Eta Theta Nu Omega

By Jonathan

Published on Nov 12, 2006


Well, everyone. It's been a while since I wrote any more. This is partially because I've had interesting developments at work; and partially because I've not been quite sure what to write next. Anyway, here are three more chapters for you.



Chapter 10 - A Week Later

After meeting Edward, and becoming a fully official member of ETNU, I moved into the house. Because of my horniness count, as I was starting to call it, I bunked in with Tommy until all of the other possible initiates were screened for entrance that year. I didn't complain; neither did Tommy.

I think it was about six days after I had been brought up in front of the committee, and then became a member, that Edward (ETNU himself) found me reading in the common room in my boxer-briefs. I glanced up over the top of the magazine, and grinned, as he was wearing just a pair of surf shorts nice and low. "Jayce, you're not out fucking someone? You feeling alright?"

He sat down on the edge of the couch, grinning. "Already done that today," I said, grinning in response, and dropping the magazine down on top of a pizza box.

"When? It's only nine?"

"I was up at four..."

"You do remind me of me."

"What can I do for you Edward?"

"Well, we have another initiate who is just about to enter into his fourth and final test."

"What's his count like?"

"Right now he's sitting at 328 of 500."

"Not bad, from what I can tell."

"Not bad at all. He's cute, long black hair, about 5-foot nine, and has a nice little bit of stubble growing on him."

"Damn, Edward, you know me too well," I said, as I adjusted my cock. He knew I had a thing for long hair...the stubble helped too.

"I know. Anyway, we need someone to test him, and traditionally we get a senior brother to do the final test, but we voted and thought that since you haven't been getting enough sex," he said smirking, "that you should have a go at the final test."

"Really! Cool. What's the test?"

"Well, his name's Scotty and he's always had a thing for guys in suits. Mostly shirts and ties, but the suit's a fun way to do it."

"So what do I do? Just wear a suit and have sex with him, or what?"

"A little more complicated then that. Yes you will wear a suit, he's been given the same instructions, but those are the only instructions. You remember how it was with you and Bobby, and how he led you into the situation?"

"Yeah. I've got to do the same for Scotty."

"Right. He's going to be at the Faculty club tonight for a reception."

"What's his last name?"


"Because, if this is being set up at the Faculty club, the only way a freshman get's invited is if he's related to a member, or a former member, of the faculty."

"Good reasoning. His last name's Wilson."

"As in Richard Wilson? The President of the University?"

"Right in one...and before you say anything, his father doesn't know what we really are. You've read the public frat constitution."


"That's what he thinks it is. He's never been a member."

"I assumed not. Okay. So, I'm wearing my suit at the Faculty club tonight, and I'm, what? Going to seduce little Scotty Wilson in front of his father?"

Edward grinned. "Something like that. We've managed to get you invited to the drinks reception before the dinner. Scotty will be there, but he's not staying for the dinner."

"Does he know the test will happen tonight?"

"No. That's one thing you didn't get to experience. The level four test is a surprise test. We tell you that it will happen on a certain day, or days, and you need to be prepared."

"But if you know the reasoning behind the initial meeting, and the description of one's 'vices' then you can determine which test it will be."

Edward smiled. "Damn, Jayce. You had it figured out quickly didn't you?"

"Yeah, I guess. I know very few figure out that when they meet with TJ, and he reels off information about you, that he's actually telling you what you need to watch for, and what the tests will be. I will say though, I sort of wish that you'd made me go through all four tests."


"I was looking forward to the skateboarding test...I'm assuming that was why BJ was there that morning."

"Yeah, it was. And he's said that he's disappointed that you and he haven't fucked yet."

"Aw. Poor kid. I guess I'll have to rectify that sometime soon."

"He'll be here for homecoming tomorrow. He's bunking in with his brother."


"No. Actually, it's Chris, the guy who opened the door to the committee room. I think he was sitting on BJ's lap a week ago."

"They're brothers?"

"Yeah, Chris is a special brother; and BJ is...well, just special."


"They were born in the ETNU house."


"It's a long story, for some other time. I'm sure they would love to tell it to you."

"Alright," getting the hint, I turned the conversation back to Scotty. "So. Scott Wilson needs me to lead him into his fourth test. What do I do?"

"When you arrive at the reception, you'll be escorted to the Blue Salon, Scotty should already be there, and after some time, make your way over to him. Unless he makes it to you first, don't worry. It would, actually rank his score higher, if he came to you."

"Scoring? I have to score?"

"Yeah. I'll make sure you get a copy of the criteria before you go. Once you start talking with him, let him lead the conversation...make subtle hints about fucking him, and such, but don't outright say it. You want him to initiate the direction that the test will go. So if he wants to be fucked in the hallway, that's where it will have to happen. Whatever, but remember, it's still his fantasy, but our entrance exam."

"Okay. Damn, though. I guess it's a good thing that I bypassed the regular tests."

"You would have done fine."

"How do you know?"

"It's in the genes."

The suit that I was to wear had been laid out on my bed, along with the invitation, car keys, and some cash. I was draped only in a towel, as I was fixing my hair, when Tommy walked in. "Hey babe."

"Hey! Looks like you've been on the turf."

"Yeah, we've got the homecoming game tomorrow night. You won't miss it will you?"

"Me? I'll be at the stadium."

"I know that. But my question was more along the lines of, will you be watching the game?"

I grinned, still fixing my hair. "Some of it."

"Five minutes?"

"Give me some credit."

"Six then," as Tommy wrapped his arms around my chest, and kissed my shoulder.

I turned around in his arms, and my towel fell to the floor. "You know hun, just 'cause I'm considered your boyfriend, doesn't mean I still can't have fun."

Tommy slid his tongue down my throat; and frenched for about a minute before pulling away. "I know, but I'd still like you to watch the game."

"If you can arrange for me to sit on the sidelines with the team, then you know, I won't be able to get away."

"Yeah. I know you won't be able to get away, but that doesn't mean that you won't blow the team on the field."

"I still want to do that to you."

"I know. But only if we win the game."

"Then you'd better win," I said as I threw my towel at him, as he headed in the direction of the shower.

"Hey," he yelled from the shower as I was pulling on his jock strap.


"Did you see the car parked out front?"

"No. Why?"

"Because I think the keys for it are on your bed. Have fun with Scotty."

Socks pulled up, shoes on; belt tightened, shirt tucked in, and tie in a loose Windsor knot, I carried the suit jacket over my shoulder as I finished buttoning my shirt cuffs. I walked into the living room for my sunglasses, getting whistles from the guys. "Hey, Jayce. You seen the car you get to drive tonight?"

"No. Why? I thought I was just driving the Camero."

"Think again," said Edward from the kitchen doorway.

"What have you done?"

"Hey, special guys get special treatment. You get a special car for the occasion. Besides, I know that Scotty has a thing for cars too."

"Yeah. Why do I get a feeling that Scotty likes a guy in a suit with a certain type of car."

"How right. Come on. Let me show you this car."

"Holy Shit!"

I stood at the top of the stairs to the house, in mid-stride, when I saw the car. It was silver, had triangular lines, and butterfly doors. Butterfly doors, by the way, are the type of doors that pivot upwards, not outwards.

"You like?"

"Oh fuck! I get to drive that?"

"Your cousin said you'd enjoy that, being the street racing champion you are."

"How the fuck did you know that."

"Jayce. Come on."

"Never mind. But, still...Damn!!"

"Enjoy Jayce, but remember one thing."


"You're testing him."

"I know, but do I have to give back the car when I'm finished?"

"What do you think?"

"I think I'm just going to test him forever so I can keep the car."

"Good answer."

Chapter 11 - The Faculty Club

I enjoyed the drive. Hell, anyone who enjoys the feel of a nice car, would enjoy the drive in a Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster. I didn't know how ETNU got a hold of one, whose starting price was around 300k, but sitting in the driver's seat, I didn't much care. I don't think that I actually stopped for a red light between the House and the club.

I parked the, I parked the Lamborghini, close enough to the door to be noticed, but far enough that nothing would happen to it either. I grabbed the jacket, and pulled it on as I reached the front doors of the club.

"Your invitation sir?" said a man in his fifties, with suspicion in his voice, and his eye.

"Of course," I said handing it over, ignoring the attitude.

"Oh. Mr Taylor. I do apologize. You are expected, simply follow the signs to the Blue Salon."

"Thank you..."

"George, sir."

"Thank you, George," I said handing over a five.

"Thank you, Jayce."

I turned, and cocked my head to the right, as he asked the next person for their invitation. I just smiled, and followed the signs. The Faculty club was quite elegant, with oak walls and doors, some mahogany trim around the doors, and pictures of members of the club. I walked into the Blue Salon just behind a woman in a light beige taffeta dress.

I worked the room, slowly, making my way to the cheese and wine. Talking with some of the faculty along the way, none of them knowing who I was. It was fun, sort of like Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies; no one wants to admit they don't know who the person is, but don't say anything because if they're there then someone must have known them to invite them.

Anyway, I ended up talking with the woman in the taffeta dress at the wine and cheese table, when she took a deep breath in, and straightened up. "Are you alright?"

"Fine, thank you. I just saw the President's son enter the room. He's a freshman this year, and in one of my classes. Please excuse me, I must make a good first impression, so that it he's a crummy student I can still keep my job."

I didn't make the connection, but said goodbye, as she headed in Scotty's direction. I watched her go, and made sure to make contact with Scotty. He smiled to her, then looked over to me and nodded. I returned the nod, and then continued my way around the room. It was about ten minutes later, that I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and Scotty was standing there, two glasses in hand, and a little bit of a grin that if read deeply enough, you knew that he was horny as hell and would have dropped to his knees on the spot. Without being asked, I should add.

"Scotty Wilson?"

"Jayce Talyor."

"I see we've both been well briefed," as he handed me the second glass of wine.

"I've not been briefed, but I did see you in the quad last week."

"Ah. So you know why I'm here?"

"I suspected that it would be tonight. I mean, my fourth vice was suits."

I smiled, and took a sip of the wine, as I continued to score him. He was up to 25 already. "So? What's this drinks thing all about anyway?"

"Well," he said leading me across the room. "My father has managed to become the first University President to raise more than 10-million during their tenure."

"Okay. So what does the University get for their 10-mill?"

"A new athletic complex."

"Really? Very cool."

"Yeah. Especially when you think of all the construction workers on campus all year round."

I smiled, realizing that was probably one of his vices. "Think I could get a tour of this place?"

"Why not."

I put my drink down next to Scotty's and he led me out of the Salon and down the hallway. I kept looking over at him, as I hadn't really had a chance to take in how he looked. He was wearing a very nice dark blue suit, with a Ralph Lauren shirt, and complimentary tie. His suit jacket was open and matched his pants, while the shirt was tucked straight into his pants. He had no stomach at all. Just like me, it was one clean run from neck to cock. I grinned, as he saw me checking him out.

"You might like this room," he said as we turned a corner. "It's my dad's office."

"In the Faculty club?"

"Yeah. He has an office here, and at Central Building. But this office is closer," he said as he pushed me up against the outside of the door. He ran his hand down my tie, and my stomach, resting on my cock. "Mmm. Very nice," he said, as he leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips.

"I agree," I said when he broke of the kiss.

I tried the door to the office, but it didn't open. "That's alright," Scotty said, "we'll just do it here," adding an evil grin to his face. I mirrored the grin, and reached back pulling the ribbon from his hair which fell down over his ears and down to his shoulders.

My hand slid down the back of his neck, and pulled his head back to mine where I sunk my tongue back down into his mouth. He took a step forward, and pressed into me, and forced my to press up against the door again. Scotty pulled his mouth away from mine, and smiled, as he ran a finger across my lips.

He then took a step back, and pushed me down to my knees. I nuzzled into his crotch, and started to suck on his cock through his pants. I looked up at him, and he had his eyes closed, and was looking up at the ceiling. I took the moment, and in one motion had unbuckled his belt, and pulled his pants down to his knees. He was wearing a pair of Abercrombie athletic briefs, and his cock was running very nicely down the leg.

I started to massage his cock with my hand through the shorts, and got a little moan in reply. My free hand started to work its way up underneath the Lauren shirt, and was greeted with the knowledge that he didn't wear an undershirt. I smiled, as I slid my hand around to his back, and then down his spine, triggering another moan. I then pulled his shorts down to join his pants.

Scotty's cock sprung up and hit me on the bottom of my chin. I manoeuvred it into my mouth without my hands, as they were busy playing with his nipples. I ran my tongue over the head, and down the underside of the shaft, gaining me a few more moans. And, I'll add a few more points for Scotty.

I had to break it off, as we heard footsteps from down the hall. I pulled up his shorts, and then his pants, and pushed him up against the wall. I tried the door next to his dad's office, which was open, and pulled him inside. I closed the door quietly, and turned to look at Scotty. He was grinning.


"Damn, you're good," he said.

"We haven't even finished yet."

"I know, but you seem to be able to tell exactly what I want."

"You have no idea."


"Shhh," I said placing my mouth over his.

Scotty ran his hands underneath my jacket, and slipped it off my shoulders. With my hands down, I rested them on his hips; with his hands up, he rested them under my arms. I pulled him in, and he responded. I took a step forward, and he stepped backwards until we slammed up against a filing cabinet.

I started to grind up against his crotch, and he slid his hands down to my ass. Pulling me into him, our tongues began to explore the other's mouth at the same time. My hands had worked their way up to his shoulders, and were now working their way back down to his nipples. I started to massage them through the shirt, when he suddenly pushed be back away from him.

"Shit, Jayce. Just do it."

I grinned, and leaned back into him, planting my mouth on his as I worked my fingers between the buttons on the shirt and pulled. He groaned with pleasure as we heard the buttons hit the floor. "Oh yeah," he muttered around my tongue. With his tie still in place, and his collar button and two of the lower buttons still in place, I pulled off his mouth, and started to nibble his nipples. I was met with groans of satisfaction, as Scotty rested his head against the file cabinet.

I dropped to my knees, and pulled his pants down. I then took his cock back into my mouth. Working my way along his shaft, I ripped the remaining two buttons from his shirt, leaving only his collar and tie in place. Burying my nose into his crotch, I swallowed his cock fully, leaving only his balls hanging. I solved that problem a moment later, as I pulled back slightly, and pulled his balls into my mouth.

I ran my tongue along his balls, and swallowed his cock deeper. I looked up at him, his head still resting against the cabinet, I swallowed hard, and pulled his cock head right into my throat, almost causing me to gag...almost. I let go, and did it again. Four times, I swallowed hard, deep into my throat, each time Scotty hugged against the file cabinet harder. The fifth time was the last time.

I felt his balls swell up tight, and he pressed up against the cabinet so hard, it started to tilt backwards. "Oh fuck!" screamed Scotty as I felt his cum pound the back of my mouth. I tried not to swallow it all, and he squirmed when he finished, still sensitive, as I swirled his cum around in my mouth, and around his cock and balls.

After a minute, I swallowed what was left, and I licked clean his balls, and cock before letting them out of my mouth. There was a thud as the file cabinet returned to its original position, as Scotty lifted his head up, and looked down at me.

"How was that?" I asked.

"Ugh, abd ugh oh fuck!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

Chapter 12 - Scotty

I picked up my jacket, after I helped Scotty straighten out his shirt, and tie so it looked like all of the buttons were still there. I poked my head out of the door first, and seeing that there was no one around, I headed out first, Scotty close behind.

"You want to tie your hair back up?"

"Nah. I'll just push it behind my ears."

We walked back down to the Blue Salon to find it empty. We wandered through into the main lobby just in time to find Scotty's father about to give a speech. We were careful that Scotty wasn't seen by his father or we both knew that he would be embarrassed in front of the faculty about why his buttons were missing.

We slipped passed the people, and out into the parking lot. "You drive here?" Scotty asked.

"Yeah, why? Did you?"

"No. I came with my dad."

"You don't live on campus do you?"

"No. I live with my dad just outside of the town, about an hour away. You live at ETNU I assume."

"Yeah, I do. You really want to become a brother don't you?"

"Oh yeah. My dad doesn't know that I'm pledging ETNU. He thinks I'm pledging Tau Kappa Epsilon."

"Got a bunch of Quarterbacks from them."

"I know. My dad was one of them."

"Ah. He want's you to be 'his son', right?"

"Yeah. I'm the youngest in a family of five boys. Each of my brothers has a stronger will than I have, and managed to get as far away from dad as possible. Ricky went to Harvard, didn't even join the frat. Ryan went to University in Australia, and didn't come back."

"He's still there?"

"Yeah. Blake went to Texas A&M on a football scholarship and was their star QB."

"Wait. Blake Wilson is your brother?"


"Good year, three years ago."

"I know. He's unbeaten at the moment for freshman passes. Anyway, Ricky and Ryan, and Blake are only seen for Christmas and Mom's birthday. Drew, my older twin by twenty-six minutes, managed to get into Cambridge University to study...sorry, 'read' Economics. He's quite a soccer player over there playing for St Edmund's College."

"And you, Scotty, are relegated to Southern California University under the watchful eye of your father."


"How lucky."

"Yeah. So now you see why I want to join ETNU, I want to be as different from any of my brother's as possible."

"You're gay. That's a good enough difference as any. Right?"

"Yeah. But, being in ETNU will dig it further into my father."

"You know that if you do pass, and get in, you can't tell him what ETNU is. Right?"

"Yeah, I know. But still, me knowing it, will be enough.

"I understand the reasoning, but you need to want it more than because you want to 'stick it to dad'."

Scotty thought about that for a minute, as we walked towards the Lamborghini. He was about to say something, when he saw the car. "SHIT!"

"Nice isn't it?"

"Nice doesn't do it justice. Neither does spectacular, amazing, magnificent or just WOW! Oh, I'd love to ride in that. Just once, I'd love to have a ride."

"That can be arranged," I said as I walked over to the driver's side.

"You're joking! Right? This is your car?"

"I'm not joking, but it's not my car. It's ETNU's car. At least, for tonight, and I've got the keys."

I opened my door, released the door lock, and then pressed the button to lower the roof. Scotty just stood, jaw on the floor, watching the roof collapse into the custom designed compartment. I then climbed into the driver's seat, and started the ignition.

"Holy fuck."

"Well, are you just going to stand there, or get in?"

He didn't need to be told twice. Scotty climbed into the passenger seat, and sunk down into the leather. I could see his cock growing under his pants. To be fair, so was mine; and I hadn't got off yet in three hours. "So, where's this house of yours that's an hour away?"

"Just start driving, I'll tell you where you need to turn."

"You know what the top speed is right?"


"Do you really think that you'll be able to tell me the turns, and that I'll be able to make them at 200mph?"


"I'd suggest you buckle up."

Again, Scotty didn't need to be told twice.

Now, what should be understood, is that a Lamborghini should never be put into reverse. It won't damage the car, but it's just not right to put a piece of machinery like the Murcielago, designed to go forward, in reverse. So, I floored it, as Scotty just managed to do up the belt; took a ninety-degree corner at about 30mph (damn it had excellent handling); and gunned it out of the lot, through a red light, and around about three cars, the final resting place of which I have not a clue.

I was up to about 90mph, when Scotty yelled that the first turn was coming up. I hit the brakes, skidded the corner, and executed another ninety-degree turn somewhere around 40mph. "FUCK!"

"Having fun?" I shouted. I didn't look over, but I knew Scotty was.

Five minutes later we approached the second turning. I had less warning this time, but still made it going at about 50mph. Entering the freeway, at midnight, meant that it was very busy, still though, I gunned it, and pushed 150mph. By now, the Murcielago's spoilers deployed, and so had my cock. We were at 170mph, when Scotty shouted out the next exit.

Crossing four lanes of traffic, then driving along the shoulder of the exit ramp, another ninety-degree turn (somewhere around 100mph), and a straightaway, we were almost at Scotty's house. It had only been twenty-one minutes. Coming to a stop in his driveway, a minute or so after leaving the freeway, I shut down the engine.

I looked over to Scotty. "So? How'd you like the drive?"

"Oh My God! Where'd you learn to drive like that?"

"Back home. I was the street racing champion. If I'd had this car, though, I wouldn't have needed and NoS."

"Damn. But, Jayce, there seems to be one problem."

"What?" I asked looking over to him.

"You've forgotten to shut down your engine..."

"Oh yes? Well, are you able to help me with my ignition problem?"

He grinned, as he leaned over the center console and zipped down my fly. I just laid back in the comfort of the leather seats, as Scotty started to suck my dick through the jock that had already been through a football practice that day. Nuzzling into my cock, he slipped his jacket off, and his buttonless shirt easily opened up as his abs started to rub against the gear lever.

Edward was right, this kid was horny for cars.

Scotty pulled my jock aside, and my dick came free easily. Wrapping his mouth around the head, he cupped my balls with his free hand. My head resting on the head rest, I placed one hand on his back. I slowly pulled his shirt up and started running my fingers along his spine.

He swallowed my cock deep, and I moaned in pleasure. "Fuck me," said Scotty as he suddenly pulled away. I grinned, and without a second though, I slid the driver's seat as far back as it would go, and released the seat belt. Scotty climbed over the console, and sat on my legs. Considering the design of the car, it wasn't such a difficult thing to do.

Scotty, though, didn't do what I was expecting him to do, which was to start riding my cock. Instead, he worked his fingers between my shirt's buttons, and pulled. He'd done that before, because his pull ripped free every button, including the one at the collar. Leaving my tie in place, he slid my buttonless shirt, and the jacket down to my elbows, locking them in place. Then he grinned again, and tore open the seam of his pants along his ass. Then reached inside, and pulled the Abercrombie shorts down.

Turning around, Scotty guided my cock up into his ass. I groaned, and he near screamed in pleasure. He slowly started to ride my cock, up and down, up and down, as he held onto the steering wheel. The sweat was starting to run down my chest, and abs, I could also feel my back starting to stick to the leather of the seat.

With the limited movement I had of my arms, I placed my hands on his hips, and guided him up and down along my cock. I had closed my eyes, and just took in the pleasure of feeling his tight ass ride my dick. I knew he was deriving his own pleasure, as I could hear his little grunts as he slid up and down on my cock.

It was when he started his marathon that I started to loose it. He started to speed up his motions, and how he was able to control his movement, at that moment, left me wreathed in pleasure. He was taking the full length of my cock, from head to base, in single smooth movements, all without stopping.

"Oh fuck!"

"Yeah, Jayce. Cum in my ass!"

"Oh shit!"

With the limitations on my arms, the gene taking full control, and Scotty being so fucking hott, my shirt and suit jacket tore enough, that my arms broke free, and I pulled Scotty right down onto my cock.

I felt the cum shoot out of my cock, and swore that I could actually feel it hit inside Scotty. I don't know how long I came, or how much, but when Scotty pulled up off my cock, we were both covered in sweat. Turning around, Scotty sucked the last of the cum from my cock, before he grabbed his suit jacket, and opened my door.

"Well?" asked Scotty.

"Yup. You done good," I said with a grin, as my cell rang. "Hello?...I'd say 98...yeah, just one...Ha! Yeah, that's it. See you soon...Bye."

"What was that?"

"Your score."

"Only 98?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Why? I thought we did really well."

"We did, but I wanted to fuck you over the hood of the car, cum on your chest, and then lick it up."

"You still can..." he grinned.

"Yeah. But, I see your dad's car pulling in through the gates."

"Shit! Night babe."


Now, being as horny as I was, I just slipped the ripped and torn shirt and jacket back up over my shoulders, and casually slipped my cock back into my pants, put the Murcielago back into gear, and passed the President as he was driving up the lane. In the brief second, no one could tell, that my shirt was wide open.

About a block from the Wilson house, I stopped and pulled my shirt and jacket off fully, and tossed it onto the passenger seat; pulled my seatbelt back on, I gunned the car back up onto the freeway. I didn't take it quite so fast on the way home; I only pushed it up to 90mph. That, however, was fast enough to get the attention of the motorcycle highway patrol.

I pulled over onto the shoulder, killed the engine, and watched in the side mirror as the cop walked up to the car. Now, I had a thing for uniforms, so my cock was already having a bit of fun, but when the cop didn't say anything, and just knelt down to lean on the door frame of the car, and smiled, I knew that it was going to be a while.

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