Ethan and River

By Ryan Jones

Published on Jan 20, 1997



NOTICE This story contains teen and preteen boys engaging in sexual activities. If this doesn't interest you,it's time to go ahead and exit now.

If this story does interest you,I'd appreciate any comments you have. This is the third one in my "Real Life" series,using teen stars of today in fantasy situations.

AUTHOR'S NOTE This story is set in 1985 and features River Phoenix and Ethan Hawke who starred together in the movie Explorers. The record mentioned is real and the effects have been used by me in more than a few seductions. The sensimilla is also real.

This story is a FANTASY. Although the characters are modelled after real people,the situations described came from my own mind. I don't know Ethan Hawke so I can't tell you anything about him but I have met River Phoenix and while the story here is not true,I don't think it would have bothered him.

This story was originally posted in 1995 under the name Eddy Van and submitted through before I felt comfortable enough to post them directly.

Ethan and River

by Corey Haim

The last scene of the day was finished on The Explorers movie set and two boys headed back to their trailer. Ethan and River had been working together for a few weeks now and had gotten to be very good friends.

Since their friendship had grown,the boys stayed overnight a lot,alternating homes over the weekends. It was a late June day when it was Ethan's turn to come over to River's house and Ethan was looking forward to it.

River's family was so cool. Even the kids names were cool and his parent's never hassled them at all,most of the time River and Ethan were at the house alone. God,Ethan thought,my parents would never leave and give me any freedom.

Over the past weeks Ethan had noticed that he was attracted to River. Not just in a friend type of way,but also on a more physical level. A couple of times he had dreams about River,dreams that only ended when he woke up,with a sudden sticky wetness in his underwear. I don't know what I want,exactly,but I do know I want.

At River's house his parent's were just getting ready to leave for the weekend.

"Okay River. There's plenty of food in the fridge and you know where we're going,right?",asked his mother.

"Yeah Mom,everything is cool. It's Ethan's weekend to come over here so I won't be alone. Go ahead,don't be late."

"We'll see you Sunday evening",she said,kissing him on the cheek. "You be good and stay safe."

"Sure thing. See you later. Have a good time!"

River's parents drove off and River dashed back into the house. He checked the clock quickly as he went running by,only 2pm,got at least an hour to get ready. He threw off his clothes and jumped in the shower,not really pausing long enough to do much but wash his hair,in all the places he had hair.

After drying his hair he checked to make sure his supplies were all ready. Rummaging through the drawers in his room he found a scruffy set of jeans that were almost too small and couple that with a half T-shirt.

What is it I find so attractive about Ethan,he thought. I mean sure, he has beautiful blue eyes and an incredible face and that haircut,I mean,that is cosmic. It hit him suddenly that what he found attractive was not the physical package but the total person. A blend of shyness and intelligence,beauty and vulnerability.

Well,this weekend I find out if it's mutual!

River heard a car pull up outside and,looking out to see Ethan's mother's car,he ran out to greet them.

"Hi Ethan! Hi Mrs Hawke!

"Hi River!"

"Are your parents home?",Mrs Hawke asked.

"Not right now but they'll be back later. They went shopping down in the valley."

"Okay,see you guys later. Now Ethan,you be good. Don't get into any trouble!"

"I won't Mom",he said and his mother drove off.

The two boys watched for a minute until she got out of sight and then went into the house.

"What were you doing?",Ethan asked.

"Nothing,just waiting for you to get here."

"What are we going to do? Got any ideas?"

"Well,I got some stuff from some friends of mine and I thought you'd like to try it.",River said,dragging Ethan by the arm up the stairs.

"What kind of stuff?"

River went into the drawer next to his bed and pulled out some pot.

"This type of stuff! Let's expand our conscious minds and let our subconscious out for a while. I've got other stuff too,for later."

River quickly rolled a joint and the two boys sat there,passing it back and forth. River knew that Ethan wasn't into drugs,and this was prime Sense,so the effects should be almost immediate.

Ethan took the joint from River and sucked the smoke deeply into his lungs. He was feeling very mellow,it's like someone had raised his temperature about 10 degrees.

The two boys finished the joint and River put on some music. The crystal clear sounds of a flute pealed through the air.

With the effects of the pot racing through him,the first high notes of the music hit Ethan like a gong.

"What is that River? It sounds incredible!"

"It's a Paul Horn record,playing the flute inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Come up here and lay on the bed and listen to it closely."

Ethan got up and lay on the bed.

"Close your eyes Ethan. Let the music take you",River whispered as he lay down beside his friend. "let it take charge of you."

Man,Ethan thought. This was some really good stuff. Off to his side he could feel where River had laid next to him,River's body was giving off heat the same way that Ethan felt his was. He felt River move until their bodies touched side by side.

The first song ended and the next one,with picciolo crescendoed into the room. Involuntarily Ethan jumped and put his hands out,one of them on River,who grabbed it with his own hand.

Leaning over to Ethan,River whispered,"What do you think of all this? Do you like it?"

Ethan could only shake his head and squeeze River's hand. He noticed that the feel of River's hand in his was different,liquid,sensual. Taking his finger he rubbed down River's palm,up and down.

Then River did the same to him,up and down on his palm. Ethan could feel his cock starting to get hard. This was so cool. Just that little bit of feeling is doing all this.

River leaned up and over Ethan,looking down at his face,Ethan's eyes closed as the music washed over him. He looked down his body and saw that Ethan's cock was starting to push out at the front of his pants. This music,thought River. This music and the pot,it always made me very horny also.

Ethan picked the moment that River was looking down at his cock to open his eyes. Reaching up with his mouth he lightly nipped River on the chin.

River's attention snapped back. He looked down and saw Ethan smiling up at him.

"What were you looking at?",Ethan asked.

"You want the truth?"

"Yeah,tell me the truth."

"I was looking at your body,thinking."

"Let me."

"Let you? Let you what?"

"Let me look at your body too"

Never losing his grip on Ethan's hand,River rolled over,pulling Ethan up and above him. Ethan looked at River's face,then slowly looked down his body. Man,he thought,River's cock is getting hard.

"Looks like we're in the same condition",Ethan smiled and said.

"This music always makes me horny. So does the pot."

Ethan looked down at River. "I'm always horny."

River reached up with his other hand and stroked Ethan's cheek. It was so soft,so incredible.

This was the first time anyone had ever touched Ethan like that and the sensations he was feeling,amplified by the pot,were devastating. Very slowly he leaned down,until his face was only an inch or so above River. He could feel River's breath each time he inhaled and exhaled and even the air moving by his face like that was a sensation.

River didn't dare move. Could it be possible that Ethan was really going to kiss him? He could already taste his breath,sweet and warm. Please,he prayed,continue please.

Something in River's eyes seemed to draw Ethan down,until their lips met. It started with just a brush,but as they met both of the boys felt a new type of sensation travel throughout their bodies.

Ethan tried again,this time pressing his lips more firmly on River's. He felt River's mouth open slightly and he opened his mouth,feeling River's breath flowing into him and then back out.

This was beautiful,River thought. I never imagined anything could feel like this. He stuck the tip of his tongue out and touched Ethan's lips. He felt Ethan's tongue move towards his and meet. River stroked Ethan's face as their tongues met and moved together. Both the boys moaned into each other,not really able to tell what to do,where to go from here.

The boys broke apart after about a minute and looked at each other.

Ethan reached for River's T-shirt and pulled it over his head. He put his head down on River's chest,listening to his heart and feeling the heat of his body. River started running his hands through Ethan's hair,then coming around to the front,slowly unbuttoned his shirt and, with Ethan's assistance,got it off him.

Ethan looked down at River and lay on top of him,their chests touching and marvelled at the feel of skin on skin. He looked at River again and lowered his face to kiss. Together they kissed and explored each other's mouth,their hands at the same time running up and down over each other's chest and back.

River ran his hands down Ethan's back and touched his ass,and Ethan started to slowly pump above him. He ran his fingers over his asscheeks and slowly up Ethan's crack,causing Ethan to moan and move faster.

"I can't take much more of this",Ethan whispered breathily. "It's just too intense."

"Can I take your pants off?",River asked him,holding his breath for the answer.

"Yes,but only if I can take yours off also."

"That's a deal",River said,rolling Ethan over on his back and fumbling with the belt. He finally got it open and then undid Ethan's pants,slowly unzipping them. Both boys were almost in a trance. River moved down and untied Ethan's shoes and took them and his socks off and threw them into the corner. Then he started working Ethan's pants down,Ethan lifting his hips to assist.

Ethan's cock was clearly outlined against his underwear,hard as only a young teen can get and with a small wet spot outlining the head of his cock as it strained for release.

"My turn now",Ethan said to River,rolling him over.

River kicked off his shoes as Ethan moved to the front of his pants. Ethan reached up and opened the top button of River's jeans,then went down to the next one. As each one opened it was like a release for River and Ethan.

As Ethan opened the third button,he noticed River's pubic hair was beginning to show.

"You didn't wear underwear?",he asked.

"No man,I never wear them at home."

Ethan looked down and saw the outline of River's cock through the tight jeans. He opened the fourth and fifth buttons and then pulled the pants down and off River,allowing River's cock to spring out.

Ethan was stunned. Never had he imagined this. Looking down at River's cock he felt his own getting harder and harder. As he finished pulling down River's pants,he felt River reach into his underwear and pull them down also.

The two boys were naked on the bed,looking at each other.

"You're beautiful",Ethan whispered.

"You're incredible".River answered. "This is like a dream to me."

River moved his hand down and caressed Ethan's back. The soft hair at the top of his ass seemed to brush back as his hands went over it. He looked up at Ethan and raised his face for another kiss.

Ethan moved on top again and the boys kissed,starting to move against each other.

"Just a minute",River said. "I need to position myself,this isn't too comfortable for me."

"Let me do that",Ethan said with a smile and he reached down and moved his own cock straight up and then slowly grabbed River's cock and pointed it up,then quickly laying back on top,trapping the two cocks together between the boys.

Ethan leaned down and pressed himself into River,kissing him. River kissed back hard,holding Ethan's head and moving his tongue in and out of Ethan's mouth in a rhythm that seemed to take hold of both the boys. They started to move,slowly thrusting against each other,the feeling of their cocks together an indescibable sensation to them. Their kisses increased in passion as they moved faster and faster.

Suddenly River pulled away from Ethan. "Ohh damn,if we don't stop I'm going to cum."

"Don't you want to cum?",Ethan asked.

"Yeah man,I sure do. But I want to do some other things with you before that happens."

"Whatever you want to do,I'll do."

River rolled Ethan over on his back and leaned down beside him. He softly kissed Ethan on his forehead and Ethan closed his eyes,to enjoy the sensation better. Then he slowly kissed Ethan's closed eyes,running his mouth down Ethan's face.

He used his tongue to trace his jaw and then continued down his neck, reaching Ethan's chest. He started kissing him,running his mouth all over Ethan's chest,reaching his nipples. As he touched them the first time, Ethan jumped on the bed,his breath almost taken by the feelings. River rolled his nipple around on his tongue,taking it into his mouth and sucking lightly on it.

River kissed over to the other nipple and lavished attention on it also. He could hear the ragged breathing above him,Ethan moaning almost in delirium,speaking words of pleasure. River traced the path down the center of Ethan's chest,reaching his belly button where he stopped for a moment,almost goosing him with his tongue and enjoying the way that Ethan's body moved in response to his every touch.

Finally River moved down and looked at Ethan's cock. It was perfect, he thought,a little smaller than mine but so nice. There was a small patch of brownish blond pubic hair around the cock which was so hard that it had lifted completely away from his stomach and was quivering in midair.

A small drop of Ethan's precum had formed at the tip and River felt drawn to it. He leaned down and tounched the tip of his tongue to that drop of fluid,carrying it back to his mouth while leaving part of it still attached to the boy's cock.

At the touch of River's tongue Ethan's cock lurched and his body shivered. A moan of intense pleasure came from up above River. River went down to the base of Ethan's cock and licked it from the bottom to the top,quickly running his tongue over the head and then back down the shaft again.

"Ohh please,River. I can't take much more. Would you..."

"Would I what?" and before Ethan could answer "This?" River lowered his head and took Ethan's cock into his mouth,swirling his tongue around it like it was a piece of candy. The taste and feeling was incredible to River as he slowly took all the boy's cock into his mouth.

As he reached the base of Ethan's cock he rose up,then down and continued in rhythm,never stopping the motion of his mouth and tongue on the boy's hard cock.

"River,God,ohh man. I can't hold out much longer. I'm going to shoot off soon."

"Mmmmmm" was River's answer as his head started bobbing more quickly. He increased the suction as he went up and down and could taste the precum flowing steadily. Ethan's cock seemed to River to get longer and wider with each stroke.

"Oh River,this is it. I'm shooting,ohh,aaaahhhh",the last words in almost a yell.

River felt Ethan's cock expand ever more and then he could feel it give a big throb and a large spurt of semen almost filled his mouth. Ethan's cock continued to throb and spurt,puring the sperm into his mouth. River pulled up a little,just enough to swallow and then took Ethan as deep in his mouth as he could and let Ethan's cock continue to cum,slowly moving up and down,milking the sperm from his cock. He could feel the way that each spurt shook Ethan's body,the way Ethan's hands,in his hair,would shiver each time another load of his sperm went into River's eagerly sucking mouth.

"Oh RIver",Ethan tried to speak but the words wouldn't come,his breath still gone from the orgasm that was just now starting to taper off. As the last of his sperm flowed into River's mouth he felt the final notes of the music,tingling his toes and making his hair feel like it was standing up from his head.

River rolled the remains of Ethan's sperm in his mouth,tasting the sweet-salty flavor of it over and over. It tasted so good,like sugar frosting on an angel food cake. He pulled up off his cock and pumped it a couple of times with his hand and,seeing another drop of sperm, licking that up as well.

Then he lovingly put Ethan's cock slowly down and came back up and lay down beside him.

"Did you like that?",River asked him,with a smile.

"I've never felt anything like that before. It felt like my whole body and life were coming out of my cock but if felt so good that I didn't care if I died or not."

"It looks like you're still alive" and he stopped any possible response with a kiss.

Ethan could taste his own sperm as his tongue went into River's mouth and,somehow,that made it all the more real. Ethan shivered as he was suddenly hit with another orgasm,this one more emotional than physical.

"I think I love you",he told River.

"I feel the same way about you."

Ethan moved his hand down River's body,reaching his hard cock. He looked down at it,then back at River and smiled.

"My turn."

He moved down between River's legs and looked at him. River's eyes were closed in anticipation of what was to come. He could see River's heart beating,his chest moving each time. He is a little bigger than I am,he thought. But so perfect. Ethan's attention was caught by the boy's balls. They were smooth and hairless,like his own but God,they were so large!

He leaned his face down into them and cupped them in his hands, breathing in and out,breathing in River's scent. He smelled of good things,summer sweat in the backyard,what his own skin smelled like drying after a swim. He took his opened mouth and rubbed it all over River's nuts,listening to the moans of pleasure above his head. He moved his tongue out and encircled one of them,eliciting a gasp from River,then taking it into his mouth and running his tongue around it. The taste of River was incredible,it was clean,almost a sweet taste to Ethan's tongue. It was an enticing taste,one that drove him to take River's other one in his mouth,massaging them both with his lips and tongue and feeling,he believed,all of the sperm waiting to come out,waking it all up to come to him.

Finally he let River's balls out of his mouth,moving up and taking the head of River's leaking cock into his mouth. He took it down all the way in a single thrust and stayed there for a long moment,using his tongue to feel every ridge,every bump and contour of River's cock.

River flexed his cock as Ethan started to move up and down,doing it harder and faster as Ethan started to pick up speed. Both of them were in another world as their eyes suddenly met and both of them recognized in each other a longing that was going to be fulfilled over this weekend.

"I'm going to shoot real soon,it's like what you're doing with your mouth is reaching down inside of me to draw it all out."

Hearing this Ethan picked up speed. He wanted River's sperm in his mouth,wanted to feel him shoot hard,wanted to make sure that he got as much pleasure from it at he had gotten earlier from River. Ethan moved his face down once,twice more and then he felt it, River's cock pulsing as an intense stream of sperm shot out into his mouth,almost choking him and filling his mouth with the taste of River's semen.

Ethan was lost in a world of pure feeling,concetrated on the spurting cock in his mouth,it felt so natural,so real. This was what he had been dreaming about but the dreams didn't compare at all with the reality of doing it.

"Ethan,man",River tried to get the words out but failed. There was nothing he could say that could convey his feelings about this to Ethan.

Ethan kept softly sucking on River's cock for a few minutes,running his hand up and down to make sure that he got all of River's cum. As he felt River's cock soften he gave it a last kiss and came up to lay beside River,leaning over the still panting boy for a kiss.

The two boys stayed locked together in a kiss,a long exploring kiss, for two or three minutes. Finally they broke apart and smiled at each other.

"I'm just sorry we can't make this last forever.",Ethan said.

"Who says we can't?"

"But your parents and family...?"

"They're gone for the whole weekend. We have 2 days alone here!"

"I'm so glad,I don't want this to ever end."

"Me neither. You are perfect."

With this last comments the boys hugged each other tightly and lay that way,drifting off to sleep together.

The End (for now)

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