End of Innocence

By Mirage and Rowan Taranthia

Published on Jan 22, 2001


Disclaimer : We don't know any of the people mentioned in this story. Well, that's a lie. We know Cesar and Adam. You don't know Adam yet. Hehe. But you will. Jane, Jason, Betsy, and Ben CLAIM to know the people mentioned in this story but they're all chronic liars. Mirage smacks herself on the side of her head Shut up in there you guys!

It's been 3 months since we updated. SORRY! We're REALLY REALLY sorry. Will you ever forgive us? We're sure this short chapter doesn't make up very much.

We're fusing two stories together! shrieks with happiness End of Innocence is being fused together with Fall Down & Smile for a few chapters. Fall Down & Smile is in the lesbian/college section if you'd like to read it.

ALSO. THERE ARE TWO VERSIONS OF THIS CHAPTER! THIS chapter, is the one suited for Nifty. The real version is much more raunchy and can be found at :


Hopefully, you'll go and check it out. Our friend, The Mistress, has been nice enough to let us have some space on her site for the story along with Jay Chords' 'Deceiving Secrets'. She's in the middle of remodeling but you can still use the old site :).

If you'd like to get a hold of us , you can! : yougottaloveus@loveable.com (yes, it really does exist).

Chapter 8 By: Mirage (Cow) & Rowan (Whore) Taranthia

Reese Witherspoon sat in the recliner and watched the snow fall in big, white, fluffy flakes. She couldn't help the emotions that were spiraling through her. Half she blamed on hormones the rest just on plain betrayal. But with the emotional wrench that they have been through these last few days, it was understandable.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Reese asked as she turned her head toward Britney, who was standing right next to Reese, unconsciously fondling Reese's blonde hair.

"Why did she start?" Britney replied, turning her head toward the window, toward the black SUV that had just pulled up in the driveway. Two men left the car and trampled through the snow, to the house. They kicked off their boots on the porch, Reese could hear the thumping, and quickly made their way inside.

Reese first recognized Brian as he pulled off the black snowcap that was covering his blond hair, which he had let grow out some. She then recognized her cousin, Cesar, as he followed suit, taking off his jacket and wet pants.

"It's snowy out there," He said softly, sensing the mood she was in. She nodded and turned back toward the window.

Cesar sighed and pecked Brian on the cheek before heading into the little live-in living room where Reese was sitting. He moved Britney aside and kneeled down to her eye level. Brian entered the room as well and placed an arm over Britney.

"I'm sorry." Brian said as he hugged Britney.

Cesar took a deep breath and let out all in one long sigh. He kissed Reese's cheek and said, "I'll make dinner tonight, we'll all eat, and then we'll go down and visit Christina."

Reese nodded and glanced up at the door to the kitchen. She noticed Ryan was standing there, leaning against the doorframe. Stifling a sob, she stood up slowly and made her way to him. He met her halfway and gathered her in his arms, resting a hand on her stomach, he left her to the couch. They both sat down in each other's arms, allowing each other to be there for the other. Britney put her arms around Cesar and Brian and hugged them at once. She whispered something about retreating in her room and to leave her alone, before either man could stop her, she was already to the stairs and making her way up.

Reese glanced up at Britney as she made her way up the stares. 'It's driving us apart.' She thought.

Cesar glanced at Reese and Britney and shot Brian a look. He sighed and they both nodded, it was driving them apart.


"I put the 'gay' in Marvin Gaye," Lance giggled hysterically.

Lance, Joey, and Cesar were relaxing in the living room, a fire hissed and crackled in the hearth as another blanket of snow was settling on the ground.

"That's not the only thing you put in Marvin," Joey grinned, waggling his eyebrows.

The milk Cesar was drinking, came flying from his nose and landed pointedly on the couch cushion next to him. "Shit," he grumbled and ran to get a towel.

Reese padded out of her room and into kitchen. She took a can of soda from the fridge and walked into the living room. Her gaze settled on the spilled milk. "Cesar? You're gonna clean that up, right?"

He ran back in with the dripping clothe. "Yeah! I'm sorry I didn't..."

"Okay," she said. "Just checking." And walked away.

Lance stared in disbelief as Reese locked herself in the bedroom. "We gotta get Christina back here for a visit."

Britney shuffled down the hall to Cesar and Brian's bedroom. She needed to talk to someone. Someone that wasn't Reese. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in."

Britney walked in and shut the door. Brian was lying on the bed, reading a book. Cesar was nowhere to be found. Brian gazed up.

"Hey, Brit. What can I do for you?" he smiled.

She leaned against the door and started to cry.

Brian set down his book and rushed over to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulled her over to the bed.

She sat there, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I-I f-f-feel s-so un-needed," she blubbered.

"Aww sweetheart," he wrapped his arms around her shaking frame. "You're needed."

She shook her head. "N-not b-by R-reese."

"What are you talking about? She loves you."

"No she doesn't. She runs to Ryan now. She doesn't care about me," she spat.

Brian turned her to face him. "That's not true. She loves you. You and Christina her world."

"Than why won't she talk to me? She avoids me! Do you know, we barely talk to each other anymore? We sleep on opposite sides of the bed. It's been two weeks since she said she loved me."

Brian sighed and held her as she broke down. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm so sorry."

Britney wrapped her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. She felt like everything was spiraling downwards.

She sat up and wiped away her tears the best she could as they flowed. "I-I just don't know what to do." She stared at Brian. "Why do you have to be gay?"

Brian chuckled. "I don't know."

She grinned slightly. "Let's find out." She leaned forward and placed her lips on his.

His eyes grew wide but as he felt her soft flesh working his own, he closed his eyes and returned the kiss. He tangled his fingers in her shoulder length blonde hair.

"Hey Brian do y...Oh my god!" Cesar gasped.

In one quick motion, the two were on separate sides of the bed.

"What the hell is going on?!" Cesar yelled, tears piercing his eyes. Brian and Britney. The thought made his stomach churn. He ran into the bathroom where his lunch erupted from his throat and into the toilet. He felt a hand massaging his back.

Cesar stood up and took the wet clothe that was offered to him. He met Brian's guilty stare. "How could you?" he whispered, anger and betrayal evident in his voice.

Britney ran down the stairs, completely humiliated and ashamed of herself. She grabbed her coat from the closet and a set of keys.


She spun around and saw Reese standing in the doorway.

"Are you okay?"

Britney walked up to Reese, took her cheeks in her hands and kissed her deeply and passionately. The first kiss they'd shared in days and possibly the last. Britney leaned her forehead against hers. "I love you, never forget that." And ran out of the house.

Tears stung her eyes as she drove to the hospital. "How could I be so stupid?" she cursed herself as she pulled into the parking lot. She sat for a second, trying to compose herself but the thought of losing everyone kept pushing itself forward.

Britney took a deep breath and hopped from the car. She locked the door and shut it slowly. She chuckled to herself at her sad attempts to stall.

Biting her lip, she walked into the clinic and up to the receptionist desk.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked, not looking up from her paper work.

"I need to speak with the doctor that is tending to Miss Christina Maria." They'd used a fake name to keep the press from getting a hold of the story. Of course, a stack of papers had been signed to keep the clinic from leaking any information.

"I'm sorry but that's not possible."

"Tell him that Britney Spears is here."

The nurse chuckled. "Of course. I'm sure."

Britney leaned over the desk and grabbed the woman by her collar. "Does this look like I'm joking?"

The woman's eyes got wide. "M-Miss Spears."

"No shit. Now, go get him."

"R-right away Miss Spears," she stuttered and flounced off.

Britney put her head in her hands as more tears flooded her eyes.

"Miss Spears?" A deep, slightly soothing, male voice appeared in her head.

She stood up straight and wiped her eyes. "Are you the doctor that's in charge of Christina Maria's care?"

He nodded and beckoned her to follow him into an office.

She sat in front of a desk and tried to summon all her courage. This was going to be difficult.

He sat down on the edge of the desk. "I'm Dr. Wallace. What can I do for you, Miss Spears? You gave our secretary quite a fright."

"When will Christina be able to come home?"

Dr. Wallace sighed. "I'm sorry to tell you this but not for quite some time. She's not showing much progress and there's more heroine in her system that was originally stipulated."

"How long?"

"Anywhere from 3 months to maybe even a year."

Britney swallowed back tears. "A year?" The baby wouldn't know who Christina was.

"It all depends on how well she responds to treatment. We also provide counseling."

"C-couldn't she come home but come back for counseling?"

He shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Patients respond better when they're in an environment where they can receive help at all times."

"Is there any chance she could come home for a few weeks?"

"I'm sorry but no."

"No chance at all? Not even if someone from the clinic accompanied her?" Britney was desperate.

"You mean a nurse? To administer her medication?"

Britney nodded. If that's what it took to get Christina home for just a little while, it was worth it.

"I suppose it might be possible."

"But, the nurse will have to understand the living conditions. Nothing she sees or hears in that house can be told to any other living soul."

Dr. Wallace nodded. "There's one nurse in particular who would be perfect. She's Christina's personal nurse and they've had a strong connection. I do believe she already knows of who lives in the house."

"And you do?"

He nodded. "It was in the papers sent over by her management company."

Britney sighed. "If she's willing to tag along and Christina is up to it, it would mean the world to all of us. Especially Reese."

"Reese is the pregnant woman?"

"And you don't allow pregnant visitors in your clinic."

Dr. Wallace sighed. "I suppose I owe you this, than."

"Whatever way allows Christina to come home for a few weeks."

He chuckled. "Miss Spears, you have yourself a deal. Only for 3 weeks though."

Britney stood up and shook his hand. "Thank you, Dr. Wallace."

"You can come pick her and Danelle up on Monday."

Britney nodded and started for the door.

"Miss Spears?"

She turned around. "Yes?"

"I don't often do this. But I understand the strains your relationship between Christina and Reese is suffering. If this relationship can be set back together, it will help Christina recover faster. This visit might even stimulate her to remember what's waiting for her."

"Again, Thank you." Britney smiled and left the office. The same secretary was still at the receptionist desk. "See you Monday," Britney chuckled under her breathe and left the clinic.

Brian felt his heart tearing apart. "I don't know. Britney came in and was upset and I comforted her and it just happened!"

"Things like this don't just happen! Was it because we haven't had sex? Are you using me to get to her? What!?"

"No!" Brian protested as Cesar left the bathroom and stepped back into the bedroom. He was grateful that Britney had already fled. "I love you, Cesar. I don't know why I did it, okay?"

Cesar turned around on the balls of his heels. "You can't wait to have sex? Fine! Take me, right here."

Brian blinked. "What?"

Cesar furiously pulled off his shirt and yanked off his pants in what looked like a very painful manner until he was left in only his boxers. "Take me right here and now."

"I don't want to have sex with you."

Cesar felt his heart catch in his throat. His beloved had indeed betrayed him. Had played him for a fool.

Brian closed the distance between them. He cupped Cesar's cheek in his hand. "I want to make love to you."

Tears streamed down Cesar's face. "I. I can't do this right now," he stepped away from Brian and pulled a bag from the closet.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna go stay with a friend in California," he responded and threw a few pieces of clothing into the bag.

Brian felt like his eyes bugged out of his head. "California?! Why?"

Cesar stopped packing and turned around. "Because you just kissed Britney! That's why! My god, Brian. Britney! My cousin's girlfriend!"

He stared at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"Save it," Cesar grumbled and went back to the closet.

Brian sat down on top of the bag, preventing Cesar from adding anything else. "I'm sorry, please believe me!"

"I do believe you," Cesar sighed. "Believe me, I do."

Brian took Cesar's hands in his. "Than why are you leaving?"

"Because I need some time away from you. From everyone. This house is filled with so much tension that I feel like I'm suffocating. I need to talk to someone who hasn't been effected."

"Can't you do it over the phone?" Brian inquired.

Cesar shook his head. "No. It just never was right talking to Adam on the phone. I have to see him in person. Besides, I miss California."

Brian sighed. "There's no way I can win, is there?"

"No. Now get off my bag."

He did.

Cesar threw in the last of the clothes and zipped up the bag. He grabbed it and walked out of the room.

Brian fell to the mattress as tears slid down his cheeks.

Cesar walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed the phone and dialed the number to the airport. "Hi. I'd like to book a flight to Las Angeles, California for tonight."

"We have a flight leaving in two hours."

"That's perfect. Can I get a first class window seat?"

"Of course sir. You're name?"

Cesar gave his credit card number and name to the phone clerk.

"Thank you sir. You can pick up your ticket upon your arrival."

"Thank you."

Reese walked in as he hung up the phone. "Where are you going?"

"To California. To see Adam."

"Is everything alright? Is Abby okay?"

Cesar nodded. "They're fine I just want to go see them."

Reese put her hand on his shoulder. "Cesar Keegan, tell me what's going."

Cesar shrugged off her hand. "Don't worry about it, everything is fine," he lied and grabbed his bag. He took his coat from the closet and his car keys. "I'll be back in a few days."

And left.

Britney pulled up in front of the house as the door opened and a figure came out. She got out of her car and caught up with him. "Cesar."

"Now you really are a whore," he sneered.

Britney winced. "I deserve that."

"You deserve more than that."

"Just hear me out before you leave."


"I got Dr. Wallace, the doctor at the clinic, to allow Christina to come home for 3 weeks as long as a nurse comes with her. She's coming home on Monday."

He nodded. "I'll be here."


"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Christina. God knows what's going to happen when Chrissy and Reese find out what you did."

Britney sighed at his harsh tone. "I just hope one day you'll forgive me."

Cesar shrugged. "Stranger things have happened. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a flight to catch."

"Where are you going?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm going back to California for a few days."


The two stood in silence as the wind caused the snow on the ground to dance in an array of patterns.

Britney looked up at Cesar and threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. "I know we've never really gotten along and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything and I know you won't forgive me and I don't deserve to be forgiven but please, please don't hate Brian. It's my fault, not his."

Cesar just stood there, his arms at his side. Tears stung the corner of his eyes. He wanted to hug her and he hated himself for it.

Britney let go.

"I'll see you in a few days," he mumbled and got into the car. He backed out of the driveway and sped down the street toward the airport.

"Good-bye," she whispered and walked into the house. ----

Cesar sat in the parking lot of the airport and sighed. He took a napkin from the glove department of his SUV and glanced in the mirror. 'I look like shit.' He thought to himself. 'God,' he sighed and put on a pair of sunglasses, black-tint. 'Don't want anyone to notice I've been crying.' He wiped his cheeks free of tears and sniffled one last time. He took a deep breath, let it out and grinned to himself in the mirror.

"Fuck!" He swore as he pounded his hands on the steering wheel. "I can't even fake being happy!" Grumbling, Cesar grabbed his cell phone and dialed Adam's number. It rang seventeen times before Cesar hung up and threw the cell phone. Swearing as he heard it crash and break in the middle of the road, he warned himself to get a leash on his temper.

"That fucking whore!" He screamed, loud as he could. His deep voice booming through the parking lot. Blushing, when people stared at him, he quickly made his way with his bag in hand.


"Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on with Cesar, why Britney's upset, and why Brian won't come out of Cesar's room?" Joshua asked, glancing at Lance and Joey. They shrugged, not knowing what happened. Not even realizing that Brian was upset, or Britney...or...

"Where IS Cesar?" Lance asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ask Brian." Britney said walking through the room to the kitchen.


Cesar watched as an obviously gay cabin attendant started asking people what they wanted to drink, with almost no resignation, Cesar asked for a glass of their strongest alcoholic beverage. The attendant grinned and said, "Gin and tonic. I'll be right back with your drink, Boss." The way the attendant said 'boss' made Cesar cringe inside. But he forced a smile and proceeded to bury himself in his thoughts.

Brian fucked Britney.

Brian...had fucked Britney.

How the hell could ANYONE fuck Britney?

Cesar sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew he must have looked like coach material for he was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, he was unshaven, and he looked extremely scruffy.

"Scruffalicious." He said using one of Brian's words. Just the thought of his boyfriend back home was enough to bring him to tears. Muttering to himself for being so weak, he grabbed the tissue from his pocket and began wiping his tears again.

"Here," The attendant said softly, just loud enough for Cesar to hear. "Here's your drink, boss. And a box of tissues, I figure you could use them." Cesar thanked him and blew his nose as quietly as he could. Muttering, he wiped his tears and cheeks with a fresh tissue. He put them both in his pocket and sniffled slightly.

"Tough day?" The attendant asked, then he offered his hand and grinned lightly. "I'm Mark."

Cesar grasped the hand in a firm handshake, "Cesar."

Mark grinned and shook his hand out. "Tight handshake you've got there, Cesar. Nice name, as well. It's...Italian."

Cesar forced a laugh. "Thanks. My friends call me Rome, though."

Mark nodded. "Rome it is!" Mark sat in the seat next to Cesar and looked at him. "So tell me all that's bugging you, Boss."

Cesar groaned inwardly, he just wanted to be left alone. With a wince, he said, "It's quite personal, I'm sorry. It's just I just met you, you don't know anything about what's going on...it's just a lot of disorganized hell right now. I'm sorry."

Mark nodded. "It's understandable, hey, I've got problems myself." I bet you do. "What was that?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Cesar blushed, he didn't realize he said that out loud. "I said, I know I do."

Mark grinned and slipped Cesar a piece of paper, "Hey, give me a call sometime if you're ever in the Los Angeles area. I'd greatly appreciate it, I've gotta get back to work. Maybe we can hang sometime..."

Cesar nodded. "Maybe..."


Cesar jumped when he felt the plane touch down and realized he never fastened his seatbelt. "Shouldn't have had that Gin and Tonic," he said muttering, "I forget how drowsy alcohol makes me."

He realized he must have looked strange, talking to himself, so he quickly grabbed his bag and made his way off of the plane and into the terminal. With a sigh, he left his friends behind and took a step into California. "It's good to be back." He said to himself. He bristled his shoulders, took a deep breath, and moved ahead not only physically, but also emotionally.

So this is the last chapter before we fuse the two stories together for probably one or two chapters. But there are more chapters of Fall Down & Smile to be written before we can get to that. :)

We hope you enjoyed this chapter of End of Innocence and hopefully crosses fingers We'll get better at updating. Promise!

Don't be frightened to e-mail us! Remember : yougottaloveus@loveable.com

Mirage & Rowan

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