Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Organization: Swans

The Easter Holiday Chapter 7

All was very quiet but Andy thought he could hear a low whirring sound.He wondered if it was a wall fan.Then there was a quiet murmur and he heard a voce say,"Hes ready alright.Look at that bulge sticking out there."

"Quiet,"another voice said.Then Andy felt a firm hand grasp his prick and a voice said,"Do you agree to take all that lies ahead of you willingly, and do you promise that you will reveal nothing of what happens here to any outside of this building?"

Andy gulped and whispered softly,"Yes!"

The grip on his cock was released and he heard someone come up behind him.Another voice, this time davids, whispered in his ear,"hi Andy," and then in a loud voice he proclaimed,"Gang,I present Andy!", and his pants were whipped down to his ankles.He gave a grunt and a wince as the elastic of the waist caught his steaming hard cock on the way down.

"Step back out of them," came davids whispered voice from behind him again.and Anby,obediently,but with a little difficulty,managed to step back leaving his pants behind him.

Although he was still blindfolded , his nose prevented the scarf from being flat against his face,and looking down,he could see his cock sticking out a mile, and saw a hand whip his pants away. Andy was now panting audibly with excitement and anticipation,and bending forward he tried to wrap his thighs around his tortured cock.

He heard a few of the boys giggling and one said,"Geeze,look at that.Hes trying to wank himself with his legs."

This was unbearable.He was sweating.His thighs were shaking and his cock was desperate for releif from this awful yet wonderful torture.If only he could get his hands on his cock but his wrists were still tied.

Although it was only for a minute or two,Andy felt as though he was kept staning displaying his nudity for hours.Fully conscious that these horny bastards were gazing intently and gleefully at his throbbing cock and dangling balls, he writhed inembarrassment and ecstasy.

Then he heard bare feet patter on the floor and he felt the movement of the boys as they came towards him and started to circle him.As each passed his front a hand would feel his cock and balls.And as each reached his back,his bum was sueezed or slapped and even a finger slid up it.

His mind was reeling as this wnet on and eventually he was forced to cry out."Please I cant stand it."All this brought was laughter and giggling from the horny boys.Then a chair was placed in front of him and a voice said,"Bend over the chair in front of you.Put your hands on the seat and spread your legs wide.OK lads.Condoms on!"

Andy realised he was going to be on the receiving end of a gang bang.He had heard of them but had never taken part in one.He wondered how his bum would hold up to it.

Suddenly someone pushed a pair of briefs into his mouth, and secured them there with a piece of twine.He wondered why they were gagging him.He was soon to find out as his tied hands were pushed further up his back to expose his arse.

Crack!!!His arse went on fire as a blow with some sort of paddle landed square across both chheks.He screamed into the gag and his body straightened up involuntarily.Quivering all over he felt a hand push him back down over the chair, and his hands which he had put down to his behind were pushed back up again

His legs and body shook uncontrollably as he tensed himself for another stroke.But instead he felt a well greased cock entering him.The boy fucking him kept up a nice gentle rhythm,in-out,inout,in-out,then suddenly he took off like a rabbit and it was all over

Andy felt the cock startb to slide out of him.That had not been bad.Quite nice in fact.How many to come and which would be david,he wondered.His thoughts were rudely interupted as his arse caught fire again,and once again his body shot up and his hands returned to his arse.

He now recognised the routine.Each boy would give him a swipe with that weapon and then screw him hard.Well, Andy counted six hard whacks and six hard cocks before he was led to another chair and sat down.His wrists were sore with fighting the restraints and his arse was sore from the whacks.He was grateful for the seat, although it was a bit difficult to sit.

The tie was removed from his wrists,the gag from his mouth and the scarf from his eyes.He heaved a sigh of releif but was still able to smile as he saw the six lads all grinning at him.Slapping him on the back and shaking him by the hand they welcomed him as a new fully flrdged member of their elite band. -- Davey

Next: Chapter 8

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