Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Mar 3, 2007



Chapter Four

By Storydreamer2006@yahoo.com Story Codes (mmmmm'/m, bdsm,humil,oral,anal,w/s,mast,n/c)

This story involves homosexual activity, bdsm and nonconsensual sex. It also depicts unsafe sex. The author does not condone unsafe sex. This story is strictly fiction. You must be over the age of 18 to read this. Keep out of the reach of minors.

Chapter Four

Alan lifted his beer and drained it, burping. "Thank's Tom, You're a damn good cock- sucker." he said with a wide grin. Looking at John, "I'd like for him to do that again some time. Will you be bringing him back here again?" he asked.

"Thats up to Buck, talk to him." John answered. "Glad you enjoyed him."

"Well, I will then. Thanks a lot, he's real good." Alan responded, getting up and going to the bar for a talk with Buck.

John watched the conversation going on at the bar and saw that there were about 10 guys gathered around Alan listening to him and Buck. He watched several reaching into their back pockets getting out their billfolds and handing money over to Buck. One by one, those that had given Buck money came back to a table directly across from John and sat down with their beers.

Tom also was watching and fearing what was going to happen begged John to please let him leave and get his clothes on and go home.

"So, you've decided you're ready to go to prison now?" John asked him.

"No Sir, I don't want to do that. I want to do what you want me to sir but I'm afraid to be here naked and I don't want to do what I just did again sir, please help me."

"Why John, I am helping you." John said. "I'm keeping you out of prison. However, if you're tired of obeying me, I can have Buck call the police and tell them to come down here and arrest you for soliciting sex and public exposure in his bar. I won't be here when they come for you, but when I'm notified of your arrest for prostitution and lewd acts, I'll have to fire you immediately and file the charges for embezzlement. So you make up your mind right now. What's it going to be? Prison and embarrassing your family and friends or do you want to be obedient and use this experience to become the very best cocksucker in town?"

Tom was shaking uncontrolably and again crying. John tenderly put his arm around him and patted his shoulder. speaking softly to him. I'm going to tell you straight up Tom boy. You don't have a choice anymore. Simply said, you belong to me now. You aren't a man anymore. You're just property. You're my property. I own you You and your ass belong to me and I'll use it any way I want to use it. Right now, You're working for me. These men are all hungry and excited to be given the chance to get a blow job from a cute looking guy like you. You're going to make sure that each and every one of them have the best sucking they ever got. You've already sucked cock today so the shock of it should be just about over. You're a pro now and I want you to get a lot of experience tonight."

Buck came to their table with two more cold beers for them and sat them down on the table. Sitting down next to Tom, he told him that the guys over at the other table had joined their little club and had paid their dues. Buck reached under the table and fondled Tom's soft cock and winked at John as the cock started to grow. "I'll wanna get some of this action myself at some point," he said, getting back up. "I told them, you'd motion to them when you're ready for them."

"Sounds good," John said, "Just give a couple more minutes."

"Let me tell you about the papers you signed in my office." John said to Tom. "One was a confession. You confessed how you did it and that you intended to steal a little now and then you were going to embezzle more later. You also signed a Power of Attorney, handing power over your life to me. You also named me your guardian and agreed that I should take control over you to straighten you out since you were out of control. You've taken your name off your checking account and named me as the only one authorized to write checks on it. Your car will be sold next week. You won't be needing a car anymore. But, hey, if you were in prison, you wouldn't need it either. I'll have movers clear out your personal property out of your apartment. Clothing and such will be brought to my home and the rest will be sold. So, you see, you're not a man anymore. You're a cocksucker, male cunt, slave property. Do you see that there is no escape? Do you see that it's in your interest to learn to be obedient to me. You're going to live a very exciting life now. You're going to have lots of friends.Everyone here likes you and I like you. But if you disobey me in any way, I'm going to spank your little ass so hard, you'll not be able to sit down at work. By the way, I'm going to give you a raise. You're going to be such a better worker now that you don't have to worry about things like your apartment, car, insurances, girl friend, etc. Now I want you to tell me you want to go to prison or I want you to tell me you want to be my special cocksucker. Tell me now Wilke."

Tom sat stunned at what he had been told. He knew his life was over. He was going to be a slave and suck lots of cocks. Somehow, the thought of it made his cock move. "I want to be your special cocksucker sir." He said.

"Good cocksucker," John said happily, ruffling Tom's hair and motioning to the guys sitting at the other table. Tom looked up and saw one of them get up and come to their table.

"Hi, I'm Mike, the other guys over there are John, Erik, Bruce, Don, J.T., and Spike. Buck gave us all condoms and told us to wait and come over one at a time and Tom here would give us all blowjobs." He said sitting down looking at the naked young man beside him.

John slid out of the booth, stretching. "Thats fine, one at a time, be good to him, he's a good cocksucker. No rough stuff, if you have any complaints, holler at me, I'm going up to the bar while you boys get off. You know what's expected of you Tom, You're going to be meeting several new friends tonight so treat them right. I'll be watching." John picked up his beer and walked to the bar and sat down.

Tom was again embarrassed as Mike's hand reached over and felt his nipple before sliding downward over his stomach to his leg and cock. "You've got a very sexy body boy. I think I'm in love. Here's my condom so why don't you just make me very happy. I want you to be very careful with my cock but I want lots of tongue play, ok?"

"Yes sir," Tom said as he picked up the condom and again slipped under the table.

The guys at the other table all eyed the boy getting under the table. His shinny ass exposed to them. Buck came to their table with two pitchers of beer and collected their money and telling them to keep the noise down and to be good. "Don't fuck it up, guys, this is going to be a good deal for you every monday night."

John watched the action from the bar as he sipped his beer. Doing a head count of the bar patrons, he calculated his share of the money to be close to $400.00 right now and it wasn't even 8 pm yet. He thought he'd have to get Tom out of here by 9 or 9:30 and get him something to eat before taking him home. He did some figuring in his head to come up with an idea of just how much Tom would be worth to him. Tom's take home pay was $525. per week. He had an opportunity to promote Toms supervisor and send him on to the parent Company in Chicago and that would allow him to promote Tom to supervisor. He knew that Tom was qualified for the job, even if he would be jumping over more senior co-workers. That could be a problem for Tom, but he would just have to deal with it. It would mean another 225.00 per week. With Tom not having any bills at all except what John would buy for him, It would mean $750. in John's pocket plus what Tom would be making him here at the bar on Mondays. His slave would be making him way

over a thousand dollars a week tax free at least.

Buck set up another beer for John. "How's your boy doing?" He asked..

John looked over at the table where a different guy was sitting sporting a happy look on his face. Tom's ass was visible under the table and there were just four guys left at the other table. He's doing fine. How's business tonight?" John asked.

Buck laughed and whispered to John, "It's the best Monday I've ever had. With the cover charge and Tom's charge, It's better than all my days. Look, John, This City has a ton of gays and bi's and word will get around about what's going on here. We're going to get real busy on Mondays from now on if you'll keep bringing him here after work on Mondays. If you'll keep doing that, I'll make Mondays a members only night. I'll screen all new members and make sure they're ligitimate and not vice. I'd like to charge an annual fee of $250 and give them a free blow job for every new member they bring in. What would you think about Tom doing something on the stage for the whole group to get them all horney to the point they had to get a blow job from him. All the guys are saying he's really hot."

John knew one thing, he was getting hungry and He became aware of the beer getting to him. "Let me think about that this week. I will bring him back on Mondays though for the next 6 weeks anyway. I like the idea, but I just need to think about it, ok?

"Sure, no problem," Buck replied, as he waited on another customer.

John was deep in thought again. He'd better nix the idea of promoting Tom. It'd be more responsiblity and possibly even put Tom in a position where the Company might notice him and take him away with a promotion. He dare not risk that. Better to keep him under a cloud of suspicion where his job depends on me. He had kept the theft of the check an internal affiar. Since the Police Fraud Dept. will end up acknowledging that the signatures setting up the fradulent bank account did not belong to Wilke, he would be cleared of any wrong doing. Tom however would never know he'd been exonerated. He would keep that hanging over his head until he had him safely entrenched in his new lifestyle. Tom was on his way to becoming a gay sexual deviant and John needed to devote all his time to ensuring that Tom could not come back from it.

John also knew he had to keep Tom close to him at all times. He had to ensure that the young man did not become despondent. He was sure he would not become suicidal. He would help him embrace homosexuallity and become addicted to pornography.Given a steady diet of that, add regular doses of viagra to his diet and control his ability to masturbate would help him accept and even crave humiliation and degradation from whereever he could get it. As it is turning out, Tom is going to make him some great money, but his real reason for collaring him is for his own personal sexual use. The money is going to be good but he must keep it in perspective and not get greedy. He looked over at Tom and saw he had only one more guy left to suck and then he'd get him out of here, stop at a fast food place and get him something to eat, stop by his apartment to get some clothes for tomorrow and then get him to bed at his new home.

To be continued Storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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