Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Jul 20, 2018



Chapter 2

by Donny Mumford

First, I need to drive from the outskirts of Hartford through the city proper at five o'clock and then get on route 84 east. So yeah that means I'm obviously in rush hour traffic again, but so what... I'm heading home this time. It's a nuisance but after the normal stop-and-go traffic I merge onto route 84E and I'll stay on this road all the way into Massachusetts where I'll connect with the Mass Pike. So, I'm going in the right direction this time and it's not raining; two very big factors in my favor.

And there were some positive things about this past week that I should be feeling good about; for example, the construction guys were cooperative and considerate of me, and I did finally have side-sex last night, and I'm on my way home a day early. Those are not 'small' matters so I wonder why I'm not feeling more positive about all of it? And I definitely should be excited about last night's side sex. It was pretty good sex, and Tony's an okay guy, but something was missing or... oh, I don't know. Hmmm, maybe it was a case of our pheromones being all wrong, or I'm expecting too much from side-sex nowadays, or maybe I'm over-evaluating the side-sex I've had in the past. Like I said, I don't know what exactly, but something's changed.

Okay, things are looking good now that I've driven clear of Hartford. This is less hectic with the traffic spread over six lanes plus it's a sunny afternoon instead of the torrential downpour I had to deal with Monday morning. Still, this little compact Chevy doesn't feel especially safe at seventy-miles-an-hour, which is the minimum speed everyone is moving at so I don't have a choice.

The drive is about as good as can be expected for thirty miles or so and just when I begin to relax, oh no! It's another horrific traffic jam approaching Waterbury. Goddammit, highway construction has caused another bottle-neck. More bumper to bumper traffic but I've talked myself into cooling it, resigned to what will be a two-hour drive. Fuck it though, I'm going home!

All attempts by tractor trailer drivers to run me off the road have failed and I'm finally connecting with the Mass Pike at Sturbridge. Forty-five minutes of aggravation later I'm paying the Mass Pike toll, or rather my transponder is doing that and now I'm connecting with route 9 in Framingham, ten minutes from home! I mean my second home with the Dickers. Going to my condo would be an additional ten-minute drive. Oh man though, I take a deep breath finally feeling free of that fucked-up business trip.

I'm getting excited thinking about seeing Rob's face when I show up a day early. Yeah, but it is after seven o'clock so I should probably stop and get something to eat. On second thought I'm more anxious to get home than eat. So, after avoiding some idiot who pulled right in front of me as I'm getting off route 9, I'm soon in front of the house idling at the curb. Huh, I need to park here because Danny's Volkswagen is parked in the driveway where I expected to park. He was probably a dinner guest tonight or something...

Leaving all my stuff in the car, I'm so fucking happy to be walking up the driveway and then when turning under the arbor for the backyard I almost collide with Danny who is coming the other way. We're both startled as he goes, "Dylan! Hey, bud!" He gives me a hug and a wet kiss on my lips. I'm stunned, not expecting that hot kiss. Dammit, he makes my dick pulsate. I sort of hold onto him, as he goes, "Jesus, Dylan, we didn't expect you until tomorrow night."

Wow, he looks so cute and sexy! I mumble, "Hi Danny," and he excitedly says, "Holy shit, get this, babe! Some dope got killed at their company's site in Westborough." I'm like, "What?" and he goes, "Yeah, it happened when we were eating dinner! And shit, we didn't even have dessert when Mr. D. gets this call on his cellphone and then all hell broke loose. That fucking chocolate cake Mrs. D. baked is sitting right there on the buffet and it looked yummy too, but she never got around to cutting into it. Chocolate cake with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream... dude that rocks!" I'm flabbergasted that someone died on the job. Danny's sort of shrugging his arm out of my grasp, asking, "Anyway, how ya doing, babe?" I didn't realize I was still clinging to him.

I'm trying to process someone getting killed in Westborough, plus what does a chocolate cake have to do with it? Danny's doing his cute grin showing those dimples of his, as he asks, "Cat got your tongue, or what?" and then he rubs my hair with both hands, adding, "You're looking good with this haircut I gave you!" Partially coming to my senses and trying to push his hands away from my head, I'm like, "Who got killed? What are they doing inside?" He drops his hands and looks back at the door as if the answer to my question is there, and then says, "Oh yeah, Rob and Mr. D. need to drive up there and interview somebody. Um, they're running around getting stuff so they can spend the night... I think."

Rob won't be here tonight? Danny goes, "Hey, did anyone compliment you about your haircut? It's looking good on you, dude... don't ya think?" Frowning, I go, "Yeah, sure. Um, I better go inside and see if I can help." Danny goes, "Yeah, um, I don't know... Hey, call me if you're gonna be around tonight. You and me with some unchaperoned time on our hands, huh?" He rubs my head with both hands again, muttering, "You are one cute mother-fucker," and then he jogs off to his car. Unchaperoned?

Glancing quickly back at Danny, I go inside the back door while trying to finger-comb my hair back in place, thinking, 'What a sexy, um, semi-clueless nut Danny is!' Jesus, I gotta get over this crush I have on him. But damn... he looked cool!

Inside Mrs. Dickers is clearing the dinner table, exclaiming, "You're home!" and, still trying to flatten my hair that's sticking up all over, I go, "Hi, Mrs. D.! Um, the Hartford thing, um, I finished a day early." Looking back at the door and then at her, I mumble, "Ah, I just ran into Danny outside. What happened in Westborough?" She goes, "Oh Lordy, one of the guys got struck by a forklift and maybe had a heart attack, but we don't know the details. We only know for sure he died. Robert and Rob need to go right up there to interview the five-man crew." I mutter, "Gawd..." and she says, "Yes, it's so horrible to think someone died on the job and was maybe, oh dear... killed." I'm like, "You mean killed on purpose?" She's shaking her head, "No, no, not like that. I mean accidentally killed instead of having a heart attack, um, like someone said might have happened." I'm frowning, "You mean he had a heart attack after getting hit in the head with a forklift?"

Before she can answer I look over at the hallway hearing Robby clumping downstairs fast, the way he always does it... "Clump, clump, clump, clump!" That's how I knew it was him. He's dressed in a business suit and tie, as he exclaims, "Dylan!" I step toward him for a partial hug. Partial because he's carrying a satchel in one hand and a suit on a hanger in the other.

We do a quick kiss with me taking the suit on a hanger from him, and Robby saying, "You're here a day early, that's awesome! Um, did you hear that some asshole..." and his Mom goes, "Language, Rob!" He looks over at her for half a second and then back at me, saying, "A guy got his ass terminated at the Westborough site. They had a crew working overtime and all the office personnel had left the office so the foreman calls the project manager, Guy Best, and Guy calls Dad like ten minutes ago. We didn't even have time for dessert 'cause we've been running around like crazy getting our shit together. We gotta get up there," and his Dad, also in a suit and tie, comes in the kitchen, asking, 'Ready to go, Rob?"

He sees me and looks startled, "What are you doing here?" Mrs. D. goes, "Robert! That's not a nice. Dylan finished a day early." I'm nodding my head, asking, "Is there anything I can do to help in Westborough?" Robby goes, "Yeah, sure, babe," as Mr. D. says, "No," and then he adds, "Um, I mean, thanks for offering, son, but there's only five people to interview tonight. Preparing the OSHA report is a two-man job though, so I need Rob to...." Rob cuts him off, saying, "Yeah, but Dad, tomorrow we'll need to talk to every employee in the office to be sure they're all on the same page, and Dylan could help with the..." I go, "Yeah, I'd be glad to..." His Dad shakes his head, "No need of additional help because Mr. Best and I will do the interviews. Rob will be there to sign as a witness only." His Dad turns away to say something to Mrs. Dickers, so I ask Robby, "How'd it happen?" Rob goes, "A guy got hit by a forklift," and Mr. D. turns back to us, emphatically saying, "Don't spread rumors, Rob! We don't know that for sure. C'mon, let's get going."

At the backdoor Mr. Dickers gives Mrs. D. a kiss, mumbling, "I'll call when I know something, Em," and then he goes outside with Rob right behind him. I'm right behind Robby still carrying his suit, which I assume is for tomorrow. Rob turns his head, saying, 'I'll see you in the office after lunch, babe," and Mr. Dickers says over his shoulder, "Dylan, write your report for the Hartford trip. I'm especially interested in reading about the personnel in that damn office." I nod, "Sure thing, Sir." He stops to look at me, adding, "And I'm sorry for the way you were treated, Dylan. That's not the way we do business around here." I mutter, "It's okay. I, um, worked it out..."

They're walking fast now so I grab Rob's arm giving him a quizzical look because I'm not sure why everything needs to be done tonight. Robby goes, "Oh man, Dylan, I wish you could come with me. It's that pain in the ass, OSHA. You know, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. They'll be investigating this like they do for most accidents at the workplace, and always when there's been a death! Some BS about ensuring there's safe and healthful working conditions, but how the fuc...," and his father looks back at him frowning, so Rob mutters, "Um, how the hell can we prevent some clod from walking into a forklift?" Mr. D. yells, "Goddammit, Rob! We don't know that's what happened yet!"

He's very stressed, Mr. Dickers is. Rob gives his Dad a 'look' and then says to me, "And we've gotta download all the OSHA forms and then spend however long it takes completing them because we need to FAX them tonight." Nodding like I understand, I hand the suit on a hanger to Rob who hangs it over the inside of the backdoor in his Dad's car. Getting in the front passenger seat, smiling at me, seemingly much less stressed than his Dad, Rob whispers, "Tomorrow night, baby... you and me, huh? I've missed you!" I nod as Mr. D. starts the engine and then he leans in front of Rob to say to me, "Do that report for me, son. I want to know every eff'en detail, um... and soon," I nod, "Yes, Sir," and he pulls away with Robby waving at me, and then giving me the 'finger' as he's grinning like mad. I can't help but grin too and shoot the 'finger' back at him... sure it's childish, but so what!

When they're out of sight I'm thinking, 'Huh, Rob's hair is way too long. He looks like a rich student in a movie about an Ivy League University, um, a student in England probably.' And then as I turn around to go back inside the house, I say to myself, 'That's your first thought, Dylan? A guy dies on the job and you're concerned about the length of your boyfriend's hair?' Gawd, my priorities suck!

More relevant for me is dealing with the fact that I'm not staying here tonight. Not with just me and Mrs. Dickers in the house. Inside I find her cleaning up the supper dishes. She looks up when I come in, and asks, "They're on their way?" I nod, "Yes, they're off. Um, I'm gonna see my brother for a, um, oh, a late dinner tonight so I'll probably sleep there tonight. I haven't eaten yet and he's waiting for me, so..." She says, "I can fix you something here, Dylan."

After I politely decline her offer, she's like, "We'll see you after work tomorrow though, I hope," and I go, "Absolutely! I'll see you then and thanks again." Outside I light a cigarette walking down the driveway to the company car, thinking how the reception I received after finishing early wasn't remotely like I expected, but then neither was the reception I got Monday morning from Ms. Pulp. Expecting the unexpected is probably another thing I need to work on. What's that, the number 798 thing I need to work on?

While leaning against the car smoking my cigarette I call Chubby's cellphone and amazingly he answers, "Dylan, bro, I've missed you! How are things in, um, where are you? I forget." I tell him where I was and where I am now, and then ask, "What's all that noise I hear in the background?" He tells me he's at Fenway Park for a Red Sox game and I ask, "How'd you get tickets?" Chub goes, "Jay James won them by being the tenth caller for a giveaway promotion on WEEI, 93.7. That'll be on your FM dial, bro." I'm like, "No shit, Chub!" He laughs and I mutter, "Huh, I thought those giveaways were always won by friends of someone who works at the radio station." Chub laughs, "Yeah, me too, but apparently not. Just for the hell of it Jay called in this morning and he was the tenth caller. Awesome seats too. I wish you were here!"

We talk a little longer making plans for me to drive our new car on Saturday and then I let him enjoy the game. Well damn! Guess I need to get something to eat and I'll be eating alone again. I drive to the Burger King near my condo. There a short line at the counter and the guy in front of me I recognize from behind. His shaggy, curly hair tells me it's gotta be Sonny's brother, Devon McCarty, so I mutter, "Jesus, without me around you've let your personal grooming go all to hell, Devon." He turns around and goes, "Hey, how ya doing, Dylan?" Incongruously we do the old 'posse-boy' hugging-greeting. Old habits die hard.

He's with a girl I don't know, who he introduces to me, "This is my girlfriend, Sissy Lancaster. Sissy meet my cool, awesome-looking, friend and ex-personal barber, Dylan Newman." She wiggles her whole body somehow, saying, "Hi, um, you." I guess she forgot my name already. She pats my chest, mumbling, "You're, um, a personal barber, huh? What's that mean?" I go, "Nice to meet you and... ah, I don't know what it means."

They're next at the counter so they order what they want and then Devon goes, "Eat with us, Dylan. What'cha been up to?" I order the usual and sit at a table with Devon and Sissy to eat my high-cholesterol dinner. I tell him briefly about my 'business trip; and he's impressed. Then we talk about our college experiences briefly, and then about Devon's brother, Sonny, who dropped out of college, and then a little about the summer of the posse boys with Ray as our leader. Devon says he hasn't seen Ray in months, adding, "Same old Ray last time I saw him though, ya know..." I don't mention again about Devon's unruly hair although I remember very well cutting it three or four times for him during that posse-boy summer. His girlfriend, Sissy, doesn't say much although I hear a lot from her during our meal because she makes loud, unsavory, wet-smacking sounds while eating with her mouth wide open. Good luck with her...

We all walk out of Burger King together and at my car Devon and I do the 'posse boy' 'goodbye-hug' making both of us chuckle and then promise to get together, um, sometime. We won't of course, but that's just what you say. Devon used to be one of the cuter posse boys but he's joined the ranks of the majority of guys who outgrow their youthful 'cuteness' that morphs into, in his case, 'okay generic looks'. Nothing I'd glance at for more than a microsecond. Still, he seemed to be the same good-guy I remembered.

Devon's brother, Sonny, on the other hand, hasn't outgrown his cute 'looks'. Well at least he hadn't when I saw him earlier this summer and I wish he'd call me for a haircut and, um, what always comes after that is called hot sex. Ha, he insisted we have sex in the half-bath last time I gave him a haircut even though he was with his best bud who happens to be a super-straight guy, sexually. Sonny is one of a kind!

While driving to my condo I'm thinking about that posse-boy summer and while I admit it was definitely weird, mostly because of Ray, but overall I had fun with those guys. Nothing like that could ever happen again though. That was some pretty immature shit we did as part of the sort of 'club' thing we were all involved in with Ray as the president. Goofy times! I got to do a lot of haircuts though and that was fun, plus there was a lot of sexy stuff going on too... and not just with the president and me either. Gawd though, Ray could really fuck! I gotta give him that.

Parking behind my condo I go in through the basement and look around down here seeing my home barbering equipment in its satchel on the barber stool. Huh, I can't remember who I last gave a haircut to in here, it was probably Sonny. I bought that barber set at RiteAid drugstore a couple of years ago. Now, Rob, has my original second-hand professional barbering stuff at the pool house. It's there even though Rob's apparently lost interest in barbering. He hasn't exactly said that, but I can tell.

Thinking about that, I'm still not sure if his primary interest initially was to prove he could do haircutting, um, better than me, or what exactly his motivation was. And he did do it better than me too, at least for that one dumb-ass haircut style that's sweeping the world. I'm done with that haircut though! I mean unless Danny decides otherwise... ha ha ha. He's not one to takes 'no' for an answer as I've discovered this summer two or three separate times.

Back outside I take my stuff from the trip and haul it to my bedroom. Downstairs again I get the last of the stuff from the car and then, walking upstairs I'm like... Oh hell, I forgot about Danny! How'd I forget him? He said we'd get together if I'm not doing anything tonight. I'm not doing anything so after dropping the few things in my arm on the sofa I take out my cell phone and text him: 'Yo, dude, I'm free tonight. Let's hook up.' No response so I shake my head because nothing's been working out for me this whole fucking week. Week? Hell, this whole summer! I mean except for living with Robby which has worked out better than I ever dreamed it would, and that's a huge big-deal... so I got that going for me.

After lugging the remaining items to my bedroom, I go back in the living room and then to the kitchen where I look in the refrigerator not really wanting anything so I smile to myself because this is what Rob does all the time at home. He just opens the refrigerator and looks inside for thirty-seconds and then closes the door. Damn, I wish Robby didn't need to go to that dead guy thing. He had to go through so now I wish Danny would answer my text. Wandering back down the hall to my bedroom, and then not feeling like doing anything with the dirty clothes I brought back from the trip, I hop on my bed.

Lying on the bedspread with my hands behind my head I'm thinking this bed seems awfully small to me now! Then my cell phone pings and it's a text from Danny. 'Yeah, babe, C'mon over and we'll visit Hayden together.' Well, that's not what I had in mind, but it's a start anyway.

Wait a second! I thought Hayden left for college. I text that to Danny who texts back, 'He thought so too but found out it's the freshmen's orientation date. He leaves for college Wednesday like us.' I text back, 'Yeah, okay. I'll see you in ten minutes.' I wait for a reply back, but don't get one. After undressing down to my boxer shorts I go into the bathroom feeling uber disappointed that Rob's not gonna be here tonight. Yeah, but I guess second best is definitely Danny.

Oh fuck, looking in the mirror I see my hair is still messed-up from Danny rubbing it earlier. Huh, I wonder what Devon thought of me ragging on his long shaggy hair when my hair looks like shit? He'd never say, 'Hey, Dylan, whaddaya talking about? Your own hair looks fucked-up.' Which is what nine out of ten guys would have said. Not nice guy Devon though... and it is a damn shame he's lost his youthful cuteness.

After taking a piss I wash my face and hands, then comb my hair looking at it by turning my head this way and that. Its grown out enough to hide a lot of the unevenness. Only eight days since that infamous haircut, and damn I'm lucky my hair grows faster than most. It's looking raggedy I guess, but the ridges are partially covered now. Shit though, it was cut badly so it's growing out badly.

Hmmm, I told Danny I'd see him in ten minutes, so instead of a shower, I reapply underarm deodorant, Mennen Speed Stick deodorant, the one with the original scent. I get dressed in skinny jeans and a long-sleeve Polo pullover. For this time of year, it's weirdly too chilly for shorts although the weather forecast calls for a heatwave next week. As I'm transferring my wallet and some other stuff from my suit pockets to my jeans my cellphone beeps. It's another text from Danny, 'Meet me at Hayden's. They want me to coach.' What the hell does he need to 'coach'?

It's less than a ten-minute drive to Hayden's and then I park at the curb behind Danny's car. Well, it's actually his Mom's Volkswagen, Danny doesn't have his own car. I need to ring the doorbell a second time before Hayden's Mom answers and says, "Hiya, Dylan Newman! Wonderful to see you again." Wow, she's good with names. I wonder if she uses one of Tony's mnemonics devises?

Tonight Tinker's wearing what looks like a high school cheerleader's outfit. Yeah, she's more than a little bit kooky but she supports her son totally and she's nice. Smiling, I mumble, "Hi, Mrs. Parks," and she says, "It's so nice you boys are saying goodbye to Hayden, but it's premature. Aren't you coming for our Labor Day cookout?" Actually, I'm not primarily here to say goodbye to Hayden. I'm following Danny wherever he goes hoping he'll fuck me tonight. Obviously, I don't say that. Instead, I mumble, "Oh, um, this is the first I've heard about the cookout. Thanks for inviting me." She says, "You are such a darling, and so polite! They're upstairs, dear. I'm sure Hayden will be happy to see you." Huh, she remembers my first and last name but not that I was just here last weekend seeing Hayden in his sick bed.

Upstairs I find Hayden's bedroom door is closed so I hesitate opening it because I'm hearing subtle sounds that are very much like two males having anal sex. I mean what else could the "Slap, slap, slap," sounds I'm hearing be except two guys fucking? Oh no! Danny's not giving Hayden an early goodbye fuck, is he? How about me, goddammit!

Should I let them finish? After a few seconds, I figure 'the hell with that' and turn the doorknob slowly. Quietly pushing open the door just far enough to see inside and... Oh, Omigod, it's Terrence who's fucking Hayden! Danny's got his hand on Terrence's back telling him, "Steady, Terrence! Do steady thrusting. Goddammit, what'd I just say? You're jerking around pulling your boner out every third thrust!" Terrence mumbles something and Danny says, "Well for chrissakes, just calm down!" Hayden goes, "Stop yelling at him, Danny! Encourage him!" and then to Terrence, "You're doing good, it feels awesome, um, for your first time... seriously." Holy shit, can I believe this?

All three of them have their backs to me with Hayden's and Terrence's jeans down to their knees. Hayden is bent over with his hands on his knees, and Danny's standing next to Terrence... um, coaching him. Danny said he was needed as a 'coach' but I'd never have guessed this. Quite a scene though!

Terrence starts up again and as I silently close the door, the "Slap, slap, slap," sounds are very clear and distinct now with Terrence slamming against Hayden's butt cheeks. Heh heh, Terrence's hands are gripping Hayden's hips so tightly his knuckles are white. Go for it, Terrence! Of course, I'm barely breathing so as not to give myself away as I watch them with a grin on my face.

I thought they'd be doing something outside, ya know, baseball related with star baseball player, Danny, doing some coaching. Well, they are sort of doing a baseball-related metaphor of pitching and catching. Danny's now being encouraging, mumbling, "Good, that's the way," as Terrence gets into a steady thrusting motion and now Hayden's moaning, "Mmmm, oh yeah, Terrence, oh, ooh, oooh!" which gets Terrence slamming his cock up Hayden's ass faster and even harder. I'm behind the group so I can't see his boner going up Hayden's ass but I see Danny rubbing his crotch and realize I'm doing the same thing. Watching this is sexy-hot! I don't see guys fucking too often, if ever. I mean, when I'm not involved in it.

Damn, this is hot though! Terrence moans, "Aaaah, oooh, fuuuuck, omigod I'm gonna cum," and Hayden yells, "What? Not yet!" and then there's more "Slap, slap, slap," sounds with Terrence moaning like he's in heat, or in pain. Danny's saying, "Don't pull it out when shooting off for chrissakes, Terrence! Just leave it all the way in and keep fucking him." Terrence is tight against Hayden's buttocks humping and moaning, "Aaaah," as he apparently blows his load. Then, "Ahh, oooh, mmmm, fuuuuuck!" as he shoots some more cum up Hayden's ass with Hayden saying, "Don't stop!" Hayden's arm is moving fast stroking that large cock of his. Damn, I wish I had a better view!

Ignoring Hayden's pleas and Danny's instructions, Terrence steps back pulling his cock out. Danny yells, "Put it back in, Terrence! Be considerate!" Instead, Terrence is stroking his cock while quietly moaning, his head back with his eyes tightly closed. He must sense another presence in here though because he slowly turns his head and opens his eyes. Seeing me smiling at him and then giving him a little wave of my hand, he gasps, "Ooooh!" making Hayden and Danny turn their heads too. I do another little wave, mumbling to Danny, "How's it going, Coach?" Danny laughs and comes right over to give me a hug. He's the touchy/feely champion of Framingham, and maybe the world. Leaning against his hot body, I ask, "Coaching the Junior varsity, huh?" Danny says, "Wherever I can help, yeah."

Terrence is just holding his softening cock as the three of us watch Hayden jerking himself off, arching his back now and getting ready to blow. He's pulling furiously on his huge cock, his fist a blur. His eyes are tightly closed, his long hair flying back and forth as he finally gasps, every muscle in his tight little body contracting, and then he climaxes. An impressive streak of creamy, white semen shoots from his big cock in a high arc before coming down splattering on the floor as another smaller stream follows.

The three of us clap our hands as Hayden moans but doesn't stop stroking himself, grunting, "Hi, Dylan, ya want a taste?" I give him the 'finger' as Terrence asks Danny, "How'd I do?" I interject, mumbling, "Looked to me like you did okay, Terrence," and Danny says to me, "Yeah, up to a point he did, babe," and then to Terrence, "You shouldn't have pulled out though. It was too soon. Hayden hadn't shot his load yet..."

Hayden's using a sweat sock wiping his cum off the floor with Terrence's cum drooling out of his ass. While he's wiping up cum Hayden yells at Danny, "Some coach you are, Danny!" The three of them argue a little as I'm rubbing my dick and looking at Terrence who is only now absently putting his pecker back in his pants while he joins in the arguing by defending his reasons for pulling his dick out too soon. It's nothing special, his pecker isn't. It's about five inches long with a normal girth. Nice average-looking dick that probably felt really good up Hayden's ass.

Meanwhile, Hayden's now wiping his ass, but only briefly before pulling up his pants and then, holding the cum-saturated sweat sock to the side, he says, "Oh, by the way, Dylan, I'm cured. My illness is over. No more kissing disease," and he comes over so we can do a quick hug and kiss on the lips. Terrence steps in after Hayden, saying, "Hi, Dylan," and we do a basic, half-ass hug... no kiss though.

I ask Terrence, "So, what's the story with you and gay sex, straight-boy?" He shrugs, "I finally gave in to Hayden's nagging and tried it." Hayden goes, "He means he tried 'sex'... period. Gay or otherwise; this was his first time." He gives Terrence a shoulder hug to show he wasn't dissing him, although he just did. Terrence turns dark red, blushing while muttering, "I don't believe I'll ever try it again though. I smelled something suspiciously like shit," and they argue about that.

Yeah, sometimes that happens but not if you're 'regular'. If you're not feces will accumulate in the last part of the colon... the descending colon that ends at the anus. That's what you crap-out every time you take a shit. Keep that area of the colon empty and anal sex is good to go. It's good to go in any case but messier if you haven't evacuated that part of your digestive system. Of course, Terrence doesn't know that and maybe Hayden doesn't either. A good 'bottom', like myself, keeps his ass clean and empty 'cause ya never know...

With Hayden and Danny sitting on the bed and Terrence in the desk chair I don't see any place to sit so I lean against the door. We talk a little about Terrence's first ever sex with him repeating he's never doing 'that' again. Liar! Hayden jokes that his boyfriend, meaning Danny, should now show Terrence how an expert does it but that's not happening. We talk about Labor Day, which is next Tuesday, and how Hayden's Mom is organizing a cookout for the holiday. It won't be the extravaganza like the Fourth of July cookout, just a small affair in Hayden's side yard. Terrence's family won't even be there because they go to a cookout at his Aunt and Uncle's every Labor Day.

Danny and I finally leave as those two guys are again talking about their intimate experience and I guess it is kind of a big deal for Terrence. Hayden too I assume since he's been working on getting Terrence to do 'it' with him for years. Normally, of course, this sort of sexual experimentation would happen for Terrence at around age fourteen. He's a little late to the party but better late than never. And he said, 'never again' but I find that hard to believe because once the 'ice' is broken, so to speak, he's gonna remembering how good it felt and he'll almost certainly talk himself into rationalizing another go at it.

Walking to our cars, Danny says, "That was weird in there, huh Dylan?" I go, "One of the weirder things I've seen, yeah, but in a way, it was kinda cool too. Childhood friends finally getting it 'on'... if way late." He nods, "Yeah, I guess, and I was a tiny bit jealous to be honest with you." Huh, really? Terrence seemed so innocent I can't believe Danny would be jealous of Terrence fucking Hayden, but I leave it at that, muttering, "Let's go to my place, nobody's home there." He says, "Nobody's home at my place either. Mom's at my Grandparents house in Quincy." I'm like, "Oh?" and he goes, "Yeah, Grandma broke her hip and just got home from the hospital yesterday so Mom's helping Grandad get her settled for a few days." Then, excitedly he goes, "Hey, babe, you'll get to experience having sex in my bed again... heh heh." Did I ever fuck in his bed? I don't think so!

See, that's Danny for ya. He gets things mixed-up and the other thing is, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't nag him into having buddy-sex with me the past six weeks but now that he's decided he wants to do it... he takes me for granted. He just assumes I'm in the right frame of mind for it. The fucking nerve! Of course, he's right. I mean, get serious, I've got this crush on him that's just getting bigger all the time, so yeah, of course, I wanna do it with him. It's just that Danny could have gone about it in a better way. Go through the motions of a least saying something like, 'I hope you're up for some messing around, Dylan. Um, are you?" Ya know, something like that.

It's less than a one-minute drive from Hayden's house to Danny's so I can't imagine why he didn't just walk to Hayden's in the first place. Parking behind him in his driveway, we both get out and I ask, "What car is your Mom using?" Danny puts his arm around the back of my neck pulling me against his side and, with his lips on my ear, he says, "Ain't it great our mutual friend, who happens to be your boyfriend, is open-minded about us buddies having a little sexy fun together?" I like the feel of his arm behind the back of my neck and the feel of his side against mine, and I like that Danny likes the feel of me. Of course he probably also puts his arm around the back of the postman's neck while asking if there's any mail today, or the back of anybody's neck. Danny likes 'touching'. I mumble, "Yeah it's awesome, but what's that have to do with the car your Mom's using? I mean, since you have her car."

Danny's hand comes up off my shoulder to rub my head and mess up my hair again as he laughs, mumbling, "What's that have to do with anything, babe?" Huh, do ya ever get the feeling the person you're with isn't listening all that closely to what you're saying? I go, "I was curious about you using your Mom's car. Not that it's all that important... just making conversation."

Letting go of me he unlocks the front door and we go inside with Danny asking, "Care for a beer?" I drop the car conversation because he's obviously not gonna tell me about it. I mutter, "Yeah, thanks," and then add, "And, yes, you're right! It is kinda special that Robby and I have the arrangement we do allow some buddy-sex once in a while." Danny says in a serious manner like he's lecturing me, "As long as it's not overdone and the privilege isn't abused. Just saying..." As if he has anything to say about Robby's and my 'arrangement'. I go, "Well, that's between me and Rob, wouldn't you say?"

Opening two bottles of Miller Lite, he gives me a 'look', and mutters, "No need to get touchy." As I'm taking the bottle of beer he's holding out to me I stare at his face for two seconds, and then say, "Sorry, I didn't mean to get touchy, Danny. And I, um, gotta say you're getting better looking the older you get." He yells, "Awkward alert!" and then, smiling, he adds, "No, that was really a nice thing for you to say. Thanks, babe."

Damn, I wish hadn't said it! It was definitely an awkward thing to say and then I say something worse, "It's like I have a school girl's crush on you and it makes me do and say dumb things. Um, like what I just said right now, and the thing I said before this latest dumb thing." He laughs out loud and then, holding his beer bottle to the side, hugs me with his left arm getting his face close to mine, murmuring, "I know about your crush on me but I'd never take advantage of that," and then he kisses me on the mouth like lover's kiss. It's like a fifteen second kiss that gives me a boner in my jeans.

Me springing a boner from a kiss would be more understandable if I was horny, but I'm not. Hell, I had sex twice last night. I'm standing here motionless though, kinda mesmerized by that kiss as Danny takes his lips away but keeps his face close to mine, murmuring, "You taste good and to return your compliment let me just mention this: it'd be almost impossible for you to get any better looking than you already are." I make a gulping sound swallowing and he kisses me again and this time his tongue is in my mouth and his crotch humps against mine. I moan and he lets his lips slide off mine and then he drags his wet lips all the way across my cheek so he can bite my ear giving me chills all over. Letting go of me he stands back and says, "Oh, I meant to ask earlier, can you play a pick-up baseball game at the high school Saturday? Rob's playing," and he takes three swallows of beer, adding, "Let's go in the garage so we can grab a smoke. Whaddaya say?"

My heart's pounding and so is my hard cock. I'm afraid if I move my boner will poke out the front of my pants. Danny goes, "Do ya wanna?" Trying to sound normal, I mutter, "Do I wanna what?" He's getting a pack of his Mom's cigarettes from a kitchen drawer, saying, "Play baseball Saturday and have a cigarette in the garage right now," and he grins, taking my hand and pulling me towards the door that leads to the garage, as he says, "That's what we're gonna do whether you want to or not," and he does that cute, dimpled, sweet grin of his. How the hell can he transition from those two excellent lovers-like, deep kisses to asking about playing baseball?

In the garage, Danny passes me a smoke and then lights it for me. Could he already have forgotten those two sexy kisses? That was hot-foreplay, that's what that was! Danny lights his smoke and snorts out a laugh, saying, "Terrence was as nervous as I've ever seen him. He was shaking like a leaf when he was sucking a boner on Hayden. Yeah, he was shaking all over, that's how nervous he was." I'm half listening as he goes, "Oh fuck, I had my arm around him saying stuff like, um, 'Relax, enjoy the feel of a big cock in your mouth, don't think too much about it...' haha. Those two, huh?" Those two, how about us two? And what a shocker that Danny had his arm around Terrence! He'd have his arms around a burglar if the guy would let him.

Ya know what? It's gotta be that Danny doesn't realize he's doing lover's foreplay. That's the only possible explanation for how he can go from the foreplay to asking if I want to play baseball; he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. And his dick didn't even feel firm in his pants when it bounced against my boner...

Danny picks up a baseball bat from a big plastic box of sports gear and, with his cigarette between his lips, he swings the bat a couple of times. Taking his cigarette out and exhaling smoke, he goes, "Let me see you swing, Dylan. There's something I wanted to mention about your swing the last time we had a game. I just thought of it and it's that you're leaving your shoulder open when you swing hard." With my cigarette between my lips, I take the bat and get in a hitting stance and then swing. He goes, "Well that was a good swing, but the last game..." and we fuck around talking about 'batting' for a while. Putting the bat back in the bin, he mutters, "That bat is like ten years old. Can you believe that? I was twelve years old when Dad, he was living with us then, bought that bat for my birthday." I exhale smoke, muttering, "Huh," and he brings out a hockey stick, asking, 'Did ya ever play ice hockey?" Fuck this! Let's check out that bed he mentioned!

He starts pushing a hockey puck around the floor of the garage. His eye/hand coordination is like Rob's. They both do amazing things so naturally, without even realizing it's special. Chugging my beer to finish it, I go, "Ya wanna grab another beer inside, Danny?" He drops the hockey stick and puck back in with the other old athletic gear and gets his arms around me, murmuring, "C'mon, Dylan, you need to try out for Merrimack's baseball team so we'll be teammates again. Pleeeeese try out. I'll coach you and I know you'll make the team as a bench player," and he hugs me and sways us side to side to side a little, saying, "You feel good."

He smells good and his body is hard and sexy. Leaning into him as much as I can, I go, "Jeez, Danny, we've had this talk about me trying out for Merrimack's team before," and he hugs tighter, saying. "Forget before! You're gonna try out and that's that. Rob and I were talking about it before dinner tonight. You're gonna be with us on the team this year. Okay?" I shrug, "Well, I might..." He's chuckling and rubbing noses with me, mumbling, "Good, it's settled then! Oh man, you feel and smell so fuckin' good." It gets me chuckling too as I mumble, "Jesus, you're nuts." Damn, I'm gonna get so humiliated when the coach tells me to take a hike, that's if I'm ever stupid enough to actually do what Danny says and try out for Merrimack's team. Which I'm not doing 'cause I'm not stupid! Why argue with him about it now though... there's no reason to.

Dropping an arm down to around my waist, he says, "And another beer sounds good too." We walk inside with his arm staying around my waist as he's saying, "Hey, you could spend the night with me since Rob's gonna be in Westborough and my Mom's at Grandma's. Do you think that'd be okay with Rob? We could text him and ask." Is he out of his fucking mind? I mean about texting, not about me spending the night.

Inside Danny lets go of me and gets two more beers from the refrigerator, asking, 'Whaddaya think, babe? Should we text Rob about you spending the night..." Jesus! I swallow some beer and then mumble, "No, we don't need to text Rob, and I guess I don't feel right spending the night either." Why'd I say that? He nods his head as he does his irresistible grin, asking, "Are you sure?" I go, "Ha," and shrug.

After swallowing some more beer he goes off on an entirely different subject, asking, "Hey, are you going to that stupid senior orientation? It's Wednesday I think. Anyway, Rob says he's going." Well fuck! Danny could have tried persuading me to spend the night a little harder! I shrug, "No, I agree with you. I do not intend going to North Andover a day earlier than necessary and certainly not for that stupid waste of time orientation meeting."

Danny drinks some beer and then grins, saying, "Ain't it funny how I ogled and drooled over you for a couple of years without you even noticing me, and now you've got this major crush on me?" Frowning, I mutter, "It's not really all that major, Danny. I was just breaking your chops a little. Don't get a big head or anything." He grins, "No! You weren't busting my chops, you were serious. Come here," and he wiggles his finger, adding, "Don't be shy." Well, that makes me feel funny and, um, shy. I go, "Don't be stupid, I'm not at your beck and call." Oh great, I'm going to fuck this up, I just know I am. Pride gets in the way.

I won't walk over to him so he comes over to me as I lean harder against the counter near the sink. Danny puts his arms around me, murmuring, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't take advantage," and then he does another one of his kisses. Well, it's not like I'm resisting. And ya know what... his kissing technique is similar to the special way Hayden's mastered sexy kissing. The king of this type kiss, however, is Ryan Wilcox. Omigod, Ryan did it better than anybody. Danny's pretty good though and I can't help getting fully involved in the kiss with my arms going around him and it's like we're in a contest to see who can hug who the hardest. Another boner pops up in my jeans and this one is pushing painfully against the zipper of my jeans. Fuck!

When Danny breaks the kiss, I gasp quietly as we let go of each other. Then he lifts my chin with his finger, murmuring, 'You're so sexy," and he does another kiss for maybe thirty-seconds leaving me thinking... orgasm! Sucking on my upper lip after the kiss Danny gives me another tight hug, mumbling, "I love that we've finally become close buddies, Dylan. I really love it!" It's hard taking the deep breaths I need to do while pretending I don't need to. I can't respond to his 'close buddies' comment right away so he lets go of me and gets his bottle of beer, saying, "C'mon, let's go to my bedroom. You make me horny as hell, babe." His hand squeezes the back of my neck and he grins, and then with some pressure at the back of the neck, he sort of gets me walking toward his room. Gasping in a deep breath I finally say, "I'm glad we're good buddies too." He asks, "Don't you want your beer?" I look back at the counter where I put my beer, and go, "Ha, of course," and go back to get it.

Danny asks, "Is it okay if we do it like last time?" That was so long ago how the hell can he even remember how we did it last time? Whatever, I just nod, saying too loudly, "Sure, that'd be great!" And Goddammit I sounded goofily over-enthusiastic! Why can't I be cooler about this? Okay, just relax! Danny's bedroom is very neat. Well, except for his bed being un-made. The rest of the room is ship-shape.

Danny's eyes are shiny as he murmurs, "C'mere, babe... let me taste your delicious mouth again." Trying for cool, I roll my eyes while this time I do go over to him. As usual, he wraps his arms around me, saying, "I like squeezing you," and then he does another one of his awesomely sexy kisses. He mentioned my 'delicious mouth' although currently, it's basically the taste of nicotine and beer. Yeah but then so is his so we cancel each other out on that score. Damn, he kisses good and he has a very nice scent coming off him too. Of course, I already knew that. I'm clutching him like a fool as we kiss and it is very sexually-hot.

Thirty seconds into this latest lovers-like kiss we fall on his un-made bed with Danny on top of me. Our lips separate for a few seconds as Danny gropes between my legs until he has my balls in his fist. He chuckles and mutters, "I gotcha now," and then his mouth is on mine again and our tongues dance together. Our faces move against one another as our lips suck and our tongues slide sexily against one another.

Oh God, he turns me on so much it's, um, it's stupid actually. I don't know exactly when or how it happened that I became so attracted to him, but I did. Moaning embarrassingly, I press my face against his and he squeezes my nuts taking his mouth off mine to murmur, with his lips brushing mine, "I've wanted to be with you for weeks, babe," and he's right back to do his sexy kissing as I squirm under him. My cock is of course right next to his fist that's squeezing my nuts, and it's hard as a fireplace poker... my cock, not his fist. My boner has somehow made its way out through the fly of my boxer trunks, although fortunately, it's lying sideways in my pants this time.

This is obviously completely inappropriate behavior for buddy-sex but Danny simply doesn't know that, or he knows it but doesn't care. Making-out like this, with Danny groping my junk, goes on for maybe five minutes and by now I've got a rapidly building orgasm. I'm on the verge of blowing my load in my pants but it feels so good I don't care and I've just about decided to let it happen when Danny lifts his head, breathing deeply, and changes into buddy-sex mode again by saying, "Jesus Christ, nobody gets as turned on as you do, Dylan... ha ha ha." Flopping off me and dropping his feet over the side of the bed he continues chuckling and then says, "Hayden's like a dead fish compared to how hot I can get you... and never mind how hot your boyfriend, um, well never mind that. I don't discuss my sex life." Except you just did.

He pats my bulging crotch lightly, mumbling, "I confess that it makes me feel like the biggest stud in town the way I can get you all revved-up and ready to be fucked. Damn though, that's cool." I do a fake cough, trying to catch my breath. With another rub on my head, he goes, "But be a little more patient my friend. We're gonna do it but it's only buddy sex ya know, so don't expect too much," and he messes up my hair for the hundredth time tonight. I take a couple of deep breaths finger combing my hair back in place and, yeah, I'm ridiculously aroused. He's straightening his clothes, mumbling, "Oh, you were curious about me using my Mom's car, right?" Huh? Oh yeah, about an hour ago.

I shrug and Danny motions with his hand for me to get up off the bed and go over to him, as he says, "And I want to ask you something about cars." He sits at his desk and brings his computer to life, then looks back at me and goes, "C'mon, babe, help me out here. I wanna know what you think about this car that I've almost got enough money to buy." Huh, a car?

My sexual arousal is taking a huge dip as I get off the bed and walk over to stand behind Danny looking over his shoulder at his computer screen. There's a picture of a car on Craig's List. I don't know shit about cars but the caption indicates the car is a 2009 Chevrolet Aveo with 179,000 miles on it... asking price, $3000. I've never heard of an 'Aveo' before in my life! It's a small four-door car that looks okay I guess. I'm like, "Yeah, that's, um, fine I guess. Honestly, though I don't know anything about cars." He strains his head back so he's looking up at me. I'm looking down into his eyes thinking how cool he is, as he says, "I just want my own transportation." Gawd, he's attractive! My fingers go into his short brown, soft hair as I'm, mumbling, "Yeah well that car looks like transportation." He says, "Yeah, and that feels good. Rub my head some more," so I massage his head with both hands remembering how Robby and I used to do massages for each other. Danny's head straightens-up as he murmurs, "Oh yeah, just like that. Keep rubbing, babe, but harder."

As I massage his scalp, standing behind him, I notice his shoulders are like an inch wider than mine on each side. Jeez, that's another one of those 'gene' things that neither of us has any control over. Wide shoulders are sexy though. I don't know why I think that, but I do. He says, "Keep doing that, it feels really good. My scalp's tingling." I've always liked touching and being touched and sharing the experience with a good-looking guy who enjoys doing the same with me. Danny, on the other hand, touches guys whenever he feels like it, and with whomever, he feels like, which is to say: almost everyone, most of the time.

After a vigorous scalp massage, I do the back of his neck and then his wide shoulders and go down his back as he leans forward moaning, "Ooh, that's awesome." Then Danny does some jokingly exaggerated moans like he's in ecstasy for a minute or so before jumping up out of his desk chair, saying, "Let's mess around intimately, Dylan." What's he think he's been doing with me over the last half hour or so? I nod my head, mumbling, "Yeah, okay, if you want to..." Ha, now I'm trying not to look or act overly anxious, although I am pretty anxious.

Danny goes, "C'mon, Dylan, get a little excited about this. Damn, dude, I've been looking forward to you and me doing buddy sex for weeks. And, uh huh, I know what you're going to say, but it's not all my fault. I've been as disappointed as you that it hasn't worked out sooner. Are you mad at me or something?" The sad part is he seriously thinks it's partly my fault we haven't gotten together before this. Obviously, it's been him who's rejected me until now so, rolling my eyes, I go, "NO! Of course, I'm not mad, Danny. Don't be silly. I already told you about my crush on you, didn't I?"

And then I can't help but smile as he again puts his arm across my shoulders, mumbling, "Okay then. You had me worried there for a second. I thought you weren't gonna be excited about us doing some messing' around." I go, "I am into it, Danny. Gawd, if you don't know that by now I don't know what to tell you." He frowns, seriously asking, "Whaddaya mean by that?" Leaning into him, I mutter, "Oh, nothing, forget it."

This would be a good time for another one of Danny's hot kisses but instead of that, he goes, "How about if you take your jeans and underwear off and, no wait. I mean, yeah, of course, drop your drawers, but then we'll do oral sex first, heh heh. You know, to get things started." Shrugging, I go, "Sure," and he's like, "Ya know, after that we'll do a hot and fast quickie fuck 'cause you make be crazy-horny." Jesus, I'm freezing-up here a little bit... should I drop my pants now? Danny's so cluelessly sincere it's throwing me off my game. He hugs my shoulder, grinning at me again, saying, "Later, if you want, we'll get completely naked and hop in my bed and I'll try making up for missing your turn last time. Okay?" Last time? How about the last six times?

I nod, mumbling, "Sure," and he tugs at my jeans, so I go, "I can pull them down myself! Jeez, Danny!" Moving away from his one-arm hug I sit at the end of the bed to take off my sneakers 'cause getting skinny jeans over sneakers ain't happening. While I'm doing that Danny apparently can't abide two seconds without touching so he comes over and rubs my head, his fingers getting my hair standing up like he did outside the Dickers' house. Hell, he did it a few minutes ago too. What's up with that?

He rubs my hair front-to-back getting it standing up as he's casually saying, "In case you don't know, babe, I consider it a privilege having buddy sex with you," his fingers going back through my hair again as I ask, "Is this a sort of scalp massage you're doing, or what?" As he often does, Danny ignores what I just said and goes on with what he was saying, adding, "It's a privilege that I'm super-pleased about, supposed and one I don't take for granted... not at ALL!" I mutter, "Well, yeah, same here, Danny," and I strip off my jeans. Skinny jeans look cool on thin guys like me, but they are a pain in the ass getting off.

When I stand up to pull off my underwear Danny stops doing whatever he thinks he's doing with my hair. Standing here in my socks, naked from the waist down, I ask, "Um, you want me to lie my chest on the bed like last time? Is that how we did 'it'?" Danny smacks my ass hard, "SMACK!" making me yelp as he laughs, saying, "Yep, but for now... do you want me to suck your dick or do you wanna get my pecker in your mouth?" Before I can answer he has his pants down to his knees flicking his soft dick, saying," You do me first, please." Well, why the hell did he ask me what I wanted then? I don't say that though. Instead, I shrug and sit back on the edge of the bed and, as he gets in front of me, I'm thinking, 'I don't get why he doesn't simply begin with a couple more of those kisses?' No problem though because I like sucking his dick.

As I'm gently taking his cock in my fingers, Danny says conversationally, "Ya know, Dylan, in case I haven't told you before, you do the best buddy sex of anyone I've ever been with. I don't tell tales out of school, as you know, but I just wanted to mention that. I believe in giving a compliment where one is due. Um, but don't tell Hayden what I said about you being the best." Looking up at him, still slowly stroking his dick, I mutter, "Um, well thanks, and I won't tell anyone anything." He adds, "Good, but it's true. I never get as turned-on or, um, sexually aroused even with Hayden... not like I get with you. That might have something to do with the way I can get you swooning with sexual desire, um, for me. And I mean with only a couple of kisses I can tell you're very aroused and basically eating out of my hand. Huh, I don't know if the 'eating out of my hand' thingie was appropriate or not. What do you think?" I shrug and he adds, "Anyway, heh heh, that sounds like I'm bragging, doesn't it? I'm not though. I just think it's so cool how, ah, you're so um, I guess totally to me and of course, I'm flattered. It makes me feel like you'd do whatever I wanted. Would you?"

Stroking his pecker, I mutter, "Don't get too far ahead of yourself, dude. You might be over-estimating yourself a little... heh heh, no offense intended." He doesn't take offense, mostly because he simply ignored that comment of mine as if I never even said it and resumes messing with my hair, muttering, "Ya know why I've been fucking around with your hair?" I've still got his pecker in my fingers so I pull on it hopefully reminding him what we're supposed to be doing. That makes him chuckle so, what the fuck, I ask, "Okay, why are you fucking with my hair?" He says, "Because I'm thinking you'd look good in a flattop haircut and maybe that's the haircut I'll give you next time. Whaddaya think about that?"

With Danny you never know; he might actually be serious, so I go, "What'd I just say a second ago about you not getting ahead of yourself?" His fingers go back through my hair the wrong way again getting the last of the hairs on top of my head all sticking up. He says, "I don't know what that means; getting ahead of myself. Anyway, I watched two videos on how to do flattop haircuts, you know, in my ongoing efforts to further my talents in haircutting. Rob's lost interest in doing haircuts, in case you haven't noticed, so I'm taking his place. Anyway, I wanna try doing a flattop for you and I'm just making sure you'll look good with it. So that's why I've been fucking with your hair." Oh, gawd! I go, "Uh huh," and he says, "Yeah, Rob said you both had flattops years ago and I wanna see how you look in one because I don't remember the time Rob means. And ya know what? You will look good and I'm gonna do it for you."

Huh, I can't believe Robby talks with Danny about me that much. I go, "First of all, only in your dreams are you even doing my next haircut, never fucking mind a flattop and, secondly, I've got your dick in my hand which is a clue we're into something called buddy-sex at the moment; not haircut talk." As usual, Danny pays no attention to what I just said, as he goes, "In one video the lady used this big comb, as wide as the guy's head. It's used as a guide and she just runs the clippers over it in an almost foolproof way of doing a flattop. The thing is, I'm not real crazy about buying the comb. It's $19.95 for one comb, but they'll send two if I pay extra handling and postage. Whaddaya think, is it worth it?"

Looking up at him as he stands in front of me, I pull on his dick again, mumbling, "Forget about that! If you're done fucking with my hair let me ask you a question. Don't you think sex is better without a lot of chatter from your buddy-sex partner?" He nods, saying, "Definitely, babe! I've always thought the same thing. When we were kids I told the exact same thing to, um, never mind who I told it to, but I agree with you," and then Danny goes on to chatter about his first sex ever, and in great detail. It was with someone named, Dwayne, who talked too much during sex. Danny wouldn't tell me Dwayne's last name because, "As you know, babe, I don't discuss side sex... or any sex for that matter. It's private." I go, "Uh huh..."

I'm now casually stroking Danny's nice looking dick although so far it hasn't firmed up a lot. I'm also biting my bottom lip trying not to laugh at Danny's nonsensical 'take' on all things. I mean his stance about keeping his sex life private and not wanting a lot of talking during sex and giving me a flat top haircut... it's all so funny and laughable. He's either being very ironic or more likely he's adorably clueless. Still, he's such a sincere good guy I don't mind waiting patiently until he runs out of things to say, assuming he ever runs out of things to say.

When I don't say anything for a minute he stops talking and looks at me. I grin up at him and then slowly lean forward licking his dick from his nuts to his cock's nice head, and then say, "Yeah, I know what you mean about talking too much," and he says, "Well, haha, I'll keep my mouth shut now. I've been talking too much, right?" After grinning and muttering, "No, not at all," I suck the head of his cock into my mouth getting a full blast of his scent with my nose almost bumping his groin. Whoa....

It's a noticeable scent down here, especially because it's been all day since he showered. Yeah, the further a person is from bathing, the truer their natural scent. After a couple of days without bathing, however, the scent begins turning into something else that's on the other end of the scale. Right after bathing a person's true scent is masked by bath gel. Not that that's a bad thing but it's just not as pure a scent as I'm getting from Danny right now. His personal scent isn't overly strong though. Um, it's subtly musky actually. Sort of a boyishly masculine sexy scent and it adds to Danny's natural attractiveness, meaning his 'looks' which are well above average. It also helps a lot that in spite of how nutty he is, I'm still very fond of him and actually get a kick out of his obtuseness. Danny's not stupid though or, um, dull. It's just, oh I can't explain it. I like him, that's all. Robby or Hayden, one of them, told me Danny has a low college GPA but high grades in the few courses he cares about. He wants to be a physical education teacher and high school baseball coach, so most of his college courses have nothing to do with his aspirations. I guess that's true for most college students.

As I've mentioned before he's got a nice-looking penis, like mine actually... heh heh. Yeah, I'm conceited about my nice-looking dick. Like Danny's, like everyone's for that matter, there's a big vein running under it but ours isn't budging or ugly like some; it's just a vein that ya hardly notice. The skin is pale pink and our penises are straight with a nice head that's larger than the shaft, Danny's more so than mine. Both our dicks are a good length at about six inches and they get a tad longer and fatter when hard; again Danny's more so than mine. I know all this from first-hand experience.

There's a slight perspiration dampness to Danny's 'package' down here along with the musky scent and a slightly salty taste on my tongue. It tastes good actually so I lick all around the shaft and then his balls. Licking a guy's balls allows that nice submissive sense to creep into my brain. It also gives me a hard-on. Sucking on the head of his cock now I start stroking it too, pulling his foreskin on and off the darker pink head. Like most guys when getting their cock sucked, Danny's hands immediately go to my head, his fingers in my hair. In Danny's case, he's back to moving my hair backward again, getting it standing up. His fingers stop for a few seconds as he shudders, groaning, "Ooooh, jeez, mmmmm, babe. Fuuuuuck... yeah, Dylan... feels good."

Taking more of his cock in my mouth, my tongue moving all around while my lips sucking on the shaft and this creates wet mouth sounds, slurping sounds and so forth, to go along with Danny's moans and grunts. His fingers are moving my hair up on my head again as Danny sort of shivers, moaning, "Ummmm, I love that, babe." Wet mouth sounds would be driving me crazy if someone made them while eating, but they're sexy sounds during oral sex. Actually, I'm getting very aroused myself and it takes a concerted effort resisting the urge to rub my own cock that's as hard as Danny's by now. He grunts and shuffles his feet a little as he pulls my hair, moaning, "Mmm, yeah, fuuuuck." It's like I'm sucking on a hard dildo; that's how hard Danny's boner is now.

I scrap my bottom teeth lightly on the underside of his cock and he shudders and grips my head pulling it forward, forcing the head of his hard cock past the gag reflex area of my throat making me gag for a second and then I bob my head getting the head of his boner and an inch of the shaft going in and out of my throat. Danny moans and groans, pulling my hair hard for almost a minute before pushing my head away and stepping back dragging his hard cock from my mouth. A wet string of saliva mixed with his first bubble of pre-cum attaches to the piss slit of his cock and my lips. The sloppy string breaks free almost at once to drift down onto my chin sticking there as it wraps around under my chin to my neck.

He goes, "Wow, you got my dick hard as a rock and wicked fast, huh Dylan?" Not really all that fast. I'm licking the wetness off my chin and then rubbing the rest off with the back of my hand, mumbling, "Nice dick, Danny." He goes, "Thanks! Wow, babe, that was some superior cock sucking." I get off the bed as Danny chuckles, pointing at my boner, mumbling, "I still want to suck on that even though it's already a major boner." He drops to his knees right in front of me and picks up my hard cock, saying, "You're the only guy I know who gets a hard-on from sucking my dick." Without waiting for a response to that he puts my hard boner in his mouth and then shows me some excellent cock sucking technique of his own.

I go, "Ooooh," and sit back down on the edge of the bed with a hand on the mattress on either side of me almost lifting my ass off the bed as sensations off my cock swarm over me. In a minute or so Danny's mouth gets my cock qualifying for 'super-boner' status and like Danny did, my fingers go into his hair and I rub his scalp grunting and squirming on the bed, "Ummm, oooh, Danny, ummmm." He bobs his head forward taking the head as well as half my boner in his throat and then does it again. Gawd, that feels good! Damn!

Not for long though because I get that orgasm sensation fast and I'm soon pushing his head away, groaning, "No, I'll cum, Danny." My cock slides out of his mouth and Danny sits back on his ankles, grinning up at me, saying, "Next time I go first 'cause I wanna suck a boner on your cock from the start. You smell sexy, boy! And I wanna show you how good I can do it too. I think your dick is awesome!" Standing, he mutters, "In case ya don't know, that was me returning another one of your compliments for me." Letting out a long breath I stand up and naturally get another big hug from him with our saliva-wet boners bumping together. Sexy!

He turns me around after the hug, and says, "Like last time, babe. You know, on your knees with your chest on the mattress and remember to keep your ass up for me... and spread your legs wide too." I do that, anticipating a good hard fucking from Danny 'cause that's how he does it. On the rare occasions, he gets started, he's an excellent buddy sex partner. "SMACK!" his hand explodes on my ass as he laughs, muttering, "I said spread your legs, Dylan. C'mon, like last time." Reaching back, I rub my stinging butt cheek. He has big hands. I get my legs apart as far as I can which apparently isn't enough as I get another, "SMACK!" on my ass with Danny laughing out loud and then saying, "Spread 'em further," and as he said that he's pushes the side of his foot against the inside of my right foot spreading it wider.

When my knees are uncomfortably spread apart and ache a little at the crotch, Danny mutters, "Good," and then he uses both hands spreading my butt cheeks, chuckling and saying, "Nice rosebud asshole, Dylan. You're also the only guy I've ever known who doesn't have a single hair on your ass. Amazing!" Then another smack, "SMACK!" explodes on my ass as he goes, "Oh fuck, babe! Stay just like that, I forgot the fucking lube." Quickly going over to his desk, he pulls out the bottom left drawer, saying, "I keep it way in the back ever since my Mom found the tube in my bedside table. Hee hee, I told her I have chapped feet." Good grief! He's still in the 'closet' to his Mom, and Dad too I suppose since his parents are separated.

I'm looking over at his smiling face and can't help but smile at him as he walks back, asking, "Do you need another smack on your ass?" I push my ass out and up and, with another chuckle, he mutters, "Heh heh, I guess you don't, Keep your ass UP!" There's that touch of dominance from Danny and, whether or not he realizes it's dominance, it suits me just fine in either case.

His lube-coated finger goes up my ass and he rubs around in there, and then smoothly the pad of his finger goes over my prostate a few times. He says, "It's nice and smooth, Dylan, just like it should be. Feel good?" I grunt out, "Yes, but don't do it too much or I'll cum." He snickers and rubs it some more with me squirming and muttering, "No, don't, Danny." Pulling his finger out, he says, "Christ, you're easy... everything I do gets you smoldering hot. Hey, that wasn't a criticism, it gets me wicked hot too," and then, SMACK!" and he laughs, adding, "You're awesome!" My hand goes back to rub my ass cheek because he spanks hard! He casually pushes my hand away, murmuring, "No, keep your hands to yourself, Dylan, or I'll spank you for real." Oh, nice dominant move, Danny!

Pushing more lube into my asshole, he then smears it up and down his boner, while grunting, "Oooh, yeah," and then he really gets into stroking that nice-looking hard boner reminding me of Tony doing that last night. Danny moans, "Oooh, this feels good." I'm looking back at him as he continues tightly stroking his boner from the root to the head. It makes my boner throb just watching him. Danny's face is scrunched up as he strokes his cock like mad only stopping when a plop of pre-cum shoots out making him giggle and mutter, "Ooops." Two seconds later the head of his boner is at my asshole spreading the lips and, "Aaaah," the head goes in with Danny moaning, "Oooh fuck, yeah, this is much better than my fist."

He slides my feet a little further apart as I complain, "That hurts." Without commenting on my complaint, he leaves the side of his feet against the inside of mine keeping my legs spread too far apart; my legs and his. His very hard boner slides tightly up my ass and I forget all about the ache on the inside of my crotch. Danny doesn't roughly force his expanding boner up my ass, but he does do it steadily. In maybe five seconds I feel his pubes tickling my buttocks and then he's tightly against me, humping and making me bounce against the side of the mattress. The thought quickly passes through my mind that I got in this position last night without giving it a thought, but now I wonder if I was subconsciously thinking about the way Danny fucks when I got like this for Tony last night.

Danny moans quietly, "Mmmm, this feels so good, baby." He's tight against my ass, humping against my buttocks which moves his boner inside me a little and I moan along with him at how good it feels. Hardly any pain even when he went in all the way... and now there's no pain at all. Wow, that's what I call a near perfect entrance.

After Danny does a considerate half-dozen casual thrusts that allow my rectum time to get use to his nice boner, he gets into buddy-sex mode by doing some hard, deliberate thrusting that makes me grunts, "Umph!" at each hard thrust that continues bumping me roughly against the side of the mattress. My boner, hard as steel, is flattened between the side of the bed and my belly. This goes on for an awesome two minutes... "Slapslapslap..."

Danny groans quietly as he does an exaggerated upward pull at the end of his last thrust and then he smacks the side of my ass, "Smack," and gets going over and over for a couple more delicious minutes before he grunts out, "How's that feel, babe?" It feels awesome but all I can mutter is, "Good..." He says, "Yeah, I'm trying to be tough and dominate the way Rob tells me you like it." Those two have been talking about me and sex, and my hair too apparently and I don't know what else!

Anyway, so what? This feels kinda like a dominant fuck. Danny's doing it pretty well but then he ruins the mood by snorting out a laugh, adding, "I'm tough on all my bitches 'cause that's the way I like it." Omigod Danny, shut the fuck up! He stops doing everything as he laughs, saying, "I crack myself up." He was doing so good... damn, I was almost ready to let a submissive trance set in, but his laughing put the brakes on that.

He stops his laughing and goes, "Sorry, Dylan, I was just goofing around. I'm ruining it for you, so I gotta get serious here." See, that's the difference between last night and tonight; Danny cares about my pleasure where Tony couldn't give a flying fuck about it. He wasn't even sure I got 'off'.

From Danny's sort of dominant sex, he then slips into his lover's-sex-mode by leaning over, an elbow and forearm on either side of my chest as he's partially lying on my back and then he gives the side of my face a kiss. His hands held onto my biceps as he murmurs, "I'll do this right, starting now," and his hips begin a steady thrusting and again creating the sounds of males fucking, "Slap, slap, slap, slap". It's pure sexual pleasure with our bodies mostly touching and I'm into a mantra of, "Ooh, ooh, ooh," as Danny rubs the side of his face against my ear, murmuring, "No more messing around from me because you're really special, Dylan, and I want to make you feel really good tonight."

Even though his legs are spread almost as wide as mine, and he's almost lying on my back, he has the extraordinary ability to smoothly keep his hips moving, driving his boner tightly back and forth in my ass. He thrusts it up my ass and immediately pulls it back, and I mean he pulls it back so far the pulpous head is extending the lips of my anus backward so far I worry he'll pull completely out, and he does it time after time but he never does pull it out. And then there the drive back up my ass and it's all seemingly one motion... it feels fantastic.

Of course, the sensations off my prostate and around my anus just simmer with sexual pleasure. His boner has gotten fatter and longer too and his pleasure rod fills me up back there totally. The precision of his thrusting is amazing though but I'm soon taking that for granted as I'm basically overwhelmed by the sheer sexual pleasure he's creating, a pleasure that radiates from my rectum moving out to my belly and down my legs. Oooh, it feels so good and Danny adds to it by doing little licks and bites on the side of my neck and then my ear. Christ, I'm gonna cum any second now! I'm so proud of myself for holding off this long. It helps in that regard that I had two orgasms last night.

Danny's steady, long thrusting and withdrawals, his boner very tightly sliding back and forth the entire length of it with the swollen head creating much of the pleasure for both of us, "Slap, slap, slap," as he bites my shoulder, little bites that give me shivers and making my shoulders shudder as I begin squirming and moaning under him with his scent filling my head. His boner actually feels fat now and I know it's become longer than mine as it constantly slides over my prostate until the sensation almost make me scream out his name. Danny's still mostly lying on my back with his hips on autopilot... it's actually quite something to experience.

My climax has been building though and there's no stopping it. Danny's breathing harder as he increases his thrusting. Faster thrusting but still the full six-and-a-half-inch thrusts, only faster and then I feel his body tighten up as he grunts, "I'm gonna cum, Dylan," and I feel like I am too so I can't say anything except moan, "Oooooh," as every muscle in my body contracts and I'm lifting both of us up a little off the mattress. And then with a shudder, I squeal, cum firing from my steel boner! The stream of warm creamy cum flies parallel to the sheets. Danny's tight against my buttocks humping and then he makes a squeaky, breathy sound lifting his chest off my back as he shoots a sharp streak of cum up my ass. I feel it inside me at the same time a second stream of my cum shoots out of my cock with me shaking both our bodies for two seconds and then I'm back lying on the bed in some of my own warm slippery cum, moaning, "Mmmmm, oooh."

Danny humps against my ass groaning as he's probably shooting more of his semen inside me. I don't feel the second shot, but it feels awfully slushy inside my ass. Danny sort of shakes while exhaling a long-held breath. He slides off my back entirely to stand behind me, his cock still inside. Gripping my hips, pushing down on them, he begins thrusting his cock wildly, splashing some of his cum out of my ass with his hard, fast thrusting. I'm bouncing on the bed but it only lasts for like twenty seconds before he stops, probably exhausted, and then he lies on my back again; lying completely on me this time breathing deeply.

We're both motionless for a couple of seconds, just doing our deep breathing until he abruptly hops up pulling out his cock, exclaiming, "Omigod, that was intense. Fucking intense climax too!" and "SMACK" on my ass with him laughing again and then saying, "Hey, you and your boyfriend both like me spanking your asses. Ha ha ha, and I'm happy to do it but it makes me laugh every time I do this," and, "SMACK!" as I yelp reaching back to cover my butt cheeks with my hands. Huh, did he say Robby likes getting spanked?

Danny's walking toward his bedroom door, mumbling over his shoulder, "C'mon, get off the bed, Dylan. Time to clean up." The lover's portion of buddy-sex was over a minute ago I guess. I slowly lift up, grumbling, "Ugh, I'm sticking to the sheet." Looking down I see ridges in my stomach from lying on the crumpled sheets. Danny comes back over to the bed grabbing my arms from behind pulling me to my feet, as he goes, "Fuck the sheets. I'll throw them in the hamper. C'mon."

Following him out of the bedroom and down to the hall bathroom I'm like, "Did you say Rob likes to be spanked?" He looks back, saying, "Um, if I did I didn't mean to say it. I was overly excited for a second there due to my major climax. Anyway you know I'm against discussing my other sex! I'll talk about our sex, yours and mine, but that's it... so don't ask" Who needs to asks? He blurts it right out. Stopping abruptly, he looks serious, saying, "You understand, right Dylan? It's not just with you; I don't discuss it with the other three guys I'm fucking either." Except he's constantly discussing it!

Obviously, I don't say that but his denial of the obvious makes me smile to myself, and like I said before, I don't care if he discusses it or not. Wait a second... did he say 'three' other guys? There's Hayden, Rob, and me so who's the fourth? No wonder Danny's so busy.

As I use a warm, damp washcloth to wipe my own cum off the front of me from when I laid in it, Danny's using another washcloth wiping his cum off my ass, saying, "I got carried away thereafter climaxing 'cause it felt so good and because your ass is so perfect. Sorry for splattering your ass with my cum though... my bad." I go, "No problem, Danny, and thanks for helping me clean up." He goes, "I always help my bottom-boys clean-up." Oh man, he's a trip!

After drying my front and back I'm washing my hands at the sink as Danny's cleaning his pecker, mumbling, "I need another smoke. Whaddaya say?" I'm like, "Sure, and a fresh beer too. Mine's warm." This time Danny got the beginning and end of buddy-fucking down pat, but in the middle, he did lover's sex. Oh yeah, and tonight he had things messed-up even further by doing the lover's making-out, but never following it up with sex of any kind. It was lover's making-out and then he does something like swinging a bat or whatever before getting back into buddy-sex much later, insisting on spreading my knees too far apart, and then the lover's sex interlude with the tender kisses and little sexy biting, and then back to an authentic buddy-sex finish. Meaning, when it's over, it's over and he's moving on to something else.

Whatever, I think he's sexy and entertaining if unintentionally the latter part. At least that's my take on Danny. And if I wait long enough he'll eventually tell me every detail of his sex with Rob, Hayden, and that unknown kid, whoever he is. Heh heh, Danny's kookier than anyone I know, and I still have a crush on him...

As I'm walking back to the bedroom with nothing on except my socks and shirt, Danny does a couple of quick steps catching up with me so he can put his arm around my waist, saying, "You've gotta stay the night, Dylan. I wanna make up to you for the times I had to pass up your 'turn' due to extenuating circumstances." I don't like that he thinks he needs to give me a 'turn', but it's better than that time he said something about needing to 'service' his three or is it actually four, sex partners, or 'bottom boys as he calls us.

Dressed and feeling really good, we're going in the kitchen for fresh beers with Danny asking, "So, are you gonna spend the night with me?" Huh, strangely I still don't know if I am or not...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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