Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 4, 2023


This work of fiction depicts sexual acts between teenage boys.It also depicts corporal punishment.If this offends you then DO NOT READ.If you are under 18 then DO NOT READ.

The Easter Holiday Chapter Fifteen

The two boys washed and changed into shorts and tee shirts.Andy made sure of no pants this time.When they were let into Tawses room this time he was once again in white briefs and nothing else.

They stood in their usual positions and he walked up to them.Both of his hands grabbed at a crotch and their shorts were soon tenting out.They glanced at each other and by a look they acted.Two pairs of hands came out and the briefs were down,letting Tawses cock spring free.David dropped to his knees and took it in his mouth.

As David sucked,Andy lifted his head and kissed Tawse on the lips.Thee older boy was surprised for a moment but soon responded.His hand was by now inside Andys shorts and gently playing with his balls.

But this was not to be all.Soon David was pulled up from his sucking and the two boys were stripped down.Tawse led David to the desk and laid him over it and told Andy to go to the other side.

The KY was opened and spread into Davids hole and crack,and onto Tawses straning cock.He rubbed his cock up and down the crack and then started to introduce it into David.Slowly at first to allow David to get used to it and then more disappeared.

David started to moan softly as the cock slid into him.And then it was in.As Tawse started to move in and out David moaned even more.Moans of pleasure.Until Andy leaned across the desk and applied his mouth to Davids.His young lovers tongue at one end and a cock at the other was the height of pleasure.

Tawse had got the rhythm going now and alll too soon for David he felt the trembling of the older boy and then the Ahhhh!!!.It was over for now.Tawse withdrew exhausted.

"Dont forget young Andy that you still have a punishment due.Be here tomorrow evening at 7 sharp.And you are both banned from the pool until then.Now,shoot off."

"I wonder why we are banned from the pool?" said David as they wandered along the corridor.

"If you could see the state of your behind,you would not ask that question.He does not want another prefect to see it."

"Yeah," agreed David."If my bum is anything like yours I understand.I never want another licking like that.I wonder why he wants me back tomorrow evening though.It is you who is due for punishment."

"Search me," replied Andy."Lets get some lunch and then I have to get up to the barn for my scrubbing."

"Oh I will come with you for that."

So, after lunch off they went to the barn.David took off all his clothes and laid them in a heap.

"What are you stripping for," asked Andy.

"Rule of the club,mate.Any one in the barn has to be naked no matter what you are doing.Bums and cocks on display at all times."

So Andy stripped and the two of them got down to cleaning up the mess from the previous day.Eventually four other boys came in and started to strip.

"Golly.Look at those arses,"exclaimed one.

"What have you been doing," asked another," whipping each other??"

The two friends shrugged together,"Something like that."

The four boys crowded round and examiined and fondled the two red bums.

"They are lovely and warm," said one of the lads."And hjust right for fucking.Come on.Bend over and let me get up you pal."

It was considered bad form in the club to refuse anyone so they both bent over and the four boys had their cocks up them in turn.After they had been fucked twice David and Andy felt they had had enough so getting dressed they left the others to their games and made their way home.David to his house and Andy to the school.

"See you at 6 at my house,"Said David as they parted.

Back at the school Andy washed and put on his school uniform and then went down to the village to Davids house.

"What are you all tarted up for.Jeans and tee shirt would have done," said David.But Mrs.Terry looked at Andy and said."Now that is really smart."

Over tea Mrs.Terry said,"We are so glad that David has met you Andy.Some of the local boys are so rough."

"Yes ," joined in Davids father."David here has been getting just as bad recently.I am really thinking of getting a cane to apply to your behind young man."

The two boys had a job to stop from giggling.

The next day the two friends decided to forego a visit to the barn.They walked around in the afternoon,killing time before they had to report to Tawse.As they strolled along the bank of the stream Andy remarked,"That bridge thing is still broken."

"Yes," said David."And that is where all this started.

They laughed and walked on.

Next: Chapter 16

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