
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Sep 6, 1999


Hi everyone! Here it is, chapters 7-10 of "Escape". For those of you who are itching for some action/controversy, get ready 'cause here it comes! For those of you who still want the love and portrayal of a loving relationship, it's still here too! I want to send a shout out to JM, the author of "Brian and Justin". I don't know if he is reading this, but I wanted to say that his story is the biggest inspiration for me. Someday I hope to have just a fraction of his talent. If you haven't read "Brian and Justin", do so. It's worth it. Well that's all for me. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is a story. It in no way implies that any of the characters mentioned are gay in real life(well besides Stephen Gatley). It is fiction. Blah, blah, blah.

Escape chapters 7-10

Chapter 7

AJ climbed out of bed, unable to sleep again. Kevin didn't even stir. He threw a T-shirt on and walked out of the bedroom. AJ had been at Marilyn's house enough that he knew where he was going. AJ hadn't been able to sleep since they got here. He was uncomfortable with the situation, knowing the history between Kevin and Marilyn.

AJ wandered into the kitchen, lost in thought, and flipped on the light switch.


Nick and Allie flew apart at the sound of AJ's voice. Both of them looked at the ground, reluctant to meet AJ's gaze.

"Umm...hi AJ. It's not what it looks like."

"Okay, so you weren't kissing Allie despite the fact you both have been told not to until she's 18."

"I guess it was what it looked like."

"You aren't going to tell my father are you AJ?" Allie asked, worried about the repercussions. AJ shook his head.

"No Allie, I won't. You guys have to be more careful. What if I had been someone else?"

"Well Twiggy caught us once in his playroom when we were playing Nintendo, but he was high, so we told him he was hallucinating."

AJ began to laugh despite himself. Nick and Allie joined in as well.

"It's not nice to trick Twiggy when he is high. You two go back to bed. It's late and Allie had school tomorrow."

They both hugged AJ, thanking him for being so understanding. They started out the door holding hands.

"Separate rooms you two!" AJ shook his head. He tended to be a lot more lenient on Nick then Kevin was. If Kevin had caught them, he would have definitely told Mikel, not to mention chewed Nick out and sent him home. As far as AJ was concerned, it wasn't their place to interfere in Nick and Allie's lives. They were engaged to be married. It wasn't their fault she was still too young. Only a father really had a say in any of this and Kevin was not Nick's father.

AJ began to rummage through the liquor cabinet looking for some scotch. He sighed. He must have finished the last bottle last night when he couldn't sleep. He reached for the Jack Daniels instead. Things had been going well until they had gotten to Marilyn's. AJ had figured that he wouldn't be forced to spend to much time around him. Instead, Marilyn had been home everyday, spending as much time with Kevin as possible. Mikel had been holed up in his room, writing, so AJ couldn't even talk to him. He had been spending all his time with Nick and Twiggy. If he played any more Nintendo he was going to kill someone. Once Allie came home, Nick split to be with her and AJ was stuck alone with Twiggy. And he could only take so much of Twiggy.

He liked Marilyn as a person, but had a problem with the fact that he was Kevin's ex-boyfriend and they were still so close. AJ had long ago accepted that Kevin still loved Marilyn, but would never be with him again. They hadn't broken up because they fell out of love. They had broken up for their careers. They talked at least once a month and helped each other over tough periods. Sometimes AJ wondered if he was the second choice. Kevin couldn't be with Marilyn, so he was with him. Ah, screw it. He would just get through the next few days. Then he wouldn't have to see Marilyn for a long time.

AJ slowly returned to reality and realized he had almost finished half the bottle. He didn't even care. He poured himself another shot then put the cap back on the bottle. AJ tried to stand, but found he couldn't. He was suddenly very sleepy. AJ put his head on the counter and passed out. That was how Kevin found him the next morning.

'Shit not again.' Kevin thought as he walked into the kitchen. AJ was face down on the counter, his hand still wrapped around a shot glass. Kevin picked up the bottle of Jack Daniels and threw it against the wall. He was so sick of this. This was the third night in a row he had found AJ passed out somewhere in the house.

Frustrated, he lifted AJ up and carried him back to the bedroom. AJ was limp in his arms. He dropped him on the bed and just left him there. Kevin needed to get out. He put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He was just lacing up his shoes when there was a knock on the door.

"Kevin are you awake?" Allie peeked her head in the door.

"Yeah Allie. I was just about to go for a run. I'll clean the kitchen up later. I just need to get away right now."

"You can't go anywhere Kevin. The house is surrounded by reporters. I have no clue what is going on. I can't even get to my car to go to school."

Kevin's mouth was dry and his mind was racing. What the hell was going on? Had Marilyn done something? Maybe Twiggy had been arrested again and no one had told him? No one knew he and AJ were here and he wanted to keep it that way. The association with Marilyn Manson was a tenuous one for the band and he didn't want the fans finding out. He stood up, shaking, and walked into the living room.

Nick, Marilyn, and Mikel were sitting on the couch talking quietly. Marilyn was on the phone, talking to someone. Nick got up quickly and hugged Kevin. Marilyn handed the phone to Mikel, who took over the conversation.

"What's going on? Allie told me there were reporters everywhere. Did Twiggy get arrested or something? Something wrong with the tour?"

"Kevin sit down. Is AJ awake yet?"

Kevin shook his head. "He's really tired. He couldn't sleep last night." He lied through his teeth. None of them knew AJ had been drinking again.

Marilyn grabbed Kevin's hand and squeezed. "Boo, I don't know how to tell you this, but the reporters are looking for you and AJ. For once this isn't for any of us."

Kevin just looked at Marilyn, not registering what he was saying. Nick took Kevin's face in his hands.

"Someone must have taken pictures of you and AJ while you were at the concert in Philly. They are everywhere."

Kevin pushed Nick away, shaking his head in disbelief. He stood up and began to pace.

"No, no! It's not true. You are all lying to me! NO!" Nick jumped up and grabbed Kevin, holding him tightly.

"'s going to be okay Kevin. Everything will be fine." Kevin broke down and began to sob on Nick's shoulder. "It is true isn't it. It's all over. We're finished."

Nick guided him over to the couch. Mikel stood up, still talking to someone on the phone. Marilyn put his arms around Kevin as well.

"Your not finished Boo. You and AJ will get through this and so will the band. I got through it. Your much stronger then I am. It will all be okay."

Kevin shook his head, still sobbing. "It's all over. It's all over." He cried uncontrollably.

"I just got off the phone with Marilyn's management. They are sending some people over to get rid of the reporters. I'm going to go talk to your management now. Nick just try to keep him away from the windows. Allie honey, could you go wake Twiggy and AJ for me? Judging by the kitchen and the bathroom next to Twiggy's room, they both are going to be pretty hung over. Marilyn I want you to call Howie and get him out here as quick as possible. And see if he can get in touch with Brian in Australia."

Mikel had taken charge of everything, leaving the job of comforting Kevin and soon AJ to everyone else. He had learned well over the past few years how to handle crisis situations. Dating a rock star with a very quick temper and a penchant for the dramatic had taught him well.

Marilyn kissed him and headed into the kitchen to get another phone. Allie headed back down the hallway to Twiggy's room and then AJ's. Nick just rocked Kevin, holding him tightly and telling him it would be okay. Kevin hadn't even noticed that Mikel knew AJ was hungover.

Allie crept into AJ and Kevin's room quietly. She had woken Twiggy with no incident. He hadn't gotten that stoned the night before. She could tell just by looking at AJ that it was not going to be easy to wake him. She pulled her long, black hair back, preparing herself for a fight.

Allie lifted AJ up from where Kevin had dropped him. He was heavy, dead-weight on her small 5'2" frame. She had him sitting up, his head dropping.

"AJ. AJ. It's time to wake up." She lifted his face up, opening his eyes with her fingers. He blinked fast, then shut his eyes again. She peeled them back open. He groaned loudly.

"Shut the blinds." He whispered, his voice a low rasp. Allie got up and shut the blinds, blocking the sun that was filtering in. She sat back on the bed and opened AJ's eyes for him again. This time she saw them swim into focus and look directly at her.

"There you go. It's not so bad is it. You gotta' get up now AJ. Kevin needs you."

He blinked again, this time not closing his eyes. He shifted his position on the bed, struggling to get up. Allie draped his arm over her shoulder and tried to lift him.

"Here let me help." Twiggy walked into the room and lifted AJ up. He had been quickly briefed by Allie when she had woken him up. He carried AJ into the bathroom and sat him on the toilet.

"I'll take care of him okay Allie. You just wait outside." Twiggy shut the door. He turned to look at AJ. This was the first time he had ever been on this end of a waking up. Usually he was the one who was hungover and needed to be woken up quickly.

He turned the shower on cold and took off AJ's clothes. He directed the still very woozy AJ into the shower.

"AHHH!" AJ jumped out of the shower, wide-awake and freezing. "What are you trying to do Twiggy? Kill me?" Twiggy handed him a towel.

"Your awake aren't you. Here wash your face and brush your teeth. You look like hell. And hurry up. Some nasty shit is going down and you need to get moving on it."

AJ did as he was told, hurrying as fast as he could considering he felt like his head was going to explode. Twiggy handed him the clothes he had slept in and a couple of aspirin. AJ threw them back on, swallowed the aspirin and followed Twiggy out of the bathroom. Allie was still sitting on the bed waiting for them. The three of them walked out of the bedroom, Twiggy keeping his hand on AJ's shoulder to guide him.

AJ walked into the living room and saw Kevin crying on Nick's shoulder. He sobered up immediately and ran over to Kevin. He pulled him away from Nick, holding him tightly.

"Kevin, what's the matter? Talk to me baby. Kev, Kev?" Kevin just shook his head and held onto AJ tightly. AJ looked around at the group assembled around them.

"What the hell is going on?" No one said anything. AJ just got more and more frustrated as Kevin remained unresponsive. "Tell me now!" Kevin lifted his tear-stained face and looked at AJ.

"Pictures. They know. Tori. AJ it's over. Reporters everywhere." AJ drew in a sharp breath, instantly knowing what Kevin had said so brokenly. He hugged Kevin close, whispering repeatedly. "It'll be fine. Everything will be okay."

No one said a word, watching Kevin and AJ silently. AJ calmed Kevin, keeping his cool. He knew that getting upset wasn't going to help the situation. He needed to be strong for Kevin.

"Can someone get me a glass of water and a wet towel?" AJ asked, his voice shaking slightly, betraying the fear he felt. Twiggy nodded and headed into the kitchen. "Nick, did someone call Howie and Brian?"

"I did. Howie is flying out here on the next flight. He is getting in touch with Brian. He's also going to call your mothers and see if they can get here too." Marilyn spoke fast, trying to hide his nervousness and fear. Mikel put his arms around Marilyn holding him close. Twiggy returned and handed the water and towel to AJ. He began to wipe the tears off Kevin's face, kissing him lightly at the same time.

"I talked to your management AJ. Once everyone is assembled here, they want to make a statement of support regarding you and Kevin's relationship. They said since everyone knows now, why try and hide it again. Oh Allie, I also called your school to tell them you were going to be late."

Allie made a face. "Dad do I have to go? I don't feel like being followed by reporters all day." Mikel nodded. "You have to go. Twiggy is going to get you to the car and make a statement to the press about staying away from you. So go get ready to go."

"Can't Nick take me instead?" Mikel shook his head. "Nick cannot go out there. He will be crucified. You'll be fine with Twiggy."

Allie and Twiggy headed to their bedrooms to get ready.

Back In Orlando

Howie and Ameena were staring at the TV, watching the coverage from in front of Marilyn's house. The phone next to them rang, jolting them out of their blind staring.


"Howie, it's Marilyn. You have to get here now!"

"I know. We are watching it right now. How are Kevin and AJ?"

"Kevin's lost it. Allie just went to wake AJ. He got really drunk last night."

"We'll be there as soon as possible."

"Can you call Brian?"

"Yeah, he needs to get there asap too. And I'll call Denise and Ann ."

"Great. Let me know your flight when you get it and I will have a bodyguard come to get you and bring you here."


Howie stood up and began to tremble. Ameena hugged him and went upstairs. She began to pack two bags, just throwing in clothes, not knowing how long she and Howie were going to be gone. She knew that this was going to get messy before it got better.

Howie dialed up Denise first, filling her in quickly. She had seen the news already. She held herself together pretty well and offered to call Ann for Howie, knowing that she wouldn't take it as well. Kevin was Ann's baby and she tended to be over-protective of him. They agreed to fly out together. Howie hung up with her and took a deep breath. It was time to call Brian.

"Brian, it's Howie."

"Howie, we are coming home. Shelley is calling the airport now."

"Go to LA. We are all re-grouping there."

"We'll be there. Did you talk to either of them?"

"No, just Marilyn. Kevin has apparently lost it and AJ doesn't know yet."

"God, I wish I was with him. Did someone call their parents?"

"Yeah I did. Denise is calling your aunt and they are going to fly out their as well. I still have to call management. Should I call anyone else?"

"Probably just Justine and Madeline. They are already being hounded. Shelley and I have been watching the news for an hour now and they are outside their house as well. Apparently they were recognized in some of the pictures."

"Okay. See you soon Brian."

"Bye Howie."

In New Zealand

Brian yawned and turned on the TV. He and Shelley had a long day today. His mouth dropped when he saw what was on the TV.

"Oh my God! Shelley come here!" She ran over and sat down next to him. "That's Kevin and AJ. Why are their pictures of Kevin and AJ kissing on TV?" Brian just shook his head, unable to talk. They listened to the reporter as it switched to a live shot.

"We are outside of the home of shock rocker Marilyn Manson right now. It has been rumored that Kevin Richardson and AJ McLean of the boyband The Backstreet Boys are hiding out inside. Yesterday some shocking pictures of the two were released to the public by an unknown source. These pictures have created a large shockwave in the country. Just moments ago, Allison Vasquez, daughter of Mikel Vasquez who is the boyfriend of Marilyn Manson, was escorted to her car by Twiggy Ramirez of the band Marilyn Manson. Miss Vasquez declined to make any comments regarding the situation. Mr. Ramirez did however make a comment regarding Miss Vasquez. He requested that we not follow or hound the minor during the day. Mr. Ramirez also threatened the press regarding our treatment of his car. He then returned inside. No new revelations have been made in the past few minutes. We now go live to Philadelphia where our correspondant Mike Dunn is live outside the house of the two women who were in the pictures with Mr. Richardson and Mr. McLean."

They watched as a shot of Justine and Madeline's house was shown.

"Neither Justine Graham or Madeline Perkins have made any comments regarding the situation. Miss Perkins left earlier to go to work. She did use some choice words as she walked past us. Miss Graham is apparently a long-time friend of Mr. McLean, having grown up with him in Florida. Kevin Richardson and AJ McLean were apparently visiting the two of them last week when these pictures were taken at a Tori Amos concert. We will keep you updated on the situation here. Back to you Nicole."

Brian flipped the station, looking for something different. They were replaying the footage of Allie getting to her car.

"Allison Vasquez is the 17 year-old daughter of Mikel Vasquez, the author and lover of Marilyn Manson. Allison is also rumoured to be the fiancee of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. They have been spotted together over the past week around LA. We can only assume that Nick is inside as well. We have no word from the Boys management. Brian Littrell is apparently vacationing in New Zealand at the moment with his girlfriend Shelley Martin. Howie Dorough and his wife Ameena Dorough are reportedly in Orlando. There has been no word from either of them regarding the shocking pictures of Kevin Richardson and AJ McLean together."

"We have to leave now Shelley. We have to go home." She nodded and picked up the phone, dialing the airport. Brian began to throw everything in bags. His cell phone rang.

"Brian, it's Howie."

"Howie, we are coming home. Shelley is calling the airport now."

"Go to LA. We are all re-grouping there."

"We'll be there. Did you talk to either of them?"

"No, just Marilyn. Kevin has apparently lost it and AJ doesn't know yet."

"God, I wish I was with him. Did someone call their parents?"

"Yeah I did. Denise is calling your aunt and they are going to fly out their as well. I still have to call management. Should I call anyone else?"

"Probably just Justine and Madeline. They are already being hounded. Shelley and I have been watching the news for an hour now and they are outside their house as well. Apparently they were recognized in some of the pictures."

"Okay. See you soon Brian."

"Bye Howie."

Back at Marilyn's

Allie stood before the door, taking a deep breath before facing the reporters. Twiggy stood behind her, ready to push her through the crowd. She opened the door and they headed outside.

"Miss Vasquez, care to comment?" "Miss Vasquez, did you know about Kevin and AJ?" "Allison, are you engaged to Nick Carter?" "Miss Vasquez!" "Miss Vasquez!"

Allie put her head down, trying to block out what was being said. Twiggy put his arm around her and pushed his way through the reporters. Flashbulbs were going off all around them and people were shoving microphones in their faces. Twiggy had been through this before, but Allie had not. They reached her car and Twiggy opened the door for her. She shut the door and rolled up the windows. Allie slowly pulled away, being followed by a few reporters on foot.

Twiggy pushed his way back through the crowd. He stood on the steps and turned to face them.

"Hey, vultures. Over here! Leave Miss Vasquez alone! She is a minor and is trying to go to school. Do not follow her around all day or we will press charges. That's all I have to say except, you touch my car, you all die." He gestured to his car sitting in the driveway.

The reporters began shouting at him again, taking pictures as he turned his back on them and went back inside. Twiggy breathed a sigh of relief as he shut the door. He noticed happily that Kevin had stopped crying and was beginning to talk to AJ in complete sentences. Marilyn and Nick were talking quietly about the situation. Mikel was back on the phone.

"Whose Mikel talking to?" Twiggy asked as he walked over to Marilyn and Nick. "Paul. He's trying to get some bodyguards over here asap. Our management called back and said the media circus is apparently boosting the tickets sales like mad. They don't want to end it yet." Twiggy shook his head. "Assholes. Want to go play Nintendo Nick? We can't do much more right now." Nick nodded.

"AJ, Twiggy and I will be in the playroom if you need us." He hugged both of them and followed Twiggy out. AJ stood up and helped Kevin up. "We are going to go into the bedroom for a bit. We need to talk alone." Marilyn nodded, understanding completely. This whole situation was so similar to what he went through almost 2 years ago when the press caught him with Mikel. He knew how Kevin and AJ were feeling right now.

AJ and Kevin walked through the hallways, clutching each others hands. They passed the white room and decided to go in there. As they stepped into the complete nothingness of the room, they immediatly relaxed. AJ sat down on the couch and motioned for Kevin to join him. Kevin laid his head in AJ's lap, stretching out on the couch.

"Everything really is going to be okay Kevin. Other people have come out and not destroyed their careers. Look at Marilyn for example. It didn't hurt him at all. If anything, he's gotten bigger since coming out."

"Yeah, but he's not a teen heartthrob. Our fan base is girls."

"What about Stephan Gatley of Boyzone? No one freaked when he came out. And look at Lance. He came out a few months ago and 'N Sync are as big as ever."

"AJ, how can you be so calm? Our world was just blown apart. Everyone knows about us. We are freaks."

AJ stiffened up noticably. "We are freaks? Is that how you feel about us Kevin? Freaks. Our love makes us freaks. I don't see it that way Kevin. Last week when you held me in your arms at that concert, I felt so free. We were surrounded by thousands of people and we showed affection for each other. This is a blessing in disguise Kevin."

Kevin sat up and looked in AJ's eyes. "How?" He was numb, staring at AJ.

"I can walk down the street and hold your hand. Or give you a kiss in public. I don't have to hide that I love you anymore. We are free now. Say good-bye to your comfortable closet." He grabbed Kevin's hands and kissed them.

"I don't know AJ. I don't want to be the talk of the world. I don't want people staring at us all the time. I don't see this as a freedom. I see it as just another cage to be trapped in. You just don't understand."

"Your right. I don't understand. I don't have to understand. I know how I see it and I can see that you don't see it that way. So for now, I won't understand and I won't try to change your mind. I'll just love you okay?" Kevin nodded and laid his head on AJ's shoulder, silently crying.

AJ sighed. He wished he could make Kevin see this as he did. Kevin's privacy was very important to him. This was the ultimate violation of his privacy and right now, even AJ couldn't make it better. AJ just decided not to fight with Kevin. He would just support Kevin's feelings until he came around and realized that this was not as big a crisis as he thought. It was inevitable that this was going to happen and AJ was a little relieved that it had happened. The circumstances could have been better, but they also could have been worse.

AJ held Kevin tightly, comforting him the only way he could. He rocked him, stroking his hair and softly whispering to him until he drifted off. AJ was exhausted as well. He still had a pounding headache and had gotten very little sleep. As Kevin slept, blissfully unaware of what was going on, AJ cried. Tears streamed down his face, as he cried silently. He cried for himself and for Kevin. He cried for the past and the future. Mostly he cried for what he had lost, the Kevin Scott Richardson he had loved.

Chapter 8

Howie, Ameena, and Denise sat in silence in the backseat of the car Marilyn had sent for them. They had barely said three words to each other on the flight, each lost in their own thoughts. As they drove up the street Marilyn lived on, they saw the line of vans parked on the street.

"My god. I had no idea it was this bad." Denise said softly, almost in fear of what she was going to find when she finally saw her sons. They were thankful for the dark windows as they drove past the crowds of reporters being held back by the bodyguards Mikel had hired. The car pulled up to the doorway. Two bodyguards came over to join the one that was with them. They ran out of the car amidst flashbulbs popping and people shouting their names. Howie was used to this, but not under these circumstances. The bodyguards pushed them through the door and slammed it behind them once they were inside.

Nick greeted them all with a hug and Allie took their bags.

"Where are AJ and Kevin at? Where are my babies at?" Denise was starting to lose it. Seeing the reporters had set her off.

Nick put his arms around Denise's shoulder.

"Denise, don't fall apart on us. We need to stay strong for Kevin and AJ." She nodded, forcing the tears to stop.

"Can you take me to them Nick? Please?" Nick nodded and led her to the bedroom. Howie and Ameena stayed to talk to Allie and get fully briefed on the situation.

Nick knocked softly on the bedroom door. There was no answer. "AJ, Kevin." He knocked again, louder this time. Still no answer. "They're probably sleeping." Nick tried to comfort Denise, but he was scared himself.

He opened the door and peeked inside.

"AJ? Kevin?" He walked in. They were no where to be seen. He turned to Denise and smiled. "I forgot they went into another room for a change of scenery. Wait here. I'll go get them." Denise nodded and sat down on the bed.

Nick shut the door behind him slowly, then panicking bolted back to the living room.

"They aren't there. Shit! Kevin and AJ aren't in their room! Help me look!"

Allie, Howie, and Ameena snapped into action. They each took a hallway while Nick went to look outside.

Howie opened door after door, using the keys next to the doors. He finally got to the last room, the white room. He looked inside and saw Kevin and AJ asleep on the couch. He let out a sigh of relief and walked inside. He shook AJ's shoulder lightly. AJ's eyes flickered open.

"AJ man, time to wake up. The calvary is here. Well most of it anyway." AJ nodded and shook Kevin. He grunted and rolled back over.

"Kev, time to get moving. Howie's here. Come on wake-up and say hello."

Kevin opened his eyes and looked up. He saw Howie smiling down at him. Kevin shut his eyes again.

"I guess it wasn't a dream then. You wouldn't be here if it was a dream."

Kevin stood up and stretched. "What time is it?"

Howie looked at his watch. "Well it's 10pm back home, so that makes it 7pm here. So who wants to watch the news. I wonder what's happening in the world."

Both Kevin and AJ glared at him, though Howie saw a glint of laughter in AJ's eyes.

"Sorry bad joke. Seriously though, Denise is back in the bedroom. The bodyguards are leaving in about an hour to pick up Ann from the airport. Brian and Shelley should be here in about 8 or 9 hours. He's going to call from the airport."

AJ stared at Howie. "My mommy is here?" Howie looked at AJ in disbelief. AJ never used the word Mommy.

"Of course she is. I called her right after Marilyn called me."

They walked down the hallway, running into Allie on the way. She said she would go find Nick and Ameena and let them know that Kevin and AJ had been found. Allie also promised to call Marilyn and Mikel and let them know that all is okay for now.

In the Bedroom

AJ opened the door, with Kevin close behind. He saw his mother sitting on the bed, wringing her hands together.

"Mommy?" She jumped up and hugged AJ to her with all her strength. The two of them began to cry as they held each other. Kevin watched them intently. AJ hadn't cried yet, as far as he knew. Denise let go of AJ and pulled Kevin towards her. She clutched him to her and continued to sob. Kevin however was out of tears.

Denise let him go and turned back to AJ. She took his face in her hands. "Are you all right baby? I can't believe this is happening to you two sweetheart."

"Mommy, what happened? I woke up this morning and everything had changed. Suddenly everyone knows our secret."

"I know baby, but it's really for the best. You and Kevin don't need to hide anymore."

"Denise, do you think they will stop soon?"

"Of course they will Kevin. This isn't that big of a deal."

Kevin stood up, shaking with anger.

"Not that big of a deal! Jesus Christ Denise! If this isn't that big of a deal, what is!?!"

Kevin was screaming by the time he was finished. He whirled around and stormed out, slamming the door behind him. AJ jumped up to follow him. Denise grabbed his arms, stopping him.

"AJ, let Kevin calm down for a bit."

"Mom, I have to go. Please." He pleaded with her vocally, but mostly the look of despair and love in his eyes made her agree. Denise released her grip on her son's arm and watched as he took off after the man he loved.

"Kevin! Kevin!" AJ called after him. Kevin kept walking, ignoring AJ's shouts. AJ caught up with him, grabbing his arm. Kevin yanked it away.

"Please stop Kevin." AJ pleaded with him.

Kevin's shoulders slumped and he stopped. AJ turned him around and pulled him to his shoulder. Kevin stayed stiff for a moment, and then melted against AJ, crying.

"I feel so trapped Alexander."

"I know Kevin, I do too."

"Why did she say that AJ? This is a big deal. Everything has changed."

"Kev, do you trust all of us?"

Kevin looked at AJ, confused by the question.

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"We have everyone important behind us, our family, our friends, even our label and management. And I guarentee we will have our fans behind us as well. But even if we don't, it's been a fun ride so far. Maybe it's time for it to end and all of us to go our separate ways musically."

Kevin was shocked at what AJ had said.

"We are not going to break up over this. The band will stick together and we will triumph. We've gotten past every hurdle we've faced together and we will get past this together AJ. Everything will be fine."

AJ's face broke out in a big smile. Kevin slowly realized AJ had tricked him into realizing that everything was going to be fine. He grabbed AJ and pulled him close to him.

"You are such a little fink Alexander James McLean. Thank you."

"Do you want to go swimming? We can tell the bodyguards to keep everyone away and get some time outside. We've been trapped in this weird house all day. I'm sure everyone would love to go for a swim."

Kevin smiled and nodded his head. "I'm not following pool rules though. There is no way in hell I am skinny-dipping in front of our mothers."


They both laughed and went to find everyone else.

Chapter 9

Brian grabbed Howie's hand, holding it tightly. They all lowered their heads and waited for Brian to begin.

"Oh Lord, please give us strength, especially Kevin and AJ, as we face our greatest battle. Let us be strong in our beliefs and our support of Kevin and AJ. And Lord, let us be strong in our belief in you and your ability to love and forgive. Amen."

They all echoed Brian's amen and dropped hands. Kevin pulled AJ to him, holding him closely. They were about to be thrown into the lion's pit. Their manager was outside right now, giving a statement regarding conduct during the press conference.

"Can we do this AJ? Can we really get through this?" Kevin whispered into AJ's ear. AJ nodded. "We can do anything together." Kevin kissed him softly, relaying his love through his kiss.

"Are you two ready?" Brian stood before Kevin and AJ with a scared expression on his face. "No, but we'll do it anyway."

The five of them took deep breaths and walked through the doors. They were immediately blinded by cameras and deafened by the screaming reporters. Finding their way to the chairs set out, first Nick, then Brian, Kevin, AJ, and finally Howie, sat down ready to face the truth.

"If you would all please quiet down, we will answer questions at a later portion of the conference." Brian addressed the reporters, who sat back down and quieted significantly.

Kevin took a deep breath and looked at AJ. He saw only love there.

"I would like to start this off by saying I'm sorry. This was not the way any of us anticipated this to come out. AJ McLean and I have been in a loving, committed relationship for the past four years. We were on vacation together when these pictures were taken and when these pictures were released. These pictures are not doctored. They are genuine pictures."

The reporters were silent as Kevin stopped talking. Brian decided to jump in then.

"As a band, we have been through a lot together. Nothing matches these past few days. Kevin and AJ have been crucified and put on display for the world to see just because they love each other. All of us have supported Kevin and AJ from the beginning and will not stop now. We are a family and will stand behind our brothers."

"The band will now field questions, but remember the guidelines mentioned at the beginning of the press conference."

"Mr. McLean, how do you feel about lying to your fans all these years?"

AJ leaned forward. "Kevin and I never lied to our fans. We just did not offer up the whole story."

"You never told your fans you were gay. I would call that lying."

"In all due respect sir, we never said we were straight either."

"Kevin, is AJ the only man you have been with?"

"My past relationships have no bearing on this present situation."

"Do you think your fans will support you now that they know Kevin and AJ are gay?"

"Our fans have been wonderful to us always. We have no reason to believe that they will not continue to support the band." Howie answered for them.

"Why were you at the home of Marilyn Manson? What is your relationship with him?"

Kevin looked at all the guys. He could see Allie standing off to the side, hiding behind Denise. Brian barely nodded his head towards Kevin, indicating he should take this one.

"Marilyn and I became friends years ago when we both were in Florida. We have continued our friendship over the years. AJ and I, as well as the rest of the band, were invited to the opening concert for his new tour. His lover, Mikel Vasquez asked us to stay with them."

"Mr. Carter, are you engaged to Allison Vasquez?"

"Allison and I are friends right now."

"Nick, what do you mean by that? Could it be more later? Is this because she is underage?"

Nick could see Allison squirm all the way across the room. Ann had her arms around her and was talking to her.

"I decline to answer any more questions regarding my relationship with Miss Vasquez as I have already answered the question once."

"Kevin, is this the end of the Backstreet Boys?"

Kevin shook his head firmly.

"No, we do not plan on breaking up anytime soon. The band is bigger then each individual person. Alone, we are just ordinary people. Together, we are the Backstreet Boys. This will not end because AJ and I have been so rudely outed."

"Do you know the person who took the pictures?"

"No we do not, but I hope they are feeling very guilty for all the pain they have caused us."

"Did you still go to Mr. Manson's concert last night?"

"Though I do not know the relivance of the particular question, I will answer. Yes we did and we all enjoyed the show very much. Marilyn is a great performer."

"Kevin, do you feel betrayed by the public?"

"No, I feel betrayed by the press. You are heartless individuals only looking to further your own careers at the expense of another human being."

"May God have mercy on your souls." Brian added in.

"And may you be reincarnated as the slugs you are." Nick answered angrily.

"Kevin, have you ever purchased sex with other men?"

Their manager stood up and glared at the reporter.

"This press conference is over."

AJ stood up, mad at everyone who was grilling Kevin especially. He reached over and grabbed Kevin's hand. They walked out hand-in-hand followed by the rest of the band.

Kevin was breathing heavily, unable to calm down. AJ rubbed his back, while the other three looked on.

"What the hell was that last question?" Kevin muttered.

"I have no idea, but it doesn't matter. It's over. We got through the press conference." AJ hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go.

Kevin nodded. "We did didn't we." Kevin smiled happily. "So now what?"

The Boys manager, Steve Hopkins walked over to Kevin and AJ. "I think you guys might want to turn on the TV. Put on MTV."

Kevin shook his head, but AJ leaned forward and flipped on the TV. Everyone crowded around to watch. Nick cuddled with Allie on the couch while watching. Howie had his arms around Ameena. Brian and Shelley were holding hands.

"We are live in Times Square. The live BSB press conference was just aired. We wanted to show the world and the Backstreet Boys if they are watching, the response of their fans."

The camera panned back and showed hundreds of people screaming. Signs were everywhere, people were hugging each other.

"What do you think of the Backstreet Boys now that Kevin and AJ have revealed their relationship?" The reporter held a microphone in front of three girls wearing BSB shirts.

"No big deal. They are still the same guys they were before all this."

"It's pretty cool. They're in love. It's so sweet."

"Kevin and AJ are just people. They even said that. We should let them live their lives without being judgemental. This changes how I feel about them yes. Now I have more respect for them. They were big enough to face the truth in front of the whole world."

Kevin hugged AJ, tears in his eyes. Everyone was laughing and hugging each other in the room.

The camera jumped back and forth between signs fans had made.

"We love you Kevin and AJ"

"Kevin and AJ forever"

"Go BSB"

"We love you"

"Congratulations Kevin and AJ"

"Love is all you need"

"Your a lucky guy AJ"

"Kevin has the best guy "

The reported stood in front of another group of fans.

"We wish Kevin and AJ the best of luck. And we can't wait to see all of the Boys when they tour again! They all rock!"

"So what, they're gay. A lot of people are gay. They are still awesome performers."

"I love the Backstreet Boys! Go guys! Keepin it real!"

"If I can't have Kevin, I'm glad that AJ got him."

"So there you have it. The response is overwhelmingly positive. All of us wish Kevin Richardson and AJ McLean many more years of love and happiness. We only have one more question: When is the joint BSB/Marilyn Manson tour going to take place?"

Steve leaned forward and shut off the TV. Kevin and AJ were silent, holding each other tightly, lost in their own world.

The sound grew dim. The guys were still cheering, but Kevin couldn't hear them anymore. All he could hear was AJ's breathing and his own heart beating. He leaned over and kissed AJ softly on the lips. AJ responded, pulling Kevin closer for more. The world disappeared as they lost themselves in each others lips and souls. AJ broke away and stared into Kevin's eyes, searching for the answer to his unspoken question.

Kevin whispered, barely moving his lips, inaudible to anyone but AJ. "Forever Alexander." They both let the tears slip out, crying for the sheer happiness of the moment and for the love that had been restored by their faith in each other.

Brian grabbed Kevin and hugged him tight, snapping both him and AJ out of their silent bond. "You guys did it! I am so proud of you." AJ smiled at him.

"You did pretty good yourself Rok. Thank you."

"Anything for you guys."

Howie was practically bouncing up and down. He and Nick joined hands and spun around in a circle. Allie and Ameena just stood off to the side and laughed.

"We have to go celebrate!" Nick screamed loudly. He grabbed Allie and spun her around.

Kevin stared into AJ's eyes for a second. He nodded, knowing what AJ was saying to him.

"AJ and I are going to celebrate alone. We don't really feel up to a public appearance right now."

Allie whispered into Nick's ear. He nodded and whispered into Howie's ear. It was then passed along to Brian, who also nodded. Allie walked over to Kevin and AJ.

"Hey, since Dad and Marilyn are gone, the apartment is empty."

"Apartment?" She nodded. "Dad has kept his apartment all these years for when him and Marilyn just need to escape. Here." She handed Kevin a key. "It's yours for as long as you want to use it. Just don't let Mr. Stills know you are there or else he will be over every morning."

AJ hugged Allie tightly. "Thank you Allie." She blushed. "Don't mention it. I owe you one anyway AJ." She dropped her voice low, so only he could hear the last part.

"So what are we doing guys?" Nick, Howie, and Brian turned to look at Ameena, who asked the question.

"Food!" All three of them answered at once.

"Well, if it's okay, Ann and I are going to go back to our hotel rooms and have an early night. We have early flights." Denise informed everyone.

"That's cool. But are you sure you won't join us for dinner at least?" Brian asked politely. His aunt came up behind him and hugged him. "Brian boy, I've seen the three of you eat before, and it's not a pretty sight. We'll pass." Everyone began to laugh at her comment.

"Thanks Aunt Ann." She ruffled his hair, laughing.

"Allison, make sure you label the food in your house that's okay for Nickolas here to eat. Or else you won't have anything left." Denise said jokingly. Nick stuck his tongue out at her.

"Don't worry Denise, we already do that with Ginger. I'll just add another name." She hugged Nick tightly.

"Okay we will see you jokers later. Have fun and be careful!"

They walked over to Kevin and AJ, who were sitting by themselves quietly talking.

"We're going to go call it a day." Denise sat down next to AJ and Ann sat next to Kevin.

"I love you Mom, thanks for being here for us." Kevin hugged Ann tightly. "Your my baby and AJ is my baby's boyfriend. How could I not be here?"

Denise kissed AJ on the cheek. "You be good okay boy, or else I am going to fly right back and whoop your sorry ass." AJ grinned. "I love you AJ." He hugged her tight. "I love you too Mom."

She turned to Kevin and hugged him. "Make sure AJ is good okay. And make sure he eats right. He's getting too thin for my liking." Kevin chuckled. "Always the mother aren't you Denise. I'll take good care of him." "I know you will."

AJ hugged Ann tightly. "Thank you Ann. I know this must have been hard on you."

"Despite my reluctance to accept Kevin's homosexuality, I could not accept the whole world treating him like dirt because of it. I do love you and care about you AJ. You are my son-in-law, sort of. And I protect my own."

Tears formed in AJ's eyes. Ann had never referred to him as one of her own. He had always just been Kevin's boyfriend, not really a part of the family. She had finally taken that leap and decided to fully accept his and Kevin's relationship.

Denise and Ann said their final goodbyes. Shortly afterwards, AJ and Kevin excused themselves after getting directions from Allie.

Chapter 10

Kevin turned the key in the door and pushed it open. AJ began to follow him in, but was stopped by Kevin. He was swept into Kevin's arms and carried over the threshold, so to speak. AJ rested his head on Kevin's shoulder and let him do it.

Kevin found the bedroom door and pushed it open. He placed AJ on the bed and sat down next to him.

"So this is where Marilyn and Mikel escape? I can tell this was Mikel's place. It's too normal to be Marilyn's. Well except for that picture over there." AJ grinned. Kevin put his finger to AJ's lips.

"I don't want to talk about them. This is us time. Let's talk about us."

AJ shook his head. "I really need a shower. Or maybe a bath. I wonder how big the tub is?" AJ got up and walked into the adjoining bathroom. "Kevin, come look at this."

Kevin joined him in the bathroom. His jaw dropped as well. "I would have to say they did a little remodeling in here." One whole corner of the bathroom was a huge tub, big enough to fit at least four people comfortably. AJ turned the water on and began to look for bubble bath.

"So do you want to join me in the tub sexy?" AJ gave Kevin a silly come-hither look. Kevin burst out laughing. "Oh so I make you laugh." Kevin wrapped his arms around AJ.

"That's part of the reason I fell in love with you."

"When did you fall in love with me Kevin?" He began to take off Kevin's shirt, unbuttoning it slowly. He pulled it off of him, dropping it to the floor. Kevin pulled AJ's shirt over his head.

"Do you remember that night on the bus you and I stayed up all night taking care of the other three when they had the flu?" AJ nodded, slipping Kevin's pants off. "You had just ended it with Marilyn about two months earlier. You were still pining over him."

"I was a royal pain in the ass wasn't I." AJ nodded, taking Kevin's hand and leading him to the tub. "Then one day it changed. You stopped being an ogre." Kevin nodded, stepping into the tub.

"It's was 3:52 am and we had just finished dragging Brian back into his bunk after he had thrown up for the millionth time. Your hair was all messed up and you looked like complete shit. There was throw-up on your shirt and your pants were ripped from when Nick tore them while he was throwing up. I couldn't stop staring at you. And you turned to look at me and gave me a crooked little smile, despite how exhausted you were. I knew right then and there that I loved you."

AJ leaned back against Kevin's chest. He felt Kevin's arms encircle his body, holding him close. The hot water relaxed both of them.

"You fell in love with me that night? That night was pure hell."

"I know. You were the only thing that kept me together." AJ turned and kissed Kevin softly. He ran his fingers through his hair. "You are so cute Kevin." He blushed and looked away from AJ.

"I love your cute ears." He kissed them each. "Your cute jaw." "Your cute eyes." Kevin shut his eyes and AJ kissed his eyelids lightly. He continuted to name body parts, kissing each one. "Your cute nose, eyebrows, cheekbones, lips, chin, neck." Kevin moaned as AJ began to kiss his neck.

AJ licked slowly around Kevin's jawline, pausing to suck and nibble his earlobes. He could feel Kevin harden against his stomach. He ran his hands down Kevin's chest, caressing the muscles he felt. AJ returned to Kevin's lips, running his tongue over his lips, tracing every contour.

Kevin smiled when he felt AJ's tongue. He opened his mouth and caught it between his lips. He sucked softly on it, pulling AJ closer to him. Their tongues danced in each others mouths.

AJ pulled away. "Kevin?" Kevin stroked AJ's cheek softly.

"Yes baby?"

"I want you to make love to me." Kevin stared deeply into AJ's eyes. He very rarely asked Kevin to make love to him. AJ had never really enjoyed being on that end and only asked when he really wanted it. Kevin on the other hand loved it. But it was even more special when AJ asked him to make love to him.

"Are you sure Alexander?" AJ nodded and kissed Kevin, reaching down to stroke his hard cock. Kevin ran his hands down AJ's back, resting them on top of his firm ass. He kneaded AJ's ass as their kissing became more and more passionate.

Kevin pulled away, gasping for breath. "Where do you want to do it?" "The bed." AJ stood up and stepped out of the tub. He reached for Kevin's hand and helped him out. They kissed their way to the bed.

Kevin laid AJ down, climbing on top of him, pressing his body close. He kissed him softly on the lips. He ran his hands down AJ's side, tickling him slightly, making him squirm. Kevin traced the 69 tattooed around AJ's bellybutton. He leaned over and kissed it, blowing on AJ's bellybutton. AJ groaned as he slid his hands down further, brushing against his pelvic bones.

Kevin kissed his way down AJ's body, tracing the smooth muscles with his lips. His hands slid down AJ's inner thighs, tickling him again, making him even harder. By the time Kevin reached AJ's hard cock, he was dripping precum.

He ran his finger over the head of AJ's cock, using the precum as lube. He licked up and down AJ's cock, swirling his tongue around the head. AJ moaned loudly, causing Kevin to increase his actions.

"Kevin, I'm ready." AJ said breathing heavily. Kevin nodded. He began to go through the bedside table next to him. "Mikel has got to have some lube around here somewhere. Marilyn refuses to have sex without lube." Kevin muttered. AJ stiffened slightly at the fact Kevin said that. Of course Kevin would know though and he had told AJ in the past whenever AJ asked. This was just not the right time.

Kevin squirted some lube in his hand and rubbed it on his hard cock. He lowered his face to AJ's ass and began to tongue the crack. AJ squirmed at the feeling, moaning loudly. Kevin got him good and wet with his tongue. He carefully worked a well-lubed finger into AJ's ass. He felt AJ clamp down, pulling him in further.

"I guess you are ready, aren't you." AJ nodded and pulled Kevin in for a kiss. He could feel the head of Kevin's cock against his asshole. Kevin's lips never left his as he slowly pushed his cock into AJ. He knew the signals AJ sent when he was ready for more. Kevin waited until he felt the pressure on his lips increase. He began to thrust slightly, withdrawing his cock a little then thrusting back in.

AJ released Kevin's lips and began to move along with Kevin. He reached up and grabbed Kevin's ass, pulling him closer to him.

"Fuck me Kevin. Fuck me hard." Kevin obliged, thrusting in and out of AJ quickly. AJ's cock was trapped between their thrusting bodies, rubbing up and down against Kevin's hard abs. Between that and the pressure on his prostate, AJ couldn't hold out long. He approached orgasm quickly, screaming loudly, calling Kevin's name out as he came.

Kevin shouted as well as he came from the combination of AJ's orgasm and his tight ass clamping down on Kevin's cock. AJ pulled him down, shoving his tongue down Kevin's throat. He held him tightly, their sweat mingling with his cum. Kevin withdrew his cock from AJ's ass and laid next to him. He traced AJ's chest with his finger as he looked down at the beautiful man he loved. They stared at each other, allowing themselves to come down from orgasmic rushes before speaking.

"You never told me when you feel in love with me." AJ smiled and looked at him. He brushed a bit of hair out of Kevin's eyes. "You need a haircut beautiful." "I know."

"Two days after I found out I had gotten the gig as a Backstreet Boy, they got me, Howie, and Nick together. They thought it would be a good idea for us to go pick up the other two from the airport. We were told a little about you and Brian and showed pictures of you two. I remember looking at your picture and feeling something I had never felt before. I sensed some sort of connection just looking at the picture."

AJ kissed Kevin softly before he went on.

"So we went to the airport and stood around waiting for your flight and getting to know each other. Nick pointed towards the gate and I turned to look. I swear everything went into slow motion when I saw you. There was music, bells, angels, everything. You had this smile on your face when you recognized us. That was it. I shook your hand and stared into your eyes and was gone. I fell for you then."

Tears glistened in Kevin's eyes. "I wish I had known AJ. You never said anything even as you watched me with Marilyn. You must have been dying inside. I know I would be watching you with someone else."

AJ nodded. "I was, but I came to realize that you being happy was just as important as me being with you. If you were happy with Marilyn, so be it. Needless to say I was shocked that night on the beach." Kevin smiled.

"When I leaned over and kissed you."

"Yup. You completed me Kevin. Just ask Howie, he listened to me complain for years about how I would never get a chance with you."

"So that's why he was so happy when he found out. He didn't have to listen to you complain."

"I love you Kevin. I always will." He hugged Kevin tightly.

"I will never leave you AJ. We've gotten through everything together now. I love you Alexander."

The two of them drifted off, only to be woken up by a cat meowing in their ear. Giggling, they made room for Millie on the pillow and went back to sleep.

To be continued...

Okay I really hope you guys like this one. It was hard to write. I didn't know how to tackle this part of Kevin and AJ's story. I hope it worked. E-mail me with thoughts, ideas, criticsm, whatever. Just e-mail me to tell me your bored if you want. I love mail!

Next: Chapter 4: Escape 11 14

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