Elliot and the Rugby Captain

By Elliot Hawk

Published on Jul 30, 2014


Elliot and the Rugby Captain 2

Copyright © 2014 by Elliot Hawk (elliothawk@outlook.com)

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don't ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slip it in.

This is Part 2 of a mostly true story concerning a guy I met in high school. Names/details etc. have been changed. Thanks for all the feedback after my first story, again I would really really love to hear your thoughts/suggestions/criticisms and if you want me to write any further stories about Elliot and Tim :)


"Shit," I muttered to myself. Even though the phone in my pocket was on vibrate it still made enough noise that Ms O'Connor might notice. I glanced up from the English essay I had been furiously scribbling down and peered over at the teacher's desk. Ms O'Connor was busy typing away on her computer, only occasionally glancing up at the room full of students working silently on the exam. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, I leant back in my chair and slid the phone out of my pocket enough to read who the text message was from. My dick instantly began to swell when I saw the name on the screen – Tim Bradford.

Heart starting to pound, I quickly checked to see if the teacher was looking and opened the message:

P5 11:30. T u/neath library

I crammed my phone back into my pocket. The sound of my heart pounding in my chest was louder than the clock on the classroom wall and I had to take a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down. It had been a few days since Tim had sent me a text. Usually when Tim wanted me he'd tell me to sneak into his room at night or on weekends in the boarding houses. This was the first time he'd asked me to meet him during school hours and I was nervous as hell. It was Tim's way of telling me to meet him during Period 5 in the small toilet block underneath the school library. My heart was still going a mile a minute thinking about what Tim was asking me to do and whether I was willing to risk it. The thought of meeting him during school hours and in public was just crazy. Different scenarios kept running through my head. I mean, if we were caught we'd be suspended at the least and that story wouldn't stay quiet, the whole school would eventually find out not to mention my parents. I tried to think of some excuse, some reason that I wasn't able to make it that he might believe. But who was I kidding; I wasn't going to reply simply because Tim knew that I would be there. Ever since the first night that I'd sucked him off I'd become, well, I guess the only way to describe it was his bitch. It was kind of embarrassing how obsessively I craved him, but I think that was half the thrill for Tim. He got off on people admiring him and I think he enjoyed the power he had over me more than he would ever admit. I was a pretty confident and outgoing person usually and I hated being told what to do or being thought of in any way feminine or inferior, but for some reason whenever Tim wanted it I had this compulsion to obey. Maybe it was the way he just exuded masculinity. Maybe deep down inside all I really wanted was to be a little submissive bitch. Maybe it was just because he was the only guy that knew I was gay and therefore my only outlet. Or maybe it was just his impressive dick and thick tasty cum. I usually tried not to think about it too much otherwise I'd do my head in. All I knew for sure was that I liked it and I didn't want it to stop.

Turning back to my exam I found it even harder to concentrate on writing about Macbeth when all I could think about was undoing Tim's belt and licking his balls through his Calvin Kleins. The rest of the lesson passed agonisingly slowly as I made half-hearted attempts to finish my essay properly.

When the bell finally rang I was the first out the door and headed straight for my Period 5 Science class. Sitting at my desk in the back of Mr Mueller's class I could barely pay attention to anything we were supposed to be learning as I watched the clock slowly ticking on. It didn't help at all that Mr Mueller looked as if he was a distant uncle of Tim's. Australian with German roots, Bastian Mueller had similar pale blonde hair to Tim's, but much shorter and combed over, combining nicely with his light beard. He differed further with shining blue eyes instead of green and darker tanned skin. He definitely wasn't as muscular as Tim was either, but his business shirts always hung tightly, defining his nice arms and broad shoulders. His narrow waist supported a pert little bubble butt that I could never avoid staring at when he was writing on the board. He was a former swimmer and coached at a nearby all-girls school which was pretty depressing. I started drift into dream land, imagining Tim standing up at the front of the class in a blue button up and tight fighting grey pinstriped trousers. In my fantasy Tim the teacher was teaching biology, demonstrating to the class the functions of the male reproduction system.

I probably would have lost track of the time altogether if Brodie Fitzgibbon hadn't elbowed me and asked to borrow a pen. Fishing one out of my pencil case I glanced up at the clock. Shit 11:27 I stuck my hand in the air: "Sir, can I go to the bathroom?" I had to adjust my cock before I stood up so the entire class wouldn't notice my hard-on. I still wasn't really sure what the hell I was doing. It was insane. I must be insane. But the appeal of Tim fucking Bradford was just too much.

Heading out the door I made my way as fast as I could towards the small block of toilets beneath the library. I'd used it a couple of times before so I understood why Tim had chosen them. They were down a quiet dead end hallway that only led to bathrooms and a cleaner's closet. They weren't even really student bathrooms; they were mainly used by the staff in the library and the school reception block and since that staff was 90% female I'd never seen anybody else in the male bathroom. I walked quickly, resisting the urge to look around before going down the stairs. As I shut the door behind me my heart was beating so fast I felt sick. It wasn't a huge bathroom, one urinal stand and one stall across one of the walls with a sink and mirror in between. I quickly noticed Tim wasn't here yet. I looked at my watch: 11:30. I stood at the sink, pretending to wash my hands so that if somebody other walked in I could see who it was and make a quick getaway if needed. Looking down I could see my hands were shaking and the face staring back at me in the mirror was losing colour fast. It felt like I had been standing there for ages so I checked my watch again: 11:35.

"Fuck." Breathing heavily I tried to figure out what I should do. If I left now and ran into Tim it would be too suspicious to come back, but if Tim wasn't coming I couldn't wait forever. I paced the length of the room a few times. "Fuck it" I sighed. I turned around to leave and the handle turned from outside. My heart skipped about 20 beats as I stood there, staring stupidly at the door. Tim swung the door open, saw me and smiled broadly. My heart melted. He was wearing the school PE shirt, white and blue cotton polo that was probably two sizes too small for him, as well as a pair of white school rugby shorts that barely came a quarter of the way down his thighs. He must have come straight from PE because he was covered in sweat, his massive tanned arms glistening and grass and mud tracked up the side of one of his legs. There was even some of it across his face and hair. Tim never looked happier, or sexier, than when he was playing rugby and all of a sudden I didn't give a fuck about skipping that math class anymore.

"Wasn't sure if you'd be here, somebody must be thirsty today," Tim teased. He pulled a piece of paper and blue tac out of his pocket and stuck it on the door: `Out of Order'. He shut the door and sauntered over, wiping the sweat from his brow with his forearm.

"Is the door locked?" I blurted out anxiously, excitement and nerves fighting a battle in my chest.

"Nobody ever comes down here man, I fucked a teacher's aide in here like ten times last year," he smirked, "Fuck that pussy was tight, bangin' tits as well. She was always thirsty for me too, absolutely atrocious at giving head though. I was so depressed when her contract was up." He leant back against the door and stretched his arms up, exposing his abs and a peek of his pubes. He smiled flashing bright teeth and emerald eyes in that half-smirk that pretty well always got him exactly what he wanted. And now he wanted me. He nodded his head back slightly, all the invitation I needed.

I moved in a bit, feeling a little bolder this time. Usually I just went straight for his dick, but now I brushed my fingertips softly across his abs, feeling the sweat that had soaked through his polo shirt. I slowly moved up to his chest, rubbing my fingertips across his massive pecs. I glanced furtively up at Tim, trying to gauge his reaction while knowing that I was pushing the boundaries. He stared straight back at into my eyes, still smirking slightly, obviously enjoying being admired but a little bit impatient at the same time. I began circling his left nipple gently with my right hand, larger circles gradually giving away to smaller. His pecs were rock solid, wide flat and brown they tensed and coursed enticingly beneath the thin dirty cotton. I reached down and fondled the head of his semi hard penis, mimicking the circles on his nipples. His dick jumped a few times in eager anticipation. I could tell I was turning him on but at the same time pushing the limits of what he was comfortable having another guy do to him. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt with both hands and brought it up, revealing his defined torso. Kneeling down, I licked the salty juices of sweat. Starting from the belly button I travelled up his stomach towards his luscious nipples, pushing his shirt further up to his pits. Tim raised his arms and I stood to bring the shirt up over his head, dropping it to the ground. I licked further, moving closer and to his left nipple before finally wrapping my wet lips over his manly tits and sucking gently.

I glanced up at Tim again as I toyed with his nipples. The smile had disappeared from his face. In its place was confusion, his mouth was open slightly to let little gasps of pleasure escape but his brow was furrowed. Indecision and confusion were etched along his perfect features and I could tell he was enjoying how it felt but not what it meant. Tim didn't strike me as the closet gay type so I believed him when he said that all he wanted was a blowjob every now and then, but I wanted more than that with him. I wanted to see how far I could push him. Feeling emboldened and drunk on the taste of sweat and pheromones I left his nipple and let my tongue travel to new territory. I nuzzled gently into the gap between his bicep and lats, probing towards his pits. The scent was overpowering, pure masculinity was exuding from his pits and I pushed my way towards them with my tongue. Tim lifted his arm up and placed his hand behind his head, not so much aroused as curious as to what the hell I was doing. I knew that this was completely new and strange to him, no girl would have ever tried to lick his armpits before, but at that moment I was devouring them. I licked all over, tasting him and drawing little circles with my tongue. I kissed and tongued, playing with the thin hairs and twisting them all over. Tim still hadn't objected so I decided to push my luck even further, charting a path towards the new object of my desire, the place where that perfect and erotic smile originated. I pulled my body in closer, close enough that I could feel the heat coming off Tim's glistening body. I settled just above his collarbone, nuzzling the little grove and establishing a base camp. Tim shuffled a bit uncomfortably, but he stayed silent. He hadn't made any effort to push me down to his dick yet. In a rush of adrenalin, I moved slowly up towards his lips.

In a flash Tim's fists connected with my stomach. I doubled over in pain, groaning and clutching at the point where he'd connected.

"That's not what this is," Tim growled. Despite the pain, the low rumble of his voice and the aggressive, domineering tone caused a stirring in my groin. I knew I'd pushed it too far, but I still wanted what I'd come for.

"Far out Tim, calm the fuck down. I'm sorry." I managed to groan. Tim took a step and in another quick movement he grabbed me by the shoulders, kicked my legs out from under me and pushed me down towards the floor. He was kneeling now, holding me down by the scruff of the neck menacingly. I could smell the heat coming from his armpits, a heady mix of sweat, grass and man.

"Don't try any of that homo shit Elliot. All I want is my dick sucked, alright?" I tried to sit up and push him off me but with ridiculous strength he shoved me back down and sat on me, straddling my chest and holding me down with his gigantic sweaty thighs. I lay back staring up at his heavenly body with only a tiny white pair of ruggers between me and my prize. With a bit of an awkward struggle, he dropped his shorts to his ankles and knelt closer putting his knees into my armpits. His thick juicy cock was hovering above my lips, teasing me while his round swollen balls dripped sweat onto my neck. I lifted my head up eagerly, tasting the salty sweetness of his balls as I rolled them between my lips and tongue. Tim's hands found their way to the back of my head and he lifted me up while angling his dick down towards my mouth.

Tim didn't even give me time to tease his cock. He slammed his prick angrily straight into my mouth. I sputtered and coughed but Tim didn't slow. It was as if he was in heat. He was in the mood to fuck. He ploughed hard and deep, working the back of my throat. I could see the muscles in his legs and abs tensing and coiling, the sweat starting to build on his brow. I couldn't take my eyes of his face as he lost himself in ecstasy. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open, probably imagining the bimbo teacher he'd fucked in this room last year but I didn't care, I was happy to play the fill in role.

In and out his thick dick pummelled and I could start to taste his pre cum. It was all I could do to keep myself from cumming in my pants. Tim started to grunt now. He pushed my head back to the ground and lifted himself over me. Holding himself up in a pushup position he began to thrust his whole weight into me, fucking my face in a furious frenzy. His speed began to increase and I could hear his breathing quicken and see more sweat began to form all over his body. He was pushing deeper but I couldn't handle it, coughing and gurgling, gagging and resisting despite wanting to be able to take it. Tim wanted to fuck deeper, but fearing that he would probably lose his dick in an involuntary bite he eased off, thrusting only part way.

It seemed like he continued to that way for hours, each thrust bringing his beefy thighs into my stomach until I heard him whisper "Fuuuuuuuuck" and then all of a sudden the thrusting stopped and I felt his cock pulsing, unleashing a gigantic payload of cum into my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could, but burst after burst kept shooting out of his dick until it overflowed, dribbling down my chin. I caught it with my fingers before it leaked onto my uniform, grabbing and jerking Tim's dick as he slowed into a gentle post-orgasmic rhythm. I sucked greedily on his manhood, drawing out every last dribble of cum and savouring the taste.

Tim abruptly jumped up and pulled up his shorts then picked up his shirt off the ground and pulled it over his shoulders. I sat up, wiping more of his cum off my lips and watching Tim struggle to get his gorgeous blond head into his polo. He finished dressing and turned to leave without saying a word. He stopped however, with his hand on the door and turned around staring back at me.

"Don't you ever fucking try that again Whittaker." He said in a low steady voice, not in an overtly menacing way, but still aggressive enough to show he meant business. "I'm sorry about hitting you mate, but you just took me by surprise." He paused for a second, waiting for me to respond. I just nodded glumly. Now that it was over I felt really guilty about it, but I couldn't muster the courage to open my mouth. He smirked slightly, in the way that truly made me so obsessed with him. "If you want that you better work out a way to grow a pussy and a pair of tits. I ain't into dick and your mouth is good, but I can't fuck it properly like a nice moist vag." With that, he waltzed off casually down the hallway back to PE.

I looked at my watch: 11:50. "Shit," I muttered. Stopping only to wash the remnants of Tim's jizz off my face I hurried back to the classroom. Bounding in the door I interrupted the Mr. Mueller as he was writing a few equations on the whiteboard.

"What's taken you so long Elliot?" Mueller demanded, glancing at the large clock on the wall, "It shouldn't take you nearly twenty minutes to use the bathroom."

Trying to act as casually as possible, when inside my heart was pounding, I shrugged and said "Sir, if you'd had to eat what the boarders had for dinner last night you'd know exactly why it took me twenty minutes." A few guys in the class laughed and even the teacher fought off a smile.

"Don't be crude, Elliot, just sit down and open up your textbook" he said, turning back to the equations. I sauntered to the back of the classroom and plonked myself down into my chair.

Buzz Buzz

My heart skipped a beat and I whipped out my phone to see another message from `Tim Bradford'.

`Same time/place tmrrw'

"Who's texting you bro? " asked Brodie, trying to peer over and read the message.

"Fuck off Brodie, mind your own. Stay the fuck out of my business all right?" I snapped back, shoving my phone into my pocket quickly.

"Whoa, chill out. I won't read it if you don't want me to, was just asking." Brodie said, speaking softly so Mueller wouldn't hear from the front of the classroom.

"Sorry," I whispered back, feeling like a bit of a dickhead. Brodie Fitzgibbon was quite literally the nicest guy in the entire school so I felt bad for snapping at him. "It's just uh... Some girl I hooked up with last week at Jaden's party is giving me a ton of shit and I'm just so over it."

"What's her name?" he said, without looking over.

"Huh?" I said, frantically scrambling to remember some of the girls at the party, who I definitely had not hooked up with.

"The name of the girl, or is that a secret too?" he said, looking over while copying down the questions on the board for that night's homework.

"Erica Clark" I mumbled, feeling relieved that I'd remembered one of the airheaded bimbos I got stuck talking to at the party.

Brodie stopped writing and looked over with an eyebrow raised. "You're so full of shit Elliot," he said smiling wryly, "I saw Erica talking to you for 10 minutes, but she spent the rest of the night sucking Nick Porter's dick in the tool shed. In fact I'm pretty sure she blew Riley Carter as well that night, probably at the same time. Those two are pretty fucked like that." He looked over again, waiting for a response.

I opened my mouth, frantically searching for some kind of retort but none came. Brodie pretty much knew everything that went down at any party, because he was friends with pretty much every guy in the school and every girl in the area, so I knew I was busted. I shut my mouth again and just went back to copying down the questions.

"Look mate, it's obviously something private so whatever, I won't bother ya but if it's something serious let me know if I can help out. But cheer up though you mopey bastard." Brodie said, punching me on the arm.

"Cheers." I mumbled back. Brodie went back to his calculator and the algebra that was still unfinished in front of him. I watched him out of the corner of my eye for a bit. It was moments like just now that it was pretty obvious why nobody ever had a bad word to say about Brodie Fitzgibbon. The guy was just the friendliest and kindest person you'd ever meet. When most guys in the school would make fun of each other or insult kids behind their back, Brodie would never join in. He was a smart kid too, always near the top of his class especially in music. The guy could play 4 instruments for fucks sake. He was pretty good looking too, not surprising considering his pedigree (the school-wide consensus was that his mother was the greatest MILF). His family was loaded in fact, his Dad was a successful property developer and his Mum He was well built, but not thickset like a rugby player. He was mainly a swimmer and soccer player and he also ran a bit of track. He was muscular and toned, but not big. From swimming training I knew his six-pack was incredibly defined with deep set lines down towards his crotch. It seemed like the only part of his body that held any fat was his ass, making it small but round and perky. I wouldn't say he was thin, just not as thick and hunky as the rugby guys on my team I usually stared at. Looking into his kind brown eyes as he worked I kept noticing little details about him: his wavy, almost curly brown hair that he kept flicking out of his eyes, his cute button nose and his big goofy smile that was so broad it made his eyes seem to disappear. While watching him I got this kind of fluttering, swooping sensation in my diaphragm. It wasn't the way I felt when I looked at Tim, and I'd never really looked at Brodie at all to be honest. He wasn't my usual type, but now I just had this sudden urge to lean across the table and kiss him. My daydream was abruptly interrupted the loud clanging of the school bell. I grabbed all my books and followed my classmates out the door to lunch.

Later that night I lay in the darkness of my dorm room, restless and fidgety. I'd been lying there for an hour or so, just listening to the whistles and snorts of the other guys who were asleep. I was thinking about Tim, and as usual when that happened I was rock hard and busting to nut. I didn't really want to sneak off to the toilets and jerk off in one of the stalls like I usually did, it was too cold for it that night. I reached into my pillow case and grabbed the condom I'd stashed in there after they'd given them out at a sex education class as well as a small packet of lube. I tore the packed open, trying to be as quiet as possible. All of the beds were partitioned so nobody was going to see me, but I still didn't want to make any noise. I rolled it down over the throbbing head of my dick down to the base. Sliding some lube all over I began to stroke gently, replaying the events of earlier that day in my head. I could picture Tim so clearly, his hard muscular body glistening, the taste of his cum, the way he smelled and his balls bouncing off my chin. But oddly enough it was really hot thinking about Tim banging that teacher's aide. I pictured him going balls deep into her, fucking her like the beast he was. I began to wonder what it would feel like to get fucked as a girl, to feel a throbbing penis inside of you, filling you.

If only I was a chick, I thought to myself, I'd have let Tim fuck me twice a day. I could have kissed him.

I opened my eyes at a thought. Gay guys fucked each other didn't they? That's what most of the guys on the rugby team reckoned, hurling insults like fudgepacker and ass licker along with the usual homo and faggot jibes. I wondered what that would feel like, to get fucked in the ass. My exposure to porn had been pretty scarce, usually limited to stolen magazines and videos other guys kept on their phones since the school computers were so strictly monitored. I definitely knew girls could take it in the ass, so I guess it seemed pretty obvious guys could too.

Curiosity overwhelmed me. I scooped a glob of lube off my dick and ventured somewhere on my body I'd never been before. I slid my finger down my perineum, or taint as I'd heard some guys call it. I went further and further until I found my ass hole. It was a strange sensation. It felt nothing like I expected it to, it was tiny and soft and sensitive to the touch, causing goosebumps all over as I ran my finger around the edges of my hole.

There's no fucking way a dick fits in that!?! I thought, pushing gently against the hole with my forefinger. It barely seemed to give at all. I pushed around, enjoying the feeling but unsure as to how the hell a dick would go up there. Curiosity again guided me, I was determined to know what it felt like. My dick still rock solid, I pushed harder and felt my tight hole begin to give slightly as I pushed my finger inside. The feeling was like nothing I'd ever felt before, with my finger about halfway into my hole I had twenty different feelings at once. It felt good, but strange and a little painful as well. I wriggle the finger around and felt my ass loosing up a bit. I pushed in further, slowly but surely until my hole finger was inside me. It felt so odd, good but uncomfortable at the same time. I twirled my finger around, feeling how it felt inside me. I poked a bit, and then gasped as I jabbed on particular spot. It felt good. It felt really good. I poked again, getting that same pang of pleasure. I eased my finger in and out slowly, fucking myself while jerking my cock at the same time. I moved my middle finger to the hole and pushed it in as well. It hurt at first, but slowly I felt my ass open up and I increased my speed, plunging in and out and curling my fingers to prod the spot that felt so good. I went faster and faster, prodding at the spot in a steady beat. All of a sudden an intense, powerful feeling began to build in my loins, I jerked faster and faster, breathing heavy. The intensity of the feeling inside me increased, and all of a sudden it exploded and I felt tingles throughout my entire body. I gasped, my toes curled and I thrust my hips forward as it felt like litres of cum exploded out of me.

I let go of my dick and lay back, gasping for air. I looked down and saw how much cum was in the condom. I slid the condom off and dumped it in the bin under my desk. I lay there for another twenty minutes before I fell asleep, just fondling my balls and my swollen dick, all the while imagining what it would have felt like to have Tim fuck me.

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