Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 4, 2023


This work of fiction depicts sexual acts between teenage boys.It also depicts corporal punishment.If this offends you then DO NOT READ.If you are under 18 then DO NOT READ.

The Easter Holiday Chapter 14.

Andy tapped lightly on the door.A voice bade them enter and they found Tawse standing beside the big leather armchair.Dangling menacingly from his hand,was the new tawse.

"I had intended to give you twelve strokes each in sets of six,but after this mornings stupidity I have changed my mind.You will get twelve each but all at once.Off with the shorts!!Why are you wearing pants,"he barked at Andy.

"Dont bother to answer,boy.Touch your toes."And picking up the always present cane he brought it down six times on Andys pants."Now strip naked and in position while I deal with this one,"looking at the naked and trembling David.

He positioned David so that he was bending into the chair with his head nearly on the seat.His behind well up.Tawse stood to one side so that the strap wouls land dead across the centre.

Thwack!!!!!!"Yeowlll" screamed David and sank to his knees ,his hands feverishly rubbing at his burning bum.

"Up,boy.This is meant to hurt."And David pulled himself up.Offering himself for the next stroke.Six times the strap fell and six times David fell to his knees.Remorselessly Tawse ordered him up each time.

After the sixth stroke Tawse moved to the other side in order that the slaps were evenly placed.And the scene was repeated again.At last it was over and David collapsed on the floor in agony and tears.

Tawse was showing no pity.The two boys had definitely brought this upon themselves.He told David to move out of the way and ordered Andy to take his place.Soon Andy was in postion.

As the first lash landed,his head and body jerked up and his feet left the floor and he jumped sideways,clutching at his cheeks.

"Get back,boy, and fast or that one will not count."

Andy moved fast under the threat and was back in position,breathing hard, as he anticipated the next stroke.He did not have to wait long.And as the second one landed he shot up again.It took some time to complete Andys punishment as he either shot up straight or fell to his knees after every stroke.

Eventually it was over with Andy howling pitifully and David still with tears in his eyes.Tawse stood and looked at them for a while.Then he beckoned them forward and took them both in his arms.

"Its all over.That was for sheer stupidity.You know you both deserved it and you wont make the same mistake again.Now its time for some fun.Go and get washed up and come back here in half an hour."

Still tearful, the two lads dressed and left,smiling a bit though.

Next: Chapter 15

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