
By moc.socyl@susseneilatan

Published on Jan 19, 2015



Entrée (F/F, D/s, BD, Humiliation, Consensual) by Natalie Nessus natalienessus@lycos.com 2002 ============================================================================ Entrée Chapter 1 - Female sub meets her Mistress in a crowded restaurant ============================================================================ I could see her seated at my table when I entered the restaurant. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her shifting nervously in her seat, dressed in what she thought were elegant clothes. Purposely, I continued speaking with the owner and tried to hide my smile each time she glanced in my direction.When I called him to make the reservation, he had asked me to visit the kitchen when I arrived to speak with his new chef. He wanted reassurance that this chef was, as he apparently claimed, really French. "Tell him an arrogant French bitch is coming to visit," I instructed, before hanging up to consider my wardrobe for the day. "Madam," he said eagerly as he took my coat, "I told him what you said.""And?" I adjusted my hair in the wall mirror and allowed a hint of a smile when I saw her now openly peering at me from across the room. "He said all French women were arrogant and bitches and, of course, we love them for it.""Then he is French. There is no need for me to go into your smelly kitchen. Now, my guest is here?" "Yes, she arrived early and you are later than expected so she has been waiting quite a while.""Pardon?" I asked icily. "No, no," he said quickly. "I didn't mean you were late, only that you had obviously been delayed by an important matter. Uncontrollable circumstances, I'm sure.""No matter." I cut him off with a wave and walked towards my table by the window. Her eyes were wide as she watched me approach and I felt the glances from the other diners as I moved past. I had chosen a silk dress, my favorite for the color enhanced my eyes and I loved the sound of it as I walked. Her chair scraped loudly as she stood to greet me, one hand twisting the fingers of her other hand, her nostrils flared. "Allo little one," I smiled, taking one of those nervous hands and kissing her softly and slowly on the cheek, holding the kiss a little so she would be enveloped in my perfume."Madam," she croaked and I let my breath tickle her ear as I pulled back."What a pretty dress," I said, smiling at her and letting her hand drop. "Show me...turn around, pet." She flushed and I knew this would be the first little step, would she pirouette for me while the entire restaurant looked on?A deep shaky breath and she spun around quickly and faced me again, her breasts rising and falling with her quickened breathing."That was too quick for me, little one," I admonished, playfully wagging my finger. "We must do things slowly. Now, again but let me see." Her face was crimson as she slowly spun around, the deep blue dress fla ring at little at her thighs. "Beautiful," I said softly when she stood before me again and the restaurant was silent, all eyes on us. "And your hair,"

I said, letting my fingers brush her hair slowly over her ears, "I love it too." A little gasp escaped her as I let my fingernails graze her throat as I withdrew my hand.The waiter pulled my chair back and I sat, a moment later she sat beside me as the low hum of conversation returned to the restaurant. As we examined our menus, she adjusted herself on her seat and I leaned close to her, letting my hand fall to her knee, just below the hem of her dress. "Do not cross your legs," I said and her eyes blinked. "Subs do not cross their legs, little one, your knees must be slightly apart." Her nylons rasped as she uncrossed her legs and adjusted her self again. I noticed her neck was flushed as she lowered her eyes to examine the menu."Put that down," I said as I examined my menu. "I will order for you, of course." Slowly she lowered the menu and I sensed her disappointment, to be in this expensive restaurant for the first time and not be permitted to even examine the menu. Unfortunate, but it is necessary to exert control from the very start. The waiter listened as I rattled off the entrees we would enjoy and we sat in silence until the wine arrived. "You have your purse?" I asked suddenly and she nodded quickly."Good, put your jewelry in it. The earrings, your rings, all of it.""Madame, why?" the words burst from her as she looked at me in shock. "You do not wear jewelry unless it is given to you. Sometimes it will not be visible but often permanent.""Madam, I wanted to look beautiful for you." "Have I not made myself clear? It is not what you want but my desires that are important here. You wanted to go beyond the telephone games so do it."Her lips formed a gorgeous pout as she removed each piece of her jewelry one by one and dropped them into her purse. Coldly, I examined her, her neck and ears bare and her wrists and fingers naked. "Much better, pet. Remember that in future. You may think this is a game," I said quietly, "but I do not play games. Is that understood?" Her bare hands rested in her lap, her eyes were lowered and her lower lip trembled a little. "Yes, Madame," she whispered. "You are beautiful to me, Cherie," I smiled and her eyes looked at me, so wide and innocent. "Very beautiful when you are so vulnerable, no? Now," I said briskly, "I have seen your dress but what do you have on underneath?" She leaned forward, head tilted towards me and spoke softly after a quick glance around the room. "I am wearing..." she began but I interrupted her, "I do not want a description. Show me." My words were like a hot slap and she looked at me in shock but I could see the arousal flooding through her and with it, that delicious feeling of submission. "Lift your dress and show me before the waiter returns," I sipped some wine calmly. "The tablecloth will enable you to be discreet but do it now, girl or I will order you to stand for the whole restaurant to see your boring little underwear."Her hands were trembling as she held the hem of her skirt and slowly peeled it up over her nylons. Her breathing was uneven and her pretty face was glowing hotly. I looked down and smiled to myself as I felt the reins of my control tighten. "Legs apart Cherie, so I can see," I said softly. "As I thought, pantyhose with panties. You Americans are lacking style, of that there is no doubt." I almost laughed out loud at the pleading look that filled her big eyes as she sat exposed, wondering if the waiter would suddenly return. "Go to the bathroom and remove the panties," I said as I swirled the red wine in my glass.Relief swept over her face and she reached for her purse. "No," I said sharply. "No purse. Hurry." Realization hit her that she would have to carry the underwear back into the restaurant and her face went an even deeper shade of crimson. As she scrambled to her feet, I let my hand rest lightly on her wrist. "And no playing with yourself, Cherie. I expect you to be very quick." Her eyes were bright and her cheeks flushed when she returned, walking quickly through the tables with her white pants scrunched in her hand and looking so humiliated. Step by step I was taking her down the path she thought she wanted and wondered when she would tell me to stop. Perhaps she will not, I thought, but quickly dismissed it as most women enjoy the game but not the lifestyle. She thrust her underwear into her purse and strained to close it, bulging with her jewelry and her panties as the waiter brought our smoked salmon entrees. I ignored her as we ate in silence, watching the traffic pass by the restaurant window until the plates were clean. "Bathroom," I said, standing quickly, taking my handbag and walking across the floor as she scurried behind me. It was empty and I pushed open a stall, motioning her in. "Brassiere," I said, snapping my fingers. The sound was loud in the quiet room and echoed lightly on the tiles. To my surprise, she took a deep breath and unzipped her dress so she could unsnap her bra, then slid it down her sleeve and off. I retrieved my nail scissors from my handbag before slipping her brassiere into it. "Sit there and cut the crotch from your hose." This time she looked shocked and I wondered if this was the point she would deny the path and cry out for me to stop. Sitting on the toilet she spread her legs and, hands trembling, cut the crotch from her hose, exposing her glistening pussy to me. I led her to the basin and took the nylon swatch from her fingers and wiped the lipstick from her mouth with the fragrant patch. Then I painted her lips with a bright red tone from my purse.Turning her face so she could see herself in the mirror, I whispered in her ear, "My little slut, it suits you, no?" Abruptly I bent her over the basin and slid my hand up her leg. "Don't shut your eyes," I snapped and her eyes watched me in the reflection. "Let us see how wet your are." I was surprised when two fingers slid into her warmth so easily with just a little gasp from her. Pulling her legs apart, I used the lipstick to paint her swollen pussy lips."Now," I said pulling her up, her face red with shame and arousal, "both lips have lipstick, yes?" I tied a thin cord from my bag around her waist and folded her dress over it so it raised her hem at least three inches higher. She gasped when she looked down and her hands involuntary went to pull her dress down and I gave them a little slap. "No, it is the correct length for a slut, yes? " Trembling like a frightened rabbit, her tongue licked her lips as her wide eyes watched me. It is amazing how raising the hem of a skirt can make a woman feel vulnerable. I am sure she felt the eyes of the restaurant on her as we collected our coats and walked to the cab. The driver was a burly woman who looked us up and down as I gave her the address when we slid into the back seat.We drove off and I leaned close to my embarrassed sub, gently prying her legs apart as I whispered in her ear. "Imagine the conversation tomorrow at the cab depot, little slut. She will say I had this woman in the cab who had red pussy lips, such a slut. Such a wet and wanton hussy." She squirmed on seat, the flush rising up her throat as I licked her ear. "I am going to call you Muffy," I whispered and she looked at me in shock. "What is your name, pet?" I whispered my fingers playing with her hair as she sat revealed to the driver's eyes in the rear-view mirror. Surely the little sub will say no to me now, now that I have even taken her name? "Muffy," she croaked. "My name is Muffy." Her eyes were wide and pleading, I noticed her legs were still apart and I knew I had found a true submissive. Tenderly I kissed her, my mouth softly caressing here and she groaned against my lips. I held her hand as we walked into my apartment building and the concierge rose from his desk to greet us. "Good evening, Roger," I returned his greeting. " This is Muffy, she will be staying with me for a while." Roger tipped his cap, a twinkle in his eyes. "Good evening Muffy. Welcome." As the apartment door closed behind us I gestured at the closet. "You can hang our coats and your dress there." I turned around from pouring my cognac and found her naked except for the hose and heels, her nipples erect and her breathing ragged. Slipping my fingers into the waistband of her hose, her belly warm against my touch, I pulled her close and kissed her once again."Have you ever been this aroused, Muffy?" I asked softly and she shook her head. "No Madame," she whispered, her body trembling. "It is a wonderful space for you in your head now, yes?" She nodded and I pushed her away. "Take those off, let me see you naked." This time, she pirouetted for me without question, her large breasts jiggling with the movement. "Beautiful," I said as she stood before me. " I do not like the hair, bebe," I gestured at her pussy. "There is a large wooden chest at the foot of my bed with photographs in silver frames on it. Inside it there is a red velvet bag, bring it to me but be careful of photographs."She almost ran, her breasts bobbing and I smiled to myself as I took my first sip of the cognac, imagining her thoughts as she saw what else was in the chest. Casually, I took the bag from her and withdrew the leather restraints and bound her arms behind her, wrists to elbows so her breasts were pushed out.Without a word, I left her bound and helpless and removed my make up in the bathroom and undressed, then slipped into my robe. As I slid a CD into the player, I noticed her breathing was deep. Once again, I took the red lipstick and gently colored her rigid nipples slightly, the contact sending trembles through her. My hand cupped her sex and came away slick with traces of lipstick."So wet, you are such a slut. You are not to come, Muffy," I whispered and I lay back onto the sofa, cognac in my hand and my legs parted for her. "We have had entrée, now I will enjoy the main course and if you are good, very very good, you may get a little desert, yes?" Her eyes were focused on my shaven chattel, a furtive tongue involuntarily licked her lips as she followed my finger to kneel between my thighs. "Be slow and be gentle until I tell you differently, Muffy. Be careful, I am sensitive." I looked down and swept her blonde hair out of her eyes so she could see what she was doing and her tongue gently licked my thighs. Closing my eyes I leaned back, and as the Puccini aria began to build, her tongue started to carry me over the long foothills to the crest of my mountain. Entrée Chapter 2 - Owned by Love - More of the story began with `Entree' ================================================================================She finally came out of the bedroom with her head down and the faint tinge of embarrassment on her cheeks. The thin white dress I had purchased fitted her perfectly, the hem a few inches below her crotch, much shorter than a tennis skirt and so soft and light. Her nipples were clearly prominent, as I had not allowed a bra, just the high waisted white panties that were almost transparent and would frame her bottom beautifully. On her feet, flat white slippers and a polished metal collar locked around her throat, the attached medallion tapping gently against the metal as she reluctantly walked into the room. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, held by a thin pink ribbon and on her face, just eyeliner and a pale pink lip glaze. She was beautiful and, although my heart soared at the sight of her, I remained expressionless. "Is this what you required, Madame?" she asked softly, a little hurt caused by my demands showed in those beautiful eyes."Yes, Janine," I smiled and her head jerked up at the sound of her name, a name she had never heard from me. "Yes, no Muffy tonight, tonight you are my Janine." Her eyes sparkled and I laughed at her joy, kissed her gently on the forehead and gestured at the table. "Arrange the dinner setting, our guests will be here soon."Her face fell at the mentioned of the guests. "Yes Madame," she said and started placing the plates on the table. As she bent over the table, her dress rose slightly and to show her plump bottom, cupped in the white gauze of her panties. Automatically, her hand stole down to adjust her hem, to pull it over her bottom but that would have spoiled the pleasing little effect I had created. "Don't!" I said sharply and her hand froze. "Do not touch your dress unless I tell you, Cherie." She shivered at the implications but went back to placing the plates on the table while I checked my hair in the mirror over the fireplace.I was dressed in a simple black dress, elegant, sophisticated and expensive, perfect to intimidate the guests just a little. Of course, they would not know I was naked under it. I smiled mischievously at my reflection as the telephone buzzed and Janine froze, a small, frightened look appeared fleetingly on her face. "Well, answer it, pet," I said as I applied a little more lipstick.She spoke into the phone and turned to me. "Madame, Roger says the guests have arrived," her face was pale and her lip trembled. "Will I tell him to send them up?""But of course," I said gaily. "How can we have a dinner party with out the guests?""She says to send them up," her voice was low as she spoke and she pleaded with her eyes as she replaced the telephone in its cradle. "Now, Janine let me remember the names, Linda, Barbara, Alan and Cindy. Is that correct?" She nodded and her face grew even whiter. "You are beautiful, they will be stunned. Come here and look at yourself in the mirror." Sullenly, she did and was, of course, instantly dismayed at how revealing her dress was and her face flamed brightly.Like a startled rabbit she jumped when the doorbell rang and I patted her gently on her wonderful bottom. This, after several month of training, was the moment; this was the evening where I will test her commitment and her determination to be mine.I swung the door opened and they smiled at me as I swept them in, introducing myself as I did. The three women gasped when they saw her and Alan's eyes bulged."My God, Janine!" Barbara said in horror, "what are you wearing?""Is she not beautiful?" I said proudly. "Come, Janine, greet your friends." Face glowing, she pecked them on the cheeks, Barbara's face frozen in disbelief."Must be cold in here," Linda said slyly, looking down at Janine's nipples poking through the thin white material."Now, some wine for all, I think, Janine." She turned to walk to the kitchen and the guests stood watching her, Alan in particular had his eyes fixed on her bottom as it shifted under the dress."I'll help," Barbara said, desperate I knew to get Janine alone."No, that won't be necessary," I said firmly. "Please sit down. Now, you all work at the same office with Janine?""Yes," Cindy said something at last, her voice thin and almost shrill. "We've worked together for about three years?" She looked at the others for confirmation and they nodded."It was a surprise," Barbara said, looking directly at me, "when Janine announced out of the blue that she was leaving.""Has she got another job?" Linda asked, watching the kitchen doorway. This one was quite relaxed and there was slyness about her I did not quite like. "She wouldn't say.""No, she has not," I replied as Janine came back with a tray of glasses of red wine and offered the tray to our guests. Alan was constantly looking at her nipples and her bottom and his eyes widened when he glimpsed the white of her panties peeking from under the short dress when she bent to offer the tray to me."This is lovely wine," Linda said, eyes on Janine, as she stood next to my chair, eyes downcast."You' re not having any?" Cindy asked Janine."No, no wine for her tonight.""Why are you treating her like a servant?" Barbara said hotly."Is it not clear?" I said calmly. "She wants me to.""What?" Barbara and Cindy exclaimed in unison, Alan's jaw dropped while Linda smiled and sipped her wine again."She enjoys being treated this way," I explained, glancing up at Janine to see her face was bright red and I smiled softly."I don't believe it! Are you threatening her? We could call the police!""Tell them Janine," I said serenely and sipped my own wine."I like Madame to tell me what to do," her voice was low and her eyes were fastened on the floor. "I want to be with her."" Show them your medallion." Janine blushing still, leaned forward and Linda held the medallion to examine it, doing it slowly I realised so Janine's bottom in the transparent panties was exposed."If found, please call," Linda read slowly and looked at me, that sly smile playing on her lips. "I assume this is your telephone number?" I nodded and she released the medallion. Janine moved along to show Barbara and Cindy."I don't want to see it!" Barbara snapped and Cindy shook her head."I do," said Alan and his eyes ran over Janine as she showed him the medallion."What does this mean?" Cindy asked. "I don' t get it.""Janine is submissive, Madame here is a Domme and both of them are lesbians. Wish I had known," Linda muttered, draining her glass and I signaled to Janine to fill it."What did you say?" Cindy asked her."Doesn't matter," Linda said, winking at me."I think we are ready to eat. Janine, get the entree, please.""Yes Madame," she said and slipped into the kitchen, grateful to escape the humiliation of being presented to her old friends in this way. I wondered if she would break, disobey me and leave with them, the temptation to great for her? Just imagining that moment brought a deep pang of regret, a sense of loss and a loss I knew I would take some time to recover from."There's no seat for Janine," Barbara snapped as we sat at the table. "She won't be eating with us," I smiled and Cindy gasped."I thought this was supposed to be her farewell dinner?" Barbara said icily."It is and she' s saying farewell to her old life and revealing herself to you.""In more ways than one," Alan said draining his glass."You must respect her submissiveness," I said firmly."Oh I do," Linda smiled. "That is a lovely dress, Madame. I suspect it cost more than I earn in a month.""No, it would be two or three months, I think. More wine?" I smiled as she flushed.We ate in silence for a moment while Janine stood silently next to me; eyes downcast and I imagined everyone's mind was spinning with the events. "Come here," Linda said to Janine and my pet glanced at me for permission. I nodded and watched Linda examine the collar. "It's locked on, I imagine you have the key?" she asked and the others stopped eating, listening for my answer, Janine returning to my side. "Perhaps," I shrugged."What if you lose it?" Cindy asked in that annoying voice."Perhaps it is lost now?""You treat her like, oh I don' t know but you treat her badly!" Barbara said waving her fork at me, anger in her eyes."A slave, I treat her like a slave. Is that the word you are searching for? I think we're finished Janine, you may clear the plates. It was lovely, by the way.""Thank you Madame," she said and briskly removed the entrée plates, her dress riding up a little and Alan, a little flushed from the wine he was consuming, leered openly at her panties."Open some more wine, Janine" I said. "We seem to be drinking quickly.""So, she's a slave?" Linda slurred a little. "Interesting times for you, I bet?" she leered."And for her but of course. Now, tell me about this little office you all work together in?"Cindy opened her mouth but Linda cut in roughly. "Fuck work! That' s the last thing I want to talk about, especially since you've got your little slave running around here showing us her bottom. Have you had enough looks yet, Alan?" she demanded."No," Alan said but his face went a little redder. "I'm going to look every chance I get.""Make your little dick hard, does it?" Linda snapped. I was going to interrupt, to calm them down when they fell silent, watching Janine as she returned with the main course."Thank you Janine."We ate in silence again, Janine by my side and I was beginning to hope she would last the evening, survive this shame and be mine. "Is she your slave?" Cindy asked suddenly and I felt all their eyes on me."Yes, tell them, Janine.""I am her slave," Janine murmured, cheeks read and her nipples twin peaks through the white dress."Is she blackmailing you?" Barbara asked plaintively. "Can we help you get out of here?"A nod from me and she answered. "I want to be her slave. It is my choice completely.""So," leered Linda, "she'll do anything you say without hesitation?""But of course."" Prove it!"I had expected this, as some people are so predictable. "Janine," I said calmly, "turn around and lift your dress." The only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock as she slowly turned and flipped the back of her dress up to reveal her succulent bottom framed in the transparent high waisted pants. Her face was bright red and I saw she was careful to keep the front of the dress down, probably hoping I wouldn't notice. That brought a slight smile to my face, as I knew the front of her panties would be displaying a large wet spot."My God," breathed Alan."Take the panties off, Janine," I said and I saw her shiver slightly but her thumbs hooked in the waistband and I knew she was going to do it; my heart soared at her commitment to me. " No, I said softly, "I've changed my mind. You may drop your dress." A slight sigh of relief escaped her and she looked at me gratefully.Barbara threw her napkin onto the table. "I think I've had enough to eat! Let's go everyone," she ordered pushing her chair back with an angry scrape, Cindy immediately standing."So soon?" I smiled. "What a shame."Barbara glared at me but ignored my comment. "Come on you two," she said to Linda and Alan."I might stay here," Linda said, raising an eyebrow at me. "This looks far more interesting.""I think not," I said flatly, holding her gaze until she broke contact and slowly stood."We'll show you out," I said graciously and we escorted them to the door.Barbara suddenly turned and grasped Janine's elbows. " Come with us, Janine. We'll go to the police."Janine peeled Barbara's fingers from her arm. "You don't understand, I want to be here, I want to be her slave and I love her. Thank you for coming."When we closed the door on them, Janine stood withy her eyes down. "I'm sorry, Madame I spoke with out your permission just then.""Not at all, little one, I was so proud of you but of course a little spanking later?" I slipped my hand under her dress to feel her shaven pussy through the panties. "Just as I thought, you are soaking wet. You are such a little slut, yes?""Yes Madame," she said happily."Clean up and wait for me in the bedroom. I have something for you."She was waiting for me naked and kneeling by the bed, the light glinting softly on her collar and her arousal lightly scenting the room. "Stand for me, beautiful one,"

I said softly and she scrambled to her feet, arms folded behind her as she had been taught so her breasts jutted forward.I stood behind her and softly kissed the back of her neck just above her collar and she trembled. "Do you remember when I took your jewelry in the restaurant, pet?" Janine nodded, watching me as I walked in front of her, my hand behind my back. "Give me your left hand." Without hesitation she held her hand out and I took it gently, slipping the ring onto her finger.There was wonder in her face as she studied the flat steel ring and examined the engraved words on the surface of it, a question rose to her lips but she held it, waiting for permission and I nodded. "Madame, please tell me what this means.""It is French, translated it is `Owned by Love'. That is all." The realization swum over her and her eyes glistened with tears and I couldn't resist her devotion or her beauty any longer. Our lips merged and I hungrily sucked her in as the palm of my hand gently cupped her wet mound. "Now, let us love" I whispered and she murmured, "Of course Madame," as she slowly sunk to her knees.


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