Early Bondage Experiences

By nus.toh@suraci

Published on Nov 12, 1996



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Several weeks ago I posted a request for accounts of early bondage experiences. I promised that I would share with responders the results of my query re early bondage experiences. Here is a representative sampling of the responses I received. I have edited some of them only slightly for consistency and grammar, most of them I haven't touched at all. I do not yet have enough for a book, if such a thing is even necessary. Thanks to those who answered my query- and why were they all male?

Kurt (43) "My cousin and I used to do a game when I was 12 and he 13. I would pretend as a captured spy or something like that. He would make me strip clothes and would tie me in a thick chair with my legs spread. Then he would cause me to be hard and keep me that way with slow stroking until I agreed to confess. Finally then he would let me come. We called the game Persuasion. It was wonderful and they are some of my happiest sexual memories."

Paul (28) "At summer camp we would play a game at night that involved finding and stealing the other team's flag. My team always won because we "tortured" information out of our prisoners by masturbating them very, very slowly until they coudn't stand it any more and told us what we wanted to know so we would let them spurt. It was fun for everyone, I think, and no one ever squeeled to the leaders, either. I also remember that after the word got out, we had a lot more prisoners than we had been able to catch before"

Marshall (35) "My brother and I shared a room from the time I was eleven until he went to college. He was two years older than me. Sometimes at night he liked me to give him back rubs and when I was about twelve he started to get boners during the back rub and would turn over and I would give him a handjob with the same lotion. After a few months of this he said he had read about something he wanted us to try. He had me tie him down to the bed all stretched out and jerk him off real slow for a long time. It was some kind of special oriental torture he said. He really liked it a lot and I thought it was fun, too, but he never would return the favor no matter how I begged him."

Nick (31) "When I was in the seventh grade there was a kid my age who lived just down the street. He was into all this medieval stuff and had even built a make-believe dungeon in his basement, complete with an old table that he called his rack. One day after school he convinced me to get up on the rack and try it out. He tied my legs and arms to the rollers and tightened me up on it and I felt the wierdest thrill run though me, like an electric shock almost but very pleasurable. I'd never felt like that before and it was great. We started playing down in his dungeon a lot after that. His mom worked so we would have the place to ourselves after school. After a while he talked me into taking off my clothes when he tied me up and it didn't take long after that until we were into a whole new thing. He would warm up a cup of mineral oil and rub it all over me until I was real shiney, like I had been sweating, and then he would rub my dick with the oil until I got a boner. He'd tie a string around my nuts and cock and that would keep me hard for a long time. The idea was that he had to make me talk by working on my dick with the oil until I wanted to cum so bad I'd tell him what he wanted to know. After I had talked he would take the string off me and bring me off. Boy, that was really something to cum when you're stretched out like that and have been teased for a long time! I get hard just thinking about it even after all this time."

  1. I was older than the examples you posted so don't know if my experiences fit your project but here goes. In high school 2 friends used to tie me (wrists only) and strip me naked and stimulate me until I was so horny and aching I would do what they wanted (which was "do" them). They would take turns doing it to me in the mouth, then when they were both done one of them would "do" me (orally) before untying me. This experience was non-consensual the first time but when it started happening the second time I didn't struggle too hard. Later in college one drunken night I told this secret to two pals and when they pressed me for "details", "show us",etc it ended up happening again, tied up and forced to do oral on 2 cocks, but got done as my 'reward'.

  2. I lived in a tough neighborhood and when I was about 12 two really butch girls from across the street used to get their jollies by dragging me down into their basement and tying me to a post and pulling my pants down. They would laugh and point and tease me about my little dick and then would tickle and play with it until I got hard. I struggled and begged and pleaded but I was really getting off on it all and we played this "game" until I was almost fourteen. I had my first non-self-induced orgasm tied up in that damned basement. Sometimes I'd have to walk up and down for almost an hour in their alley befoe they'd see me and come and grab me.

  3. The quote you gave about scout camp really hit home with me. My bunch used to like to do initiations, and the finale was always a lengthy, ritualistic jerk-torture session on a spreadeagled, well-oiled victim. Just like in your quote, no one ever told an adult leader about what was going on after lights-out. Despite much fearful whispering and speculation by the younger boys, we were as fascinated and excited as we were scared. I can still remember the moans and pleadings of the boys subjected to this ordeal. I was never initiated. Darn.

  4. I am reminded of experiences of my 14th and 15th year in rural ... During this time I was the willing,eager, and ever-instigating slave/prisoner of a kinky 18-year-old that everyone else in our area thought of as the star football player and all-round great guy. I spent many hours strapped between uprights in his dad's barn while he perfected ways to make me wiggle and beg. Once he dipped my stiffer inwarm milk and turned a two-day-old calf loose on me. Goodness, but I would like to relive those times! Would you believe he is now a banker in a major mid-western city?

  5. My cousin was two years older than I was and a good bit bigger, too. She was kind of a tomboy and liked to play what my folks called rough games. Her favorite was to wrestle me down to the floor and tie my hands behind my back. Then she would tease and taunt me about how she was going to take off all my clothes and tickle me. I would beg and plead but it would never do me any good. She'd strip me really slowly, enjoying my wiggling and pleading for her to stop. Once I was naked, she would start the tickling. She really was a little sadist because she would go on for what seemed like hours no matter how I begged to stop. After a while she would sit on my stomach, facing my feet, and start on my dick and balls. She'd play with me until I got a boner and then stroke me off while making me tell her how much I liked it. I didn't realize until much later that she was getting off on that part as much as I was. I was eleven and she was about thirteen. Sometimes once she'd get me stripped she liked to sit on my chest and lean down and kiss me over and over. She called it =8Csex practise' and it didn't take long for her to discover that she could get me hard that way, too. Something about the kissing and sticking her tongue in my mouth would really get me hot. Two or three times she'd call some girlfriends of hers on the phone after she got me tied up and they'd come over and take turns practising kissing on me. Then she'd show them how she jerked me off and they would try. Once I can remember they made me come about eight or nine times and my dick was so sore the next day I was afraid it might fall off. I'm not sure, but I think someone in the family said she was a lesbian. I haven't seen her in more than ten years now.

  6. I'm not sure how much detail you want, but when I was about 11 or 12 a friend and I liked to play a game that I think we got the idea for from a movie. We'd flip a coin and the loser would have to let the other guy tie him up in a chair and do all kinds of stuff to him to make him give up. After a while we began to add stuff, like the guy had to kiss the other guy's belly-button if he gave up. And later we changed it from the belly-button to the tip of the other guy's dick. When we started playing the game the guy in the chair just had to take his shirt off like in the movie, but pretty soon we were down to underpants and a little after that the guy had to be butt-naked. We invented a whole bunch of ways to make the guy in the chair give up, too. The next-to-last penalty we invented was that the loser had to take the other guy's cock all the way into his mouth and hold it there for a count of ten. I bet you can guess where our game went from there.

I have a few more of these accounts, but this post is already long enough. If you would like the others, let me know here. Sorry, but since the demise of anon.penet.fi you'll have to communicate with me thru the newsgroup. Thanks.

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