Eager Boy

By doug boy

Published on Mar 1, 2005


The following story is fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead in this story is strictly coincidental. Persons under the age of consent or who are object to male-to-male, incestuous, m/b, or non-traditional sexual acts should not read on. This story is intended as strictly for entertainment purposes and should not be viewed as condoning any of the acts that take place within it.

Eager Boy: Chapter 1 written by Doug

A hoarse groaning breath heaves out of the spent well-built stud as he rolls off my back pulling his semi flaccid cock from my red swollen boycunt. My hands caress over the cum coated globes of my well-used backside. My fingertips brush the swollen lips of my cunt. Squatting slightly over the edge of the bed I release the precious contents of my purring boypussy to join in my dish, a medium size metal dog bowl with the already collected spent loads of men that have used me this evening.

I am grabbed by the ankles and flipped onto my back. Legs held high one of the men that have been enjoying my talents the last couple hours grabs the spoon on the night side stand and the dog bowl.

"What does baby want?" asks the man as he placed the dish on my stomach.

My face flush, I look up at him batting my eyes and pouting my lips to say, "Cummies pweeze sir. I 'ungy. Kin' I pweeze have some cummies!"

He scoops up a spoonful of the gelatinous cream ooze of multiple men's orgasms and says, "Baby gunna eat it all up like a good little slut?"

I gleefully plea, "Oh yes sir, I be a gu'boy and eats up all my foo'."

Then the man grabs hold of my neck forcing my head and shoulders off the bed. I see the man holding my legs duck down between them. His hot wet tongue makes contact with my sloppy hot pussy." I let out a big moan just before the spoon enters my mouth. My lips close on the spoon. I slurp on the content of its bowl. The slimy cocktail works down my throat as I suck the spoon clean of the pungent brew. The man pulls it from my mouth scooping another spoonful from the bowl. My boycunt is being eaten veraciously as I am spoon feed cum that was collected in my dish. My eater reaches for my boy-clitty and strokes it in his big hand.

The stud feeding me holds the spoon in front of me to tease me as he asks, "Baby have enough yet?"

Frantically I respond, "No no, baby wants mo'. Pweeze gimme mo'!"

He delightedly continues feeding me the total content of the bowl one spoonful at a time. Like a doting mother he feeds me. I playfully push some of the cum out of my mouth so that it dribbles down my chin. He scoops it up and reinserts the spoon into my mouth. The guy eating me out is pushing his tongue as far as he can up my hole. Then I feel the overwhelming sensation of my own orgasm. My cock hardens to its full capacity as it throbs through my euphoric release. A mouth full of seed I gasp and pant until it completes and I fall back in delicious exhaustion.

"Okay whore, get your pussy in the shower. Its time for you to get ready for bed."

The guy eating my ass pulls away from me then grabs a towel to wipe himself. Exhausted and still dribbling cum from my fuckhole I pull my head off the rubber-sheeted mattress feeling the sheet peel away from my wet sticky shoulders I turned my head toward the door of the room. A big grin came across my face as I hopped down onto the cool wet tiled floor.

Crawling toward the door I ask, "how did I do sir?"

"You did great slut. I made $315 today because of your babyslut ass."

As I crawled past him he stuck two fingers up my cum and saliva coated toybox. My arms and legs ache. My whole body pummeled into a mass of ground boy flesh by the string of men that used me throughout the day for their lustful and brutal pleasure. Every inch of my body is spackled with a coating of man seed and stud piss.

I thought to myself as my daddy's big fingers ground into my sloppy, cum-oozing babyboycunt, "Life doesn't get any better than this. I hope that I can be this slutty everyday as I was today."

"That is the most I ever did, isn't Daddy?" I asked as I gazed up at my big strong daddy with boyish admiration and animalistic lust as he dug his fingers into my pussy.

"It is baby, for consecutive johns." Then Daddy ordered, "Sit up bitch." I got into a kneeling position. Daddy pulled his fingers out of me. "Now beg pussyboy."

My hands curled down instantly and my tongue wagged out of my mouth as I start to plea, "Pweese daddy, pweese!"

Daddy chuckled then stuck his meaty cum coated fingers between my lips, laying them across my tongue. I sucked eagerly at Daddy's spooge covered fingers, licking away at every drop of the blend of male essence from the numerous men that had filled me over the last couple hours. My tongue searched for more on Daddy's thick fingers until he pulled them away.

"Okay bitch, get your shower before my tired dick comes back to life and I have to shove it down your throat again."

I giggled and crawled off for the bathroom. I wiggled my butt shamelessly as I made my way down the hall.

"I see you Dougie. Just get that little faggot ass in the shower!"

My giggles got a little livelier, but behind me I could hear Daddy thank the men for using "his boy-whore" and politely urging the men to collect themselves and leave. There was lots of chatter amongst the men as I heard them dressing.

I got myself into the shower. The warm water felt good as it washed away the layers of cum and piss that covered most of my face and body. I grabbed the showerhead and brought it down under my ass. The hard spray of water felt good as it pelted my swollen boyhole and asscheeks. I pushed two fingers into my gaping hole. Globs of the remaining manseed fell from the opening as water rushed in. I watched as swirls of cum washed down the drain that had leaked from my well-used whore ass.

It wasn't easy getting out of the shower, but I finished as quick as I could because I knew Daddy would get mad if I didn't get to bed soon. After drying myself off I put the special salve on my pussy that Daddy gets for me from the doctor and my goat milk body cream onto every other part of me from the neck down. I brushed my teeth then made my way naked down the hall to my room. I crawled between the sheets of my bed. They felt so cool and soft on my skin that it caused my little pecker to get hard. It always feels good to me to be naked between the sheets. I have slept naked since I was four years old unless I have a cold, which I rarely get sick. Daddy says that's because of my high protein diet and extensive exercise that I get daily.

Daddy came into my room a few minutes later.

"Did you have a good time today baby?"

I beamed at my big strong daddy and said, "Oh yes Daddy! It was great! What are we doing tomorrow?"

He smiled and replied, "In the morning you and I will go to the park for a little play and in the afternoon I have an appointment for us, but don't worry about that now. I want you to get a good night's rest. Is there anything you need before you go to sleep honey?" I reached up and grabbed my father's cock through his pants. He chuckled, "I think you have had quite enough for one day my little babyboyslut."

I pouted at Daddy then asked, "Can I have a drink sir?"

He ruffled my hair with his big meaty hand. "Sure baby." he replied.

He opened the fly of his pants, pulled out his semi hard cock and ordered, "Get over here and get it bitch." I moved in front of Daddy on all fours and took the head of his cock in my mouth. He didn't waste a moment; just as my lips completely closed around the head a torrent of warm acrid piss filled my mouth. I sucked it down eagerly.

Daddy says that I have been sucking down piss since I was about 6months old. How he tells it to me is that he was changing my diaper once and as many baby boys do, I started to pee once my diaper was off. He says that it was a good healthy stream that came out of my little boy clit. It arched in the air and hit me right in the face. Instead of getting upset or crying Daddy noticed that I was giggling and catching some of it in my mouth and actually drinking it as I got it. After Daddy saw me do that he decided he had to see if his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. He filled one of my bottles with his own piss and gave it to me. He thought for sure that with one taste I would reject the bottle, but instead I grasped onto it and sucked it completely dry.

Once Daddy was finished pissing he slapped my ass and ordered me back into my bed. I smiled up at him as I got back between the sheets and he tucked me in. Then Daddy brushed the hair away from my forehead as he smiled at me and said, "Now if your brother comes in here and wakes you up, you tell him I said to leave you alone. You need your rest Dougie. He can go one night without your pussy."

I replied, "Yes Daddy."

With that he bent down and kissed me as he always does. His tongue pushes into my mouth and he locks his lips with mine as I suck on his tongue in a deep passionate kiss.

"Good night baby. Daddy loves you," he whispered.

"I love you too Daddy."

Then I turned onto my stomach as Daddy walked out of the room, turning off the light leaving the door open as he always did. I was asleep in seconds.

I awoke from a deep sleep as I felt something inserted into my boycunt. It was then I realized that there was a body on top of me. Then I heard a voice whisper, "I am gunna fuck this ass good you little fucking whore! You ready to get raped bitch?"

I felt the hard shaft of a drooling cock rubbing against the pucker of my toybox. Instantly I knew it was Charlie on top of me.

Remembering what Daddy said I declared, "Charlie, Dad said you can't fuck me tonight. You have to leave me alone and let me get some rest."

My brother groaned, "Awww... come on Dougie. Let me just fuck you quick, please?

I haven't shot a load all day and I really need your hot ass." As he pleaded he slowly rocked back and forth with his hips pushing his cockhead in and out of my little boyhole. It was making me want him to fuck me and he knew it.

"Come on Dougie. You know you want it. Dad won't know. I will keep it quiet. Promise."

He continued to rock his hips. I couldn't stand it. I did want it. I love my brother's beautiful cock. I couldn't take it anymore so I gave up and pushed my ass up against his hips. Charlie chuckled, "You are such a slut man. I love it. Now give me some of that hot pussy!" He took off fucking hard into my ass.

"Oh baby, your ass feels so good!" Charlie growled into my ear.

His thrusts were hard and deliberate. This wasn't an "I'm going to enjoy this" fuck; it was an "I need to get off" fuck. He thrust his cock hard in and out of my boycunt, his pelvis slapping hard against my asscheeks. It was like a piston working in and out of my hole. I pushed my ass up to greet each pump of his cock into me then squeezed his cock hard as it withdrew. His cock pressed against my prostate with each entry into my slippery boyhole.

"Oh Charlie, fuck me stud. Your big cock feels so good."

Charlie's thrust became harder. We smacking fuck noise filled the quiet night air. I could feel his cock grow harder. His breathing became heavier.

"Oh yeah bitch, I am gunna cream your sweat pussy with my seed."

His fingers dug into my hips as he pounded into me.

"Fuck you whore! Fuck you Dougie! Fuck you, you faggot bitch!"

With one final thrust I felt Charlie's fuck-pole throb as it unleashed his molten semen into hungry cunt.

Charlie dropped on top of me. His sweaty chest heaving. Then he purred in my ear, "Thanks baby. I love you. I'm never gunna get tired of fucking your sweat ass."

He hugged himself to me and gave me a loving kiss on the cheek. I relished his muscular hard sweat covered body pressed against me full of affection.

With a smack across my ass cheek my big bro pulled away from me.

"See you in the morning slut."

I snuggled into my pillow, content with the fresh load of bro stud jam in my boypussy. Sleep retook me in minutes.


I hope that you enjoyed the story so far. If you have any constructive comments that would make the story more interesting or a direction you would like to see the story go then please feel free to contact me at lilboyslut4u@yahoo.com.

Thanks, Doug

The following story is fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead in this story is strictly coincidental. Persons under the age of consent or who are object to male-to-male, incestuous, m/b, or non-traditional sexual acts should not read on. This story is intended as strictly for entertainment purposes and should not be viewed as condoning any of the acts that take place within it.

Eager Boy: Chapter 2 written by Doug

Charlie dropped on top of me. His sweaty chest heaving.

Then he purred in my ear, "Thanks baby. I love you. I'm never gunna get tired of fucking your sweat ass."

He hugged himself to me and gave me a loving kiss on the cheek. I relished his muscular hard sweat covered body pressed against me full of affection.

With a smack across my ass cheek my big bro pulled himself away from me.

"See you in the morning slut."

I snuggled into my pillow, content with the fresh load of bro stud jam in my boypussy. Sleep retook me in minutes.

A gentle probing of my boybox awoke me. As I opened my eyes there stood my big daddy stroking his massive cock in my face. The full mushroomed head pressing against my cheek, lips and chin.

"Good morning baby," greeted daddy.

His big finger pulled from my hole then he pushed it against my lips. I opened my mouth accepting the large digit.

"What's it taste like Dougie?"

I suckled on Daddy's big finger for a minute tasting the remains of my big bro's studly spooge, but as I did I remembered that Daddy didn't want him fucking me last night.

I pleaded meekly with Daddy, "Please Daddy, don't be mad."

"I should have known better than to expect you to turn down dick. Okay faggot, open up."

I opened my mouth wide to accept my daddy's fat cockhead between my pink lips. My tongue swabbed the spot under the head. Daddy grabbed hold of my head. I felt the spray of my daddy's rancid morning piss blast over my tongue. Like a massive straw I suckled on his cock swallowing down his warm pungent golden brew. Damn its good.

Just as soon as the flow stopped my father grabbed me from my bed, threw me over his shoulder, and hauled me to the bathroom. He turned on the shower then through me into the spray. The warm water pacified my waking body as I relieved my bloated bladder. Daddy stuck in his head to tell me to clean my pussy extra well, cuz it was going to be a long busy day. I turned on the valve for my douche and placed the nozzle to my once again tiny butthole. The water rushing inside me woke me up immediately, and the anticipation all the cock that might be using me even got me excited.

My skin was glowing pink after my shower. When I went to my room my father had already laid out my clothes for the morning. A Ninja Turtles T-shirt, a pair of small fit gym shorts, and my blue tennies. No underwear, no socks was part of a normal uniform for me when we went out. Lying next to my clothes was my studded leather collar, a butt-plug and small bottle of lube. I grabbed the lube and applied it to the plug then inserted it to boypussy. Once I got dressed I quickly made my way to the kitchen.

Daddy was at the table reading the paper sipping on a cup of coffee. Charlie was pouring a bowl of cereal then took a seat across from daddy.

He looked over at me, winked, and greeted me with, "Morning pussylips."

Daddy looked over his paper and said, "Get your breakfast champ, we got a busy day."

I got my bowl from the cupboard, filled it with Cheerios, and made my way next to daddy.

Charlie called to me, "Bring it here Dougie."

I did as instructed and took it over to my big brother. He stood up unzipping his fly. I held the bowl in front of Charlie as he proceeded to pull his cock out of the fly of his jeans. A jet of his steamy golden piss shot from his cock into my doggie dish. Some of the cereal and urine spilled to the floor from the force of his spray.

Daddy caught sight of it and instructed, "Make sure you clean that mess up Dougie, no reason to leave the kitchen looking like a pig sty."

Charlie stopped pissing shaking his cock and tapping the head on the edge of the bowl.

"Hey slut, kiss that last drop off for me wills ya?" Charlie asked.

I did so, getting only a slight salty taste in my mouth. Charlie then pulled his cock back into his pants and sat back down at the table to finish eating his breakfast. I set my bowl next to Daddy's chair then went back to the splash of cereal and piss on the floor. I lapped at the urine and sucked each ring of cereal into my mouth. Charlie pushed his the toes of his bare foot against the plug in my ass as I attentively cleaned the floor. Once I was finished I got to my bowl pushing my face into it to take in my favorite breakfast, Cheerios and bro piss.

After breakfast I take care of the dishes. Charlie grabbed me by the neck as I was loading the dishwasher shoving my face into his crotch.

"Hey Dougie baby, you forgot to drink your milk," he stated.

My lips opened on instinct and I chewed on his bulge through the crotch of his jeans. He pushed me down to my knees. Not waiting I opened his fly and dug his cock out of his pants. My mouth suctioned right onto the flared head of his cock then he slowly ground it across my tongue as worked its way down my throat.

Daddy called from doorway of the kitchen, "Charlie, don't keep him. He has a long day ahead. You can use up what's left of him when we get home tonight."

I looked up at my stud brother over his smooth six-pack and chiseled chest.

He grinned back at me and said, "Then you better get to work bitch."

With that he grabbed my head with both of his hands and started to fuck my face. He grunted and moaned as he thrust his long fuck-stick down my throat hole.

"Oh yeah slut! I never get tired of fucking your mouth pussy."

I love the way it feels as his thick hard cock thrust between my lips, over my tongue and down my gullet. He fucks my mouth almost as good as Daddy does. His fat cum filled balls slapped against my chin.

"Yeah, fuck you Dougie. Fuck you, bitch!"

I could feel his cock grow harder, longer, and thicker. His balls drew up. I watched my stud brother as he threw his head back and let out a big grown. The thick vein on the underside of his cock throbbed against my tongue. Then I felt the first hard blast of his thick hot cum hit the back of my throat. He pulled his cock out of my mouth. I tried to keep my mouth over the head as he stroked out his fevered load. Blast after blast coated my tongue, lips and chin. I watched as Charlie came down from his orgasm. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. Then he looked at me and started to chuckle.

"Look at you, ya fucking whore," he laughed, "Yeah got spooge all over your fucking face." He grabbed my chin telling me, "Open up, bitch! You know I like to see my load in your mouth pussy."

I opened for him and stuck out my tongue. It almost made me laugh considering how many times over the years we have gone through this routine, but I was happy he still enjoyed it.

Daddy walked into the kitchen.

"Are you done Charlie, cuz I would like to go"?

Charlie ruffled my hair and answered, "Yeah Dad, I'm done. Damn, I swear the little fucker gets better every time he sucks me."

He pushed his cock back into his jeans and made for his room. Dad walked up to me and ran his big thumb over the remains of my bro's cum on my face then he stuck it into my mouth for me to suck on.

"That's my babyboyslut! It doesn't surprise me a bit if you get better everyday, cuz I know what a boywhore you are."

I gave Daddy a bashful smile around his thick thumb before he pulled it from between my lips.

"Finish up here. We should get going."

I finished loading the dishwasher then reported to Daddy, who was back sitting at the kitchen table.

When he saw I was ready he attached my leash to my collar. Daddy walked me out the kitchen door and to his van. Daddy put me in the passenger side. Before he climbed into the driver's seat he pulled down the zipper of his pants and pulled out his hefty cock and balls. My reaction was instantaneous salivation at the sight of his semi-erect bull cock and balls. It wasn't easy, but I tried to be patient as Daddy got into the car. Once he got us out of the driveway and onto the road he reached over pulling by the back of my head to his standing man flesh that awaited my attention. I took it between my moist lips, accepting as much as I could as the head pressed into my throat. This was Daddy's favorite way to drive, with his little boy-bitch suckling his throbbing meat.

Daddy would put his hand on the back of my head and force me all the way down on his cock at stoplights. I would lay very limp, so that if anyone saw me they would think I was just taking a nap. Some of the lights were very long and once we were on our way again I would be gagging and gasping for air. Daddy would give me a pat on the ass and tell me what a good little faggot I am.

I knew we were at the park when Daddy didn't push my head down when he stopped the car, but instead allowed me to continue slurping up and down on his huge cock.

Daddy started to talk to someone outside our car, "Hey man, what's up?"

A deep voiced man replied, "Just looking for a nice way to spend a little time."

They continued to talk the usual cruise speak until Daddy grabbed me by the collar and pulled my head up from his cock.

"You interested in a little sweetness from my boy here?" my daddy inquired.

Out the window of our van sitting in a black sedan sat a nice looking man, who looked to be just a few years older than my daddy. He looked tall and thin, he had a little gray in his hair. I knew immediately that I wanted him. He looked me over, my own saliva covering my face, lips red, mouth gaping open, eyes wide, and cheeks flushed.

Then he asked Daddy, "What's the deal?"

My daddy shot the man a big grin then answered, "For $50 he will blow ya, for $100 you can fuck his sweet little ass-pussy, but if you let me tape you doing it you can have his mouth for $5 and his ass for $10."

The man looked down for a moment in thought then asked, "Ya don't tape my face do ya?"

Daddy knew he had a deal. "Fuck no man. The only face I need is this sweet little whore here begging for your cock."

The man gave Daddy a smile and said, "Okay man, its a deal."

Daddy told the man to follow us and we rode to a car park at the far side of the park. Once our cars were parked Daddy grabbed me, with video cam in his other hand, by the leash and lead the man and me into the woods.

We were in a small clearing when Daddy stopped and told me to strip. Off to one side was a large fallen tree I did a slow strip tease. Daddy recorded my every move. I played with my little pink nipples once I got my shirt off. My shorts were a slow lingering tease as I would play coy in front of the big man. I could see from the bulge in his pants that he was really getting into it. Once I had my shorts completely off I laid them and t-shirt onto the big log. I turned to Daddy and the man. My bald little boy clitty was rock hard and sticky out from my stomach.

Daddy gave me a smile and said, "Ok slut, show the nice man your pussy."

I turned away, bent over and spread my cheeks for them. I felt the man's big thick finger at the crack of my ass.

I heard the man exclaim, "Fuck man, the little bitch is already greased and stuffed." "Look at that prime boypussy man. Its hot and ready for you,"

Daddy said as the man pushed his thick digit into my hungry cunny along side my butt-plug. I humped my ass against his big finger and cooed. He pushed his finger all the way up to the third knuckle.

Daddy asked me, "What do you need baby?"

Turning my head to the man I moaned then stuck out my tongue and licked at my lips before saying, "I need big hard man cock in my hungry little boy pussy Daddy. I need it really bad!"

Daddy and the man both gave a chuckle then the man started pulling the plug out of my butt. I clamped my hole tight around it then he pushed it back in. This got my eyes rolling and my moans became even louder.

Then Daddy asked me, "What else do you need, slut?"

Running my hands over my soft firm hairless globs and thighs I cooed in response, "Cum Daddy, I need lots of hot fresh man cum."

The man grabbed my head pulling it into his crotch. The denim pressed against my face. I gnawed on the big bulge. As I moved to my knees the man pulled my head back and ordered, "Beg for it baby!" Looked up into the man's dark eyes pleading, "Please mister, may I have your big cock. I need to taste it. I need to feel it in my mouth and in my hot wet ass-pussy." He opened his fly pulling out a thick 8 inch uncut piece of stud meat.

"Pucker up bitch."

I did as I was told. He pulled the foreskin back and swabbed my lips with the moist head.

The man leered down as he said to me, "There you go bitch. A little sweet lip- gloss for such a sweet little mouth."

I stuck out my tongue sticking it against the most head. I ran it up the richly coated piss slit.

The man grabbed the hair on the back of my head as he ordered, "Open up baby! Daddy needs that hot little faggot mouth."

The plum like cockhead stuffed into my mouth before I fully opened to accept it. It pushed over my tongue and straight at my throat-hole. My little clitty jumped as this big strong man began to use me and he used me just the way I like men to use me; hard.

The man's big hands engulfed my head. He thrust his hips into my face. I still gag a little when men fuck my mouth. Lots of men usually get hotter when they hear me choking on their cock. The fat head of his cock thrusts in and out of my throat. I feel the loose foreskin move over my lips as the flare of his cockhead rides the top of my mouth and the back of my throat. My tongue presses up against the split of the head down the length of the thick vein on the underside of his shaft.

I can hear Daddy ask, "How does that little mouth feel man?"

The man answers, "Where did you find this hot little cocksucker? He is fucking incredible. He sucks cock better than any woman I have ever had."

I heard Daddy reply, "I raised this one."

The man held my head as he turned until my back was against the log. Pressed hard against it he let go of my head and continued to thrust into my mouth.

Breathing heavy he asked, "How long the little fucker been at it?"

Daddy answered, "He has been eating cum most of his life, but didn't get his first cock until he was 8. Little slut has been hot for it ever since."

"The little bitch sure loves it. Wish I could do this everyday," the man said as his balls slapped against my chin.

"I tell ya man, his brother and I fuck the little whore's mouth and ass several times a day and he is always wanting more. So much so I have to pimp out his nympho ass just to try and get him to where he can think about other shit."

The man grabbed hold of my leash pulling it as he fucked my mouth. He pulled hard and would hold his big rod lodged deep in my throat. This would elicit gagging moans from me.

Then I felt his fat cock pull from my mouth. I tried to recapture it. I chased the flared head as it pulled away from me.

"Ok kid, I need to pull out of your mouth so I can fuck your ass!" the man shouted waking me from a cock lust trance.

At that moment I realized that I had crawled half way across the clearing on my bare knees with my face covered in my own spit trying to get his cock back in my mouth. He and Daddy had been laughing as the man had been taunting me with his cock.

Daddy called to me, "Ok slut get your faggot ass up on the log so this stud can fuck you. And dude fuck him hard! The little bitch loves it rough!"

Before I could crawl back to the log the man picked me up and laid me down on my back with my legs in the air on top of that log.

Daddy said, "That's good baby, now pull out the plug and play with your pussy."

I did exactly as I was told. The plug came out easily. I put it in my mouth and sucked on it like a huge pacifier. My fingers roamed over my clitty and over my little boy balls down between my legs, over my cheeks and into my hot wet boyhole.

"Look at me baby," called Daddy.

I lifted my head as my fingers took turns digging into my slut pussy. Daddy kept the camera on me as he and the man watched me degrade myself like the cock hungry faggot slut that I am, sucking on the butt-plug, fingering myself, and pleading for cock with my eyes. I stared at my fucker's big fat uncut meat as he stroked it. His balls bounced as he flogged his big cock.

He called to me, "Pull the plug faggot and beg for this big dick!"

I spit it out and began to plead, "Please sir, I need your big cock in my pussy. I have to have it. I need for you to stuff me with it till you blow your load in my hungry pussy sir. Please fuck me! Please sir! Slam your big stud cock in me!"

He stepped up to me. I could see Daddy swing around to get a better view. I moved my hands from my ass to my thighs, using long strokes on the backsides of them. He grabbed my leash pulling it down forcing my head closer to my crotch. He wrapped the end of the leash around my clitty and nuts using as a sort of cockring, but it would have me pulling them off if I tried arching my back backward. A huge moan came from me as I felt the head of his cock rubbing against the bud of my boycunt.

"Oh please sir, fuck me! Oh please put your cock in me!" I cried as I hugged legs up to my chest.

He continued to rub the head of his cock up and down the crack of my smooth hairless ass. I continued to beg for his cock to impale me. My sluttish lust grew with each moment feeling the wet head petting my hungry pussy. It was as if he wasn't going to fuck me until he had sufficiently driven me mad with lust. With my knees tucked behind my shoulders my hands reached out to his chest grasping at his dense hair covered nipples thru the open shirt.

"Oh gawd, please shove it in me! I have to have it!"

Just as I was about to break into tears with one hand on my shoulder and the other on his cock as my feet wiggled on either side of his head he pushed into me. The head of his cock penetrated the pink pucker of my boyhole. He then pinched my little titties between his thick fingers. It was an excruciatingly exquisite pain as he drove his cock into me forcing out my breath. I squeezed his nipples tighter between my fingers as he bottomed out inside me. I took in a quick gasp of breath. He grabbed hold of my hips and pressed his pelvis against my butt cheeks.

"Do you feel that big dick in you baby?"

"Oh yes!"

"Do you like it?"

"Gawd yes!"

"You better cuz you about to give it to you good and hard little bitch."

His big hands grasped back onto my nipples and he began to pound his cock deep and brutally into me. My head thrust back pulling on my nuts and clitty sending a pain through my body. My lungs gasp for air each time he withdrew, making me dizzy. I could feel walls of my fuckhole stretched by the girth of his invading member. Then I saw the camera in front of me as it caught me lustfully moaning with each thrust of my fucker's big cock. I looked into the lens as if it were the eye of my lover. My tongue wet my lips as I glared into it deeply.

Then I heard the voice of the brute fucking me, "Ya like that bitch? Does that feel good you little whore?"

My eyes stayed on the camera as I moaned my response in rhythm to his thrusts,

"Oh... gawd... yes... fuck... me... stud!"

As I looked over to him I saw him grinning down at me, "Yeah baby! You like getting that pussy fucked! Don't worry baby, when I am through you are gunna know you been fucked by a stud an' I am gunna leave you a big creamy souvenir up your sweet little pussy."

My moans proceeded to get louder as the dude thrust his meat even harder into me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daddy had pulled out his cock and was moving back over to us.

As he pointed the camera down at me he waved his cock in front of my face and asked, "Show Daddy and the nice man what a good babyboyslut you are and tell Daddy what you want baby."

I pushed my tongue out again to wet my lips then said, "Oh Daddy! Give me your big cock Daddy! Let me suck it, pweeze Daddy, pweeze!"

Even though I am getting to be a big boy, I know it drives Daddy wild when I play the babyboyslut so I talk like a baby for him.

"Oh yeah slut, kiss Daddy's cock for him."

I puckered up and started to place little kisses behind the head and all along the shaft of his cock as he panned from my ass being pummeled to my affectionate cock kissing. As my neck stretched to kiss a trailed down to Daddy's bloated bull nuts the leash pulled at me. I kissed Daddy's big balls all over then stuck out my tongue lapping at their sweet sweatiness.

"Oh yeah baby, lick daddy's big balls. Hmmmmmmmmmmm... that feels so good!"

My fucker drove his cock hard into me. His big hands grasped tight on my shoulders as he pistoned in and out of my boyhole. I squeezed down on his cock with each retraction of his big rod from the tight sheath of my boypussy, this would make him moan, grunt, and snort like a breeding stallion. The head of his cock massaged my tiny prostate with each thrust. I could feel myself on the verge of an orgasm. My mouth opened wide taking in one of Daddy's large nuts in almost completely. Daddy sucked in a big breath as he felt my mouth envelope the big gland. As the man continued his assault on my fuckhole he reached for my tiny boytitties pinching them.

I began to climax then I heard, "Yeah baby yeah! I am going to fucking breed your fucking hot little whore pussy! Squeeze it bitch, squeeze!"

I couldn't help it as my orgasm ebbed then he thrust all the way into me. His cock throbbed inside my boyhole as I felt his semen burst deep into me. Blast after blast of his seed seared the walls of my babyboycunt. With each blast he thrust his hips hard into my cheeks trying in vain to get just a little deeper.

Finally I felt him release my balls and clitty from the tightly pulled leash. With a grunt he plunked down on the log, his cock still lodged in my boyhole. He grabbed me from under my arms pulling me up out from under Daddy's balls until I was sitting up fully impaled on his cock. I smiled at Daddy as he panned around us. I even wiggled back and forth on the man's thick member once Daddy had a full shot of my boypussy from behind. Still holding me under the arms the man started to lift me up and down on his cock. I helped, pumping my legs as I went up and down on his fuckstick. His hands moved from under my arms to my waist as he started to thrust me up and down harder onto his cock.

Daddy called out, "How's it feel slut?" as he moved to get a view of us from the side.

I looked directly into the camera licking my lips again, "It's so good Daddy."

"How 'bout you, man? How's that little bitch's ass feeling to you?"

The man shot me a huge grin and said, "The fucking slut's ass is even better the second time!"

He started thrusting his hips up as my ass as I came slamming down against his pelvis. It took only a couple minutes when he started to snort and grunt. I feel his rod turn to steel. There are lots of wet slapping fuck noises coming from us until he bottoms out for the last time impaling me completely with one final thrust and I feel his cock unload once again in my boycunt.

The big stud collapses in exhaustion. Daddy turns off the camera as he approaches us asking, "How ya doing slut?"

Giving him a big smile and humping my butt against the man's deflating cock I say, "Ready for more Daddy."

He shakes his head as he grabs me pulling me off the top of my fucker. The delicious feeling of his cum oozing out of my boyhole gives me shivers. Daddy grabs up my clothes as I find my buttplug.

"Give it here baby," Daddy instructs.

So I hand him the plug. He wipes it off on my turtles t-shirt then presses the tip to my pussy. It slides right in.

I look up at Daddy; he leans forward and gives me a kiss then whispers, "Lets go find you some more."

When we both turn to thank the man we find that he had already taken his leave.

Daddy took hold of my leash leading me from the clearing still naked accept for my tennies and collar. We hadn't gotten all the way to the edge of the wood when Daddy saw a couple guys had parked in the lot near the van. He instructed me to stay put until he called for me. I stood watching as Daddy approached the two men in their cars. My little boy clitty was getting hard again as I stood there just barely out of view naked. My fingers dug around the plug collecting some of my reward then I would suck on them eager for more. I could see Daddy smiling. The conversation seemed to be going well.

Then Daddy turned toward me, blew a loud whistle and yelled, "Here boy!"

I leapt from my hiding place, sprinting out of the wood and across the park lawn with my leash lightly lapping at my backside.

When I got to the edge of the car park Daddy yelled, "Heal boy!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. Daddy commanded me to sit and I knelt onto the soft grass with my hands on my thighs. Both men stared and laughed.

Daddy's voice seem to boom as he pointed toward me and said, "Jack, Phil, this is my little faggot bitch, Dougie. Don't be fooled by his size. This little slut will take you for a ride, drain you dry, and beg for more. What are you fellas up for?"

Jack replied, "Man, I have got a load that has been really needing release. My fucking wife hasn't let me touch her since she got pregnant. I need to get rid of some seed and relieve my fucking blue balls."

Phil hollered out, "Yeah man, me too."

Daddy turned to me to say, "Okay slut, get your ass in the van."

I ran to Daddy's 1976 Chevy Sport Van getting into the back and waited for Daddy and the men.

Next: Chapter 2

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