Eros on a Mission

By Rob Lucario

Published on Mar 2, 2009



You are about to embark on a highly inaccurate history lesson. It takes license beyond scope and would make Edith Hamilton turn over in her grave. It involves sexual and sensual relations between males of various ages, both mortal and immortal. If this is not your cup 'o tea, feel free to find a nice earl grey somewhere else.

This is my first attempt at writing a Nifty story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Email me at


Chapter 4 -

The boy slowly walked out from the alley and quickly melted into the crowd. As this was the largest marketplace in Corinth, and the time was in the early afternoon, the size of the crowd had to easily be into the hundreds. There were tents and carts set up in the vast square selling everything from clothing to food, animals to farm equipment, one could get practically anything here. The smells of the food carts caught the boy's attention and he found himself stopping by a tent that was selling a particular type of roasted fish. Being a town bordered on two sides by water, fishing was one of the major industries of Corinth.

"Are you going to just stare or do you plan on buying anything?" asked the short-tempered woman manning the tent.

At first, the boy was going to say something snide, but then remembered where he was and what he was doing. He looked in the bag at his side. Zeus had thought of everything and included some of the currency of the mortals. He had some obols and some drachmas, six obols making one drachma.

" much for a roasted fish?" he asked pointing to the skewered fish.

"One obol per fish and that gets you a small cup of juice as well." replied the woman whose mood drastically had changed when it appeared that the boy would actually be a paying customer.

"I will take one then" said the boy as he laid one obol down for the woman.

She took a skewer and dipped a small cup into a little barrel of juice. She then gave them to the boy and quickly snatched the small copper colored coin he had given her.

The boy sunk his teeth into the fish as he walked away from the tent. "Wow, this actually isn't that bad. I guess with the right spices...." He then took a sip of the juice and made a face. "Sour!" He then proceeded to pour the contents out onto the ground next to the back of a tent and dropped the cup as well. "Well, I guess I can always get something else to drink if I need to" he sighed, continuing to eat the fish.

As he continued his walking around the square he saw a small company of twenty Corinthian soldiers march by with battle scarred shields and filthy leather armor. The city was ruled by a king, more accurately, a tyrant by the name of Periander. He was by far the worst and most evil a ruler a city could have and tales of his inhumanity were legend. Corinth had recently been victorious in a small war with a neighboring city-state and was reaping the benefits, this seen by the large number of livestock and slaves for sale in the market.

He walked to a cart selling fruit and was met by a friendly older woman.

"Can I get you anything dear?" she asked with a smile.

The boy smiled back. "How much for a few grapes?"

She stared at him for a few seconds and looked around. "Here, take a small handful, on me."

"Wow...thank you!" he said gratefully as he took some plump red grapes. "Oh, can you do me a favor, how would I get to the Square of the Gods?"

The woman smiled at him again. "To reach the Square of the Gods you need to take that road over there. It isn't too far from here."

"Thank you, and thanks again for the grapes." he said as he waved goodbye.

The road that the woman pointed out wasn't far and it took no time before the boy was out of the market square and walking toward the Square of the Gods. It rose in elevation and upon making a sharp turn led into a large square that appeared to be cut into a rather nice sized hill. Surrounding the square was a collection of ornate temples, each to one of the main gods. In the far corner he saw the one he was looking for, it was one of the smaller temples and was backed up against a cliff.

Crossing the square was easy as it wasn't nearly as crowded as the market square. When he got to the small temple he looked up and saw a simple word, Eros. Smiling he opened the door and walked in. The grand hall he found himself in was long and rectangular with a large statue of the boy-god at the far end. It was well lit by several small windows towards the tops of the walls and had numerous benches set up facing the front. He walked down the deserted room until he came to the foot of the statue and looked up at it. The statue was about thirty feet tall and depicted Eros standing with his famous bow in one hand and reaching out with the other. "Not bad, even kind of looks like me. Hair is wrong and my chiton is not that long..." he thought.

"May I help you?" a voice came from his right, interrupting his thoughts. Turning he saw a handsome brown-haired teenager walking from a side room.

"Hi. I am looking for Philon, the high priest of the temple." He replied smiling.

The teen walked up and smiled, "I will take you to him, follow me. By the way, my name is Nikias"

"Thank you, my name is Alexander" replied the boy as he followed.

Nikias led Alexander through a door to the right, down a short hallway and to a door where he knocked. "Enter." came the reply. Nikias opened the door and walked in, Alexander right behind him.

Sitting behind a rather large table was an older man, probably in his mid-forties. He had brown, shoulder length hair and a very pleasant smile.

"Sir, this youth is requesting an audience with you" said Nikias as he slightly bowed.

"Thank you Nikias" replied Philon, "Do me a favor and check on Myron, see if he needs any assistance with the tables. We want to make sure everything is perfect for the festival."

As was the custom, every Temple of Eros observed the fourth day of the fourth month as this day was sacred to Eros. It was known as the Festival of Eros. The temple doors would open to everyone and would include a day full of teachings, praying and other festivities. The festival would often end with a small orgy made up of the most devout followers.

"As you wish sir" bowed Nikias as he left, shutting the door.

"Now, how may I help you?" asked Philon as he motioned Alexander to sit in a chair opposite the table he had been writing on.

Alexander dug through his bag, produced a scroll and handed it over. "I was sent by your mentor, Hypatia." he said as he sat in the chair.

"You came all the way from Athens?" asked a surprised Philon and he untied the scroll and started reading. After a while he looked up and gazed at Alexander, "I remember him telling me in a recent communication that he was going to send one of his favorite acolytes to assist me. I am surprised he sent someone so young. How old are you?

"I am almost thirteen years old sir" replied Alexander smiling, "Please don't worry about my age sir. I can read and write and have assisted master Hypatia for a few years now without incident."

"You can read AND write? Amazing given that you are so young. Who was your teacher?" asked Philon.

"It was Hypatia himself sir. He took me in when I was eight and set out to instruct me."

"Ah yes, I remember now. He told me of a youth who had just been in a bit of trouble and was sent to him. I take it that was you; he never did tell me the entire story"

"Amazing!" Alexander thought to himself, "Zeus has even implanted memories."

"Would you mind? I am curious." asked Philon.

Having prepared himself for such a story, Alexander sat and recounted his story, "When I was eight I was wandering the streets of Athens. My father had been called off to the military and my mother had recently died of fever. One evening I was looking for a place to sleep when I was attacked by a man who dragged me behind some houses and started ripping my clothes off. I was so scared I couldn't even scream." Alexander looked down at his lap and sighed. "I didn't know what to do when suddenly a great light filled the area and before us both stood Eros with bow in hand, and looking very angry. He raised the bow and aimed some kind of glowing arrow at the man." He looked up at Philon, who was sitting forward, listening intently. "The man dropped me and fell to his knees begging for mercy. Eros said that I was under his protection as he had plans for me, and then he shot the man. When that glowing arrow hit, his entire body shook and glowed for a second and he fell down dead."

"Eros saved your life..." said Philon dumbfounded.

"Yes. After he shot the man he reached down and took my hand. He helped me to my feet...I couldn't stop staring at him. It was the weirdest thing, when he took my hand in his, all my fears vanished...I actually felt happy, I hadn't been happy for months. He smiled at me and out of thin air made this..." Alexander lifted up the pendant. "He told me to wear it always and to never forget him. He then told me to go to his temple, and see Hypatia. I told him I would follow him forever and that made him smile bigger, and just like that he vanished. I ran as fast as I could to the temple and have been a devout follower ever since."

Philon was staring at awe at the youth seated across from him. After a moment he leaned forward, reached out and took the pendant in his hands. "Remarkable..." he whispered. "No man could create such a work. The metal feels soft as a real feather, and the necklace it is on looks as through it was spun from golden hair" Then looking at Alexander he said, "You are most fortunate to have met our god face-to-face, I have only seen him twice myself. He sat back and looked down at the scroll again. "He is requesting that we put you up, make this your new home. That shouldn't be a problem as we have some empty rooms, you could easily move into one of them." He looked back up at the youth. "It also states that you would like to get employment outside the temple as well."

"Yes sir" replied Alexander. "I want to remain an acolyte to my god but also learn a trade outside the temple walls, to continue my education."

"Tell me Alexander, you have been an acolyte since you were eight?"

"Yes sir"

"Have you participated in all activities of the temple?"

"Yes sir, I know about and have participated in all festivals, teachings, high masses but didn't participate in any orgies until a few months ago." said Alexander blushing slightly.

"Hmmm" replied Philon as he looked down at the scroll again and looked back at Alexander and chuckled. "What kind of man would I be if I turned down a request from my master? OK, you have a new home with us. Now, I expect you to work as hard as the other acolytes and volunteers, especially that our festival is the day after tomorrow."

"Oh don't worry sir. I promise to work as hard as everyone else. After all, the fourth is the most sacred of days."

Smiling, Philon stood up and walked over to Alexander, "For the record, you won't have been the youngest acolyte to ever work here. I was 10 years of age when I myself found a home here. He then walked over and opened the door. "Nikias" he called, "Nikias!!"

"Yes sir?" said Nikias as he ran up to the door.

"Nikias, young Alexander here is going to be joining us as an acolyte. Please show him to the empty room at the end of the hall as it will be his new living quarters. Then bring him to the main hall where we will introduce him to everyone else.

Nikias looked down at Alexander with an excited smile. "Yes sir. Come along Alexander."

Chapter 5 -

"You are going to love it here." said Nikias putting his arm around the youth as they walked down the long hallway. "Off of this hall are the living quarters, including my room." he pointed to a door. "Philon insists on an open communication rule here, we are all brothers and sisters. If you ever need anything, just knock on someone's door."

The two of them got to the last door and Nikias pushed it open. The room was small with a small bed, table and storage trunk. Along one wall was a small window with some thin drapes.

"We can get you fresh linins for the bed in a little bit. Did you have any belongings?"

"I only have my bag, it just has a change of clothes, some ink and a few blank scrolls." said Alexander as he placed the bag on the table.

"Can you write?" asked Nikias.

"Yes, the high priest at my old temple taught me personally" replied Alexander testing the bed.

"Wow, you will probably breeze through studies then" replied Nikias. "We meet every morning for reading and writing, then after lunch we meet for religious studies. Of course, all of that is on hold until the fifth." he said smiling, watching Alexander lying back on the bed. "How does it feel?"

"Good enough to sleep on." laughed Alexander as he sat up. He locked eyes with Nikias and did a slight empath probe and found that the teen was feeling very excited and a bit aroused as he looked at him. "Maybe good enough for more than just sleep" he said teasingly, winking at Nikias.

Nikias looked at him with a slight surprised look and laughed "Come on, we need to meet the rest of the family."

They walked back down the hall back to the main hall. There, at the foot of the great statue, were assembled six people, including Philon, ranging from mid-teen to middle aged.

"Ah, there he is now." said Philon. "Alright everybody, this is Alexander." Philon motioned Alexander to stand in front of him facing the group, putting his hands on his shoulders. "He has been an acolyte at the great temple of Athens for four years and per his mentor's wishes has traveled to Corinth to stay with us. I expect you all to welcome him into our family. Nikias, please do the introductions."

"Yes sir." replied Nikias. "The temple has six live-in acolytes, now." He smiled at Alexander. "Over here we have Callias, he has been an acolyte for over 30 years; Thais, she is the best cook anywhere; Myron, he's an excellent craftsman. If you need anything made, he can do it; Elpis, before you came along she was the newest acolyte; finally we have Myrrine, she is like the mom to us all."

They all gathered around him welcoming him, Alexander beaming and smiling the entire time.

"All right all right, let the boy breath." said Myrrine taking control of the situation. He is probably famished after traveling so far. Let's make our way to the dining room where I will get us some supper."

They made their way into a modest sized room with a large table with settings for seven. Alexander stayed by Nikias's side and sat next to him, Callias sat on the other. "Tell me Alexander, how old are you?" he asked smiling down at the youth.

"I am almost 13 years old" answered Alexander as he smiled up at the older man.

"That means you have been an acolyte since you were eight. What could have called one so young to Eros?"

"That is a story that I am sure he will be delighted to tell once we are fed." said Philon from the head of the table. "I am sure you will be a surprised and awed as I was when I heard it."

Myrrine and Thais brought out two large platters with cut meat and vegetables and Elpis followed with two pitchers of drink. She noticed that Alexander didn't have a plate or cup so she quickly retrieved one from a side shelf. "Here you go cutie" she said as she placed the plate and cup down, ruffling up his hair, making him blush.

Smiling as she walked away, Alexander watched Elpis walk back into the kitchen. She looked to be around 17 years of age and was very beautiful.

As they all ate Alexander recanted the story he told Philon earlier, and as Philon had warned them, they were speechless. "Such a story, are you sure all of it is true?" asked a skeptical Myron.

"Of course it's true" quickly answered Nikias to Alexander's defense. "Where else would he have gotten such a pendant? Being a craftsman, you of all of us should know that only a god could have made it."

Myron looked at Nikias and then at Alexander and then sighed. "I am sorry Alexander; it's just hard to believe."

Alexander smiled at Myron, "its ok. Even I can't believe it every now and then."

"What was it like? I mean, you actually got to touch and look upon our god." asked Elpis, "was he as beautiful as they say?"

"Oh yes, he IS beautiful, I mean...was beautiful." Alexander slipped, and then laughed.

"I think that we have hounded our new brother enough. It is almost sunset and we have a full day ahead of us tomorrow if we are to be ready for the fourth." said Philon as he stood.

Everyone else stood as well and began their trek towards their quarters. "Alexander, please come here." said Myrrine. "I have some extra clothes that can be yours and I will follow you to your room to help make your bed."

Alexander obediently followed as she went into a small storage room where she found a few clean chitons that would fit him and grabbed some bed linins. They went to his room and she made the bed for him. "There you go young man. Is there anything else you need?"

"No thank you." Alexander said as he smiled, "You really ARE like a mother to everybody here aren't you?"

"Well, someone needs to keep everything in order." She chuckled, "Besides, I really enjoy it. Everyone here is like family and I couldn't be happier. Now, get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a busy day getting ready for the festival." she said, giving him a slight hug before walking out the door.

Alexander shut the door, walked over and plopped down on the bed.

Anteros, are you awake? he thought-sent as he reached down, taking off his sandals.

Eros! I was just about to send to you. Where are you?

I am in the temple about to go to bed and I didn't want to without first telling you I love you

I love you too and miss you already

I miss you too. I will contact you again tomorrow he sent as he undid and slipped out of his clothes, throwing them onto the floor.

You better...goodnight


Rolling over he reached over his shoulder to caress a wing but felt nothing but air. "Habit..." he signed to himself and he stretched and curled up with the blanket. Before long he was asleep.

Chapter 6 -

The next morning was greeted by a great breakfast prepared by Thais. Everyone met down in the dining room and over breakfast received the day's chores that were prearranged by Myrrine. Alexander was to be paired with Nikias and the two of them would work on cleaning the front steps and entrance.

"After all, it will be the first impression many people will have of the temple." reminded Myrrine as she handed them both small buckets filled with soapy water and brushes.

The two of them spent all morning cleaning the steps leading to the temple, chatting the entire time. Alexander found himself genuinely liking Nikias, who had just recently turned sixteen and had been an acolyte for about three years. He was a very bright and quick-witted youth.

By noon they were done not only with the front steps but also with the main doors and windows. "I can't believe it. We are done with our chores...that means we may have the rest of the day off! Nikias exclaimed as he examined their work.

"That's great!" answered an excited Alexander. "We have been working like dogs all morning."

"Exactly! All we need to do is have Myrrine inspect our work and then its free time until tomorrow. Stay here, I'll go get her"

Alexander sat on the top step by a pillar and watched the activity in the square. A couple walked past him on their way into the temple. Alexander immediately knew why they were there. Smiling he leaned back against the pillar and closed his eyes. He felt their prayer; it was a prayer of thanks for their love. Myrrine came out with a hopeful Nikias on her heels. Alexander stood up and moved beside him watching in anticipation.

"Well, looks like you two have done a great job so yes, you both have the rest of they to yourselves."

"Yes!" they both exclaimed.

"One thing, make sure you both visit the baths before coming home." She said with a slight smile before walking back into the temple.

"Don't worry Myrrine, we will." said Nikias. "Come on, let's hit the market"

"Wait a second, I have a few obols so we can get some food while we are out" said Alexander as he walked back into the temple. As he walked down the great hall he saw the couple on their way out.

"I hope he heard our prayer. I can't imagine where we would be without each other." said the young woman to the man.

As Alexander passed the couple he turned to them, smiled and said, "I know he heard your prayer."

They looked at him with slight surprised looks on their faces and then smiled.

"Thank you" said the young man.

Alexander simply nodded and then turned and walked down the hall toward his room. There he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder and hurried back out to meet up with Nikias.

The market was as busy as usual. The two youths purchased some food and drink and took their time milling about, looking at the merchandise. They spent a good portion of the early afternoon just walking about, talking.

"I know, let's go to the beach. I know a place that normally deserted so we can swim in peace." Said Nikias

"Sure, let's go!" replied an excited Alexander.

The two of them made their way down a few side streets and eventually left the city. Before long they came upon a nice-sized cliff overlooking the sea. "I used to come here all the time when I was younger." Nikias said as he peered over. "Good, the tide is out so we will have a nice beach. Now where is it?" He began walking along the cliff until he found what he was looking for. "Here, we need to jump down onto that small rock and then onto that rock, and a couple of more, and then we will be down on the beach. Hardly anyone comes here to this cove because they don't know now to get down; they go to the main beaches. Here, give me your hand."

Alexander gave his had to Nikias who led them both through a small series of hops before they were on a small, deserted beach. Looking up the small cliff Alexander could see why most people would miss this beach unless they knew what they were looking for.

"What are you waiting for?" asked Nikias

Alexander looked his way and he was already pulling off this tunic. Laughing, he shed his chiton and sandals as well and then ran toward the water.

The two swam for a while, splashing about and swimming to a small reef that Nikias said he used to visit some years ago. Before long they grew tired and pulled themselves from the water to the small sandy beach. Alexander was the first to plop himself down and lay back, Nikias sat next to him.

"We need to come back here sometime" said Alexander closing his eyes. "This place is great!"

"Yeah...we do" replied Nikias.

Alexander felt him staring at him again and opened his eyes; Nikias was looking right at him. He smiled and looked into his eyes. Nikias blinked, shook his head and looked out over the water. "What is it?" Alexander asked.


"No, there is something...what?" pressed Alexander.

Nikias looked back down at him and sighed. "Ok, I will tell you, but please promise me you won't take it the wrong way."

"OK, I promise"

"You are just so...beautiful...and I am just getting a little...excited.

Alexander sat up laughing, looked at Nikias and smiled. "So...I sometimes get that way too."

"You do?" came a slightly startled replied.

"Yes, I do. The question is what do we do about it?" and at that he reached out and slowly pushed Nikias onto his back and shifted himself so he was laying on top of the startled teen. Looking into his brown eyes Alexander smiled, leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. For a second Nikias seemed too stunned to move but he eventually relaxed and kissed Alexander back. Coming up Alexander looked into his eyes again. "Do you remember the god we serve?"

"I know... the god of love" laughed Nikias as he rubbed Alexander's back down to his backside, resting his hand there. He then reached up with the other hand and lightly touches the pendant. "You are so lucky, you actually met him."

"It started out to be the worst day of my life, but ended up being the best. I am where I am today because of him so you know for sure I am going to spend the rest of my life honoring him any way I can."

A smile crept across Nikias's face and he gave Alexander's butt cheek a slight squeeze.

Alexander, still looking down at him arched an eyebrow and giggled.

Nikias responded by reaching up and grabbing Alexander to him in a hug and then rolled over so he was on top. He leaned down and passionately kissed Alexander and ground his groin into him.

Alexander wrapped his legs around his waist and felt Nikias's penis waking up. He reached down and grabbed Nikias's backside and squeezed.

Nikias started slightly thrusting his harness against Alexander's groin.

"Wait...let me get something from my bag." Alexander said as let go of Nikias's backside. He rolled out from under Nikias, stood and walked over to their clothes to retrieve a small bottle of oil from his bag. He poured a little in his hand, stopped up the bottled and dropped it back into the bag.

"What are you doing?" Nikias called to him as he rolled onto his back.

"You'll see" said Alexander as he walked back, mischievous grin across his face. He then got on he knees between Nikias's legs and started rubbing the oil over Nikias's straining erection.

"What is that?"

"It's your penis, I thought you would know that." answered Alexander with a straight face causing Nikias to laugh.

"No, what are you putting on me?"

"'s a little oil. I keep it in case I need to mix more ink. There, all nice and slippery." At that he climbed upon Nikias's lap, straddling him.

"Are you going to do what I think you are?" asked an almost stunned Nikias.

"If you were thinking this..." Alexander said as he reached behind him, placed the teen's hardness at his tight opening and slowly started to sit down, "Then you are right."

Nikias's eyes grew large as he felt himself slide into Alexander's tightness. "Oh wow..."

When he had sat all the way down, Nikias fully inside him, Alexander closed his eyes and slowly came up and then sat back down. Nikias reached down, held his hips, and started slowly thrusting.

Alexander let a moan escape as he opened his eyes and looked down at Nikias.

"Are you ok? This isn't hurting is it?" asked Nikias as he continued slowly thrusting into Alexander.

"No way, it feels great" smiled Alexander as he leaned down to kiss Nikias.

Nikias grabbed him in a hug and began to thrust a little faster. Alexander gasped and closed his eyes, loving the feeling of Nikias's hardness hitting him deep inside.

Before long, Nikias started thrusting even faster and then leaned back his head, groaned and took one final thrust as he starting shooting deep within Alexander. "Oh Alex!..." he hoarsely whispered as he clinched his eyes shut in ecstasy.

Alexander responded by sitting upright, continuing to slowly rock his hips back and forth, carrying Nikias through his orgasm. Eventually he stopped and sat there, looking down at the teen who was now bathed in the bliss of afterglow.

Nikias opened his eyes and looked up at Alexander and smiled. "You have the best day of your life....I think I am having mine now."

Alexander laughed as he slowly got up, feeling Nikias's still hard penis fall out.

"Where do you think you are going? It's your turn." said Nikias who sat up and slowly pushed Alexander onto his back. Straddling him he leaned down and kissed him. Alexander responded by wrapping his arms around him, kissing him back. Nikias kissed down his neck, down his chest, down his stomach and found the boy's very hard penis. He slowly licked around the crown of Alexander's erection making him squirm. "You like this?" he teased.

"Please..." whispered Alexander as he slightly thrust his hips upward

"Don't worry, I will." Nikias said as he continued his licking making the youth squirm and whimper. When he figured that Alexander had enough of his teasing he slowly went down on him. Alexander was trembling as Nikias started a steady rhythm of coming all the way to the tip then slowly going down to the base. He then reached up and started fondling his smooth, hairless sack making Alexander moan deeply. Then Nikias trailed his fingers down and found his still moist opening. Alexander responded by lifting his legs, locking his ankles behind Nikias's back. After tickling around the ring he slowly inserted a finger making Alexander groan in pleasure. Moving his finger around, he knew he had found the inner sensitive area when Alexander jolted, moaning loudly.

"Nikias....feels so good" Alexander groaned as Nikias started massaging him with his finger while continuing his slow work on his hardness.

Nikias responded to this by speeding up the pace of his sucking. Alexander started squirming and moaning more, fingers clenching Nikias's hair, toes curling. When he finally came he groaned loudly and shoved Nikias's head down all the way on his shaft, shooting deep into Nikias's mouth. After a few, short squirts he slowly relaxed and let out a slow, satisfied sigh.

Nikias slowly came up and off of his erection and sat back, looking down at the boy. "You're so beautiful" he whispered, licking his lips, tasting Alexander's semen.

Alexander sighed and looked up at Nikias, "That was amazing...thank you." He then spun around so his head was in the teen's lap, looking up at him.

Nikias looked down and began playing with Alexander's hair, lightly running his finger through the golden locks. "I wish we could stay like this all day, but we had better get back to town. We are supposed to get to the baths before returning.

Alexander let out another sigh and slowly sat up. "Yeah, there will be plenty of time for this later" he winked at Nikias.

Nikias smiled at him, "I plan to take you up on that offer"

"I sure hope you do." Alexander laughed as he rose to his feet, walked back to his clothes and started putting them on.

Nikias followed and got dressed as well. He then led the way up the cliff wall using the rocks to get to the top. "Its late afternoon so we won't be too late for supper."

"That's good. I wouldn't want to miss any of Thais's meals, she is a great cook." Replied Alexander as he walked next to Nikias.

The two made their way back to the central market where Nikias showed Alexander where the communal baths were located. As they walked into the section for men they noticed about thirty men and boys lounging around or in a large, steaming pool.

"Its busy today" Nikias said as he sat on a bench to remove his sandals. He then stood up and removed his tunic. Alexander followed suit and they both walked into the steaming water. "Feels great doesn't it?"

Alexander nodded in agreement. "I love warm baths."

Nikias walked over to the edge where he grabbed a brush and a bar of soap and started scrubbing himself. Alexander took the soap when he was done and started scrubbing himself, getting the day's sweat and sand off of him. He then lathered up his hand with the soap and started washing his hair. When they were done washing they made their way to a section that had submerged benches. They sat next to each other and enjoyed the warmth of the water.

"I think I will be coming here every day" sighed Alexander breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah, but if you are not careful the guards will toss you out for loitering. They watch the baths very closely so nobody camps out all day or gets too friendly."

"I can understand that, in fact maybe we should make our way back."

"Not a bad idea" said Nikias and he pulled himself from the water, Alexander following. He led the way to another series of benches with a lot of windows nearby providing a nice cool breeze. "Lets just sit here a while and dry off." He said as he picked up a towel and sat, slowly drying off. He then he looked over at Alexander who was also drying off, "Did you mean what you said earlier?"

"I sure did" replied Alexander pointing, "That is your penis"

Nikias laughed, "No, I mean when you said plenty of time for that later."

"Of course I did Nikias; we are brothers at the temple. Anytime you want anything, just ask. That's how we were at the temple at Athens."

"I would wager that a youth of your beauty was kept very busy in that way" Nikias winked.

Alexander chuckled, blushing, "Probably not as often as you are thinking, but yes, I did have my share of fun."

Nikias pulled himself up, "I promise to do my part to make sure you keep having fun."

Alexander started laughing and pushed Nikias playfully.

"Come on, we need to get going. It looks like it is going to be sunset soon." Nikias said smiling.

The two walked over to their clothes and got dressed. "I like to come here a few times a week. Soaking in the hot water gives me plenty of time to think." said Nikias as he strapped up a sandal.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Especially after a day full of teachings, it's nice to get away and let everything soak in. I used to do a similar thing in Athens, except it was escaping to the roof which overlooked the sea. Its not like Eros is an easy god to understand." Replied Alexander as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to make it lay correctly.

"What god is easy to understand" laughed Nikias. "It's not like they come down and tell us everything about them. Come on, let's go."

"I like it that way. It makes my faith stronger." said Alexander as he followed Nikias out onto the market square.

"You know Alexander, I like that you can get so deep."

"Um, Nikias, wasn't it you that was rather deep earlier?" said Alexander trying to hold off laughing. Nikias looked at him for a few seconds and broke out laughing.

They hurried through the market to the avenue that would lead them to the temple. Upon arriving at the temple and walking in, they noticed it was spotless.

"Wow, the place looks great!" said Alexander as he looked around, "And smell that!"

Nikias's eyes grew large, "Yes! Lamb stew! Lets go!"

The two literally ran down the hall to the dining room where they saw everyone else just sitting down.

"And just in time..." laughed Elpis.

"Well, come one...lamb stew." Nikias said pointing to the large tureen in the middle of the table. "I would journey all the way from Marathon for this stew."

"Did the two of you enjoy your afternoon in town?" asked Philon.

"Yes sir, Nikias showed me around Corinth, we had some lunch and went swimming..." answered an enthusiastic Alexander.

"And thank the gods that you made it to the baths before they closed. We do want people to visit tomorrow after all." said Myrrine causing everyone to laugh and the two boys to blush.

After the delicious meal, Philon stood up and everyone stopped laughing and talking, "Tomorrow is the festival of Eros, the most revered day for us. Let us all pray that he receives our offerings and looks down upon us with his favor."

"I am sure that he will" thought Alexander to himself smiling.

Next: Chapter 3

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