End of Innocence

By Mirage and Rowan Taranthia

Published on Sep 23, 2000


Disclaimer: Donno anything 'bout these people. Everything here is made up, probably because writers like us have nothing better to do. NSync, BSB, Christina Aguilera, Ryan Phillepe and Reese Witherspoon are rather boring people and this doesn't reflect on their sexuality one bit! (Some of us can dream, huh?)

Mmm, I suppose that's all I have to say other than, I'm hungry. I need food. I really do need food. Fooooooooooooooooooooood.

Ambrosia! Pizza! Fish sticks! Tartar Sauce! French-Fries! Cheeseburgers! Potato Chips! Carrots! Celery!


Here's Chapter five! :) P.S. Don't forget to email us! Yougottaloveus@loveable.com

End of Innocence Mirage (Cow) and Rowan (Whore)

Chapter 5

"Okay!" Reese said as everyone sat down in the living room around ten thirty. "We need to figure out who's going where, what's going to be made, and who's cooking this year," she read off from the notebook in her lap.

Immediately everyone looked at Cesar expectantly. He just shook his head against Brian's shoulder.

"Oh no!" Cesar said shaking his head. "This time I decorate, because if I cook, I demand an assistant. Last time was too much."

"I'll do it," Joey said as he kissed Lance softly. "I'll be your assistant."

"Really?" Cesar said turning to Joey. Joey nodded and smiled.

"We're both Italian, Rome. We can both cook, it'll be fun."

"Thanks," Cesar grinned.

"Oh! Can we get a tree today?" Christina clapped her hands together and smiled. Reese chuckled and kissed her.

"It's not even Thanksgiving yet, sweetie."

"So? We'll get the best pick this way," she stood up and ran to the far corner, near the fireplace. "We can put it in this corner. And it'll be one of those ones that reach to the ceiling. Like in the 1700's," she beamed. The picture was vivid in her mind. Britney and Reese looked at each other and nodded. They wrapped their arms around Christina.

"Anything you want, baby." Christina squealed with delight and hugged them.

"Let's leave when we're done with this." Everyone nodded as Christina snuggled back down into the couch.

"So what about decorations?" Reese asked.

"I have an idea," Lance giggled as he got up as Christina had done and stood in front of the fireplace. "We could put garland and candles on the mantel. And we never put pictures on the mantel. What if we put a picture of each couple on it and wrap the garland around them?"

"I have a better idea," Britney got up and ran up the stairs. She opened the door to Cesar's room and found his sketchbook. She flipped to a specific picture and rushed back down. Everyone looked at her expectantly, especially when they saw the sketchbook. She showed them the picture Cesar had drawn of the family. Justin got up and stood behind Britney.

"Oh my god, Cesar. T-this is beautiful," he whispered. Cesar blushed and bit his lip.


"Can we use it, please?" Britney asked. "I'll burn a Britney Doll for you," she grinned. Cesar chuckled and nodded.


"Great! We'll pick up a frame today before we get the tree," Reese smiled at Cesar. "And we'll pick up extra garland and candles," she scribbled it down in the book.

"Ryan and I are flying down to Florida this year," Justin said taking Ryan's hand and interlacing their fingers. JC's mouth hit the floor.

"Justin, are you sure that's such a good idea?" he asked. Justin nodded.

"I'm gonna tell my mom. It's not fair for Ryan or her." Ryan grinned with pride and kissed Justin's temple.

"Okay, that's two less people for Cesar and Joey to cook for."

"When are you guys leaving?"


"Hurry up!" Christina whined, standing in front of the door. Joey and Lance tripped down the stairs and pulled on their jackets. Britney and Reese soon followed with Cesar and Brian behind them. "Where are Justin and Ryan," she tapped her foot impatiently.

"We're here, we're here," Justin laughed dragging Ryan with him as they pulled on their coats.

"Let's go!" Christina pushed everyone out the door and shut it behind 'em.

"Calm down, sweetie," Reese laughed as they approached the two cars. "Whose in which car?"

"I'm NOT riding with Cesar!" Britney declared.

"Like I'd want to ride with you. I'm scared you'd pop and get my car filled with silicone. Do you know how hard that stuff is to get out of leather?" he scoffed climbing into his car with Brian following. Britney sniffed and got into Lance's car.

"Guess we're riding with you," Reese laughed as Christina shook her head with a chuckle. Ryan, Justin, and JC got in with Cesar and Brian.

"We're in here," JC called. Chris climbed in to the back of Lance's car, with Christina and Reese following behind. Joey shut the door and climbed in next to Lance on the passenger side.

The two SUV's sped down the streets of New York before stopping in front of "Christopher's Christmas Tree Collection".

Christina jumped out and helped Reese. She clasped hands with her and Britney. Happily, the three tromped ahead, not waiting for the collection of boys.

"Oh! How about this one?" Christina stood next to an 11' blue spruce.

"Baby that won't fit on top of the car" Reese smiled sweetly and pecked her on the cheek.

"I like it," Cesar agreed. They looked toward everyone else.

"I don-" Lance started.

"Can I help you folks?" a plump man asked. He was no younger than 65 nor much older. His white beard hung past his chest. Cheeks and nose red from the cold.

"Our friend here, wanted this one but we're afraid it won't fit on top of the car," Ryan explained. The man's blue eyes twinkled.

"We deliver if you have your heart set on it, Christina," he smiled.

"How did?" she mumbled.

"You're a famous pop star, Chrissy," Britney whispered to her. "Remember?"

Christina blushed and dug at the ground with her shoe.

"Thanks, we'd like to look around for a bit. Just to make sure," Cesar responded.

"As you wish, Cesar. It won't be hard to find me," he said before walking away. They all exchanged confused glanced.

"It's a coincidence," Chris shrugged.

"A freaky coincidence," Lance shuttered. Joey linked Lance's pinkie with his own, earning a thankful and warm smile from Lance.

"What about this one?" Justin pointed to a 7' pine. Christina ran her fingers over the needles.

"Ouch!" she shrieked, popping her finger into her mouth and sucking on the escaping blood.

"You okay?" Britney asked.

"Thah huwt," she whimpered.

"Poor Chrissy," Reese kissed her. "Better?" Christina nodded.

"I still like the blue spruce better."

"If we can't find another one, or one a bit smaller, it's yours."

"You promise?"

"Promise." Christina grinned and skipped away. Reese and Britney grinned at each other and followed.

Two hours and 54 trees later, Christina had convinced them to buy the 11' blue spruce and have it delivered.

They found Christopher hanging lights on the two trees out front.

"Excuse me," Justin interrupted. "We'd li-"

"The 11 foot blue spruce," Christopher chuckled and walked to his little office. The tree was wrapped in a net of twine.

"When can we have it delivered?" Joey inquired.

"I can follow you with the truck and set it up now." Christina jumped with glee.

"Yay! Let's do that!" They giggled.

"I'll bring the truck around," Christopher hoisted the tree onto his shoulder and walked away.

"What about payment?" Lance asked a loud.

"I take care of that, Dearie," A small plump woman smiled. She wasn't much shorter than Christopher, white hair pulled back into a bun, a pair of small, gold-framed glasses perched on her nose.

"How much?" JC took out his wallet.

"Put that away," the women commanded. "What's your Christmas wish?" JC lightly kicked the snow with his foot.

"I'd rather not say it out loud."

"Whisper it in my ear, honey." JC stepped forward, swallowing hard. He learned over and mumbled into her ear. She smiled brightly and hugged him, "Granted. Everything will be fine."

"Thanks," JC grinned meekly. "How much do we owe?"

"You already paid," she grinned as the truck pulled up. Christopher was perched up front, his eyes squinted almost closed as he smiled.

"Shall we go?" Everyone nodded and piled back into the cars.

Christopher followed as they followed their tracks back home. Christina was once again the first to jump out to over-see the arrangement of her beloved tree. She critically instructed where it was to be place, inch by inch.

Finally, wiping the sweat from his brow, Christopher waved a cheerful farewell and drove away.

Christina stood back and admired the tree. A big grin plastered on her face. It was just as she had imagined. Large.

"Britney and I are going to the mall," Lance said, slipping his coat back on.

"We're gonna get the rest of the decorations," Britney grinned.

"Bye Britty," Christina called, still staring at her tree.

"Bye sweetie," Reese kissed Britney sweetly.

"Get green and gold garland," Joey giggled and kissed Lance. They waved and left the house.

Justin pulled Ryan up the stairs to their bedroom.

"We have to get packed, Angel."

"B-but I wanted to look at the tree and help with the decorations," Ryan pouted.

"They'll be plenty of time. We have a 7: 30 flight tomorrow morning." With a dramatic sigh, Ryan pulled their suitcases out of the closet.

"Just one week, right?"

"Right," Justin beamed and threw in his clothes.


"Yes, Angel?"

"Fold them." Justin groaned and flipped the suitcase upside down, causing all the garments to fall into a pile on the comforter.

"Do I have to?" Ryan nodded with a grin as he packed up his own suitcase. Justin huffed and began folding sloppily. Ryan shook his head with a smile and went into the bathroom to gather the needed toiletries.

"I'll just put this stuff in my bag," Ryan said, indicating the little bag in his hand. Justin nodded and began pulling more clothes out of the closet. Ryan peered in. "Juju, we're only staying for a week. Not six months."

"I know but you never know what you're gonna feel like wearing." Ryan laughed and zipped up his one suitcase.

"You're an odd one."

"But that's why you love me." Ryan smiled.

"You're right. It is," he kissed Justin on the forehead and put his bag next to the door. "I'm all set."

"I'm almost done," Justin said jumping on top of his suitcase and zipping it up. "So much simpler than having two," he explained as he picked it up. The sides bulged out in protest.

"I'm going to laugh so hard when it explodes and your clothes fly everywhere," Ryan laughed. Justin just stuck his tongue out and placed his bag next to Ryan's. "Can we go look at the tree now?" Ryan jumped from one foot to the other.

"Go you big dork!"

"YAY!" Ryan pranced out of the room and down the stairs. It was Justin's turn to shake his head as he laughed and followed behind.

Reese and Christina sat down next to Ryan and Justin.

"Hey Guys?" They peered at them.


"Why don't you guys have sex?" Reese asked. Ryan blushed.

"I'm not allowed to ruin his ass," Justin grumbled.

"Who says?" Christina shouted.

"His agent."

"Why don't you have sex with him than, Ryan?"

"Same reason. Except his dancing." The two stared at the two boys and shook their heads.

"Don't you two ever get really horny?" Christina asked.

"Yeah? Like so horny you can't keep your hands off each other?" Reese continued with a smile. Ryan and Justin blushed and walked away.

"Hmph." Christina said shaking her head.

"Guess not." Reese said grinning.

"Gay guys have it much harder than us lesbians, huh, babe?" Christina asked as she reached in her pocket for her lighter.

"Ahh," Reese said smiling and nodding her head. "Yes, they do. You know, Tina..." Reese said as she stood up and placed a hand on her back. "I'll never understand why you carry a lighter on you."

"It's just a habit." Christina shrugged and worked her way to the mantle. "I suppose we should wait until everyone's here and light them?"

Reese nodded and leaned against the fireplace. "We need to pick up one more candle."

"You mean..." Christina asked as she eyed her lover.

"Yep!" Reese said happily. "I have a good feeling about Brian and Cesar."

Christina smiled and rested her head on Reese's shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too." Reese said softly. "I love you too."

They sighed and made their way for the kitchen to see how Cesar was doing cooking dinner for that night.

"Brian, get off the counter. Joey, get away from the soup, and Reese, I need your help." Cesar said just before Reese entered the doorway.

Reese laughed and shook her head. "Yeah, Cuz?"

"Since you're on maternity leave and can't do anything heavy in my kitchen, want to help Brian with the grilled cheese? It'll get him off the counter and from groping me, and it'll give Joey a reason to stay away from my fucking soup." Cesar said as he took the ladle he was holding and hit the top of Joey's hands. "Stay. Away. From. My. Soup!"

Joey muttered and said down at the kitchen table, away from Cesar and his evil ladle.

"You're like a fussy old Grandmother." Christina said as she entered behind Reese and went for the cheese. "I suppose I'll help Reese with the grilled cheese but Brian, can you find some ice for Joey's hand? Cesar hit him rather hard."

"Sorry, Joey." Cesar said apologetically. "Just remember, next time..." Cesar said cackling, "We'll have some of your famous Italian sausage for dinner instead of whatever I'm making." Cesar reached behind him for one of the big chef's knives. Joey smiled, nodded, and bolted from the room in under a minute. "I do believe that's the fastest I've ever seen him move in my life." Cesar said grinning. "Save for when I shout that we're having Lasagna for dinner."

Reese shook her head and eyed Brian. "You better leave the kitchen. Cesar gets feisty." Brian laughed and left for the living room, shutting the door behind him.

Christina reached over and hit the button on the radio. Cesar smiled as the three of them started to sing, dance, and cook at once.

"We didn't start the fire." Cesar sang in his deep bass-like voice. "It was always burning, since the world's been turning..."

"We didn't start the fire." Reese continued as she put mayonnaise on the backs of the grilled cheese.

Christina made her way to the table and sat down as she watched the two cousins work in the kitchen. 'Those two,' she thought, 'Really do belong in a kitchen. Why did Cesar drop out of NECI?'

Reese sighed as Nina Gordon came on the radio. "When the dream dissolves I open up my eyes..."

The two sang some more as they threw over twenty grilled cheese sandwiches on a plate and let the big gallon of soup finish simmering.

"You know," Reese said as she turned off the radio. "I really don't understand why we feed everyone like this is an orphanage."

"Because, Sweety." Christina said softly, "There are so many people, and we have to cook so much at once. It's like school." Christina laughed and shook her head. "Even the smallest meals you need tons of."

Cesar sighed. "Wednesday, I'll start cooking the pies and other desserts, I'll be up 'til like 1:00am making the turkey and appetizers."

Reese nodded and smiled at her cousin. "I'll help you if you need it. We all will."

"I know, but there's a lot that I have to do myself, you know? That's why I want Joey, he can cook the little things while I start the big things and desserts. It's going to be hell in the kitchen, so it's off-limits for those two days? Okay?"

Cesar and Christina nodded.

"Okay. Make sure you tell everyone too." Cesar washed his hands and took the big plate of Grilled Cheese out of the kitchen to the dining room, where everyone other than Christina and Reese were sitting. He threw it on the table and smiled, "Dig in, dolls." And then walked away.

Brian blinked and looked at the other guys. "What's wrong with him?"

JC looked at the big platter of Grilled Cheese.

Joey couldn't help but crack up laughing. "Ahh, he always gets grumpy before he has to cook a big meal, so he leaves every meal before then small. When he brings out the big pot of soup, and everyone has their share, all shall be good."


Britney, Cesar, and Brian were in the middle of a three-way.

Conversation that is.

"I'm picking my teeth, hold on." Cesar said as he scratched the top part of his tooth with a toothpick.

"Oh that's lovely." Britney said rolling her eyes. Brian started to laugh and Cesar shook his head.

"At least I didn't say I was picking my ass." Cesar rolled his eyes as he tossed the toothpick in the ashtray.

"Oh yeah, pick my ass." Britney said sarcastically.

"Isn't, uhm, that Reese's job?" Cesar asked as Brian put his hand in Cesar's pocket. Cesar squirmed a little as the extra pressure in his groin area intensified.

"Oh my." Britney said laughing. "We're talking about three lesbian's sex lives and Cesar's getting a woody!"

"Don't forget to put in the part that I have my hand in his pocket." Brian said grinning and waggling his eyebrows. "My widdle man."

"Who you calling little?" Cesar asked, staring at Brian. Brian coughed behind his other hand. "I'm bigger than you are!" Cesar said throwing his hand up in the air.

"Really?" Britney said, eyeing Cesar. "How big are you?"

"That's a good question," Brian said staring at Cesar. Cesar blushed deep red and stared off toward the mantle of the fireplace. "See that candle?" He said pointing to the long, thick, green candle. "It's like that, only bent."

Britney's mouth dropped wide open and a little sound escaped her lips.

Brian blinked slowly and took his hand out of Cesar's pocket. Quietly, the two stood up, and walked away. Leaving Cesar alone and chuckling behind his raised hand.

"What are you laughing at?" Reese said as she entered the little living area. Cesar shook his head and started laughing even harder.

"They asked! That's all I'm going to say." And Cesar ran out of the living area to the Kitchen.

Britney saw him coming, and ran to Reese. Just as he shut the door, he heard Britney say, "Oh My God! You have GOT to hear what I just learned!" And then all was quiet.

Not even five minutes later, a loud scream filled the house. Everyone, save Cesar, ran to the living area. Cesar just sat at the kitchen table, laughing his ass off.

"See!" He heard Reese scream, "I TOLD you big penises run in the family!" And then he heard he stomp to her room.

Cesar stood up and slowly walked to the living area. Ryan and Justin just sat there and stared at Cesar as he entered the living room. "Are you serious?" They asked at the same time.

Cesar dropped his pants.

"You're serious." Justin squeaked.

Cesar pulled up his pants and quietly left the room. Brian, Justin, Ryan, Lance, Joey, JC, Chris, and Christina just stood there, in the living area, quite amazed by their friend's actions.

"This has been a rather...revealing week." Christina said chuckling.

"No pun intended." Lance said grinning. Slowly, and quietly, they all dispersed to their sections of the house to finish whatever needed to be done.


Lance and Joey lay on the bed, staring at the unresponsive ceiling.

"Why are we staring at the ceiling?" Lance asked as he nuzzled Joey's neck.

Joey giggled like a little schoolgirl and took Lance's hand. He slowly sucked in a finger and nibbled on it lightly. He pulled it out, turned around, and kissed Lance on the lips.

"I love you." He said seductively. Lance kissed him back.

"I love you too." He said softly.

"Let me ask you a question." Joey said as he got up and sat on Lance's lap.

"Ask away, Sweetie." Lance said as he stroked Joey's chest.

"If you ever cheated on me, would you tell me?" Joey said softly, staring into Lance's green eyes.

Lance smiled and ran his hand on the side of Joey's face. "Of course, Sweetie. I love you, of course I'd never cheat on you."

Joey smiled and kissed Lance. "I love you." Joey said as he nuzzled into the crook of Lance's arm.

"I love you too." Lance whispered as a lone tear fell from the side of his face.


Lance slowly shut the door behind him as he left the bedroom and he slowly inched his way down to Josh's new bedroom. He knocked three times, twice quickly, and once with a delay, so Josh knew who was at the door.

"Lance!" Josh said as he opened the door and ushered Lance into his room. As soon as the door was shut, Josh had his arms around Lance and was kissing him furiously.

"Josh!" Lance said gasping for breath once the kiss was broken. Immediately, Lance's hands were unbuttoning Josh's shirt. "Quickly," he breathed. "I want you."

Lance and Josh made their way to the bed as articles of clothing were thrown and tossed every which way you can think of. Lance immediately went for Josh's belt as soon as Josh was tossed back on the bed.

Once the belt was undone and the zipper pulled down, Lance's mouth started to water. Josh's soft penis filled his hand, and after a few moments of admiring that wonderful piece of meat, he greedily sucked it down in his mouth.

Bobbing his head up and down, Lance took a hand and pressed it to Josh's balls, cupping them, squeezing them, massaging them, and making him groan with each squeeze and fondle.

"Oh yeah," Josh moaned as he thrust into Lance's mouth. "Oh yeah! Oh Lance! Such a sweet mouth. Oh yeah, Lance!" Josh started to buckle wildly and starting to tense. "I'm getting...unh...close!" Josh started to moan louder and louder, and louder still.

Lance, trying to stop the orgasm, pulled off. As soon as he pulled off Josh's cock, he started to cum. Semen gushed from the tip all over Lance's face, nose, in his nostril, in his mouth, and even in his eye.

As soon as the orgasm wavered, Josh saw that Lance had gotten cum in his eye and bolted upright. Knocking the younger man off the bed, giving him more pain added to the cum shot in the eye.

Lance stood up and ran to the bathroom, Josh jumped out of bed and went to follow Lance but fell flat on his face due to his jeans being down by his ankles. "Lance!" Josh said as he hurriedly pulled up his pants and ran in the bathroom. "Oh Lance, I'm so sorry!"

Lance leaned over the sink, his eye under the faucet, as he flushed the cum quickly from his eye. "It's going to be red the next few days." Lance said softly, as he moved his head out from under the faucet and started to wipe at it with a napkin.

"Why are we doing this?" Lance said suddenly as he propped himself up on the counter.

"Because you got cum in your eye." Josh stated simply, avoiding the obvious question.

"I mean this." Lance said, pointing at himself and Josh. "Why are we constantly meeting in secret? Having sex whenever we can? We've been doing this for weeks now. It makes me feel..." Lance searched for the word.

"Guilty." Josh said, finishing Lance's sentence for him.

Lance nodded. "Guilty. We need to end this, we need...a story of...closure. I can't truly love Joey..."

"Do you truly love Joey?" JC asked, searching Lance's eyes. Lance looked down at his feet.

"Do you truly love Chris?" Lance asked softly.

"Yes." Josh said softly.

"Yes." Lance said at the same time, just as softly.

"So why are we doing this?" They said as they both stared into each other's eyes.

"Because..." They kissed and slowly made their way back to the bed.


Cesar kissed Brian softly. "I'll be back, Bri-Bri." He said as he placed his hands in his pockets and started toward the stairs. "Bye, beautiful."

"Bye." Brian said softly as he slowly laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

Cesar made it to the top of the stairs without much thought. That's how life has been for him lately, mostly instinct, almost no thought. It's been rather quiet as well; the feelings inside him have died down. At least, the turmoil about his parents death.

"Oh Lance." Came through the door he was currently passing. He stopped suddenly and ran back and placed his ear against the door. "Oh Lance, oh yeah, suck me baby."

'What...the...' Cesar thought as he heard JC's unmistakable voice filter through the door.

"Lance! Suck me, harder! Faster, I'm getting close!" JC's groans were getting louder, and Cesar felt tears slowly fill his eyes.

'Poor Joey.' Cesar thought softly. 'Someone's got to tell him. But I won't. I won't ever hurt him like I've been hurt.' Cesar sighed, wiped his eyes, and made his way to Christina and Britney's bedroom.

He listened to the door for a few moments before he deemed it safe to enter. He opened the door slowly and poked his head in, to his amazement, there were Christina and Britney in a full blown passionate sixty-nine.

"Oh my." He whispered. Suddenly an evil thought struck him. "Oh My Gods!" He screamed, mockingly. "Look at that Silicone fly!"

The two girls stopped their sexual conduct and looked to the door. There stood Cesar with a big, cheesy smile plastered on his face.

"Uh. Oh." Cesar said as he caught the glint in Britney's eye, and he ran. As fast as his legs could carry him.


Reese sat in a chair in the guest bedroom with a book in her lap and a hand on her tummy. Other than a slight chuckle every now and then, she remained rather motionless and quiet.

"Reese!" Cesar said as he barged in the room and shut the door. Trying to lock it quickly as if someone was chasing him.

"What's wrong?" Reese said looking up from the book worriedly.

"Your girlfriends are after me!" Cesar gave up on the lock and dived under the bed.


"Mm, no reason." He said quickly as he reached up to grab a pillow.

Suddenly two naked forms stood in the doorway. Christina and Britney ran inside the bedroom, checking the closet, the bed, and any other place he could hide.

"Hi." Reese said blinking slowly. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for..." Christina started.

"Cesar, that asshole barged in on Chrissy and I having sex!" The last part was almost a whine.

"And he made a rather...lewd comment."

"Which is?" Reese asked.

"Wow! Look at that Silicone fly!" Britney snorted and rolled her eyes. "I did NOT get a breast augmentation!"

"Britney, no matter how many times you're going to deny it, you did get it done. I went with you, remember?" Christina said, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I know, but he doesn't need to hear that. Where is he, Reese?"

Reese laughed and shook his head. 'Trust Cesar to think of something like that to say at just the right time. I love that guy.'

"Well?" Christina said impatiently.

"Under the bed." Reese said as she reached for her book and started to read again. Every now and glancing as Britney and Christina dragged Cesar from under the bed and into the kitchen. 'He is SO going to get it this time.'


Joey woke up and immediately noticed that Lance was gone. Sighing, he stood up and checked the bathroom and was rather surprised when Lance wasn't found in there. With a loud sigh, he dressed himself and made his way out of his room and into the hallway.

As he ventured from his bedroom to the stairs leading down into the parlor, he noticed a glint in front of him. He made his way over and glanced at the ring he had given Lance for his birthday a year ago.

Suddenly the door that the ring was lying in front of opened and a disheveled Lance entered the hallway, almost running Joey over.


"Sweetie!" Lance smiled sweetly and leaned back against the wall. "What are you doing up?"

"I missed you, and you weren't in the bathroom...so I was wondering where you went."

"Oh! Josh needed some help in rearranging the bedroom. That's where I was, sorry to have worried you."

'Funny.' Joey thought, 'The room looked exactly the same...'

"I love you." Joey said softly, looking Lance in the eye. Lance smiled and kissed Joey.

"I love you too. I love you too. Let's go back to bed." Lance placed an arm around Joey and they made their way back to their double bed, to dream dreams and think thoughts that neither one will ever admit too.


Chris sighed softly as he lay back on his bed and fondled the necklace that Josh had bought him years past. 'It seems so long ago.' He sighed again and looked in the mirror on the dresser just across from where he was laying. 'What happened? Was it doomed from the start? Or what?'

Immediately one of Christina's songs filled his head. 'I want to thank you, for giving me, time to breathe...' Quickly, Christopher jumped up and ran to his CD collection, searching for one simple CD.

"Here it is!" Chris said triumphantly and placed it in the CD player. Soon, Christina's "What a Girl Wants" was playing softly through the large stereo system.

"Like a rock you waited so patiently, while I got it together.

While I figured it out, I only looked but I never touched,

'Cause in my heart was a picture of us:

Holding hands, making plans,

And it's lucky for me, you understand."

Christopher Kirkpatrick hit stop on the CD player and cried soft, silent tears. Tears that would only be shed once again, and when they are shed, they won't be tears of sorrow.

But tears of happiness.


Cesar had just left after getting lectured about knocking before entering a room and was now on his way to Brian. 'Hopefully,' Reese thought, 'That cousin of mine will stop pestering Britney once he got laid.'

Cesar poked his head back in the room, "Don't count on it." He said and then disappeared again, just as quickly.

Britney and Christina looked at Reese, obviously confused. Reese shook her head.

"Don't ask. I don't even understand it myself." Reese laughed and slowly made her way to the bed. "You guys sleeping here tonight?"

Christina nodded and pulled Reese in a hug. "We love you, we miss you, we praise you." She joked.

Reese laughed and held Christina close to her. "Praise me right, get on your knees." She said as she seductively growled in Christina's ear.

Quickly, the three snuggled themselves in the small double bed. "I love you." They said at the same time. "I always will." Again, in unison.

With a small sigh, the three of them fell off to sleep, content in each other's arms.


"Brian!" Cesar hissed as Brian's mouth clamped on his nipple. "Brian, we can't!"

Breathless, Brian pouted, "Why not?" He breathed silkily in Cesar's ear.

"I'm not ready." Cesar said softly, hoping he didn't hurt Brian. He was liking him way too much for his comfort. Brian nodded and kissed Cesar again passionately.

"Oh." Brian said as he slid down and inched himself in the crook of Cesar's arm. "I'm sorry, Rome. I got carried away."

Cesar let out a small laugh and kissed Brian on the forehead. "Don't worry, Bri-Bri. It's okay. I just want it to be special, you understand, right?"

Brian nodded and pulled up the covers over them. "Let's go to bed." He said softly as he kissed Cesar's side. 'I love you.' He thought. 'I don't know how, but I do.'

Cesar sighed. 'I love you too, Brian. I just don't know if I can say it yet.'

Another audible sigh left his lips.

'But I do.'


"Juju," Ryan said as he left the bathroom after he had just finished brushing his teeth. "It's your turn."

Justin nodded from his place on the bed, reading a book he had found in the living area earlier in the day. "This is a good book." He said thoughtfully.

"Well, put it down." Ryan said grinning. "It's time for your shower and it's time to brush your teeth. Go to it, chop chop." Ryan took the towel that was around his waist and threw it on Justin's head. Few minutes later, he was dressed in a pair of silk boxers and ready for bread. "Juju, Honey, its time for you to get ready for bed."

"Okay." Just resigned and placed the book on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. "But I get to read more when I come back, right, Angel?"

Ryan nodded and smiled. Justin blew Ryan a kiss before entering the bathroom.

Wordlessly, Ryan inched his way to Justin's side of the bed to read the spine of the book. "Whoa." Ryan said as he saw it was a piece by Terry Goodkind, "Heavy stuff."

"What's that?" Justin called from the bathroom.

"Nothing, Juju." Ryan called back. The two of them smiled a smile that was so eerily similar and finished their task.

Justin was brushing his teeth and waiting for the water in the shower to warm up, while Ryan was lying on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. 'What if his mother doesn't like me?' He thought, 'What if she takes one look at me and tells me I'm unfit to date her son? What if...'

"Don't worry," Justin said as he appeared in the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of silk boxers. "She'll love you. Okay?"

Ryan nodded and watched as Justin gracefully made his way from the bathroom doorway to the nightstand to the bed.

"Now, I get to finish my book!" Justin squealed with glee as he jumped on the bed next to Ryan, and began to read.

'Amazing,' Ryan thought, 'Justin getting giggly over a book. Never thought I'd see the day.' Ryan chuckled and inched his way to cuddle up to Justin. Justin smiled down at Ryan and kissed his head.

"I love you, my Angel." Justin said softly and turned his eyes back to the book.

"I love you too, my sweet Juju." Was Ryan's reply, 'I love you too.' He added in his head.

They both sighed with content and slowly each fell asleep; Justin with the book in his hand, and Ryan with his head on Justin's chest.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Let us know! Email us at: yougottaloveus@loveable.com

You can IM Rowiepoo and Miragiepoo at: MizShaniqua (Don't ask me, it's HIS nickname!)

Well, that's all! ;) Don't forget to email us!

Next: Chapter 5

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