Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 25, 2008


Employee Manipulation

Warning: Adults only, This story contains adult fiction, non consensual homosexual acts between adult males. Keep this and all adult fiction out of the reach of minors. m/m, nc, oral, anal, w/s, humil,spank

Email the Author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Chapter 10

"Frank Wallace from security called, Mr. Saxman," John's secretary Carol said as he walked in the door. "I told him you were out and he said he'd call back."

"Thank you Carol, Hold my calls for an hour please. John replied.

Five minutes later, He had the answer to what Jack Mallory is hiding. A visit to a Femdom domination website was discovered on his computer. John thanked Frank and asked him to send him up documentation on the offense as soon as possible.

Swiveling his chair around and sitting back, he looked out the window at nothing in particular. Deep in thought, he began putting a plan together for snaring Mallory.

Jack Mallory was a 100 percent geek. No confidence in himself, very low self esteem, Obviously never a leader, just one of the rabble who followed whatever easy path he came upon. He was floating through life like a leaf in the wind. He'd been raised by his mother who'd divorced his father when he was just 3 years old. No male influence in his life would help explain his fear of his superiors here at the company. Visiting a femdom website would indicate he held women in high esteem and was submissive to them. He would bet that Jack had a super secret private life that he needed to uncover. He just needed to apply authoritative pressure on the young man and give him an opportunity to confess his sins.

At 3:45 pm, Mallory's phone rang. It was Mr. John Saxman. His message was short and he did not wait for Jack to respond in any way. The words burned in Jack's mind and caused him to fall into deep depression. The words would not leave him alone. He heard them constantly. "Mr. Mallory, something serious has come up. I'm reminding you to be in my office immediately after 5 O'clock." Then Mr. Saxman had abruptly hung up on him.

Jack was now scared that he was going to be fired. Mr. Saxman was friendly earlier but now he had seemed angry about something. Why had he downloaded that sissy story from Miss. Vicky's Sissies website. He could not afford Internet access at home and he'd been horny and took a chance that no one would find out and now he was going to be fired. One of the femdom magazines he had bought had advertised the website with a picture of a naked young man on his knees in front of a beautiful woman wearing high heels and carrying a paddle. The man's ass was red from being paddled. He had masturbated over that picture and when he had read the story on his computer, he had to go to the bathroom and masturbate again. He cursed himself for being so weak. He cursed himself for needing to masturbate several times during the day. The habit had started early in his life and had ruled him ever since.

The day his mother had caught him masturbating in the bathroom had caused him to develop a speech impediment. She had gone on and on about boys abusing their bodies and that it would ruin them for life. He had been so embarrassed that he had started stuttering an apology. She had spanked him and thereafter would insist he leave the bathroom door open when he used it. The guilt and stuttering had gotten worse over the years. He was unable to date girls because he would stutter when he would try to talk to them and if he were under pressure he would stutter uncontrollably.

Jack remembered their neighbor, Mrs. Peggy Holloway, who got him started thinking like this. She was older than his mother, a little heavier, but she had the most beautiful face. Jack was a loner as a child and she had taken a liking to him and he had responded by letting her lead him into submissiveness. He had been 13 when she had started treating him like she owned him. She was always touching him lovingly and telling him that he needed a strong woman to guide him through life. His mother had given Peggy the go ahead to treat him like her own and when he had misbehaved, she had spanked him with his pants off. Afterwards, she had slowly rubbed a soothing cream over his ass and in between his cheeks. He had sprouted a hard on which she squeezed between her legs. He had fallen in love with her that day and would follow her around the house like a little puppy dog. She had seemed delighted with attentiveness to her and would insist he sit on the floor in front of her,

rubbing her feet and calves while she would tell him of her belief that men and boys needed a woman to take care of them. That women were so much smarter than men and that men needed to be submissive to women and obey them. He had loved rubbing her feet and legs and sometimes she would let him rub higher and he would occasionally get a peek at her panties. At 14, she had moved and he was left alone with just his memories of her to masturbate over. That was all that ever happened with her. It had started him masturbating several times a day. He had day dreamed that she had made him her slave and he would have to lick her pussy and ass and spank him for not doing it good enough.

During his college days, he would buy books and magazines from an adult bookstore. It had opened up a whole world of dominant women degrading and humiliating men. He had never actually met a dominant woman, but he had masturbated his way through college thinking about them.

Now, as the clock slowly approached 5 PM, Jack was deep in depression. He sensed that Mr. Saxman knew about the Internet site he had given into and visited. He also began thinking about masturbating. Whenever stress or depression came upon him, he knew he tended to block it out by masturbating and thinking about being humiliated by a woman. Now, his world was coming apart on him and his hand was unconsciously rubbing his cock beneath his desk.

"MR. MALLORY", Jack was startled by Saxman's secretary, who had walked up to his desk and spoke his name. He stuttered a "Yes Mamm."

"Mr. Saxman will see you now." She said. Jack thanked her and cleared his desk and forced himself to rise and head for the executioners office. He was shaking and perspiring profusely and his stomach was tied in knots. He needed to go into the bathroom and jack off, but he resisted the impulse and made his way to Saxman's office. Looking at the clock, he realized it was only 4:45 pm.

The secretary was waiting at Saxman's door and opened it for him. "Go right in Mr. Mallory."

Saxman sat at his desk as Mallory came in. He sat there looking at the young man shaking in front of him. He wanted to delve into his personal life and get him to talk about himself before he brought up the pornography report to him. The more intense intimidation he could hold over him might possibly move him to divulge damming information about himself.

"Jack, as you know, Dallas, Inc. is very concerned about our public image. It goes without saying, that also includes our employees' personal lives in the community. Sometimes, we get letters complaining about how an employee is conducting their life. Maybe getting drunk, getting speeding tickets or even making an unwanted pass at a lady. We have received a couple of letters concerning your personal life. Can you shed any light on what you might have done that someone might have seen? This is simply an inquiry, but I expect you to be totally honest with me. We all have little quirks and vices that we enjoy, but that others may think are terrible. I like to look at a Playboy now and then. Beautiful naked women are so pretty. A Playboy is like a National Geographic, I like to look at pictures of places I'm never going to see in person." Saxman laughed before telling Mallory, "Now tell me about some of yours."

Suddenly, Jack understood that Saxman also liked to look at naked girls too. Maybe someone had seen him inside or going into one of the adult bookstores and knew who he was and where he worked. Talking slowly, Jack told him that he didn't drink and had no speeding tickets and pretty much stayed at home. He remembered Saxman's remark about being honest, so he mentioned that he had gone into an adult bookstore to see what it was all about and someone may have seen him in there. But he quickly added, that he didn't stay long.

John watched the young man trying to defend himself and noticed Jack had an unconscious habit of his hand going to his cock and then back to his side. It seemed to be something that Mallory could not control. The boy wants to masturbate, John thought. He's stressed and he wants to masturbate. John was aware of the psychological impulse to masturbate some men have when placed in stressful circumstances. He decided to make the bookstore the central point of interest.

"Jack," Saxman asked, "Did you buy any books or watch any movies while you were there?" He watched as Jack's hand again involuntarily went to his cock and then quickly to his side.

'I,I,uh, uh, think i bo, bo,bought a pla,pla, playboy sir and one or two, two, two other , boo, boo, books sir, but tha, tha thats all si, si,sir.

John decided to hold back on Jack's visit to the porn site on company computers. He knew enough about Mallory that he was scared and would do as he was told. Getting up, He grabbed his suit coat and told Jack to come with him.

Telling Jack his car would be ok in the company parking lot, He told him to get into his car. Arriving where Jack lived, He told the nervous boy he wanted to see where he lived and have a cup of coffee with him. Jack had protested that his apartment was a mess and could they do it another time, but Saxman would have none of it. Jack was filled with panic as he knew there were femdom books scattered around his house in every room. As he was taken in tow, he asked Saxman to please wait outside while he put a few things away, But instead, John brushed past him as he unlocked the door and entered ahead of Jack.

"Is this your playboy Jack," John asked, picking up a Dominated Male Magazine, showing a picture of a naked young man kneeling in front of a leather clad woman in high heels, kissing her shoes while she whipped his ass.

Jack quickly rushed around picking up the books and mags and took them into his bedroom stuttering that they were not his and that they belonged to a friend of his. As he turned to go back into the living room, his path was blocked by Saxman who was smirking at him.

Pushing him back into the bedroom, Saxman told him that security had found he was using the company computer to read femdom pornography on company time.

Jack shuddered and sat down on the bed looking down at the floor. Embarrassed and humiliated, he began rocking back and forth, moaning as tears formed in his eyes. He was defeated and unable to talk.

John Saxman sat down next to him and put his arm around the young man. "Sshhhh, don't cry little man, I know your secret wants and needs and I'm going to help you. You're going to obey me from now on because you don't have a choice. You're a submissive male and you've been one all your life. Your mother made you a submissive and now, there's nothing you can do about it. You're broke and about to be evicted from this apartment. You're unable to pay your credit card monthly payments and now the company security department will insist that you've broken company policy and demand you be fired."

Jack Mallory broke down in tears and Saxman pulled him closer to him as he talked. "You're in a terrible fix here Jack, but it's not your fault. You've been put into a man's world when you're not a man. You're just a little boy, a sissy who was raised to serve as a slave to women. That's what you want, isn't it boy?"

In his present state of mind, Jack could only nod and stutter a yes.

"You need to be taken care of and not have to make decisions for yourself. I'm going to take care of you so you won't have to work anymore. I'll pay your credit cards off for you and give you another place to live so you won't have anymore bills." As John talked to him, he was slowly unbuttoning Jacks shirt and taking off his tie.

Standing up, he lifted Jack to his feet and unbuckled his belt, pushing his pants down. John smiled as he say that Jack was wearing men's string bikini underwear. As he finished removing the rest of his clothes and shoes, John told him that from now on, he didn't have to worry anymore about finances or a roof over his head or food, because it was going to be taken care of for him.

"You've always wanted to be a sex slave haven't you Jack?"

Jack shook his head no in denial, as John pulled him across his lap. "Now you've lied to me Jack so I'll have to punish you. He slapped Jack's ass hard and grabbed him firmly as Jack tried to get up.

"Don't you ever try to stop your punishment again young man and don't ever lie to me again. I OWN YOU, YOU BELONG TO ME NOW. JUST LIE THERE WHILE I FINISH OR I'LL BEAT YOU BLACK AND BLUE." Jack lay there while John spanked him several more times. When he'd finished, he continued telling Jack that now, he would be allowed to serve like he'd always wanted except he would now be serving men instead of women.

Pushing him down on the floor, He unzipped and pulled out his hard cock.

Jack Mallory was in shock. His boss had forced his way into his apartment where he had found all his secret femdom books laying on tables in the open. He had told him that most likely he was going to be fired and then before he knew it, his clothes had been taken off while he was listening to Saxman talk to him. He had been spanked while naked like a little boy. Jack was frightened and yet he knew his cock was hard. When he was being spanked, his mind flashed back to Mrs. Holloway spanking him and he his cock had started growing. It was like he was 13 years old again and being disciplined.

Jack felt the slaps across his face, bringing him back from the flashback of Mrs. Holloway spanking him. He was on his knees between Mr.Saxman's legs and Saxman's cock was only inches from his face. He felt his hair on his head being held tightly by his fist

Jack was unable to think clearly as he was told to just listen to what he was being told. He had been fired from his job. He was being given a new job which he was going to start right here in his bedroom. He was not allowed to think for himself but he was to do what he was told and he would soon love his new life. Jack had never sucked a cock before. He wasn' t gay and had not even given it any thought before. But now as Saxman was talking to him, his face was being brought closer to the cock starring at him like a serpent. Suddenly it was pushing against his lips and when he heard the word "Open", he did.

The velvet softness of the hard cock was unlike anything he had ever felt before. The smoothness of the veined penis slid in across his tongue. It felt warm and comfortable to Jack and his tongue began exploring the underside of it without being told. His hand had gone to its' most favorite place, his own cock which was hard and needing attention.

Saxman was pleased with Jack's demeanor. He was accepting of his new position and offered no resistance. He was truly a follower. He needed no collar or a leash. His mother had conditioned him to follow along and not be independent. His submissive nature now allowed him to be switched from female adoration to craving cock.

Saxman's soft words were being taken in by Jacks attentive ears. His brain had been effectively hijacked and was no longer under his command. The wonderful strange feeling of that soft hardness in his mouth, The exciting words that were telling him that he was now a slave who must obey, His ass which still felt the glow of the spanking he had just received and the feeling of total helplessness had left poor Jack in a whirlpool of exhilarating lust.

John knew that his words to this young man who was so sexually suppressed over the years were having a deep impression on him. The switch in his libido was being flipped, changing him from heterosexual to homosexual. It was being done ruthlessly without regard to what he would want. Once it was completed, Jack would forever be a cock slut and he would love it.

John kept talking as he very slowly moved Jacks head back and forth, pushing his cock in and out of the warm virgin mouth. "You've been a bad boy, Jack. You should've been sucking cock for years instead of dreaming about serving women. You've ruined your life. You wasted your time by going to college instead of learning to suck cock. I'm going to save you now and give you lots of cocks to suck. You're going to learn that masturbation is good but you need to do it in front of men so they can watch you humiliate and degrade yourself. That's the punishment you must submit to for not sucking cocks like you should have been doing. From now on, you love and enjoy men using you as a sex slave. This is what you've always wanted and needed. From now on, everything that you thought was dirty and abnormal is going to be normal for you. Now you need to learn how to bring pleasure to men who want to use your mouth and your ass. You're a stupid boy who stutters because you haven't

been sucking cocks. That's all going to change for you now boy."

Jack was enthralled as he understood that he no longer had to worry about money or jobs or bills. that he was going to be taken care of from now on and be able to masturbate and not feel bad about it. The wonderful feeling cock that was invading his mouth felt so good and Mr.Saxman was praising him for being a fast learner and a good cocksucker. He had been afraid of the man before and now Mr. Saxman liked him. Jack had a warm feeling from finally being accepted by his new friend.

John Saxman stopped Jack from Masturbating by pulling his arm away. "You may masturbate when you're giving permission and only then boy. Now get ready to swallow my cum. I don't want you to spill any.

Jack now found himself excited over finally being able to taste someones cum. He had been eating his own since he was 15 and he had grown to love it. He had been using it with his meals for a long time. It was always so much fun to masturbate onto his salad or his hamburger. One of his most favorite things was to save the cum from 3 or 4 masturbations in a small jar and take it with him to a restaurant and pour it onto his salad and eat it as he sat with other people who had no idea what he was eating.

Jack felt his head being held firmly now by Mr. Saxman and heard him moan. The cum came in heavy spurts as Saxman made loud breathing noises and groaned with pleasure. The cum tasted different than his, but he liked the flavor. When the cum stopped and Mr. Saxman was coming back down, He heard his boss tell him that he was going to be an excellent cocksucker and have lots of cum to drink. Jack was so horny and he wanted to masturbate too, but more than that, he was so happy that he had discovered cock sucking and other men's cum.

To be continued

Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

I enjoy getting feedback, suggestions. It tells me that someone is actually reading this story. Thanks to everyone who has written and offered encouragement.

Next: Chapter 11

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