Employee Manipulation

By story dreamer

Published on Aug 24, 2007



Chapter Three By storydreamer2006@yahoo.com story codes m/m,oral,anal,humil,w/s,nc

This is an adult fictional story depicting graphic scenes of nonconsensual sex between adult males. You must be an adult to read. Minors go away. Keep this and all adult literature out of reach of minors. This fictional story includes unsafe sex which in real life is dangerous and can cause disease, misery and even death. Always practice safe sex as if your life depended on it.

After leaving the bar and several satisfied patrons, John stopped at at a McDonalds, sending Tom in with a $20.00 bill. He watched as his newly acquired slave walked through the door. He looked like an average businessman wearing a top coat. The lower half of the pant legs secured around his knees with a heavy rubberband. Above that, the young man was completely naked. John wasn't sure how hungry he could be with the amount of cum and beer he had swallowed, but some solid food and coffee would help sober him up.

Tom walked up to the counter where a cheerful young girl waited on him to order. He was blushing in embarrassment, his cock poking against the heavy coat in urgent need of release. He waited as his order was put together. Standing as close to the counter as possible to hide the actions of his excited cock from a table of teenagers who glanced his way. As he waited, Tom realized that standing almost naked in front of everyone there and them not knowing was so exciting to him. He didn't know what was happening to him. He'd been forced to submit to John to save himself from going to prison. He'd been paraded in public with only a coat separating his nakedness from their view. He had been used by more men than he remembered in the bar. He had hated homos all his life and yet, he found himself being hard all evenng while doing the very things he had always considered as being nasty and immoral. It dawned on him that his life had been taken away from him and he was now totally owned by Mr. Saxman. It was like he had become a little boy and Mr. Saxman could do anything he wanted to him. Why was that thought making his hard cock jerk as more blood raced through his veins. Stuffing the change into his pocket and grabbing the bag, he hurried outside to Mr. Saxman's car.

As they pulled out of the parking lot, Tom was told to take off the coat and pant cuffs and lay them between them. "You may beging eating Tom," Saxman said, as he headed for Tom's apartment. Although having swallowed a good amount of cum, the smell of food caused Tom to quickly devour the hamburger and fries he had bought and he sat quietly sipping the hot coffee, shaking as he became embarrassed again at sitting naked in the car beside his boss. As the car entered his neighborhood area, John reached under the seat and withdrew a narrow short collar and leash and threw it on Tom's lap.

"Fasten it tightly around your balls," he ordered. "Quickly," he added, as he turned on the dome light.

Tom complied with the instructions as they drove up to his apartment building.Reaching into the glove box, John took out Tom's apartment keys, got out and went around and opened the passenger side car door. Taking the leash from Tom, He pulled the naked boy up the stairs to his apartment. John figured that at 4:am, no one would be awake to see the strange sight of a naked man.

Once inside the apartment, John put the leash into Tom's mouth and told him to hold it for him. "I want you to pack your suitcases' with everything you will need for 3 or 4 days of work, all your toiletries, razors and shaving cream. Bring all your financial and personal papers with you too. Quickly boy, move."

That feeling of power swept over John as he watched the naked boy with the leash in his teeth running back and forth, gathering the items he needed. John unpluuged tom's computer and monitor and carried them out to his car. Looking through drawers, he sacked up letters of correspondence from Tom's family and friends, along with bank records and bills and took them out also. When tom carried out his suit cases and dress clothes into the living room, John helped him cart them out to his car before returning to lock up the apartment.

With Tom still holding the leash in his mouth, John played with his new plaything's cock, while gently but firmly explaining his new life to him. Opening his own fly and taking his cock out, He gently pulled Tom's head down to it and felt it slide effortlessly into his mouth.

"Boy, I'm sorry you find yourself in this position. I don't know if your guilty or not yet, but until I find out, you will obey me without question. If I find out you're inocent, I will recomment the company promote you and transfer you to another city with a hefty raise in pay. The silver lining for you is that if you are found to be guilty, I have decided to give you the option of becoming my live in slave and not going to prison. You may not know what they do with pretty looking young boys like yourself in prison. I have a movie at home I'll let you watch. It'll give you a look into the reality of the situation. Depending on where they place you in the prison system, you will become the fucking property of the most violent gang in there. They may be black, latino or white, but they'll use you for their pleasure 24 hours a day. They may knock your teeth out first to prevent any biting. Probably put you in the hospital for a couple of weeks with broken arms so that when you're released back into the general population, you'll not be able to offer even the slightest resistance to being used as a cum recepticle.

John was almost home with his very submissive fuck toy. He could feel the boy shaking in fear as he slowly sucked on his benefactor's cock. He could feel his tears dripping onto his crotch.

Tom was indeed shaking with fear as he heard the words describing how his prison life would go. Along with everyone else knowing what he had been accused of, there seemed no way out except by obeying his boss and trusting that he would be found inocent and being promoted and transferred to another city where he could forget all about this nightmare and go on with his life. He could not comprehend why that sucking on the male member in his mouth was providing him comfort and peace even though he was in the middle of a horrific storm that was shattering his mind, but he knew he was grateful to his boss for providing it to him. Tom was confident this would soon be over and he would be exonerated and free.

John pushed the automatic garage door opener and eased the car inside. Pulling Tom up by his hair, he told him to begin gathering everything up and bring them into the house.

"Bring them into my office boy", he said, giving Tom a gentle swat on his naked ass as he brushed by him and entered the office area. Tom found himself in a large room dominated by a large desk and book shelves. Several soft looking chairs and recliners, Huge flat tv monitor that must have been 5 ft by 4 ft, and a computer along with lamps, small tables beside the chairs made up the contents of the room. "Put them behind my desk boy, and then go get the rest of the stuff, then you can watch the movie while I shower," He said as he slipped into the adjoining bathroom.

Tom made several trips before he had everything stacked in the office. Not seeing Mr. Saxman, he sat down and was immediately transfixed by the scene on the huge tv screen. There was a very good looking boy being processed into an obviouse prison. You could see he was frightened as he was being led naked to his cell. Inmates were screaming at him and making lewd gestures as he passed by their cells. Finally, they stopped and the guard unlocked a cell door and pushed him in, locked the door and walked away.

To be continued Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Yeah, comments are appreciated. Critics are hard to handle, but sometimes their ridicule is helpful. Hey! I'm not being paid for this, ok!

Next: Chapter 6

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