Eric's Revenge

By P H

Published on Jun 17, 2024



Chapter nine

A few days later, the blond guard came in with my usual adulterated good-for-me' breakfast gruel. Eric hasn't pissed in it this morning', said the blond guard, so here goes and he pulled out his dick. This time, instead of putting the bowl down, he ordered me to hold it while he pissed in it -- I guess it was more humiliating that way. It was a long piss, leaving me almost as much piss as gruel. Get on with it,' he said. You're visiting somewhere new today. It's your first day off your hard labour -- although you'll probably wish by the end of it that you'd done the hard labour' and the blond guard laughed. `Eric's even let you off your morning caning and shit-eating -- I wouldn't have done, so it's your lucky day -- so far'.

I'd been violently raped -- there's no other word for it -- by two of the most thuggish inmates the night before. It was their second visit to my cell to use the whore, me. Then they'd complained that I hadn't sucked their dicks well, so their assault on my asshole was followed by a caning and the alligator clips which Eric had put on my ass-lips as a special punishment for bad whoring' -- yes, he'd put them right on my anus until it bled even more than after the rape All in all, I was very happy not to be caned again this morning. My ass was a mess. Although I was now kept healthy and healed well, so I could be tortured more and for longer, a day away from some of these routine' horrors, whatever lay in store, might be an improvement.

I was cuffed by the blond guard and taken to a completely different part of the prison. I was even walking on carpets in clean-looking corridors. We entered a room which looked like a big double bedroom in a hotel. I gasped. As I came in, Eric emerged through another door. He was completely naked.

I don't know if I've ever really described how Eric looks. Sure, he's an evil sadist but he looks like he just came down from heaven! His light brown hair was fairly straight and neatly cut. His six-foot slim body was almost hairless apart from some growth in his armpits and ass-crack which I could see now as he stretched right in front of me, and he had a really neat pubic bush. From that bush, Eric's now-soft cock was slowly waking -- it's not enormous like that revolting chubby kid who fucked me on my first night in prison but it's well-proportioned. He was circumcised, and there was something beautiful about his delicious cock-head. Eric was strong, even athletic, but not overtly muscular. He had with quite broad shoulders and decent arm muscles -- I knew that from when he caned me -- but his thighs and abs were willowy rather than a bodybuilder's.

I stood in silence. For a moment I was overawed by the beauty I remembered from seven years ago and the beauty before me now. Eric then smiled and did something amazing. He lay back on the bed right in front of me, a couple of feet away from me, pulled his legs up to his flat stomach and displayed his amazing asshole.

I moved towards him, just a few inches. I wanted to embrace him, to forgive him, and then ... Then I collapsed on to the floor holding my cage. Twenty spikes entered my dick all at once. This time, unbelievably it was even more agonising -- the spikes had gone in deeper because the cage was tighter and Eric later told me -- because he enjoyed telling me these things - that when he'd removed my cage the previous day for my torture-scraping, he'd also rubbed some of the thick chilli oil on to the ends of my spikes.

Eric, the blond guard, and the black trainee guard who now came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath-towel, literally fell about laughing. Eric's trick had worked perfectly and just as he had predicted.

OK, let's get him on the chair', said Eric, still giggling like a girl. You're still a pervert, then!' he said. They obviously had no intention of re-setting the spike-spring -- still in the worst agony, I was unceremoniously picked up from the floor and tied tightly to a hard wooden chair. They pulled rough rope, which scratched and chafed me, tightly around my chest and stomach and they tied my cuffed hands uncomfortably high behind my back. They even had ankle cuffs so I was attached to the chair legs as well. The blond guard picked up a gag from a shelf -- `good selection', said Eric. It was a penis gag and the rubber and plastic penis part reached to the back of my throat and made me keep wanting to gag.

You can watch us' said naked Eric, still with a broad smile, still with those beautiful dimples. All those spikes stuck in your dick and the unendurable pain in your scraped urethra will remind you that you'll never ever have sex again -- unless you count all the times your holes will be raped by other prisoners. We're going to enjoy ourselves now. We're going to remind you what good sex is like -- this is probably the only time you'll see us do this, so watch us closely, but remember that we do it all the time. Above all, remember, you filthy criminal perverted forever-locked-up tortured cunt, that I can have enjoy my sex-life while you're being punished, tortured and humiliated. And, right now, my sex-life is even better because I get off on your torture'.

With that, the 19 year-old beauty, which Eric had become, lifted his cock so it was barely a centimetre from my face. I could even smell its slight odour -- I could sense its delicious taste. Eric's cock was strong and hard. He was completely erect, utterly beautiful, and for me, I knew, absolutely and forever inaccessible.

The blond guard also stripped off and was fully hard almost at once, and the trainee black guard dropped his towel to the floor. There I was. Naked but cage-spiked, and tied and gagged, unable to move. In front of me three of my cruel prison guards, hot, naked and utterly out of reach. The blond guard, muscular and handsome with a gorgeous thick cock and curly blond hair, a bit shorter than Eric, and the tall black trainee guard, another gorgeous sight, now also fully erect, thin and long.

They quickly forgot about me. They were totally into each other. Eric immediately knelt on the bed with his legs wide open, and he started sucking the black trainee. The blond guard started playing with Eric's tits, resting on Eric's back while his cock slid up and down Eric's spread ass-crack. Now the black trainee changed his position so he was kneeling with his back to Eric. Eric shut his eyes in ecstasy and lapped the black trainee's big balls and then his crack and eventually the trainee's asshole. It didn't take these two teenagers and the early twenties blond guard, to start some serious fucking. The blond guard reached for the lube and worked a big dollop on and into Eric's asshole. The black trainee changed his position again and shoved his gorgeous cock into Eric's mouth. Then, to my astonishment, I saw that they were spit-roasting Eric -- they were fairly gentle but knew their places and Eric knew his.

Here in this room Eric was a sub.

Of course it wasn't quite as simple as that. It rarely is. The blond guard came first and lubed the black trainee's ass, and guided Eric's precious cock right into it. The blond guard seamlessly took over sucking the black trainee, who came almost simultaneously with Eric. It was hot gay sex with three beautiful boys, something I would now never experience.

They were never going to stop at that. Variations in sex gymnastics at one time had three of them in a heap with Eric in the middle. Another time, the blond guard frankly face-sat Eric while Eric wanked himself super-hard again, The black trainee then straddled Eric's cock until he came again with a shout of delight from under the blond guard's ass. Eric's roles varied but, unlike the other two, he was never dominant.

Eventually, they lay back on the bed in a row, with Eric in the middle, having each come at least three times in an hour or so, sweating and beautiful, and that was when they looked up and remembered about me.

Enjoyed that, did you?' asked the blond guard. Of course, I couldn't answer with the penis-gag down my throat. Nah, I don't suppose it's much fun sitting for an hour or two on a hard chair with a beaten ass, and a well-tortured dick with spikes in it, watching some sex which you'll never ever be able to do, because we're going to destroy your sexual organs!' The others smirked. Eric and the blond guard started kissing again while the black trainee stretched, climbed off the bed, picked a couple of fearsome-looking sharp-toothed alligator clips out of a bag, held them out for me to look at, attached them to my nipples, and went back to bed and joined in the kissing.

The alligator clips bit into my nipples, sending wave after wave of crippling pain through my whole torso. I would have begged them, despite it being useless to beg those sadists, to take them off me. But, of course, I couldn't make a sound and there the clips stayed, torturing my nipples. A trickle pf blood ran down from each nipple. The boys were getting into each other again ...

Next: Chapter 10

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