English with Travis

By A G

Published on Mar 26, 2001


Copyright 2001 by andyinlou@hotmail.com. This piece of literature is of homosexual nature. If you do not desire to read such things or if they are illegal in your area, then do not proceed. If you are under 18, you shouldn't be here but how the hell will I know. Enjoy. Send all comments to andyinlou@hotmail.com

Before I get started with the second installment of 'English with Travis' I wanted to apologize to everyone for how long it took me to write this installment. I am a very busy student, and I don't have much time to write.

So please, bear with me.

English with Travis - Part 2

---------------------------- From Part 1 ... --- I looked down at him and smiled. He smiled back with the cum hanging on his chin, he then leant forward and kissed me--mixing our saliva and my semen.

"Thanks", I said

"My pleasure"

"Now let me return the favor" ---

I stood up and guided both of our naked bodies over to Travis's bed. I gently pushed against his smooth chest until he fell onto the mattress below. His body was so perfect and so well formed that my now soft dick was returning to it full upright position. We both remained silent as I caressed his beautifully sculpted chest and arms. I laid my naked body on top of his, and our hard cocks meshed together. I kissed him again and I could still taste the remnants of my load there. I worked my way down his chest and licked his rock hard nipples. As I sucked on each one, I could feel his cock pulsate against my stomach. He was ready.

I moved my head down between his legs and slowly caressed his cock with my hands. I gently began to bathe his silky ball sack with my tongue and he instantly began to moan with pleasure. I was glad that I could please this stud that had just pleased me.

He ran his fingers through my hair, and the only sounds in the room were my sucking and the sounds of his pleasure. I continued to lick his beautiful, large balls and his shaft was hard as could be. He was uncircumcised, and I guessed the total length to be about 9 and a half inches. It was absolutely the most beautiful penis I had ever seen.

I reached up and started to stroke his meat, gently pulling the foreskin up and down over the head. His moaning increased and in between moans he said,

"Andy, please don't stop."

With those remarks, I slowly placed my lips around the tip of his meat. His precum was as sweet as honey, and I was thirsty for more. I had sucked dick before, but never one this massive. I was only getting about six inches in my mouth when I attempted my first ever 'deep throat'. As I pushed my head farther down onto his cock, I started to gag. But I pulled back and with a little encouragement from Travis, I managed to get his dick into my throat. I felt totally filled with his dick in my throat and my nose was buried in his silky pubes. They smelled so clean and pure.

Travis slowly began to pump his dick in and out of my throat, when suddenly I knew he was close. His balls had drawn up close to his body, and his dick was swelling in my mouth.

"I'm getting ready to blow man!"

I was encouraged by the thought of tasting his sweet cum, so I clamped my lips down harder and pulled his dick out of my throat to give his head a tongue massage similar to what he gave me earlier. As soon as I wrapped my tongue around the head of his dick, the first rope of his love juice splattered against the back of my throat. I started to swallow as fast as I could, but I was trying to savor the flavor if you know what I mean. His cum was so sweet, I wanted him to never stop but he was cumming so fast that it was starting to overflow my mouth, I had to pull off or choke on his huge load. I pulled my mouth away and used my hands to continue pumping his rod.

He shot two more ropes that landed on his chest before his flow tapered off into a drizzle.

"Wow, that was great man. Best damn BJ I have ever had."

"I believe you, with all the jiz you pounded me with." I said with a grin.

With that we both walked naked to the bathroom and proceeded to wash each other off. My hard cock wouldn't subside, so Travis jerked my off while we were in the shower. When I came this time, it wasn't as forceful but damn it felt good with Travis holding my stiff cock.

I washed his hair and back and he did the same for me, afterwards I dried off his body and he dried off mine--each of us exploring each other's body more closely than we had ever explored our own. Travis's legs were lightly covered with soft blond hair, and as I dried them off his calf and thigh muscles trembled. He had a happy trail that lead the way from his muscular abs down to his beautifully formed cock, that draped gently over his large nuts. I tried to dry his pubic area off, but Travis stopped me.

"Knock it off man, your going to get me hard again", Travis begged

"And that's a bad thing??" I asked with a devilish grin on my face

"You know we have a lot of work to do on this project, right?"

He had caught me there, he was right. We did have a lot of work to be doing.

"Yeah, your right. You are just so beautiful, I can't keep my hands off of you!"

"You aren't so bad yourself, he replied.

After we had finished drying off, we went to get dressed. I was quick to get the clothes I had worn on the way over back on, but Travis, still naked was standing in boxers trying to pick something out. Finally, he decided on a pair of Abercrombie jeans and t-shirt. I was beginning to think everything he owned was Abercrombie.

"All right, lets get started" he finally said

"Cool, after your" I replied to my little Abercrombie model.

I followed his perfectly round butt down the hallway and out to the table where he had laid his stuff. I sat down but Travis turned and went into the kitchen and returned with two beers.

"I figured we could use these after our little workout, don't you think so?"

"I agree, beer does a body good!"

We laughed and popped the tops of our Miller Lites. I didn't think it was going to help us get our work done, but hey it was just a little English project. We should be done in no time.

"How the hell does researching the life of Mark Twain help us to better understand English anyways", Travis asked

"For that matter, how does English help me in my life or my major. I am a damn chemistry major for Christ's sake, do I care about English, hell no. The only reason I go is because I have to"

"A-men" Travis said

Three hours and a six pack later; we had finished the rough draft of our paper for the combined project on the life of Mark Twain. All we had left to do was revise the paper and put together a visual graphic of some type for our presentation.

"Lets take a break" Travis suggested

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, we've been working hard, lets stop for now. Its not due until next Monday, so we can work on it next weekend if we have to."

"OK", I agreed

We quit working and I began to think of what had transpired today. Travis and I had jump-started our friendship with our earlier encounter, and I felt like I was getting closer to him as every minute passed. We sat down on his couch and turned on the TV. I looked over at him and could hardly believe what I had fantasized about had come true.

--------------------------------------------- that's it for this chapter. I am working on the next one, but it takes me a long time to get it together. I hope you enjoyed it!

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