Eros on a Mission

By Rob Lucario

Published on May 11, 2009



Standard Disclaimer stuff - This story involves sexual and sensual relations between males of various ages, both mortal and immortal. If this is not your cup 'o tea, STOP READING!!!

This is my first attempt at writing a Nifty story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Email me at

Chapter 15-

Alexander stood in front of the fire and unwrapped the towel from his waist. By now he was dry, save his hair which remained slightly damp. He tossed the towel onto one of the beds and walked naked into the main room. There was a large table against the wall, on which was a series of shelves containing multiple scrolls. This obviously was Marcus's main office. Walking around the room he came to his bag which he opened to find the contents were completely dry. He then pulled out one of the knee-length chiton and dressed himself. Walking into the bathing room he then collected his wet clothing, walked back into the bedroom and laid them in front of the fire for them to dry.

He was going over in his mind what had occurred earlier. Marcus had stared at him for a few seconds and he definitely felt something. If he would have had hit wits about him he would have done an empathy probe. He walked over to the bed closet to the center of the room and laid back on it.

Eventually, he heard Marcus come into the main room and he sat up cross-legged on the bed. Marcus walked into the bedroom carrying a small box and saw that Alexander was sitting on the bed. "It seems that all of the soldiers here are in the main hall keeping dry, except for all the wine they are drinking." he said smiling. "They will get a surprise when I call a surprise inspection tomorrow morning. Now, I got us some food, let's eat it at the table." Marcus then turned and walked into the main room.

Alexander hopped off of the bed and followed him to the table and sat down. "Do you give a lot of inspections?" he asked as he helped Marcus remove two large bowls of hearty stew and a small pitcher from the box.

"I like to keep them on their toes" admitted Marcus as he handed Alexander a small cup of water. "I have been away for only three weeks and from what I saw, this outpost is in shambles. I will have to have words with the captain."

Alexander started to eat the stew. "May I ask a question?" he said between mouthfuls of the stew.

"Certainly, but I want you to remember that when it's just us, you can relax. No 'General Marcus' or 'yes sirs'."

"Thank you" Alexander replied smiling, "But will you relax?"

Marcus looked at him for a second and chuckled. "Looks like I am trapped. OK, I promise to TRY to relax, will that suffice?"

Alexander smiled and nodded as he took a bite of bread.

"What was it you wanted" asked Marcus.

"Earlier today, when we were leaving the palace, you seemed very upset. What was wrong?"

Marcus looked down at his bowl, a mixed look across his face. "Well, I said I would try" he muttered to himself. He then looked at Alexander. "I have your word that whatever is said in private will stay between us right?"

Alexander nodded.

"It's King Periander. He is power hungry and would love nothing more than to conquer all of Greece. Of course, he can't do that, even with the mightiest army, so he is looking to acquire some sort of...weapon. I don't know what it is but according to him, with it he could crush any enemy."

"And that means more war." said Alexander softly.

Marcus simply nodded staring into his cup. "I don't want war, nobody wants war, but Periander is developing a bloodlust that I fear might be the end of Corinth." He sighed and looked at Alexander "Worrying about it now won't do any good, we might as well get some sleep. I would like to start tomorrow off early, so if you wake up and the sun has yet to rise, wake me." At that he stood and placed the empty bowls and cups into the box.

Alexander stood and helped Marcus clean. "Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked.

"No, I feel that a good night's sleep in a familiar bed will do the trick." he said as he blew out all but one oil lamp. He then carried it into the bedroom and sat it on a small table by the larger of the two beds. "As you probably figured out, a page is with his master always, so you get that bed." he said pointing to the smaller bed as Alexander followed him. He then leaned over and blew out the oil lamp.

The room went mostly dark, only illuminated by the dying fire across the room. Alexander walked over to his bed and pulled back the linens. He then took off his chiton and folded it, laying it at the foot of the bed. He looked over his shoulder to see Marcus watching him.

Marcus quickly looked down and began to undo his leather tunic.

Grinning to himself, Alexander slid into bed and pulled the covers up to his chest. He turned on his side and watched as Marcus continued to get undressed. "Marcus, may I ask a personal question?"

"Certainly, just don't get disappointed if I choose not to answer." replied Marcus as he turned his back to him and sat on the bed so he could remove his boots.

"What god do you follow?"

Marcus slid naked under his covers and turned on his side to look at Alexander. By now his eyes had adjusted to the dying firelight so he could see him clearly. "Well, I don't really follow a god."

"What?! Why not?"

Marcus rolled onto his back and closed his eyes. "I just haven't found him yet. Besides, what good would I be to a god? Now, lets get some sleep."

"You would be surprised" whispered Alexander as he laid back in bed, staring at the ceiling.

The days travels had worn on Marcus and it didn't take long before Alexander could hear his breathing become calm and steady as he fell asleep. However, he was not in the mood for sleep. He longed to sneak outside and transform back into Eros to have a night flight, but he couldn't risk it. Sighing to himself he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep.

Chapter 16-

It seemed that he had just closed his eyes, when he opened them back up to see early morning's faint light coming through the window. Alexander slowly got out of bed and pulled his chiton on. He then walked over to his sandals, which were thankfully now dry, and laced them up. Walking over to Marcus's bed he saw the general laying on his back, still deep asleep.

"Marcus....Marcus....its time to wake up." he said in a soft voice as he sat next to the slumbering man.

Marcus's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Alexander. He stared into those beautiful blue eyes, noticing how they seemed to see deep into his soul. Blinking himself to reality he slowly sat up. "Thank you Alexander. Once I am dressed we can get some breakfast." Alexander got off of the bed and walked across the room to pick up his now-dry chiton. Turning around he saw Marcus get out of bed and stretch. His eyes widened as he saw this beautiful man, rippled with muscles, turn and display a semi-erect penis that had to be at least 7 inches long. He almost spoke, offering something, but decided to let Marcus make the first move in that department.

Not knowing he was being stared at by the youth across the room, Marcus picked up his tunic and got dressed. He then sat to pull on his boots. Looking up he saw Alexander looking at him.

Alexander quickly looked slightly away. "What is on today's agenda?" he asked as he examined a sword hanging on the wall.

"Well, first thing is to get breakfast and introduce you to some of the commanders here at the fort as you will be ferrying quite a lot of messages between me and them. I also plan on having that surprise inspection. I will have to get rather harsh with the men, but they deserve it." he said standing. "Let's go."

Marcus then walked out of the room and outside to be greeted by a cool and clear morning. The ground was still soaked as they made their way across the yard to the main hall, which acted as a common gathering place for soldier and servant alike. Walking into the hall they were greeted by an older soldier, somewhere in his late thirties, wearing a leather tunic similar to Marcus's but with an eagle embroidered across his heart.

"General Marcus!" the man said bowing. "Good to see you. I just arrived this morning from my travels to Argos and am in a state of near shock at the state of things here." He then looked at Alexander and then back at Marcus with an arched eyebrow.

"Major Kyros" replied Marcus bowing slightly. "I arrived late last night and haven't had the luxury to check things out for myself. Oh, let me introduce you to my new page. Kyros, this is Alexander. He is an extremely bright youth who, I'm sure, will surprise you as much as he has me. Alexander, this is Major Kyros. He is as faithful a soldier as can be found. He has been with me since I was just a mere recruit some years ago.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Major Kyros." Alexander said as he bowed.

Kyros nodded at him. "I am sure we will see a lot of each other Alexander as the general here is a very busy man." he said as he looked back at Marcus with a wicked smile.

"Um, before you say anything Kyros, 'No'...'I don't know'...and, 'we'll see'" said Marcus smiling.

Kyros broke out into laughter and clapped Marcus on the shoulder. "Gods I missed your wit Marcus. Come, let's get something to eat and decided what we are going to do about this place."

Alexander followed the two over to a table at the end of the hall where they were promptly waited upon by a servant girl who brought them all a nice breakfast. As the men ate and talked about the dismal state of the fort, Alexander looked around the hall. It was a very large, two story room with high beams and numerous windows to let in as much light as possible. He snapped out of his dreamy examination when he heard Kyros mention his name.

"I am sure he would be an excellent singer" encouraged Kyros.

Alexander looked at him and then at Marcus with a surprised look.

"I will leave that up to him." said Marcus as he looked at Alexander. "Alexander, do you know any songs? It isn't that uncommon for a page to entertain his master" he said winking at the youth.

"Um...I know a few songs sir, but I don't think that I am that good" said Alexander blushing slightly.

Both men laughed. "I remember Kleitos saying that same thing, but yet he turned out to be an excellent singer." Kyros said to Marcus. "So good in fact that he won the heart of that maiden from Sparta. By the way, how are they doing?"

"The last I heard, they are doing fine. I will have to look him up when I travel to Sparta in a few days." replied Marcus.

A few soldiers began to enter the room for breakfast, stopping in surprise as they saw the two officers at the head of the table. Eventually the hall was full of soldiers, quickly eating their breakfasts.

Marcus and Kyros continued to talk about the outpost, letting the soldiers finish their breakfasts. Eventually, Marcus stood. "Looks like now is as good a time as any."

The next few hours were spent by calling all the troops into formation out in the field, berating them for their appearances as they were individually inspected. Marcus and Kyros then took the pleasure of calling out their captain who they both took turns talking to at length. Marcus, needing to keep up with his reputation, was extremely hard on the poor captain. He ended up dismissing the caption, ordering him to report to his office at sunset for his orders.

Alexander stayed on the periphery of the field, ready to assist the general if needed. He noticed that he attracted a few stares here and there from the soldiers who ranged in age from mid teens to late twenties. Kyros was easily the senior here, but it was Marcus who was in charge, and he didn't let the men forget it as for the rest of the morning he had the men run drills through the muddy yard.

Around mid-day Marcus approached Alexander. "Please follow me." he said shortly. Alexander followed Marcus across the field as they walked toward their quarters. He noticed again the change in Marcus from how he was in public to how he was in private. Once in the main room Marcus plopped himself down in the chair at the table. "Whew, that took some doing. Those men are extremely out of shape, as is this fort." he said as he looked over some scrolls on the table. "There is hope though, but it will take some work." he then looked up at Alexander who was trying hard not to laugh. "What is it Alexander?" he asked smiling.

"You weren't kidding when you said that you said I would be seeing a different side of you. You are a totally different man in front of the troops as you are when it's just us."

"Well, you should be glad. That means that I trust you entirely." said Marcus smiling. "Now, I have some official business to attend to and I will need your help writing some things down and delivering some messages." He then proceeded to write out orders on a few scrolls and told Alexander where to deliver them. "Make sure to get something to eat while you are in the main hall."

Alexander took some scrolls from Marcus and headed for the main hall first as he was a little hungry. After delivering a message to the main servant keeper he got a bite to eat, some bread and dried meat. He sat at the table in the back of the room and watched as some soldiers came in to eat. Not wanting to miss his next delivery he quickly finished his lunch and walked across the yard to one of the barracks. As he walked in he saw some soldiers sitting around on their beds, some rubbing their legs to ease the pain from running all morning.

"Excuse me." said Alexander loudly to get their attention. "I need to see Nikolaos and Seleusus. I have messages from General Marcus." He noticed that when he used that name, it got people's attention. Two men, both in their late teens, walked forward and took the scrolls from Alexander. Smiles crept over their faces as they read and they quickly thanked him and ran back to their bunks.

He then walked out to deliver his last scroll to Major Kyros who was watching a small group of men spar with wooden swords.

"Major Kyros" said Alexander bowing. "I have a message from General Marcus." He held out the scroll for the man who took it at looked at the youth.

"I warned you didn't I?" he chuckled as he opened the scroll and read. He smiled a bit as he read and turned to Alexander. "Go ahead and tell the general that I agree with him a hundred percent."

"Yes sir" he said bowing. He then took off for their quarters. Entering the room he found Marcus standing, looking out the window at the yard. "Major Kyros said that he agrees with you one hundred percent." he said as he sat down in a chair.

"He is a good man that Kyros." he said absentmindedly as he continued to look out the window. Sitting down he unrolled a scroll and started reading. "What is he thinking?!" he exclaimed after reading for a while. "The king wants to attempt to double the size of the army by the end of summer. Do you know what that would mean? Service in the army would be mandatory. We would actually have to force people to serve. That's not how your get capable troops." He sighed and got up, walking back to the window. "Alexander, please take this down..."

Alexander quickly took the chair at the table and readied his ink and quill.

Marcus dictated a careful letter to the king cautioning him against such a move. "Let's hope I can get some sense into him."

Alexander had written down the letter to the king and provided it to Marcus for his signature.

"Maybe you know this," Marcus said while signing, "why don't the gods get involved when someone like Periander comes to power? I would think it would be easy for one of them to remove him and save countless lives."

"Well, I actually do know this." replied Alexander rolling up the scroll. "Long ago Zeus made an agreement with a king, I can't remember his name, but it was an agreement that the gods would stay out of the politics of the kings. I think it was called the Accords of Olympia."

"So no matter what a king does, he can't be touched by a god." replied Marcus surprised.

"I don't think they can be touched as long as they keep to the Accords." said Alexander.

"That is a shame. Corinth could use a different king, one that isn't insane." Marcus said as he sat across from Alexander. "While we are here I need for you to help me write down some rotations and schedules." The rest of the afternoon was spent mapping out troop rotations and schedules. "Come, let's get something to eat, it won't be long before sundown." Marcus said after they had completed everything.

The two walked into the main hall where they saw some soldiers already eating. As they sat they were promptly waited upon by the servant girl again who didn't waste any time bringing their food.

As they were finishing up they were joined by Major Kyros and the two soldiers whom Alexander had delivered the scrolls to.

"General Marcus, these two fine soldiers would like a word with you." Kyros said as he sat.

One of the soldiers spoke. "We would like to thank you personally General Marcus. Granting us a week leave is indeed a wonderful gift."

"Well Nikolaos, you two were the only soldiers here who remained in shape, didn't get slovenly and remained true Corinthian soldiers. Enjoy yourselves in town and I expect to see you back in 1 week."

"Yes sir!" they both said in unison, saluting sharply. They then walked off.

"If only we had a battalion of them." said Kyros as he turned to accept some food from the servant girl.

"I know...if only. Now, Kyros, if you will excuse me, I have some official business to take care of." Marcus said as he stood.

Kyros nodded and began to eat.

Marcus and Alexander walked out of the hall and to their quarters. "I would like for you to sit and write down what I say" said Marcus as he looked out the window. "Ah, there he is now."

Alexander sat in the chair and watched as Marcus let the captain into the room.

"Platon, I am sure you are wondering why I asked you to meet me here tonight" Marcus said as he walked around the man who was standing at attention in the middle of the room.

Alexander made a point to capture every bit of what Marcus was saying.

"I called you here to discuss your reassignment."

"My reassignment?" asked a startled Platon.

"Don't speak until I give you permission!" yelled Marcus making Platon and Alexander jump slightly.

"Due to the total inability for you to keep troops under your command fit and ready, you are to be reassigned to work dock duty in the city. You are to leave immediately, not in a little bit, not tomorrow morning, but immediately. I do not want to see your face around here until you can prove you are worthy of being a soldier. Is that understood?" said Marcus in a very intense and convincing way.

"Y..yes sir" stammered Platon.

Marcus turned to Alexander and spoke very calm and pleasantly, "Please note that Platon is to be reassigned to night dock duty at the north harbor in Corrinth. He is to remain in that duty until his new captain sees fit to reinstate him in the main army."

Alexander flawlessly wrote down every word and handed the scroll to Marcus for inspection. "Very good Alexander, thank you." said Marcus as he scanned the document. He then signed it and handed it to Platon. "Now leave."

Platon immediately turned and left, closing the door behind him.

Marcus turned to Alexander who smiled meekly at him. "You know, you have very nice handwriting." said Marcus as he roughed up Alexander's hair.

"Thank you." said Alexander as he put the lid on the ink. He did a quick empathy probe of Marcus, thinking he would find mirth or humor, but instead, the general was having intense feelings of longing and desire.

Marcus walked to the window. "There he goes through the gate right now." he said in reference to Platon's leaving. Turning he looked at Alexander who was rolling up a scroll. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure, you can ask me anything." Alexander said still rolling up the scrolls and sorting them.

"There is this....reputation, I guess you could call it...that acolytes of Eros are...gifted with a knowledge of....certain things..."

"Marcus" Alexander interrupted smiling, "I know what you are trying to say. There is some truth about the acolytes and priests of Eros, how they are open to far more than the normal person and that they are very knowledgeable about the erotic arts."

Marcus looked a bit relieved.

Alexander then stood up and walked toward him. "Let me take a stab at something here. You are ...28 years old right?"

Marcus simply nodded.

"You have been in the military since you were a teenager and have been far too busy to have a lasting relationship." He continued getting closer.

Marcus's eyes grew slightly.

"That is not to say that you haven't had strong feelings for another, who is now out of reach. Am I right?"

Marcus looked stunned, "How did you...."

"Now that the war is over, all of these suppressed feelings of love are overwhelming you and I just happened to come along. Is that more or less right?" he said as he stood right before the shocked man.

Marcus relaxed and smiled warmly. He slowly reached up his arm and put a hand on Alexander's bare shoulder. "It's a little more than that" he said softly, "Its not a situation where you just happened to come along at the right time, there is more."

Alexander smiled, "Good." he whispered, "I was hoping for that." He reached up and took Marcus's hand from his shoulder and placed it against his face, closing his eyes.

Marcus responded by rubbing his hand against Alexander's smooth face, letting his fingers trail through the soft, blond hair behind his head. He leaned down and lightly touched his lips to Alexander's.

Chapter 17-

It seemed like waves of energy were flowing through his lips. Marcus was kissing by far the most attractive youth he had ever seen. Since first laying eyes on him, he couldn't get him out of his mind, and now he had his hand buried in his hair and kissing him. It was over in a few seconds but to Marcus... it seemed to last forever.

Breaking away from the kiss he looked down into those beautiful blue eyes. "How did you know all of that about me?" he whispered.

" observant" Alexander softly said. "You have had such a busy life up to now that you haven't let love in. are." He reached up on his toes and brushed his lips against Marcus's.

Marcus responded by kissing him in earnest this time, lowering his hands to his waist and lifting him up.

Alexander wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He kept the kiss alive for a few moments longer before breaking it off and nuzzling his face against Marcus's cheek.

Marcus slowly lowered Alexander back to the ground. "There is still a part of me that wonders if this is the right thing to be doing. I am the general of the Corinthian Army. Can I really get distracted by this?"

Alexander released his grip as well. "Love should never be considered a distraction if it is to flourish." he said as he walked over to the table to light some lamps as it was past sundown and was getting dark.

Marcus watched him and smiled. "I just need time to let this soak in." he then remembered something. "I totally forgot about the bath. In one of those communications I had you deliver..." he walked into the bathing room and the tub was filled with water and a small fire lit in the fireplace warming the room and the water.

Alexander had followed him into the room. "Smart how they designed the tub, close to the fireplace so it would keep the water warm. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Marcus turned and smiled. "Yes, I wish to take a bath." he said as he started to pull off his boots.

Alexander obediently took them from him and waited while Marcus took off his tunic. He took is from Marcus, smiling broadly as he got a good look at the naked man. "I will place these in the bedroom" he said as he turned to leave. Walking out into the main room he heard Marcus call, "when you come back in here, be prepared to join me." He had to keep himself from laughing. He walked into the bedroom, laid down Marcus's clothes and proceeded to remove his sandals and chiton.

Walking back into the bathing room he saw Marcus in the tub with his back to him. Creeping up behind him he leaned over and gave him a hug from behind.

"What are you doing out there? Come in, the water feels wonderful." said Marcus looking over his shoulder.

He walked around the tub and got into the very warm water facing Marcus. The tub was by far large enough for both of them to sit. Alexander sat cross-legged and leaned back against the side of the tub. He felt Marcus shift his legs so he had a foot on both sides of him.

"This feels great" sighed Alexander.

"What was it like to meet a god?" Marcus asked as he looked at Alexander's pendant.

"It's hard to describe, but I felt happy and at peace." Alexander replied closing his eyes.

"I wonder if some of his godliness could have rubbed off on you because that's how I feel when I am around you." said Marcus a he sat up.

Alexander did a quick check to make sure that he was masking his powers, and he was. He opened his eyes and saw Marcus had slowly gotten on his knees and was leaning forward about to kiss him. Alexander smiled and leaned forward for the kiss.

"I would never guess that you would be such a good kisser" said Alexander after the kiss.

Marcus sat back and grabbed a washing cloth and some soap. "You might find that I am full of surprises." he said smiling. He then proceeded to scrub himself clean of the day's dirt and sweat while Alexander watched.

He reached out his hand for the cloth when Marcus was done but was met by him shaking his head. "Stand up." he said smiling.

Grinning, Alexander stood in the tub with his back to Marcus, the water coming to his knees. He stood there, dripping, looking down at Marcus who was feasting his eyes on his nude body. "See something you like?" he said chuckling.

"I see quite a lot that I like" replied Marcus as he soaped up the washing cloth. He proceeded to wash Alexander's back down to his backside. He washed each arm and had him turn around. He was greeted by Alexander's penis at full erection. Looking up he saw Alexander's eyes closed and blushing. "You are so beautiful." he whispered as he gingerly washed Alexander's stomach and chest. When he reached Alexander's groin he carefully and slowly rubbed the soft cloth around the hairless sack and hard shaft.

Alexander held his breath, eyes still closed, but was slightly disappointed when Marcus ran the cloth down the side of his thigh. Opening his eyes he looked down and smiled as Marcus cleaned down to his knee, switch legs and back up to his thigh.

"Sit down" said Marcus as he soaped up the washing cloth. Alexander complied and Marcus reached and grabbed one of his ankles. He brought it out of the water and proceeded to wash Alexander's foot. Making sure that he washed each individual toe he then slowly ran the cloth down the arch to the heel where he scrubbed a little more. "You have very nice feet, kind of petite." said Marcus.

Alexander smiled and blushed slightly. His eyes then went wide and he gasped slightly when Marcus ran his thumb up his arch, massaging it. "That feels good" he whispered.

Marcus smiled at him and continued to massage his foot for a few more moments. He then lowered the foot into the water, grabbed the other one and repeated the process. This time, Alexander accidentally let a slight moan escape when Marcus massaged his sole. "You like this then?" he asked.

Alexander smiled and wordlessly nodded.

"Good." Marcus replied, "because /I like doing it to you." When he was done with the other foot he lowered it into the water. "There, with the exception of your face and hair, you are perfectly clean."

Alexander got onto his knees, leaned forward and laid down on top of Marcus, straddling his legs. Marcus responded by hugging him tightly and gently rubbing his back down to his backside. Alexander rested his face against Marcus's muscular chest and sighed contently.

The two laid there for a while without saying anything. "We better finish up or we will turn into prunes." whispered Marcus, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, and it's getting late. I am sure that you are going to busy tomorrow. We need to plan out your agenda." said Alexander sliding off of Marcus's legs to wash his hair and face.

"We can worry about that tomorrow morning over breakfast" said Marcus as he started washing his hair. "Its late and I want to get to bed."

After they had finished they both got out of the tub and dried off. Marcus grabbed the two oil lamps that had been illuminating the bathing room and walked into the bedroom, Alexander following. Marcus sat the lamps down, blew them out and proceeded to get into his bed.

"Alexander..." he said laying on his back.

"Yes?" he replied as he was slowly walking toward his bed.

"If you wanted to, you could stay in my bed." he said softly. "In fact, I would like for you to."

Wordlessly, Alexander climbed into the bed and immediately cuddled up to Marcus's side, draping one of his legs between Marcus's and placing his head down upon his chest. "Is there anything else I can do for my master?"

"There is a lot you can do for me Alex but I will let you decide." said Marcus as he slowly and softly rubbed his hand up and down his back.

"As you wish" said Alexander smiling. He then climbed on top of Marcus, straddling his legs. Leaning down he lightly kissed the muscular chest before him before moving over to one of his nipples. Lightly touching it with his tongue made Marcus jump slightly and gasp. He continued to lightly lick the sensitive tip making Marcus writhe with pleasure.

"That feels so good! I never knew..." breathed Marcus. He brought up a hand and ran his fingers through Alexander's damp hair.

Alexander slowly moved over to the other nipple and repeated lightly licking and nipping with his teeth. He felt Marcus's erection against his belly and started moving down. He licked a line down from the nipple, down to his stomach and continued until he was between Marcus's legs. Reaching up in the dark he found Marcus's erection and lightly wrapped his fingers around the hardness. Lifting up his head a little he reached out with his tongue and touched the tip, which had been leaking quite a bit, and tasted him. Leaning down he began licking around the crown and the sensitive underside.

Marcus closed his eyes, feeling the pleasure course through his body as the youth continued to lick up and down his hardness. "Alex...that feels so amazing." is all he could say before he was cut short as Alexander slowly went down on him, enveloping half of his erection in the velvety warmth of his mouth.

The top half of his penis was all he could fit into his mouth, but that didn't stop Alexander from beginning to slowly bob his head up and down. He had kept his hand lightly grasping the lower portion and started to pump up and down, mirroring his head.

By now Marcus was breathing heavy and moaning as Alexander continued to slowly bob his head. The feelings were amazing...he had never felt anything this good. He continued to lightly run his fingers through the soft hair of this youth who had so recently opened his eyes. Now, this same youth was giving him such pleasure he could barely think straight.

Alexander came off of the erection and started licking the sides again, paying particular attention to the underside and to the slit-like opening at the top. Going back down halfway on Marcus's penis drew another gasp from the man as he writhed, the pleasure so intense.

"Alex, watch out...I am almost there" said Marcus as he gripped the sheet in anticipation.

Alexander didn't stop, but instead made his mouth tighter and started bobbing his head faster.

Marcus eventually hit the point of no return and groaned loudly and he started shooting into Alexander's tight mouth.

Alexander froze his bobbing and tried to keep up with the stream after stream of hot semen shooting into his mouth. He was able to swallow it all before slowly coming off of the spent erection. "Is my master satisfied?" he asked smiling.

"Come up here." replied Marcus.

He slowly climbed back upon Marcus and laid back down with his head back on his chest.

Marcus was still feeling aftershocks from the massive orgasm he had just had. He reached up and wrapped both arms around Alexander and hugged him tightly. "That was wonderful Alex, thank you." he sighed. "I have never felt anything so intense."

Looking up and smiling Alexander said, "I am glad that you enjoyed that." He then moved up so his head was above Marcus. "I want you to know that wherever we are, I am yours." he then leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Marcus kissed the youth back savoring the feel of his naked body against his, the soft lips against his. Running his hands down his back he cupped the cheeks of his backside and squeezed lightly. "You mean, whenever I want this body, it is mine?" asked Marcus jokingly.

Alexander looked down into Marcus's eyes and laughed lightly. "Yes, I mean it. Anytime, anywhere and in any fashion, I am yours."

Chapter 18 -

Alexander didn't remember falling asleep the night before, but as he slowly came out of the cloud of slumber he felt something on his penis...fingers. Slowly opening his eyes he found himself on his back, Marcus laying on his side looking strait at him. The early morning light was softly illuminating the room.

"Good morning Alex" he said softly as he slowly stroked the youth's morning erection.

Alexander smiled at him. "Good morning Marcus" he replied as he stretched. He let out a content sigh and closed his eyes, feeling Marcus's fingers slowly playing with him.

"I figure I would reward my faithful servant for a job well done last night." he said softly making Alexander laugh. "I am serious, I slept like a baby. Plus, having you in my arms was a definite plus."

Alexander opened his legs more as he felts Marcus's hands leave his erection and softly cup his sack, kneading the twin orbs inside.

"You are soft all over aren't you?" marveled Marcus as continued to lightly rub around his scrotum.

"I have a couple of parts that are hard." Alexander replied lightly laughing, eyes still closed.

Marcus laughed. "Yeah, I have noticed that" he said as he once again started stroking Alexander's erection. "I am going to try something I have never done." He then maneuvered himself between Alexander's legs and leaned down. Lightly licking the crown of Alexander's erection brought a slight moan from the youth. Smiling to himself, Marcus slowly went down, taking the entire shaft into his mouth.

Alexander moaned as he felt himself slide into the warmth of Marcus's mouth. "Marcus...that feels so good."

Marcus proceeded to bob his head up and down on the hard shaft. Reaching up, he started to once again playing with his sack.

Alexander started breathing hard, thrashing his head from side to side, moaning loudly. "So good....don't stop....almost there."

Marcus kept up the pace bobbing his head. It wasn't long before he detected a slight salty/sweet taste. Playing with his erection while he slept must have gotten him close.

Alexander groaned and actually shouted out as he started shooting into Marcus's mouth. His body went stiff, trembling slightly as he continued shooting, his hands grasping the sheets in pleasure.

Eventually he came down from his orgasmic bliss and had to reach down to stop Marcus from continuing. "Stop....stop!" he said almost laughing. "Too sensitive!"

Marcus slowly let the hard penis slide from his mouth and looked up at the youth. He was met by a smiling face and bright eyes.

"That was your first time to ever do that?" he asked as Marcus crawled up and laid back next to him. He then turned on his side to face him.

"Yes it was." he said smiling. "How did I do?"

Alexander laughed. "You did great!"

Marcus laughed back and licked his lips. "That tasted a lot better than I thought it would. I might have to do it again one of these days." he said making Alexander laugh again. "I would wager with your experience that you know a few tricks here and there."

"A few..." said Alexander smiling, "and I intend to show them all to you." He then leaned over and kissed him.

Marcus kissed him back and smiled. "I can't wait until the education starts, but we had better get out of bed if we want to get anything to eat."

"Yeah, you are probably right" he sighed as he rolled out of bed and walked over to his bed. There he found his chiton and pulled it on. Looking over he saw Marcus getting dressed as well.

After getting dressed Alexander retrieved his bag and they took off for the dining hall. When they got there they found what seemed like every soldier eating breakfast. Walking through the hall they came to a back table where Major Kyros was sitting, talking to a young solder who was taking notes. The soldier looked to be in his early 20's and had an ornate bow slung over his shoulder.

"Ah, General Marcus, good morning." he said standing and slightly bowing, the soldier following suit.

"Good morning Major Kyros, good morning corporal Parmenion." he replied nodding.

It wasn't long before a servant brought their breakfast, which they both dove into. Alexander was taking a bite off of a piece of bread with he heard the corporal say 'Eros'. He snapped his head toward him, eyes wide. "What?" he asked surprised.

"Your pendant, it is a symbol of Eros, correct?"

Taking a relieved sigh, Alexander responded, "Yes, in ways. He created it for me a few years ago."

"You....met him?" asked a dubious Parmenion. Kyros and Marcus had stopped talking and listened to the conversation.

"Yes, he saved my life when I was eight and gave this to me. It was then that I devoted my life to him." Alexander said as he reached up and touched the silver and gold pendant.

"You can't be serious!" he replied. "Gods don't just go around saving ordinary mortals."

Kyros was about to say something but Marcus motioned him to be silent. He wanted to see how far this would go.

"Are you calling me a liar?" Alexander said angrily.

"Yeah, I just might be." he replied.

"Ok, so we are at an impasse, I am telling the truth and you are an idiot." replied Alexander as he glared.

"Careful pageboy, you are addressing a soldier in the Corinthian Army. Now, wouldn't you say that acolytes follow in their god's footsteps?"

"Yes....why?" replied Alexander getting angrier.

The corporal laughed. "Would you say that Eros is a good archer?"

"The best!" Alexander quickly said, standing up.

"Well then, how about best me at archery and I will admit defeat." said Parmenion smiling.

"Come now corporal..." said Marcus surprising both of them. "There has to be some kind of wager."

"Yeah!" said Alexander, still glaring. "If I win..." he thought for a moment, "I win your bow."

"Agreed." replied Parmenion smugly. "But when I win, you have to give me that pendant."

Agreed!" Alexander quickly agreed. Marcus was about to stop him but the arrangement had already been made.

Kyros was shaking his head. "Alexander, let me introduce me to our resident archery master." he said motioning toward Parmenion. "He is a long time student of Apollo's and has won numerous tournaments.

Marcus leaned down to whisper into Alexander's ear. "Alex, I could call this off if you want."

Alexander's face spun towards Marcus's, fire still in his eyes. "No sir." he said softly but angrily, "I can do this."

"Well, if you are sure..." Marcus said as he turned and continued eating.

News of the upcoming archery duel quickly spread and before long, numerous solders were coming over to wish both of them good luck.

"Ok Alex, let's go ahead and get the day planned out." Marcus said taking a drink of juice.

Alexander pulled out a blank scroll and started to map out the day's agenda. When done, Marcus also had him write out a few orders for him to deliver.

"Have these delivered promptly, that second one is going to precede our trip to Sparta." Marcus said as he stood.

"Yes sir" Alexander said nodding. He then looked at Parmenion and glared.

Parmenion looked up at him and smiled. "I'll see you in the yard after your deliveries pageboy."

Alexander turned and stormed off. He walked out of the hall and spent part of the morning delivering certain orders to different troop commanders, ferrying communications between them and finally delivering the last scroll to the head of the stables. Walking across the yard he saw various groups of soldiers engaged in sword training with wooden swords and then he saw a small group setting up bales of straw against the far wall.

"Hey Alex" a soldier called. "Good luck today"

Alexander managed to smile and waved as he walked toward his quarters. Walking in, he saw Marcus at his desk.

"Ah Alex, there you are" said Marcus still writing on a scroll. "I have one more delivery for you to make." He handed out a scroll. "After delivering that you can have the rest of the morning off."

Alexander smiled at him. "Thanks Marcus. I will see you in the hall for lunch then." He then took off to make his delivery. It was to the cook, requesting a certain type of meal to be made for tonight. Walking out of the kitchens he stopped to enjoy the late morning air. He walked along the perimeter of the wall and up a ramp leading to the top.

The wall was a ten foot earthen embankment that surrounded the entire outpost. He sat down and brought his knees up. Resting his chin on his knees he watched the soldiers train. He then looked skyward and saw a flock of birds fly overhead. It was a warm spring day, mostly clear skies with a few puffy clouds. He sighed as he watched the birds fly into the distance.

Hey Anteros. he thought-sent to his brother.

Eros! How are you doing? came the reply

I am fine...just missing you and my wings.

I miss you and your wings too came a mirthful reply. Do you have anything to report that I can tell Zeus?

Yes, tell him that we are going to Sparta tomorrow and will eventually end up in Athens at the Council of the Kings. So far everything is going to plan. reported Alexander as he continued to watch a group of soldiers train with wooden swords.

Good, I'll let him know. Now, how are you doing?

I am doing fine, just missing home I guess. It's good to hear you in my head.

Well, I am just a thought away you know. Anytime you want me, I am here.

Thank you. sent Alexander as he sighed.

Love you too. came a wistful reply.


Next: Chapter 6

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