Earths New Masters

By Dave Arnold

Published on Oct 31, 2022


Earth's New Masters Part 59 Sheeple

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Earth's New Masters Part 59 Sheeple

A New Chapter From David's POV

There is some major new information in this chapter. What exactly did the Illuminati do to the CBHs?

When we got home from the second weekend of our fishing practical at Rose River Farm there was a surprise in store. I knew about it in advance, in fact everyone in the family knew about it except Gofer. We'd dropped Loki and Beau off on the way home. We'd unpacked everything and Gofer ran out to the kennel to let Flame out which gave the pups time to get everything ready. They wheeled a new Mountain bike, like all the rest of us had, out of the garage. It had a bow on it. They all stood in front of it shielding it from view while Gofer came back with the puppy who was nipping at his heels. Gofer was doing his best CBH imitation to try to pretend he wasn't as excited as the pup. At least it was my belief that it was pure bullshit, but I wasn't sure the Sheps could see through it as easily as I could.

Of course the pups were looking as guilty as sin, it was obvious they were hiding something. Like all Sheps they had terrible poker faces. As Gofer came over to us he could tell that something was fishy. "Did I do something wrong Masters?"

The pups giggled and then Arnold spoke up and said, "Close your eyes Gofer, we've got a surprise for you."

Gofer looked at them suspiciously but closed his eyes. Arnold grabbed the handlebars and walked the bike until it was right in front of Gofer. "Okay Gofer open your eyes."

Gofer opened his eyes and we all yelled, "Surprise."

"Is it for me?" He asked in shock.

"Of course! We had Daddy buy it for you." Arnold intoned.

"It was David's idea." Drogo added.

"But I can't ride a bike." Gofer replied still confused.

"Neither could David when we got one for him. We're going to teach you how." Arnold said pointing at his brothers.

"You've got the rest of today off Gofer, they can start teaching you now." Master said.

The light seemed to come on in Gofer as he started to realize that he was going to get to spend more time with the pups. He wasn't doing as well at hiding his excitement as he usually did. "I need to put Flame back in the kennel so we don't run over him." He said. He didn't even have to call the puppy, he just walked away and Flame followed him. And with that Master and I headed for the house.

We went up to his room in silence. He was still brooding over the roadblock to his breeding program. I'd been a bit relieved when none of the CBH women took from my seed. The thought of them being the mothers of my children was a bit disturbing to say the least. But not as disturbing as seeing Master in this condition.

We went down to the theater room and sat in our normal seat that we occupied during movie night. He turned on a movie and we sat there watching it. I don't think either one of us was following the plot of the movie. He was too lost in thought. I'm sure he was going over everything he knew about the situation. "There's gotta be something I'm missing..." He mumbled. I didn't answer because I didn't think he was really talking to me. I wasn't following the movie because for one I usually needed help following the movies to begin with and I was to disturbed by seeing my Master in this condition.

Half way through the movie I felt I needed to take things into my own hands, literally. I put my hand on his thigh and slowly eased it up until I was near the target. I cupped his heavy balls. When I did I could feel his sheath hanging down limp over them.

To my surprise he reached down and grabbed my hand, which he pulled up to his muzzle and kissed. "I'm sorry. It's not you. My mind is just too preoccupied with what's going on to get aroused. Maybe when we get to bed it will go better."

After the movie it was time for dinner and on my way I stopped in my room to get one of the effects patches. I'd not tried one yet. I put one on my bicep under the sleeve of my shirt. I'd gone through withdrawal before and I was starting to feel the very beginning of it right now. I didn't say anything about it to Master, he had enough on his mind to deal with.

Dinner was a boisterous affair, well other than Master. Gofer was invited to sit at the table with us since it was his day off. The dinner was a simple meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn on the cob. I was convinced that the more complicated meals that we'd been eating were courtesy of Gofer's culinary expertise.

The pups were talking a hundred miles an hour about the fishing trip and teaching Gofer to ride a bike. They laughed good naturedly about some of the tumbles he taken and teased him about the "booboos" on his knee and elbow. Despite his best efforts to not show any emotion he was almost crimson faced from embarrassment. But you could also still tell that he wasn't upset.

When we went to bed Master put on some twink porn videos on and that was enough to get him slightly distracted from his problems. He got excited enough to tie with me but the intensity that he usually had when we had sex was missing. And so were the potency of his effects. They were still only putting me in a slightly altered state of consciousness not into oblivion.

On Tuesday I went over to Beau's house after lunch to hear how he was doing with his guitar playing and song writing. He's getting really good at it. He also told me about how the patches were helping him learn. I decided that I was going to start wearing them to get a bit of a mental edge. Maybe it would help me figure out what to do to get Master out of his funk.

Classes had gotten into a routine and before I knew it the third week of classes was over on Thursday. But that wasn't the big thing that had been hanging over our heads. There was a follow up meeting about the breeding project that was scheduled for that afternoon. I put on a fresh effects patch before lunch. Beau had said this would get me maximum benefits right during the meeting.

All through lunch Master was taut as a pulled bow string. He hardly said anything and barely picked at his food. Master and I even got up from the table early and headed over to the room the meeting was taking place in. He sat at the head of the meeting table and I sat on his left. Loki and Beau had been at lunch with us but they didn't come down as early, they got there right before the meeting started.

Master called the meeting to order and went through some perfunctory housekeeping before turning it over to Doc.

"So now we're getting to the main point of this meeting. Doc what have you found out so far."

Doc stood up and started to talk. "I got everyone on the staff and hired anyone that we could find to go through all of the files that could possibly pertain to the CBH breeding program. One of the temporaries, a young Shep right out of military college that had just arrived from Eden a couple of weeks ago, was the one that found the file. It was labeled "The Sheeple Chromosome". And it was the most vile thing I've ever come across."

"The Illuminati wanted a line of "humans" that would be able to be taught to do one thing over and over in a repetitive fashion without getting bored and without wanting to better themselves. One of them had the idea that it would be great if they could genetically modify these humans to have autistic qualities. Being the sadistic bastards that the Illuminati were, they pursued this with a zeal and created a twenty-fourth set of chromosomes that they dubbed "The Sheeple Chromosome"."

There was a murmur of disgust that went around the table. But Doc held up his paw. "It's much worse than it even sounds. They put everything they could think of that would suppress the humanity of these unfortunate souls. I'm not going to make this technical, if any of you want to go into more depth on this we can discuss it at another time."

"As I stated the first goal was to suppress the competitiveness and creativity of these victims. They were happiest when they knew EXACTLY what to do. They were uncomfortable to the point of being unable to function when they had to make a decision that wasn't spelled out. For example if a widget was coming down an assembly line and they were inspecting it they could be told that if it passed a certain parameter to let it pass if not to put it in a recycle bin. Anything more than that was beyond their ability to function."

"It may well have been called the inhibition chromosome, because it inhibited anything that wasn't directly involved in performing menial repetitive tasks. It inhibits all sexual response. It keeps the males from even achieving an erection let alone performing a sex act. They collect semen from them to fertilize the female eggs with an electroejaculator."

"The females are incapable of having an orgasm. They didn't want them to have a sex drive for several reasons. One is that it is a distraction. How many of us get off task because we start thinking about sex." All of the Sheps chuckled in response.

"The question isn't how many of us do, rather how many times an hour does it happen to us." Loki quipped.

"It was a lot worse before we got our ferals..." Master added as he pulled me possessively to him.

"You'll get no argument from me there." Doc replied with a chuckle. "Another reason is that they don't have to worry about them accidentally breeding on their own. They wanted to completely control the breeding."

"And finally having a sex drive is a time waster. The only things that the Illuminati wanted the CBHs to do were functions necessary for survival. Eating, sleeping, personal hygiene and sixteen hours of work a day. Since their minds were untaxed they were able to function quite easily with five hours of sleep a day."

"It completely inhibited free will, any desire to compete or be creative. It even suppressed any instinct for self-preservation. When we finally got to the school they hadn't eaten or drank anything in three days since there hadn't been an overseer there to tell them to do it. In addition it induced a degree of mental retardation that kept them at an IQ of between 70 and 80."

"One of the things the Illuminati worried about was the possibility that since this was an artificial chromosome that it would be more likely to be edited out during meiosis."

"What is meiosis Sir." I asked. For some reason this seemed important.

"I'm sorry. I forgot that you ferals don't have an advanced understanding of biology. Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells. This process is required to produce egg and sperm cells for sexual reproduction. It's a lot more complicated than that but if it is defective you could end up with some gametes with twenty-three chromosomes like a normal human sperm or egg and some with twenty-five chromosomes. These could possibly produce viable offspring though."

"Down Syndrome is an example of this. Either an egg or a sperm has an extra copy of the twenty-first chromosome and this causes this disorder. The resulting offspring has forty-seven chromosomes instead of forty-six but it is still viable. The Illuminati didn't want this possibility to exist with the CBHs. Not because they were worried that it would cause problems for the humans but they wanted no possibility over time that these pseudo-humans could come back to normal over generations."

"They first introduced a gene that would produce an enzyme that would explode the cell walls of all the cells in the embryo at four days old. It was a dominant gene which meant that it only took one copy of this gene for this trait to be expressed."

"But to counteract this gene they built a suppressor gene that would in essence short circuit the production of this enzyme. But this gene was a recessive gene that needed two copies for the gene to express itself."

"That meant that if the egg and the sperm both contained the twenty-fourth chromosome it would have the capability of producing the killing enzyme, but it would be neutralized by the suppressor gene. So the embryo would grow normally."

"But if the egg or sperm was missing the twenty-fourth chromosome the embryo would only have 47 chromosomes and ONE copy of the twenty-fourth chromosome. Since it only needs one copy of the killing enzyme for this trait to express itself."

"But since it takes two copies of the suppressor gene for the trait to be expressed and there is only one copy of it, it doesn't shut off the killing gene. Therefore any embryo without two copies of the twenty-fourth chromosome would dissolve after four days."

The Sheps were all sitting there is stunned silence. I don't think they could comprehend how evil someone would have to be to do this.

"It's evil but incredibly effective for their purposes. Of course none of our young men here have a twenty-fourth chromosome, thank God, so of course all of the pregnancies terminated themselves at four days."

"THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS!" Master shouted out louder that I'd ever heard him as he nearly smashed his fisted paw through the conference table. Which made everyone jump.

There was an idea floating right at the edge of my thoughts that I couldn't get to surface. I knew it was important but I couldn't get it to come together. Maybe when I was alone I'd be able to figure it out. The effects patch was opening my mind it seemed but I wasn't used to dealing with it yet.

"That's a relatively simplified version of it. There are a few other ways they have knotted this whole thing together that would make it very hard to undo. I don't feel that there is any need to pursue breeding the CBHs. But just food for thought, the CBH females would be viable as surrogate mothers. Since they have extra chromosomes instead of lacking chromosomes human embryos implanted in their wombs wouldn't cause them to have an immune response to a "foreign body" that would cause a spontaneous abortion. A real human would not be able to be used as a surrogate mother to a CBH since it would reject the fetus that had these extra genes. Not that anyone would want a real human to carry a CBH embryo of course." Doc finished.

"Well that makes things a little more straight forward." Master started. To my surprise the spark was back in his eyes now that he had the information to move forward. Master was a Shep of action, so now that he knew what was happening to cause the problem he was back on track. "We are going to have to do what we can to collect eggs from feral humans. I'm putting Loki in charge of a committee to look into all the options we have for doing this. We will have to be able to put them on fertility drugs so we can harvest as many eggs from each female as possible."

He looked toward Loki and said, "You'll need to see which tribes we can locate. When we make contact with them we will have to see if we can offer them help in return for their assistance in this. It would be great if we can get them to come into our civilization as members of our society. If we have to we'll force the issue but I'd prefer to have it be voluntary. I'll leave the details up to you."

"Yes Sir! I'll get right on it." Loki replied. I realized that he realized that this was his shot at redemption after the whole Beau affair when his effectiveness at work had suffered.

"So the general plan as I see it is to collect as many eggs as possible from the female ferals and fertilize the from our captive males at first. These can then be carried to term by the CBH females if I understood Doc right." He nodded toward Doc.

"Yes Sir they will do fine as surrogate mothers." Doc stated.

"Will that make the children at all like the CBHs." I asked still somewhat dubious.

"No David all of the genetics will be real human genetics. They will be one hundred percent human."

"So I guess the answer to the CBHs is that we will just let them live their lives out. They have no interest in reproducing so they will just cease to exist when they die out. I imagine we can find menial jobs for them." Master said pragmatically.

The meeting went on for another half hour with committees being formed and duties assigned. Finally after what seemed like an eternity Master said, "We've all got our assignments. We'll meet again on this a week from today." Then he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He turned and added "I've got something I need to take care of just now." They could see his erection pointing the way as we headed for the door. I winked at all of them as I was carried out the door.

Master's steps were long and purposeful as he headed toward his bedroom. I was just as anxious for it as the was. It had been a week since we'd had real primal sex, and I was sure that was about to change in a few minutes.

We walked into his room and he kicked the door closed behind him. He tossed me onto the bed like a sack of potatoes. He didn't even bother to unbutton my clothes, he just grabbed them and ripped them to shreds then impatiently pulled them off. He had a week of pent up sexual aggression accumulated and I was going to be the lucky recipient of it.

"I've taken it easy on you all week. Get ready to get your ass raped feral!" He growled.

"Oh so you think you can just ignore me for a week and I then when you want it I should just bend over and let you have your way with me?" I said mockingly. I wanted it as much as he did, but I knew exactly how to play him to get him all worked up. I was more than ready for some really powerful effects.

"Yeah I do! I'm the Master in case you've forgotten!" He growled with an evil undertone.

I jumped off the bed and tried to get away. Well I didn't really WANT to get away, I wanted him as riled up as I could get him. Low level effects were great for creativity, but they were nothing like getting fucked to oblivion with excessive effects.

He tackled me and the weight of him falling on top of me knocked the wind out of me for a moment. "I'll take you right here on the floor if that's what you want." He said as he gripped the back of my neck in a mating bite and started trying to wedge his huge cock into my sphincter. I kept moving so he used his free paws to grip my hips and hold them steady as he poked at my asshole.

It didn't take too many stabs before he hit the target. By this time he'd covered most of my ass in copious quantities of slick precum. He slid in easily but only just an inch, my ass wasn't tilted properly for him to get full access to my body.

"Tilt your ass up for me and surrender to your Master." He growled menacingly.

By now the effects in his precum were starting to affect me. They were stronger than his effects had been when he'd cum earlier in the week and I was swooning. My will was bent and I tilted my ass up so he had a straight shot up into me.

And with that he jammed all twelve inches into me in one go. There was no pain since the effects were already so strong that I was feeling no pain. His huge low hanging balls rammed into mine as he seated himself balls deep into me.

I'd missed this for the last week and I played it up for all it was worth. "Let me go you ugly fucking hybrid!" I cried out defiantly as I feigned an attempt to escape.

"You aren't going anywhere until I let you go. I'm going to show you who the fucking boss is around here!" He said as he started to jackhammer that massive maleness into me. God had I missed this. The effects were getting stronger and stronger as he got closer and closer to his climax. Of course my body was eagerly surrendering no matter how much resistance I was trying to put up at this point. My mind was already starting to think detached at this point. My knees were starting to get rug burn and I wondered if he could get rug burn through his fur...

My prostate was just about turned to jello by this time and I was trying my best to hold back so we could cum together. My eyes were starting to roll up in my head as I felt him start to seat his knot deep in me. I was losing track of time when I heard him exclaim, "You're fucking mine now feral!"

He was locked deep in me and I felt him take one last deep thrust as he came deep in my ass. I passed into oblivion as I started to cum...

When I woke some time later I was alone in Master's room. He'd placed me on the bed and covered me up. I had no idea how long I'd been out. I grabbed a quick shower, got dressed and made my way unsteadily downstairs. I was still half way drunk with effects. I could hear everybody in the dining room eating dinner.

"Well if it isn't Rip Van Winkle. So you finally decided to wake up?" Master said as I poked my head through the door.

"Yeah. I wonder why I couldn't wake up?" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Hey don't blame me. You're the one that got me all worked up." He said sticking his tongue out at me.

The funny thing was he was right. I had instigated the whole thing. And I didn't regret a scintilla of it. But my stomach was as empty as last years snail shell. I got on the chair next to Master and piled a slab of prime rib onto my plate along with some mashed potatoes and gravy and an ear of corn on the cob.

Arnold winked at me and said, "I guess sex really builds an appetite."

"How would you know? You're not squirting yet?" Master said to his son.

"I know. I can't wait until I start squirting." He said a little melancholy.

"Hey you have it easy. You get to cum when you're less than a year old. Us humans have to wait twelve or thirteen years before we mature." I opined.

"Don't remind me. That's one of the depressing things about trying to get humanity back. It takes 13 years between generations instead of one year for Sheps." Master chided me.

I didn't say much more because I was too busy feeding my face. I figured I needed to get my strength up because I rightly guessed that we'd have a repeat session when we turned in this evening.

The fishing practical on Friday was getting to be old hat. Not that that made it any less fun. It was great to watch young pups, and even some of the adults catch their first trout. Gofer was really getting into getting into spending more time with the pups. He'd made good progress learning to ride a bike and in swimming. Although he did seem to try to look like it was harder for him than it really was. I know when I taught him stuff by myself he acted differently than when a Shep worked with him. He didn't seem to mind looking dumb to the Sheps but I think it bothered him to look dumb to me.

But despite all of that he and I seemed to be getting along better lately. I still felt that he was a lot more than he was letting on. He was nothing like the under twenty year old CBHs and he was even more normal than the over twenty year old CBHs when you caught him with his guard down. But I guess that a back full of scars was enough to make you think twice about exposing yourself. I'd gone through the whole list of "crimes against The Collective" that he'd committed and I have to admit that I still don't know how he had the will to go on.

Fortunately now that we knew what the problem was with the CBHs Master was back to normal. Even though he didn't have a solution at hand at least he knew what the problem was and he was able to set a course of action. It was the uncertainty that had him crippled before.

There was nothing terribly interesting with the fishing on Friday other than I felt that everybody had a great time. After the bonfire was when things got interesting to say the least. Gofer of course camped with the pups as he'd done last week so we had the room free to engage in debauchery. I won't go into what went on other than to say that when I woke up the next morning I was so hung over with effects that Master had to help me over to the chow hall. It took several cups of coffee for the cobwebs to finally clear from my head.

I'd put on a new patch right before we had our lunch, I wanted to think about some stuff on the way home. On our way home after fishing the morning hatch, Master and Loki discussed what the plan was to bring in ferals. So far all of the ferals that had been captured were from the wilderness in the Rocky Mountain states. But that was mostly because it was more fun to hunt out there. But there were several other pockets of ferals that had not been tapped yet. They knew that the Sheps existed but they had not been hunted yet, so they didn't fear the Sheps as much. Loki felt that they would be easier to deal with.

"There are two tribes in the Louisiana bayou, one in the everglades, another in the Cascades and a handful scattered in Appalachia. They aren't large tribes but they haven't had contact with us and may not have preconceived notions about us yet."

"Yeah "The Hunt" concept may have been the best way to capture pets, but it had the unintended consequences of scaring the shit out of the ones left behind." Master said then hit his bark like laugh. "Are you planning on going yourself or are you going to delegate?"

"A little of both I think. I thought I would give some of our higher ranking Sheps a chance to come home with a feral, as long as they can convince them to come willingly. I'm hoping that they can convince some of the married couples to join us." Loki continued. "I'm letting Ansulm go this time as the main leader. He has the most experience with humans although I'm not sure that you can call the students at the school humans. Especially with what we know of them now."

"After they negotiate with the ferals there I'll come in to make the final pitch to get them to come in with us." Loki finished.

"Can I go with you Master?" Beau asked.

"I don't think that would be a good idea until we know a little more about them. Us Sheps will have access to our grav-armor so small arms fire isn't a danger to us. It could be deadly to you if someone takes a pot shot at you. And I'd never forgive myself if I ever lost you." Loki added.

Beau started to mount a counter, but grinned disappointedly realizing the truth in what his Master said.

"Besides you can't leave the fly fishing school, you're already booked six months in advance." Loki said. "At least we have the patches available now to keep you away from withdrawal."

My mind thought back to the patch I had on right now. It seemed to be at it's maximum right now and my thoughts were drifting. They seemed to be following the problems that I'd been brooding over the last couple of days. Of course that meant that they drifted right to Gofer.

Nobody was thinking about Gofer in the aftermath of this huge bombshell that had been dropped on us. I understood why. Everyone was thinking about the big picture of the breeding program. Especially my Master. And of course that was driving the direction of all of their thoughts. But I was beginning to get an idea of how this might pertain to Gofer. But I didn't understand the genetics of it. Maybe I could get some private time with Doc and have him explain it to me further.

I have been dealing with out-of-control diabetes for the last ten years. I was able to function until I lost my job (and my health insurance) in May of 2020 due to shutdowns due to covid. Between the isolation and lack of medical care, I went into a downward spiral. It was challenging to get out of bed many days, which added to the isolation and depression.

In August of 2021, my unemployment ran out. I turned 62 at the end of January and have applied for social security, but I still haven't started receiving payments. I have had no income since I'm seriously behind on my electric bill (I have been receiving extensions on my shut-off notice because of my health issues) and my property taxes.

I finally got medical help in October, and things are improving, but I still have a way to go. If I can get some help to get caught up, I should be able to get my life back under control. Any help would be appreciated.

I have 12 years worth of writing up on SoFurry. I am one of the more popular writers on that site. You can find all of them at

These are my other stories that I have moved or I'm in the process of moving to Nifty. All of them are in their entirety on

Earth's New Masters In My Wildest Dreams Wild Horses Runt Mutt Pittsburghese N'at Craigslist Bull The Trophy Wife The Initiate My Pet Lion Sasquatch In My Mind Reverse Cowboy Of Dogs And Young Men The Oracle Royal Prerogative Harry Potter and Firenze The House Mouse The Jungle Book In Gods We Thrust

If you read any of the others please let me know what you think of them.

Next: Chapter 60

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