Enslaved on Vacation

By Kyle Johnson

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Enslaved on Vacation, Chapter 7 (Gay, authoritarian)

By the time I crawled into the living room, Drew was in the kitchen digging around in one of the cupboards. When he returned, he was carrying a glass of water and a small plastic container that I couldn't see. He set them down on a table and then retrieved another small package from his earlier shopping stash. "Stand up and get over here, slave," he said, walking to the sliding door by the balcony. I was reluctant since I was completely naked and could probably be seen by anyone looking up towards Master Drew's condo. He pointed down towards the pool where we had first met. It was getting dark, and the underwater light and landscaping accent lights provided a smooth glow over the scene. A smattering of vacationers still lounged in the general area, but luckily for me, none of them seemed to have noticed me. Drew pointed to the small hut on the far side of the pool that contained the restrooms. "See that little building, bitch?"

I nodded.

"If and when I decide you are allowed to take a piss or a shit tonight, you will do it in the women's bathroom of that building. And that's only IF. If I'm not feeling generous, you may never be allowed to go at all. Of course, you're naked as a fucking baby, and it's a long way over there...so you better really fucking have to go if you do."

The prospects of streaking to a public women's restroom to relieve myself were not pleasant, but I was hoping it wouldn't be an issue. After all, long vacation car trips had provided plenty of chance for me to learn to "hold it" growing up. Drew's evil grin as he walked away, though, told me I might be in trouble.

"With that in mind, it's time for your second ordeal. Take these," he said, emptying the small plastic box he had retrieved from the kitchen into my hand. It contained four small pills. "That's my uncle's Viagra, bitch. I just wanna make sure you don't have any trouble keeping your cock at attention for me. And remember-- don't even think about touching your cock without my permission."

At that he handed me the glass of water, which was lukewarm. As I swallowed the pills, I knew how miserable they would make me. I was already horny beyond any level I had ever reached, and I couldn't imagine what even one Viagra would do to me, let alone four. I thought about Devon Lucas. He had taken one on a dare on a college school soccer trip last fall and hadn't been able to keep his boner down for a day afterwards. With a gulp, I swallowed the last pill and gave the glass back to my Master.

"Not so fast, bitch. You didn't think your second ordeal was over just yet, did you? That would be way too fuckin easy." Master Drew laughed as he grabbed the small cardboard box off the table. I could clearly read it now, and in bold orange letters it read "FIBROLAX." Drew popped open the box and shook a ton of the powdery substance into what was left of the water in my drinking glass. He swished it around a bit in a feeble attempt to get it to dissolve, but a lot of it stayed in disgusting looking brown clumps. "Drink up, slave. And don't forget...no going to the bathroom without permission."

Drew grinned with delight as he saw me struggle to ingest the glass of laxative. I had to hand it to him. He was clever for a little guy, and really knew how to fuck with me. I had never had a laxative before and had no idea how long it would take to take full effect, but I knew that whenever it did, I was in some deep...well, you know what. Meanwhile, I think the Viagra must have been starting to kick in because my cock was absolutely throbbing with a need for release.

Master snatched away the glass from me and ordered me back to my knees. "Two down. Time for number three. Stay, doggie," he commanded, leaving the room. Within minutes, he was back and was carrying a clear plastic tub, the kind used for storing odds and ends. It was about half full of water, and Master Drew set it down on the floor by his leather couch. He quickly plopped down and put his feet in the water to soak. "My feet are dirty from you kissing them. Get over here and wash them real fuckin good, cunt." Master dropped a white wash cloth into the tub, and at that I went to work caressing his beautiful feet. They were perfectly clean, and this exercise was clearly just intended to degrade me. As I continued to scrub his feet, Master explained the third ordeal. "You see, bitch, for your third ordeal, you are going to learn to be like a dog. And dogs drink water from a bowl on the floor. But you're not worthy to drink normal clean water like most dogs do, so you'll be drinking this foot water." The idea was disgusting, and Master could obviously see the look on my face as I tried to focus on washing between his toes. "Yeah, that's right fag. Why don't you try it out. Have a few sips."

Knowing that hesitation would only bring on more punishment, I stooped my neck to the level of the tub and began to lap at the water. It was even more humiliating since Master's feet were still soaking in the water, and to make matter worse, he splashed his right foot playfully in the water, splashing my face as I drank. "Man, you are a fucking loser. You're drinking the water you just washed my feet in, and your cock is still hard." Master laughed at my lowness a moment more and then told me I could stop drinking. He ordered me to get a towel and dry his feet, and I did so. Master then went to his supply bags and retrieved two dog bowls. With a sharpie, he wrote SLAVE in bold letters on each of them. Drew dipped one of them in the tub of his foot water and set it on the kitchen tile. He put the other empty one right beside it. Master then returned to his supply area (which had become the bane of my existence) and brought another bag into the kitchen. "Is the little faggot dog ready to do his third ordeal??" he asked mockingly. Without waiting for a response, he pulled a red dog collar out of the bag and put it around my neck. "Now I know you're probably disappointed that it doesn't have your owner's name and address on it, but don't worry...we'll get it engraved soon, bitch. There. Now you look like a proper dog. A hairless fucking dog. And I'm sure you're hungry since all you had for dinner was burnt chicken scraps. So I was nice enough to buy you some food."

I was afraid this was coming. Master unveiled a large can of Alpo dog food and cracked it open with a smirk. He shook the can over the empty bowl, and with a splat, a single gelatinous glob of dog food flopped into my dish. It looked utterly disgusting, oozing with an unidentifiable brown gravy. I was sure I would throw up. "I bet you wish you weren't my slave right about now, huh bitch? Well too bad. You will eat every bit of that shit and lick the bowl clean. Now hurry up and get started. If it's not gone in fifteen minutes, I'll add another can."

That was all the warning I needed, and I quickly hunched over the fowl-smelling bowl like the dog that I had become. The first bite was indescribably bad -- even worse than I had anticipated, which is truly saying something. I think I threw up a little in my mouth. But I had no choice but to plod along. I took as big of bites as possible without the gag reflex setting in and washed them down with the water that Master Drew had so "generously" provided. I felt sick, but I didn't know if it was the result of the dog food or the Fibrolax starting to kick into full force. Bite after bite, I struggled through what seemed like an endless heap of Alpo. I must have drank half the bowl of water just trying to get the taste out of my mouth. At last, only gravy was left, and I had just licked up the last glob when Master Drew announced that time was up.

"Let me see that bowl, faggot." Master Drew inspected my dish and shook a scornful finger in my direction. "Still a tiny bit of gravy here, slave. Weren't you listening to my orders? Didn't you hear me say I would put another can in if it wasn't completely clean??" He smirked down at me, seeing the terror in my eyes.

There was no way I could stomach another can of that crap, so I made my best effort to avoid it. I practically lunged at his feet, sinking as low as possible as I begged. "Pleeeeeeaaase, Master. Please have mercy on your worthless and horrible dog of a slave. I tried so hard to finish it all. It was very hard, Master, but I did it for you. Please oh please great almighty Master take pity on me." I was kissing his feet desperately as I begged. Drew let this pathetic display continue a few more minutes before completely busting out laughing.

"Alright, alright. I was just joking anyway. Your little doggie dish is spotless. I just wanted to see your reaction, slave. You did good. Your third ordeal is complete." With that, Master Drew walked back towards the living room. "Oh, and by the way, your reaction was fucking funny as hell."

... As a side note, this is my first story n Nifty, and I would love to hear your feedback. I have the first 10 or so chapters written, and they will be forthcoming soon. Check back!

Next: Chapter 8

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