
By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Aug 29, 2011


Equsine, Part 4 Thank you to the readers who have encouraged me in the writing of this story! It is published with MDS's approval. bamaboi2serve@charter.net

I worked my ass off to earn each trip to Equsine, the beast that promised and delivered pure pleasure to me unlike anything i had ever experienced.

I found i could no longer even jerk off! Nothing was acceptable, nothing was enough once i had been under the spell of the boy and his machine. There was nothing i would not do for master Daddy Sir if a session with Equsine was the reward. Nothing.

Then one day Master Daddy Sir summoned me to his chambers. i went eagerly, hoping it was an opportunity, a chance to even a few moments as the machine's bitch.

"Slut, i have good news for you!" he greeted me as i fell to my knees and kissed his feet, my hands in submissive position behind my back. "i am going to give you the chance of a lifetime! My blond Equsine bitch has been purchased by another Master...i had actually tired of him anyway. But there's an opening for a bitch to be inside the machine. Aren't you lucky???"

i was speechless. Inside??? To become one with Equsine instead of having him assault me? Did i want that? Could i even do it?

"We'll make arrangements for your training starting tonight. I've got a few misbehaving sluts who can act as the bottom's while you learn how to become one with the machine. Dismissed!" He said abruptly.

i was sent to my cage to rest, and despite my nervousness and uncertainty, i actually managed to sleep for a few hours. i was awoken by Master Daddy Sir pissing on me though the bars. Two senior slaves were at his side, and they pulled me from the cage and took me to the shower station for cleaning.

"You must be clean out of respect for Equsine faggot!" He told me.

When we were done, i was led to the secret chamber where i had become addicted to Equsine. But instead of my normal route to the sling, i was walked over to the back of the silent, hulking creature.

There was no music this time, no accented lights. Instead fluorescent bulbs lit the room and the Machine sat lifeless, The bottom leather sling was empty too, but i found myself growing hard looking at it, remembering...

"Bitch! Forget that. You are now the boi giving Equsine life! Get in there!: Master Daddy Sir commanded.

Two lower slaves roughly pulled me toward the machine and i felt myself being lifted into a hatch opening that had appeared as if my magic at the rear. i was lowered belly down onto a series of rubber coated rollers that slid me along smoothly, my head moving toward the head of the beast. All i could see were the two eye openings in the distance. Everything else was blackness and silence. The rollers had a depression in the center over which my cock and balls slid, massaged along the way into an erection.

As my head reached the eye sockets, mechanical lids covered them and several things happened at the same time. My dick and balls reached an opening where the rollers ended and they were pulled downward...my balls into some kind of rubber sack that tightened around them sharply...my cock into a rubber coated shaft that i guessed was the inside of the beast's mechanical cock. At the same time, my arms were drawn out and into arm extensions, which quickly closed around them, my hands now inside fitted leather gloves, each finger sitting above a control button of some kind. Similarly, as soon as my feet cleared the hatch, it closed around them, grabbing my legs in its tight rubber grasp.

Two other events also happened at the same time: a probe squirted lube of some kind on my ass and entered me smoothly. It was not very big, at least not initially, and so my only reaction was an even stiffer erection. And another probe grabbed my tongue and fitted a rubber extension around it. It felt very weird, but i adjusted to it quickly because, honestly, it felt as sexy as hell!

From some king of speaker inside with me, Master Daddy's voice startled me:

"Welcome to Equsine bitch. Just as you're going to learn how to use it to pleasure the bois below you, I get to use it on you too," he told me.

Before i could ask what he meant, the probe in my ass expanded and then contracted in a series of fucking and enlarging motions that almost brought me to orgasm. i moaned so loudly i was sure it could be heard outside, though there was no reaction.

Then the rubber sack on my balls went through a similar contraction and loosening. It stopped a millisecond before i shot.

"That was just a sample, bitch, to show you your motivation for learning how my machine works, and how you will use it as I desire. Try moving the buttons beneath your right fingers, one at a time," he told me.

i won't bore you with the inner workings, but my hands became a means by which i could use a series of controls in Equsine's arms...pushing the first and fifth at the same time provided the flat grabbing tips that my tits had grown to love, and other combinations created other tools to use on the bois in the sling.

There was one there now, by the way. He had been put in position and tied down as i was being made one with the machine. He was a twink, jet black hair like a emo, clean shaven as MDS required, but his eyes expressed complete fear. i remembered my first time confined in that leather support, and i smirked a little at his distress. I noticed his tits, ears and nose were all pierced, though MDS had removed all of his jewelry for this experience.

For the next three hours Master Daddy taught me the ways of Equsine. I'm sure I was rough on the bitch below, and several times i know i hurt him, but he was quickly rewarded by pleasure, and i i knew he would beg to come back, just as i had, even with my clumsy learner's technique.

The centerpiece of the machine, like that of all human males, was the cock. My own dick was inside it, constantly caressed by the rubber inside of the metallic sheath, and there must have been some kind of topical erection drug in effect too, because i never softened once. i found the machine was incredibly sensitive to my prick's moves. All i had to do is thrust a little, and the sheath would grow larger and longer in that direction. If i clenched my muscles in a certain way, it would respond equally, magnifying and improving on my own fairly well honed sex skills.

i played with the bitch boi below me, feeling the constant feedback of pleasure in and on my own body from Master Daddy Sir.

i never would have believed it possible, but being inside Equsine was as pleasurable as being under him!

It was like conducting an orchestra i discovered, searching for the right combination of moves to keep the bitch fully erect but not allowing him to shoot. I quickly saw his tits and balls were central to his sexual self, and worked them in tandem...going from soft caresses to rough tugs. As had happened to me, i used a series of phallic shaped extensions of Equsine's "arms" to probe his holes in series...he was gone as i had been...gone as anyone in Equsine would be.

Eventually the boi was released and carried back to his cage where he would now lust for a return to the machine. Equsine was addictive. Both outside and in!

MDS allowed me to be in the machine every day for a week, working on and with a variety of men and bois. One was a huge muscular black hunk who had probably never been topped before. But he had something to cause MDS to send him in for treatment, and i gave him the works. I had learned from my mistakes by that time, and he went from massive top to whimpering bottom bitch in just two hours and ten minutes. Nobody could resist the lure of Equsine.

The former top left the room gagged, because Master grew tired of hearing him beg to be strapped back in it, this huge hunk who was so used to using his own substantial meat as a tool on bottom bois. Now he would forever have a different perspective on using them.

After my week's training, i was drained and yet, still, anxious to return. But in which role? It kept me awake...wondering where I belonged. They were equal and opposite positions, and although i knew i would not be given a choice, i wondered: should i hope for a return to inside or out?

Three whole days passed with no word from MDS. I did menial chores assigned to me, listening carefully to see if i could hear the machine moving in the distance.

Once i saw two slaves carrying a very tall and muscular blond down a hallway and my heart jumped. Had someone else been assigned to Equsine? In either position? But when i peered at him as he passed, i knew he had merely been punished. There was none of Equsine in his eyes, And i would have recognized it immediately.

i was about to give up when one day a young female slave (MDS had some for his own use, though they were of no interest to me) came and told me to report to Master Daddy Sir in his media room.

I fell to my knees and started licking his feet immediately, then moved to suck each toe, treating each like a Master's cock.

"Don't stop pissface, but listen to what i say." he told me somewhat sternly. I shivered a little, not being used to hearing even a touch of anger from Him.

"My mechanics are reworking Equsine, adding some new parts, making it even more "adjustable", if i can use the word. And i want you to be the first to experience it!" he told me as i sucked his toes over and over.

He knew not to expect an answer from me. I wasn't being asked, i was being told. MDS used his foot to force my head upward and away from his other foot so i was looking at Him instead of working on his toes.

"Yes cunt-boi, i remember how much you liked it the first time i brought you into that hall, and it's time for your to go back into the sling and be Equsine's bitch boi again!" he exclaimed, gesturing to

two minor worker-slaves to take me away.

He needn't have bothered using them. I was an Equsine addict, i would have been happy if MDS had ordered me to lick the machine itself! I was going back to the sling again, and my dick pointed the way as we headed for my appointment with the new Equsine. What could have been changed?

And exactly who would be inside the machine?



Written with permission and approval from MDS.

Next: Chapter 5

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