Eager Boy

By doug boy

Published on Dec 11, 2005


Standard adult materials apply here. If it is not legal for you to be viewing this where you live, do yourself and the owners of Nifty a favor by leaving.

The following story is fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead in this story is strictly coincidental. Persons under the age of consent or who are object to male-to-male, incestuous, m/b, or non-traditional sexual acts should not read on. This story is intended as strictly for entertainment purposes and should not be viewed as condoning any of the acts that take place within it.

Authors' note: To all of you that wrote to us, thanks so much for your words. They mean a lot. We hope you like this chapter as much. Take care.

Eager boy: Chapter IV

Dougie's big surprise

After I got lunch for Daddy and me, he told me to hurry and get the dishes done.

"Ok bitch, its time for your big surprise. As soon as you are done, get your faggot ass in the van."

I excitedly got the dishes stacked in the washer and cleaned the counter. After hanging the washcloth to dry I scampered off to the van taking my place kneeling between the front seats and I waited for Daddy.

A few minutes later, Daddy came out of the house and opened the door to the van.

"Damn boy, you reek of piss. These guys are gunna love your nasty faggot ass."

He had a piece of rope in his hand. He ordered me down on the floor of the van. Aggressively, but without really hurting me, Daddy bound my hands. Before he got into the drivers seat he pulled me up by my arms onto my knees. Daddy took out his cock then ordered me to suck it. This was a request I would never deny him. On our way to my surprise Daddy gave me a big load of his post-lunch piss down my throat. I continued to nurse on the big cock until the van stopped and Daddy shut the van off.

"Ok Dougie, we are here. Now I want to be on your best behavior and do exactly as you are told. I know this won't be a problem for you, will it?"

"No sir, Daddy" I said giddily.

"Ok baby, get into the back of the van and stay there til I come to get you. I won't be but a minute."

I nodded then watched Daddy get out of the van and walk into what looked like a garage. My little cock got stiffer in anticipation of what was about to happen. A couple minutes later I saw Daddy walk out of the garage. As he did the big metal door opened. Without a word, Daddy got into the van, put a ball gag in my mouth then drove it into the garage. He stopped the van again.

"Stay!" he ordered as he climbed back out of the van.

I did as I was told and waited. There were voices outside the van, but I couldn't make out what was being said. I saw the garage get really bright, I thought that maybe they opened another door, but there was no noise that came with the light. Then the side door of the van flew open and there were bright lights shining in my eyes. Then I heard my Daddy.

"It's okay baby. Step out of the van."

I apprehensively crawl out of the van. The light glaring at me made it hard to see more than just silhouettes of men. As I stood with my hands bound and the gag in my mouth I heard a couple voices point out my arousal in my bound state. A couple others comment on the pink collar and leash I wear.

"The little bitch is all yours, gentlemen," Daddy says. "You can play with him all you like. He likes it rough. All I ask of you is don't leave any marks. His skin is perfectly unscarred, I would like to keep it that way, for a little while longer."

A man grabs onto my leash pulling me away from the van.

"Fuck man, what did you do to this kid?" said the man holding my leash. "Fucking kid wreaks worse of piss than the john at the ballpark."

"The boy is a whore, dudes. He's been out already this morning getting his little pussy pounded and has taken about 6 loads of piss too."

My leash holder grabbed me by the shoulder bending me forward slightly then forcefully jammed a finger into my boycunt. I pushed my ass back on his finger, my moans muffled by the ball gag. He pulls the finger out and I feel my pussy lips part releasing a glob of man seed that hits the cement floor with a plop.

"The little faggot's tight little pussy is full of spunk. Heh, he's jonesin' to get fucked too. Look at the little bitch ride my fingers."

He pushed a second finger into my pussy, twisting them as he fucked them into me. Pulling them out he wiped his cum coated fingers off on my ass cheeks. I could feel his hand push between my thighs just before he grabbed onto my tiny ballsack. His fingers pinched my tight ballsack searching for my boy nuts. Once he had then he pulled them causing me to groan into the ball gag.

Next the man holding my leash pulled me in front of a large cement block wall and attached my bound hands to a hook that hung from the ceiling. The bright lights had seemed to follow me around to the spot against the wall. The hook was raised until I was just barely able to keep my weight onto my tiptoes, my body stretched from the hook to the ground. Without warning a torrent of water battered my body. I twisted and turned trying to protect my wee little cock and testicles from being pounded by the heavy spray. Laughter rose to my ears from echoed voices of men as they watched me hop around in the blast of icy water. I hopped and jumped like a fish on a hook trying escape the hard cold spray.

"Yeah Fred, hose that skanky 'ho' down good. Fucking cunt came in here smelling like a fucking toilet."

The pounding blast of the water continued to beat against my body. It would wash up and down stinging my skin, tenderizing my tender boy flesh. After a while I exhausted from my efforts and dangled from the hook, my head slumped down over my chest and my eyes shut. A few minutes later the water stopped.

A man comes over to me, holds my chin between his fingers and lifts my head up. I open my eyes and look up into his. He was big, dark haired, and looked like a man that works hard for a living with his big shoulders and barrel chest. He smiles at me.

"I guess you might think twice before showing up for a fuck smelling like a toilet, won't ya pussy?" the man asked.

My teeth chattering, I answer with a very small voice, "yes sir."

Warmth starts to wash over my body. Men surround me. Their hands swathe over my body. They pinch at my nipples, pull at my boycock and ball, and smack the skin of my ass, back, stomach, and chest. It smarts a little but I am grateful for the warmth as well. Fingers start to prod my boypussy. I respond by pushing back onto them. I can feel my little boycock strain in its hardness. I am extremely excited. Daddy has managed to get me gangbang.

A tall blonde man grabs hold of my face bringing his mouth to mine. His tongue enters my mouth as his lips press hard against mine. The acrid flavor of beer lightly coats his tongue; it fucks my mouth pushing my soft rouged lips wide. The fingers of a calloused hand spread my boypussy wider as more hands continue to grip and twist my skin. The man tongue fucking my mouth pulls away. I look into his eyes as a bottle is pressed to my lips. I guzzle the sweet liquid as it is poured into my mouth.

The dark haired man, I come to find out he's Fred, grabs hold of my leash and leads me to a wooden workbench that has been cleared of tools and parts. The wood is stained with grease and smoothed from wear. He picks me up then lays me across the bench on my back. My head hangs over one side as he held my legs up on the other. I look up at him as I feel the greasy head of his cock press against the pucker of my pussy. With my eyes I plead with him to enter me. My mouth opens in anticipation as his cock pushes ever so slightly forward. A knowing smile gleans across his face then he shoves his cock balls deep into my aching fuckhole.

Unable to control myself I moan and beg for him to fuck me. He gladly rides my ass as the others look on shouting encouragements. Fred's hips slap my butt cheeks as he slams his meat hard and deep into me. He grabs hold of my shoulders, which increases the intensity of his pounding cock. He stares into my eyes. My mouth is agape. I want to cry out in ecstasy but I can only manage small pants between moans that are forced from my lungs by Fred's invading cock.

"Fuck man, look at the little bitch. He is fucking loving my cock," Fred says to my daddy. Then looking down on me as he drives his cock in long slow full cock length slams into me, he says, "You love this don't you boy? That little pussy of yours just aches to be used like this, don't it?"

Holding his gaze I nodded my head and uttered, "Uh huh." Grunting as his cock thrusts into me, "Uh, uh, uh, yea, oh, uh!"

Fred kept on cranking his cock in my boypussy as the blonde man stepped up to us. He squeezed and pulled at one of my nipples then as he held it between his fingers he pinched it with a clothespin. The pain shot thru my body forcing me to tense up. This sends Fred over the edge. His cock spewed his load deep into my cunt as he shouted at me. As the last of Fred's thick baby batter spits from his cock the blonde man removed the clothespin.

"Aaaaaaah!" I scream as the blood rushes back into my pinched nipples.

"Fuck yeah bitch!" Fred shouts in delight as my fuckhole clamps onto his still ridged cock. "Milk it you little fuck! Work all that daddy juice out of my fucking cock faggot!"

Fred pushes his cock all the way into me then grabs hold of my face in his big hand. As he looks into my eyes he smiles, "Open up bitch." I do as I am told and open my mouth. Pressing on my cheeks, digging his fingers between my teeth he holds my mouth open. He hauks up a big loogie then spits it into my open mouth. some lands across my lips. "Lick it all up pussy. I don't want you to miss any of your treat." I push my tongue out and lick away his spent spit.

Fred's cock pulled from my pussy with a pop. A figure moved above me. In my eye was a bare hairy ass. It got closer and closer. The cheeks spread and I could see the pucker of his manhole through the forest of dark hair. Lifting my head off the bench I reach with my tongue for the tempting taste of the studs ass. His hot sweaty hole has a pleasing tang. He presses his as firm against my face, I proceed to lap and suck on his ass.

My legs are passed from Fred to the guy riding my face. A moment later I feel another cock push at my fuckhole. The pucker slick with Fred's cum opens for the fat cockhead. I feel the cock open my wide as he buries the full length into me holding it there just a moment then starts to pound my pussy.

The guy on my face grinds his ass into my sucking licking mouth. My nose pressed hard against his tailbone as I dig my tongue as far as I can into his hole.

My fucker starts smacking my ass as he stuffs his big cock into me. The big head rubbed against my joy button making me gasp into the hot manhole.

"Hey man, fuck this bitch harder. As you get rougher he gets more and more into sucking my hole. Little faggot is fucking humming and huffing into my shitter now!"

Big hands clamp onto my hips then he stabs his cock into me full length. I squeeze on the big cock as it withdrawals each time. I can feel the big head pass through the walls of my hole. A hand grasps the back of my head, not really pressing me deeper into this hot ass, but holds me so I can't take my face out of it. My tongue is pressed so far out of my mouth that it aches from pressing against my lower front teeth.

"Oh fuck yeah boy, take this big cock as you suck that fucking hole! You are such a good little whore baby. Daddy's gunna fill you with his milk real quick here bitch!"

Shouts of encouragement rang against the walls of the garage. The men made a boastful audience howling for this man to breed my little boycunt as they watch waiting their turn. This got me even more excited. My little cock felt so hard that I thought for sure that it would burst from the presser of all the blood trying to get into it.

Then my hair is pulled and my head jerks back. The guy riding my face steps down. My mouth a gasp from the hair pulling, I watch him push the head of his cock into my mouth. He proceeds to fuck my mouth all the way down my throat.

"Fuck dudes! This little pussy sucked my hole so good I am ready to blow."

He gave my throat a couple good jabs then pulled back out of my mouth. His hand still has a fistful of my hair. He grabs his cock with his other hand pointing the head at my mouth as he jacks it. He held tight on my hair, otherwise I would have that cock back in my mouth in a second, but he has a different idea. I see his balls draw up real tight. I open my mouth as far as I can and straining my head and neck against his fist holding my hair I try to get closer. I want it. I want his cum. All of it. I don't want to miss a drop. Oh please let me have all of it.

I see the first squirt of cum burst from the head of his cock. I stretch my tongue out in hopes to catch it. My body is rocking from the pounding I am getting in my pussy, which I know I now have clenched from sexual tension from this stud cumming for me. The first shot hits my across the upper lip and into my mouth. A second lands square on my tongue but as I am thrusted into the tail end paints across my lower lip and chin. Five or six squirts later the entire area around my mouth is coated with his thick spicy cream and half in my mouth. I close my mouth only a moment to savor his flavor then I open again showing him that I want to complete the job. He obliges me by placing the head of his cock between my lips and milking the shaft.

"Oh fuck, this hole is fucking tight! I hope your ready baby, cuz I'm gunna put my cum up your hot little twat!"

With a vice grip on my hips he thrust this super ridged pole into me. His breath now laborious and gasping he pushed all the way in. I could fill his cock throb and pulse as his daddy seed joined with Fred's. After a minute he gave a few short thrusts then he and the guy in my mouth both withdrew.

I lay there just a moment. My chest heaving and my heart thumping with delight then there is a bright light in my face. I realize its the camera.

A voice says, "How was it baby? Did you like that?"

I give a big grin and lick at my cum coated lips, "Yes, that was good."

"What would you like now baby? Are you done?"

I grin even bigger feeling the blood rush to my cheeks, "Please sir, can I have more?"

Further away I hear Daddy exclaim, "I told you boys that my little boy is an insatiable cock whore. Drill his fucking cunt and mouth all you want. He will take it like no other bitch you will ever find. I guarantee that or you all can have your money back and I won't take our share in the money for the video either."

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