
By Big D

Published on May 22, 2017


Evan: Tyler 7


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

If you want to contact me with any comments please do so at:  storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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Tyler – Part 7

After lying on his bed for a few minutes with his face buried in his pillow, hoping he would hear the door open with Joe walking back through it, Tyler pulled himself up and headed for the bathroom.

He had only taken three steps when he felt something hard hit his abs and looked down. His dick was still hard. Not only that but it was throbbing, standing upright and leaking precum. He flexed, making it bounce, bobbing up and down in the air. How could he still be this hard after everything that had happened?

Moving into the bathroom, he stood in front of the toilet trying to pee, but he was too hard. He pulled his dick down so it was at a ninety degree angle from his body and then let go. It immediately sprang up, slapping hard against his stomach. He moaned at the contact and his whole body shuddered. He slapped it a few more times but it just wouldn't go down.

When he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror he gasped. His dick looked bigger than it ever had before and the head was a deeper colour than usual, looking almost angry as it threatened to explode.

He reached down and wrapped his fingers around his shaft, stroking up and down a couple of times as he watched himself in the mirror. He bit his bottom lip to stifle a moan and then ran his hand up his body, over his abs and up to his pec, smearing precum across the skin, rubbing it into his nipple as he teased it with the tip of his finger.


He couldn't stop himself. He needed to cum. The memories of the previous night and the feeling of waking up with Joe's cock pressed against his ass were fresh in his mind and his hole twitched at the thought.

Using his right hand, he stroked his throbbing dick, moving up and down along the shaft, his hips rising to join it as he fucked his fist. His left hand moved around his body, pinching his nipple, brushing his abs, pulling on his balls until finally he slid it around to his ass and touched his still slick hole, gently pressing on it, rubbing it without penetrating.

"OH FUCK!" Tyler screamed, his ass cheeks tensing against his hand, his dick pulsing through his fist as he shot his load all over the mirror, with the final few shots landing in the sink.

Tyler's whole body was trembling from the powerful orgasm and he was worried his legs were going to go out from under him, so he quickly sat down on the toilet to stop himself from falling.

When he had come down from his orgasm and could stand again, he made his way over to the tub and turned the shower on. Before he stepped into the spray he took one last look at his body, glistening with the precum he had smeared all over it, and then turned around to look at his ass. Joe's clear juices were drying in his crack, matting the little hairs together. He wished he didn't have to wash it off, wanting to keep Joe on him forever, but it was becoming uncomfortable and he knew he had no choice.

After the quick shower, taking just enough time to make sure he was clean all over, he dried off and heard his stomach rumbling, realizing he hadn't eaten in what seemed like days. He grabbed some clothes and threw them on before heading out the door.

The bright sunshine and blue sky threatened to blind him as he looked around over the balcony. He was hoping to see Joe nearby, slouched against the side of the building or on the hood of the car, maybe even inside it, he was disappointed when he didn't.

Making his way down the stairs and toward the breakfast room, Tyler still thought Joe would appear, that he would be waiting for him at a table and they would go back to just being Tyler and Joe. When he pushed open the door of the breakfast room and saw nothing but two old ladies sat having a chat he cursed under his breath and realized there might not be a quick fix to this problem. Joe was really freaked out.

Not wanting to hang around in the small room dwelling on what had happened, Tyler turned around and headed out toward the street. People were already out and about, though some looked a little worse for wear from all the partying the night before. Some were walking straight for the beach, while others like him wanted to find something for breakfast.

There was plenty to choose from as he walked along the busy street, from the familiar fast food breakfasts to more upscale restaurants offering dishes he had never heard of before. Thinking that it was spring break and he could eat well when he got home he settled down at a little bar type eatery and ordered a breakfast burrito, stuffed with bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs and topped with spicy salsa. It was just what he wanted.

He was just licking the last of the salsa from his fingers when he felt someone take the seat next to him, much closer than someone would normally sit. He looked over straight into the unmistakable brown eyes of Jackson.

"Hey," Jackson said softly.

Tyler was about to get up and walk away but something stopped him. "Hey."

Jackson looked around and kept his voice low, "Look, I'm sorry about last night."

Tyler studied him. He seemed to be sincere but Tyler didn't say anything in reply.

"I was out of line," Jackson continued. "I'd had a few drinks and was horny as hell."

"I guess I should apologise too," Tyler said after a brief pause. "I could have reacted better."

"You were jealous. I don't blame you," Jackson stated.

Tyler closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Jackson was right but hearing the words still cut him. Jackson put his hand on Tyler's shoulder.

"You can talk to me," Jackson encouraged. "You really like him, don't you?"

Tyler said nothing. He stared into Jackson's eyes.

"We don't have to talk about him, but we can," Jackson continued. "I'm sober and had enough sex last night to last me until about 6pm."

Tyler chuckled, "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"I'm just telling you that for the next nine hours I'm thinking with my head, not my dick." Jackson said.

Tyler saw the waiter look up at them and suddenly he felt self-conscious. He hopped down off his stool and started walking away, having already paid for his food. He motioned for Jackson to follow.

They walked in silence for about fifty yards before Jackson cut in, "I'm serious about being able to talk to me. Sex might be off the table between us and that's fine, but we understand each other. I won't judge. Make the most of it while you can."

"How can you be so open and confident?" Tyler asked.

"I've got no reason not to be," Jackson said. "I like who I am and I'm happy living life. That makes some people uncomfortable but that's their problem."

"I wish I could feel like that," Tyler sighed, looking around, hoping to see Joe somewhere but only seeing unfamiliar faces.

"You will," Jackson said. "It took me a couple of years to get here. College should make things easier."

Tyler snapped his head around and looked into Jackson's eyes. "How...?"

"How what?" Jackson replied.

"How did you know?" Tyler asked.

"That you're still in high school?" Jackson asked. Tyler nodded and they continued walking. "Because my friend has never heard of you and college football is like a religion to him. If you played he would know who you are. When he didn't that could only mean one thing."

"Damn..." Tyler sighed.

"Relax," Jackson said. "I won't tell anyone. It's kind of hot. Does that make you a senior?"

Tyler shook his head.

"No shit? You're a junior? Damn... I wish I looked like you at seventeen. It took me three years of hard work to get a body like this," Jackson said, twisting and flexing to show off his muscles.

"Why were you talking to your friend about me?" Tyler asked.

"I told him I was hoping to hook up with a hot football player. He asked which one."

"And you told him?" Tyler asked.

"Relax, he won't blow your cover if you play college ball," Jackson said. "He'd be more likely to blow you. You wouldn't be the first."

"He's fucked around with college players?" Tyler replied.

"Oh yeah, some big names too, possible pros," Jackson smiled. "But we know when to keep our mouths shut. There can be some good rewards for being discrete and keeping a secret."

"Like what?" Tyler enquired.

"Let's just say you've never really had sex until you've been underneath an athlete who can go all night and can put every one of his muscles to use," Jackson grinned, licking his lips.

Tyler laughed and felt at ease with Jackson again, forgetting the tension and harsh words of the night before. They carried on until they were on the beach. Jackson pointed out a couple of really hot guys and told Tyler what he would like to do with them. Tyler blushed at the first one but soon found himself nodding and agreeing. He had never felt so relaxed or able to just be himself.

"Where is your buddy, Joe, anyway?" Jackson asked, looking around.

Tyler had been scanning the beach for him too but hadn't seen him among the crowd. "I don't know."

"Did something happen after you chased me off?" Jackson asked.

"No," Tyler said instantly. "Well..."

Jackson stopped with one eyebrow raised. "Explain..."

Tyler swallowed hard and then let it out, explaining about meeting Nikki and taking her back to his motel room only for Joe to walk in with his girl and how they ended up in a three-way.

"She had both of our dicks in her mouth and the heads brushed together and... and we just kissed," Tyler barely whispered.

"You kissed him?" Jackson asked.

Tyler shook his head, "We kissed each other."

"Then you've got to go for it, Tyler," Jackson said. "If he kissed you back there could be something there."

"And what if there isn't?" Tyler asked. "He won't talk to me now. He's run off and I don't know where he is."

"That's because his mind is fucked up right now. What were you like the first time you realized you like guys?" Jackson asked.

"All over the place," Tyler admitted.

"Me too," Jackson said, "but it's a desire you can't deny once you discover it. You can try to pretend it's not there but it won't go away. Wait him out. Let him think about it for a while."

"And how do I do that?" Tyler asked. "I'm worrying about him and what he might be doing right now."

"He's a big boy, Tyler. He can handle himself," Jackson replied. "Come on. You're coming with me to play a game."

"What game?" Tyler asked.

"Haven't you seen the inflatable volleyball court they've put in the water?" Jackson wondered.

"No," Tyler said.

"Oh, it's awesome. We're just waiting for our turn. Come on, we need another player and it will get your mind off Joe," Jackson smiled.

Tyler followed Jackson across the warm sand and soon saw what he was talking about. A huge inflatable yellow and blue volleyball court was bobbing up and down in the water with a net suspended above the middle. A group of young guys were jumping and splashing around in the water, hitting the ball back and forth over the net, diving all over the place. It looked like even more fun than the regular volleyball had been.

"Strip down and let's get out there," Jackson said, tossing his things alongside some other bags and sandals that lay on top of a few towels. He stripped off his shirt and headed for the water.

Tyler quickly pulled his shirt over his head and threw it down, dumping his little bag on top of it. He kicked off his sandals, which unlike others were closed in at the back, and jogged after Jackson, pushing him down into the water when he reached him.

What followed were two of the most enjoyable two hours of Tyler's life. He joked around with Jackson and his buddies as they waited for the current game to finish and then swam under the inflatable arm onto the court. It was five aside and they were all competitive, trying to outdo the others whilst also putting on some moves for the spectators to see.

Tyler was at ease among other guys playing sports, it was his comfort zone and made him forget about anything else that was happening. He was a natural born athlete and when the competitive juices got flowing there was nothing that would take his mind away from earning a victory.

Unlike the other game of volleyball on the sandy beach where all of their bodies were exposed, on view to anyone who was watching, most of the boys were chest-deep in the water, which gave Jackson and one of the other guys a chance to be a little less than professional.

During a short rest period between points, Jackson swam up behind Tyler and draped his arm over Tyler's shoulder. Tyler turned his head and smiled but then his eyes widened when he felt Jackson's hard cock pressed against his thigh.

"What are you doing?" Tyler whispered.

"Showing you how much fun we could have and no one would even notice," Jackson said.

"I thought you said you weren't thinking with your cock," Tyler grinned.

"It woke up early," Jackson smirked.

Tyler laughed and shook his head, "I told you I'm not interested."

Without a word, Jackson reached out under the water and grabbed Tyler's crotch, feeling his semi-hard cock through his swim shorts. "That doesn't seem to agree."

Tyler pushed Jackson away and threw water up into his face. He laughed, "Fuck... Do you ever stop?"

"What can I say?" Jackson grinned. "Hot guys get me going."

Tyler blushed and then stiffened as he felt someone come up behind him, pressing a huge cock against his ass.

"Is this the guy you were telling me about?" A deep voice asked over Tyler's shoulder.

"Yep," Jackson winked.

Tyler tried to spin around but the guy held him in place.

"Relax, or people will know what's happening," the guy said into Tyler's ear. "Tell me that dick doesn't feel good against your ass."

"It's exit only," Tyler said, shrugging the guys arms off him and swimming away. He turned around so he could see the guy's face. He was attractive but he didn't like the way he had approached him.

"A lot of guys say that until they know better," Jackson chipped in, wanting to break the sudden tension in the air.

"Neither of you are getting anywhere near my ass," Tyler stated. "And we've got a game to play. I don't lose so get your heads back into it."

Once the ball was served from the other side of the court it was back to business and Tyler completely forgot about the two propositions from the hot college guys, concentrating on helping his team win the game.

When it was over he headed back to the beach with the guys to dry off and drink a beer that one of them handed him. He sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the sun's rays on his skin before heading off for lunch with them.

After some more time on the beach, and another pass being made at him by Jackson's friend, Tyler decided to head back to the motel room to change into some other clothes. He wanted to put on a pair of regular shorts and change into some proper shoes.

He was on auto-pilot as he walked up the stairs, slid his key-card into the lock and pushed the door open. As soon as he stepped into the room he froze. Just three feet away from him, on his bed, was Joe, completely naked, with a girl under him, fucking into her hard, moaning and groaning as he pounded her.

The first instinct he had was to either close his eyes or turn around and walk back out of the door, but his eyes stayed open and his feet didn't move. Instead he took in the fine muscles that were tensed and flexed up the length of Joe's back and then focused in on those tight butt cheeks, clenching with every thrust. He wanted to drop down behind Joe to shove his face between those little mounds, but then he looked up the bed and saw Joe looking at him with a smirk on his face and his lust turned to something else.

Tyler wasn't going to back out without what he wanted. He took three strides across the room, grabbed what he came for from a drawer and left, slamming the door behind him.

Outside he just stood by the railing looking out, not knowing what to think. Part of him was jealous that Joe was fucking someone else. After last night and that morning he hoped any fucking that happened would involve him. But another part of him was angry. Not because Joe was using his bed, he found that kind of hot, but because he was so blatantly trying to show off to Tyler with that smirk and with not trying to cover up or stop the fuck. He wanted Tyler to see that he was straight and was fucking a girl, which just pissed Tyler off.

Without even thinking, Tyler pulled his shorts off, out in the open, not caring if anyone saw him, and flung them onto the floor outside the door, kicking his sandals off on top of them. He pulled on the pair of shorts he had grabbed and slid his feet into the sneakers, cursing himself for not picking up a pair of socks, but he wasn't going back in.

He returned to where Jackson said he was going to be and hung out with them again, following them back to the condo where the party was the night before. It looked totally different without the crowds of people everywhere; just a regular house.

Out in the back yard they fired up a barbeque, throwing on all kinds of meat and vegetables, and started on what alcohol there was left from the party. The next few hours passed in a blur and before Tyler knew it the sky was dark, his head was spinning and he was sitting alone looking up at the stars.

He pushed himself up from his place on the grass and stumbled into the house, past a couple of guys watching TV and up the stairs to the bathroom. He hadn't realized he had drank so much and had to hold onto the handrail to make it all the way up. Once on the landing he tried to remember which door the bathroom was behind, finally deciding it was the second door on the right. When he pushed it open he got a bigger shock than he had catching Joe having sex.

It wasn't the bathroom. It was a bedroom. And there in the middle of it, up on the king size bed, was Jackson. He was naked, on his hands and knees with his ass in the air and his face buried in a pillow. On top of him was the other guy who had hit on Tyler earlier. But they weren't fucking each other. The guy on top had his dick pressed against Jackson's back and was perched over him, almost on hands and knees himself.

Behind them was a third guy, one he hadn't seen before, who was definitely not there when they were eating. He was huge. Maybe six feet five and built like a truck. He made the other guys look small. And his cock, his cock was probably nine inches and throbbing so hard it looked like it would explode.

Tyler watched, amazed, as the guy shoved his bare cock into Jackson's ass, making him scream, and humped into him hard, counting how many strokes he took. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

The guy pulled out, making Jackson groan, and immediately plunged his dick into the guy on Jackson's back, doing the same. One thrust. Two. Three. Four. Five.

When he reached five he pulled out and shoved his dick back in Jackson's ass, this time giving him six powerful thrusts, before pulling out and ramming his cock back into the other guy for six strokes.

Tyler continued to watch entranced as the guy carried on, fucking each guy in turn an increasing number of times, all three of them so into the fuck that they didn't even notice him standing there.

"Your asses are so tight," the huge top growled. "Which one of you is going to get my load tonight?"

Tyler's dick twitched and he was scared he was going to either cum or piss himself so he quickly shut the door and pushed open the door opposite, finding the bathroom he had been searching for. He sat down, not trusting his own aim, and let his bladder empty.

When he got up, feeling much better, and flushed the toilet, using the sink to splash some water on his face, he went back into the hallway and listened carefully.

"Oh fuck! Here it comes!" the huge guy screamed.

"Yes! YES! Shoot that fucking load inside me! Oh fuck yes! I win! Oh fuuuuuck!" Jackson screamed in time with every shot and thrust that went deep inside him.

Tyler didn't know what to do but he didn't want to join them. They might have just cum, but that top guy was the kind of guy who could probably make anyone his bitch and Tyler didn't want any part of that.

Making his way downstairs, Tyler looked into the living room to see the guys watching TV, two of them passed out, the other two half way there. Instead of sitting down on the spare seat, he headed out the front door, into the clear neat sea air and walked back to his motel room, feeling much better when he got there.

He didn't notice as he slid his card into the door that his shorts and sandals weren't there but were on the floor of the room when he stepped in.

The room was empty and dark. Joe wasn't there.

Tyler sighed in relief. He couldn't deal with Joe right now and he was still hard from watching the three hot college guys have sex. He pulled off his clothes and threw himself down on his bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. Within minutes he was fast asleep.

It was almost two hours later when Tyler heard a loud bang on the door that jerked him out of his sleep. He shot up on the bed, still half asleep, expecting someone to break into the room. 

When the door eased open and Joe walked into the room, Tyler let out a relieved sigh and fell back down on the bed, closing his eyes in the hope of drifting back off.

He lay there listening to Joe moving around; dropping his shoes to the floor with two loud thuds, pulling the zipper down on his shorts and tossing them across the room, rattling around in the bathroom cleaning his teeth and doing whatever else took him five minutes to do.

When Joe finally lay down on his bed, Tyler thought maybe he would get the silence he wanted so he could go back to sleep, but again it wasn't to be.

"I hate it when a girl is a tease," Joe said, almost like he was speaking to the room instead of to Tyler.

Yeah and some guys are fucking douchebags.

Tyler opened his eyes, sighed and turned over to look at Joe. He gasped when he saw Joe naked, on his bed, stroking his big cock like it was nothing.


"She left me so fucking hard," Joe moaned, humping up into his fist.

When Tyler had turned around he had wanted to shout at Joe, to ask him why the fuck he was talking to him now when he had ignored and avoided him all day, but the sight of Joe's cock and him jerking off completely cleared his mind of any thoughts and all he could do was stare.

"She let me fuck her earlier and then said she was too sore to go again tonight," Joe groaned. "I've been spending money on that bitch all day. The least she could have done was suck my fucking dick or just ride it a little."

Tyler still couldn't speak. His eyes wouldn't leave Joe's cock. Joe had produced a bottle of lube from somewhere and was pouring it all over his cock so every hard inch of it glistened and the noise from his hand gliding up and down his shaft mixed with his moans was the hottest thing Tyler had ever heard.

"Where's that girl from last night?" Joe hummed as he pounded away on his dick. "She wouldn't say no."

"You're drunk..." Tyler finally managed to whisper.

"I'm not drunk. I've only had two beers. They wouldn't fucking serve me, the dicks..." Joe protested, never letting the pace of his stroking falter. "I'm just so fucking horny. I need to cum real bad."

Tyler continued to watch Joe. He had never seen someone jerk their dick so hard before, if he had been fucking someone that hard he would have destroyed their hole.

"Fuck, this ain't working," Joe groaned.

"What isn't?" Tyler barely managed to squeak due to the lump in his throat and the fact he hadn't taken a breath in about thirty seconds.

"Jerking my fucking cock," Joe said with disgust, letting his dick go and slapping it against his abs. "Look how hard I am and I can't cum. What kind of fucked up shit is that?"

Tyler saw a kind of dazed look in Joe's eyes that he had only seen once before, when he had been messing around with Alex who had been so horny wanting to get fucked he would have let Tyler do just about anything to get what he wanted. Tyler hoped that's where Joe's head was at that moment and that he wasn't about to make a huge mistake.

He breathed in deep before he spoke, trying to prepare himself for whatever backlash came next. "Maybe you need someone else to help you."

"No shit," Joe spat. "I need a pussy or a mouth on my dick right now. That girl was so tight last night, especially after you pushed your dick in next to mine. Fuck that felt good..."

"Yeah, it did," Tyler agreed.

"I can almost feel it now. Your dick rubbing up against mine inside her," Joe moaned, dreamily. "Oh fuck, I wish she was here so we could do it again."

Tyler realized it was now or never.

"Maybe we don't need her..."

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 38: Tyler 8

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