Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Feb 18, 2007


Warning: This story is adult with graphic sexual situations involving male on male sex. You must be over 18 years of age to read further. This story is fictional and involves unsafe sex which is dangerous and hazardous to your health and may cause cause disease and or death.

Employee Manipulation

Tom Wilke stood in front of John Saxman's desk. His company had changed hands two weeks ago and Saxman had arrived on Monday to take charge. Tom sensed that Saxman seemed to have a dislike for him and he was feeling very nervous. Saxman's phone call this morning had been short, telling him to report to his office immediately. His secretary had grimaced when she saw him and told him to go right in. Saxman was on the phone when he entered and waved him to his desk as he continued talking. Tom continued standing for the next 10 minutes as Saxman ignored him as he chatted casually, sipping coffee. When he ended his phone call, he picked up a folder and leafed though it without looking up.

Five minutes later, Tom was sweating over being treated so rudely. His self confidence was gone and he had been turned into an emotional wreck.

"Wilke, my name is John Saxman. I'm your new boss and I want you to know I'm not happy at all with your job performance." He said.

Tom felt that feeling deep in his stomach as he tried to apologize for what he did not know.

"Wilke", Saxman said, taking off his glasses, "I'm not going to say right now that you are guilty of embezzlement of company funds, but outward appearances seem to indicate just that."

"WHAT", Tom blurted out, "Sir, I have never taken anything from the company, I swear, there has to be a mistake somewhere"."What are you saying?" Tom said.

Wiping his glasses, Saxman spoke calmly. "According to an internal audit, A check from the AceCo Corp for $1250.00 was received in our office on May 18th. It was never deposited." "Granted, this is a small amount compared to the size of checks normally coming into the company, but all monies are always accounted for,

"Mr. Saxman, I swear to you, I didn't take it and I never even saw the check." Tom answered quickly.

Saxman continued, "On July 10, AceCo responding to our notice sent to them reminding them that their payment was past due, sent us a copy of the cancelled check, showing that it had been deposited at Valley Central Bank in a newly opened account registered to a Tom Wilke. doing business as Dalles Sales, suspiciously similar to our company Dallas Sales.

Tom was dumbfounded at this devastating news. He did not even do business with the Vally Central Bank and he quickly told Saxman this and that there must be a mistake or another Tom Wilke.

"We don't do business with that bank either Wilke." Saxman added, his eyes glaring at him. " This account has been frozen to protect the funds until the investigation is finished at which point you will be charged with embezzlement.

Tom's knees buckled at thoughts of his family and friends hearing about him being charged with a crime. He was completely Innocent and yet the evidence was overwhelming as to his guilt. Tears did not come easy to the formerly self confident 24 year old man, but they came now as helplessness despair engulfed him. He sank his 5-7 frame into the nearest chair in front of Saxman's desk, crying and blubbering that he had no knowledge of any of this and that he was Innocent.

John Saxman's hand was slowly rubbing his throbbing cock as he watched he young man come apart at the seams. Damm, he loved the moment when he was able to tear down another man's life and leave him in utter ruin, destitute of any hope. The young man had walked into his office as a man full of promise and a secure future and a few carefully planned procedures had changed his future to suit his new manager and now Tom Wilke's life would indeed be managed in a new direction.

Saxman had gone over all employee's personnel files when he had arrived and came across Wilke's picture. His handsome features attracted him right away and his file showed him to be an honest, hardworking, sincere young man. Very little job experience before being hired two years ago and the person who interviewed him made a note that Tom, although shy and lacking confidence at that time could be molded into a management position in time. Since then, Tom had acquired confidence, but he knew he could destroy that quickly and turn him into his personal cocksucker. John had been planning this move for many years, yearning for the day he would be promoted into a position of authority where he could wield crushing power over an employee of his choosing. Five days after his arrival, he had chosen Wilke. He had family living close, a girl friend, lived by himself, a new car he would be paying on for several years and quite literally up to his ears in debt which meant he needed his job very badly.Presented with a life saving proposition, he would capitulate quickly, and be on his knees with his lips wrapped around his first cock.

Saxman took his glasses off again, laying them on his desk and rubbed his eyes before speaking softly to Tom Wilke. "Tom, I'd like to believe you are innocent and want you to know that I'll check this out personally. In the meantime, I'm going to let you go home early today and relax. Take the rest of the week off and If things are as you say, I'll find that out. I don't want you to say anything to anyone at all about this. You are going to have to trust me that I'll be very thorough. If you're innocent, then it will be over and done with, but if you are guilty, you will undoubtedly go to prison which will ruin your life. Now, pull yourself together and go home. I will see you in my office Monday afternoon when everyone leaves, ok?"

"Mr. Saxman, I swear to you that I never took any check from the company," Tom said, as he stood up. "You've got to believe me Sir, I'd never do such a thing." He continued to protest.

John gently but firmly grasped Tom's arm and slowly walked him to the door and told him to go home now and to keep his mouth shut about the situation. Opening the door, he pushed Tom out of the office and closed the door.

Tom stood there still in shock until he noticed Mr. Saxman's secretary looking at him. Quickly, he walked to his office and straightened his desk top, shut off his computer walked hurriedly out the door.

The days drug by so slowly for Tom. His girlfriend, Susan, called every day but Tom told her he had the flu and needed to stay in bed. He actually was sick to his stomach at what had befallen him. He couldn't figure out what had happened but it was evident someone had set him up, but who? Everyone in the office had seemed to like him and he'd gone out of his way to be helpful to everyone. The weekend came and went with no answers.

Monday morning found Tom 10 pounds lighter than the day he had been accused of embezzlement. He had not slept except for short periods and his eyes were bloodshot. The day went by slowly and Tom tried to make conversation with his co-workers and do his job, but his eyes were on the clock.

Five O'clock finally came and tom watched the last of the employees leave the office. Waiting a few minutes to make sure, He got up and went to the men's room to relieve himself before his meeting. Zipping up, he splashed cold water in his face and combed his hair.Straightening his tie, he walked down the hall and knocked gently on Mr. Saxman's door, his knees weak and the now constant knot in his stomach.

The door was opened by a man he did not know. Mr. Saxman was sitting at his desk and motioned Tom to his desk, saying,"Sit down Wilkes."

Tom sat and was startled by a folder dropped into his lap by the man at his side.

"Wilke, I"m Detective Dan Olsen, criminal investigations division." "I've been investigating an allegation that you may have conspired to defraud your company out of money. I want you to look through those papers and verify for me that those are your signatures and then tell me how you expected to get away with embezzlement. Did you intend to continue stealing even larger amounts of money once you had this set up?"

Tom was sick as he leafed through the folder. The signatures looked similar to his, but he knew they were forgeries. "These are not my signatures," he pleaded, "I didn't do this, you've got to believe me, I don't steal."

Detective Olsen pulled Tom's head back by his hair and glared at him, "I've checked with an expert", he lied, "And he says its yours".

"Detective," interrupted Mr. Saxman, "Where do we go from here"

"Well, you file the complaint, He'll be arrested, fingerprinted, and face trial, unless he confesses. Either way, He'll be sent to prison for between 7 to 10 years." Olsen replied.

Tom had broken down completely, sobbing and continuing to protest his involvement.

Saxman again spoke, "What happens if I don't file a complaint right now. Suppose I wait and check this out further. How long do I have to file."

"That's up to you, Mr. Saxman, although I don't know why you'd want to wait, the evidence is all here, he did it." The detective replied, "But you have a year to file charges"

John Saxman rose from his chair and shook hands with Detective Olsen as he ushered him to the door, saying "I'll be in touch if I decide to file charges and thank you for your investigative work Detective."

Closing the door, Saxman was excited at how well his plan was proceeding. Now he would slowly unravel young Mr. Wilke. Before Tom left the room, he would give his future, his mind and body to him to be used in any way he wanted.

Returning to his desk, he unzipped his fly, and pulled out his raging cock, as he looked at Tom Wilke with his head buried in his hands. It was amazing how easy it had been to acquire ownership of another man. He was sure that others that been ensnared by such simple means as he had devised.

For $1500.00, he had hired a private detective who had gathered up all sorts of information on Wilke. He knew who his family and friends were. He knew his financial situation completely. Wilke did not know it yet, but he would soon be immersed in sexual degradation that he would submit to in order to avoid his life being destroyed.

"Wilke," Saxman said quietly tapping a pencil on the desk, his other hand slowly squeezing his hard cock. " I'm deeply disappointed in you. I wish you had not done this. I can imagine the shock to your parents. You're a good looking kid. Too good looking to end up in prison. I've heard stories about what the tough inmates do with young guys like you. In there, you're going to be a fresh piece of meat for them. I wish I could do something for you, but unless you can convince me not to file charges against you, you will go to prison."

Tom wiped his eyes and stood, "Mr. Saxman, I'm innocent, please help me sir. I"ll do anything you want me too. I'll work extra hours for free and I'll do anything for you if you'll just have faith in me and not file charges. I didn't do it Sir."

"You say you'll do anything for me Wilkes?" Saxman responded.

"Yes Sir," Wilkes said quickly, a glimmer of hope on his face.

"If you're innocent, I'm sorry for you and I'd of course want to keep you out of prison, But if you're guilty, I'd want to see you were punished." Saxman said thoughtfully. "So if I did the punishing myself without involving the police, you would agree to that Wilke?"

Tom felt a great weight lift off him as he understood that Mr. Saxman would punish him and he would not go to prison and his family and friends would never know. "Yes Sir, Mr. Saxman, thank you sir, I'll do anything you want me to. Just tell me sir and I'll do it."

Saxman was giddy with lust and power. This young college graduate, so cocky, living the good life with all kinds of advantages over him would learn that he was not as clever as a hard working high school graduate who had come up the hard way.

"OK then Wilke, I will do the punishing and you will do any and everything I order you to do and you'll do it quickly without questioning my authority over you. The first time, you disobey me or resist me in any way, I'll pick up the phone and turn you over to the police for embezzlement. Do you understand, you balk once and you have no more chance, no matter what I make you do?"

"Yes sir, I understand sir, I'll do everything you tell me," Tom quickly said.

"Ive locked my office door. I want you to strip completely naked and stand in front me with your head down. or do I make the phone call?" Saxman said.putting his hand on the telephone.

Tom Wilke was shocked in disbelief, but as he saw Saxman pick up the phone, he quickly began taking off his clothes putting them on the chair. He saw the phone being replaced as he stripped and stood butt naked in front of his boss.

Saxman's cock was throbbing as he fondled it and his eyes took in the sight of his newly acquired whore. "You may go to the corner over there and put your nose against the wall. You will stay there and not move until you are told to. Do it now Wilke."

Tom hurried to the corner, touching his nose to the wall and stood there. He was totally humiliated and embarrassed but not being able to think. His heart was racing as he felt himself feeling panic but knowing he dare not move. He felt Mr. Saxman's eyes looking at his naked ass.

Saxman pushed his chair back as he joyfully played with his hard cock. Tom Wilke had a beautiful ass and legs. He now owned this boy. He had planned up to this point. Now, what would he do with his new property? He would have to give this some careful thought.

To be continued Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com Suggestions and comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 2

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