
Published on Apr 8, 1993





The sound echoed down the darkened hallway.


As the noise advanced, the young recruits fidegted nervously. They all knew what was coming down that hallway. They all knew that this was the beginning of the end.


Hearts froze as the Sergeant emerged into the bright daylight. Standing before them was the meanest, toughest Drill Sergeant ever to be known in Training Camp. The brim of his large hat rested just above his muzzle, shadowing his pierceing gold eyes. He stood solidly, slowing looking over the raw recruits standing before him. The hate and disgust eminating from his massive frame had an infectious effect on the recuits as they each tried to look as proper as possible in the blaring midday heat. The Sergeant crisply walked over to the first recruit in the first row, moving to within only inches of his face. The Sergeant's reddish-brown fur glistened in the sunlight as he stared directly into the recruit's eyes. Slowly, the Sergeant reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a short, fat cigar; sticking it into the side of his mouth. He then reached back into his pocket and pulled out a stick match, all the while never letting his eyes waver from the recruit. Then with a quick motion, h e flicked the matched against the recruit's shoulder, igniting it. The Sergeant lite his cigar as the recruit standing before him promptly fainted away.

That was our first few moments of Training Camp. The days to follow were punctuated only by the number of times our hearts stopped and the many prayers that went unanswered. The Sergeant, truly the ugliest fox I had ever seen, rarely spoke, and never more than one word if he did. Just the fact that you had done something to bring yourself to his attention was enough to make any recruit crumble. He pushed us long and hard. Always demanding more with just a glance. Always pushing harder with just a look in his eyes. And we pushed. And we trained. And we marched. Endlessly.

It was 2:35 in the morning. I was on guard duty for the sleeping quarters, which meant I was to watch over everyone else while they slept. It was a training thing. Teach us how to deal with the lack of sleep while on a boring guard duty. I made my rounds like clockwork, walking up and down the many rows of sleeping recruits. Each time I passed my empty bunk, I could feel the aching need in my tired bones grow stronger. Finally, I sat on the edge of my bed, laying my rifle across the top of it to insure I didn't accidently fall asleep. I sat there, breathing deeply, building my energy as I rested. It was then that I noticed Fran. He was the recruit who slept next to me. He was laying on back fast asleep. The moonlight shining through the small windows gave his fur a ghostly appearence. It also highlighted the fact that he had an erection. An old feeling began to burn between my legs. How long had it been? As I sat there staring at the lump beneath his blankets, I found myself slowly reaching for the lump in my pants. But this was no place to be caught. I quickly got up and walked into the latrine. I stepped up to one of the stalls and undid the buckle of my pants. Struggling with the buttons, I finally managed to release the pressure on my groin. My sheath was already hard and the red tip of my cock was staring out at me. I began to slowly rake my claws down it's length, pausing briefly to massage my ripened balls. My legs began to tense as the sw elling of my cock pushed it out of it's sheath.

I held it fimly in my paw, stroking it, letting the bulb build and slide out. Ripples of escatsy shivered though my body as I let my pants fall to the floor. My scent filled the air, enticing me on. It was too late when I heard the breathing behind me. Frozen, worried that I had been caught by one of the other recruits, I slowly turned to show my embaresment. But it wasn't one of the other recruits, it was the Sergeant!! Standing there in his full glory, staring down the ridge of his muzzle at me. I tried to pull my cock back in, but the bulb was still fully hard, holding it firmly in place, so all I could do was stand there, trembling. The Sergeant didn't move, didn't blink, or say a word. I wondered what he would do to me. The ever-present cigar shifted in his mouth slightly and he spoke,

"You seem to have a problem there recruit." He said, nodding slightly at my hard cock. I looked down slowly, then back up.

"Yes Sir."

"What do you plan to do with that?" He asked. I could not answer. I could only widen my eyes at my loss of words.

"Damn recruits. Gotta teach 'em everything." He said disgruntled. Then he stepped up to me. He looked me up and down once. Then with a flash, his left paw appeared, grabbing me by my throat, just under my chin. I could feel his long claws slowly digging into the sides of my neck as his powerful arm began to lift me of of the ground.

"Strip." He ordered.

I hung there at the end of his arm, afraid to even blink.

"I said STRIP!" He commanded, and then he ripped his right claws down my back, tearing my shirt completely off of my body. I quickly began to remove the leftover shreds of my shirt and my under garments. He then lowered me slowly to the floor. I stood before him, naked and quivering, but still my cock remained exposed. I could almost swear that a slight smile crept across his face has he undid his buckle and pants, but my eyes did not stay on his face long. There before me was the largest cock I had ever seen. The blue and red veins outlined his throbbing member, encircling it, tring to supply it with enough blood to expand it to its fullest. And at the bottom was a bulb as large as my fist. I slowly began to look back up at him, but his massive paws reached out and spun me, making me face away from him. Then he slammed me up against the stall. He held me by the back of the neck with one paw while he tried to guide his huge member into my ass with the other. I felt the tip o f it pushing against my hole. It felt as though my flesh was ripping away as he forced the tip of it into me. Then, he slammed forward, forcing his entire cock into my ass and knocking the wind out of me. He leaned over my shoulder and I could smell the rank scent of old cigar smoke on his breath.

"Nice huh?" He grunted. I could only answer in short whimpers as I tried to get my breath back. But he didn't give me the chance. He leaned his weight against me, crushing me against the stall, and pounded furiously. I felt as though I was going to split in half. Every thrust filled me beyound my limits, as his huge bulb beat against my balls. My feet kept leaving the ground, and only his firm grip on my neck held me in place. My cock was smashed up against the cold porcelin of the stall, but I could feel the droplets of pre-come dripping out of it. Then he stopped, and took a firm grip on my shoulder with both of his paws. I barely had the time to wonder when he suddenly thrusted his cock hard and deep, forcing the bulb into my ass. My body locked up, and my mind went blank. The only sensation I could feel was his huge bulb in me. Then he began to come. He raked his claws down my back as his hot fluids began to fill me. I could also feel the warmth of my own come dripping down the front of my legs. It seemed an eturnity as he filled me up more and more. I lost track of the number of times that I came, and soon everything faded into blackness as my senses overwhelmed me.

I awoke on the cold floor of the latrine laying in a puddle of come, it was still freely flowing out of my ravaged ass as I tried to regain some sort of reality. I knew I could not take a shower without waking the other recuits so I set to licking my fur clean. The musky sweet taste of the Sergeant's come filled my mind. It was a chore I was all too happy to preform. I finally finished cleaning myself and then slowly walked back into the bay. I wondered if anyone had heard us, but it looked as though they were all still asleep. I opened my locker and got out a new uniform. It was then that I noticed the time. It was already 5 minutes to 6! Only five minutes until the morning call! I hurried myself into posistion as the trumpets sounded, waking the other recruits. I could hardly wait until we assembled and the Sergeant greeted us that morning. I wonder if he'll say anything...probably not, but I do have guard duty next Friday again. You never know.

EMPIRES (c) 1991 Chris Grant.

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