Entering the New World

By ni.oc.oohay@evom_peed

Published on Sep 5, 2001


This is my first attempt to post a story on Nifty. Being in India, I don't have too many friends to talk about my sexual orientation i.e. about being a Gay. Only two of my friends know this. As you know a lonely Gay life is very bad life. So I need some Gay friend to chat and share thoughts. Feel free to mail me at deep_move@yahoo.co.in. The contents of the story are 90% true and 10% partly true. So you may call it a true story. Try to help someone like you in need of love and friendship. Any comments, suggesions are welcome at deep_move@yahoo.co.in.


Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

Do not read this if you are under the legal age for accessing adult sites.

Always indulge in safe sex.

** Entering The New World **

It was almost dark when I returned to my apartment. I was very tired by the work I did past 2 days. So I just went to bathroom and stripped and dropped myself in hot bathtub. I slowly closed my eyes and remembered it was 3rd august. The day when I was first kissed and exposed to my sexual orientation. I went down the memory lane. I still remeber the day when then phone bell rang and I lifted the phone..........

Me : "Hello"

He : "Hi Ashish, Pranay here."

Me : "Oh! Must be having some problem about tomorrows test."

He : "Yeh! You always guess right. You know how poor I'm in computers."

Me : "Ok. What's the problem?"

He : "I think it's too hard to solve it on phone. Can you please meet me in class an hour before test".

Me : "Ok, see you there"

I hang up the phone and went back to my preparations for the test.

Next morning I had my breakfast. I waved goodbye to mom and drove to school and hour before to meet Pranay. I went straight to classroom. I sat there and waited for him and within a minute he came giving me his regular cute smile. He sat next to me on bench and we chatted as usual when suddenly he put his hand on my neck, pulled me closer and pressed his lips on mine. I was shocked by this act and couldn't think for few seconds. He was eating my lips like ice - cream. After about 7-8 seconds he pulled back and looked directly in my eyes and said "Ashish, if you don't mind can I do that again?" I was completely blank and couldn't think. I simply turned around and ran out of class. I was totally dazed by his action. I also couldn't pay attention towards the test and couldn't answer all the questions. When the test was over I just made my way home without looking at Pranay.

After dinner at home I said good night to my parents and went to my room to sleep. I turned the lights off and stripped to boxers and slipped myself under the covers. As soon as I closed my eyes the morning event came in front of my eyes. For what he did this? What he really wanted? He is a guy then why did he kiss me? Was he serious or just playing a joke on me? Thousands of questions came in my mind and I woke up. I went to my bathroom and washed my face. I looked in the full size mirror in front of me. I could see my 6 feet tall, well- built, almost smooth body. My face with black hair and black eyes looked little bit nervous when I noticed a bulge building under my boxers. It was my dick getting harder. I went back to bed and tried to ignore the pulsing cock of me and tried to sleep. But it was just impossible for me to remove the thoughts from my mind. I can't remember when I stripped my boxers off, slept on my stomach and started rubbing my rod on bed. I was sweating due to heat coming out of my body. I could here myself moaning and saying " oh Pranay! Kiss me please..."

With in a minute I could feel white, sticky cum all over the sheets. It was an enormous orgasm. I could smell fresh smell of cum all over my belly. I caught my breath when I came to know that it was the pillow I was kissing so furiously imagining it as Pranay's lips. I was so confused due to the act I did thinking about Pranay. I smelt the sweat in my armpit. And I found it surprisingly great. I turned my neck as much as possible and started leaking my armpit. The salty sweat tickled my crouch and my limp cock started growing again. I booted my PC and browsed a porn site showing nude girls. But I came to know that it was not I was looking for. When a guy fucking a girl was displayed on screen I got a kick in my ass looking at his 8" hard dick. I was again jerking off when I shot my second load on my thighs. Then I slept completely exhausted and drained.

Next morning I woke up late, as it was Sunday. Morning passed as usual without any thoughts about last day and night. In the afternoon when I was reading a novel in my room, the phone bell rang. My mom lifted the phone and called me. She gave the phone and told that it was somebody Pranay on phone. When I heard the name 'Pranay' all the thoughts gathered in my mind. I took phone...

Me: "Hello, P..P..Pranay".

He : "Hi Ashish, Are you all right?"

Me : "Oh! Not much"

He : "Ok, just come over my place. There is nobody here and I'm alone. Come here, we'll have some FUN."

Me : "Oh! I don't know..... I can't...... I mean I have some work ... I'm sorry."

I just put the phone and went straight to my room. I was unable to think what he supposed by word 'FUN'. I was unable to take the decision. It was clear that I never wanted sex with a guy but at this time, it was something different. The thought of Pranay's lips around my lips or may be my dick was telling me to go. Just by the thought of Pranay's sexy(!) body made my cock sprang up in my pants. I couldn't take any decision.

Here comes the end of first part of story. I'll add next one soon. By the time mail me the answer of question. What I would have I done? And why? Feel free to mail me at deep_move@yahoo.co.in.

Next: Chapter 2

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