having too much sex with Dodger. That's the bottom line! It's Dodger who's thrown me off balance with side-sex. While Rob's been laid-up, other than Dodger, I haven't had much side-sex at all. Jesus, I even went through a three-day barren period totally void of any sex of any kind. Sure, there were a couple of times with Hayden and the one time with Danny, but that's been it for over two-weeks. Oh wait, there was the two three-ways, one with Hayden and Danny and the other one with Vinnie and Dodger. Yeah, but that's included in with too-much Dodger side-sex, so it's still only occasionally that I've had what I'd call real side-sex. I mean without some gimmick like a three-way.

I hear, "Hey, Dylan, you just past Mc Farlin's, babe." I'm like, "Oh, yeah," and pull over to wait until I can do a U-turn in the street. Parking across the street from the bar, we get out of the pickup as Danny grins, asking, "Are you really gonna keep my baseball cap?" I bump against his side as we cross the street, "Yeah, I think I am, Danny. Your sweat off the sweatband dried on my head so I believe that means the hat is rightfully mine now." He does the shoulder hug that I'm used to by now, and I lean into him as he goes, "Go ahead and keep it. I've got like a trunk-load of baseball caps at home." Looking at me, he smiles saying, "It looks better on you anyway." Damn, I can't believe I've waited this long to become friends with him. He's always been, as long as I've known him, very nice and sometimes even differential to me, or at least that's what it seemed like to me. He's been open to us being friends like forever but I could never see past the fact he's fucking Robby. As I find out though, he isn't doing it very often.

Inside we both get carded even though the bartend goes, "Oh, hi again," to Danny. He obviously recognized him as someone who's been in this bar numerous times before. I suppose bartenders are just in the habit of carding people. They do have a sign that informs patrons, 'If you don't appear to be at least thirty-years-old, we'll card you!' Kind of a threat. Danny tells the guy, "Two drafts of Bud, Mac," and to me, "Let me get the beers tonight, Dylan. You've been awesome about driving me around and now Mom is finally threatening to buy a new car since hers is always in the shop." Yeah, I remember Danny had to get her at the shopping center last week when her car wouldn't start.

We have three beers with Danny talking mostly about Hayden, but never once alluding to sex or even the three-way we had together a few weeks ago now. I mostly just respond to things Danny says while making a lot of eye contact. He's big on eye contact when he's talking to you. I don't know, but to me too much eye contact gets uncomfortable. Too much is a little geeky, but I don't mind it with Danny. Nothing geeky about him. I know you need eye contact of course, but not constantly like some people do it. In his case however, like I said, I don't mind because Danny's good to look at and I've noticed for the first time ever he has small freckles across the bridge of his nose. They were probably much more obvious when he was a youngster, but they've faded a great deal since then.

When I get the chance, I ask, "When's your twenty-second birthday, Danny? Mine's in August." He goes, "On July twenty-fourth I'll be the advanced old age of twenty-two," and we talk about how it seems we're getting older much quicker than when we were kids. Back then a year seemed almost a lifetime. Danny's an interesting guy and he can talk about almost any topic if at times not too brilliantly. When he talks to me I always get his undivided attention. Ray's the only other guy I know that gives me his undivided attention when talking with me, not that he's ever been as nice a person as Danny. Danny goes, "The worst part is we're getting further and further away from the more frivolous times of our lives, times when we were allowed to do all kind of shit and get away with it. Ya know, because of our age. Now we can't get away with anything." I go, "At college we can. College students have that get-out-of-jail-free-card. We just say, 'Oh no, did I do that to you last night? Dude, I was so wasted last night!' and everything is forgiven because we're drunk college students." He laughs and then says, "I have a feeling you need that get-out-of-jail-free-card a lot more often than I do." I go, "Be nice..."

He goes, "I think I like being older actually. Getting served in bars for example. That's cool." I go, "Yeah, but you don't actually drink all that much." That makes me think about Chubby who I fear drinks too much. Danny shrugs, "I guess I believe in moderation. Except it is fun getting hammered every once in a while. Don'cha think?" I nod, "Yes, I do. A temporary escape from responsibilities but I only drink with friends. When I'm alone the thought of having an alcoholic drink never enters my mind. For me to drink it's gotta be a sociable situation with guys I'm fond of." He moves his face close to mine, asking, "Do you include me in that group?" I have the strongest urge to feel his light, soft looking mustache that hasn't grown out much in the last three days. Just rub lightly across his upper lip with the pad of my finger. Instead I say, "Of course you're included, Danny," and he squeezes the back of my neck, going, "Whew, for a second I thought you were gonna say, 'not yet' or worse you'd mutter a simple 'no'." I make a face, "Are you kidding? We've become good friends," and I'm hoping he'll allude to something of a sexual nature, but he doesn't. Instead he moves his hand up from the back of my neck to the back of my head bumping his hat that I'm wearing halfway down my forehead, as he says, "I'm really glad to hear that, babe," and then he expounds on his idea that the four of us really should become a close-knit group. Hey, I've definitely got no problem with that.

After three beers, Danny says, "That'll do it for me tonight. Um, unless you want another beer, in which case I'll keep you company while you drink it." I shake my head, mumbling, "No thanks I'm good, and thank you for the beers." He paid for them and now he leaves some coins on the bar as a tip. Oh man, that's a tad under what I'd consider a bare minimum tip for an asshole of a bartender which this guy was not. Maybe that's why the guy cards Danny every time he comes in here,

Outside, without really thinking it through, I go, "Um, there's no one's home at my place, Danny, if you, you know, we could...," and he goes, "What's that about your place, babe?" I'm feeling my face getting red as I mumble, "I don't know. I guess I was thinking maybe we could, um, mess around a little, or..." He's like, "Oh, that. Gee, I'm thick! I should have picked-up on that right away." I shrug like it's nothing and he goes, "Damn, thanks for offering, Dylan. I'm flattered but would you be mad if I take a rain-check. I'm sorry, but..." I nod my head way to fast, mumbling, "Oh shit, no, I don't mind! It was a dumb idea. Some other time is fine." He pats my shoulder, "It's just that, Hayden's coming in tomorrow and, you understand, right?" Holy fuck! Being rejected gets my face so red and hot it might catch on fire, but it's dark and I don't think Danny can tell. I go, "Don't be silly. Of course, I understand." Oh, and that's right, he wants me to go with him tomorrow night and meet Hayden when he gets off the plane.

During the short drive to his house, passing Rob's house on the way, I'm trying to cover up my embarrassment about not only asking for, but being turned-down for sex. I babble on about the need for me to get to bed early myself, saying, "Rob likes to get to work wicked early in the morning and," and I go on and on until Danny pats my arm and tells me, "Slow down, babe. Jeez, we're cool. We're good, right?" I nod, "Oh, I know that, Danny, but what I'm getting at is Rob stays late at work sometimes too, so I probably can't go to the airport with you tomorrow." He's disappointed, "Oh really? Can't you ask Rob to leave work on time for once. Just tomorrow. I really wanted you to come with me. Maybe I can talk to Rob about leaving on time, you know, so you won't need to."

We're idling at the curb in front of his house as I look at him, "Talk to Rob for me? Whaddaya mean?" He shrugs, "In case you don't want to. I'll ask for you, that's all. Please come with me tomorrow, babe. Hayden will be really happy the two of us are there to meet him," and his hand is on my shoulder again. Gee, ya know what I'm just realizing? I really like Danny's touchy/feely stuff. I go, "Let me talk to Rob myself, Danny. I'm sure it'll be okay. I'll go with you." He smiles, "Okay, then! That's awesome! I'll text you," and he leans his head over with me automatically doing the same, not even realizing I'm doing it. He gives my lips a nice kiss, a quick-as-a-wink nice kiss and then another shoulder squeeze, "Thanks, Dylan. I'll text you tomorrow," and he's out the door and crossing the street. He looks back grinning and flashing me the finger. It makes me laugh so I do the same to him.

Taking a deep breath, I drive away thinking Robby needs to get healthy pretty fucking fast before I fall for his side-sex buddy, Danny. After that thought though all the way home I think about Robby and me being naked in bed together and know that nothing in my life is better than that. I think of Robby and me while getting ready for bed too, and then he's the last thought I have before falling asleep.

Tuesday morning I'm up at quarter-to-seven hurrying to get ready for work so I can pick Rob up and get him to work by seven-thirty... at the latest. I have orange juice and then a mug of coffee while making my lunch. When that's done I take thirty-seconds to stand still and do a check-list in my head that I have what I need in my backpack. I'm wearing my other suit today along with a white shirt and one of my new ties. I re-comb my hair looking in the mirror satisfied with how I look, except I do need a haircut. I'll ask Robby about that at the same time I ask him to sleep over my house Wednesday night. Yep, that's my latest plan. Get Robby to sleep with me Wednesday night. He's feeling much better, right? In his pickup, driving to get him, I figure if Rob can to be a pitcher on the baseball team he's well enough to spend the night with me making love. I need it, and want it, and my cock is getting firm just thinking about it. Yes, us two in bed together tomorrow night.

Rob comes out at my first light toot of the horn. When he gets in I see he's in the habit of doing the quick-as-a-wink-kiss that Danny routinely does as a morning greeting and a nighttime goodbye. Danny's got me doing it too so both Rob and I automatically move our heads together to do a kiss and then, since it's become so routine, neither of us even mentions it. I only noticed Danny's quick-as-a-wink-kisses with Rob during the two weeks he and I have been visiting Rob's sick bed. And I'm goofily pleased Danny includes me in the habit of the quick kiss.

Yeah, it's nice, but it's not the first time I've been involved in something kinda sweet like that. During freshman year when Ryan and I were vying for Rob's affection and attention Robby had us all doing a kiss hello, mostly to keep Ryan and me from going at each other's throat. Rob being our leader didn't last long freshman year though. It just petered out in a month to six-weeks because it's not in Rob's nature the way I think it might be in Danny's. We'll see about that. And then, of course, the original quick-as-a-wink-kiss was done by Robby and Dodger before they had their falling out about Dodger joining the Army. Come to think of it though, they stopped doing it before then, more like they stopped around the time Robby and I became boyfriends.

During the ride to work, Rob tells me, "You look awesome in that suit, Dylan. Oh, and omigod did Dad ever have some complimentary things to say about you this morning. You did some report or something that all the managers were very happy with. And the ironic part is I had to talk Dad into giving you the job way back at the beginning of the summer. He's giving me credit for recommending you now though. I told him back then that you'd be perfect for that job and now anyone connected with the project is sharing in the praise of a job well done. I'm really proud of you, babe." I go, "Aw gee-whiz, thanks," He chuckles, but then mumbles, "I'm dead serious. I am wicked proud of you."

Rob spends most of the rest of the ride telling me how awesome he feels, health-wise, as compared to anytime during the past two weeks. As I'm pulling up to the front of the main office building, I blurt right out, "Will you please spend a night with me this week, Robby?" He goes, "Oh, that's an awesome idea! Yeah, I really am missing you too, baby." Unbuckling his seatbelt he goes, "Yeah, it's settled then. We'll spend a night together. Let's say this Wednesday. That'll give me a day to tell my parents so we don't just spring it on them Wednesday night." Oh! Naturally he assumes it'll be at his house!

Clutching onto his arm to keep him from getting out, I say, "Please, Rob, let it be my house this week. Please." He chuckles, "I love when you beg... heh heh. You're so fucking cute with that and so earnest! But no, we'll spend the night at my house. Whaddaya say?" See, he's retained enough of the take-charge shit from all the years I've harped on him about being our leader and, once in a while, it just shows up and he puts his foot down to get his way. I'm desperate to sleep with him though, so I go, "Okay, sure, Robby. It'll be your bedroom this time." He goes, "That's a date, baby! Um, but I need to get out here," I go, Oh yeah," and let go of his arm as he adds, "Let's definitely have lunch together this afternoon. Text me, okay?" I nod my head, mumbling, "Okay, see ya later."

Driving around to the back parking lot I'm thinking how some of my best laid plans backfire on me. Ya know, like that in-charge shit I hammered into Robby's brain for years. Of course, I changed my mind about it earlier this summer and told Rob to forget everything I've told him about being in-charge of us. And he mostly has until something like this sleeping over pops-up and he gets to remembering, or maybe it's only remembered in his subconscious mind how I used to like that in-charge shit. At least we've done away with all deadlines in our relationship and now freelance our future as circumstances dictate. Nothing is set in stone and yet once in a while the authority routine resonates in him, mostly when I least expect it. Sure, I could have argued back and forth about my house his house, my house his house, like we're ten-years-old. That'd be stupid though. It's my failing that I can't get comfortable with Rob's parents and by that, I mean mainly his Mom. Danny's sure comfortable with her! I think it's a matter of self-confidence, pure and simple. It's like I need to ignore and not give a shit what Mrs. Dickers thinks. Hell, Rob and I came out as gay boyfriends over two years ago and we're both almost twenty-two now, so what's my problem? They know we're gay boyfriends. Jesus!

After parking I wander around the picnic area smoking and trying to remember a single time that any of our parents mentioned us being gay after we came 'out' to them way back at the end of freshman year. They all appeared to be supportive but since that day I don't think it's ever been mentioned again, not by any of them. Maybe they don't believe us, or perhaps they're fooling themselves into believing we never really meant we're gay, or we've forgotten about it. Huh, that's the damnedest thing! On the other hand, to be fair, Rob and I never bring it up to our parents either. I don't know what to make of it, I really don't.

After my smoke, I go inside and make a coffee for myself using the Accounting Department's Keurig machine and then take it to my office. This morning I'm unable to think of anything productive to do with this hour I have before work starts at eight-thirty. Yesterday I had the summary-report-brainstorm that worked out spectacularly for me, and Carl too to a lesser degree. I left the impression with Mr. Dickers last night that Carl asked for the report. Why not help him out a little? I mean, for the most part, Carl's been no problem for me and he lets me do my own thing pretty much. Well, yeah, there was that suit idea that Carl's asshole friend came up with, but that hasn't been much of a pain-in-the-ass and Rob wears a suit to work.

In the end, most of the hour before the official work day begins I spend fantasizing about Rob and me moving forward together in life. I fantasize a couple of years into the future until the 'baby dilemma' stops me in my tracks. I can't come up with a fantasy including a baby because I like the fantasy of me working for Rob in some management capacity and us going to and from work together. We'd always have tons of work-related shit to talk about. Mutual interest stuff and then going on business trips together living off an expense account. All that sort of thing is cool but I can't fit the baby in and I know Rob's gonna insist on two babies; one made from each of our sperms, and he'll insist I become a stay-at-home-dad too. Oh fuck, it makes my dick buzz thinking about Robby insisting, and me acquiescing to him. Well what the fuck, he will be the head of our household. Man, Robby's so fucking hot!

Reality sets in when Carl interrupts my musings asking for the report of yesterday's presentations. Then today's interviews start promptly at nine o'clock and I lose myself in them. No problems at all with the interviews this morning. Ya know what? I think I've developed a touch of authority in my voice while making the presentations. Yeah, it's because I have a lot of confidence in what I'm doing by now. Plus, I've gotten some great feedback and I'm feeling like the 'man!' It's getting to the point where most employees probably don't feel they should question me a whole lot because they've heard from fellow employees that I'm okay and the benefits are indeed an upgrade. Confidence begets more confidence which begets success and, yeah, I feel like I'm on a roll. I don't want to get too cocky though; I'm cognizant of that danger. Stay humble and friendly and being, or seemingly being, on the employee's side, ensuring that they're happy with the presentations; that's the way to go. And be excited for their new benefits too. All that kind of thing I've gotta keep in mind with each interview. Carl's quick visit at five-of-nine was a smiley one with him still basking in the glow of compliments he received from his boss about the ad hoc report I did, that's now become required as if it was required right from the start. That's okay with me.

Rob and I have lunch together in the cafeteria. He buys his lunch there while I eat the bag lunch I made at home. He's still feeling good health-wise and he confirms we'll be leaving work at four-thirty so I can go with Danny to meet Hayden at Logan Airport. Rob goes, "Yeah, I can leave at four-thirty but you're still coming for a visit tonight, right?" I nod, "Absolutely, Rob. The truth is I'm not real thrilled about going with Danny to the airport, but he was pretty insistent, so..." Rob shrugs, "That's okay as long as you'll be coming over to see me afterwards. I want to do something physical tonight even if it's only playing some ping pong with you for a half-hour-or-so."

That reminds me that Rob was well enough to play ping pong last week too, before he let his incision get re-infected. That means he was close to joining me in bed before that stupid infection set in. Gawd, I want to have sex with him so badly! He catches me staring at him, mooning over him actually, and he pats the back of my hand affectionately smiling and saying, "Tomorrow night, babe. I promise." I pretend I don't know what he's referring to but he just laughs and I end up blushing and chuckling along with him.

Then, as we're leaving the cafeteria, Rob says, "Tomorrow morning you need to remember to bring a change of clothes with you for baseball practice. And then of course a suit and whatever else you'll need for Thursday morning getting ready for work. Obviously, you'll eat dinner with my family before the try-outs tomorrow." Well I'm glad he didn't forget about Wednesday night, but I just wish it was going to be at my place. Oh hell, I've eaten with his family and stayed with him overnight before. And we had sex a couple of times too even though his parent's bedroom is only one door down on the other side of the hall from Rob's bedroom. Rob fucked me really well too but that's not to say I was totally comfortable while he was doing it. It's Rob's house though so I'll let him decide what's safe to do and what's not. Yeah, but the trouble with that is he thinks it's okay to screw me in the fucking hall or the hall bath. Dammit, that right... a hall bath! It's like Danny's bedroom, Rob doesn't have a bathroom off his bedroom either. Awkward!

Back at the table I'm using as a desk I write a list of things I'll need to bring with me tomorrow. Oh God, can I believe it's only one night away! I'll bring my other suit because Rob complimented me on the suit I wore today, plus Thursday morning maybe Mr. Dickers will be impress I'm wearing a professional business suit and, hell, maybe I'll even impress Rob's Mom. I want to impress all three of the Dickers although I'd never admit that to anyone. My demeanor will be casual as if I always wear a professional business suit to work. More likely his Dad will take it for granted that I'm wearing a suit to work. That's okay, I'm still impressing Rob and he's the main person in my life I want to impress.

The afternoon goes by quickly and as I'm straightening-up the small meeting room Rob shows up at four-twenty-five, saying, "Thought I'd save you the trouble of driving through the herd of people leaving out the front of the building." Without saying anything, I get up and close the door. Rob watches me with a puzzled expression on his face until I hug him around the back of his neck, and say, "Kiss me, boss." We do some nice making-out for three-minutes-or-so and then I gasp in some oxygen as Rob's saying, "Jeez, baby, that was awesome of you." My heart's pounding and my dick's hard and listing downward to the left side. I smile and say, "I'm serious, Rob, I need for us to make love. It's been too long." He holds onto each of my biceps, saying, "I know, baby, and I'm gonna make it up to you tomorrow night." I say, "How about tonight?" He pulls me to him and kisses my lips much like our quick-as-a-wink-Danny-kiss, probably from habit, and then he says, "I don't want to push it, Dylan. We can wait one more night."

As I'm driving the two of us to his house, Rob asks, "Do you think I should pitch tomorrow night?" I mutter, "Well it is a try out, Rob, so ya gotta pitch. That's what I assume a 'try-out' is. I mean, if you want to be on the team." He says, "Yeah, I want to be on the team and I wish you did too, but I'm not suggesting you force yourself if you don't wanna do it." I say, "And I don't wanna do it. Not that I don't wish I was good enough. But I'm not good enough, so that's the reality of it." He says, "Yeah well I'm not going to argue with you about that anymore. It's up to you."

We ride for a minute with me feeling like I'm letting Rob down, but it'd be worse if I tried-out and made a fool of myself. He says, "Anyway, I need your help. I want to do some pitching tonight. When you get back from meeting the swisher-boy from California you'll be my catcher." I go, "Don't call Hayden names, Rob. You're better than that." He shrugs, "You're right, but I never warmed up to him. Hell, I've known him for years so if I haven't warmed up to him by now I'm probably never going to." That's funny since I more than warmed up to Hayden. When I drop Rob off, he says, "Don't forget to bring your glove tonight, Dylan. And tomorrow morning bring everything else you need for sleeping here tomorrow night." Nodding my head, I mumble, "I made a list, Rob. Just like you'd do if you were in my place." He grins at that, mumbling, "Just like me, huh? So, you'll be my catcher tonight, right? I'd have Danny do it but I'm positive he'll be spending time with Hayden tonight." I nod, "Of course I'll catch for you. See ya later, Rob."

Driving away I'm like, huh, so Rob knows those two will have reunion sex. I wonder how he knows that since Danny won't discuss any of his sexual exploits, not that I think there's a lot of them. And that surprises me too. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I can discern from off-handed comments Danny only has sex a few times a week. Yeah, I could be wrong about that but I don't think I am. At my condo I text Danny and he texts back that his Mom needs his car so will I drive to the airport? Of course I will but, wow, it's a damn good thing I agreed to go with him or he'd be screwed!

We agree I'll pick Danny up at quarter-to-six, which gives me forty-five-minutes to change and eat something. I know Chub won't be eating with me tonight, although I forget the details of why that is. As I'm taking my work clothes off, untying my tie specifically, I decide I should take a quick shower now so I won't need to do that before bed. After the shower I get into comfortable shorts and T-shirt, my basic summer uniform. Looking in the mirror over my bureau I reconsider what I'm wearing for a minute. Hayden, I assume, will be glad to see me. Well, not as much as he'll be glad to see Danny, but Hayden and I have a secret something going on between us and I'd like to look good for him. Maybe a little bit cooler of an outfit... and then I'm like, get serious! I'm wearing what I normally wear after work, but I do spend some time in front of the mirror fucking with my hair combing as best I can in its present state until finally deciding on just a touch of a hair product. It's the hairs that have grown over the tops of my ears that are giving me trouble. It looks raggedy if they won't stay combed back, which they won't when my hair is dry. A little hair gel though keeps the overgrown hairs off my ears. That's better, but I need something so I pull my David Yurman cross necklace out to hang outside my T-shirt and think, 'Maybe I should...' and then, no Goddammit, you don't have any more time to fuck around!

It works out well that Chubby's not eating with me because now I need to grab something fast. Not finding anything better to eat in the refrigerator I make and eat two peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches. A very unsatisfactory meal, but that's all I have time for. After gulping the sandwiches and rushing in the bathroom to brush my teeth I'm on my way driving the pickup right past Rob's street on the way to get to Danny's house. After work, I could have dropped off Rob and gotten something to eat around there since I had to drive back here anyway. Yeah, but if I did that I'd be wearing a suit going to Logan Airport.

Danny's ready and comes right out at the toot of the pickup's horn. He's obviously excited about seeing Hayden after like ten-days and I don't blame him 'cause I'm kinda excited he's back in town myself. I'm not sure how much of the intense sexual heat I'll still feel coming from him, and maybe his voice won't be hypnotic to me now, but from past experiences with Ryan Wilcox I expect Hayden will still be able to push all my buttons and that's sexually kind of thrilling on a buddy-sex basis only of course. Yeah, but I don't like myself when I lose control like I did with Hayden before he left. I'm gonna pump the breaks on that. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I won't get a chance to test how I'm feeling about him in the next few days what with all of us involved with the baseball team in one way or another. Plus, Danny's togetherness policy for the four of us doesn't offer much chance to slip away. I get a quivery feeling in my nuts thinking about the couple of times Hayden's fucked me and the way we were all over each other and almost out of control with sexual heat. Yeah, Hayden, of all the guys I know. It's crazy! I'm going to make sure he doesn't get carried away in front of Danny. I might need to protect him from himself by being slightly offish if he gets too rambunctious at the reunion.

The drive down route 93 to the airport isn't a lot of trouble at this time of the day. Most of the traffic is leaving Boston, going in the other direction on route 93. After we get Hayden and wait for his luggage I expect the outbound business traffic to be a lot lighter, so going back shouldn't be much of a pain-in-the-ass either. In any case I hate driving in Boston. The traffic blows almost any time of the day or night in the city proper. The roads were laid-up for the most part before anyone had a clue Henry Ford would invent something called an automobile.

The best place to park at the airport, another traffic nightmare site, is in the Central Parking Garage. Parking anywhere at Logan is expensive. In this garage, it's $12 for the first hour. Taking the ticket from the machine, I say, "Let's try to get out within an hour, Danny." He says, "I'm paying for parking, Dylan, no worries... and I'll pay for gas too if you want." I make a 'face' at him, saying, "That won't be necessary. Jeezzus!" He leans over to hug an arm around the back of my neck, like he frequently does, saying, "You're too nice, Dylan. Thank you for doing this! I would have been screwed if you didn't drive." That's not true though. He would be a little inconvenienced maybe, but he has plenty of friends he could call and ask for a ride to the airport.

When I've parked and we're walking through the parking lot it gets a bit awkward for me because Danny has his arm around the back of my neck again and our sides slide together as we walk. He's telling me, "This is perfect, babe, we're here in plenty of time thanks to you. Ya know I've noticed something about you," and another tug on my neck as I go, "What's that?" He goes, "You're super reliable that's what! You're always on time for everything and I admire the shit outta that and I know Rob does too. Lots of guys are blasé about being on time." I go, Huh," grinning to myself thinking of my beloved brother, Jeffrey, who thinks a specific time to be someplace is merely a rough approximation and not something to have a heart attack over.

Inside the airport we find the normal hectic scene of people hurrying and/or acting confused. It's loud with the public address announcements barely understandable. Danny takes his arm off me and we look around for the big board that indicates incoming flight and then Danny points, saying, "There! That's Hayden's flight, 2341 from LAX. It's coming in at gate 32, and it's on time." We wander lazily toward the area where gate 32 will be exiting. We're obviously not allowed through security without tickets so we need to wait quite a distance away from where he'll deplane. Danny asks, "Did you get a chance to grab some dinner tonight?" I nod, "Yeah, I had a couple of sandwiches." He asks, "Jeez, that's not much of a dinner. Let me buy you something from that food cart? Or a coffee or something?" I go, "No thanks, I'm good." He really is the nicest guy!

As we wait silently for two-minutes I do my normal guy watching but unfortunately don't spot a single person of interest. Danny can't go more than two-minutes without talking, which is another good aspect of him from my point of view. He touches my arm, saying, "Oh, I just thought of something, Dylan. Rob and I were talking earlier today and we sorta decided he's going to do my next haircut for me. I mean, if it's okay with you." I look at him, asking, "When were you talking about that?" He goes, "I called him at work today and, um, I forget how we got on the topic. Oh, he mentioned you needed a haircut since that's another thing he's been unable to do for you... along with other obvious things. Anyway, I mentioned I liked the haircut he did for you and he said he'd give me one like yours." Dammit! I liked cutting Danny's hair, but naturally I'm not telling him that. Most guys aren't even aware something like a haircut fetish even exists, and I admit it is a little bit creepy. That's one of the reasons why I don't go around talking about it with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Plus, Danny called Rob at work? Rob doesn't like personal calls at work. I'd never do that. A text in an emergency would be okay, but not a cellphone call.

I'm busy acting as if I couldn't care less that Rob's doing Danny next haircut, but inside there's a mixture of jealousy and disappointment. Robby's my barber, plus I liked cutting Danny's hair. His arm squeezes my waist as he says, "Everything okay, babe? I say, "Oh yeah, everything's fine! It's just, Jesus dude, you guys don't need my approval for Rob to give you a haircut." Danny's hands go to the back of my neck for a squeeze and a little shake of my head as he's grinning and saying, "Hell, I know that, babe, but I thought I'd be polite and phrase it in a way it wouldn't hurt your feelings. I mean you did give me my last haircut and I'm sort of dumping you as my barber and going to barber Rob." He chuckles, and then adds, "Plus you've got the barber clippers so we need to stay on your good side." He smiles at me and I feel real affection coming from him even with all that jabbering nonsense. As if I care about that fucking haircut and yeah, they do need my barber tools. Danny's always ready with a smile and a show of friendship though, so... Anyway, he's probably like that with everyone which probably is why he's so popular.

For something to say after that awkward haircutting talk, I go, in a joking manner, "Do you do much people-touching, Danny?" He gives me another mischievous grin rubbing up the back of my head knocking off his hat that I put on before leaving the house. He goes, "You mean like that?" and he picks up the hat and hand it to me, saying, " I like touching my friends and anyway, dude, I'm gay in case ya didn't know it." I say, "Touch me all you want, ya queer," and we both laugh. Then I hold his hat out to him, mumbling, "I don't feel right stealing your hat." He makes a face, "Don't be silly, babe, you keep it. I told you I have tons of baseball caps at home. I'm flattered you want to wear one of mine."

We're back to silently watching the endless flow of people moving past us with me still thinking about Danny's haircut discussion, I go, "Well ya know, Rob's my barber too so when's he going to be doing our haircuts? Did he say?" Danny shrugs, "No, he just said he'd do it sometime soon. So, he'll be our official barber then, right?" I go, "He's been mine for a while now, Danny, so yeah. I actually like him doing my haircuts." He flicks his finger near the back, left side of my head, just below the hat, saying, "He left some shingles here. He cut it uneven." I frown as I'm moving my head away from Danny's finger, muttering, "Yeah, I know but he's getting pretty good and better all the time." Danny says, "Oh Christ, I guess so. He told me he's spent like two whole days watching haircutting tutorials last week alone, and more than that at other times."

Twenty hours? I go, "Yeah? Well I knew he's been doing some of that because he's a conscientious nut about everything, but I had no idea he was doing it to that extent. Good for him, I guess." Danny mutters, "Yeah, I guess, but that sounds like a fucking boring way to spend two days, don'cha think?" I shrug, "Like I just said, Rob's really conscientious about anything he does!" Danny goes, "He is, I know that, and I try to be too." I go, "Everybody would probably like to be conscientious, but it's a matter of how hard they try. Robby's sincere about being conscientious with cutting hair and ever fucking other thing you can think of. I admire him!" Danny goes, "Oh, I see Hayden! There he is! He's wearing what looks like a lady's hat," and he laughs out loud. I'm like, 'Where?" and Danny point Hayden out, still chuckling and then exclaiming, "That nut! He cracks me up," and we move to the end of the tunnel Hayden's walking down.

Hayden spots us almost as soon as Danny spotted him and he blows us a kiss with a flourish, and then does some kind of an embarrassing girlie curtsey by bending his knees and bowing his head. His head comes so far forward his hat falls off but he catches it and puts it back on after jerking his head back as though he has long hair and needs to get it back in place. I hate when girls do that. It seems so pretentious and I'm glad I never saw Hayden do it for real when he actually did have a long woman-styled hairdo, before I cut it for him. His hairs' still longish but now it at least looks like a guy's longish hairdo. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about Hayden right now 'cause I'm not appreciating his 'fairy' act. He approaches us with his limp-wrist act in full bloom which makes Danny laugh. They kiss right here, but not some bombastic kiss; more like a two-second kiss and then a normal quick hug.

Hayden screams, "Daniel, I've missed you so much," and they do another routine hug, without kissing. Hayden's carrying a satchel that's covered in pictures of daisies. The thing has a long strap that's over one of Hayden's smallish shoulders. Turning to me, he takes the thing off and hands the bag to me, saying, "You sweet thing, Dylan. Coming to greet me back like this," and my reflex action takes the bag from him, as he's saying to me, "Honey, be a good boy and please hold this damn bag for me. It's cutting into my shoulder." Then he does some air-kisses near my cheek, but no hug as he's saying, "Kiss, kiss." I'm now holding his flowered handbag away from me like it's full of dog shit.

Danny has this bemused expression on his face as Hayden gets something from his pocket. He hands a little box to Danny, saying, "I saw this in a darling shop on Rodeo Drive and had to buy it for you, Daniel." Danny frowns as he opens it and then laughs, saying, "I don't fucking wear broaches, Hayden!" and Hayden takes it back, saying, "I knew you'd say that so I'm keeping it for myself." He puts an arm through my left arm and through Danny's right arm, as he says, "Shall we go? And oh my God, don't you two delicious boys look good enough to eat!"

Danny pulls his arm away from Hayden's and then puts it across Hayden's shoulder, as he says, "Any chance you can bring your Bette Davis act down a couple of octaves, Hayden? At least until we get out of the airport." Hayden goes, "Whaddaya mean, sweetheart?" As we start walking towards the sign that reads 'Baggage' I pull my arm away from Hayden's as he continuing to act as 'swishy' as it's possible to be. When Hayden way overdoes it like this I don't want to be with him. Oh sure, I know he does it because Danny thinks it funny but I'm beginning to understand Rob not warming up to Hayden.

It's like, the few times Hayden and I have done anything together he's never pulled this shit with me. And I can see he's obvious wearing eye makeup too. I'm walking behind those two still carrying Hayden's, I don't know what it is exactly. I said satchel at first but now that I look closer it's more like a lady's purse. And it's full of stuff that's kinda heavy. I hear Hayden babbling and Danny laughing. Jesus, why the hell did Danny want me to come with him anyway? A better question is why did I agree to come with him? I mean before Danny needed a ride. I couldn't very well say 'no' though, not when Danny called saying he was desperate for a ride to the airport. And fuck, the other thing that's bugging me is Hayden's paid me basically five-seconds of attention, and that's about it. Ha, and I was concerned he'd be all over me too much with Danny here. I didn't need worry about that obviously.

Yeah well, I actually don't know what I expected. Hayden is paranoid that Danny will find out he and I are having hot sex together, so because of that I suppose he felt he needed to basically ignore my presence. And frankly I'm not too crazy about Danny or Rob finding out about Hayden's and my sexual activities either. Plus, ha ha, if Hayden keeps this 'swishy' gay act up there won't be anything for Danny or Rob to find out about. Hayden's act is a complete turn-off to me and I can't for the life of me imagine why it entertains Danny. I mean, I've nothing against gay guys being themselves no matter how gay-acting that is. With Hayden though it's half an act and half himself. He didn't annoy me when I first met him outside the movies that time and he was obvious gay, but being himself. This is more like he's performing.

We wait at the baggage carousel for twenty-minutes before baggage begins coming down a chute and begins going around and around until people retrieve it. During that time Hayden was all over Danny until Danny told him to cool it. They had plenty to talk about but I didn't join in not knowing what they were referring to most of the time. Mostly reminisces of gay club experiences. Rob and I hardly ever visit gay clubs or bars so I'm pretty much clueless. Finally, Hayden large suitcase comes around the carousel. It's huge but it's on wheels so he can drag it behind him. He keeps up a steady stream of conversation, now speaking about the debating competition and his partner and roommate, Tom Davis. Danny finds him amusing so naturally Hayden continues playing-up the exaggerated gay-act, while I'm getting a headache listening to him.

In the pickup Hayden's suitcase barely fits in the smallish backseat and then he sits in the middle between Danny and me. I drive cautiously out of the airport because it busy at all times and if I make one wrong turn, or if I get in a wrong lane, I could be driving around in the airport for another half-an-hour. I correctly connect with the route 93 tunnel partly by accident because I'm getting absolutely no help with directions from either of the boyfriends. Once on route 93 I'm good though, I don't need any help with directions from here on out. I hear the two of them making plans for tonight. Apparently, this is Danny's Mom's night to play gin rummy with the girls, which is why she needed Danny's car. It also means Danny's house is empty for those two to do whatever it is they do together.

I drop them off at Danny's house and help wrestle Hayden's oversized suitcase out of the backseat. Danny hugs me, saying, "Thank you so much, Dylan. You not only kept me company but you saved my ass by driving." He turns to Hayden, "What would I have done without a car to pick you up at the airport? Dylan was nice enough to drive me." Hayden says, "Well aren't you the sweetest thing, Dylan. Thank you so much," and now he hugs me. I mutter, "Glad to help." Huh, I'm feeling absolute zero sexual heat for him and I don't know whether I'm disappointed about that, or relieved.

Without dilly-dallying around I say my goodbyes and drive the short distance to Rob's house getting there at ten-minutes-of-eight. It'll still be light for maybe an hour, so we have time to do our pitch and catch. Robby's in the back yard when I walk up the driveway. He smiles, "Hi, boyfriend. Everything go okay at the airport?" I nod, "Yeah, we got him right on time. Danny had to let his Mom use his car so I had to drive." Rob's got his baseball glove and he's tossing a hardball in the air absently and catching it without even looking at it. I ask, "How ya feeling?" and he goes, "I swear I feel the best I have since the operation." I go, "Good," and he says, "I've been going through my pitching motion and I think I'm going to be okay. I feel a little tug at the tightness where the incision is, probably some scar tissue. No real pain though. How 'bout catching a few for me." I hold up my glove and he says, "Good, let's do it in the driveway in front of the stone wall. That'll be our back stop."

Rob does his wind-up and then tosses some easy ones to me and then puts a little something extra behind the pitch and, 'Wham" it hits my glove and I go, "Ow, damn, man!" and ask, "Do you have a catcher's mitt I can use? That last one really stung." He goes, "No, I don't have a catcher's mitt," but he goes inside and gets a kitchen sponge; a dry one, that I put it in my glove and he starts pitching for real. I catch most of them in a catcher's crouch and don't complain even though every fast ball stings my hand. After a dozen-or-more catches though I stand up, saying, "I gotta take a break," and pull my hand out of my glove to shake it and then look at it. I go, "My palm's red. How fast do you think you're throwing that sucker?" Robby comes over to me and takes my hand to look at the palm, saying, "Low eighties. Coach in high school had a radar gun and the best I could do was occasionally hit eighty-seven or eighty-eight for my fast ball. I doubt it's more than low eighties by now though, if that."

We share a cigarette and then Rob's tries some curve balls. They tend to go all over the place at first but after fifteen-minutes he's breaking some off that would be over the plate in a game. He stops and we sit in the pool house with him saying, "It's kinda like riding a bike. You never forget how to do that, or pitch apparently. I still have decent velocity and I was getting the curve ball over near the end there. Last thing I'll need to work on is my change-up. That's harder to throw than you might think because it's the same arm speed as a fast ball but I need to let the ball go so it comes in much slower, like ten miles an hour slower. Get guys swinging ahead of it or fouling it off." I go, "You're pitching pretty fucking good if you ask me. I couldn't hit your shit."

He grins and takes my hat off looking at it, muttering, "Thanks," and then he asks, "Where'd you get this summer league hat?" I mumble, "Stole it from Danny," and Rob chuckles, saying, "I don't think he'll miss it. He has a closet full of baseball caps. Hell, I do too," and he puts the cap back on my head, saying, "Before I forget, earlier today Danny asked me if I'd give him a haircut like yours. Would you mind if I did?" I go, "Why would I mind?" he nods, "I don't know. You like doing haircuts, right? Anyway, I'll give both of you haircuts sometime this week. I've been studying the tutorials and I know the haircut I'm doing for you guys." I go, "Yeah, Danny told me. Like my last haircut only shorter, right?" He nods, "Yeah, a summer-short haircut. Lots of clipper works. You'll like it." Huh, he asks if I mind him giving Danny a haircut because I did Danny's last haircut, but he doesn't ask if I want this haircut he's studied for. That's another little piece of left-over being in-charge idiocy even though I told him I wasn't looking for that anymore. Ha ha, that strikes me as funny because Rob doesn't realize he's doing the take-charge shit with this haircut situation, or with him deciding we'll have a sleep-over at his house.

The mosquitoes are out now that the sun has gone down so we go inside where his Mom says, "Oh, hi, Dylan. I understand you'll be our guest tomorrow night." I go, "Yes, ma'am, if it's okay." She chuckles, and says, "Well apparently it's okay if Rob says it's okay. He's too much like his father. They both insist on getting what they want." Rob goes, "Oh for chrissakes, Mother, put a lid on it." She makes a face at me nodding her head at Rob, saying, "They're two peas in a pod, that one there and his father." The only thing I can take from her comments is that Mrs. Dickers said 'no' to me sleeping over and Rob said I'm sleeping over whether she likes it or not. I'm only surmising that's the situation of course, but it sure seems that way to me. As for 'Robert' the father, maybe he and Rob are two peas in a pod, but the only pea I care about the most is the young one.

With the tension, real or imagined, building up I unconsciously step a foot closer to Rob and he laughs, saying, "Mom's bark is much worse than her bite, babe," and she smiles, saying, "It's true, Dylan. You're always welcome here. The only thing I said to Rob is why not have Danny stay over too and you boys can have a pajama party and do each other's hair." Rob goes, "Maybe I will have Danny over with Dylan, but we won't be doing each other's hair." Then he laughs, "Oh shit, or maybe we will... ha ha, but we won't be toasting marshmallows and trying on each other's clothes. C'mon, Dylan lets go downstairs." We go to the basement and play ping pong for a while.

Rob seems so much better health-wise I can hardly wait for tomorrow night. He dumps his paddle on the table, muttering, "I've had enough of this." We sit in two old chairs with Rob telling me, "Tomorrow is the last day you'll need to drive me. Well, you don't really need to drive tomorrow either, but I told Mom you would, to pacify her. So, Thursday after work I'll drive you home and keep the pickup. Do you want me to pick you up Friday morning?" Hmmm, that would probably be at seven-fifteen, so I go, "No thanks. I'll take the bus and get back in the habit of doing that, but thanks anyway. The bus isn't bad at all." as an afterthought I mutter, "I get some nice boners from the motion of the bus." He laughs and then mumbles, "It probably be easier listing the things that don't give you a boner."

Around nine-forty-five I take off and drive myself home. Before getting ready for bed I lay out everything I need to bring with me for my sleep-over. I'm seriously excited about sleeping with Rob... seriously! And that's even though it's at his house, which will tell ya how desperate I am to have lover's sex with him. I make my lunch and put it in the refrigerator, and then take my shower before going to bed because I want to get out early in the morning, the way Rob likes it. In bed, I think only about Rob and me tomorrow. First, I guess I'll need to have dinner with his family and then at seven o'clock he'll try out for the baseball team and then the four of us will do something together. I think Danny said we're going to hang-out at the Dairy Queen after practice. Maybe I'll see Marty West there since he lives around the corner from the Dairy Queen and he said he's there a lot in the summer.

After we do all that though, then it'll finally be me and Rob alone at last, naked in his bed together. I fall asleep thinking about that and I think I dreamed about it too but I'm not positive. It could be I woke up thinking about tonight with Rob and mistakenly thought I'd dreamed about it. I get all my stuff in the pickup and I'm on the road at seven o'clock. Impossibly early for a job that starts at eight-thirty but my boyfriend likes to be early for everything. What he likes, I'll learn to like too. That very well may be my next big motto! I'm wearing my other suit this morning along with a white shirt and a tie, shined loafer on my feet 'cause I mean to impress my boyfriend and maybe his whole fucking family.

When I get to Rob's he insists we bring everything, including the suit I wore yesterday and will wear Friday, to his bedroom. He hangs everything in his closet. My toiletry kit goes on his bureau and my satchel with casual clothes and pajamas is unpacked and those things are laid out on the bureau top too. Robby nods his head that he's satisfied everything's in place and then he mumbles, "Good, now you're all set for after work today and for tomorrow morning too." Me being more like Rob is not a bad idea. That's another motto I came up with the other day.

I'm actually feeling giddy thinking about Robby and me together today and tonight so I don't even mind the 'looks' I get from his Mom. As for Mr. Dickers, he's sitting at the kitchen table and, without looking up from his newspaper, he swallows some coffee and says, "G'morning, Dylan," and I say it back to him and then Rob and I are out the door again and in the pickup with me acting as Rob's chauffeur one last day. He asks, "Did you have breakfast?" I shake my head, "Nah, too busy this morning," and he goes, "Mom always makes me breakfast. You'll have a good breakfast tomorrow morning. Most important meal of the day." I mutter, "I think that's bull shit," and Robby goes, "I do too."

After we drive along for a minute, Rob says, "Dylan, let me tell you how impressed I am about the way you've been absolutely fantastic all through my stupid appendicitis and to show my appreciation I'm asking you out on a formal date this Saturday night. I want to take you to dinner in Boston and spend some of the money Dodger gave me," I go, "Aw, you don't need to spend the money on me, Rob." That's the correct thing to say although I like the idea of dinner in Boston. At a red light, Rob leans over and does what Danny's been doing a lot of. He squeezes the back of my neck giving me shivers as he's saying, "Honest to God, I'd rather spend every cent I own on you than spend it in any other way I can think of. Do we have a date Saturday night?" I go, "Yes, thank you for asking me out." We both chuckles at that.

I'm thinking about it for a minute and then ask, "Um, but do you think Danny will be pissed that just the two of us are doing something, minus the other two musketeers?" Rob asks, "Are you fucking serious? You and I will do whatever we feel like doing and I mean with or without Danny and his girlfriend." Grinning, I go, "Name-calling again, Robby?" He shrugs, "Sorry, but I'm serious about you and me. We'll do lots of things together, just the two of us. Danny's grand idea of us four being best buddies is a fine idea, but not to the exclusion of you and me being alone at times. Anyway, don't worry about what Danny thinks, babe." I go, "He is our leader though." Rob smirks, "Get serious. You're our leader." No I'm not!

As I turn onto the Dickers & Son Inc. property, I'm like, "Well I for one am glad you're on board with Danny's plans for us four being tight buddies 'cause I think it's a good idea us gay boys stick together and support each other" He says, "Oh yeah, like I said, I'm all for the idea but that doesn't mean you and me can't do our own thing." I mutter, "That's cool. Um, shall I drive to the front entrance for you?" He goes, "Sure, I might as well milk the last drop outta having a chauffeur." Smiling at him, I go, "I actually love being your chauffeur, Robby." As I'm carefully driving us to the front entrance, I ask, "Um, seriously, don't you feel Danny's kind of become the leader of our little group? I mean all kidding aside." Rob looks over at me, "Our leader, huh? So you're serious about that. Huh, actually I hadn't given it a thought until you brought it up. But yeah okay, um, it was his idea that us four gay guys spend more time together, and I'm fine with that even if Hayden is included. Sure, I'm okay with Danny being our little group's leader, someone needs to be I guess." I say, "I'm glad to hear you say that, Rob, because I'm okay with it too." I like having a leader.

Robby sort of flaps his hands apart, mumbling, "It's no big deal to me. Mostly I'm feeling good you and Danny are finally friends. He's a really good guy and next to you he's pretty much my favorite friend." I nod my head to that and park at the curb in front of the main entrance, "Here we are, boss." He laughs, "I'm your boss, huh?" I mutter, "In a manner of speaking." He says, "Good to know where everyone stands, huh?" I'd like to jump his bones right now. His blue eyes shine and I like the preppy haircut I did for him last week using only scissors. I can't resist, so I lean over, stretching my seatbelt and saying, "Give me a kiss, Rob." He rubs my hair, saying, "Not here, Dylan." I go, "We didn't do our good morning kiss." He chuckles. I think, Boo!

Taking his seatbelt off, Robby goes, "I'll give you two kisses after work to make up for missing this morning's one." Sitting back in the driver's seat I go, "You're the boss," and he goes, "Yep, I'm the boss until you disagree with something and then we'll do it your way, like we always have." I go, "Oh man, that's just so wrong," and he laughs, saying, "I love you so much I'd like to hug and kiss you and have sex with you right here." I say, "Me too, boss, but we probably shouldn't." Grinning, Rob gets out, saying, "I'll text you about lunch, babe." I do a little wave and then drive around back feeling really good about Rob and me. Getting back to normalcy is what I needed, and for me that means Robby Dickers! Damn, I'm lucky!

There's a smile on my face, a real one, all morning and the interviews go very well. Then there's some disappointment when I get Rob's texts that he's stuck having lunch in a meeting. Oh well, I eat lunch alone in my 'office' thinking about Rob and me together in bed tonight. I'm like a young teenager anticipating having sex for the first time with the 'crush-boy' of my dreams. It's really exciting and, oh man, I felt Rob's love for me this morning. Yeah, maybe Danny is the leader of our foursome but Robby will always be my number one leader. It's almost painful being this deeply in love with him. He looked so handsome coming out to the pickup this morning. It almost took my breath away seeing him smile at me like he does.

Then the afternoon interviews go very well too. Everything is going my way it seems, that is until the next to the last Accounting Department employee interview. She turns out to be the dog-turd floating in my punch bowl. Well, I know life's not perfect so I guess I deserve a Rose Marie Garrity every once in a while. She's a persnickety bitch who, according to the computer listing, is single and age forty-one. Twelve years with Dickers and Son, Inc. too, and she's worked her way up to be the assistant to the payroll manager. A small woman with tight facial features and an expression like maybe her shoes are two sizes too small and her feet hurt. Everything with Rose Marie must be exact. Basically I knew she'd be a pain in the ass from the second I met her. First of all, she waited right outside my door until I finally tentatively asked, "Um, is that you Rose Marie?" She aggressively frowns in at me as I say, "Well, c'mon in please."

Stepping inside the door, she says, "I wasn't sure what to do and you certainly were no help leaving me waiting out there like I was sent to the principal's office. No one told me anything about how this interview was to be conducted and I blame you for that. You should have a sign on your door explaining the procedure instead of having me wait out there like I've got nothing better to do." That tirade is so bizarre and uncalled for I don't know how to respond to it at first. I've been in an awesomely good mood today though, so I simply smile, and say, "Yes, You're probably right. Please, have a seat." She's wearing on her small, flat-chested body a one-piece dress, one that I envision a woman crossing the prairies in a covered wagon during the eighteen-hundreds might wear. All that's missing is a bonnet.

She sits down on the front edge of the chair with her legs tightly together and her folded hands in her lap, saying, "You should start by introducing yourself, young man." Okay, now I'm starting to get a tad pissed-off. I go, "Yes, of course. I'm Dylan Newman and the company has hired me to introduce, individually, to each employee their new benefits package." She looks to her left, her pointy nose in the air and does a breathy exhale as if I just called her a cunt. Ignoring her odd reaction to me introducing myself, I take a new brochure from the pile and lay it on the table facing Rose Marie, saying, "As you can see right here, your company-paid group life insurance has been increased..." and she interrupts, "Life insurance is a personal matter between me and Dickers & Son, Inc. and it's not a matter I care to discuss with you. Next you'll be discussing my beneficiary which is another thing that's none of your business." Ha ha, what an incredible bitch! She says things that are so ridiculously inappropriate, and beside the point, it leaves me speechless. What do you say to something as stupid as what she just said?

All I can do is wait until I'm sure she's done talking and then proceed as if she didn't say anything. "As you see here, Rose,..." and she interrupts again, "Don't be fresh! You're too young to be referring to me as 'Rose'. You don't know me. I'm Ms. Garrity to you, if you don't mind." Is this bitch for real? Wait a second... this could be a gag set-up by Eileen and her friend, what's-her-name? I can't be sure though, so I play it straight, saying, "Fine, Ms. Garrity, your new life insurance benefit is twice your annual salary," and to head her off, I quickly add, "Not that I know what your salary is, nor do I know who your beneficiary is. I'm speaking generally. Everyone's group life insurance is double their annual salary, um, whatever that might be. So you see, I'm not privy to your personal information." She raises her eyebrows, mumbling, "Go on. Get this over with, I have work backed-up at my work station so I'd appreciate if you'd be less verbose." Her hair is pulled back very tightly against her scalp with a knot of hair in the back. It looks painful. She's wearing pink, oval-shaped eyeglasses with a chain hanging off each arm, or 'temple' which I believe is what opticians refer to the arms of eyeglasses.

Nodding my head, that's ready to explode, I point with a ballpoint pen at the second benefit, saying, "The co-pay for your health plan has been reduced..." and she says, "It's not 'my' health plan, young man. It's the health plan the company arbitrarily assigned to me as a twelve-year employee." I go, "Yes, the same health plan a one-day employee is assigned, and paid for in-full by the company." Disgusted with her finally, I push the brochure towards her, saying, "Why don't you skim over this, Rosie, and if you need help understanding any of it, I'll be right here to do my job. If not, thank you for your time and all I need is your signature here on this three-by-five card and then you can get back to that backed-up work station of yours." She makes a face like, 'Well I never...' and pulls the brochure closer to her. She's reading it as I glare at her. I think I've built up enough goodwill with the muckety-mucks of this company, including the owner, that this old crow can't get me in trouble. Probably there's no one in the whole company who can stand Rose Marie anyway.

With furrowed eyebrows she reads the brochure, her lips moving slightly as she does it. I'm calming down and beginning to feel bad for her so I quietly say, in a nice tone of voice, "I'd be very happy to review any or all of the changes with you, Ms. Garrity." She abruptly drops the brochure, saying, "I'm a speed-reader young man and I do not appreciate you're condensing tone. I fully understand these obvious changes, thank you very much. Where do I sign?" I almost laugh out loud but, still not sure this isn't someone's idea of a prank, I smile while pushing over the acceptance three-by-five card, saying, "Right there at the bottom." She says, "I can see that! What do I sign with, my fingernail?" Mumbling, "So sorry," I push a ballpoint pen to her. She signs with a flare, lifting the pen when she's finished her name like she just signed the Declaration of Independence. She looks right at me and says, "You're a very polite, good-looking young man. All the girls said you were, and they were right.." Shocked by that, I stutter, "Oh, um," and stand up when she abruptly gets up. I finally managing to say, "That's very nice of you to say." She frowns hard at me again, saying, "You'll do well in the business world, Mr. Newman," and she turns and walks out. Holy shit, what the fuck?

Three minutes later I'm still a little bit shell-shocked when the Accounting Department supervisor, a nice woman with a nice smile, comes in asking, "How'd it go with Rose Marie?" I stand and shake hands with her, smiling and asking, "Was that a prank, perhaps?" She sits down, saying, "Unfortunately no. I'm sure you got one-hundred-percent Rose Marie. I saved her until the end afraid you'd run out of the office screaming if I sent her over early on." I'm grinning and nodding my head and chuckling before saying, "Actually she told me I'd be very successful in the business world." She smiles, "Wow, good for you. It's your good looks. Rose is a sucker for a good looking young fellow like yourself." I go, "She hid those feelings very well." This last interview with the Accounting Manager takes only three-minutes and now I've completed the biggest department in the company. I feel great and to hell with Rose Marie.

It's four o'clock so I take my time putting everything where it belongs and then sit here smiling and waiting for Robby's text. I wish we didn't need to deal with baseball practice or try-outs or whatever tonight. I'd like for Rob and me to go straight into his bedroom and stay there until tomorrow morning. Then I'm daydreaming about Robby giving Danny and me haircuts. To me the very thought of that is uber sexy. It's not sexy at all to Rob or Danny of course, and too bad for them. Actually, Rob likes doing my haircut, but it's not sexy to him.

Giving a haircut can be an intimate thing to do together. I think Rob agrees when we do that for each other. Until recently I've always been the barber and Rob's so competitive I think he wants to do it better than me. In that regard, it's just like Robby to spend twenty hours studying haircut tutorials. Hell, I haven't spent twenty-hours watching them in my whole life, and I'm the one with a haircut fetish. Yeah, but I do like Rob cutting my hair, and now that's he's getting good at it that's just icing on the cake. Here's another thing I wouldn't admit to anyone: I think it's kinda cool that Danny and me will be rocking identical haircuts done by Robby. That's too creepy a thing to admit to anyone, but it's how I feel at the moment. Yep, and I've bought into Danny's act totally. The disappointing thing about our foursome thus far I guess is the way Hayden acted at the airport yesterday. He basically ignored me, but that wasn't the disturbing part. It's that he was too busy doing all that 'swishy' behavior that as mostly phony just to make Danny laugh.

Snapping me out of my daydreams, I hear, "Hey, Dylan! What are you dreaming about?" Huh? "Oh, hi, Rob." As I stand up and he kicks the door closed, I'm saying, "Thanks for making the trip down to my humble, um, office." He smiles, "Gawd, you look so cute and sexy with that suit on! C' mere." Of course, I'm smiling as I step over to him. We hug and kiss and then Rob's like, "C'mon, chauffeur, drive me home one last time. We'll change clothes and throw the ball around a little before dinner." Of fuck that's right, I had my suit on all day without even thinking about it. That's what Carl must have meant this morning when he said, 'Now you're with the program, Dylan.' I didn't know what he meant then, but it was me wearing a suit. Hell, it's not so bad doing what's expected of me; what I'm supposed to do in the first place, earning my salary.

Driving us to Rob's house I'm like, "How long's baseball practice?" He says, "About an hour. Danny thinks he's gonna get you out there practicing with all the guys. He thinks you'll be allowed to practice, although you won't be on the teams until a position player gets hurt, or I guess quits for some reason. It happens every year." I go, "Jeez, I already told you I don't think I'm good enough to be on the team and I'm definitely not embarrassing myself practicing with you guys." He goes, "Nonsense. You're good enough, but like I said, if you don't wanna do it, then don't do it. It's that simple." I go, "Don't yell at me, Rob," and he looks at me, "I wasn't yelling. I never yell at you." I mutter, "Well, don't lecture me then," and he snickers, "That's one of my jobs... lecturing you." I can't help but grin. Yeah but, why won't Danny just leave me out of it. I'm spending the night with Rob so I have to go to the practice. I don't mind doing that but I'm not joining in no matter what Danny says. Fact is Danny thinks he's doing me a favor. That's nice of him, but I'm not interested.

At Rob's house, we see his Mom in the backyard gardening. She looks over, saying, "How did work go today, Robert? You feeling okay?" He mutters, "Great. I'm feeling fine, Mom." She nods, and says, "How about you? How'd your day go, Danny, um, Dylan?" I smile, like I always do, and says, "Very well, Mrs. Dickers. Really good day." She says, "That's good to hear and, oh, I made brownies for you boys," and then she goes back to digging up weeds. Inside Rob gets out a half-gallon carton of milk from the refrigerator and drinks from the spout, swallow, swallow, swallow, and then says, "Get us a couple of glasses out of that cabinet, Dylan. We'll try these brownies." I get the glasses saying, "I don't like drinking milk, Rob," He goes, "Even with brownies?" I shrug, "Oh, okay," and Rob pours milk into both glasses, finishing off the half gallon. Leaving the empty container on the counter, he says, "Bring your glass and we'll eat these in my room," as he picks up the plate of brownies and his glass of milk. I follow him upstairs and, as we eat four large brownies each, I tell Rob about Rose Marie which gets him laughing his ass off. It is pretty funny in hindsight.

After the fourth brownie, I mumble, "I feel slightly sick," and then finish off the rest of my milk which makes me feel sicker. I don't like plain milk except in cereal occasionally. In a milk shake, no problem... yum! Robby comes over and puts his arms around me, and with his breath smelling like milk and brownies, he says, "I can see now that I'm not gonna be able to wait for tonight, baby." We kiss sweetly and then Rob gets a little more aggressive with his making-out. His pink, perfect tongue moves sexily over mine and then across my teeth and all around the inside of my mouth. A few minutes of that and I gasp moving the side of my face against his, murmuring, "You'll make me cum, Rob. Stop for a second." He's grabbing my butt cheeks, saying in my ear, "Drop your pants, baby. I'll get some lubricant."

With my heart pounding and my mind in a frenzy I drop my suit pants, still wearing my suit jacket, white shirt, and loosened tie. Robby's right behind me pushing lube up my ass with one hand and reaching around to stroke my hardening cock with his other. I get boned-up almost instantly but I can't catch my breath. Robby says, "I'll do our slow lover's sex tonight, babe, but right now I need to get off quickly. I'm gonna be fucking you hard and fast." I mumble, 'But Rob, your Mother's just outside the..." and he goes, "Shhhhh, baby, bend over now." My whole body is quivering. I totally wasn't expecting this afternoon-sex. I don't know why I wasn't expecting it because it makes all the sense in the world, but I just wasn't. Maybe I'm so used to not doing it with Robby I accepted that it'd needs to be later tonight like he said yesterday.

With my hands on my knees and the lips of my ass tightening I feel Robby pushing my suit jacket and shirt up my back with one hand and fingering my asshole with the other. Whimpering a little I shudder and moan, Oooh, Robby... mmmm," and he slides his hand down my back to my hip with the suit jacket and shirt slide back down too. This time he roughly pushes both my shirt and suit jacket way up so the coat tails are hanging over my shoulders in front. His hand is back on my hip as a finger of his other hand rubs my prostate with me stiffening and murmuring again, "I'm gonna cum, Rob." Pulling his finger out he makes a very aroused-sounding-exhale and now the hand with the lubricate grips my other hip and slides a little smearing lubricant there. My face is scrunched up as I murmur, "Fuck me, Robby, ooh, ooh, I'm so fucking hot...."

Rob's fat cock head is at my asshole and then with an, "Oooh!" he pushes it in past my sphincter muscles and steadily forces the head up my ass until his crotch is tight against my buttocks. The pain is blinding for a few seconds but I don't care. I know it's very temporary. Three humps against me, rough, dominant humps and then an even harder hump that pushes me a step forward. He grunts, and says, "Stand still, Dylan," as he gets an arm around under my belly trapping my shirt tails between his arm and my body. My suit jacket was pulled against my side when Robby pushed most of it over my shoulders, so it's out of the way but feeling uncomfortable. Another hard hump against my ass and I feel his boner expanding inside me. The pain when he rammed his cock up there is lessening as my rectum is adjusting quickly. It's been seasoned pretty well by Dodger's equally fat hard cock fucking me six or seven times. Well, probably more than that actually.

Robby lets out a long exhale and then leans over me, asking quietly, "Is it feeling okay, babe?" I nod my head, "Uh huh. I'm feeling fantastic, Robby." He starts humping and thrusting and then it's me making a moaning, "Ahhh,' sound with every hard, fast thrust of that fat human pole up my ass. My, "Aah!" joins the, "Slapslapslap," sounds that fill his bedroom and surely can be heard in the backyard through the open window. "Ahh, ahh, ahh, oooh, Rob," and "Slapslapslap," for maybe three-minutes before the explosion of sensations in and around my rectum join forces with sparkling vibrations coming off my rock-hard cock that sticking straight out poking the end on my left shirttail and I know I'm gonna cum. My climax is on me sizzling and sparking at the million nerve endings in my rectum sending awesome sensations all around my pelvis area. As I moan, "Aaaah," my body stiffens and I can't even take a breath before squealing, "Eeeeiii," with cum firing out from my boner hitting the shirttail with a thud. The end flops up and then drops down wetly on the head of my cock as another stream of cum shoots out. I'm shaking all over with Robby laying on my back still firing his cock up my ass, his hips moving smoothly, his noisy breathing in my ear. I'm limp after that climax and now rocking forward and back with each fast hard deliberate thrust up my ass until he goes, "Oooh, fuuuuuck....," humping against my butt cheeks he shoots a sharp string of cum off the walls of my bowels and then another... and another.

My shoulders are shuddering again as Rob breaths deeply and then grips my hips and does more hard, fast thrusting in my now creamy-cum-filled ass before pulling out and slapping my ass hard making a loud "SMACK!" sound that had to have been heard outside too. Rob's oblivious to any of that, as he's leaning over breathy deeply and then murmuring, "Oh shit, did I ever need that, Dylan. Ohmigod!" I'm standing up holding my cock and still feeling buzzing sensations around my asshole and groin. I realize I'm making a face but don't care as I'm trying hard to concentrate on the after effect of that fast climax. Rob pats my back, mumbling, "We'll do it again in a little while, babe. Jesus, I gotta sit the fuck down though. That was quite a workout."

He sits on his desk chair smiling and then, after another big exhale, he goes, "Hey, Dylan, take everything off. Get naked, baby." I'm taking off my suit coat, saying, "Your mother's right outside, Rob." He makes a face like, 'So what?' then stands and takes off all his clothes neatly folding some things and hanging up his suit while grinning at me and saying, "First time we ever fucked wearing suits, huh?" I snicker and say again, "Aren't you worried your Mom will hear us?" He shrugs, "So what if she does?"

Naked now, he sits back down on the desk chair, asking, "How'd it feel, babe. Did your ass remember my dick? Huh?" I'm nodding my head still catching my breath while pulling off my socks and I finally murmur, "It was awesome, Rob, really felt good. I didn't last very long though. Sorry about that." He chuckles, "You poor thing. I've neglected you for over two weeks now. I'm glad you and Danny, um, you know. At least you had that help and Danny helped me out too, um, a few times actually. More than normal for him but I guess he felt bad for me considering my condition and all," and then he chuckles and mumbles, "Seriously, Dylan, baby, I'm gonna make it up to you. You've shown so much patience with me. Jeez, I feel guilty for not getting better faster for you." What the fuck? Did I hear him correctly; did he say Danny took care of him a 'few' times, as in three or more? Oh, what the hell, we're one big happy family according to Danny. I say, "It's all forgotten now, Rob. I'm all about the here and now." He goes, "You're so fucking awesome, Dylan!"

His cum is running down the back of both my legs so I look around for some tissue. Robby spreads his legs looking at me and asking, "Ya wanna?" and he looks down at his now flaccid cock that's shiny with lubricant and streaked with his cum. I go, "Um, you, ahh, whaddaya mean?..." and he goes, "No, only if you wanted to, babe. I thought you were looking at my cock like you wanted to suck it. You know, like you've done before, that's all." Oh, yeah, I'd like to do that to show him how much I love him and how I'll do anything for him... anything!

Walking over to him with my cock flopping against my legs, I run my fingers through his hair, murmuring, "Yes, you're correct, I want to suck your dick because it's part of you, Rob," and I sink to my knees and take his sloppy cock in my fingers and put it right in my mouth and then make slurping sounds sucking it clean. He's playing with my hair and making quiet grunting sound and then he lifts his ass off the chair a little squirming and grunting some more. He goes, "Oh jeeeesus, baby, that feels fantastic!" I suck another boner on him and he gently takes hold of my underarms and gets me standing in front of him. "Sit on it now, Dylan, but go easy as you're going down on it." Omigod, I feel a dizzying trance sliding over me because of the way Rob just assumed I wanted to suck his slimy cock clean and now he just assumes I'll sit on it. Actually, I like that he assumes stuff of me. With a leg on either side of his legs and my hands on his shoulder I lower my ass. He's holding his hard fat boner straight up. His other hand, the one still slippery with lube holds onto my hip guiding me down slowly.

When the head begins spreading the lips of my asshole I lean forward and put my arms around Robby's neck with the side of my face against the side of his neck. He murmurs in my ear, "Drop down a little more so the head gets past your sphincter." Dropping my ass another inch his boner slides inside as I tighten my arm around his neck and whimper a little, feeling wonderful, but shaky too. Being with Rob like this is magical to me. He murmurs, "Down some more, baby. C'mon all the way down and sit on my thighs." I sit down and his big fat cock fills me up. It makes my shoulders shudder even as my arms are tightly around Robby's neck. He's rubbing up and down my back soothingly saying, "Don't be so tight, so stiff, Dylan. Lay in against me nice a loose and docile, I've got you, baby." With a sigh, I let my body go limp and snuggle in against him as he murmurs, "That's my boy. I love you so much, Dylan."

My face snuggles against the side of his neck with his scent swarming deliciously in my head. This feels like home; Robby's familiar smell and the feel of his body and his hard cock up inside me. He showed me awesomeness the way he took the lead with everything this afternoon. I feel very young, like I'm being taken care of by Robby. I kiss his neck and hug him tighter. Rob humps his hips a few times and it feels so good inside me I whimper again and moan his name, "Robby." I couldn't be any tighter against his body than I am now. We fit together perfectly until it's almost like we're one person. His hard cock grows harder and a little fatter inside me making me shudder with pleasure again. Rob is lightly rubbing his hand up my back and up the back of my head, murmuring, "You're so perfect, Dylan. There's no one like you in the world and you're mine, aren't you, baby?" I'd snuggle against him nodding my head 'yes' against the side of his neck and then take a deep inhale of his scent.

My cock is granite-hard sticking straight up pressed between our bellies and I'd like to stay this way for a very long time, especially with Robby's fat stubby cock up my ass and me clinging to him like it's a matter of life or death. Inside my rectum feels fabulous. His cock has stretched the lips of my asshole so much there's stimulation like little electric sparks around the lips of my anus that feel sensational and make me try tightening my anus without much success. I move my face against the side of his neck inhaling him again and again. my arms almost strangling him.

We stay together for five-minute-or-so and its pure bliss as Rob coos sweet words of affection and then he finally murmurs, "Okay, babe," and gets hold of my shoulders gently pushes me away, quietly saying, "I want you on all fours now, babe, and I'll do a hard doggy-style fuck on your ass." I slowly stand up with his fat pole pulling from my ass and I make that damn whimpering sound again but I'm so fucking aroused by Robby and the way he's handled me this afternoon. I could cry with joy and the relief of having sex together again. It really is the most special sex I ever have. He stands up now too, his cock as hard as stone and as fat as I've ever seen it. Being gentle but firm he gets me to lean over as he murmurs, "All the way down on all fours, okay?" Nodding my head in sort of a hypnotic trance I'd do what he said. On my hands and knees, I push my ass up toward him and he mumbles, "That's so inviting, babe. Considerate and flattering too that you want me inside you so badly." Another whimper of desire from me as Rob gets a leg on either side of me and, with his knees bent, he enters me again and fucks my ass hard for maybe ten-minutes. It's a steady hard fucking of my ass, but not as fast or as hard as the first time.

My boner's been throbbing awesomely seemingly for a long time now and, without even realizing I'm doing it, I've been moaning in sexual pleasure for a long time as well. I'm totally loving this dreamy trance of having sex with my boyfriend again. Rob's been gentle but totally dominant too, so it's as close to perfection as it gets for me. Robby must be feeling his second climax coming on as he gets tight against my ass cheeks moaning quietly while humping against me and shooting out another shot of cum that joins his first big load of semen. He leans against me hard pushing me forward so my forehead drops to rest on the back of my hands. He breaths deeply for half-a-minute and then does fast hard thrusting to get me off. It's another ninety-seconds of, "Slapslapslap," and then, "Eeeeeii!" as my hips hump out a spurt of cum and then some drools follow and I almost faint from the overloaded sensations souring all over me. I feel dizzy as I'm sensing those tingling little pecks of pleasure sensations all over my body making me shudder on all fours like a dog shaking off a fly.

Pulling his cock from my ass, Robby takes a deep breath and pulls under my armpits helping me get up. He guides me to his desk chair where I happily plop down letting out a long exhale. The cum from my ass makes a squishy sound whenever I move on the wooden seat. Robby rubs my head and then leans over to kiss my lips. We kiss again with him murmuring, "How could I love anyone as much as I love you." I hug around his waist with my face against his chest, saying, "That's exactly what I was going to say to you." He chuckles and then goes, "Whoa," as his fingers go through my hair again. "Jesus, babe, you really do need a haircut. I let you down with that too, but not to worry because... I'm bacccc-ak now." He made the word 'back' into a long two-syllable word. I snort out a laugh and say, "And I for one am thrilled about that, boyfriend. Damn, this was so much fun and it was hot and sexy of you; all of it." He goes, "Oh, thank you and, wow, do I feel sooooo much better than I did a half hour ago! All because of you, boyfriend." I grin, "We're getting sickeningly sweet again, Rob." He stands tall and stretches, saying, "I like getting sickeningly sweet with you," and then, "C'mon, I'll help you clean up in the bathroom." I go, "What? The hall bath, um, do you think your Mom heard us. All that slapping against my ass and, omigod, my fucking squealing. She had to have heard that." Rob like, "So what if she did? C'mon, I'll clean you up."

Stalling, I'm wiping my chin with the back of my wrist realizing I've got a drool there of lubricant and some of Rob's cum from when I sucked his cock. Wow, what a great half-hour of sex though. Awesome for sure, but still I whine, "We can't both go in the hall bathroom, Robby! Get serious. I mean, we're naked for one thing." He laughs and pulls on my wrists getting me standing. I think it's so perfect that we're both in such great moods again! Seriously though, I'm a little concerned Rob's Mom heard us having sex and now if she sees up going down the hall... damn! I go over and look out the window and way over to the end of the backyard but Mrs. Dickers has gone inside apparently. She's probably had her ear up against Rob's bedroom door for the last half-hour! Oh fuck though, I'm resigned that Rob's going to have his way so I mutter, "Okay, let's go now, Rob." He smirks, handing me a bathrobe, saying, "You worry too much."

Robby puts on another bathrobe, one that's much too small for him so it's probably one he's had for ten-years. I peek out a crack in his door, a door that wasn't even locked, and see the hall is empty. We pad down the hall with Rob giggling and trying to make me go slower, keeping us in the hall's no-man's-land longer. I can't help but grin and snicker back at him and inside the bathroom I hug him and put my head on his shoulder, saying, "Always do sex like you did it today, Robby." He goes, "How's that?" I say, "You led us in everything... I loved that." He hugs back, mumbling, "Sometimes you're like a twelve-year-old... and I love that. I'll be your Daddy and take care of you." He's just joking around but in my mind, I pretend he's serious. Letting go of each other Rob spends five minutes cleaning his cum off my ass and legs and not allowing me to do anything to help. He goes, "It's my mess and I'll clean it up." As he dries my ass, he goes, " Hey, I know what we'll do tonight. We'll take a shower together. Ya know, after practice and we'll have some shower-sex." In the hall bath? He must be teasing me again.

When Rob's cleaned me up like new I go back to his bedroom to change into shorts and a T-shirt while he cleans his penis. Downstairs we find that Mrs. Dickers has washed-up and is in the kitchen making mashed potatoes. Rob says, "We'll be right outside, Mom," as we pass by her, both of us wearing shorts and T-shirts. Outside he practices his pitching with me catching and yes, I realize that's slang, or a simile, for the sex act we just did twice. Catchers and pitchers report on Monday, February 14th. Ha!

I've got the dry sponge in my glove again because Rob throws hard! No problem with his fast ball; he can locate that. Not so much with his curve though and his change-up needs a lot of work. He's not discouraged though and he pitches for twenty-minutes before saying, "I better not overdo it, Dylan. That's enough. Thanks for catching, babe." We sit at the outdoor table smirking at each other and overdoing compliments that go both ways. It's so wonderful to be back to normal.

His Dad comes through the back gate at quarter-to-six carrying a take-out whole chicken, cooked on a rotisserie at Stop & Shop probably. He gives us one of his almost-smiles, Rob's Dad does, not the chicken, saying, "Boys, how are you?" Rob mutters, "Never been better, Dad. Is that tonight's dinner?" His Dad mutters, "Apparently. I was instructed by your mother to bring one home." He passes by us to go into the house and Mrs. Dickers immediately sticks her head out the door saying, "Dinner in five minutes, boys."

The rotisserie chicken is dinner, along with creamy whipped potatoes with lots of butter, homemade coleslaw that Mrs. Dickers does amazingly well, plus white and yellow baby whole kernel corn also with the proper amount of butter. Then there's fresh baked rolls and, all in all, a pretty damn good dinner. The chit chat during dinner is mostly Rob's parents planning a pool party and cook-out for some of the managers and their spouses from work. Hopefully Rob and I can stay clear of that. We pass on the dessert because we need to leave to get to practice on time. In the pickup with Rob now driving, he tells me, "Like I told you before, Danny's set you up with the coach as a practice non-roster player, so it's up to you to squash that."

He looks over to see if I heard him and I go, "Yes, you already told me that, Rob, and everything about it makes me nervous. I'm too nervous to join in the practice and nervous about telling Danny I won't do it." He glances over at me, saying, "I hate hearing you say you're not good enough about anything because you are good enough. You're more than good enough." I shrug and say, "Whatever, did I tell you that Danny mentioned after practice we're going to the Dairy Queen." Rob nods, "Actually I'm the one who told you that." I say, "I feel like sitting on your lap again, Robby. Can I?" He laughs, "Yeah, sure. See if the seat belt will fit around both of us." Nah, I better not sit on his lap, but today has been so great!!

As we get closer to the high school I'm like, "Just to confirm it, I don't want to try out, Rob. I know I'll embarrass myself." He goes, "Well, for chrissakes, you don't need to keep telling me that every five-minutes. Just don't try out then. It's not mandatory. Tell Danny you're not gonna do it and that'll be that." I shrug, "You're not mad at me, are you?" He looks at me, "I'm never (am out) mad at you, Dylan. You should know that by now. You don't want to do it, don't do it. I'm fine with that assuming you're sure it's what you really want." Jeez, I feel relieved. These fucking jocks take for granted their natural abilities and can't imagine why everyone can't do what they do. I could put my mind to it for ten years of practicing and I still wouldn't be at the level these guys play at. Rob doesn't care one way or the other and all I need to do is tell Danny thanks-but-no-thanks and that'll be that!

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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