Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Aug 9, 2023


Enslaved on Vacation, Part 1 (Gay, Authoritarian)

I guess it's normal for family vacations to kind of suck when you're in college. So it was no surprise that by the second day of our trip to Jupiter Beach, Florida, I was already bored out of my mind. We were staying at a really nice place, right on the beach, with two large swimming pools, tennis courts, and well kept grounds. My parents own three weeks of time share here, so we have been coming every year for as long as I can remember. For some kids it would have been a dream, but with me being an only child and having no one to really hang out with, it just seemed like a drag. As far as my parents, I wasn't really all that close to them. Although they certainly never mistreated me, I am pretty sure I was an unplanned addition to the family, and they had never really shown me an overwhelming amount of love, so its not like we all spent "quality family time" together when we were on vacation.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Matt and I am from Virginia. Like I said, I am an only child, but not really a spoiled one. I am 20 years old, 6 feet tall on the nose, 164 pounds, with short brownish hair, green eyes, and smooth well-tanned skin. I am the star soccer player for my small college, and basically am pretty athletic all around. Oh . . . and although I am very masculine and a completely straight-acting closet case, I have no sexual feelings whatsoever for girls. Despite the fact that I am probably the horniest guy on the planet, I can't pop a boner thinking of a girl, no matter how hard I try. While I'm describing myself, I guess I should get to the important part. My cock is about 5.5 inches hard, medium girth, and circumcised. Not overly big considering I am a tall guy. I figure all the jacking off I did at a young age may have stunted its growth, but oh well.

Anyway, so when we're down here in Florida, I usually just hang out at the pool and beach all day. But with all the scantily clad hot boys around, I have to concentrate extra hard not to tent up my baggy adidas swimming trunks. This day was no different, and I found myself swimming a few laps around noon. I guess since most people were eating lunch, the pool was kind of deserted. Much to my pleasure, up from the beach-walk came running a pair of tanned boys, both looking liked they were about 15 or 16. One wore black surfer trunks and had fairly short black hair, wet from the salt water. His smooth chest shined in the sun, and he seemed to have a beautiful, but very mischievous smile, permanently plastered on his face. His companion was a blond haired boy wearing some bright red Nike trunks, and didn't seem to have quite the swagger of the other. They sprinted up and jumped into the pool, yelling and making a huge splash as they did.

From overhearing their words and observing them over the next several minutes, I discerned that they were typical, aggressive teen boys, overflowing with testosterone and a desire to be macho. They splashed and taunted each other, wrestling fairly intensely, with each trying to dunk the other's head under the water. The black haired (and sexier) of the boys, it seems, was named Drew, while the blond boy was Sean. I was also amazed at the language that flew out of Drew's mouth among his taunts. "I fucking whipped the shit out of your sorry fuckin' ass in that race," he said to Sean, loud enough for anyone in the pool area to hear him, and he seemed to insert "fuck" in at least once a sentence, probably again trying to act older than he really was.

I watched as the two smooth bodies raced each other the full length of the pool maybe 5 times, with Drew winning them all, and making sure to talk a lot of shit in between. Finally, Sean indicated that he had to go and eat lunch.

"Alright, man. I'll see you around," said Drew as his friend toweled off and headed around the path away from the pool. Continuing to swim around the now even more deserted pool, Drew swam up to me and flashed that perfect smile. "What's up dude? How old do you think I am?" he greeted.

I was surprised by the boldness and forwardness of his greeting, and chuckled a little. (I have a fairly confident, if not a bit arrogant, personality and definitely was sensing the same in the younger Drew). "Um, I dunno man, maybe 14 or 15? Could be 13 I guess," I said smugly, not wanting to give him too much credit.

His smile just grew wider. "Everybody fuckin thinks that. I am 18 actually. Just a couple more months and I'll be in college. My parents are just short little bastards," he said with a laugh.

We continued to talk and bullshit back and forth for the next ten minutes or so, and I was enjoying it. It was first and foremost a great alleviation of my boredom, and as a bonus, Drew was definitely good looking, even if it seemed he was probably straight. He got to talking about the girls who he had met out on the beach, and how the area was always crawling with hotties. I pretended to agree and did a fairly competent job of faking my way through the general adolescent male talk about wanting to get with dozens of hot girls. Then pretty much out of the blue, Drew said, "So, you wanna race me dude? You saw how fuckin fast I am right?"

"Are you kidding, little guy? I would frickin kill you," I replied. I mean, I am a damn good athlete, and even though this kid looked athletic and had pretty much the same build as me, he was about a half a foot shorter than me and probably weighed all of 130 pounds soaking wet. We started really escalating the trash talk, and both gave each other some good-natured taunting.

"If you're so confident," Drew boasted, "how about we put some pride on the line."

"You name it," I quickly retorted.

He again produced that evil little smirk of a smile, showing off his perfect teeth. "Hmm . . .let's see." He paused a few seconds, thinking it over. I was very confident that no matter what it was, I would be winning. Finally, Drew said, "How about the loser of the race has to bow down and kiss the winner's feet, right here by the pool."

Now I was the one smiling, picturing him prostrate before me, worshipping my greatness. I laughed out loud, adding, "You sure you are gonna be willing to go through with that after I kick your ass, midget?"

"Sure, if you win, I swear I'll do it. But you won't win, so I guess it doesn't matter."

"Then we have a bet," I announced as we shook hands and headed over to the end of the pool that would serve as the starting line, climbing out onto the warm cement. We exchanged a few more taunts, with Drew sticking out his tanned bare foot in my direction and informing me that I would soon be puckering up to it.

"Yeah right, bitch," I answered, getting into position to start the race.

In my extreme confidence, I even agreed to let him be the one to start the race. We had agreed that we would race the full length of the pool, all the way down and all the way back. As we dove into the pool and began the race, I was surprised at how well he was able to keep up with me. He stayed neck and neck with me all the way down the pool, and we were even at the halfway point. "Shit, he's pretty damn fast," I thought as we made the turn. Much to my dismay, he seemed to turn it up a notch on the way back, and beat me by a full body length. I couldn't believe it. As he came up from underwater, he threw his arms up into the air and let out a whoop of adulation, immediately starting the taunting. What I was going to have to do was sinking in, and the grin on his young boyish face didn't help matters. I mean, here he was, looking like he was about 15, and taunting a 20 year old relentlessly. Even though Drew was a wicked hot boy, I sure as hell didn't want to reduce myself to kissing his goddamn feet, especially in public. Even though we were the only people in the immediate pool area, the condominium complex was arranged so that every balcony overlooked the pool, so there were probably 200 condos that could witness my humiliation, and as I gazed upwards, I saw numerous families eating lunch or lounging out on their porches.

As he continued to taunt, I pleaded, "Please don't make me do this, Drew. There's too many people watching."

"Yeah I know, dude. That makes it all the better," he laughed at my situation. "But hey, if you wanna beg me, you better do it right, bitch."

Damn he was brash for such a little guy. We were in the shallow end of the pool, and I figured I could beg pretty subtly so that no one on the balconies could really tell what was going on. So I dropped to my knees, my head and neck sticking out above the water as I looked up into this confident eyes and again asked, "Please don't make me do it, dude."

"Do what?" he said with a larger-than-usual smirk, his question leading me to an answer he already knew.

"Please don't make me bow down to you and kiss your feet in front of all these people."

"Now why would you have to do a thing like that, Matt?" he laughed more.

I knew what he wanted me to say, and tried to favor him. "Because we had a bet, and because you whooped my ass in that race."

He let out a big whoop, and said, "Good," dunking my head under the water for a few seconds before letting me up for breath. "Now . . . unfortunately for you, I am still going to make you go through with the bet, because it will be funny as hell. BUT, I like you, dude. You seem pretty chill, and I like finding kids to hang out with around here. So I'll give you a chance to regain some of your pride if you wanna come up to my place later on this afternoon."

I was dejected to learn that my public humiliation would indeed be taking place, despite my added begging, but intrigued by the chance to get back at Drew later. After all, he was a pretty cool kid and reminded me a lot of myself. Nonetheless, I was in no mood to humble myself before him and the world. He climbed out of the pool and ordered me to do the same. Reluctantly, I came up the pool steps. "You know," he said, "since we didn't set out anything concrete, I can make you bow down and kiss my feet as many times as I want." His smile grew wider again, and I moaned in agony.

"Come on man."

"Don't worry. I'll go easy. Here's what you have to do. Take this towel and get on your knees and dry my feet. Get them nice and dry all over. Then you have to bow down 10 times while you chant, `I am not worthy.' Then you can finally kiss my feet 10 times on each foot."

I definitely didn't appreciate the added punishment of having to dry his damn feet for him, but I guess by his logic he could be making me bow down like 1000 times if I refused. So, I reasoned, I was getting off reasonably easy. I dropped to my knees and took the towel, getting to work and trying to dry quickly as to lessen the humiliation. As I caressed his feet, I couldn't help but admire the smooth olive toned skin all over his feet and ankles, and despite my red face and burning ego, my cock stirred a bit. Once I thought his feet were sufficiently dry, I asked him if I could stop, and he told me I needed to dry more between the toes. God, this sucked. Here I was, a relatively old looking 20-year old, on my knees at the feet of a kid who, despite being only about two years younger than me, looked like he was all of 15. I was embarrassed beyond belief. Finally, I was done, and got to the bowing down. As I did, I heard some giggling, and was able to turn my head enough to see three teenage girls on a 2nd floor balcony watching intently. Drew laughed with them, and once I had completed the tenth bow, exclaimed, "Now kiss my feet, bitch," a little louder than necessary, just so the girls could hear. The foot kissing went fast, and I was done quickly and back on my feet. My face was red, and I shoved him playfully as he taunted me more.

Even though I was pissed off and intensely humiliated, I didn't blame Drew. I knew I would have done the same thing to him had I won the bet, and more than anything, I was glad to have found someone decently cool (and hot) to hang out with for the next couple of weeks. I finished toweling off and looked at my watch. It was 1:40.

"So, Matt. You wanna hang out later at my place? I'll give you a chance to get even, I swear."

I laughed, my face still a little blushed. "You bet your fuckin ass I do. You're gonna pay, you little punk." It was friendly taunting, but I meant it.

"Alright," he smiled. "Come over at like 3. Is that cool? I am in unit 269."

"Alright, biatch. See ya then," I said walking back towards my family's condo. My parents pretty much let me completely do my own thing when we were on vacation, so I was sure it wouldn't be a problem. I liked Drew, and even if he was a cocky kid, who could blame him. Yeah, I liked him, and my cock liked him, and I very much looked forward to 3:00.

Next: Chapter 2

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