Eminem Goes to a Justin Bieber Concert

By Ryan Webster

Published on Jan 19, 2015


Eminem's POV

I sit up, unable to take a breath and covered in sweat. I look around, empty bedroom.

Crazy ass dream... Seemed so real...

I lay back down on my back, staring at the ceiling.

I told Dre yesterday to call Justin's manager and ask him about singing in my new album, but God damn... that dream...

Jeans, I was wearing God damned jeans...

Slim Shady don't wear fucking jeans.

Fuck, Slim Shady don't fucking go out with dudes neither.

I'll just call Dre and tell him to not talk to Justin's manager... I need to rethink this whole thing...

(By the way, if you are lost, most of chapter 3, as well as 4, 5, and chapter 6, were all a dream, or nightmare in Marshall's case...)

"Yo, Dre."

"Marshall, what the fuck are you doin'? Son it is like fuckin' 3 A.M (Get it?)"

"Dre, call Nate instead."

"What the fuck are you talking about Slim?"

"Justin! Don't fucking call his manager!"

"Oh, your album? Shit, son I already called Justin... He already landed in Detroit by now... Why, what's wrong, dawg?"

I hung up my phone and tossed it on the ground next to my bed.


Alright, Alright, it's all good. It was a dream, Justin probably won't even be into me like I thought....

Resigned to hoping for the best, I roll onto my slide and allow myself to drift off to sleep.

Four hours later my phone starts playing `Cinderella Man' and I reach over to my nightstand to shut off the alarm.

My phone's not there.

Last night comes flooding back to me and I feel around on the floor until I find it.

I swipe the screen to shut off the alarm and then lay there, contemplating sleeping my life away.

My desires are crushed when I hear Hailie knocking on my door, "You can come in."

She runs in all happy and excited, "OMG, Dad are you ready to start your new album today!? Dre just called and told me you were going to be working with JUSTIN BIEBER!! He said I could come down to the studio and meet him, if it was okay with you, which I'm sure it is because-"

She continued rambling on but I droned out the last part and made a mental note to have a talk with Dre about what information he is allowed to tell my daughter.

"Yes Hailie, of course you can come. I was going to ask you myself but I guess he beat me to the punch," I lied.

"Oh my God, Yay!" She excitedly gives me a hug and then leaves the room, probably to do her hair and make-up.

Good, I thought, maybe she will distract Justin and I can focus on making my music...

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the hopefully not big, or eventful, day.

In the shower I couldn't get the dream out of my head... dating Justin... WORSE, I was the one who HIM out...

Whatever, just a dream... No biggie...

I got dressed, my typical freeballing sweatpants and plain white tee-shirt.

I looked at myself in the mirror before I left the room, despite my best efforts, I still looked 100% fuckable....

Beautiful blue eyes, dark brown hair, perfect face... Damn my good looks.

I decided i couldn't dwell on the unchangeable, and went into the kitchen to wait for Hailie.

Hailie came down the stairs wearing short jean shorts, that did her ass some favors, and a red shirt that showed everything below her belly button. She had a stud belly button ring in, and honestly if she wasn't my daughter, she would be the kind of girl I'd go after for a hit it and quit it night. But she is my daughter, and ANY other time, I would have told her to walk her ass back up to her room and stop dressing like a slut, but in this instance, I was just hoping she dressed slutty enough to get Justin's attention.

"You ready to go?" I asked her.

"Really? I can wear this?" She asked, surprised.

"Is it to impress Justin?"

She avoided eye contact and replied, "Uh, yeah..."

"Then let's go."

She smiled and followed me out to my lifted blacker Hummer H3T sitting in the driveway.

I started the engine and heard the car say, "Connection Complete.", when it's bluetooth paired to her phone.

She messed around on her phone for a couple seconds and I wasn't really paying attention, I was dreading having to see Justin, even though he knew nothing about my dream, when I heard music start playing from the car's speakers, via her bluetooth.

I listened to it for a minute and recognized it as `Beauty and a Beat' by Justin.

"Absolutely not."

She picks her phone back up and changes the song, but she doesn't put it back down.

"You know you can't tell anybody where you're going, or who's going to be there until after, right?"

"Yes, dad, I know.... How long have I been your daughter?"

I smile a little and wonder who she got her smart-ass remarks from.

I turn into the parking lot outside of the studio and we walk in, it is just like my dream except with Hailie standing next to me.

Justin was standing there with dark blue skinny jeans and a tight red Nike Elite shirt that hugged his form nicely...

If i was gay...

But I'm not...

"Glad you could make it, Bieber," I told him.

"Wouldn't miss it for anything," he replied with a look in his eyes that was undoubtedly desire.

"Uh, yeah... I'm gonna head back to the sound booth..."

When I turned and started walking away I heard him ask Hailie, "What's his problem?"

"He's always like that to other people..." she answered.

Her answer seemed good enough because it shut him up and for the next couple hours we recorded while Dre and Hailie were making changes and small talk.

I can't hear what they are saying, unless they hit the microphone, but I noticed they kept looking at us and laughing.

It was lunch time and the two of them offered to go get us some lunch, which was only about five minutes away.

I wasn't crazy about the idea, but agreed.

"So what's your problem with me, all of the sudden?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You had Dre call me out here to record with you, presumably aftermath of a few nights ago, but you won't even make eye contact with me."

I glared at him, straight into his eyes and I could see his confidence waivering, "If I had a problem with you, you would know it. As for the other night, purely pleasure, don't flatter yourself."

"It didn't seem like it when you slept with your arms wrapped around me..."

I walked closer to him, my face inches away from his, I could smell his cologne, Usher, he was wearing Usher cologne, "It was a mistake," I growled.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands resting on my lower back just above my ass, "Was calling me out here a mistake too?"

I didn't answer, not quite sure what to say, and not quite trusting my voice at that moment.

"Because if it was, I can always leave..."

"No!" I replied, way too quickly, and way too urgently.

He leaned his face closer to mine and whispered, "I didn't think so." before meeting his lips with my own.

"Justin, wait..." I said, breaking the kiss.

"Why? It is just us..."

He had a point, and when his lips again met mine, I didn't pull away, and I instead returned his kiss.

I could feel his tongue pressing against my lips, begging for access, demanding it.

I obliged his request, and found my own tongue wrestling for control with his.

My hands, I noticed, were firmly gripping his ass, and pulling his hard-on into my own.

I heard something hit the floor behind me and when I turned around I saw Hailie, with a broken cup and soda on the floor around her.

She had just walked into the room and said to me, "You're gay!?"

"No... Hailie..." I turned away from Justin to face my daughter, "You don't understand..."

"Dad, I don't care... You could have told me though." She grinned.

That's my Hailie, "I'm not gay though, Hailie."

"Looks like you are." She said.

"Felt like you are..." Justin interjected.

I turned my head and gave him a murderous look which quickly wiped the smile from his face.

"Purely pleasure, Justin, already told you that."

"Oh so you find being gay with Justin to be, pleasurable..."

"That's not what I said."

"It kind of is..." She argued.

"Don't argue with me Hailie, go wait in the car," I said and threw her the keys.

She walked away, probably planning to continue her questioning later.

I turned to Justin and directed my question towards him, as Dre still had not come in, "Did you bring your car?"

"No I took a taxi from the airport."

"Ugh, you're such a child. You can come back to my place and sleep in the guest bedroom. Just shut up, and don't bother me."

"Define bother..."

"Justin," I warned.

"Shutting up." He announced.

I walked back out to my car, Justin in my wake, and we both got in my Hummer. We passed Dre on the way out and I told him we were done recording for a while, and I would call him when I wanted to record again.

"So you're a thing now?" Hailie asked.

"No," I responded.

"So you're bringing him home, because he is a millionaire who can't afford to stay in a hotel?"

I could see Justin smirking in the backseat, as if those were his thoughts exactly.

"Hailie, just drop it."

"Drop it? How could I drop that? M dad, no, SLIM SHADY, is GAY!"

I shot her a look, less murderous than the one I gave Justin earlier, but still menacing. "We'll talk about it another time. End. of. story."

"Don't think you're getting out of this one."

We pulled into my driveway and got out of my car, we just kind of stood there awkwardly until Hailie walked up to her bedroom.

"So what is this, exactly?" Justin asked me.

I ignored his question and replied, "Guest bedrooms are upstairs, the nicest one is probably the one on the left at the end of the hall, across from mine."

"How do I know which one is yours?"

"Hmmm, one is a guest bedroom, the other is full of my shit. You tell me."

He grinned and I saw him disappear up the stairs, I sat down in the living room and poured myself a drink.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Thanks for reading guys!!! I know it was a few days since I updated but I promise there is more to come!!

Email me @ w.ryan.787@gmail.com if you want to get updates when I post, or if you want to access my Google Drive and be the first to read my new chapters, even before they're done! Also email me if you have ideas for the coming chapters, even though I have a general idea what I'm going to do in chapters 7 and 8, emaail me and I'll tell you my plans ;)

Also, Kik me @ Sean.Wylie. (Yes, that is {Sean[dot]Wylie[dot]}) for pretty much the same stuff as above, but more for chatting instead of Drive.

You can even Skype me at Sean.Wylie.98 but message me with another method first so I know when to check Skype, as I am not alway on...

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